Worth hopping on Tren and Dianabol?



Feb 7, 2022
27 male, living in australia - and you guessed it curry.

Stats: 170cms (5ft7) 65 kgs (143 lbs).
Been lifting since 2020, but no gains thanks to shitty indian genetics.
I do have some improvements - leaner and more toned body.

Suggestions on taking tren and dianabol? Do I cycle test first?

Also im taking finasteride 1 mg daily for hairloss jfl. I am almost nw2 jfl should i bite the bullet and just juice up and become a manlet?

Also do most guys do LL first before getting juiced?
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Wtf?? 65kg wanting to use Dbol and Tren?

500mg test 20 weeks

Train 6 days a week to failure high volume

Eat 4000+ calories
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27 male, living in australia - and you guessed it curry.

Stats: 170cms (5ft7) 65 kgs (143 lbs).
Been lifting since 2020, but no gains thanks to shitty indian genetics.
I do have some improvements - leaner and more toned body.

Suggestions on taking tren and dianabol? Do I cycle test first?

Also im taking finasteride 1 mg daily for hairloss jfl. I am almost nw2 jfl should i bite the bullet and just juice up and become a manlet?

Also do most guys do LL first before getting juiced?
Let me start off by saying that tren in my opinion is the most dangerous, side effect ridden PED besides DNP and insulin.

It might inhibit cortisol production by supressing 11-beta--hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase activty, leading to chronic inflammation and with that a ton of health issues, including but not excluding: joint pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, tendinopathy, heart disease/cardiomegaly/myocard insufficiency, cancer, psychosis and arterosklerosis/stroke/heart attacks.

It might inhibit DHT and dihydroprogesterone via 5-alpha reductase inhibition, leading to nervousness, irritability, paranoia, libido problems later on (it might first lead to exorbitantly high libido due to competetively inhibiting progestrogenic activity).

There are theories that taking high doses of test and tren together might lead to more testosterone being available to the body, leading to health problems like gyno, hair loss, delusions/psychosis/hallucinations/paranoia (through stimulating dopamine secretion).

Therefore, please, for the love of god, don´t take tren unless you are a competitive bodybuilder.
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Wtf?? 65kg wanting to use Dbol and Tren?

500mg test 20 weeks

Train 6 days a week to failure high volume

Eat 4000+ calories
Bro can you tell me more, I want to learn more please can I dm you
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Let me start off by saying that tren in my opinion is the most dangerous, side effect ridden PED besides DNP and insulin.

It might inhibit cortisol production by supressing 11-beta--hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase activty, leading to chronic inflammation and with that a ton of health issues, including but not excluding: joint pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, tendinopathy, heart disease/cardiomegaly/myocard insufficiency, cancer, psychosis and arterosklerosis/stroke/heart attacks.

It might inhibit DHT and dihydroprogesterone via 5-alpha reductase inhibition, leading to nervousness, irritability, paranoia, libido problems later on (it might first lead to exorbitantly high libido due to competetively inhibiting progestrogenic activity).

There are theories that taking high doses of test and tren together might lead to more testosterone being available to the body, leading to health problems like gyno, hair loss, delusions/psychosis/hallucinations/paranoia.

Therefore, please, for the love of god, don´t take tren unless you are a competitive bodybuilder.
What do i do to get jacked, im 27 so im past my pretty boy era. Let me just cope with getting big and i need test. Where do i start

Thanks for the advice bro. I really appreciate it
If you want to say good bye to your hair go ahead
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Wtf?? 65kg wanting to use Dbol and Tren?

500mg test 20 weeks

Train 6 days a week to failure high volume

Eat 4000+ calories
Due to his subhuman pajeet genetics he might not be able to handle 500mgs of test that well because of high aromatase expression (and AIs in high dosages have side effects too) and low tissue selectivity. There is a reason why more tissue selective compounds were developed in the first place. Dbol is far from optimal too btw.
Due to his subhuman pajeet genetics he might not be able to handle 500mgs of test that well because of high aromatase expression (and AIs in high dosages have side effects too) and low tissue selectivity. There is a reason why more tissue selective compounds were developed in the first place.
This is true. Still wouldn’t recommend dbol or tren for first cycle

Maybe test + primo + ru?
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Hairloss, bloat, maybe even tits. Go for it.
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Due to his subhuman pajeet genetics he might not be able to handle 500mgs of test that well because of high aromatase expression (and AIs in high dosages have side effects too) and low tissue selectivity. There is a reason why more tissue selective compounds were developed in the first place. Dbol is far from optimal too btw.
so how many mgs of test should i take as a pajeet that is 65 kgs and 5ft7
This is true. Still wouldn’t recommend dbol or tren for first cycle

Maybe test + primo + ru?
trt dosage test+ either low dose primo, low dose tbol low dose var, low dose ostarine or low dose rad-140 if he really wants to take that path (which I don´t recommend)

Besides that, he WILL look worse after the cycle then he does now if he does not want to blast and cruise forever.
so how many mgs of test should i take as a pajeet that is 65 kgs and 5ft7
First off, you can do what you want, but going for any more than 350mgs of test is unneccessary for you.
Remember, you will lose all of your gains once you cycle off, no matter what PCT you use.
trt dosage test+ either low dose primo, low dose tbol low dose var, low dose ostarine or low dose rad-140 if he really wants to take that path (which I don´t recommend)

Besides that, he WILL look worse after the cycle then he does now if he does not want to blast and cruise forever.
yeah I agree if you take steroids they are a long term commitment and a short term looksmin, people think they are a cheat code but definitely not

why TRT dosage test and low dose primo? Why not 300 each iyo?

Also Indian aussie guy, primo will lower E2 = less bloat and gyno
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why TRT dosage test and low dose primo? Why not 300 each iyo?
That could work in theory, anything below 350 test is fairly low risk imo.
Also Indian aussie guy, primo will lower E2 = less bloat and gyno
every DHT will do that + it will lower SHBG and build new ARs. Primo also isn´t as hepatotoxic as winny for example
Won't do anything for tren and dbol.
Go do your research
finasteride + minox 5% topical + saw palmetto + multivitamin + ashwagandha + nofap to retain all my hair.
What do you mean wont do anythiing for tren and dbol? as in i wont gain muscles if im on these supplements/meds?
finasteride + minox 5% topical + saw palmetto + multivitamin + ashwagandha + nofap to retain all my hair.
What do you mean wont do anythiing for tren and dbol? as in i wont gain muscles if im on these supplements/meds?
Tren and dbol will shed your hair finasteride will only help if you're injecting test.
Jfl you want to inject the harshest steroid and you don't even know the fucking basics

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