Why you shouldn't drink a water 💦 (Empty nutritional context)

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Guess who's going on ignore today
  • JFL
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"Dont drink water" jfl only on .me
Is it better to have a 0 nutritious drink, that has no microbiome content, that has negative polarity, that has a shitton of deuterium and halogens in it.

Or just process the water and have a fermented kefir which is the best thing you can do to your life

are your cortisol levels high irl op ?
Yes, especially cause i have a lot of work to do now, tbh it's stressful as fuck damn

Guess who's going on ignore today
Nigga what's the deal ?

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  • JFL
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Also a.

Hogwash. Organic food doesn't have any proven benefits over non-organic food.

A lot of people gain fat because they assume healthy foods are lower in calories than they are in reality.

Talking about healthy eating, see what the high-IQ guys at Harvard think about water:

"There are many options for what to drink, but water is the best choice for most people who have access to safe drinking water. It is calorie-free and as easy to find as the nearest tap."

Bro for the love of god, leave this fucking thread and stop argueing with these morons. They think WATER is bad for you. WATER.:lul:
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  • JFL
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are you sure this is true or is this some pseudoscience
Ignore him, he's so insignificant to me that i don't even know him.

His posts in 'looksmaxing'
View attachment 1116776

My posts in 'looksmaxing'
View attachment 1116780

His avi looks like a 10 year old girl who listens to madison beer, fucking delusion
jfl at trying discourge drinking literal water, ur low iq, literally all ur looksmaxxing post are dogshit and forgettable
this is gonna sound surprising but stopping water consumption wont fix ur recessed subhuman face
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  • JFL
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are you sure this is true or is this some pseudoscience
Bro for the love of god, leave this fucking thread and stop argueing with these morons. They think WATER is bad for you. WATER.:lul:

Well, i don't have to prove you anything, i know why i posted this thread, on purpose, i don't want to be repetitive. If you are interested in this subject, you may aswell look into it and read the fucking thread instead of appealing to authority claims bullshit

jfl at trying discourge drinking literal water, ur low iq, literally all ur looksmaxxing post are dogshit and forgettable
this is gonna sound surprising but stopping water consumption wont fix ur recessed subhuman face
Literal epithome of a foid rudimentary thinking. Shut the fuck up + dnr
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Well, i don't have to prove you anything, i know why i posted this thread, on purpose, i don't want to be repetitive. If you are interested in this subject, you may aswell look into it and read the fucking thread instead of appealing to authority claims bullshit

Literal epithome of a foid rudimentary thinking
Yeah sure buddy you're right water is bad for you, stop breathing and eating too while you're at it
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Well, i don't have to prove you anything, i know why i posted this thread, on purpose, i don't want to be repetitive. If you are interested in this subject, you may aswell look into it and read the fucking thread instead of appealing to authority claims bullshit

Literal epithome of a foid rudimentary thinking
not rudimentary ur just trying really hard (and pathethically so) to appear high iq by trying to make water seem like a bad thing
u know u have rotted on this site for too long when u think literal water is bad for u jfl
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not rudimentary ur just trying really hard (and pathethically so) to appear high iq by trying to make water seem like a bad thing
u know u have rotted on this site for too long when u think literal water is bad for u jfl
Not exactly bad but it’s much better to drink other things
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Not exactly bad but it’s much better to drink other things
its true that milk or other beverages have nutritional value compared to water but its unrealistic and ridiculous to drink 2-3 L of milk every day
  • JFL
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its true that milk or other beverages have nutritional value compared to water but its unrealistic and ridiculous to drink 2-3 L of milk every day
Fact check: false
B867A831 A498 40CF 8E73 27E92BB38171
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  • JFL
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Is it better to have a 0 nutritious drink, that has no microbiome content, that has negative polarity, that has a shitton of deuterium and halogens in it.

Or just process the water and have a fermented kefir which is the best thing you can do to your life
You're probably right but if it's only about the vitamins in kefir than I can easily get those from a multivitamin
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should I drink orange juice
I like it and there is vit C in it
yes the Phytochemicals have anti-Estrogen properties unlike most fruits.
sugar good also.
Very good potassium source. Ups your Magnesium by a bit and it adds up
I probably drink 250 ml of water a day.
I eat a lot of oxtail beef soup, OJ, ripe fruit, milk.
never get dehydrated or wake up dehydrated or need to piss too much (diabetes mellitus).
when its really hot and work i drink bottled water.
for cooking i use bottled water.
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i also eat warm water with honey sometimes
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  • JFL
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The autism in this forum, love it
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Next thread: dont eat food :y'all:
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What's a good zero calorie alternative that has electrolyte in it?

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  • JFL
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water is cope, its all cope incel. just give up
  • JFL
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A water is polluted, has close to 0 nutrients and has a negative polarity and many other things which makes it dangerous to drink. (I'll explain)

We are 60% made out of water, our organs are made out of water, every cell in our body is made out of water SO it's important to drink the right thing for your body. Old Russians lived up to 200 years old thanks to drinking a high quality liquids and due to their lifestyle. Morons here who deny my message doesn't understand how important this subject is...

1) A water loses it's polarity when the oxygen atom attracts electrons a bit more strongly than the hydrogen atoms. It means that the polarity allows it to dissolve other polar substances - So if it's of a positive polarity, your body, your cells, intenstines will absorb nutrients quicker and mitochondria will work at a much better capacity, This means that you will be getting less oxidative stress which will EXTEND your life.

2) When a hydrogen bond has additional isotope in it, then it makes the water worser for human consumption which EVERY water has. A deuterium hydrogen bond makes a water harder to absorb and since we have an additional neutron, we for certain lose electrons which are responsible for treating the oxidative stress and pretty much - ALL the benefits of the water:

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Likewise, you cannot drink a ocean water because it has a larger concentration of deuterium in it which makes it heavier, it makes it harder for your digestive system and kidneys to work with a heavier water, and that's why it's often preferable to drink a light water (means as fewer deuterium concentration), but i will talk in the next thread how to eliminate the deuterium completely

3) The single thing which every liquid is contained of is H2O bond, but it's not usable for humans because of the "O" bond. The Oxygen in the bond holds the hydrogen from reacting, but our intention IS to actually isolate the molecular hydrogen work so we remove the "O" from the bond in order to get the HH bond which is called the molecular hydrogen.
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A molecular hydrogen is an anti-oxidans, because like the name says, when the cells in our body tends to oxidate due to a chronic inflamation, a molecular hydrogen is there to stop that inflamation from happening:

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Though it's important to mention that our biological age is a byproduct of our inflamatory status (Inflamatory status is controlled by our lifestyle, diet, etc..). So a huge biomarker responsible for aging is actually the inflamation, and BY DRINKING the right thing such as mentioned, we can reduce the inflamation to a large extend, followed with a change in lifestyle, we can combat the aging.

4) Ionizing the water, which is just making the smaller water clusters so it can be absorbed more quickly. A regular water cluster you've been drinking has 15 to 20 molecules, but ionized has just about 5 to 6 small H2O clusters.
This may be insignificant as compared to the previously mentioned things.

5) Charging the water with orgone has proven to have some benefits, although it was pretty complex subject for me to snatch. Understanding how Orgone energy works is pretty hard and a fairly new field of knowledge as a orgone is a vital life force energy and it's bordering with spiritual stuff which are mostly subjective bs so i have a very skeptic approach:

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6) Since we adressed the fundamental things in regards to a structure of a water, it's time to adress the nutrition which water has 0 nutrients in it, which makes it useless from a mechanistic point to drink.
- a substitute for a water: Raw milk, fermented kefir water, a fruit juice (ideal for carnivore dieters). The subsitute for a water really evolves around the natural options, even putting the grains and letting it sit in a water overnight will fix the polarity.

7) Pollution, the most underlooked factor out of all but most important. A tap water contains: Nitrates, potassium permanganate, amonium, arsenite, hallogens (Fluroide, chlorine, bromide), and a trace elements of a medicine.

Though so many things, they are saturated in a small dosages so they won't immediatelly cause an health effect, but over the course of years, these health effects will highlight themselves and you wouldn't even know that a tap water has been causing them in the first place.
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It's like this stupid nigger doesn't understand that all the drinks he listed has water in them, has worse shit in them, and all of the shit he listed can be filtered out with a high quality reverse osmosis filter.

This website is painfully retarded.

@Chintuck22 blocked and reported
@Chintuck22 blocked and reported
You ignoring the objective factual science is more retarded than me spreading it. It just shows that you are a gulible stupid normie who appeals to authority and conventional medicine, your IQ is nothing higher as compareable to the average functioning sheep

I stated the facts as to why not to drink water and why you should have a better substitute for it, i also said what to drink and what not to drink, i explained the molecular hydrogen bonds, polarity and deuterium isotope which from a scientific point of view, can make a liquid a lot better to drink

If you post this nonsense in this thread, you're spreading your bullshit. From any further i'm seeing you as a gulible moron who isn't capable of critical thinking
@Chadlite Rutherford was right, people here are just a fucking normies in denial, no wonder why site is shit when you have a shitty userbase.
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Young JB blood is ideal, optimal anti-aging
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Interesting perspective
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do people actually drink tap water
This is very good info. The fad of drinking gallons of water is pointless and counterproductive, and not even based on any science. All dietary needs for water can be met just by eating fresh food. Drinking extra water beyond this is only necessary if its being sweated out. Typically ancient people would not drink water constantly. They had well water, which while cleaner than sea water was still not purified. The purest way to get hydration was from food and blood. Even today many indigenous tribes still drink blood, we look at them like freaks and savages but all our own ancestors did the same thing.
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Aside from natrium, lithium and other insignificant elements (which are found in food), a water does not provide any nutritional context. You can pretty much get hydrated with something else with a much higher nutritional index (Such as milk, blood, kwas, kambucha... etc) and you will still get hydrated and more satisfied.

Our ancestors, whenever they're given a chance, they drank blood or something else as a substitute for a water. Anicent Egyptians were paid a beer for their work. It was not an alcoholic estrogenic beer like today, but a light beer which tasted actually good, has a decent amount of microbia and polarity is actually better than in an regular water. That beer was also a lot more cleaner than a water as a product of fermentation process

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Likewise, ancient Romans have been drinking wine, and don't kid yourself into thinking that it's alchoholic and strong wine, it had a mild taste and it was just about ideal to drink daily.

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Though i disagree with Sv3rige on some things, he is the only guy who speaks about this subject out if everyone else:

In the next post, i will talk about how to make the perfect and most ideal drink for yourself, not only that water is 'useless', the tap water is dangerous because it has all the hallogen elements (Fluoride, chlorine, bromine..), and tap water also has antibiotics and birth control in it...

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you're fucking retarded
tap water does not have any antibiotics in it, only maybe fluoride for teeth and then you can filter it
all the animals in the animal kingdom ONLY drink water ( you don't see any of them drinking fucking blood)
and that image with the granny is from a comedy site
JFL this mans trying to make other people die so he has less competition
but if you honestly believe this then how about instead of water you drink a gallon of bleach:lul:
do you know abt this drink
Strawberry Lowfat Kefir - Lifeway Kefir

if you have time can you research this and see if its a good replacement for water
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do you know abt this drink
Strawberry Lowfat Kefir - Lifeway Kefir

if you have time can you research this and see if its a good replacement for water
We have non-homogenized, low temp pasteurized grass fed dairy in the supermarkets here

Kefir, yogurts, etc.

You definitely have some too if you can't get raw
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