will cutting bodyfat stunt my growth?

Deleted member 3163

Deleted member 3163

Sep 14, 2019
I'm rn most probably 20% bodyfat and I have been cutting for like a month. I know how to cut properly but still, I cant manage the stress of tracking so I do one meal a day, as it guarantees calorie deficit. I am really low on t levels rn. erections are weak af, and I don't feel like fapping. I was wondering will this also impact my height? I'm 17 rn and 182 cm.


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Probably not and atleast hide your location
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just dox yourself theory
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Bro dont doxx yourself again
Have a lower calorie deficit so youre cutting slower. In fact because youre slightly skinnyfat, youll prolly lose fat while gaining muscle cuz of recomp. Doing a lower calorie deficit, will impact your mental health, t levels and other inconviniences, much less
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Another option can be doing a clean bulk, add muscle mass will give you the illusion of less bodyfat, and later you can cut.
It's a lot easier loss fat than gain muscle
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You're not 20% BF
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Another option can be doing a clean bulk, add muscle mass will give you the illusion of less bodyfat, and later you can cut.
It's a lot easier loss fat than gain muscle
my body just does not put on muscle. I have been working out for almost 1.8 years now. did a dirty bulk, cut, clean bulk. yet my body does not put on muscle. I cant increase my strength. I'm most probably low t
You're not 20% BF
so calories don't matter in height?
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why does everyone's torso look so much longer than mine suifuel
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stop kidding boyo my legs are tall not my torso
yes they are but your torso is a normal length, even mine are relatively (for my manlet height) but my torso looks utterly subhuman short
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20% body fat seems accurate.

You are probably done growing at 17 years old and 182 cm. People rarely grow more past that age. Cutting will not stunt your growth. Just don't try to push single-digit body fat.

It's natural for test levels to drop during an intensive diet. Dropping androgenic and thyroid hormones is one of the body's defense mechanisms against fat loss. See if you can lift weights to maintain the muscle you have so your subpar hormonal profile doesn't keep you at high body fat levels as you lose weight. People of Indian descent are (in general) naturally skinny-fat and fight an uphill battle in improving their body compositions.

I would also recommend splitting your food intake into 4-6 meals spread evenly throughout each day for even better muscle retention. If you have your meals planned and perhaps even prepared in advance in accordance to a diet plan, you won't need to constantly track food as all the tracking will be front-loaded.
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my body just does not put on muscle. I have been working out for almost 1.8 years now. did a dirty bulk, cut, clean bulk. yet my body does not put on muscle. I cant increase my strength. I'm most probably low t


so calories don't matter in height?
Also yes you can cut, it won't affect your height. But you shouldn't cut. You have 0 muscle, you'll just be skinny fat. What workout program you on?
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Also yes you can cut, it won't affect your height. But you shouldn't cut. You have 0 muscle, you'll just be skinny fat. What workout program you on?
I have muscles, my back Is good. I can do 10 one arm pushups. I was on strong lifts 5x5 before pandemic for 1.8 years


what will happen? at least I wont die an unkown
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Also yes you can cut, it won't affect your height. But you shouldn't cut. You have 0 muscle, you'll just be skinny fat. What workout program you on?
That's a bit harsh. He does have some novice muscle. It's just hiding behind 20% body fat.

I was on strong lifts 5x5 before pandemic for 1.8 years
That's a very long time to be running a novice linear progression program. Are you at or at least close to intermediate strength standards yet?
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That's a bit harsh. He does have some novice muscle. It's just hiding behind 20% body fat.

That's a very long time to be running a novice linear progression program. Are you at or at least close to intermediate strength standards yet?
75 kg 5 reps bench, 55 kg 5 reps ohp, 130 kg 2 reps deadlift, 100 kg 3 reps squat
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Me on my way to kidnap op after leaking his address
Tenor 7
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75 kg 5 reps bench, 55 kg 5 reps ohp, 130 kg 2 reps deadlift, 100 kg 3 reps squat
Those aren't good numbers for nearly two years of lifting. Well within novice level. What have your diet and rest been like?
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Those aren't good numbers for nearly two years of lifting. Well within novice level. What have your diet and rest been like?
I have always been eating 120-125gm protein and maintenance to low surplus cal diet. Sleeping 8 hours daily. I don't know what is the issue I think I hav shit muscle building genetics or low testosterone
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I have always been eating 120-125gm protein and maintenance to low surplus cal diet. Sleeping 8 hours daily. I don't know what is the issue I think I hav shit muscle building genetics or low testosterone
Is this evenly spread throughout the day, or have you been doing intermittent fasting all this time?
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no, chad has had abs since kindergarten
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One or two big meals.
That's a problem. You really should be eating 4-6 meals spread evenly throughout the day with at least 20g of protein each to maximize muscle protein synthesis and recovery. Your overall protein intake is also a bit low; I would bring it up to around 150g.

Another problem is you've been following a linear progression program for nearly two years when they're not designed to last more than a few months. You reached a point some time ago where Stronglifts 5x5 no longer gave you sufficient volume to spark new growth.

In short, your diet and training have both been far from optimal, and your results reflect that.
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That's a problem. You really should be eating 4-6 meals spread evenly throughout the day with at least 20g of protein each to maximize muscle protein synthesis and recovery. Your overall protein intake is also a bit low; I would bring it up to around 150g.

Another problem is you've been following a linear progression program for nearly two years when they're not designed to last more than a few months. You reached a point some time ago where Stronglifts 5x5 no longer gave you sufficient volume to spark new growth.

In short, your diet and training have both been far from optimal, and your results reflect that.
But kinobody does this and says this is easy and does wonders and shit.
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But kinobody does this and says this is easy and does wonders and shit.
You've fallen for marketing tricks. Greg has elite genetics and is of questionable natty status. Real sports nutrition science doesn't agree with what he says. You need no further proof than your own strength stats and reflection in the mirror after nearly two years to see it doesn't work.
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You've fallen for marketing tricks. Greg has elite genetics and is of questionable natty status. Real sports nutrition science doesn't agree with what he says. You need no further proof than your own strength stats and reflection in the mirror after nearly two years to see it doesn't work.
Ok so after covid I will eat 6 meals a day with 20g protein and follow ppl
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Ok so after covid I will eat 6 meals a day with 20g protein and follow ppl
I would bump that up to 25g per meal. 20g is a minimum. PPL is a solid 3-day split and you should be able to find a novice PPL routine online for free. Just make sure it's well-reviewed.
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I would bump that up to 25g per meal. 20g is a minimum. PPL is a solid 3-day split and you should be able to find a novice PPL routine online for free. Just make sure it's well-reviewed.
Thx for helping out
I would bump that up to 25g per meal. 20g is a minimum. PPL is a solid 3-day split and you should be able to find a novice PPL routine online for free. Just make sure it's well-reviewed.
Can I do bodyweight workouts and skip gym?
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Recruiment for my squad started
Rob this nigga
His wealth is probably 1kg of potatoes tho
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no it will promote it because your hormone levels be better

doctors always predict fat kid's adult heights to be shorter than their leaner peers of the same height
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Don't cut weight. Do recomp: Stay same weight while getting stronger on your lifts.
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yes they are but your torso is a normal length, even mine are relatively (for my manlet height) but my torso looks utterly subhuman short
bro im 6'2 and all the extra height comes from my legs. my torso looks so fucking short i feel you
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