Women don't approach

The only' women'that approach cute guys are literally in their teens.its happened to me three times in the last two or so years on the street or at the library but they're all black teens.white girls dont do this in America.

Now you will get iois like a smile sometimes from older women but women are waaàaay to scared to approach a cute guy than we are.even my sister who is obsessed with cute guys,is very pretty said she almost never approaches a cute guy she likes and that women are subtle.

I did get approached once again by a African American female who was cute in her car with latina friends in miami.i got catcalled by latinas in Miami but approached?no
Women take rejection 10x worse than men, you'll be living rent-free inside that foids mind for months if you rejected her. Anyways that's show it's supposed to be, women are supposed to be feminine and femininity doesn't mean them approaching guys.
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I get approached several times a week, not sure what it is that makes women like gardeners so much, it's almost always at work.

some preliminary notes:
- by "actually looking good", I mean having what it takes to be considered attractive by the vast majority of women, not "being rated a htn/chadlite+" by random subhumans on internet forums based on heavily frauded pics you posted there
- I'm not gonna describe situations from nightclubs and bars since different rules apply there and those are tutorial mode for slaying as a remotely handsome guy; I'm gonna focus on regular, everyday situations where it's not really conventional to engage in flirting, approaching and romantic/sexual escalations
-not commenting encounters leading to sex and relationships since acting like getting those is a great achievement is pretty fucking cringe; this is about debunking the "IOIs don't exist" bullshit


so, to start with the actual thread content, this is what you'll be experiencing around (hot, average and below average) women of all ages as a gl guy whenever you leave your home (only a minor fraction of my collected experiences so far; most gl guys here will find this to be extremely relatable, others will try their hardest to cope and claim these mean absolutely nothing and are a figment of my imagination):

1. 99% of them will automatically start fixing their hair when they notice you/walk past you (this usually means nothing, but if it happens ALL the time, the reason for such subconscious reaction is obvious)
2. you'll often catch them freeze and stare at you in disbelief from a distance (borderline creepy)
3. you'll also often notice them getting into that alleviated, super alert state of being, looking like they are facing a life-threatening danger
4. they will start small talk with you in random public places, trying to get you engaged in the convo and hoping it would lead to arranging a date/hanging out of any kind
5. when communicating with you, they'll immediately make sex, looks and your relationship status the main topic of the conversation
6. they'll use higher-pitched voice and try to come off as submissive and vulnerable; don't even have to mention dilated pupils
7. they'll openly ask you about your plans for the evening/weekend even if they just met you
8. they'll ask you random banal questions about random, irrelevant stuff even though it's blatantly obvious they already know the answer
9. they'll become very touchy around you, using every opportunity to lean on you or touch your waist or arms
10. direct compliments about your looks, of course
11. implying you must have endless options when it comes to sex/LTR options
12. spontaneously positioning themselves as close to you as possible
13. they'll enter your dorm room through your window (when your room is on the first floor/accessible that way) at 5 AM and straight get into your bed, gluing themselves next to you and trying to wake you up while caressing your neck, face and certain other body parts
14. they'll leave papers with their phone numbers and cute messages in your studying materials if you find yourself in the same library/study room with them
15. they'll invite you to do just about anything with them without any hesitation
16. they'll compliment you on virtues and skills you don't even really possess
17. they'll make all kinds of excuses to get you to touch them, including asking you to fix their clothes or remove something from their necks
18. when walking past you with a group of friends, they'll slow down and get behind them so they can eyefuck you when you cross paths without their jealous friends noticing (they usually do notice and get fucking triggered, lmfao)
19. they'll literally state they want to, for example, study with you after classes or ask you to help them understand something even though they are top students
20. you'll hear them comment on your looks with their female friends when they walk past you all the time, hoping you'll hear it and act on it some time later or immediately
21. blushing and failing to contain smiles when around you, of course
22. insisting on establishing and maintaining an intense eye-contact (the type that gets subhuman men into trouble when they attempt the same)
23. they'll have no problem telling you that you have a strong sexual aura/appeal and asking you if women often rub their bodies with yours in public transport or in public in general
24. regarding older women such as professors, they'll keep insisting on communicating with you during classes despite the group consisting on 80+ people, to the point where it becomes awkward considering the amount of people present
25. those same older women will not hesitate in touching or even massaging you in rooms full of students, professors or other types of people for extended periods of time (legit caged when this happened to me)
26. they (girls, women) will often give you free stuff and offering to do you a favor without you asking for it
27. they'll often already know who you are and a lot of stuff about you despite never having officially met you before
28. they'll ask your female friends if you were available and ask them for your phone number
29. they'll be very persistent in maintaining communication with you (both irl and via apps) despite you making it pretty clear that you don't care about them at all
30. they'll start telling you about themselves in random public places even though you barely registered their existence
31. they'll try to invite themselves to your place, often implying they are good at sex and giving head (quite a turn off for me, tbh)
32. they'll assume you are taller than you really are
33. they'll completely lose their composure in all imaginable ways when around you
34. related to 30., they'll share their private stuff with you without you even asking
35. looking directly at you when you are in a large group of people and everyone starts laughing for some reason
36. they'll usually never have a reserved body language around you (there are some minor exceptions to this, but i can't bother expanding on underlying reasons for such behavior)
37. they'll openly ask you to comment on their (sexual) body parts
38. they''ll openly ask you about your ideals when it comes to women's looks and sexual preferences and fetishes
39. they'll be extremely forgiving of your mistakes, rude comments or sperg outs of any kind
40. you'll often find out they have been heavily complimenting just about everything about you to other people
41. they'll be extremely interested in your hobbies and passions, no matter how boring or nerdy they might be
42. they'll want to watch you play sports with your friends
43. they'll often suggest/initiate meetings you without any socially acceptable reason for doing that
44. they'll start giggling and pinching their female friends as they walk past you
45. if you've been around them for a while (same study group, uni campus wing etc), but without initiating contact, it will be a matter of time before they start making silent comments (very sensual/sexual, high-pitched-voiced "hi" or "hello, boy", for example) when they get tired of you ignoring them
46. they'll cringe hard at other guys trying to compare or compete with you in any way
47. milfs will often insist on putting food in your mouth during business lunches (just lol at this one, happened more than 5 times to me with different women already)
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This isn't true, women approach all the time. I've even had women at hostels who I never talked to pull me into their rooms for sex.
Even just being around good looking guys in the work place or school and observing then will show you this is true. Women orbit men they are attracted to and make it extremely obvious to them that they want to fuck.
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Then why are you on this forum ?
To shitpost cuz it’s fun and the women that approach me are also not pretty enough and I’m too pussy to approach good looking ones when I see them rarely sadly
lmao youre getting mad cause i called out your schizophrenic ioi delusions. calm down buddy its not that deep

I used to get the little IOIs and approaches that he’s describing. So I asked my sister and some female friends if they really meant anything. And they made it abundantly clear that yes, it means sexual/romantic interest 100% of the time, they would never bother otherwise, for many reasons. Think about all the girls who don’t take a second look, obviously the ones who do are different.

Also, in 2024, people are way more closed off than maybe before the pandemic. Even normies and attractive women. What I wouldn’t have thought anything of 5 years ago now means a lot more.

But NT and low inhib pill: just because she approaches you doesn’t mean that you’re in. You can still blow it if you talk and act weird, which is actually really likely since being approached by a girl randomly will catch you off guard, it can be awkward. Or maybe she has a whole roster of guys and the guys she’s known for longer get priority.
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Women take rejection 10x worse than men, you'll be living rent-free inside that foids mind for months if you rejected her. Anyways that's show it's supposed to be, women are supposed to be feminine and femininity doesn't mean them approaching guys.
I think those saying the opposite are larping or live in a different culture(this plays a huge role,Ohio women are reserved while latinas in Miami will blatantly catcall you if gl,black and latina women are more low inhib)
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Cope foids talk with the guys they like, foids select men even for friendships. They approach the dudes who seem extroverted, happy the most. They wouldn't approach a scary dude. When foids like you they are going to be near you, even if they don't speak.
If one believes women won't approach, boy do I have some bad news for you. :forcedsmile:
on college parties now and then some foids have approached me and said i looked like i have a big dick :hnghn:

i said they dumb cuz mine is average

checkmate roasties
Correction: Women don’t approach you*
Happened to me a few times. I’m like mtn max probably and I got approached even in a cafe by a random girl
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I've been approached consisntently but it qas in high school and college. In the professional world it's more subtle.

Examples of approaching: Sitting on my lap, making sexual comments, complimenting my looks, etc. They still expected me to close the deal but I'll accept this as an approach.
All this blackpill bs that guys here believe is not what real life is
I was with a friend group of mine in a night club and one of my friends is conventionally attractive yet 0 girls approached him
Don't be a pussy it's you as a man who has to approach
Don't think that being attractive would make girls rape you they might give you iois but they'll literally never approach unless giga whore sluts
@vinn98 thoughts ?
1. women do approach guys they find attractive (not always tho)

2. you shouldn't approach a woman who didn't show any IOI's
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They don't approach, they drop hints and also get touchy, they can't handle rejection and when you don't do anything after the signs it messes their head a bit they get mad and then come up with excuses for why you didn't make a move
been there one too many times
You’re fucking retarded. Girls don’t approach guys they don’t consider attractive. I also said that she kept starring and smiling at me.

Thats an indicator of interest. You don’t get them we know.
They do that all the time. Girls asked me to help her in some school work but she has no interest on me.
Attractive women rarely approach. They just give IOIs to the man.
That’s different, because you already know the girl.
There is only two kind of lols. U get IG/phone number or you will get long stares. If she does not talk with u anymore. sHe really just wanted help. This has happened to funky to and many gym cellers.
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There is only two kind of lols. U get IG/phone number or you will get long stares. If she does not talk with u anymore. sHe really just wanted help. This has happened to funky to and many gym cellers.
Trust me bro, if she thinks you look hideous the last thing she wants to do is come near you.

But you are right maybe, you could look NT and approachable, but not enough sexually. So maybe you’re right somewhere.
Trust me bro, if she thinks you look hideous the last thing she wants to do is come near you.

But you are right maybe, you could look NT and approachable, but not enough sexually. So maybe you’re right somewhere.
its lowkey an incel mindset tho,if she really likes you she wouldnt makes it as i 'need help' this has literally happend to me soo many times outside train stations or buses,a foid needing help and asking me for help or how to get tickets and its not an ioi foids are just nice usually,if they wanted you or i they wouldnt play it off as help and want ask for your number
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Trust me bro, if she thinks you look hideous the last thing she wants to do is come near you.

But you are right maybe, you could look NT and approachable, but not enough sexually. So maybe you’re right somewhere.
Its not that u look hideous. Some people really want genuine help if they are noob. People always assume that if girls ask help they are approaching. Honestly if she were really interested I think she would start small talk with u and that would lead to Phone number.
its lowkey an incel mindset tho,if she really likes you she wouldnt makes it as i 'need help' this has literally happend to me soo many times outside train stations or buses,a foid needing help and asking me for help or how to get tickets and its not an ioi foids are just nice usually,if they wanted you or i they wouldnt play it off as help and want ask for your number
Could be or they give you the signs and want you to act accordingly as a guy/man.

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