You need to care about WW3

The False Prophet

The False Prophet

Apr 8, 2024
WW3 looks like it could start soon. This is the most serious thing that ever happened in our entire lives. Don't be apathetic and immature about this. Not everyone in this forum is soulless. Some of you love your families and you don't want to see them suffer. We cannot passively rot online while WW3 approaches. We face an existential threat. If we do nothing we can die. We need to do something about this. We need to protest WW3. Organize street protests. We need to get this message on the news. We need to get this message on the news all over the world. Don't be retarded about this. Protesting and making massive public demonstrations is a lot more effective than doing nothing and allowing governments to carry out their suicidal war plans. They idea of millions of people protesting for George Floyd and complete apathy for WW3 is insane. Are you doing all of this looksmaxing and starvemaxxing just to get sent to a trench by a politician. Don't be so cocky as to expect to survive combat in the most intense war in human history. You're not as tough as a bullet. Don't expect to die quickly either. Bullets usually kill slowly. You can even survive a bullet to the head. Drones kill slow as hell too.

Those of us who are too old to be sent in the first wave of draftees will be still be subject nuclear war. A lot of you guys like to wear all black. The infrared radiation from a nuclear explotion will set your cloths on fire. Nuclear explotion have so many fucked up qualities, it's almost like something supernatural. WW3 would be like a biblical apocalypse. Nuclear winter will kill all of the plants causing extreme famines. It will get cold as hell. There would be a mass extinction. Cockroaches and rats will be the dominate species. Nuclear war would turn this world into a cold, dark, desolate place overrun by vermin and cannibals. Is this the fate you want? Stop being apathetic. Do something about it before it's to late.
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  • JFL
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Tldr We need to protest WW3. Doing nothing will only ensure our slow and painful demise
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  • JFL
Reactions: Bars, 5'7 zoomer, Clavicular and 1 other person
Some of you are passively suicidal. You want to be killed in a nuclear detonation. Leave my family and myself out of your suicidal fantasy.
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Ww3 is always just around the corner
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Money maxing is the most important thing in life, second is looksmaxing.

protesting is only important if it is to pickup chicks.
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No way of stopping it ,the Jews are too strong , they have people constantly occupied with random shit
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WW3 looks like it could start soon. This is the most serious thing that ever happened in our entire lives. Don't be apathetic and immature about this. Not everyone in this forum is soulless. Some of you love your families and you don't want to see them suffer. We cannot passively rot online while WW3 approaches. We face an existential threat. If we do nothing we can die. We need to do something about this. We need to protest WW3. Organize street protests. We need to get this message on the news. We need to get this message on the news all over the world. Don't be retarded about this. Protesting and making massive public demonstrations is a lot more effective than doing nothing and allowing governments to carry out their suicidal war plans. They idea of millions of people protesting for George Floyd and complete apathy for WW3 is insane. Are you doing all of this looksmaxing and starvemaxxing just to get sent to a trench by a politician. Don't be so cocky as to expect to survive combat in the most intense war in human history. You're not as tough as a bullet. Don't expect to die quickly either. Bullets usually kill slowly. You can even survive a bullet to the head. Drones kill slow as hell too.

Those of us who are too old to be sent in the first wave of draftees will be still be subject nuclear war. A lot of you guys like to wear all black. The infrared radiation from a nuclear explotion will set your cloths on fire. Nuclear explotion have so many fucked up qualities, it's almost like something supernatural. WW3 would be like a biblical apocalypse. Nuclear winter will kill all of the plants causing extreme famines. It will get cold as hell. There would be a mass extinction. Cockroaches and rats will be the dominate species. Nuclear war would turn this world into a cold, dark, desolate place overrun by vermin and cannibals. Is this the fate you want? Stop being apathetic. Do something about it before it's to late.
The protest of just one is not going to serve any purpose... if the elites want it, we will die on European fronts like in WW1 and WW2, we have little to do. jews fault tjd
  • +1
Reactions: Aypo129 and USERΝAME
Money maxing is the most important thing in life, second is looksmaxing.

protesting is only important if it is to pickup chicks.
You are a dunce. I'm talking about an existential threat and you reply with some vane shit like this.
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Tabula Rasa, 5'7 zoomer and noodlelover
WW3 looks like it could start soon. This is the most serious thing that ever happened in our entire lives. Don't be apathetic and immature about this. Not everyone in this forum is soulless. Some of you love your families and you don't want to see them suffer. We cannot passively rot online while WW3 approaches. We face an existential threat. If we do nothing we can die. We need to do something about this. We need to protest WW3. Organize street protests. We need to get this message on the news. We need to get this message on the news all over the world. Don't be retarded about this. Protesting and making massive public demonstrations is a lot more effective than doing nothing and allowing governments to carry out their suicidal war plans. They idea of millions of people protesting for George Floyd and complete apathy for WW3 is insane. Are you doing all of this looksmaxing and starvemaxxing just to get sent to a trench by a politician. Don't be so cocky as to expect to survive combat in the most intense war in human history. You're not as tough as a bullet. Don't expect to die quickly either. Bullets usually kill slowly. You can even survive a bullet to the head. Drones kill slow as hell too.

Those of us who are too old to be sent in the first wave of draftees will be still be subject nuclear war. A lot of you guys like to wear all black. The infrared radiation from a nuclear explotion will set your cloths on fire. Nuclear explotion have so many fucked up qualities, it's almost like something supernatural. WW3 would be like a biblical apocalypse. Nuclear winter will kill all of the plants causing extreme famines. It will get cold as hell. There would be a mass extinction. Cockroaches and rats will be the dominate species. Nuclear war would turn this world into a cold, dark, desolate place overrun by vermin and cannibals. Is this the fate you want? Stop being apathetic. Do something about it before it's to late.
Won't happen
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, ElTruecel and noodlelover
No way of stopping it ,the Jews are too strong , they have people constantly occupied with random shit
The protest of just one is not going to serve any purpose... if the elites want it, we will die on European fronts like in WW1 and WW2, we have little to do. jews fault tjd
This is the wrong attitude. Doing something is obviously better than doing nothing. We will die if we do nothing
You are a dunce. I'm talking about an existential threat and reply with some vane shit like this.
Don't worry, everything will be fine.

Russia and The U.S. have been doing a cold war, over one country or another for over 60 years. Ukraine is just the latest country, after Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. Nukes is rhetoric to scare the other side. no one is gonna do nothing.
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Reactions: ElTruecel and Aypo129
the jews will start it when they're bored
  • JFL
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Won't happen
I hope so, but things are progressing in a fucked way. The war in Ukraine is escalating. European nations want to send there troops to Ukraine and fight Russia directly
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Reactions: noodlelover and USERΝAME
that will never happen not that i care
Nothing ever happens.
We cannot passively rot online while WW3 approaches. We face an existential threat. If we do nothing we can die.
Why can't we? And why are we supposed to care?
@Jason Voorhees @Clavicular for the good of everyone in this forum. Please make your own WW3 threads. People need to take this shit seriously
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Reactions: Clavicular
For 80 years people have said this and they have been wrong every time.

So delete fallout 4 and start playing other games
  • JFL
Reactions: Tabula Rasa, 5'7 zoomer and USERΝAME
This is the wrong attitude. Doing something is obviously better than doing nothing. We will die if we do nothing
Most people in here are walking corpses , they would be happy to die ,not the place to raise awareness for this topic
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
Nothing ever happens.

Why can't we? And why are we supposed to care?
I love my family. I don't want them to get crushed under ruble or be be set on fire
  • JFL
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Reactions: AlexBrown84, 5'7 zoomer, noodlelover and 1 other person
I'm very disappointed with this forum, but I guess I shouldn't have expected any better. The apathy a shallowness being displayed is disgusting
  • JFL
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blaaaaaa blaaaa blaaaa blaaaa
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer and Clavicular
Why is you message so longg ://

Can you summarize this?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 67655, 5'7 zoomer and Clavicular
I'm have to make a video about this. I'm also going to post this on Twitter. People are currently fixated on the Palestinian ethnic cleaning, but they don't understand that the war in Palestine is part of a larger global conflict involving Europe, Asia and the Middle East
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
Why is you message so longg ://

Can you summarize this?
Screenshot 20240623 175119
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
@ElTruecel @cromagnon
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer and ElTruecel
Why is you message so longg ://

Can you summarize this?
He plays to much fallout therefore he belivs a nuclear wae happen and he wanna protest against it
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
I hope so, but things are progressing in a fucked way. The war in Ukraine is escalating. European nations want to send there troops to Ukraine and fight Russia directly
Some countries in Europe have Nukes. Russia is not dumb enough to nuke another Nuclear power.

Worst case scenario, Europe deploys troops to Ukraine and Russia Nukes them in or near Uranian territory.

Means nothing to me, as I am not European, and it would likely be volunteer troops.

After Nukes are dropped peace talks are quick, especially with social media, the whole world will be pushing for some kind of deal. Russia get's some territory, everybody is happy.
WW3 looks like it could start soon. This is the most serious thing that ever happened in our entire lives. Don't be apathetic and immature about this. Not everyone in this forum is soulless. Some of you love your families and you don't want to see them suffer. We cannot passively rot online while WW3 approaches. We face an existential threat. If we do nothing we can die. We need to do something about this. We need to protest WW3. Organize street protests. We need to get this message on the news. We need to get this message on the news all over the world. Don't be retarded about this. Protesting and making massive public demonstrations is a lot more effective than doing nothing and allowing governments to carry out their suicidal war plans. They idea of millions of people protesting for George Floyd and complete apathy for WW3 is insane. Are you doing all of this looksmaxing and starvemaxxing just to get sent to a trench by a politician. Don't be so cocky as to expect to survive combat in the most intense war in human history. You're not as tough as a bullet. Don't expect to die quickly either. Bullets usually kill slowly. You can even survive a bullet to the head. Drones kill slow as hell too.

Those of us who are too old to be sent in the first wave of draftees will be still be subject nuclear war. A lot of you guys like to wear all black. The infrared radiation from a nuclear explotion will set your cloths on fire. Nuclear explotion have so many fucked up qualities, it's almost like something supernatural. WW3 would be like a biblical apocalypse. Nuclear winter will kill all of the plants causing extreme famines. It will get cold as hell. There would be a mass extinction. Cockroaches and rats will be the dominate species. Nuclear war would turn this world into a cold, dark, desolate place overrun by vermin and cannibals. Is this the fate you want? Stop being apathetic. Do something about it before it's to late.
Gimme those 50 cal boyos I've rape there head out
Society has gone senile. WW3 is the ultimate negative outcome. Imagine walking in the forest and running into a pack of pitbulls. Instead of doing something to protect your life, you just apathetically stand their thinking about looksmaxxing and getting rich.
He plays to much fallout therefore he belivs a nuclear wae happen and he wanna protest against it
What are you talking about lolol

Even if people protest (most likely NOT) for ww3?? (??)

This is the cycle thats gonna happend
People gonna protest -> (maybe police will attack??) -> after 2 weeks people will forget and continue with their daily life

Do you think.. a protest is gonna stop the elites jewing starting ww3??

No ofcourse not, if you really care about it, start money maxxing and going somewhere where ww3 is not gonna happend
  • Woah
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We can’t stop it, no entity nor man nor organization or whatever can stop what’s coming.
Revelation events are coming true, this includes World War 3.
  • Hmm...
  • So Sad
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer and noodlelover
What are you talking about lolol

Even if people protest (most likely NOT) for ww3?? (??)

This is the cycle thats gonna happend
People gonna protest -> (maybe police will attack??) -> after 2 weeks people will forget and continue with their daily life

Do you think.. a protest is gonna stop the elites jewing starting ww3??

No ofcourse not, if you really carr about it, start money maxxing and going somewhere where ww3 is not gonna happenf
Only fallout fanboys belive in ww3 as a concept they have been wrong for 80 years.
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
Worst case scenario, Europe deploys troops to Ukraine and Russia Nukes them in or near Uranian territory.

Means nothing to me, as I am not European, and it would likely be volunteer troops.

After Nukes are dropped peace talks are quick, especially with social media, the whole world will be pushing for some kind of deal. Russia get's some territory, everybody is happy.
That's a serious gamble on the same level of Russian roulette. What if a tactical nuclear strike results escalation? I'm not worried about Russia being irrational. The west and their master, America are irrational. I really thin the American government would rather end the world than lose their grip on global domination
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  • Woah
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  • JFL
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No ofcourse not, if you really care about it, start money maxxing and going somewhere where ww3 is not gonna happend
I do really fucking care, obviously more than you do. I already have plans to escape to a part of the world that will be less affected by nuclear winter. I made this thread, because I'm altruistic.

And life post WW3 won't be worth living. The world will be like a hell realm.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer and noodlelover
i want to watch this bluepill libtard filled world burn and crumble to the ground. Before i spend another minute living amongst these animals :feelshah:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: raleqtambrobret, lowtiernormiechad, USERΝAME and 1 other person
i want to watch this bluepill libtard filled world burn and crumble to the ground. Before i spend another minute living amongst these animals :feelshah:
6'1" Giantess Vore Enthusiast
  • JFL
  • Love it
Reactions: raleqtambrobret, Lonenely sigma, USERΝAME and 2 others
Its an insult. Irs saying they belive in fantasy world instead of the real world.
Yeah because retards were saying WW3 will happen for every little mere conflict. When it happens for real many people won‘t grasp it at first and start shitting bricks the next moment.
  • So Sad
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
i want to watch this bluepill libtard filled world burn and crumble to the ground. Before i spend another minute living amongst these animals :feelshah:
You are an example of the sickness if soceity. I hate boomers, but they at least understood the seriousness of WW3. Society is unfortunately giddy for WW3. This is a disease of widespread immaturity
Yeah because retards were saying WW3 will happen for every little mere conflict. When it happens for real many people won‘t grasp it at first and start shitting bricks the next moment.
ww3 will not happend on me watch buddy

No worries
  • JFL
Reactions: LancasteR
I do really fucking care, obviously more than you do. I already have plans to escape to a part of the world that will be less affected by nuclear winter. I made this thread, because I'm altruistic.

And life post WW3 won't be worth living. The world will be like a hell realm.
Alright make a another thread telling you awesome plans
You are an example of the sickness if soceity. I hate boomers, but they at least understood the seriousness of WW3. Society is unfortunately giddy for WW3. This is a disease of widespread immaturity
Im 19 bhai, i just don’t give a shit about society. You’re on an incel forum jfl
  • +1
Reactions: USERΝAME
Tldr We need to protest WW3. Doing nothing will only ensure our slow and painful demise
Shut the fuck up pussy. What will happen is you'll be eating your teeth.
  • JFL
Reactions: LancasteR
You are an example of the sickness if soceity. I hate boomers, but they at least understood the seriousness of WW3. Society is unfortunately giddy for WW3. This is a disease of widespread immaturity
Nigga came in a forum filled with social rejects, talking about how the world is going to be destroyed expecting them to give a fuck . The flair should instead be life fuel
  • JFL
Reactions: lastamericanvirgin
That's a serious gamble on the same level of Russian roulette. What if a tactical nuclear strike results escalation? I'm not worried about Russia being irrational. The west and their master, America are irrational. I really thin the American government would rather end the world than lose their grip on global domination
I understand your worry.

But it will be fine.

The concept of Mutually Assured destruction protects us.

Before the president could authorized Nukes, he would be briefed on all of the effects, and total causalities for both sides (assuming retaliatory strike).

Then, the entire chain of command would have to be effective. Russia had a glitch a few years back, where they thought a nuke was coming from the U.S., so they put in an order to nuke the U.S. in retaliation. But a Russian submarine officer refused the order, saving both the U.S. and Russia from mutually assured destruction.

But that was a software/radar glitch. Those have surely been ironed out by now.

My point is, that even if the president wanted to nuke Russia, it could get ignored at any level of the chain of command.

But the president won't want to, because there's nothing to be gained. There's really no chance of it happening.

Biden and Trump both care too much about their legacies, and making money for themselves and their families, to choose to cause the U.S. to get completely destroyed. Trump is Anti-war, and Biden is whatever the Populus wants (which is not nuclear war).
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