You were born just to be a slave ( reality pill)


Deleted member 15246

Sep 8, 2021
This thread is not for weak hearted people..! Read at your own risk.

Do you think you were born to be anything but a slave? Slave to the system, slave to wmn, slave to the state, slave to school, slave to food, slave to pretty much everything.

You don't really have a life, you live according to what your masters command you to.

Let's see the brutal reality, life as a male, and we don't have it better today, infact it's worse, men built this world through pain and suffering and instead of living in peace, they simply gave it to wmn..!

Reality of 99.9% of males today, don't give me that bullishit "muh ascend, muh become rich bro", the chances of you having that is only 1.01%, lmao it means no matter what, 99% of you would still suffer, and fail miserably no matter how hard you try.

Let's get in.

1: Your parents are evil asf, in order to satisfy their own needs and have fun, they literally reproduce and and give birth to you, in majority of cases your childhood is full of suffering, you will be forced to goto a school where you will be forced to obey your masters and be a slave to them, no matter what. You will rarely get any help as a male children, you will not get any medical health, you will be forced to join military or die in a war, while your female counterparts will live life on easy mode, she will goto University, have all the fun, s3x and everything, then after graduating she will start looking for a beta male, and she will most probably get one too, and to close the deal she will also have a child with him, that's it now she will get money from state, her beta male slave, and also from other beta orbitors, that's what I would call life on tutorial mode motherfucker.

2: You will be judged on your grades which do not even matter for shit, you will be judged for not having GF, as a male it's almost guaranteed that you will be made fun of, nobody will care about you even other men will beat you, compete with you, while wmn will do nothing and still have it all, wmn will have all money, all the s3x, everything while they will gladly denie you everything, because don't you know that muh body muh choice. Worst thing is that wmn are living off you, your suffering is giving them pleasure.

School and universities are the worst place to be a average men, and this is where all men go for during the prime time of their life. You will be trained to be a slave there, nothing else, you don't goto college or school to learn but to be indoctrinated.

3: after graduating you will become a lifelong slave to the government, now here you will do slavery for 40 years, in order to close the deal ((they)) will force you to date and have kids, now your a guaranteed slave, you will now have to pay for your kids + wife, you will also have to pay to the government because muh men, you will pay 50% taxes like a good fucker, that taxed money will be sent to rich people + wmn who are now single mothers JFL.

4: after doing slavery and living this useless slave life, you will never ever have the chance to ask yourself, all this pain and suffering for what? If you try to criticise, you will be sent to prison, or military where you will be even more torchured if this was not enough.

5: Now you are retired and in your end game, in order to completely extract money from you they will force you to be sick, and then you will pay all the money to those hospitals and shit, and after extracting all the money from you, they will let you die.

Look back and think, was I born for anything other than slavery? Like why am I suffering ? Wageslaving, even if you do business it will take you forever to actually make some real money it, and chances of you becomi successful is, guess what? 1% jfl.

Even dying is painful asf, you are literally forced to be a slave, do not complain, you cannot even escape this prison we call EARTH peacefully.

They will give you medicine and shit, so that you can be a good slave till the end.

• Your mother does not cares for you, she does it temporary in order to create a perfect male slave, that's it, your mother does not provides or cares for you because she loves you, but because she wants to prepare a perfect male slave.

!..Wow what a scam world we living in..!
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After getting inspired by @Htobrother post, i wrote this, only few woke men thinks like this.

Most are too busy preparing to be a good slave to the system, they are forced to not think, only follow orders.
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Life is universally dog shit for men, especially older men, let alone older non-chads.

Being alive as a male in 2021 is a pyramid scam. 95% of men at the bottom work hard just to make women's lives easy as fuck while a super small minority of chads get sex while the chads in question still look young.

Unless you like living in isolate, paying huge taxes, having the threat of jail, witch hunting for wrong think, being homeless / jobless shoved in your face every fucking day, the only logical solution is to die.

Let's just be fucking honest. What do you really have to live for?
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fuck it ill just go jack off to big jewish tities than read this
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Let's just be fucking honest. What do you really have to live for?
That is correct, it's useless and does not matters in the end, but then it brings me back to another question, what do I have to lose? Why follow soyciety?
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That is correct, it's useless and does not matters in the end, but then it brings me back to another question, what do I have to lose? Why follow soyciety?
not really any point tbh
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Lot of projection to unpack
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damn imagine reading utterly long depressing stuff like this
Can't relate, graduating with two degrees, no debt, got a beamer, and well over 6 figures saved up for anything I want. My only problem is women and I need to looksmax.
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damn imagine reading utterly long depressing stuff like this
Exactly, this is why I posted a warning for goyims like you right before I even started

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Reactions: horizontallytall, Amexmaxx and Deleted member 16262
Can't relate, graduating with two degrees, no debt, got a beamer, and well over 6 figures saved up for anything I want. My only problem is women and I need to looksmax.
How old are you
Going ER is the only ascension.
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Going ER is the only ascension.

u must also kill those that have it good not those that are just another incel wageslave, kill rich young subhumans that will never have to work.
based and r/antinatalism pilled
Can't relate, graduating with two degrees, no debt, got a beamer, and well over 6 figures saved up for anything I want. My only problem is women and I need to looksmax.
Cope you are a wagie at a corp or company working for and with people you hate or dont give a fuck about for money you dont need and you want to fill your empty soul with women but you know deep down women are mortal and wastes of time but still you use that cope to justify your meaningless existence that objectively makes the world a worse place
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Cope you are a wagie at a corp or company working for and with people you hate or dont give a fuck about for money you dont need and you want to fill your empty soul with women but you know deep down women are mortal and wastes of time but still you use that cope to justify your meaningless existence that objectively makes the world a worse place
All of that is relative to the individual. Sneed :feelshah:
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you're a bit delusional on the mother part like wtf is that about? and yea life isnt perfect but its still worth it, if u thought otherwise you would have roped
This thread is not for weak hearted people..! Read at your own risk.

Do you think you were born to be anything but a slave? Slave to the system, slave to wmn, slave to the state, slave to school, slave to food, slave to pretty much everything.

You don't really have a life, you live according to what your masters command you to.

Let's see the brutal reality, life as a male, and we don't have it better today, infact it's worse, men built this world through pain and suffering and instead of living in peace, they simply gave it to wmn..!

Reality of 99.9% of males today, don't give me that bullishit "muh ascend, muh become rich bro", the chances of you having that is only 1.01%, lmao it means no matter what, 99% of you would still suffer, and fail miserably no matter how hard you try.

Let's get in.

1: Your parents are evil asf, in order to satisfy their own needs and have fun, they literally reproduce and and give birth to you, in majority of cases your childhood is full of suffering, you will be forced to goto a school where you will be forced to obey your masters and be a slave to them, no matter what. You will rarely get any help as a male children, you will not get any medical health, you will be forced to join military or die in a war, while your female counterparts will live life on easy mode, she will goto University, have all the fun, s3x and everything, then after graduating she will start looking for a beta male, and she will most probably get one too, and to close the deal she will also have a child with him, that's it now she will get money from state, her beta male slave, and also from other beta orbitors, that's what I would call life on tutorial mode motherfucker.

2: You will be judged on your grades which do not even matter for shit, you will be judged for not having GF, as a male it's almost guaranteed that you will be made fun of, nobody will care about you even other men will beat you, compete with you, while wmn will do nothing and still have it all, wmn will have all money, all the s3x, everything while they will gladly denie you everything, because don't you know that muh body muh choice. Worst thing is that wmn are living off you, your suffering is giving them pleasure.

School and universities are the worst place to be a average men, and this is where all men go for during the prime time of their life. You will be trained to be a slave there, nothing else, you don't goto college or school to learn but to be indoctrinated.

3: after graduating you will become a lifelong slave to the government, now here you will do slavery for 40 years, in order to close the deal ((they)) will force you to date and have kids, now your a guaranteed slave, you will now have to pay for your kids + wife, you will also have to pay to the government because muh men, you will pay 50% taxes like a good fucker, that taxed money will be sent to rich people + wmn who are now single mothers JFL.

4: after doing slavery and living this useless slave life, you will never ever have the chance to ask yourself, all this pain and suffering for what? If you try to criticise, you will be sent to prison, or military where you will be even more torchured if this was not enough.

5: Now you are retired and in your end game, in order to completely extract money from you they will force you to be sick, and then you will pay all the money to those hospitals and shit, and after extracting all the money from you, they will let you die.

Look back and think, was I born for anything other than slavery? Like why am I suffering ? Wageslaving, even if you do business it will take you forever to actually make some real money it, and chances of you becomi successful is, guess what? 1% jfl.

Even dying is painful asf, you are literally forced to be a slave, do not complain, you cannot even escape this prison we call EARTH peacefully.

They will give you medicine and shit, so that you can be a good slave till the end.

• Your mother does not cares for you, she does it temporary in order to create a perfect male slave, that's it, your mother does not provides or cares for you because she loves you, but because she wants to prepare a perfect male slave.

!..Wow what a scam world we living in..!
this is why specops is the best option. if you die its quick, your life will be cool, you will be doing good shit.

but you need good mental toughness and not be a framecel to do it.

this post is very based
All of that is relative to the individual. Sneed :feelshah:
"relative to the individual"

this is the worst cope ive heard this month. just face it bro. maybe if you become an astronaut getting paid by tax dollars your life would be worth it but youre not an astronaut youre just another corporate wagie. brutal. lets hope you have a ps5 and can cope with that
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oy vey shut it down

too based for looksmaxx copers
After getting inspired by @Htobrother post, i wrote this, only few woke men thinks like this.

Most are too busy preparing to be a good slave to the system, they are forced to not think, only follow orders.
This is true
Only those who are conscious can see it
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"relative to the individual"

this is the worst cope ive heard this month. just face it bro. maybe if you become an astronaut getting paid by tax dollars your life would be worth it but youre not an astronaut youre just another corporate wagie. brutal. lets hope you have a ps5 and can cope with that
Why would I care about the well being of humanity, I care about myself and my own profits not to be some moral fag.

:soy:"You got to care about the environment and other human beans teehee"
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Why would I care about the well being of humanity, I care about myself and my own profits not to be some moral fag.

:soy:"You got to care about the environment and other human beans teehee"
Imagine if everyone would live like that what would be the life like
So many brutal truths and this is only scratching the surface. No wonder men cope, escape in fantasy so much & rope so much. This world is TOXIC to men. No wonder so many dudes are transitioning to females because they either consciously or unconsciously see how awful and unrewarding male life is. Same with gays, they act like women and side with women because they want to get under the umbrella of female privilege. And be protected from the predation of male existence.

When i die and reincarnate I’m not doing this male shit again. That would be worse than going to hell because IT IS HELL.

And when i suggests the trans pill I’m called a secret fag and shit by autist on here. Tell me really what is so great about being MEN? As op stated you are receiving the shit end of life in all areas. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Meanwhile women win regardless. At YOUR expense. They literally live rent free lives off of your labor toil suffering and death. Being born a woman is the only good karma in this universe.
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hindu dindu projection
So many brutal truths and this is only scratching the surface. No wonder men cope, escape in fantasy so much & rope so much. This world is TOXIC to men. No wonder so many dudes are transitioning to females because they either consciously or unconsciously see how awful and unrewarding male life is. Same with gays, they act like women and side with women because they want to get under the umbrella of female privilege. And be protected from the predation of male existence.

When i die and reincarnate I’m not doing this male shit again. That would be worse than going to hell because IT IS HELL.

And when i suggests the trans pill I’m called a secret fag and shit by autist on here. Tell me really what is so great about being MEN? As op stated you are receiving the shit end of life in all areas. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Meanwhile women win regardless. At YOUR expense. They literally live rent free lives off of your labor toil suffering and death. Being born a woman is the only good karma in this universe.
Based, high IQ, :redpill: and woke asf, beta cucks :bluepill: out there literally take pride in being a slave, they literally think wageslaving, studycelling, providing for wmn is something to be proud of.!

Who's the best guy? That one who is the perfect slave, Grade A = best slave, D = dumb because he refuses to become a slave..!

And if this was not enough, they literally further reproduce and commit crime against humanity, this world is already so shit, why do these men even marry and reproduce is beyond my understanding, its literally evil as fuck, wmn want more men to suffer in this world, they want more slaves.
Clown retard world, no wonder why elites and joos refuse to live with evil 99%.

Imagine reproducing, just so that your kids can suffer damn insane.
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Reactions: denthegodking and Amexmaxx
Why would I care about the well being of humanity, I care about myself and my own profits not to be some moral fag.

:soy:"You got to care about the environment and other human beans teehee"
okay usually i turn off my brain on this forum. let me use my brain to fuck your delusional cognitive dissonance to hell.

> Why would I care about the well being of humanity, I care about myself and my own profits not to be some moral fag.
Let me start with the second part:
>> I care about myself and my own profits
Which profits are you making? You're not a capitalist. You don't own capital, you're not part of the bourgeoisie. You're a corporate proletarian that hates his fucking life and injects pure copium into your bloodstream everyday to keep going.

>>be some moral fag
Virtues, morals, honor, diginity is literally what built the west. What happens when we lose that? We get this fucking degeracy we see in the world right now; Trannies, Transgenders, Gays, LGBT-alphabet, Simps, Weak men, Weak mentalities, etc. Without our values we wouldn't even be alive because Nazi's would've won WW2 and would've gassed your entire bloodline because they'd deem it as subhuman. I could go on but that is just a start.

>>Why would I care about the well being of humanity
You shouldn't you should live a life worthy of being a man. If you killed Osama Bin Laden that's manly, fuck humanity embrace manliness. It's about having an heroic life that you can be proud of at the end of your life because at the end of the day only death matters.

>"You got to care about the environment and other human beans teehee"
Did I at any point come off as a fucking liberal to you? I'm not delusional.
Why would I care about the well being of humanity, I care about myself and my own profits not to be some moral fag.

:soy:"You got to care about the environment and other human beans teehee"
We as men are already hated anyway, it makes 0 sense to contribute to "soyciety":soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:

Imaging feeding your own enemy jfl
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We as men are already hated anyway, it makes 0 sense to contribute to "soyciety":soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:

Imaging feeding your own enemy jfl
Soyciety want men to be eliminated
Since low t diet low t environment
Illegalizing trt etc
Soyciety want men to be sheep’s and work for another mans victory
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Reactions: Deleted member 16371, Deleted member 16262 and Deleted member 15246
Soyciety want men to be eliminated
Since low t diet low t environment
Illegalizing trt etc
Soyciety want men to be sheep’s and work for another mans victory
Even that is not enough, they don't want us to die, they literally want us to "suffer".
Holy fuck, it would be much better if we could just press a button and end our lives painless, but nah even dying and getting rid of this gynocentric world is painful, fuck man I can't cope anymore.

This is why only top 1% rich men should be allowed to breed, but now 70% of wmn are having babies with bad boy low IQ gangsters who are completely deadbeat, these wmn voluntarily reproducing with these low tier chad looking males, remember wmn are the gatekeepers of s3x, they choose and pick who they want to have kids with. Wmn want their sons to suffer, holy fuck next level evil tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother
We as men are already hated anyway, it makes 0 sense to contribute to "soyciety":soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:

Imaging feeding your own enemy jfl
I work remotely on my own hours barely interact with anyone. Its comfy as fuck.
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Even that is not enough, they don't want us to die, they literally want us to "suffer".
Holy fuck, it would be much better if we could just press a button and end our lives painless, but nah even dying and getting rid of this gynocentric world is painful, fuck man I can't cope anymore.

This is why only top 1% rich men should be allowed to breed, but now 70% of wmn are having babies with bad boy low IQ gangsters who are completely deadbeat, these wmn voluntarily reproducing with these low tier chad looking males, remember wmn are the gatekeepers of s3x, they choose and pick who they want to have kids with. Wmn want their sons to suffer, holy fuck next level evil tbh.
Fuck them they are bches anyway
Just Spiritual maxx also money looksmax etc
Good thread, good awareness
just neet and live on welfare check so state becomes your slave, right?
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Everyone should honestly kill themselves if after surgerymaxxing, they still can't ascend.
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Shut up devil, I was born in a world that has an evil government, if the government was good things would've been better for me
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Abolish women's rights
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Its sad when even the jew is right :cry:
Its not hard to live fullfilling life (atleast for me)
Just deal drugs, work part time or neetmaxx, looksmax to fuck sluts and be an extremist.
No need to worry about the privileges of women even tho they have it much easier, cause they will have it easier in any system, but the one where women work themselves and provide for their kids are better. as long as you are AGAINST the system everything is ok.
Also just reproduce later and parent ur child how u want. In a trad right wing society u would have to pay for women betabux/marry or else all women would die and humanity dies off, since women wouldnt be allowed to work in this society (which is a good thing tho)

And leftism is good actualky cause its against rich people, beta providers, competitive ppl, consumery/luxury, hirarchies, etc
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Its not hard to live fullfilling life (atleast for me)
Just deal drugs, work part time or neetmaxx, looksmax to fuck sluts and be an extremist.
No need to worry about the privileges of women even tho they have it much easier, cause they will have it easier in any system, but the one where women work themselves and provide for their kids are better. as long as you are AGAINST the system everything is ok.
Also just reproduce later and parent ur child how u want. In a trad right wing society u would have to pay for women betabux/marry or else all women would die and humanity dies off, since women wouldnt be allowed to work in this society (which is a good thing tho)

And leftism is good actualky cause its against rich people, beta providers, competitive ppl, consumery/luxury, hirarchies, etc
Massive cope 
Leftism is bad u moron the first world society's you live in wasn't built on leftism but white supremacy and the patriarchy
Also if you don't like luxury or wealth go to Venezuela u degen
  • JFL
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Its not hard to live fullfilling life (atleast for me)
Just deal drugs, work part time or neetmaxx, looksmax to fuck sluts and be an extremist.
No need to worry about the privileges of women even tho they have it much easier, cause they will have it easier in any system, but the one where women work themselves and provide for their kids are better. as long as you are AGAINST the system everything is ok.
Also just reproduce later and parent ur child how u want. In a trad right wing society u would have to pay for women betabux/marry or else all women would die and humanity dies off, since women wouldnt be allowed to work in this society (which is a good thing tho)

And leftism is good actualky cause its against rich people, beta providers, competitive ppl, consumery/luxury, hirarchies, etc
Betabuxxinf is how it should be women's shouldn't work or have any source of income other then men
Firstly because they are sittty works
Secondly because incel like me can then get pussy by providing the foid with a living wage which she will repay by doing house work sex and baby's
Right wing societies are don't collapse you utter fool for 6000 years we have been in the
Patriarchy with reinforced gender roles and it has worked out fine
Massive cope 
Leftism is bad u moron the first world society's you live in wasn't built on leftism but white supremacy and the patriarchy
Also if you don't like luxury or wealth go to Venezuela u degen
I dont give a fuck who build my country even tho it isnt even 100% true, i choose what benefits me and my personality the most, it was leftism that makes you work 40 or less hours a week instead of 80 lol,it also saves u from being homeless etc

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