You’re volcel if

You say that because you don’t have the balls to do it. You haven’t even tried it.
Do you really think the idea of walking up to random women on the streets that you don't have any prior acquaintance to will make them interested in you? It makes you look pathetic and deperate. You don't go for random women, you go for women from within your social circle, work, school or fuck even neighbours.
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Never began for a 5,5ft manlet.
Do you really think the idea of walking up to random women on the streets that you don't have any prior acquaintance to will make them interested in you? It makes you look pathetic and deperate. You don't go for random women, you go for women from within your social circle, work, school or fuck even neighbours.
Like I said, you haven’t even tried it. And it doesn’t have to be the streets. There’s plenty of girls at work, weddings, clubs etc.
I believe pua / redpill doesn't work

Because its advocates are fags with no natural game, following scripts (never works).

Go watch The Black Phillip Show on YouTube, thats how you develop real game where its ingrained in your personality, like it is on him. He's not some 'redpilled' fag who you can tell is trying to be 'alpha' while not feeling that way at all. He's a regular dude who has game figured out (its about mogging women, not being a charming jestermaxxed 'conversationalist').
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I am definitely volcel. Knowing a girl wants sex with me is enough, I don’t even care about having sex.
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Your body fat percentage is higher than 8-14%

You don’t have a body such that people can tell that you train.

You have fixable skin problems.

You have fixable teeth problems.

You have fixable posture problems.

You have fixable grooming problems.

You are broke. That’s right. Since you were able to pass the registration part on this website, your IQ must be 90 +. Anyone with an IQ of that level can make some money. No money = volcel.

You live with your parents. Living with parents is volcel.

You ignore pick up, the red pill? You don’t read books written by pick up artists? You don’t try to understand game better and then take action? Volcel.

You don’t start conversations with girls and crack jokes every once in a while? volcel.

You haven’t forgiven your parents for letting you down in life? Loser and volcel.

You spend all of your time at home? Volcel.

You don’t shower? Volcel. (JFL)

You place expectations on girls? Volcel.
1. Agreed
2. Agreed
3. Agreed
4. Agreed
5. Agreed
6. Agreed

7. nope, you don’t even need to be chad to be broke and still fuck. Just be above average and not autistic

8. Be above average, go to her house. Girls don’t turn you down for that unless they’re trying to force you to betabuxx.

9. lol redpill is pure cope scam artist nonsense. Low iq for falling for it. ANYTHING that works in the redpill works because you’re above average looking, and at that point anything works. Throw the redpill in the trash, here is the truth: be confident (lol, but no really. Just don’t be insecure basically) be direct and straightforward with your intentions, and most importantly be above average looking.

10. Agreed

11. literally nobody cares if you do or don’t do that, replace this with “have a good face”

12. Agreed if you’re not at least talking to girls in some way (for the purpose of smashing of course)

13. Agreed

14. I don’t know what you mean by this, like an average guy waiting for girls to approach? Then yeah, but girls ABSOLUTELY approach if you’re above average. But even still you should always be trying to start dialogues with girls you wanna fuck.

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