You need to care about WW3

Imagine being a subhuman then right when there was 0.1% chance of your ascension, you get bombed and vaporised
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The war in Ukraine is the most intense war that happened in our entire lives. The first cold war never escalated this far.

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I understand your worry.

But it will be fine.

The concept of Mutually Assured destruction protects us.

Before the president could authorized Nukes, he would be briefed on all of the effects, and total causalities for both sides (assuming retaliatory strike).

Then, the entire chain of command would have to be effective. Russia had a glitch a few years back, where they thought a nuke was coming from the U.S., so they put in an order to nuke the U.S. in retaliation. But a Russian submarine officer refused the order, saving both the U.S. and Russia from mutually assured destruction.

But that was a software/radar glitch. Those have surely been ironed out by now.

My point is, that even if the president wanted to nuke Russia, it could get ignored at any level of the chain of command.

But the president won't want to, because there's nothing to be gained. There's really no chance of it happening.
Can you summarize this? Itss soo long

Thiss longg textt makingg me head hurt :/
Nigga came in a forum filled with social rejects, talking about how the world is going to be destroyed expecting them to give a fuck . The flair should instead be life fuel
Hehe yep

We .org ARE the most deranged psychopathic incels out here
wolf GIF

We only care about drugs, violence , murder and SEX Hehe shut yaa bitchass up with ww3 boomer !!
  • JFL
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Hehe yep

We .org ARE the most deranged psychopathic incels out here
wolf GIF

We only care about drugs, violence , murder and SEX Hehe shut yaa bitchass up with ww3 boomer !!
Hehe yep

We .org ARE the most deranged psychopathic incels out here
wolf GIF

We only care about drugs, violence , murder and SEX Hehe shut yaa bitchass up with ww3 boomer !!
What will this solve?

Lets say you theoretically prevent it, you will still be a subhuman truecel and a social reject, society do not favor people like us.

You are insignificant, fragile insect mark
6'1" Giantess Vore Enthusiast
I suppose 6'1 truly is giant to you:):):)

Tho its such a weird fetish isn't it... I actually was into that as a very young kid, its soo weird. Thanks god my brain developed normally later down the line
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer
I'm already building a bunker, stocking supplies and switching my internet to Starlink. I'll come out when it's all over and there are plenty of lonely homeless Stacies for me to slay.
  • JFL
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get your estrogen checked
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I really don’t give a fuck I just don’t want my parents to suffer from it. But if I was alone I would be excited by ww3
  • +1
Reactions: USERΝAME and lastamericanvirgin
WW3 looks like it could start soon. This is the most serious thing that ever happened in our entire lives. Don't be apathetic and immature about this. Not everyone in this forum is soulless. Some of you love your families and you don't want to see them suffer. We cannot passively rot online while WW3 approaches. We face an existential threat. If we do nothing we can die. We need to do something about this. We need to protest WW3. Organize street protests. We need to get this message on the news. We need to get this message on the news all over the world. Don't be retarded about this. Protesting and making massive public demonstrations is a lot more effective than doing nothing and allowing governments to carry out their suicidal war plans. They idea of millions of people protesting for George Floyd and complete apathy for WW3 is insane. Are you doing all of this looksmaxing and starvemaxxing just to get sent to a trench by a politician. Don't be so cocky as to expect to survive combat in the most intense war in human history. You're not as tough as a bullet. Don't expect to die quickly either. Bullets usually kill slowly. You can even survive a bullet to the head. Drones kill slow as hell too.

Those of us who are too old to be sent in the first wave of draftees will be still be subject nuclear war. A lot of you guys like to wear all black. The infrared radiation from a nuclear explotion will set your cloths on fire. Nuclear explotion have so many fucked up qualities, it's almost like something supernatural. WW3 would be like a biblical apocalypse. Nuclear winter will kill all of the plants causing extreme famines. It will get cold as hell. There would be a mass extinction. Cockroaches and rats will be the dominate species. Nuclear war would turn this world into a cold, dark, desolate place overrun by vermin and cannibals. Is this the fate you want? Stop being apathetic. Do something about it before it's to late.
Shut up cuck.:ROFLMAO:
dnr we will win the war
Some countries in Europe have Nukes. Russia is not dumb enough to nuke another Nuclear power.

Worst case scenario, Europe deploys troops to Ukraine and Russia Nukes them in or near Uranian territory.

Means nothing to me, as I am not European, and it would likely be volunteer troops.

After Nukes are dropped peace talks are quick, especially with social media, the whole world will be pushing for some kind of deal. Russia get's some territory, everybody is happy.
even if a war between Russia and Europe begins, with nuclear weapons, Europe will still not harm Russia, we will knock down their nuclear bombs with missile defense and turn their cities into dust
  • +1
Reactions: noodlelover
WW3 looks like it could start soon. This is the most serious thing that ever happened in our entire lives. Don't be apathetic and immature about this. Not everyone in this forum is soulless. Some of you love your families and you don't want to see them suffer. We cannot passively rot online while WW3 approaches. We face an existential threat. If we do nothing we can die. We need to do something about this. We need to protest WW3. Organize street protests. We need to get this message on the news. We need to get this message on the news all over the world. Don't be retarded about this. Protesting and making massive public demonstrations is a lot more effective than doing nothing and allowing governments to carry out their suicidal war plans. They idea of millions of people protesting for George Floyd and complete apathy for WW3 is insane. Are you doing all of this looksmaxing and starvemaxxing just to get sent to a trench by a politician. Don't be so cocky as to expect to survive combat in the most intense war in human history. You're not as tough as a bullet. Don't expect to die quickly either. Bullets usually kill slowly. You can even survive a bullet to the head. Drones kill slow as hell too.

Those of us who are too old to be sent in the first wave of draftees will be still be subject nuclear war. A lot of you guys like to wear all black. The infrared radiation from a nuclear explotion will set your cloths on fire. Nuclear explotion have so many fucked up qualities, it's almost like something supernatural. WW3 would be like a biblical apocalypse. Nuclear winter will kill all of the plants causing extreme famines. It will get cold as hell. There would be a mass extinction. Cockroaches and rats will be the dominate species. Nuclear war would turn this world into a cold, dark, desolate place overrun by vermin and cannibals. Is this the fate you want? Stop being apathetic. Do something about it before it's to late.
Alright so this is your chance to go ER and leave a mark on the world with some manifesto . Be the Change you want to be
I'm already building a bunker, stocking supplies and switching my internet to Starlink. I'll come out when it's all over and there are plenty of lonely homeless Stacies for me to slay.
You are joking right
even if a war between Russia and Europe begins, with nuclear weapons, Europe will still not harm Russia, we will knock down their nuclear bombs with missile defense and turn their cities into dust
Europe can block Hypersonic Missiles?
You are a dunce. I'm talking about an existential threat and you reply with some vane shit like this.
hes lowk right tho, the only way to save your family is to be a millionaire and buy a bunker. protesting wont do anything as theres no current movement big enough so that the media pays attention to it. Even if there was one, the people who control the media wouldn't let it get popular and 90% of the world would be distracted by the newest drake vs eminem beef or whatever. its either you get rich or die
+ngl caring about stuff like this is a female trait
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Reactions: bloomercel
hes lowk right tho, the only way to save your family is to be a millionaire and buy a bunker. protesting wont do anything as theres no current movement big enough so that the media pays attention to it. Even if there was one, the people who control the media wouldn't let it get popular and 90% of the world would be distracted by the newest drake vs eminem beef or whatever. its either you get rich or die
People care about ww3 . Trump belive in the concept .alot People justfy russia invasion of Ukraine. Alot People even so callee experts talk about nato expansion led to the war when all of them belong in a fucking mental auslym
WW3 looks like it could start soon. This is the most serious thing that ever happened in our entire lives. Don't be apathetic and immature about this. Not everyone in this forum is soulless. Some of you love your families and you don't want to see them suffer. We cannot passively rot online while WW3 approaches. We face an existential threat. If we do nothing we can die. We need to do something about this. We need to protest WW3. Organize street protests. We need to get this message on the news. We need to get this message on the news all over the world. Don't be retarded about this. Protesting and making massive public demonstrations is a lot more effective than doing nothing and allowing governments to carry out their suicidal war plans. They idea of millions of people protesting for George Floyd and complete apathy for WW3 is insane. Are you doing all of this looksmaxing and starvemaxxing just to get sent to a trench by a politician. Don't be so cocky as to expect to survive combat in the most intense war in human history. You're not as tough as a bullet. Don't expect to die quickly either. Bullets usually kill slowly. You can even survive a bullet to the head. Drones kill slow as hell too.

Those of us who are too old to be sent in the first wave of draftees will be still be subject nuclear war. A lot of you guys like to wear all black. The infrared radiation from a nuclear explotion will set your cloths on fire. Nuclear explotion have so many fucked up qualities, it's almost like something supernatural. WW3 would be like a biblical apocalypse. Nuclear winter will kill all of the plants causing extreme famines. It will get cold as hell. There would be a mass extinction. Cockroaches and rats will be the dominate species. Nuclear war would turn this world into a cold, dark, desolate place overrun by vermin and cannibals. Is this the fate you want? Stop being apathetic. Do something about it before it's to late.
No ww3 for your face
  • JFL
Reactions: noodlelover
People care about ww3 . Trump belive in the concept .alot People justfy russia invasion of Ukraine. Alot People even so callee experts talk about nato expansion led to the war when all of them belong in a fucking mental auslym
worst troll larper ever
worst troll larper ever
Irs not a larp or troll. Its just facrs one side have been wrong for 80 years in a row. And its the ww3 doomsday belivers.
  • +1
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Irs not a larp or troll. Its just facrs one side have been wrong for 80 years in a row. And its the ww3 doomsday belivers.
I don’t like you either way ur larping o not for different reasons
Well I’m close to Russia anyways and I only support Jesus Christ

You are delusional if you think China has invested so much time and resources building shit like this to let some subhuman leaders in America or Russia do something that is ending to nuke all of this :what: :ROFLMAO:

In the first hours when that could happen, China would stop all its exports to the rest of the planet, which would shut down all the production lines on the planet, which would lead to an explosion in prices, hunger, job losses etc., which would lead to social anarchy and all the population / big companies would attack their leaders from government and force them to stop any escalation.

The world today is far too interconnected for some dumb guy to do something like this without immediate repercussions :incel:
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Nukes is rhetoric to scare the other side. no one is gonna do nothing.
That it is, until it's not. The question of "but what if someone does do something?" will always remain. We're one misunderstanding, one miscalculation, one mad man away from the end of civilization as we know it.
In the first hours when that could happen, China would stop all its exports to the rest of the planet, which would shut down all the production lines on the planet, which would lead to an explosion in prices, hunger, job losses etc., which would lead to social anarchy and all the population / big companies would attack their leaders from government and force them to stop any escalation.
This is such a huge stretch lmao. China stopping its exports wouldn't suddenly lead to an economic crisis or world hunger and unemployment followed by social anarchy. Repercussions like these could take weeks and even months to manifest. We wouldn't have that kind of time after the first bomb (really more like first hundred at the very least because nukes are always launched enmasse in order to prevent deterrence) goes off. A full-on nuclear exchange will have most likely occurred in the first hour or two following the first nuclear launch. No world leader will fucking wait around for the public opinion over the incident after entire fucking cities are incinerated under their watch. Corporations have stakes in politics and diplomacy but all of that goes out in the window when the state's on DEFCON 1 and the president is in the air with 6 minutes in their fucking hands to make a choice between ending the civilization or sit back with thumbs up their asses while watching their own country get swallowed by thousands of portable suns. Mutually assured destruction exists for a reason.

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