Why whites will eventually kick ethnics off their land

Do u even step outside... or do u live in a jungle or perhaps with african tribes?? like the entire phrase is complete retardness :lul::lul::lul: only on this forum u can read such things JFL
You're just coping, kiddo.
  • +1
Reactions: TechnoBoss
Bhai why are you such a traitor to the Ethnic Kingz :feelsree::feelsree:
Ahahaha never in 2 years on this forum a white person called me subhuman, it always a jealous shitskin and this still stands, the jokes write themselves
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
Ahahaha never in 2 years on this forum a white person called me subhuman, it always a jealous shitskin and this still stands, the jokes write themselves
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
keep coping downie. Lol I live in the netherlands. I know how dutch people vieuw slavic people
You're just coping, kiddo.
There's a difference between low lifes and actually uncivilized people, low lifes r of every race u will find them in every country even in fkcing croatia/poland or whatever white predominant country, it doesnt make sense to call a race uncivilized the reality is POOR=Most likely to commit crimes or whatever... ur so unaware smh.
keep coping downie. Lol I live in the netherlands. I know how dutch people vieuw slavic people
Yeah, because european ethnicities are known for being peaceful and getting along with each other, keep the copes to yourself mud boy :lul:

Your repressed jealousy is hitting hard right now, I can tell you're one of those shitskins that cries every night wishing they were white, then spams racebait online to cope and feel better about his shit-colored skin, I mean, thats what you're doing right now so I wouldn't be surprised
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: xantrooper, 6'3 ltn and JohnBaza
Whites tend to be strategically more violent. They're more destructive.
  • +1
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Yeah, because european ethnicities are known for being peaceful and getting along with each other, keep the copes to yourself mud boy :lul:

Your repressed jealousy is hitting hard right now, I can tell you're one of those shitskins that cries every night wishing they were white, then spams racebait online to cope and feel better about his shit-colored skin, I mean, thats what you're doing right now so I wouldn't be surprised
hahahahha you are such a coper
The most fundamental reason for why I believe this will happen is because when white people use force it is usually after a process of significant consideration

When certain ethnics use force, their thought process is typically along the lines:
I want to take x thing, using force will help me to take x thing, I will use force to take x thing

Their use of force when they are the aggressor doesn't come from a place of vengence, it's just a process that comes as natural to them as eating or shitting, they don't reflect on it or analyse to any great extent whether they would've benefitted more in the long run by not doing it.

When ethnics use force in retaliation, it is nearly always a case of them encountering another ethnic who is going through the thought process which I just mentioned above. The retaliating ethnic also doesn't think much in this scenario he just retaliates. So while he is acting in vengence, it is just instant and impulsive and has therefore left his mind once he feels he has retaliated sufficiently

The white man however,
Because of his moral code he thinks about using violence often in retaliation to actions which he considers wrong, but he allows himself to be paralyzed by the concept of the future and what's at stake if he uses force so he just bottles it up and always tries to use other means rather than force (usually call the police to use force)

As the white man is exposed to more an more instances of violence occurring against his people at the hands of ethnics, suddenly he starts to fantasize about the things he would like to do to those ethnics to get revenge on them.
Suddenly he's imagined himself stamping their heads into the ground and slitting their throats so much to the point where a simple video of an ethnic being a nuisance in public triggers his fight or flight response to the point where he starts pacing around his room thkinking of the things he would've loved to have done to that ethnic had he been there.
At this point he no longer has that sense of hesitation he used to feel as he would now give himself moral permission to get revenge without the consequences even mattering anymore because he can no longer hold himself back, he can't bottle his anger and hatred up inside himself anymore.

If I was to go up to a group of Chad and Staceys and brandish a knife and steal their property, no matter what way I try to frame it in my mind I cant cause myself to have true hatred for those Chads and Staceys as I was the aggressor and they were minding their own business.

Similarly, when ethnics come to the west, no matter how much the mock white people for giving them free homes and welfare and no matter how much they try to destroy what the white man has built, they know at least on a subconscious level that they are trying to do damage to something good as they think they will benefit themselves from these actions, they cannot conjure up the true hatred towards the existence of something they subconsciously recognize as good which they are benefitting from.

Whites on the other hand are capable of developing the highest level of hatred for ethnics imaginable because they dont see them as having a single benefit to them while they are also causing significant harm to them and damaging their prospects for survival while being arrogant ungrateful pricks as they do it.

Whites therefore have the vengeance level anger that cannot be replicated while also believing that it is unjust that ethnics are receiving benefits of the back of white labour.
If an ethnic sees one of his foids with a white man, no matter how much he might seethe or think it's unjust the male mind knows that it is natural for the superior male to take more foids to reproduce with.
Whereas when the white man sees an ethnic foid with a white women, there isn't a single molecule of his being that believes it's not an unjust occurence
Because of this he feels obligated to correct things to allign with nature which means he feels obligated to prevent that ethnic from associating with a white girl and the most optimal way to achieve this would be via KKK measures

People can tolerate lesser life forms so long as they are existing away from them, but once these lifeforms set up nest within your house, you will immediately look to exterminate them.

Because of the white man's desire for the world to be just, combined with his inherent superiority complex, he will do whatever it takes to ensure that he remains on top regardless of how many ethnics need to die to maintain this because he believes the only way for the world to be just is if all other lifeforms are beneath him.

Because of the white man's ability to restrain himself and stew on his anger combined with his imagination for what he would do in acts of vengeance if the chance came along, I don't know if any creature on this earth can match the sheer demonic rage and hatred of the white man

I have had a user on here say that he's he's heard accounts of ethnics sometimes catching the eye of a mogger white guy and see what they describe as "A desire to kill" on his face. You might ask why would a white guy have a desire to kill some ethnic on the street that he doesn't know?
Well it's because he sees it as unjust that this ethnic can walk around freely in a white society and avail of the same benefits he can that were earned through the labour of his white ancestors.
I know for a fact I have involuntarily had the desire to kill expression on my face when ethnics have looked at me given the reactions of their expressions

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If we assume that whites potential for intellectual endeavours, creativity and philosophy is higher than ethnics due to higher sentience levels..
Why would we believe that whites potential for sheer ruthless violence isn't higher than ethnics thanks to higher sentience levels?
Some African grabs a dog and chops its head off with a machete while it screams and feels nothing internally, he can repeat the same process on a human and feel nothing.
Whereas a white will probably feel way too much empathy to do the same actions, but once the whites mind crosses the boundary of killing another creature because they're so overcome with a desire for vengeance and to restore order, you best believe they feel absolutely euphoric beyond comprehension during the act off eradicating what they view as an inferior lifeform

This is why I believe in the title of this thread, once a critical mass is reached in terms of white men who cant take it any more and eventually snap, it's going to get bloody because for those white men there will be no turning back to being an office cuck who calls on the police to deal with an ethnic nuisance
no we’re fucked
Whites are too small in numbers though. In many western european countries, you have the same amount of non-whites being born as whites being born. Besides, unless there was something that stopped ethnics from getting into positions of power, there is no way this can happen at least anytime soon if we don't have some massive breakthrough.
  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer and noodlelover
There's a difference between low lifes and actually uncivilized people, low lifes r of every race u will find them in every country even in fkcing croatia/poland or whatever white predominant country, it doesnt make sense to call a race uncivilized the reality is POOR=Most likely to commit crimes or whatever... ur so unaware smh.
I am saying people who thugmaxx are uncivilized, and those who think "not thugmaxxing is not good" are also uncivilized. And where I'm from, it's always non-whites even though we make up 5% of the population. Not sure why you're getting your panties twisted in a bunch, did I call you out?
  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer
The most fundamental reason for why I believe this will happen is because when white people use force it is usually after a process of significant consideration

When certain ethnics use force, their thought process is typically along the lines:
I want to take x thing, using force will help me to take x thing, I will use force to take x thing

Their use of force when they are the aggressor doesn't come from a place of vengence, it's just a process that comes as natural to them as eating or shitting, they don't reflect on it or analyse to any great extent whether they would've benefitted more in the long run by not doing it.

When ethnics use force in retaliation, it is nearly always a case of them encountering another ethnic who is going through the thought process which I just mentioned above. The retaliating ethnic also doesn't think much in this scenario he just retaliates. So while he is acting in vengence, it is just instant and impulsive and has therefore left his mind once he feels he has retaliated sufficiently

The white man however,
Because of his moral code he thinks about using violence often in retaliation to actions which he considers wrong, but he allows himself to be paralyzed by the concept of the future and what's at stake if he uses force so he just bottles it up and always tries to use other means rather than force (usually call the police to use force)

As the white man is exposed to more an more instances of violence occurring against his people at the hands of ethnics, suddenly he starts to fantasize about the things he would like to do to those ethnics to get revenge on them.
Suddenly he's imagined himself stamping their heads into the ground and slitting their throats so much to the point where a simple video of an ethnic being a nuisance in public triggers his fight or flight response to the point where he starts pacing around his room thkinking of the things he would've loved to have done to that ethnic had he been there.
At this point he no longer has that sense of hesitation he used to feel as he would now give himself moral permission to get revenge without the consequences even mattering anymore because he can no longer hold himself back, he can't bottle his anger and hatred up inside himself anymore.

If I was to go up to a group of Chad and Staceys and brandish a knife and steal their property, no matter what way I try to frame it in my mind I cant cause myself to have true hatred for those Chads and Staceys as I was the aggressor and they were minding their own business.

Similarly, when ethnics come to the west, no matter how much the mock white people for giving them free homes and welfare and no matter how much they try to destroy what the white man has built, they know at least on a subconscious level that they are trying to do damage to something good as they think they will benefit themselves from these actions, they cannot conjure up the true hatred towards the existence of something they subconsciously recognize as good which they are benefitting from.

Whites on the other hand are capable of developing the highest level of hatred for ethnics imaginable because they dont see them as having a single benefit to them while they are also causing significant harm to them and damaging their prospects for survival while being arrogant ungrateful pricks as they do it.

Whites therefore have the vengeance level anger that cannot be replicated while also believing that it is unjust that ethnics are receiving benefits of the back of white labour.
If an ethnic sees one of his foids with a white man, no matter how much he might seethe or think it's unjust the male mind knows that it is natural for the superior male to take more foids to reproduce with.
Whereas when the white man sees an ethnic foid with a white women, there isn't a single molecule of his being that believes it's not an unjust occurence
Because of this he feels obligated to correct things to allign with nature which means he feels obligated to prevent that ethnic from associating with a white girl and the most optimal way to achieve this would be via KKK measures

People can tolerate lesser life forms so long as they are existing away from them, but once these lifeforms set up nest within your house, you will immediately look to exterminate them.

Because of the white man's desire for the world to be just, combined with his inherent superiority complex, he will do whatever it takes to ensure that he remains on top regardless of how many ethnics need to die to maintain this because he believes the only way for the world to be just is if all other lifeforms are beneath him.

Because of the white man's ability to restrain himself and stew on his anger combined with his imagination for what he would do in acts of vengeance if the chance came along, I don't know if any creature on this earth can match the sheer demonic rage and hatred of the white man

I have had a user on here say that he's he's heard accounts of ethnics sometimes catching the eye of a mogger white guy and see what they describe as "A desire to kill" on his face. You might ask why would a white guy have a desire to kill some ethnic on the street that he doesn't know?
Well it's because he sees it as unjust that this ethnic can walk around freely in a white society and avail of the same benefits he can that were earned through the labour of his white ancestors.
I know for a fact I have involuntarily had the desire to kill expression on my face when ethnics have looked at me given the reactions of their expressions

View attachment 3254521

View attachment 3254529

View attachment 3254527

If we assume that whites potential for intellectual endeavours, creativity and philosophy is higher than ethnics due to higher sentience levels..
Why would we believe that whites potential for sheer ruthless violence isn't higher than ethnics thanks to higher sentience levels?
Some African grabs a dog and chops its head off with a machete while it screams and feels nothing internally, he can repeat the same process on a human and feel nothing.
Whereas a white will probably feel way too much empathy to do the same actions, but once the whites mind crosses the boundary of killing another creature because they're so overcome with a desire for vengeance and to restore order, you best believe they feel absolutely euphoric beyond comprehension during the act off eradicating what they view as an inferior lifeform

This is why I believe in the title of this thread, once a critical mass is reached in terms of white men who cant take it any more and eventually snap, it's going to get bloody because for those white men there will be no turning back to being an office cuck who calls on the police to deal with an ethnic nuisance
Dnrd. Keep coping for the inevitable JBE takeover, pinkie. Kamala 2024!
Whites are too small in numbers though. In many western european countries, you have the same amount of non-whites being born as whites. Besides, unless there was something that stopped ethnics from getting into positions of power, there is no way this can happen at least anytime soon if we don't have some massive breakthrough.
That's not true. Deathniks are 5% of the population here. Whites are the majority in every country in Europe but they're too civilized to thugmaxx like us deathniks. Deathniks think it's cool to be a thugmaxxer when in reality it just proves their IQ is in the double digits.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: FutureSlayer, looksmaxxing223 and 6ft4
Ben je bezig met leanmaxxen bhai? Wel halal burger hoop ik. :feelsohh:
hahahaha soms gezond soms niet ik ga proberen vanaf morgen echt leantemaxxen. tuurlijk halal neef hahahhaa
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
hahahaha soms gezond soms niet ik ga proberen vanaf morgen echt leantemaxxen. tuurlijk halal neef hahahhaa
Heel gebaseerd bhai. :feelshah: Wat ben je van plan morgen te eten?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: JohnBaza and looksmaxxing223
White people are declining much faster than other races because they don't have as many children.

This is why white dominant countries accept in so many non-white immigrants. It's to keep the economy from completely collapsing do to population collapse.

Some people speculate that because of changing demographics we will see a decline or plateau of civilization and technology. Even within races those who reproduce the most tend to be less intelligent and more religious.

But all of this ignores Ai as an amplification tool for technological progress, and human problem solving. Just looking at current cutting edge Ai, we'll see virtually the entire world gain access to a thinking partner, a research assistant, and private tutor.

And the great thing about the Ai models, is that they don't require that many brilliant engineers to improve them. Most of the improvement comes from building bigger server farms, and setting up more powerplants, a process that has become so streamlined that even crews of 80 IQ employees could do it.

So allow me to paint a picture of one possible future. White people are no longer the biggest demographic in the U.S., Germany, or the U.K. Ai is everywhere, tutoring people, acting as therapists, helping doctors, helping with strategy in war and business, used in farming, manufacturing, and many other businesses.

Aging is solved, and those with enough money can comprehensible reverse all aspects of aging damage. If you are a rich good looking Caucasian man, finding some one who finds you attractive will be possible because of the demographic change.

Crime is higher, and poverty is higher, but Ai is also heavily used in policing, and police drones scan for faces and keep areas safer. Some neighborhoods are watched by private security drones and are even safer.
Last edited:
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: FutureSlayer, incel194012940 and Acne Victim
White people are declining much faster than other races because they don't have as many children.

This is why white dominant countries accept in so many non-white immigrants. It's to keep the economy from completely collapsing do to population collapse.

Some people speculate that because of changing demographics we will see a decline or plateau of civilization and technology. Even within races those who reproduce the most tend to be less intelligent and more religious.

But all of this ignores Ai as an amplification tool for technological progress, and human problem solving. Just looking at current cutting edge Ai, we'll see virtually the entire world gain access to a thinking partner, a research assistant, and private tutor.

And the great thing about the Ai models, is that they don't require that many brilliant engineers to improve them. Most of the improvement comes from building bigger server farms, and setting up more powerplants, a process that has become so streamlined that even crews of 80 IQ employees could do it.

So allow me to paint a picture of one possible future. White people are no longer the biggest demographic in the U.S., Germany, or the U.K. Ai is everywhere, tutoring people, acting as therapists, helping doctors, helping with strategy in war and business, used in farming, manufacturing, and many other businesses.

Aging is solved, and those with enough money can comprehensible reverse all aspects of aging damage. If you are a rich good looking Caucasian man, finding some one who finds you attractive will be possible because of the demographic change.

Crime is higher, and poverty is higher, but Ai is also heavily used in policing, and police drones scan for faces and keep areas safer. Some neighborhoods are watched by private security drones and are even safer.
Nah its the jews.👍
  • JFL
Reactions: noodlelover
That's not true. Deathniks are 5% of the population here. Whites are the majority in every country in Europe but they're too civilized to thugmaxx like us deathniks. Deathniks think it's cool to be a thugmaxxer when in reality it just proves their IQ is in the double digits.
My point is that for young people the ratio between whites and ethnic is much more fucked, and it's only getting worse.

It's also obvious that if it is going to happen, it can't be in 3 years from now. It will take longer. Therefore, regardless of how big the rage is against ethnics, something needs to happen and it needs to be ASAP, otherwise it's not feasible.

How do you expect a revolution and kick out migrants when many are in positions of power/wealth/government, and when it's still taboo to talk about shit like this in public without being ostracized? Or when many ethnics have mixed with locals and are part of their families? This depends on the country ofc, but for most of western europe it's far too unlikely to happen anytime soon IMO.
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar and xantrooper
Dnr, you can't get rid of us even if you tried
  • +1
Reactions: noodlelover
My point is that for young people the ratio between whites and ethnic is much more fucked, and it's only getting worse.

It's also obvious that if it is going to happen, it can't be in 3 years from now. It will take longer. Therefore, regardless of how big the rage is against ethnics, something needs to happen and it needs to be ASAP, otherwise it's not feasible.

How do you expect a revolution and kick out migrants when many are in positions of power/wealth/government, and when it's still taboo to talk about shit like this in public without being ostracized? Or when many ethnics have mixed with locals and are part of their families? This depends on the country ofc, but for most of western europe it's far too unlikely to happen anytime soon IMO.
have you seen what trump has been saying lately, hes already getting it going he said on day 1 hes banning critical race theory and gender studies from schools and he also wants to activate a wartime policy from 1798 that allows the president to deport any immigrant legal or not (supposed to only be used for those deemed "enemies of the state")
  • Woah
Reactions: Acne Victim
This might happen in Ireland, IDK. But it will not happen in any foreseeable future in the US. Young white Women in the US have been brain washed by schools and the main stream media to feel Empathy for Ethnics, more specifically Kangz, which are by far the biggest problem group. Young white women in the US are the apex social animal giving them tremendous power over societal norms. Because their empathy processing has been hacked, it makes it impossible for white males to organize without being shunned and demonized.
  • +1
Reactions: Acne Victim
have you seen what trump has been saying lately, hes already getting it going he said on day 1 hes banning critical race theory and gender studies from schools and he also wants to activate a wartime policy from 1798 that allows the president to deport any immigrant legal or not (supposed to only be used for those deemed "enemies of the state")
Politicians promise a bunch tho. Don't mean they will necessarily do it or that he is even able to in the first place. Besides, the biggest problem in America is blacks, not immigrants.

In Europe, the immigration quality is usually worse and they don't blend in with society, so you end up with isolated and unproductive communities that do the opposite that they were supposed or promised to do + there is a much worse sentiment against ethnics in general due to it (even if not universal among euros)
  • +1
Reactions: OldRooster and xantrooper
Politicians promise a bunch tho. Don't mean they will necessarily do it or that he is even able to in the first place. Besides, the biggest problem in America is blacks, not immigrants.

In Europe, the immigration quality is usually worse and they don't blend in with society, so you end up with isolated and unproductive communities that do the opposite that they were supposed or promised to do + there is a much worse sentiment against ethnics in general due to it (even if not universal among euros)
to say that out loud though represents a greater ambition of the republican party imo, the gender studies and critical race theory ban will definitely happen, immigrant part likely not.
  • +1
Reactions: Acne Victim
My point is that for young people the ratio between whites and ethnic is much more fucked, and it's only getting worse.

It's also obvious that if it is going to happen, it can't be in 3 years from now. It will take longer. Therefore, regardless of how big the rage is against ethnics, something needs to happen and it needs to be ASAP, otherwise it's not feasible.

How do you expect a revolution and kick out migrants when many are in positions of power/wealth/government, and when it's still taboo to talk about shit like this in public without being ostracized? Or when many ethnics have mixed with locals and are part of their families? This depends on the country ofc, but for most of western europe it's far too unlikely to happen anytime soon IMO.
Right, so you're talking about birth rates. There's still time for a revolution, sfcel bhais.:feelshah:
  • JFL
Reactions: Acne Victim
Right, so you're talking about birth rates. There's still time for a revolution, sfcel bhais.:feelshah:
I couldn’t care less if there was or not a revolution. As long as I have water, good food, a bed, access to the internet, and I’m free to LDAR in peace, I’m chilling

  • +1
Reactions: St.TikTokcel
I couldn’t care less if there was or not a revolution. As long as I have water, good food, a bed, access to the internet, and I’m free to LDAR in peace, I’m chilling

Nothing will happen and nobody will do anything. All of this is just inkwell power fantasy.
  • +1
Reactions: Acne Victim and piec
I couldn’t care less if there was or not a revolution. As long as I have water, good food, a bed, access to the internet, and I’m free to LDAR in peace, I’m chilling

So... refugees welcome? :feelshah:
So... refugees welcome? :feelshah:
Well, they do put that in danger and remove the peace, so you constantly have to be on look out and shit like that.

It's the same for ethnics everywhere tho. You always gotta be on lookout, always on high cortisol. Not for me.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: FutureSlayer and St.TikTokcel
Read every single thing in here, including all the replies.

Thanks for this high IQ thread @6ft4

Too bad it got ruined by ethnics arguing in the replies jfl at these niggas I could split their twink bodies in half any moment

Know your place, inferior beings.

Excluding @Gengar tho bc he is white-washed civilised pashtun who is also an incel
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar and 6ft4
Read every single thing in here, including all the replies.

Thanks for this high IQ thread @6ft4

Too bad it got ruined by ethnics arguing in the replies jfl at these niggas I could split their twink bodies in half any moment

Know your place, inferior beings.

Excluding @Gengar tho bc he is white-washed civilised pashtun who is also an incel
I’m Punjabi. But thanks bhai. :love:
  • Love it
Reactions: omnilegent
It has happened before as well, such as the expulsion of Jews from multiple countries in Europe, and explosion of Muslims and Jews from Spain
  • +1
Reactions: 6ft4
Europe has been at a demographic disadvantage for most of history, with India, China, Middle East having always had twice or triple the European population each. History has shown Europe is capable of securing our independence from non-European invasions
  • +1
Reactions: Dominicoon and 6ft4
Afghans literally sell their daughters to survive lol they only survived usa and soviet because We intervened
who the fuck is we nigga
@Gengar the moral code in question
View attachment 3258775
The good thing, however, is that they've learned from their mistakes and became civilized, hence why organizations like the EU exist now and the UN. Us deathniks are still stuck in the low IQ mentality where we consider thugmaxxing to be "cool," and whatnot. We are more divided than Europeans are, even my ancestors battled each other due to different tribes rather than unifying together to beat the invaders. And that's how they lost, sadly. We never had a united kingdom, if we had, we would have been able to repel any army. But alas...
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: omnilegent and wishIwasSalludon
he's imagined himself stamping their heads into the ground and slitting their throats so much to the point where a simple video of an ethnic being a nuisance in public triggers his fight or flight response to the point where he starts pacing around his room thkinking of the things he would've loved to have done to that ethnic had he been there.

Damn bro take some deep breathes 😂😂😂
  • JFL
Reactions: Dominicoon and 6ft4
Ethnics merely existing really have this nigga pacing around his room in circles 😭😭😭

Tbh I wouldn’t give a fuck as long as I’m living a great life myself also no point stressing about this shit unless you have a plan to do something about it which you don’t, unless you plan on becoming a politician and leading a white nationalist party in Ireland or something
  • JFL
Reactions: Dominicoon and 6ft4
Theres nothing you on an individual level can do about any of this shit

It’s beyond you and it’s bigger than you, so fixating on it is just gonna drive you mental (as it already has)
  • +1
Reactions: ProBono, Dominicoon, distance decay and 1 other person
Know your place, inferior beings.
Mean while

  • JFL
Reactions: omnilegent
Theres nothing you on an individual level can do about any of this shit

It’s beyond you and it’s bigger than you, so fixating on it is just gonna drive you mental (as it already has)
You and your people are all going back.
Europe has been at a demographic disadvantage for most of history, with India, China, Middle East having always had twice or triple the European population each. History has shown Europe is capable of securing our independence from non-European invasions
Yet your kind is being genocided by a very minor demographic of people
Theres nothing you on an individual level can do about any of this shit

It’s beyond you and it’s bigger than you, so fixating on it is just gonna drive you mental (as it already has)
  • JFL
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer and Dominicoon

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