You'll never be Niko69

I must admit I slacked off a bit on my other body parts during that period ( i ran the program 3 times within a 5 month time period which isn't recommended) and gave everything else like 80% instead of 100%, I didn't want to risk my body focusing on recovering other body parts to effect the strenghtgains on bench, still managed to get some decent deadlift progression during that time although it could have been much better, and when I mean sacrifice other muscle groups I mean as in potential gains during that time, maintaining was quite alright. (On a side note, I had shinsplinters in the time period hence why I focused on my bench press instead of my lowerbody)
Hmm that's weird, deadlifting would be like the one movement I'd say you shouldn't do while running smolov for bench. No exercise besides maybe clean and jerk gives you as much systemic fatigue as a deadlift. And running it 3 times is a bit ridiculous NGL, I wonder what you'd be capable of with more optimized training. You're probably leaving strength on the table.
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Hmm that's weird, deadlifting would be like the one movement I'd say you shouldn't do while running smolov for bench. No exercise besides maybe clean and jerk gives you as much systemic fatigue as a deadlift. And running it 3 times is a bit ridiculous NGL, I wonder what you'd be capable of with more optimized training. You're probably leaving strength on the table.
True, deadlifting was quite overkill, but still wanted a compound movement that didn't effect my chest soreness/recovery and was the second main lift i was focusing on. Squads were out of the equation duo to shin splinters. I didn't do or attempts on deads in the meantime though just ran 4x8 on a decent weight as I wanted a compound movement included besides my bench. I'm planning on getting back in the game now, stating food plan properly, training regularly and so forth, definitely won't run smolov 3 times almost In a row, rookie mistake og being addicted to progress and since it worked the first time I saw it as a miracle cure all JFL. Definitely planning on reaching my genetical potential, so only time will tell!
Technique was definitely not perfect, it was also before the smolov when I was capped at 120kg

I've been lifting ever since I was 15, but I was in a relationship at that time and i was pretty much always in a calorie deficit which didn't make me increase in size, once I hit 16 i broke up with my ex and put on mass quite quickly (noob gains + eating in a surplus for the first time trying to force feed myself)

Started with dirty bulk just to get enough calories in
View attachment 1935442View attachment 1935443
Then progressed to a well balanced clean bulk
View attachment 1935445
Then at last this was what I ate every single day
View attachment 1935451
Very organised tbh mirin, what's your trick to be this much organised in your daily life, i do everything at the last moment and lack organisation, i should start tracking my macros like you too. I could get

I didn't turn nazi btw, just putted this avi to mess with and troll some user on the forum
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Very organised tbh mirin, what's your trick to be this much organised in your daily life, i do everything at the last moment and lack organisation, i should start tracking my macros like you too. I could get

I didn't turn nazi btw, just putted this avi to mess with and troll some user on the forum
I use a combination of something called notion where I have my entire life planned and an AI calender called motion app that puts in my daily task automatically, I'm a big fan of smarthome an automated time-saving systems as I call them, I'll make a thread on it at some point here's some overviews from notion that I can show without doxxing myself. Also I used lifesum for macros and calories
IMG 20221104 171608
IMG 20221104 171630
Screenshot 2022 11 04 17 16 39 109 notionid
Screenshot 2022 11 04 17 17 09 880 notionid
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I use a combination of something called notion where I have my entire life planned and an AI calender called motion app that puts in my daily task automatically, I'm a big fan of smarthome an automated time-saving systems as I call them, I'll make a thread on it at some point here's some overviews from notion that I can show without doxxing myself. Also I used lifesum for macros and calories
View attachment 1935480View attachment 1935481View attachment 1935482

I will make sure to inspire from this to get more organised in my daily life and regarding, thanks apreciate the help, make sure to tag me when you give more advices on the same subject.
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Had 500-600 likes + ~200ish matches a day in a short time period when my location was set to Denmark - Copenhagen With a 40-50km range
Niks, no offense I asked you because, I showed you to 11 of my female friends and all of them said, that you look a bit gay and nothing special at all.
I protested that you get more matches than them and that they are coping, but they just not even laughed.

All of them, just raised their brows and convinced me, that they don't find a reason for your extraordinary tinder succsess.

Denmark makes sense.

I am from EE.

All eleven of them are between 6.5-7.5/10 and 20-23 years old.
  • +1
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
Niks, no offense I asked you because, I showed you to 11 of my female friends and all of them said, that you look a bit gay and nothing special at all.
I protested that you get more matches than them and that they are coping, but they just not even laughed.

All of them, just raised their brows and convinced me, that they don't find a reason for your extraordinary tinder succsess.

Denmark makes sense.

I am from EE.

All eleven of them are between 6.5-7.5/10 and 20-23 years old.
Damn, sure I'll take looking a bit gay as a compliment as gay guys usually take very good care of their appearance and looksmax quite well. But brutal anyways JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Darwined and \/orman
Technique was definitely not perfect, it was also before the smolov when I was capped at 120kg

I've been lifting ever since I was 15, but I was in a relationship at that time and i was pretty much always in a calorie deficit which didn't make me increase in size, once I hit 16 i broke up with my ex and put on mass quite quickly (noob gains + eating in a surplus for the first time trying to force feed myself)

Started with dirty bulk just to get enough calories in
View attachment 1935442View attachment 1935443
Then progressed to a well balanced clean bulk
View attachment 1935445
Then at last this was what I ate every single day
View attachment 1935451
Pls do a cooking with niko video
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Pls do a cooking with niko video
I already planned to do a si gle cooking video with my favorite dish! (Duck and waffles), will be in similar style as this one. It'll have to be on a Sunday as those are my days where i allow myself to eat something different in the morning than my mealplan suggests. Will take some time before I do it though

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I already planned to do a si gle cooking video with my favorite dish! (Duck and waffles), will be in similar style as this one. It'll have to be on a Sunday as those are my days where i allow myself to eat something different in the morning than my mealplan suggests. Will take some time before I do it though

Finally some good food 🤗
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I am from EE.

All eleven of them are between 6.5-7.5/10 and 20-23 years old.
In Eastern Europe dark lookz is king. Almost every middle class guy has nikos phenotype over there so of course he isn't gonna be anything special.
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Reactions: \/orman
I'm ngl to you, at your height, your physique doesn't seem indicative of somebody who can 2x BW bench. You do have a rather large frame, so it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but seems unlikely. I can only bench 280 at 180lbs BW, yet have an considerable amount more muscle. You COULD have freaky strength genetics, but who knows? All in all, I can't call it frauding, but I'm not entirely convinced. And I'm not gonna address a video with bumper plates.
Cope,if you have good grip strength and good body leverage with not too long arms then you can hit big numbers without looking huge. Also he has a decent amount of muscle and looks aesthethic. Job well done imo. Could bulk more if he wants but this is good as is.
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At what age did you lose your vcard?
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Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
Cope,if you have good grip strength and good body leverage with not too long arms then you can hit big numbers without looking huge. Also he has a decent amount of muscle and looks aesthethic. Job well done imo. Could bulk more if he wants but this is good as is.
grip strength training is mogger
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Niko is fucking tons of hot jb and also fucking busty whores on tinder
Niko doesn't wagecuck like a pleb and has his own business in his 20s. He also was redpilled and skipped the college scam and now isn't a wage slave
He gets praised on this forum
He gets praised by the foids he fucks
His life is a dopamine rush and his penis gets to creampie hot foids

Meanwhile I'm broke and unemployed and of course tinder is nothing except some fucking MTB . Its over. The only hot bitches are all the way in the other fucking part of the world, or fucking rural random states which require a plane ticket ( which I cant utilize as I have no money)

Don't worry he is AI generated human bot by @Xangsane
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Stop dickriding
  • So Sad
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Niko cocksuckers just so they could get a react from the nerdic hobbit
  • So Sad
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
Why would I want to be Niko69, 69th of his name.

I want to be Niko. Just like that, no numbers, no getting mogged by 68 other Niko's.

It's over for @Niko69
Want to be me now?.:feelshah:
  • Woah
Reactions: MoggerGaston
It's 5 at night/morning here and only gathered a small bit but here is some of the stuff I found. I'll properly look through my old phones tommorow as I switched phone too often...

My current physique approximately - i know it needs work JFL

Baby Hat GIF

That's crazy
  • Love it
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Niko is fucking tons of hot jb and also fucking busty whores on tinder
Niko doesn't wagecuck like a pleb and has his own business in his 20s. He also was redpilled and skipped the college scam and now isn't a wage slave
He gets praised on this forum
He gets praised by the foids he fucks
His life is a dopamine rush and his penis gets to creampie hot foids

Meanwhile I'm broke and unemployed and of course tinder is nothing except some fucking MTB . Its over. The only hot bitches are all the way in the other fucking part of the world, or fucking rural random states which require a plane ticket ( which I cant utilize as I have no money)

Who needs to be @Niko when you can be @Leo69

Get mogged.

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  • Love it
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
Brother I have short arms for my height, but 280 isn't my max I guess, it's just what I can hit while staying under 10% bodyfat. My all time pause bench was 355, but I weighed like 215. Either way, I don't think bench would scale like that solely because of height, especially with his bodyweight being so low.
what's your height and your wingspan ?
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