You should start evil/scary maxing srs



Jan 2, 2019
If you can't make people like you then you should at least make them fear you. You can do this regardless of if you are good looking of not (and in fact depending on your looks being mediocre or even bad looking might actually work in your favor because of the "evil man looks"). Unless of course you are manlet. Then it's all over regardless. But insofar as you are at least not a manlet or have a stupid derpy looking soyface then you can pull this off. Assuming of course that you are actually mentally jaded enough to have let go of all your morality and no longer give a shit about morals (otherwise your evil maxing will come of as fake/forced and normies will see through it). I am personally WAY beyond that point at this moment in time and don't give af.

The benefits of evil maxing is that since you don't have anything to lose anyway there are no downsides to it. You don't really have any friends anyway and nobody thinks you are attractive or likable, so who fucking cares? Could as well become a scary motherfucker that people don't feel like fucking with.

How to scary max:

-Maintain a permanent grim face (only works if you don't have soyface, in which case you are fucked)

-Get a slickback haircut. This is a classic evil man haircut and will increase your evil rating. In fact, some types of bad faces can even make the haircut even more effective!

-Shave. A beard will just make you look unclean/hobo like.

-Dress the right way. If at work obviously you can't choose how to dress depending on your job, but outside of work pick something black. A black shirt if inside, and something made out of black leather if outside.

-Don't be hamfisted. Don't attempt to be a "bad boy" or an "alpha". Adapt a creepy serial killer vibe. Just be quiet and don't talk to people, while maintaining a grim face where your eyes burn. Remember, your goal is not to make friends or try to get laid. Your goal is to make people afraid of you.

I am 100% planning on doing this btw. I am going to buy some new cloth and change my hair. I am already mentally different and hateful enough to pull this off so all I really need to do is buy the cloth and some gel for my hair. I have pretty much the perfect villain face as well so this will work very well for me. I have even had people both irl and offline tell me that I look like a serial killer/criminal 100% srs jfl.
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I find it so funny some incel faggot typed all this in his basement
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How about justifying that you narrowcel?

Jfl if you think anybody gives a shit if their would be serial killer has narrow shoulders jfl.

You do realize that Slenderman is a literal horror movie monster?
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loled man thx
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I find it so funny some incel faggot typed all this in his basement

Do you even understand what the term "scary" means? The point of evil maxing isn't to get laid you faggot.
evils me
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Jesus that’s so deep lol
Going ER is scarymaxxing
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Reactions: rooman, Techmax_, Deleted member 1973 and 4 others
jfl most of you faggots are probably 15 something retards who still haven't figured out how this shit world works. You are never going to have any real friends. You are never going to have any real girlfriends or even get laid. What you CAN do is look scary to people. And yes, this DOES make a difference to how you are treated. You will no longer be mocked or even looked down upon. Just fucking lol if you can't see the obvious upsides to this.
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Reactions: rooman, Deleted member 15338, Deleted member 10413 and 2 others
I can confirm that having an evil face is one of the most precious blessings. Unfortunately my ADHD funny retarded behavior used to break the halo , but this helped me to realize that people = scum
evils me ngl
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writing my reply
This is op, confirmed
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If you can't make people like you then you should at least make them fear you. You can do this regardless of if you are good looking of not (and in fact depending on your looks being mediocre or even bad looking might actually work in your favor because of the "evil man looks"). Unless of course you are manlet. Then it's all over regardless. But insofar as you are at least not a manlet or have a stupid derpy looking soyface then you can pull this off. Assuming of course that you are actually mentally jaded enough to have let go of all your morality and no longer give a shit about morals (otherwise your evil maxing will come of as fake/forced and normies will see through it). I am personally WAY beyond that point at this moment in time and don't give af.

The benefits of evil maxing is that since you don't have anything to lose anyway there are no downsides to it. You don't really have any friends anyway and nobody thinks you are attractive or likable, so who fucking cares? Could as well become a scary motherfucker that people don't feel like fucking with.

How to scary max:

-Maintain a permanent grim face (only works if you don't have soyface, in which case you are fucked)

-Get a slickback haircut. This is a classic evil man haircut and will increase your evil rating. In fact, some types of bad faces can even make the haircut even more effective!

-Shave. A beard will just make you look unclean/hobo like.

-Dress the right way. If at work obviously you can't choose how to dress depending on your job, but outside of work pick something black. A black shirt if inside, and something made out of black leather if outside.

-Don't be hamfisted. Don't attempt to be a "bad boy" or an "alpha". Adapt a creepy serial killer vibe. Just be quiet and don't talk to people, while maintaining a grim face where your eyes burn. Remember, your goal is not to make friends or try to get laid. Your goal is to make people afraid of you.

I am 100% planning on doing this btw. I am going to buy some new cloth and change my hair. I am already mentally different and hateful enough to pull this off so all I really need to do is buy the cloth and some gel for my hair. I have pretty much the perfect villain face as well so this will work very well for me. I have even had people both irl and offline tell me that I look like a serial killer/criminal 100% srs jfl.
im gonna try this ngl slayer traits.
This type of shit that makes me wanna post gay porn and get perma banned and just workout and live life tbh
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You guys are fucking retarded if you legit believe that personality and appearance has no effect on how normies look at you ngl. Looks theory doesn't apply in non-sexual interactions anywhere near as much as you think.
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You guys are fucking retarded if you legit believe that personality and appearance has no effect on how normies look at you ngl. Looks theory doesn't apply in non-sexual interactions anywhere near as much as you think.
"it is better to be feared than to be loved if you cannot be both". OP you are indeed correct but I have indeed cringed because of your autistic paragraphs (which I have not read)
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Reactions: JMax and StoicNihilist
Shit thread kys
If you can't make people like you then you should at least make them fear you. You can do this regardless of if you are good looking of not (and in fact depending on your looks being mediocre or even bad looking might actually work in your favor because of the "evil man looks"). Unless of course you are manlet. Then it's all over regardless. But insofar as you are at least not a manlet or have a stupid derpy looking soyface then you can pull this off. Assuming of course that you are actually mentally jaded enough to have let go of all your morality and no longer give a shit about morals (otherwise your evil maxing will come of as fake/forced and normies will see through it). I am personally WAY beyond that point at this moment in time and don't give af.

The benefits of evil maxing is that since you don't have anything to lose anyway there are no downsides to it. You don't really have any friends anyway and nobody thinks you are attractive or likable, so who fucking cares? Could as well become a scary motherfucker that people don't feel like fucking with.

How to scary max:

-Maintain a permanent grim face (only works if you don't have soyface, in which case you are fucked)

-Get a slickback haircut. This is a classic evil man haircut and will increase your evil rating. In fact, some types of bad faces can even make the haircut even more effective!

-Shave. A beard will just make you look unclean/hobo like.

-Dress the right way. If at work obviously you can't choose how to dress depending on your job, but outside of work pick something black. A black shirt if inside, and something made out of black leather if outside.

-Don't be hamfisted. Don't attempt to be a "bad boy" or an "alpha". Adapt a creepy serial killer vibe. Just be quiet and don't talk to people, while maintaining a grim face where your eyes burn. Remember, your goal is not to make friends or try to get laid. Your goal is to make people afraid of you.

I am 100% planning on doing this btw. I am going to buy some new cloth and change my hair. I am already mentally different and hateful enough to pull this off so all I really need to do is buy the cloth and some gel for my hair. I have pretty much the perfect villain face as well so this will work very well for me. I have even had people both irl and offline tell me that I look like a serial killer/criminal 100% srs jfl.
Dude you just made me laugh so hard jfl
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Reactions: Deleted member 15338 and fukmylyf
This post is fucking hilarious. The fact that this faggot incel wrote that and was serious makes it that much funnier. Op kill your self
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Reactions: rooman, Deleted member 15338 and 2peasinapod
-Get a slickback haircut. This is a classic evil man haircut and will increase your evil rating. In fact, some types of bad faces can even make the haircut even more effective!

220px Neo Nazi Skinhead
This type of skinhead haircut is MUCH better for scarymaxxing than soy-slickback
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Reactions: SuicideBomber
i do all of this already jfl
this thread is a classic tbh
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My eyebrows are high set and I have compassion.
I can't Dark Triad max.
You'll legit end up looking like a fucking autist if you follow this guide jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15338
You'll legit end up looking like a fucking autist if you follow this guide jfl

You are already looking like a fucking autist in normie's eyes. Could as well be a scary one.
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Reactions: Deleted member 15338, Enlil and fukmylyf
Jfl if you think anybody gives a shit if their would be serial killer has narrow shoulders jfl.

You do realize that Slenderman is a literal horror movie monster?
I think he meant narrow face
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himmler mode
Bumo. Jfl at this thread
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Deep Squid lore :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Caged so fucking hard on this thread @AlexAP @lutte @WontStopNorwooding
I'm pretty sure everyone fears him in Iceland.
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OP after “evilmaxxing”:
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