You'll never be Niko69

Bruh jbs are over rated. Milfs r where its at
View attachment 1934827
Bruh I just realized u called her a “jb”
laughs cage GIF
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Fuark I wish I had that many matches so I could just fuck around like that. I gotta be methodical in my messages fml
Screenshot 20221103 224243 Tinder
Some jbs r great. Try to ascend with one by nikomaxxing.
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I have no friends to take my pics I gotta run mirror selfies game :feelswhy:
Just get a tripod and use video. Go back through and select the best frame as a pic. Be sure u are wearing a hawiian shirt too
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Just get a tripod and use video. Go back through and select the best frame as a pic. Be sure u are wearing a hawiian shirt too
High tier advice buddy boyo. I’ll do it! These roasties just aren’t doing it for my dick nowadays
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292 lbs - 132.5 kg
NO fucking way. Nigger has it all !

I hate you, don't come to Scotland or I'll kick your teeth in !
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Post your physique right fucking now. That's more than what I bench currently, and I've seen pics of you. I can't buy this.
Remember this guy was a fat fuck before so he has huge bones. Could probably do 300 + if he tried.
being an entrepreneur is halo asf. that alone probably gets him way more bitches/elo

yet people wanna focus on looks alone and dont about money and status maxxing
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It's 5 at night/morning here and only gathered a small bit but here is some of the stuff I found. I'll properly look through my old phones tommorow as I switched phone too often...

My current physique approximately - i know it needs work JFL

I'm ngl to you, at your height, your physique doesn't seem indicative of somebody who can 2x BW bench. You do have a rather large frame, so it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but seems unlikely. I can only bench 280 at 180lbs BW, yet have an considerable amount more muscle. You COULD have freaky strength genetics, but who knows? All in all, I can't call it frauding, but I'm not entirely convinced. And I'm not gonna address a video with bumper plates.
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can only bench 280 at 180lbs BW, yet have an considerable amount more muscle.
It doesn't matter if you have more muscle, you're like 6'5 so the range of motion is much bigger than his, requiring far more muscle to bench the same weight.
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What business does Niko have?
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I'm ngl to you, at your height, your physique doesn't seem indicative of somebody who can 2x BW bench. You do have a rather large frame, so it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but seems unlikely. I can only bench 280 at 180lbs BW, yet have an considerable amount more muscle. You COULD have freaky strength genetics, but who knows? All in all, I can't call it frauding, but I'm not entirely convinced. And I'm not gonna address a video with bumper plates.
Not gonna blame you at all, my physique wasn't that impressive especially considered my bench as it hasn't ever been my main priority either (powerlifting was), also i did platue on 120kg for a long time on bench, that was until I ran a smolov jr program if you know what that is, (more known as regular smolov for squads) when I first broke it, i then proceeded to do it three times in total which was brutal, so beach was definitely my main lift and priority.
Smolov galskab tabel1

You can see the program here, you basically bench 4 times a week increasing load in every session either with amount or reps or weight. (The % is of your previous pr) Highly recommended to run it if you platue or just want to increase a single lift substantially, although you do need to take some creatine to or at least get optimal sleep to help recovery as it's very though on the musclegroup. And i dont recommend you going all crazy and running it multiple times after eachother as there's a big increase in risk for injury.

I'll still try to look for some of my old vids, but regardless I never expect someone to take my word for it as the fitness industry is smoke and mirrors filled with fake Natty's, fake weights and all that. I just need to get back to the gym and reach the same point and do it again in person before it can be considered as a "fact".
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I only admire his business iq tbh mirin hard
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Ily no homo. Unironically
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@Niko69 how old are you bruv
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Why would I want to be Niko69, 69th of his name.

I want to be Niko. Just like that, no numbers, no getting mogged by 68 other Niko's.

It's over for @Niko69
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being an entrepreneur is halo asf. that alone probably gets him way more bitches/elo

yet people wanna focus on looks alone and dont about money and status maxxing
good point but he would still get insane results without it
  • Hmm...
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good point but he would still get insane results without it
if he used aspie selfies, said he worked at 7/11 hed probably get 20 matches in a day
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 17920, the BULL and Niklaus Mikaelson
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Reactions: Deleted member 17920
good point but he would still get insane results without it
if he used aspie selfies, said he worked at 7/11 hed probably get 20 matches in a day
Both very interesting points, but what stops any of you guys adding "self-employed" as a title on your tinder and just say you prefer not to talk about work in your spare time. I haven't added my companies or anything like that on tinder
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Reactions: Deleted member 17920
Both very interesting points, but what stops any of you guys adding "self-employed" as a title on your tinder and just say you prefer not to talk about work in your spare time. I haven't added my companies or anything like that on tinder
assuming that females read the bio or anything :forcedsmile: :forcedsmile: :forcedsmile: maybe AFTER they swiped on you
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Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson and Deleted member 17920
the selfies would have to be EXTREMELY aspie, being non nt on purpose.
if he used aspie selfies, said he worked at 7/11 hed probably get 20 matches in a day
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Reactions: the BULL and Niklaus Mikaelson
the selfies would have to be EXTREMELY aspie, being non nt on purpose.
I do have an extremely aspie selfie where i look dead AF being posted by some members, i doubt id have the same results with that pic
Isn’t this dude a Manlet? Why would I want to be short jfl
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Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
The only thing I'm jealous of is he propably have money and is not financially poor like me . Don't care about the slayerism aspect as I have already fucked enough women in my life , only thing that I'm lacking is money n stable income.

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Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
More to life than fucking tinder whores. I’m good with my life
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No, my max is 132.5 kg ( 292lbs )
Shit overheadpress, didn't do that for pr, although i tried once, struggled with 60 kg 132lbs and just decided to do them for hypertrophy. Inbefore asking for deadlift - 240kg 529lbs at peak weight (82kg bodyweight), we aren't talking about my squats though :rolleyes:
This really puts into perspective the importance of limb lengths/leverages
My best incline bench was 110kg x 3 which according to 1RM calculator would be 116.5kg 1RM
My best OHP was 90kg x 4 which according to 1RM calculator would be 98kg 1RM
Yet when I tried flat benching my 1RM was a pathetic 120kg

Despite all of this emphasis on movements focused on shoulders and upper chest I never got that influencer looking chest, the majority of mass I gained still came at the bottom of my chest towards the nipple, I hate that saggy gymcel looking chest

This was the ideal chest mass distribution I wanted

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I prefer to keep it private to prevent potential dox on here
When you recived your highest matches, which location was set in?
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Reactions: AscendingHero and Niklaus Mikaelson
This really puts into perspective the importance of limb lengths/leverages
My best incline bench was 110kg x 3 which according to 1RM calculator would be 116.5kg 1RM
My best OHP was 90kg x 4 which according to 1RM calculator would be 98kg 1RM
Yet when I tried flat benching my 1RM was a pathetic 120kg

Despite all of this emphasis on movements focused on shoulders and upper chest I never got that influencer looking chest, the majority of mass I gained still came at the bottom of my chest towards the nipple, I hate that saggy gymcel looking chest

This was the ideal chest mass distribution I wanted

View attachment 1935405
Very true, powerlifting benching is also a little different than if you do regularly bench, as you can maybe see I also have a small arch in my back when benching making my lower chest engage more and my lats are also engaged as well, stuff like legdrive can also play a big factor, so I do believe running the smolov jr program where I was benching every second day heavily effected my bench positively as I got to perfect my technique. Also the shorter limps and travel distance duo to powerlifting setup is also a big factor like you mentioned. Impressive as hell overhead press though. I also primarily had a "saggy" lower chest, tried to counteract it by doing incline bench, seemed to have worked a tiny bit
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When you recived your highest matches, which location was set in?
Had 500-600 likes + ~200ish matches a day in a short time period when my location was set to Denmark - Copenhagen With a 40-50km range
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My PR (132.5kg) was made at around 73-74kg, right now I'm still low 70's but much higher bf%
For benchpress i doubt it ngl, I'm gymcel bbc elite strenght genetic and weight 83kg, and my max bench is 118kg, and that's quite out of the norm ngl, and i know very little who can bench heavier irl. Even my fat gymcel friend that lift for strength can't bench more than 130kg.
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For benchpress i doubt it ngl, I'm gymcel bbc elite strenght genetic and weight 83kg, and my max bench is 118kg, and that's quite out of the norm ngl, and i know very little who can bench heavier irl. Even my fat gymcel friend that lift for strength can't bench more than 130kg.
I totally get that and won't force you to believe it, also why one of my IG posts went semi viral and I got the same responses on my strength progression video
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It doesn't matter if you have more muscle, you're like 6'5 so the range of motion is much bigger than his, requiring far more muscle to bench the same weight.
Brother I have short arms for my height, but 280 isn't my max I guess, it's just what I can hit while staying under 10% bodyfat. My all time pause bench was 355, but I weighed like 215. Either way, I don't think bench would scale like that solely because of height, especially with his bodyweight being so low.
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I totally get that and won't force you to believe it, also why one of my IG posts went semi viral and I got the same responses on my strength progression video
Now that you said you ran smolov I could believe it. It's a peaking program, and I did the same thing to hit my all time. Good on you, lad.
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By not being an impressionable bitch like you
Also we're in Europe everyone fucks hot bitches you're Just fucked by location
I need to get a desperate old european foid to put me on a sex ring and export me to Europe tbh
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Now that you said you ran smolov I could believe it. It's a peaking program, and I did the same thing to hit my all time. Good on you, lad.
It's a beautiful program, absolutely love the program, although when you run it you do sacrifice some of your other musclegroups as you're focused on a single lift, but amazing for getting through a plateau! Glad you ran it as well and had good experiences with it!
It's a beautiful program, absolutely love the program, although when you run it you do sacrifice some of your other musclegroups as you're focused on a single lift, but amazing for getting through a plateau! Glad you ran it as well and had good experiences with it!
Sorta? But you're still supposed to do pullups, and some curling variation here and there, so it's enough volume to at the very least help you maintain your muscle groups considering it's like a 4 week program only. Hell you could even make some pull muscle group gains if you do it right.
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I totally get that and won't force you to believe it, also why one of my IG posts went semi viral and I got the same responses on my strength progression video
Quite impressive ngl, the technique isn't perfectly clean but that's really good. how long did you lifted for before benching that?
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Do you feel mogged when ur next to taller people?
Not always, heighmogged sure, quite often, mogged in general quite rarely. I once tried lifts and could feel the small height increase and i got a taste of the sweeter air above, at that time I did feel way more powerful and so forth, once I took them off again I felt more heighmogged than ever. I don't give it much thought that as there's barely anything I can do, out of sight out of mind
Sorta? But you're still supposed to do pullups, and some curling variation here and there, so it's enough volume to at the very least help you maintain your muscle groups considering it's like a 4 week program only. Hell you could even make some pull muscle group gains if you do it right.
I must admit I slacked off a bit on my other body parts during that period ( i ran the program 3 times within a 5 month time period which isn't recommended) and gave everything else like 80% instead of 100%, I didn't want to risk my body focusing on recovering other body parts to effect the strenghtgains on bench, still managed to get some decent deadlift progression during that time although it could have been much better, and when I mean sacrifice other muscle groups I mean as in potential gains during that time, maintaining was quite alright. (On a side note, I had shinsplinters in the time period hence why I focused on my bench press instead of my lowerbody)
Quite impressive ngl, the technique isn't perfectly clean but that's really good. how long did you lifted for before benching that?
Technique was definitely not perfect, it was also before the smolov when I was capped at 120kg

I've been lifting ever since I was 15, but I was in a relationship at that time and i was pretty much always in a calorie deficit which didn't make me increase in size, once I hit 16 i broke up with my ex and put on mass quite quickly (noob gains + eating in a surplus for the first time trying to force feed myself)

Started with dirty bulk just to get enough calories in
Screenshot 2022 11 04 16 54 42 627 comsnapchatandroid
Screenshot 2022 11 04 16 55 07 141 comsnapchatandroid

Then progressed to a well balanced clean bulk
Screenshot 2022 11 04 16 57 25 498 comsnapchatandroid

Then at last this was what I ate every single day
Screenshot 2022 11 04 16 59 46 397 comandroidprintspooler
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