14 years old , are Peptides , SARMS or even Test necessary for maximum results.

Taking HGH or MK would only speed up your natural growth process. Basically, if it's written in your genetic code that '@randomop is going to be 6'2' then it'll only get you there quicker. You can take every drug in this world and you'll still be 6'2 and not a single inch above.

Height is brutally a genetic feature that you can't really go around, unlike muscle mass.


Maybe if you suddenly develop a tumor in your pituitary gland, then you can grow up to 8ft.
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Im 14 years old , Height: 5'10 ft Weight: 60-62.5kg Tanner Stage test :4.0. I would like to grow at least 6'2-6'3 and develop my face and help with recession. So if someone recommends which compounds. To what doctor should I go first if needed ? If the majority recommends then could someone who has more knowledge in this subject help me make a stack.
PEDs will completely destroy your body if you take them at the age of 14. The fact that you're 62kg at 5fr10 means your very underweight so you should put on more weight.

Just follow this post and you should be fine:
just eat a lot, take vitamins, play sports
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  • JFL
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PEDs will completely destroy your body if you take them at the age of 14. The fact that you're 62kg at 5fr10 means your very underweight so you should put on more weight.
You can't even propose how PEDs would destroy his body. Go ahead, how would they destroy his body? Suppress the HPTA? Take HCG. Stunt growth? Take an AI. These are all solved problems. The only way it would destroy your body is by causing you to start to bald or have acne.
Taking HGH or MK would only speed up your natural growth process. Basically, if it's written in your genetic code that '@randomop is going to be 6'2' then it'll only get you there quicker. You can take every drug in this world and you'll still be 6'2 and not a single inch above.

Height is brutally a genetic feature that you can't really go around, unlike muscle mass.

View attachment 2313477

Maybe if you suddenly develop a tumor in your pituitary gland, then you can grow up to 8ft.
Why are tall men taller, buddy? Genetically? Because of genetically higher hormone levels, bone growth, and IGF-1 signaling. Do you really think there's a gene that says "YOU CAN ONLY GROW TO THIS HEIGHT MAXIMUM"? Why do people with pituitary tumors that cause acromegaly grow incredibly tall even if they had midget parents and had horrible genetics for height? Oh, right, because you have NOTHING other than broscience and blasting the appropriate hormones and drugs at the correct age WILL make you tall regardless of MUH GENES (unless you are somehow insensitive to IGF-1 and have shitty receptors or have terrible genes for bone growth, but this would be very rare).

Quit it with the asinine broscience. There is no gene that only allows you to grow to a certain height. If everyone here was blasting HGH and AIs since they were twelve years old or developed pituitary tumors in our youths, we would ALL be several inches taller besides extreme 5'2 midgets who may have a genetic insensitivity to IGF-1.

By the way, muscle mass and growth are HEAVILY genetic.

Genetics muscle growth

Bostin loyd vs ronnie
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Why are tall men taller, buddy? Genetically? Because of genetically higher hormone levels, bone growth, and IGF-1 signaling. Do you really think there's a gene that says "YOU CAN ONLY GROW TO THIS HEIGHT MAXIMUM"? Why do people with pituitary tumors that cause acromegaly grow incredibly tall even if they had midget parents and had horrible genetics for height? Oh, right, because you have NOTHING other than broscience and blasting hormones at the correct age WILL make you tall regardless of MUH GENES (unless you are somehow insensitive to IGF-1 and have shitty receptors or have terrible genes for bone growth, but this would be very rare).
Higher hormone levels mean jackshit if you don't have the necessary receptors sensitivity and quantity in the first place, retard. Why most Arabic males can grow full beards at the age of 14 but have boneless playdough faces? There are some things not even a gram of Tren could overcome.
Because they take stupid compounds like 19-nors, don't take HCG (roidcels are oddly averse to this for some reason and tell people not to take it until AFTER their testicles atrophy), don't try to maximize androgenic effects with DHT and DHT derivatives because "muh balding", don't take AIs (which causes growth plate fusion). If a teenager cruised on 300mg test-C/E and took the right doses of AIs and HCG to manage estrogen and prevent testicular shutdown, in addition to adding in something like DHT along with HGH, it would have nothing but beneficial effects on the growth of his body. But sure, wait until you're 25 and it won't do anything to your dick and bone growth. Because doing otherwise is BAD because some bodybuildingcels on tren posting on reddit and steroid forums said so.

Teen looksmaxxers interested in hormones don't really care about bodybuilding autism. They want to be 6' with big dicks and masculine faces. So advice from bodybuilders is almost worthless.
100% true idc abt muscles at all rn i just focus on 9h sleep protein and hgh
Higher hormone levels mean jackshit if you don't have the necessary receptors sensitivity and quantity, retard. Why most Arabic males can grow full beards at the age of 14 but have boneless playdough faces? There are some things not even a gram of Tren could overcome.
I explicitly talked about receptor sensitivity. But even so, there is MUCH less variance in the IGF-1 receptor than there is in the androgen receptor because of the IGF-1 receptor's EXTREME similarity to the insulin receptor and their sharing of genes that code for them. Any big mutations in these genes could lead to fucking up the insulin receptor giving insulin resistance, diabetes, etc which would be highly selected against. And LOL at calling me a retard when you think muscle mass and muscle growth aren't extremely related to genetics. You can't get around that either unless you permablast 13 grams of gear like Bostin Loyd, even then he looked like shit and died early from his retarded doses.
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Also the androgen receptor is a nuclear receptor and thus works very differently from an enzyme-linked receptor like the IGF-1 receptor but you wouldn't know anything about that
Think I'm supposed to be taller, I'm 6'0 with a 6'6 wingspan
  • JFL
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Just do stretching, hanging, inversion, swimming, gymceling etc without squats and deadlifts btw EAT TONS OF PROTEIN, FRUITS VEGGIES CARBS ETC ETC ETC IN ESSENCE BULK WITH NUTRIENTS. IF YOU CANT mew comfortably you may have a small palate, so get MSE with FM. Then mew with teeth 1mm apart. Permajut at times to make chin come forward. Then at 17-18 bonesmash cheekbones and chin if it’s not showing enough and you’re set I believe
  • JFL
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I think I was predetermined to be taller or something, or I just have very long arms
What ethnic group are you part of? I think some black phenos have wider wingspan than their height but maybe I’m wrong
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Also the androgen receptor is a nuclear receptor and thus works very differently from an enzyme-linked receptor like the IGF-1 receptor but you wouldn't know anything about that
What ethnic group are you part of? I think some black phenos have wider wingspan than their height but maybe I’m wrong
Somali, noticed my siblings have the same wingspan as their heights or slightly longer, should I hop on peptides or something?
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Somali, noticed my siblings have the same wingspan as their heights or slightly longer, should I hop on peptides or something?
I think that will just grow your arms aswell unless but IDK tbh. I have read that depending on wheee you pin hgh those parts partially grow taller but maybe that isn’t true
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I think that will just grow your arms aswell unless but IDK tbh. I have read that depending on wheee you pin hgh those parts partially grow taller but maybe that isn’t true
Yup, probably gonna grow taller, gonna check my growth plates soon and see if they're closed or not, hopefully they aren't
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You can't even propose how PEDs would destroy his body. Go ahead, how would they destroy his body? Suppress the HPTA? Take HCG. Stunt growth? Take an AI. These are all solved problems. The only way it would destroy your body is by causing you to start to bald or have acne.
Is a 14 year old really going to be able to afford all of that or even been bothered to research everything he needs to do to protect his health?
Is a 14 year old really going to be able to afford all of that or even been bothered to research everything he needs to do to protect his health?
I've told people exactly what they need to take (HGH, sublingual DHT, AIs, test + HCG) to avoid fucking themselves on this site numerous times, and they can get a job to pay for it. Worst case we're looking at a couple hundred bucks per month. Part time minimum wage slavery is enough to afford that.
Because they take stupid compounds like 19-nors, don't take HCG (roidcels are oddly averse to this for some reason and tell people not to take it until AFTER their testicles atrophy), don't try to maximize androgenic effects with DHT and DHT derivatives because "muh balding", don't take AIs (which causes growth plate fusion). If a teenager cruised on 300mg test-C/E and took the right doses of AIs and HCG to manage estrogen and prevent testicular shutdown, in addition to adding in something like DHT along with HGH, it would have nothing but beneficial effects on the growth of his body. But sure, wait until you're 25 and it won't do anything to your dick and bone growth. Because doing otherwise is BAD because some bodybuildingcels on tren posting on reddit and steroid forums said so.

Teen looksmaxxers interested in hormones don't really care about bodybuilding autism. They want to be 6' with big dicks and masculine faces. So advice from bodybuilders is almost worthless.
Yeah okay this is nuts. Whatever tho I can't convince you, I really hope you don't do a cycle at your age op , listen to this guy if you want but I think you'll regret it.
Yeah okay this is nuts. Whatever tho I can't convince you, I really hope you don't do a cycle at your age op , listen to this guy if you want but I think you'll regret it.
"it's just nuts because I said it is, ok!"

And I'm not advising anyone to do a cycle but to remain on high dose "TRT" with HCG for long periods (at least 6 months).
don't take AIs (which causes growth plate fusion)

SERMs cause growth plate fusion, not AIs. AIs actually do the opposite. they DELAY the fusion
"it's just nuts because I said it is, ok!"

And I'm not advising anyone to do a cycle but to remain on high dose "TRT" with HCG for long periods (at least 6 months).
thats when you need AIs due to aromatizing. when you take TRT your e2 will shoot up which will lead to plate closure. so then you'll take aromasin or anastrozole
Let the copers cope and heightmaxx.

If you think the world will treat you good with your current height, then you are a fool.

In society, a man's most valuable trait is his height, do whatever you can to increase it.

Hop on HGH/aromasin asap.
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Let the copers cope and heightmaxx.

If you think the world will treat you good with your current height, then you are a fool.

In society, a man's most valuable trait is his height, do whatever you can to increase it.

Hop on HGH/aromasin asap.
At least can I go to a doctor to see until what height can I grow
If I could go back I'd wait until I hit 6 foot which was around 17 years old and begin blasting immediately regardless of E2

700mgs off the bat instead of the lame shit I did with GH and other retarded nonsense
If I could go back I'd wait until I hit 6 foot which was around 17 years old and begin blasting immediately regardless of E2

700mgs off the bat instead of the lame shit I did with GH and other retarded nonsense
Would you do this to grow taller or for what reason?
I've told people exactly what they need to take (HGH, sublingual DHT, AIs, test + HCG) to avoid fucking themselves on this site numerous times, and they can get a job to pay for it. Worst case we're looking at a couple hundred bucks per month. Part time minimum wage slavery is enough to afford that.
Is it worth a shot if i’m 20 and do this just to see what happens?
I’m already a genetic anomaly with my sutures being open at 20 in a cbct with my ortho.

If I do mk + cjc to recreate hgh dosage and is it cool to skip the test + hcg?

What is sublingual dht? Do you mean topical dht gel? Or anavar?
Im 14 years old , Height: 5'10 ft Weight: 60-62.5kg Tanner Stage test :4.0. I would like to grow at least 6'2-6'3 and develop my face and help with recession. So if someone recommends which compounds. To what doctor should I go first if needed ? If the majority recommends then could someone who has more knowledge in this subject help me make a stack.
You're already done for if you came here.
Is it worth a shot if i’m 20 and do this just to see what happens?

If I do mk + cjc to recreate hgh dosage and is it cool to skip the test + hcg?
I said to do HGH. Why are you asking if it's "cool" to go against my recommendation? Obviously not.

What is sublingual dht? Do you mean topical dht gel? Or anavar?
No. I mean the actual hormone DHT, dihydrotestosterone. It's not very orally bioavailable if you swallow it like most androgenic steroids, but if you take it sublingually (hold the powder under your tongue) it will enter the bloodstream much more effectively because this area is highly vascularized and has lots of blood vessels.

SERMs cause growth plate fusion, not AIs. AIs actually do the opposite. they DELAY the fusion
I said THEY DON'T TAKE AIS which CAUSES growth plate fusion. Have some ability to look at context please.

I said to do HGH. Why are you asking if it's "cool" to go against my recommendation? Obviously not.

No. I mean the actual hormone DHT, dihydrotestosterone. It's not very orally bioavailable if you swallow it like most androgenic steroids, but if you take it sublingually (hold the powder under your tongue) it will enter the bloodstream much more effectively because this area is highly vascularized and has lots of blood vessels.
I am shocked I have never heard of the dht before and sublingually.
What effects are we trying to achieve with holding the powder under the tongue? ( penis growth )?

Anywhere I can learn more about this?
I am shocked I have never heard of the dht before and sublingually.
What effects are we trying to achieve with holding the powder under the tongue? ( penis growth )?
Penis growth, general virilization, aggression, libido, athletic performance (but NOT much muscle growth).

Anywhere I can learn more about this?
Not really. DHT has long since been abandoned in medical contexts because it's too virilizing to breast cancer patients (its use case was replaced by masteron, itself replaced later by aromatase inhibitors) and they will just use testosterone for hormone replacement in men with no exogenously produced DHT. It's also not very useful for bodybuilding since it gets deactivated by an enzyme in the muscle tissue to the weak androgen androstanediol, although it is good for athletic performance specifically because of the effect of androgens on the CNS and your ability to recruit muscle fibers. However, you can find an old study where they used sublingual DHT in old men and it did well for their libido and such.
I said THEY DON'T TAKE AIS which CAUSES growth plate fusion. Have some ability to look at context please.
sorry bro, was 3am and i was fkin dead.

ais should always be paired with anything that increases e2, otherwise fusion. tho it should be regulated, let's tell the teens who are going to take it that.

when e2 is too low, the teen is missing out on a fuck ton of brain development, which e2 is crucial for. i take anastrozole but i take a weekly blood test with it and regulate my numbers so i don't go anywhere below 20pg/ml, so i still get the plenty brain development i need
Penis growth, general virilization, aggression, libido, athletic performance (but NOT much muscle growth).

Not really. DHT has long since been abandoned in medical contexts because it's too virilizing to breast cancer patients (its use case was replaced by masteron, itself replaced later by aromatase inhibitors) and they will just use testosterone for hormone replacement in men with no exogenously produced DHT. It's also not very useful for bodybuilding since it gets deactivated by an enzyme in the muscle tissue to the weak androgen androstanediol, although it is good for athletic performance specifically because of the effect of androgens on the CNS and your ability to recruit muscle fibers. However, you can find an old study where they used sublingual DHT in old men and it did well for their libido and such.

as a teen, DHT and T can be increased by DHEA supplements, which is the precursor to the hormones to be produced (T, e2, e1, dht, etc). however, it will increase e2 too. i am yet to research the use of DHEA supps and AIs simultaneously, and limited research is done on them so i might use myself as a guinea pig (contemplating). if or when i do come across this information, ill let you know.
Im 14 years old , Height: 5'10 ft Weight: 60-62.5kg Tanner Stage test :4.0. I would like to grow at least 6'2-6'3 and develop my face and help with recession. So if someone recommends which compounds. To what doctor should I go first if needed ? If the majority recommends then could someone who has more knowledge in this subject help me make a stack.
you‘re a fucking idiot if youre taking steroids at that age,you will need to take TRT for your whole live because your hormonal system is irreversibly damaged.
risk to shut down testosterone production and i think if you PCT, most of them will permanently stop your height growth. I would go on Mk677 only at your age and go with stronger sarms at like 17-19.
the gaslighting is insane
Im 14 years old , Height: 5'10 ft Weight: 60-62.5kg Tanner Stage test :4.0. I would like to grow at least 6'2-6'3 and develop my face and help with recession. So if someone recommends which compounds. To what doctor should I go first if needed ? If the majority recommends then could someone who has more knowledge in this subject help me make a stack.
Tanner stage 4.0 at 14 ? I am at tanner stage 4.2 at 17 you are close to being done growing in some areas my dude.
Tanner stage 4.0 at 14 ? I am at tanner stage 4.2 at 17 you are close to being done growing in some areas my dude.
Then maybe I did something wrong , Is there a doctor who can check my height predictions ? I look like a more of a pre teen
Then maybe I did something wrong , Is there a doctor who can check my height predictions ? I look like a more of a pre teen
Get on test ASAP don't even think about it if you look pre pubescent at that age and that tanner stage.
Get on test ASAP don't even think about it if you look pre pubescent at that age and that tanner stage.
Actually hold up . I just look like a normal 14 year old.
Taking HGH or MK would only speed up your natural growth process. Basically, if it's written in your genetic code that '@randomop is going to be 6'2' then it'll only get you there quicker. You can take every drug in this world and you'll still be 6'2 and not a single inch above.

Height is brutally a genetic feature that you can't really go around, unlike muscle mass.

View attachment 2313477

Maybe if you suddenly develop a tumor in your pituitary gland, then you can grow up to 8ft.
Jfl at being so dumb at 14. It's basically over bro
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