Why whites will eventually kick ethnics off their land



Juggernaut Genes Possessor
Jul 12, 2019
The most fundamental reason for why I believe this will happen is because when white people use force it is usually after a process of significant consideration

When certain ethnics use force, their thought process is typically along the lines:
I want to take x thing, using force will help me to take x thing, I will use force to take x thing

Their use of force when they are the aggressor doesn't come from a place of vengence, it's just a process that comes as natural to them as eating or shitting, they don't reflect on it or analyse to any great extent whether they would've benefitted more in the long run by not doing it.

When ethnics use force in retaliation, it is nearly always a case of them encountering another ethnic who is going through the thought process which I just mentioned above. The retaliating ethnic also doesn't think much in this scenario he just retaliates. So while he is acting in vengence, it is just instant and impulsive and has therefore left his mind once he feels he has retaliated sufficiently

The white man however,
Because of his moral code he thinks about using violence often in retaliation to actions which he considers wrong, but he allows himself to be paralyzed by the concept of the future and what's at stake if he uses force so he just bottles it up and always tries to use other means rather than force (usually call the police to use force)

As the white man is exposed to more an more instances of violence occurring against his people at the hands of ethnics, suddenly he starts to fantasize about the things he would like to do to those ethnics to get revenge on them.
Suddenly he's imagined himself stamping their heads into the ground and slitting their throats so much to the point where a simple video of an ethnic being a nuisance in public triggers his fight or flight response to the point where he starts pacing around his room thkinking of the things he would've loved to have done to that ethnic had he been there.
At this point he no longer has that sense of hesitation he used to feel as he would now give himself moral permission to get revenge without the consequences even mattering anymore because he can no longer hold himself back, he can't bottle his anger and hatred up inside himself anymore.

If I was to go up to a group of Chad and Staceys and brandish a knife and steal their property, no matter what way I try to frame it in my mind I cant cause myself to have true hatred for those Chads and Staceys as I was the aggressor and they were minding their own business.

Similarly, when ethnics come to the west, no matter how much the mock white people for giving them free homes and welfare and no matter how much they try to destroy what the white man has built, they know at least on a subconscious level that they are trying to do damage to something good as they think they will benefit themselves from these actions, they cannot conjure up the true hatred towards the existence of something they subconsciously recognize as good which they are benefitting from.

Whites on the other hand are capable of developing the highest level of hatred for ethnics imaginable because they dont see them as having a single benefit to them while they are also causing significant harm to them and damaging their prospects for survival while being arrogant ungrateful pricks as they do it.

Whites therefore have the vengeance level anger that cannot be replicated while also believing that it is unjust that ethnics are receiving benefits of the back of white labour.
If an ethnic sees one of his foids with a white man, no matter how much he might seethe or think it's unjust the male mind knows that it is natural for the superior male to take more foids to reproduce with.
Whereas when the white man sees an ethnic foid with a white women, there isn't a single molecule of his being that believes it's not an unjust occurence
Because of this he feels obligated to correct things to allign with nature which means he feels obligated to prevent that ethnic from associating with a white girl and the most optimal way to achieve this would be via KKK measures

People can tolerate lesser life forms so long as they are existing away from them, but once these lifeforms set up nest within your house, you will immediately look to exterminate them.

Because of the white man's desire for the world to be just, combined with his inherent superiority complex, he will do whatever it takes to ensure that he remains on top regardless of how many ethnics need to die to maintain this because he believes the only way for the world to be just is if all other lifeforms are beneath him.

Because of the white man's ability to restrain himself and stew on his anger combined with his imagination for what he would do in acts of vengeance if the chance came along, I don't know if any creature on this earth can match the sheer demonic rage and hatred of the white man

I have had a user on here say that he's he's heard accounts of ethnics sometimes catching the eye of a mogger white guy and see what they describe as "A desire to kill" on his face. You might ask why would a white guy have a desire to kill some ethnic on the street that he doesn't know?
Well it's because he sees it as unjust that this ethnic can walk around freely in a white society and avail of the same benefits he can that were earned through the labour of his white ancestors.
I know for a fact I have involuntarily had the desire to kill expression on my face when ethnics have looked at me given the reactions of their expressions





If we assume that whites potential for intellectual endeavours, creativity and philosophy is higher than ethnics due to higher sentience levels..
Why would we believe that whites potential for sheer ruthless violence isn't higher than ethnics thanks to higher sentience levels?
Some African grabs a dog and chops its head off with a machete while it screams and feels nothing internally, he can repeat the same process on a human and feel nothing.
Whereas a white will probably feel way too much empathy to do the same actions, but once the whites mind crosses the boundary of killing another creature because they're so overcome with a desire for vengeance and to restore order, you best believe they feel absolutely euphoric beyond comprehension during the act off eradicating what they view as an inferior lifeform

This is why I believe in the title of this thread, once a critical mass is reached in terms of white men who cant take it any more and eventually snap, it's going to get bloody because for those white men there will be no turning back to being an office cuck who calls on the police to deal with an ethnic nuisance
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  • JFL
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Cope, you’re just an incel coping if you lived in a full white country(you probably do actually) you’d still be an angry incel who would instead be targeting his hate to white chads. Not sure why you think it would be better to live among white chads, a subhuman like you would be an even bigger incel there.
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  • JFL
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-a pajeet
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Dnrd cumskin:lul::lul::lul:
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  • JFL
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When native liberation becomes a reality in anahuac(native name for north and south americas)we will liberate Palestinians by allowing them to migrate here
Doubt it. Gen Z and Gen alpha are retarded as fuck. These fags suck Palestinian dick in the streets, wear a chastity cage and post on r/femboys on reddit. The new generation is pathetic as fuck and can't even bother voting and that's why ethnic votes change the dynamics a lot in countries like EU and Canada.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Bars, greywind, Tabula Rasa and 3 others
Op wrote this thread assuming that

1. Every White Man thinks the same way
2. Every Ethnic is an instinct driven unconscious animal
3. And that majority of people want a White Ethnostate

New flash. None of this is true
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Bars, greywind, gods lonely man and 5 others
dnr cuz im fucked on drugs rn

but war cant be avoideed a tt this point.

people have moved pieces onto to chess-board in such a way that,

something will have to break and shits gonna have to get fucked. your opponent just pissed on the chessbnoard now whatya gonna do nigga?

idk man mfuck thi sshit hahahahahaaa
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, JL~ and 6ft4
im just a trueecel niggga livin the good life on drugs jfl thgey gonna make me fighyt in ukraine or shiot ahhaahhaahahh




lol i wil go
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Tabula Rasa, JL~ and manletmachinestream
Op wrote this thread assuming that

1. Every White Man thinks the same way
2. Every Ethnic is an instinct driven unconscious animal
3. And that majority of people want a White Ethnostate

New flash. None of this is true
Being racist is such a good cope for whites that have been losers their entire life... crazy how common this shit as become almost laughable, I mean look at this retard making fantasies on his head and writing them on incel forum :lul::lul::lul:

btw dnr...
  • +1
Reactions: Bars, ProBono, Dominicoon and 8 others
Being racist is such a good cope for whites that have been losers their entire life... crazy how common this shit as become almost laughable, I mean look at this retard making fantasies on his head and writing them on incel forum :lul::lul::lul:

btw dnr...
Jfl only serious racists I know IRL are social outcast
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  • JFL
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Dark scrotum people spamming dnr and cope as usual.
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  • JFL
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The most fundamental reason for why I believe this will happen is because when white people use force it is usually after a process of significant consideration

When certain ethnics use force, their thought process is typically along the lines:
I want to take x thing, using force will help me to take x thing, I will use force to take x thing

Their use of force when they are the aggressor doesn't come from a place of vengence, it's just a process that comes as natural to them as eating or shitting, they don't reflect on it or analyse to any great extent whether they would've benefitted more in the long run by not doing it.

When ethnics use force in retaliation, it is nearly always a case of them encountering another ethnic who is going through the thought process which I just mentioned above. The retaliating ethnic also doesn't think much in this scenario he just retaliates. So while he is acting in vengence, it is just instant and impulsive and has therefore left his mind once he feels he has retaliated sufficiently

The white man however,
Because of his moral code he thinks about using violence often in retaliation to actions which he considers wrong, but he allows himself to be paralyzed by the concept of the future and what's at stake if he uses force so he just bottles it up and always tries to use other means rather than force (usually call the police to use force)

As the white man is exposed to more an more instances of violence occurring against his people at the hands of ethnics, suddenly he starts to fantasize about the things he would like to do to those ethnics to get revenge on them.
Suddenly he's imagined himself stamping their heads into the ground and slitting their throats so much to the point where a simple video of an ethnic being a nuisance in public triggers his fight or flight response to the point where he starts pacing around his room thkinking of the things he would've loved to have done to that ethnic had he been there.
At this point he no longer has that sense of hesitation he used to feel as he would now give himself moral permission to get revenge without the consequences even mattering anymore because he can no longer hold himself back, he can't bottle his anger and hatred up inside himself anymore.

If I was to go up to a group of Chad and Staceys and brandish a knife and steal their property, no matter what way I try to frame it in my mind I cant cause myself to have true hatred for those Chads and Staceys as I was the aggressor and they were minding their own business.

Similarly, when ethnics come to the west, no matter how much the mock white people for giving them free homes and welfare and no matter how much they try to destroy what the white man has built, they know at least on a subconscious level that they are trying to do damage to something good as they think they will benefit themselves from these actions, they cannot conjure up the true hatred towards the existence of something they subconsciously recognize as good which they are benefitting from.

Whites on the other hand are capable of developing the highest level of hatred for ethnics imaginable because they dont see them as having a single benefit to them while they are also causing significant harm to them and damaging their prospects for survival while being arrogant ungrateful pricks as they do it.

Whites therefore have the vengeance level anger that cannot be replicated while also believing that it is unjust that ethnics are receiving benefits of the back of white labour.
If an ethnic sees one of his foids with a white man, no matter how much he might seethe or think it's unjust the male mind knows that it is natural for the superior male to take more foids to reproduce with.
Whereas when the white man sees an ethnic foid with a white women, there isn't a single molecule of his being that believes it's not an unjust occurence
Because of this he feels obligated to correct things to allign with nature which means he feels obligated to prevent that ethnic from associating with a white girl and the most optimal way to achieve this would be via KKK measures

People can tolerate lesser life forms so long as they are existing away from them, but once these lifeforms set up nest within your house, you will immediately look to exterminate them.

Because of the white man's desire for the world to be just, combined with his inherent superiority complex, he will do whatever it takes to ensure that he remains on top regardless of how many ethnics need to die to maintain this because he believes the only way for the world to be just is if all other lifeforms are beneath him.

Because of the white man's ability to restrain himself and stew on his anger combined with his imagination for what he would do in acts of vengeance if the chance came along, I don't know if any creature on this earth can match the sheer demonic rage and hatred of the white man

I have had a user on here say that he's he's heard accounts of ethnics sometimes catching the eye of a mogger white guy and see what they describe as "A desire to kill" on his face. You might ask why would a white guy have a desire to kill some ethnic on the street that he doesn't know?
Well it's because he sees it as unjust that this ethnic can walk around freely in a white society and avail of the same benefits he can that were earned through the labour of his white ancestors.
I know for a fact I have involuntarily had the desire to kill expression on my face when ethnics have looked at me given the reactions of their expressions

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If we assume that whites potential for intellectual endeavours, creativity and philosophy is higher than ethnics due to higher sentience levels..
Why would we believe that whites potential for sheer ruthless violence isn't higher than ethnics thanks to higher sentience levels?
Some African grabs a dog and chops its head off with a machete while it screams and feels nothing internally, he can repeat the same process on a human and feel nothing.
Whereas a white will probably feel way too much empathy to do the same actions, but once the whites mind crosses the boundary of killing another creature because they're so overcome with a desire for vengeance and to restore order, you best believe they feel absolutely euphoric beyond comprehension during the act off eradicating what they view as an inferior lifeform

This is why I believe in the title of this thread, once a critical mass is reached in terms of white men who cant take it any more and eventually snap, it's going to get bloody because for those white men there will be no turning back to being an office cuck who calls on the police to deal with an ethnic nuisance
You must be incredibly autistic to have the time to make shit like this
  • JFL
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Reactions: The Dark Phoenix and losthope
When your women cucks your race eventually you loose your superiority.
Go outside in UK , US , Germany, Poland
Millions of pretty white foids ! with negroes, manlets ethinics, even pajeets too (rare).

And they are only increasing with time .

This is why I believe every white supermiscist is lowkey a cuck , imagine believing your race is superior while your women cucks you hard.

Only two races i can think of who can claim superiority in this century.
I.e pathans in Afghanistan and some tribes in Africa,
They legit kill if someone marries outside of the ethnicity.
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  • JFL
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White countries are so fucked and it's all their own fault for letting it happen.
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Insane glaze lmao
Whites are the weakest race after dravidians and chinks
  • JFL
Reactions: gods lonely man
Afghans literally sell their daughters to survive lol they only survived usa and soviet because We intervened
  • JFL
Reactions: gods lonely man and losthope
Afghans literally sell their daughters to survive lol they only survived usa and soviet because We intervened
I think the future will look like small multi-racial + high IQ tribes living amongst themselves and completely shunning outsiders who live in completely chaotic societies. It will mostly be made from the remaining whites and northeast Asians with select dark skinned ethnics doing a lot of the grunt work.
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  • Ugh..
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  • JFL
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People have been saying this shit ever since Stormfront was founded in the late 90's.

You can literally lurk SF threads as well as American Renaissance articles from the early 2000's about how a "race war" or a "resistance" was inevitable.

And, to a small extent, it's happened already with Far Right rallies and a few small scale riots but not to the degree of "kicking ethnics out."

It's especially a retarded concept in North America because the U.S. and Canada have been bastions of immigration for over 2 centuries and that's not changing anytime soon.

California's already only 32% Non-Hispanic White and it's the biggest state in the U.S. You think 68% of the population is just going to get "kicked out?" JFL.
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it will not happen

rebellion doesn’t happen unless there is a benefit that is profitable and a people feel suffering. if the people start to feel suffering, the state will increase their authority to punish the aggressors in proportion. (a police state)

the revolutionaries would have to be the lowest class and worst possible even if it happened, because they don’t have location freedom.

Now, from innovations in travel, the upper-middle class and higher can run away from problems and move to opportunities. The class of society that’s required to revolt will not be there.

The future doesn’t have psychical borders or nation-states, the people that don’t accept this are stupid
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Reactions: FutureSlayer, IAMNOTANINCEL, xantrooper and 1 other person
Why did your mind go there bro? You are not helping whites fight the sissy allegations that way :ogre:
You are giving it a sexual connotation, for me it's another part of the body.
  • +1
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U have 20k posts on incel forum :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: literally proves my point :lul::lul::lul::lul: like.... u cant make this shit up
Trust me boyo, you would shiver in your boots if you saw him in IRL. He’s got a top-tier body. He can say white lives matter and no one would be there to refute him, not even NBA players or American football players. @Debetro
  • JFL
Reactions: Debetro
dnr cuz im fucked on drugs rn

but war cant be avoideed a tt this point.

people have moved pieces onto to chess-board in such a way that,

something will have to break and shits gonna have to get fucked. your opponent just pissed on the chessbnoard now whatya gonna do nigga?

idk man mfuck thi sshit hahahahahaaa
Kaligula misses you
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Trust me boyo, you would shiver in your boots if you saw him in IRL. He’s got a top-tier body. He can say white lives matter and no one would be there to refute him, not even NBA players or American football players. @Debetro
If that was the case kiddo he woudnt be rotting on this forum... maybe athlete or wtv... stop glazing the loser smh
  • +1
Reactions: losthope
Read every word, I also believe there will be an inevitable total genocide/deportation of shitskins but the jews or whoever else in power would try their hardest to stop it, or extend it as much as possible as an opportunity for further white genocide, that only a small fraction of the white population will be left once all the ethnics are gone from europe @cromagnon
  • JFL
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Never going to happen. No government would ever get rid of immigrants because they bring wages down and so make the elites richer. The only way it could happen is a civil war but that's never going to happen and if it did, the anti-immigrant side would be outnumbered and wouldn't stand a chance to the government's military equipment.
Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis

Whites, who once made the rest of the world suffer, now regret their mistakes. It's a kind of reflex. But in the not too distant future they will realize that they shouldn't mix with ethnics and will tighten their immigration laws.

Be aware of your superiority!
  • +1
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The most fundamental reason for why I believe this will happen is because when white people use force it is usually after a process of significant consideration

When certain ethnics use force, their thought process is typically along the lines:
I want to take x thing, using force will help me to take x thing, I will use force to take x thing

Their use of force when they are the aggressor doesn't come from a place of vengence, it's just a process that comes as natural to them as eating or shitting, they don't reflect on it or analyse to any great extent whether they would've benefitted more in the long run by not doing it.

When ethnics use force in retaliation, it is nearly always a case of them encountering another ethnic who is going through the thought process which I just mentioned above. The retaliating ethnic also doesn't think much in this scenario he just retaliates. So while he is acting in vengence, it is just instant and impulsive and has therefore left his mind once he feels he has retaliated sufficiently

The white man however,
Because of his moral code he thinks about using violence often in retaliation to actions which he considers wrong, but he allows himself to be paralyzed by the concept of the future and what's at stake if he uses force so he just bottles it up and always tries to use other means rather than force (usually call the police to use force)

As the white man is exposed to more an more instances of violence occurring against his people at the hands of ethnics, suddenly he starts to fantasize about the things he would like to do to those ethnics to get revenge on them.
Suddenly he's imagined himself stamping their heads into the ground and slitting their throats so much to the point where a simple video of an ethnic being a nuisance in public triggers his fight or flight response to the point where he starts pacing around his room thkinking of the things he would've loved to have done to that ethnic had he been there.
At this point he no longer has that sense of hesitation he used to feel as he would now give himself moral permission to get revenge without the consequences even mattering anymore because he can no longer hold himself back, he can't bottle his anger and hatred up inside himself anymore.

If I was to go up to a group of Chad and Staceys and brandish a knife and steal their property, no matter what way I try to frame it in my mind I cant cause myself to have true hatred for those Chads and Staceys as I was the aggressor and they were minding their own business.

Similarly, when ethnics come to the west, no matter how much the mock white people for giving them free homes and welfare and no matter how much they try to destroy what the white man has built, they know at least on a subconscious level that they are trying to do damage to something good as they think they will benefit themselves from these actions, they cannot conjure up the true hatred towards the existence of something they subconsciously recognize as good which they are benefitting from.

Whites on the other hand are capable of developing the highest level of hatred for ethnics imaginable because they dont see them as having a single benefit to them while they are also causing significant harm to them and damaging their prospects for survival while being arrogant ungrateful pricks as they do it.

Whites therefore have the vengeance level anger that cannot be replicated while also believing that it is unjust that ethnics are receiving benefits of the back of white labour.
If an ethnic sees one of his foids with a white man, no matter how much he might seethe or think it's unjust the male mind knows that it is natural for the superior male to take more foids to reproduce with.
Whereas when the white man sees an ethnic foid with a white women, there isn't a single molecule of his being that believes it's not an unjust occurence
Because of this he feels obligated to correct things to allign with nature which means he feels obligated to prevent that ethnic from associating with a white girl and the most optimal way to achieve this would be via KKK measures

People can tolerate lesser life forms so long as they are existing away from them, but once these lifeforms set up nest within your house, you will immediately look to exterminate them.

Because of the white man's desire for the world to be just, combined with his inherent superiority complex, he will do whatever it takes to ensure that he remains on top regardless of how many ethnics need to die to maintain this because he believes the only way for the world to be just is if all other lifeforms are beneath him.

Because of the white man's ability to restrain himself and stew on his anger combined with his imagination for what he would do in acts of vengeance if the chance came along, I don't know if any creature on this earth can match the sheer demonic rage and hatred of the white man

I have had a user on here say that he's he's heard accounts of ethnics sometimes catching the eye of a mogger white guy and see what they describe as "A desire to kill" on his face. You might ask why would a white guy have a desire to kill some ethnic on the street that he doesn't know?
Well it's because he sees it as unjust that this ethnic can walk around freely in a white society and avail of the same benefits he can that were earned through the labour of his white ancestors.
I know for a fact I have involuntarily had the desire to kill expression on my face when ethnics have looked at me given the reactions of their expressions

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If we assume that whites potential for intellectual endeavours, creativity and philosophy is higher than ethnics due to higher sentience levels..
Why would we believe that whites potential for sheer ruthless violence isn't higher than ethnics thanks to higher sentience levels?
Some African grabs a dog and chops its head off with a machete while it screams and feels nothing internally, he can repeat the same process on a human and feel nothing.
Whereas a white will probably feel way too much empathy to do the same actions, but once the whites mind crosses the boundary of killing another creature because they're so overcome with a desire for vengeance and to restore order, you best believe they feel absolutely euphoric beyond comprehension during the act off eradicating what they view as an inferior lifeform

This is why I believe in the title of this thread, once a critical mass is reached in terms of white men who cant take it any more and eventually snap, it's going to get bloody because for those white men there will be no turning back to being an office cuck who calls on the police to deal with an ethnic nuisance
Lol most cumskins are pussies nowadays just keep coping faggot
If that was the case kiddo he woudnt be rotting on this forum... maybe athlete or wtv... stop glazing the loser smh
typical incels cock sucking other incels lmao
  • +1
Reactions: LiL 369
Read every word, I also believe there will be an inevitable total genocide/deportation of shitskins but the jews or whoever else in power would try their hardest to stop it, or extend it as much as possible as an opportunity for further white genocide, that only a small fraction of the white population will be left once all the ethnics are gone from europe @cromagnon
slavs are barely even white lol. most of yall look like downies
lol this is a model for downic people
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The most fundamental reason for why I believe this will happen is because when white people use force it is usually after a process of significant consideration

When certain ethnics use force, their thought process is typically along the lines:
I want to take x thing, using force will help me to take x thing, I will use force to take x thing

Their use of force when they are the aggressor doesn't come from a place of vengence, it's just a process that comes as natural to them as eating or shitting, they don't reflect on it or analyse to any great extent whether they would've benefitted more in the long run by not doing it.

When ethnics use force in retaliation, it is nearly always a case of them encountering another ethnic who is going through the thought process which I just mentioned above. The retaliating ethnic also doesn't think much in this scenario he just retaliates. So while he is acting in vengence, it is just instant and impulsive and has therefore left his mind once he feels he has retaliated sufficiently

The white man however,
Because of his moral code he thinks about using violence often in retaliation to actions which he considers wrong, but he allows himself to be paralyzed by the concept of the future and what's at stake if he uses force so he just bottles it up and always tries to use other means rather than force (usually call the police to use force)

As the white man is exposed to more an more instances of violence occurring against his people at the hands of ethnics, suddenly he starts to fantasize about the things he would like to do to those ethnics to get revenge on them.
Suddenly he's imagined himself stamping their heads into the ground and slitting their throats so much to the point where a simple video of an ethnic being a nuisance in public triggers his fight or flight response to the point where he starts pacing around his room thkinking of the things he would've loved to have done to that ethnic had he been there.
At this point he no longer has that sense of hesitation he used to feel as he would now give himself moral permission to get revenge without the consequences even mattering anymore because he can no longer hold himself back, he can't bottle his anger and hatred up inside himself anymore.

If I was to go up to a group of Chad and Staceys and brandish a knife and steal their property, no matter what way I try to frame it in my mind I cant cause myself to have true hatred for those Chads and Staceys as I was the aggressor and they were minding their own business.

Similarly, when ethnics come to the west, no matter how much the mock white people for giving them free homes and welfare and no matter how much they try to destroy what the white man has built, they know at least on a subconscious level that they are trying to do damage to something good as they think they will benefit themselves from these actions, they cannot conjure up the true hatred towards the existence of something they subconsciously recognize as good which they are benefitting from.

Whites on the other hand are capable of developing the highest level of hatred for ethnics imaginable because they dont see them as having a single benefit to them while they are also causing significant harm to them and damaging their prospects for survival while being arrogant ungrateful pricks as they do it.

Whites therefore have the vengeance level anger that cannot be replicated while also believing that it is unjust that ethnics are receiving benefits of the back of white labour.
If an ethnic sees one of his foids with a white man, no matter how much he might seethe or think it's unjust the male mind knows that it is natural for the superior male to take more foids to reproduce with.
Whereas when the white man sees an ethnic foid with a white women, there isn't a single molecule of his being that believes it's not an unjust occurence
Because of this he feels obligated to correct things to allign with nature which means he feels obligated to prevent that ethnic from associating with a white girl and the most optimal way to achieve this would be via KKK measures

People can tolerate lesser life forms so long as they are existing away from them, but once these lifeforms set up nest within your house, you will immediately look to exterminate them.

Because of the white man's desire for the world to be just, combined with his inherent superiority complex, he will do whatever it takes to ensure that he remains on top regardless of how many ethnics need to die to maintain this because he believes the only way for the world to be just is if all other lifeforms are beneath him.

Because of the white man's ability to restrain himself and stew on his anger combined with his imagination for what he would do in acts of vengeance if the chance came along, I don't know if any creature on this earth can match the sheer demonic rage and hatred of the white man

I have had a user on here say that he's he's heard accounts of ethnics sometimes catching the eye of a mogger white guy and see what they describe as "A desire to kill" on his face. You might ask why would a white guy have a desire to kill some ethnic on the street that he doesn't know?
Well it's because he sees it as unjust that this ethnic can walk around freely in a white society and avail of the same benefits he can that were earned through the labour of his white ancestors.
I know for a fact I have involuntarily had the desire to kill expression on my face when ethnics have looked at me given the reactions of their expressions

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If we assume that whites potential for intellectual endeavours, creativity and philosophy is higher than ethnics due to higher sentience levels..
Why would we believe that whites potential for sheer ruthless violence isn't higher than ethnics thanks to higher sentience levels?
Some African grabs a dog and chops its head off with a machete while it screams and feels nothing internally, he can repeat the same process on a human and feel nothing.
Whereas a white will probably feel way too much empathy to do the same actions, but once the whites mind crosses the boundary of killing another creature because they're so overcome with a desire for vengeance and to restore order, you best believe they feel absolutely euphoric beyond comprehension during the act off eradicating what they view as an inferior lifeform

This is why I believe in the title of this thread, once a critical mass is reached in terms of white men who cant take it any more and eventually snap, it's going to get bloody because for those white men there will be no turning back to being an office cuck who calls on the police to deal with an ethnic nuisance
Read everything and I agree with every molecule that you’ve wrote, I couldn’t have said it better myself. The rage I feel when I see a shitskin in my country can’t be explained any better, this is truly a golden post
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: apocalypse and 6ft4
Trust me boyo, you would shiver in your boots if you saw him in IRL. He’s got a top-tier body. He can say white lives matter and no one would be there to refute him, not even NBA players or American football players. @Debetro
cope bruce lee would kick his ass:ogre:
If that was the case kiddo he woudnt be rotting on this forum... maybe athlete or wtv... stop glazing the loser smh
You gotta give credits where it's due, it's not "glazing." And JFL at calling me "kiddo," I'm definitely older than you.
Lol most cumskins are pussies nowadays just keep coping faggot
They aren't, they're just civilized unlike us deathnik beasts. If they unleashed their Germanic, Nordic or Anglo-Saxon warrior spirits, we would have been done for.
  • JFL
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  • WTF
Reactions: FutureSlayer, NZb6Air, XtrovertNTnormalfag and 1 other person
I think the future will look like small multi-racial + high IQ tribes living amongst themselves and completely shunning outsiders who live in

completely chaotic societies.
It will mostly be made from the remaining whites and northeast Asians with
true both r high iq and hardworking and have the skills needed to survive:ogre:
select dark skinned ethnics doing a lot of the grunt work.
Geez, i wonder who would be hardworking low iq dark skinned ethnic and easy to control/manipulate at the same time? hmmmmmm
They aren't, they're just civilized unlike us deathnik beasts. If they unleashed their Germanic, Nordic or Anglo-Saxon warrior spirits, we would have been done for.
Bhai why are you such a traitor to the Ethnic Kingz :feelsree::feelsree:
  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar
I witnessed something a few months ago bhai. :feelswhy:

I can PM.
PM me bhaii. I will react a bit later tho. I have to go to the Albert Heijn🌟🌟
  • Woah
Reactions: Gengar
PM me bhaii. I will react a bit later tho. I have to go to the Albert Heijn🌟🌟
Albert Heijn is open past 10 PM? WTF. I will look for the thread on PC, I won't be on PC for another 2 hours, I think.
Albert Heijn is open past 10 PM? WTF. I will look for the thread on PC, I won't be on PC for another 2 hours, I think.
kankerrr zooi. ik wou nu gaan maar wollah was vergeten dat het na 10 is. Flink🌟 dan maar of nightshop. Hmmm misschien thuisbezorgd :feelshah:
  • Woah
Reactions: Gengar
kankerrr zooi. ik wou nu gaan maar wollah was vergeten dat het na 10 is. Flink🌟 dan maar of nightshop. Hmmm misschien thuisbezorgd :feelshah:
Misschien kan je naar AH to Go gaan? Is wel wat duurder. Wat wilde je halen?
They aren't, they're just civilized unlike us deathnik beasts. If they unleashed their Germanic, Nordic or Anglo-Saxon warrior spirits, we would have been done for.
Do u even step outside... or do u live in a jungle or perhaps with african tribes?? like the entire phrase is complete retardness :lul::lul::lul: only on this forum u can read such things JFL

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