You don't have to worry about height when you are 2 inches above average.



Nov 1, 2018
My country's average height for young adult men is 5'10". At 6' I heightmog 85% of the males I see on campus AT LEAST.

Same goes for the USA too. Average young white(non-hispanic) male in the USA is 5'10.2"(there was a study, someone pls link it because I cant find the link tbhtbh),
not 6ft you autists.
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  • +1
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I thought it was 5'9.5" in the US, but 5'10" seems realistic too. It depends a lot on posture & what time of day you're being measured too (I'm assuming they were all above the age of let's say 25), but if you're honestly taller than that or 6 foot, then height definitely is not an issue... unless you want to make it into the NBA. Otherwise, 6 foot is plenty, just don't visit the Netherlands.
cope. 6’2 minimum height
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6ft is a joke
only in netherlands or bosnia.
6'2" slayers are top 1%,

I d rather be 3 ft than have your midface srs
I haven't seen your face so your opinion is invalid and irrelevant keep coping
Height means nothing
5'7" in a 5'10" average country crew checking in
My country's average height for young adult men is 5'10". At 6' I heightmog 85% of the males I see on campus AT LEAST.

Same goes for the USA too. Average young white(non-hispanic) male in the USA is 5'10.2"(there was a study, someone pls link it because I cant find the link tbhtbh),
not 6ft you autists.
Untrue. I routinely see guys taller than me and I'm 6'3
Then you will be born as a 4 feet chad in next life and we will see how you do
Yes to the extreme height matters, but for the most part it is useless
Yes to the extreme height matters, but for the most part it is useless
Im pretty sure most girls are into me cause Im a bit taller
My country's average height for young adult men is 5'10". At 6' I heightmog 85% of the males I see on campus AT LEAST.

Same goes for the USA too. Average young white(non-hispanic) male in the USA is 5'10.2"(there was a study, someone pls link it because I cant find the link tbhtbh),
not 6ft you autists.
I am 6'4" in boots + homemade lifts and I am regularly mogged by males (young white high class males with optimum diet easily reach 6'3" barefoot.)

Women 5'10"+ mog a male who is 6'1 IMO. With her high heels you will look like a twink.

@Nibba and I see eye to eye on this.
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Bro I'm 5'11" in Spain and I get too heighmogged, God I wish I was 1 inch taller so I'd be considered human
I'm 6'6 from Hungary and I got heightmogged multiple times at the gym
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Bro I'm 5'11" in Spain and I get too heighmogged, God I wish I was 1 inch taller so I'd be considered human
everyone gets heghtmogged dude. you just dont notice all the manlets you mog srs
I'm 6'6 from Hungary and I got heightmogged multiple times at the gym
link me your nba gy boyo
Untrue. I routinely see guys taller than me and I'm 6'3
on a campus of 10k male students you are going to see about 300 people taller than you. thing is you heightmog 97% of the people you encounter, but you dont take them into account
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No matter how big you are, there is always someone bigger. Never get in a relationship with a girl no matter how secure you feel because its only a matter of time before your gf meets someone that mogs you and jumps ship. just fuck these hoes and nothing else
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6'/6'1 legit feels like the average where im from
meanwhile im 5'9:feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
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People look taller from far away
Brutal. Also manlets don't realize that just 2 inch is major heightmog.
at 5'10 i constantly see guys taller than me and i constantly see guys shorter than me, it's like 1:! here in the UK, it doesnt bother me actually, BUT when a fucking HOT foid passes by wearing heels i get triggered
at 5'10 i constantly see guys taller than me and i constantly see guys shorter than me, it's like 1:! here in the UK, it doesnt bother me actually, BUT when a fucking HOT foid passes by wearing heels i get triggered
Do you ever see shitskins with hot white foids in the UK?
No they get the sluts though, I see below average/average guys getting hot foids constantly, girls here are better looking than guys in general
Which sluts do they get? Brown or white?
Which sluts do they get? Brown or white?
all kinds
In London though, I see arabs and turks and some good looking Pakis get foids left and right, I've seen it first hand
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all kinds
In London though, I see arabs and turks and some good looking Pakis get foids left and right, I've seen it first hand
Yeah because all Brits need lefort 3 osteotomies.
Yeah because all Brits need lefort 3 osteotomies.
thing is their girls hate them and travel to spain and other countries to get fucked, the only times i got laid is when I was in Spain on holiday and had sex with english girls, their guys pay prostitutes lol
thing is their girls hate them and travel to spain and other countries to get fucked, the only times i got laid is when I was in Spain on holiday and had sex with english girls, their guys pay prostitutes lol
Brits are cucked. Many British exchange students in my uni ready to get fucked by golden skinned meds with perfect hair and facial hair genetics :lul:
Brits are cucked. Many British exchange students in my uni ready to get fucked by golden skinned meds with perfect hair and facial hair genetics :lul:
6ft not enough in 2k18. average height in my country is 5'9 1/2'' but I get heightmogged probably every day on my way to uni.
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6' is a joke. No woman will see you as a man if you're standing next to someone like @freakofnature

I'm 5'11 180cm barefoot in the UK and wear nike trainers with around a 1 - 1 ½ heel to make me just over 6ft and I pretty much heightmog 90% of people, my friends that I recently met at uni think i'm 6'1 - 6'2 and call me tall, I had a friend back at home claiming 6'1 yet when I stood next to him barefoot he was around my height at 5'11, got a guy in my halls that considers himself to be 5'8 yet is blatantly 5'6. Fact is too many people are height frauding and no-one has a clue what height people actually are - 6ft is a decent height in the UK.
Never began for sub 188cmcels
My country's average height for young adult men is 5'10". At 6' I heightmog 85% of the males I see on campus AT LEAST.

Same goes for the USA too. Average young white(non-hispanic) male in the USA is 5'10.2"(there was a study, someone pls link it because I cant find the link tbhtbh),
not 6ft you autists.
My country's average height for young adult men is 5'10". At 6' I heightmog 85% of the males I see on campus AT LEAST.

Same goes for the USA too. Average young white(non-hispanic) male in the USA is 5'10.2"(there was a study, someone pls link it because I cant find the link tbhtbh),
not 6ft you autists.
If you aint at least 6'2 you a bitch
Otherwise, 6 foot is plenty, just don't visit the Netherlands.

I'm 5'11 and I live in the Netherlands. I get heightmogged and facemogged by men AND WOMEN. :lul: But I'm high IQ enough to understand that height isn't the issue. The issue is my face.
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Fraud lift crew checking in. Rocking my extra 9 centimeters
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gonna by lifts to be 6'5.5
Yep Slayer max
tbh I'm imagining being more than an entire foot taller than my gf and it looks retarded but idc must mog
tbh I'm imagining being more than an entire foot taller than my gf and it looks retarded but idc must mog
Lmao how tall is she bro? Mine is 5'9
Lmao how tall is she bro? Mine is 5'9
like 5'5 or smth, idrc much about female height as long as they're shorter than me but one thing I like about her being short is that I'm still like at least half a head taller than her when on heels
like 5'5 or smth, idrc much about female height as long as they're shorter than me but one thing I like about her being short is that I'm still like at least half a head taller than her when on heels
Oh true lol. How tall are u
Oh true lol. How tall are u
somewhere between 6'2 and 6'3, closer to 6'3 I think, there's so many people here at 6'+ tho, not that many in the extremes of height but average is probably higher than US
I am one inch below average in my country :feelsrope:

hopefully I will grow an inch or two, or I can just buy some lifts

I am 5'9 btw

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