You deserve to enjoy life


Deleted member 5927

I've noticed something on this forum. Those who are good looking are main characters, and even if you aren't good looking it's your one good trait that people think of you by. For example nobody knows me by my shit under eye area, they just remember my height. I'm sure @SubhumanCurrycel is not remembered for the shape of his eyebrows, but his good skull shape as well. Looks theory is in your subconscious, it's everywhere.

I also thought about myself. I have it way worse than normies in real life. I literally got mogged by white normies on the daily. I struggle to even look average. Who gives a fuck about height, I would rather be 6'1" as a normie than 6'3" as a subhuman.

I also have tons of failos. I'm already ugly, then I have a shit immune system so I'm constantly sneezing if I don't take medication. I also am really assymetrical since my dad fucked me up as a kid. I think now he might have beaten me because I was ugly as a kid. I remember he tried beating me when I was 14 and he kept saying "you're ugly, you're ugly" but he couldn't get me because my mom stopped him that time. My sister for example, has never been mistreated.

I also have wide hips, gyno, and a terrible hormonal profile. I'm on accutane right now but without it I get terrible hormonal acne.

I'm completely invisible to women. I have tons of women looking at me IRL, but it's not because they like me, it's because I'm probably something amusing to look at in public just from height alone.

I also get treated like DOG SHIT everywhere I go. It's brutal because I know how I look and they act like it's my fault. I fucking hate it.

I'm doing nofap again starting now but I just realized something. If anyone deserves to enjoy life, it's me. Any of the true rotters on this forum, if you know what true loneliness and true depression is like, it's you who deserves to enjoy life.

It's fucking easy for Chad to enjoy life, even so for many of the normies on this site. It's probably easy for you to ascend with a few light softmaxxes, a few tricks and with enough effort you've done it.

It's simply not possible for a person like me. If you are like me, you deserve to be the one to enjoy life, you didn't choose to live this life and if anyone deserves to ascend and be happy, it's you.
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Daily reminder that OP is 6'5 feet
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538217 50fd8a579cded086cdddf5d4feecc2eb
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Thats why I will get looks or die trying.
Its what I deserve honestly.
You too brother.
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The biggest fakecel on this site.
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How is the acne?
If you are like me, you deserve to be the one to enjoy life, you didn't choose to live this life and if anyone deserves to ascend and be happy, it's you.
almost cried :feelscry: the IT cels will never touch such a motivational, uplifting post. thank you based tallfag.
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6'3 Chad who gets stared at in public flexing on a borderline incel forum

If I lived near you I would stab you and take the time
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6'3 Chad who gets stared at in public flexing on a borderline incel forum

If I lived near you I would stab you and take the time
IMG 20200724 015759

I bloat easy and I'm a literal 2/10 jfl what is all this cope in this thread.
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Impossible to not be neurotic if you have struggled with acne. Even if you fix it there is still a little bit of residue anxiety
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Impossible to not be neurotic if you have struggled with acne. Even if you fix it there is still a little bit of residue anxiety
IMG 20200408 221820

I dropped out of school early and graduated just because my acne got so bad it was unbearable to be in public.

I live life on hard mode.
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u are not ugly
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View attachment 533694View attachment 533695

Using @Native 's best frauding pics I got both these girls to agree to unprotected anal tbh
So hes truly 5. 5?
When debloated, anglefrauding, and clear skin yes
Hes mentally insane tho, he just doesnt see his potential because of the sad childhood he’s had.

Your a mentalcel. You can get matches on tinder.
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Sliding genio
My entire face is recessed it would look retarded. My maxilla is recessed, zygos are recessed, I have shit infraorbitals which cause constant dark circles, my hairline is super high from birth, I just have garbage genetics over all. I'm legitamately not even healthy.
Your a mentalcel. You can get matches on tinder.
MVIMG 20200624 223151
IMG 20200724 015759

I get bloated very easily just off a little bit of carbs. And all I can match with are landwhales even at my best man. It's pointless.
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View attachment 538495
Fuck yes, landwhales truly over. Agrees to do unprotected anal. :lul::lul:
Bro I absolutely don't get that sort of reactions in real life so it has to be just with good angles and in my best condition. If I looked my best every single day then sure, but I have some sort of health issue that causes me to get super bloated off of eating barely any carbs and so I look different day to day.
Bro I absolutely don't get that sort of reactions in real life so it has to be just with good angles and in my best condition. If I looked my best every single day then sure, but I have some sort of health issue that causes me to get super bloated off of eating barely any carbs and so I look different day to day.
Ok at least you have potential to ascend tbh. And I'm pretty sure everyone frauds slightly on tinder.
i definitely am
what the fuck
youre not ugly
I think your mindsets just fucked up from having that severe acne during adolescence as well as a shitty upbringing
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Ok at least you have potential to ascend tbh. And I'm pretty sure everyone frauds slightly on tinder.
Yes but I can't look like a 7/10 from one day when I'm debloated, then show up as a 3/10 bro.

I just can't look like that every day. It's over.
  • Ugh..
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Yes but I can't look like a 7/10 from one day when I'm debloated, then show up as a 3/10 bro.

I just can't look like that every day. It's over.
Are you actually 6ft5. Mirin height tbh.
what the fuck
youre not ugly
I think your mindsets just fucked up from having that severe acne during adolescence as well as a shitty upbringing
You need to fix your hormones for sure
Im sure someone has made a good thread on that already
you get treated like shit cause you let people do it
you let people do it cause you lack test and cause it seems ur father trained you to do that
The gyno and the way you type just screams lowT/highE
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Yes but I can't look like a 7/10 from one day when I'm debloated, then show up as a 3/10 bro.

I just can't look like that every day. It's over.
how frauded are the pics? can you show
Bro I absolutely don't get that sort of reactions in real life so it has to be just with good angles and in my best condition. If I looked my best every single day then sure, but I have some sort of health issue that causes me to get super bloated off of eating barely any carbs and so I look different day to day.
Your not ugly man btw and are you Chinese or Japanese Korean etc
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No, you’re just becoming more of a faggot each day. You’re tall and have an average face, yet keep complaining like a prepubescent girl with unmeasurable t levels and acne and “bloat” are just the physical manifestation of that. Fix your hormones, max out what you can and stop acting like you were a deformed pathogen
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Reactions: JawGuyFatFaceGuy, Deleted member 4563, thickdickdaddy27 and 1 other person
Dude you aren't ugly at all. You aren't super good looking obviously, but you are definitely above average. I would say 6/10 on face alone and your height is great.
No, you’re just becoming more of a faggot each day. You’re tall and have an average face, yet keep complaining like a prepubescent girl with unmeasurable t levels and acne and “bloat” are just the physical manifestation of that. Fix your hormones, max out what you can and stop acting like you were a deformed pathogen
I cannot see things from your perspective at all. I am, and have been called ugly by foids. I am objectively ugly and I do get bloated easily. I believe I am a product of my environment and my emotions and reactions are merely responses to stimuli in my environment. I believe you cannot see things possibly from any other point of view or are merely reacting to the failo effect that I have being an unnatractive person. I am objectively below average looking. Keep talking shit about "muh tall but average". Link a single guide to actually fixing your hormones. JFL @ you if you think I'm going to inject T for the rest of my life, fuck that.
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I cannot see things from your perspective at all. I am, and have been called ugly by foids. I am objectively ugly and I do get bloated easily. I believe I am a product of my environment and my emotions and reactions are merely responses to stimuli in my environment. I believe you cannot see things possibly from any other point of view or are merely reacting to the failo effect that I have being an unnatractive person. I am objectively below average looking. Keep talking shit about "muh tall but average". Link a single guide to actually fixing your hormones. JFL @ you if you think I'm going to inject T for the rest of my life, fuck that.
Defeatist mindset/10. You can’t and don’t want to be helped obviously. Keep venting then, if that’s what you need
Not everyone is meant to enjoy life

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