Zygos are a meme

You think zygos are more important than jaw, maxilla or the frontal bone?
No, but they are still highly important.

This is a brutal pill to swallow.

But a good jaw can't save a bad midface and vice versa etc

Obviously some features are extremely important (like the eyes) and even if you slightly fuck them up it will mess up ur entire face and other features u can take them being worse and still have a decent face

But each bone has its place. Especially the big ones (jaw, maxilla, frontal, orbital, zygos). Literally remove or fuck up one and it will DRASTICALLY worsen ur appearance.

Most people would benefit with good, large, mid-high set prominent and forwardly grown zygos. It helps contour the face, helps you age better and gives u hollow cheeks.

I have small, mid set flat zygos and it is literally fucking up my midface. It's extremely hard for me to have hollow cheeks unless I get to insanely low bf levels because of how small and boneless my zygos are.

Yea sure some people can pull off small, low set or flat zygos but for most people it hurts their attractiveness. Majority of gl people (htn+) have decent or great zygos.

Jfl, even normies talk about how cheekbones are important for beauty.
Would rather have ogee curve than not.
His is too big. And completely flatening it improved his looks. Imagine if you did the same with his other facial bones
Cheekbone obsession is for the most part a orthotropics and incel thing
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No, but they are still highly important.

This is a brutal pill to swallow.

But a good jaw can't save a bad midface and vice versa etc

Obviously some features are extremely important (like the eyes) and even if you slightly fuck them up it will mess up ur entire face and other features u can take them being worse and still have a decent face

But each bone has its place. Especially the big ones (jaw, maxilla, frontal, orbital, zygos). Literally remove or fuck up one and it will DRASTICALLY worsen ur appearance.

Most people would benefit with good, large, mid-high set prominent and forwardly grown zygos. It helps contour the face, helps you age better and gives u hollow cheeks.

I have small, mid set flat zygos and it is literally fucking up my midface. It's extremely hard for me to have hollow cheeks unless I get to insanely low bf levels because of how small and boneless my zygos are.

Yea sure some people can pull off small, low set or flat zygos but for most people it hurts their attractiveness. Majority of gl people (htn+) have decent or great zygos.

Jfl, even normies talk about how cheekbones are important for beauty.
Sure. They are just aren't nearly as important as jaw, maxilla and frontal bone. Also "orbital" bones don't exist
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Why the fuck r there bats on my screen
Sure. They are just aren't nearly as important as jaw, maxilla and mandible. Also "orbital" bones don't exist
  • JFL
Reactions: cytoplasm
Kinda legit.

Your morph is what the average zygos look like. A flat plane and like almost every average facial feature, making it more extreme will only lead to a marginal increase in attractiveness at best and become a failo at worst

If you on the otherhand made the zygos even flatter than your current morph he would descend hard.
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  • JFL
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I am ugly because of my flat incel.
My face looks bloated even when low BF.

Zygos play an important role in facial structure. It is incredibly hard to be truly good looking without zygos
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browridge, supras, chin, are more important, ramus is equal imo. cheekbones overrated af for men
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I am ugly because of my flat incel.
My face looks bloated even when low BF.

Zygos play an important role in facial structure. It is incredibly hard to be truly good looking without zygos
I have ogee curve and rot here. If I had no ogee curve and a better jaw i'd be hitting the club at this very moment
browridge, supras, chin, are more important, ramus is equal imo. cheekbones overrated af for men
Browbridge and supras are the frontal bone, ramus and chin are part of the mandible
No, thats average irl.

Most people I see irl have 0 ogee curve
Idk, I've seen people that had more bones in their zygo than in my entire skull.
  • Hmm...
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Idk, I've seen people that had more bones in their zygo than in my entire skull.
Well ofcourse some people have insane zygos.

But its quite rare because everytime I feel mogged by someone I look at their ogee curve for lifefuel because its a rare-ish trait I have
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Well ofcourse some people have insane zygos.

But its quite rare because everytime I feel mogged by someone I look at their ogee curve for lifefuel because its a rare-ish trait I have
Ogee curve is the biggest meme there is
  • So Sad
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Least important major facial bone confirmed

View attachment 2503801

We got too cocky zygobros @Pei @St.TikTokcel @kismaxx @rand anon @geenk worg
You reduced the prominence of his zygos, but you didn't touch the most important aspect of his cheekbones. The fact that they are extremely high set.
You reduced the prominence of his zygos, but you didn't touch the most important aspect of his cheekbones. The fact that they are extremely high set.
Show me the dif between low and high set cheekbones
Show me the dif between low and high set cheekbones

High set: The most protrusive part of the cheekbones are near your eyes


Low Set: The most protrusive part of your cheekbones are down by your nose
I have ogee curve and rot here. If I had no ogee curve and a better jaw i'd be hitting the club at this very moment
You would be in an even worse position with ogee or zygos. They give you a good base for surgery. Jaw is easier to fix than your cheekbone structure
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You would be in an even worse position with ogee or zygos. They give you a good base for surgery. Jaw is easier to fix than your cheekbone structure
If I didnt have a recessed jaw and no ogee curve i wouldnt ever be here
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IMG 3342

You’re forever capped without Zygos
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No, just no. Zygos, lateral zygos are very important mostly in motion.
What no? I completely flatened the fucker and he ascended
Because we only have a 3/4 view and you flatened only one side. That's why he almost looks the same

BUT from front it's not the same story, mostly if you have a too narrow face like I have.
I'm completely Zygoless and I ascended like WTF with Zygos and jaw fillers. They made my face more masculine, angular, more skin stretching. If I had jaw fillers only, the result would have been horrible
Because we only have a 3/4 view and you flatened only one side. That's why he almost looks the same

BUT from front it's not the same story, mostly if you have a too narrow face like I have.
I'm completely Zygoless and I ascended like WTF with Zygos and jaw fillers. They made my face more masculine, angular, more skin stretching. If I had jaw fillers only, the result would have been horrible
If i flatened the other side he'd look even better as his zygos are too big

Even frontally they arent a massive difference maker
InCollage 20231021 221532090

Do the same with his jaw width or chin height and watch him get annihilated
If i flatened the other side he'd look even better as his zygos are too big

Even frontally they arent a massive difference maker
View attachment 2504241

Do the same with his jaw width or chin height and watch him get annihilated
lifefuel if youre narrowfaced
If i flatened the other side he'd look even better as his zygos are too big

Even frontally they arent a massive difference maker
View attachment 2504241

Do the same with his jaw width or chin height and watch him get annihilated
did u chaneg jaw width too?
Wym? As in wider maxilla = wider zygos? More prominent maxilla = more prominent zygos?
They’re both part of the midface. They do correlate somehow, idk quite know how yet tho
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Who has told you you were htn
I base that off from the treatment/IOIs I get from girls and the respect from guys, and the fact that I face mog the incels around me (They're more NT tho).
Might post pics here after a year or two when I've fully looksmaxxed.
you mean ogee curve is a meme
you mean ogee curve is a meme
Yes but also lateral zygo projection isn't some deal breaker
Gettyimages 50822842

Meanwhile having no chin results in posting here
Zygos + eyes > everything else. Jaw is usually insanely overrated.

No fucking way. There's no zygos or eyes in this universe that can ever redeem this



Your average person doesn't even know what zygos are. Every normie can easily spot a shit jaw/chin.
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He'd still mog. Zygos are more important than jaw.

Downloadfile84 1

Shit jaw and good zygos vs shit zygos and good jaw.

Do we really need to have this discussion?
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Pitt is not zygoless. His bizygomatic width is higher than average.
He's zygoless. No ogee curve, no lateral projection. What's higher than average is his maxilla and frontal bone, on top of which zygos sit
Gettyimages 50822842
looks higher class without the ethnic cheekbones
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as long as he has the same fwhr this would honestly be an upgrade, he needs his zygos shaved

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