14 years old , are Peptides , SARMS or even Test necessary for maximum results.

Then what should I do
HGH + Test will can still turn your pre pubescent look like you said or normal look into a way above avarage look.
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I’m going to start making money in august and im going to get an allowance.
Dude HGH is already incredibly expensive just to to BOTB and buy everything recommended if you are rich
Dude HGH is already incredibly expensive just to to BOTB and buy everything recommended if you are rich.
200 dollars a month isn't "incredibly expensive".
Because they take stupid compounds like 19-nors, don't take HCG (roidcels are oddly averse to this for some reason and tell people not to take it until AFTER their testicles atrophy), don't try to maximize androgenic effects with DHT and DHT derivatives because "muh balding", don't take AIs (which causes growth plate fusion). If a teenager cruised on 300mg test-C/E and took the right doses of AIs and HCG to manage estrogen and prevent testicular shutdown, in addition to adding in something like DHT along with HGH, it would have nothing but beneficial effects on the growth of his body. But sure, wait until you're 25 and it won't do anything to your dick and bone growth. Because doing otherwise is BAD because some bodybuildingcels on tren posting on reddit and steroid forums said so.

Teen looksmaxxers interested in hormones don't really care about bodybuilding autism. They want to be 6' with big dicks and masculine faces. So advice from bodybuilders is almost worthless.
At what age can you still take hormones and notice great results?
At what age can you still take hormones and notice great results?
Depends on the individual and if your long bone growth plates, facial bone growth, etc are finished or not.
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Depends on the individual and if your long bone growth plates, facial bone growth, etc are finished or not.
At what ages does each happen on average? I can‘t resort to scans, as the doctors here want to have a clear medical indication for them to take the scans. Me wanting to maximize my current growth potential isn‘t a medical indication for them sadly.
At what ages does each happen on average? I can‘t resort to scans, as the doctors here want to have a clear medical indication for them to take the scans. Me wanting to maximize my current growth potential isn‘t a medical indication for them sadly.
Idk , maybe earlier better. For me I’m seeing how my growth goes and maybe when I’m 15 and a half I’ll consider in the end
At what ages does each happen on average? I can‘t resort to scans, as the doctors here want to have a clear medical indication for them to take the scans. Me wanting to maximize my current growth potential isn‘t a medical indication for them sadly.
Say your knee hurts. Get an X-ray. This will let you see the distal femur and proximal tib/fib growth plates. It's not comprehensive, but it should give you enough information. Then you can proceed with HGH. Even if it's closed, you should still take testosterone though, to masculinize the face and grow the penis.
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Say your knee hurts. Get an X-ray. This will let you see the distal femur and proximal tib/fib growth plates. It's not comprehensive, but it should give you enough information. Then you can proceed with HGH. Even if it's closed, you should still take testosterone though, to masculinize the face and grow the penis.
I won‘t buy HGH from the black market, I don‘t want to risk Creutzfeld-Jakob‘s disease in case the hgh is harvested from humans instead of synthetically produced. Which peptides are the best to substitute it‘s effects?
A while ago someone mentioned mod grf 129 + ipamorelin to me.
Say your knee hurts. Get an X-ray. This will let you see the distal femur and proximal tib/fib growth plates. It's not comprehensive, but it should give you enough information. Then you can proceed with HGH. Even if it's closed, you should still take testosterone though, to masculinize the face and grow the penis.
Is a dht deriviate Better than test ? Because that does the dimorphic features. Or you need test as a base ?
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I won‘t buy HGH from the black market, I don‘t want to risk Creutzfeld-Jakob‘s disease in case the hgh is harvested from humans instead of synthetically produced. Which peptides are the best to substitute it‘s effects?
A while ago someone mentioned mod grf 129 + ipamorelin to me.
For some reason I found a study where the Hgh secretion with peptides it’s not that good , but it could be Jewish propaganda. The best combo , I heard from a lot sources it’s CJC Dac or No dac not sure + Ipamorelin Also Mk677 is not the best but a lot of people had results and it’s cheap.
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I won‘t buy HGH from the black market, I don‘t want to risk Creutzfeld-Jakob‘s disease in case the hgh is harvested from humans instead of synthetically produced. Which peptides are the best to substitute it‘s effects?
A while ago someone mentioned mod grf 129 + ipamorelin to me.
That's the most retarded objection I ever heard. Which manner of producing HGH do you think is more cost effective and sanitary: crushing mass quantities of human brains and purifying it, or having genetically modified bacteria produce it easily in a laboratory? HGH from human cadavers hasn't been used since the 1980s not only due to the risk of prion disease transmission but because it's a horrible and inferior method due to the scale such an operation would require. You are simply extremely uneducated.
For some reason I found a study where the Hgh secretion with peptides it’s not that good , but it could be Jewish propaganda. The best combo , I heard from a lot sources it’s CJC Dac or No dac not sure + Ipamorelin Also Mk677 is not the best but a lot of people had results and it’s cheap.
A couple years ago when the peptides were cheap and HGH was often faked, the peptides made sense: you were getting a legitimate product would raise endogenous HGH -> IGF-1 for a reasonable cost off a gray market site that took credit cards instead of gambling and relying on word-of-mouth and shilling from 89IQ imbecile boomers on roid forums. Now with inexpensive testing and the ability to buy 3rd party tested verified HGH directly from Chinese chemical companies, as well as the increasing cost of the peptides due to price gouging and increased demand from retarded teenagers, there is absolutely no reason to take them. Also, you will be hungry constantly due to the ghrelin receptor agonism. The most popular HGH secretagogue, MK-677, is horrible for your health due to its long half life and the antagonistic action of HGH on blood sugar. Elevated HGH throughout the entire day = fucked up blood sugar, and MK-677 has a 24 hour half-life.

The only reasons to buy peptides are:

-for some reason you are only able to use a credit card (and even then it'll get marked as a suspicious transaction)
-you live in a country with autistic customs enforcement problems (Chinese companies hate shipping to Canada for example)
-you want to be hungry constantly
Look, you retarded tiktok teenagers. I've written about this countless times. Do you want to be tall and masculine, or at least more than you would have been naturally? It's very simple. Blast HGH, test (with HCG ofc), DHT/stanolone, DHT derivatives, and aromatase inhibitors in puberty. Stop sperging about muh peptides, muh pharma grade, muh steroids bad and stunt growth, muh AIs will give me brain damage because More Plates More Dates said so, muh MK-677, muh natural height growth without exogenous hormones, blah blah blah. YOU ARE STUPID.

You are not going to get pharma grade HGH unless your parents are millionaires and give you bags of cash every month
Peptides are a fucking meme compared to real HGH
You need to blast testosterone if you are low T
AIs won't give you brain damage, in fact your estrogen is probably too high from being a fat fuck and you already probably have brain damage

I'm telling you exactly what you need to do. Buy HGH, test, DHT, hcg, and an AI from chinks, and blast them at high doses. You can take my advice or leave it. I think I should just stop doing these writeups and offering advice because it's like throwing pearls before swine. It's just wasted on you stupid kids that won't listen.
Dude HGH is already incredibly expensive just to to BOTB and buy everything recommended if you are rich.
It's not. Less than a dollar per IU if you know where to look. You can get a great heightmaxxing dose on less than 200 dollars a month.
It's not. Less than a dollar per IU if you know where to look. You can get a great heightmaxxing dose on less than 200 dollars a month.
That is a lot.
You are simply extremely uneducated.
I recently started looking into hormones and that‘s why I even asked you in the first place. I admit that currently I have little knowledge on the general topic. What worries me the most is verifying the authenticity of products on the black market to not damage my health.
You didn‘t answer this in your reply, so I‘m asking again, what are your thoughts on ipamorelin + mod grf 129?

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