5'10-6'1 brahs need to start liftfrauding right now



Aug 22, 2018
For those of you in the 5'10-6'1 (178-185 cm) range, there is no perhaps no greater booster to your SMV and confidence than to fraud with lifts.

Stop being high-inhib, stop overthinking shit like I do. It's better to fraud a couple inches of height and risk getting exposed, than to continue living as a semi-manlet (or even a full on manlet in some regions), getting heightmogged by 13 year olds left and right. A single heightmogg (defined by Dr. @SomethingOff , PhD as a height difference equal to or above 4 inches) is enough to leave you feeling like shit for the rest of your day. Now imagine being heightmogged by around half of males if not more, and a sizable proportion of FEMALES as well. Instead of referencing your outdated and inaccurate (((statistics))), leave your room, take a stroll, and report back.

Stop relying on arcane height statistics taken from rural china (as @Afrikancel put it). A quick stroll around your neighborhood or college campus should quickly dispel the idea that 5'9-5'10 is the average male height. Even areas with a high deathnic manlet population will still average at or above this height. Honestly, just fucking lol at believing that the average well-off male in the 18-35 age range (aka your competition, aka the relevant populational sub-group) is anything less than 5'11-6'0 ON AVERAGE. Those of who you live in areas with high concentrations of white germanics (such as the american midwest or northern europe) will have it even worse. Just ask @Curious0 about his personal experience.

The reason why I specifically include the 5'10-6'1 height range is because it is at this height that lifts will give you the greatest return on investment. Manlets such as @Swagwaffle would have to wear huge lifts and endure pain and discomfort for the rest of the day, in return for a negligible increase in height, going from turbo-manlet to just manlet or below average. Which in the eyes of females is still a manlet. On the otherhand, tallfags like @badromance would only go from being tall (i.e, 95th percentile) to being very tall (i.e, 98-99th percentile), which, if anything, would only serve to draw negative attention to their facial and bodily flaws. Aka their personality.

However, you 5'10-6'1 brahs could experience significant changes in confidence, body image, and female attention by wearing lifts since such heights are close to the male average depending on location. 6'0 brahs in particular can fraud 1 inch with thick shoes alone, and up to 3 inches with shoes + lifts. The difference between 6'0 and 6'3 can be pretty astounding especially if you live in the states. 5'10 brahs can go from feeling like manlets to feeling pretty average (or maybe even slightly tall) around white males. 6'1 brahs can fraud up to 6'4 and feel like Gods. I recommend frauding in the 2-3 inch height range since it is the best compromise between results, pain, safety, and discomfort. Any shorter than that and you will not notice a significant difference. Any taller than that and it will seem as though you are constantly holding in a shit while walking. Anything above 4 inches is just ludicrous and asking to be caught.

If you're above 6'1 and are still autistic about your height, like @Nibba and @TakaRyo are, then it's probably not a bad idea to try out some 2 inch lifts.

Drawing less attention from normies:
- It helps to have disproprtionately long legs and a rather short torso
- Always wear long, somewhat loosely fitting jeans, and make sure to cover your lift shoes as much possible
- Always wear long sleeved shirts / jackets to distract from your uneven proportions
- Try walking at an accelerated pace; walking slowly in thick lifts can feel weird
- Try not to walk around with your chest puffed and shoulders outwards. People can notice easily. Your posture should be somewhat hunched but also straightened as to make the most from the lifts
-NEVER wear brightly colored or excessively large shoes, shoes that make any kind of noticeable noise. Basically anything that serves to draw excessive attention from anyone.
- If someone asks about your height, state your frauded height minus 1-1.5 inches. For example, if you're frauding 6'2. say that you're 6 foot and a half, or 6 foot one. People are much more likely to believe a downgraded height claim than an upgraded one. If anything, they will comment about you how you look taller and how you "must be 6'3 teehee".

5'10-6'1 manlets who need to view this thread:
@Future Arablite
@future chadlite
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dont lift fraud.
live like an honest man
  • +1
Reactions: Swagwaffle
dont lift fraud.
live like an honest man
Soon we will all mogg you and you will become a manlet because you refuse to fraud
FInally a good thread, im ordering lifts today.
I entered mcdonalds yday saturday night and literally everyone was 6’ except from a few, even the teenagers, i live in an area with very few deathniks so its mostly whites (nordics and germans) the ones with english ancestry arent that tall but the rest are huge
  • +1
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>Get called out on wearing lifts
>Get called out on being insecure
>Live with the shame and ridicule for the rest of your life

The only acceptable way of heightfrauding is wearing shoes with elevated heels eg. Oxfords, airmaxxes etc.
  • +1
Reactions: Never_Began and Swagwaffle
FInally a good thread, im ordering lifts today.
I entered mcdonalds yday saturday night and literally everyone was 6’ except from a few, even the teenagers, i live in an area with very few deathniks so its mostly whites (nordics and germans) the ones with english ancestry arent that tall but the rest are huge
Yes order removable lifts like those
  • +1
Reactions: LooksJourney, Never_Began and Swagwaffle
>Get called out on wearing lifts
>Get called out on being insecure
>Live with the shame and ridicule for the rest of your life

The only acceptable way of heightfrauding is wearing shoes with elevated heels eg. Oxfords, airmaxxes etc.
timbs are 4cm and lifts like 3cm, 7cm is the difference between short and talishl
>Get called out on wearing lifts
>Get called out on being insecure
>Live with the shame and ridicule for the rest of your life

The only acceptable way of heightfrauding is wearing shoes with elevated heels eg. Oxfords, airmaxxes etc.
Ideally you need to wear thick heeled shoes such as timberlands or airmaxx and pair them with small 2-3 cm insoles for maximum benefit.
Ideally you need to wear thick heeled shoes such as timberlands or airmaxx and pair them with small 2-3 cm insoles for maximum benefit.
Yeah, you wouldn't want lifts bigger than 3cm as each cm increases the chances of you getting called out.
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Honestly at this point, I don’t care if I’m considered “short”. The first step for me is to lose weight and see where that goes.
Yes these are great, don't go full retard and wear them in the gym. Pair them up with big thick heeled shoes for maximum benefit
Honestly at this point, I don’t care if I’m considered “short”. The first step for me is to lose weight and see where that goes.
Good thinking. But when you lose that weight, your height will become as relevant as your face
I'm 6'1 and mog like 90% of people at my highschool, if not more...

6'0 is considered tall. I live in London, so idk about whever u guys live.

Dont listen to this guy, take a walk outside. The average guy in the States is 5'10

Do you seriously think a study could get away with saying the average height in America was 5'10 if it was really 6' - 6'1 for all these years?!

This is some turbo autism shit man...
  • +1
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I'm 6'1 and mog like 90% of people at my highschool, if not more...

6'0 is considered tall. I live in London, so idk about whever u guys live.

Dont listen to this guy, take a walk outside. The average guy in the States is 5'10

Do you seriously think a study could get away with saying the average height in America was 5'10 if it was really 6' - 6'1 for all these years?!

This is some turbo autism shit man...


Either you:
- Happen to live in an area of london with an extreme concentration of ethnic manlets
- Have selective bias

A lot of people on this forum live in majority white areas such as Germany and the American midwest where the average guy is WELL above 5'10. Stop misleading people and calling everything you don't personally agree with as "autism"

Oi bruv everytin' on here autism innit
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  • +1
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I'm 6'1 and wouldn't want to be taller than this..
I live in a uni dorm and my legs don't fit this poverty bed when I sleep I fuking hate this :feelsree:
You're not going to be wearing lifts when you sleep :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Lifts are pointless when you're already at the top percentile height wise. Would wear if I was 5'10 or lower though.
>top percentile height wise

do you live in malaysia or some shit?? (SARCASM)

btw my personal experience and that of many others on here in a similar height range goes contrary to what you say. I feel waaaay taller with lifts and I'm 90th percentile for my country as well.
>top percentile height wise

do you live in malaysia or some shit?? (SARCASM)

btw my personal experience and that of many others on here in a similar height range goes contrary to what you say. I feel waaaay taller with lifts and I'm 90th percentile for my country as well.
New York lol

I don't see many people taller than me on a daily basis. So....
New York lol

I don't see many people taller than me on a daily basis. So....
Don't you get heightmogged at least a couple times per day? how does it feel like?
I don't think about it because it's not very common and I'm always lost in my depressed thoughts :feelsrope:
Lucky soul. The rest of us mentally ill retards feel like shit when we get mogged by tallfags. So something needs to be done :feelsmage::feelsmage:
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Lifts or thick soles for 1-2 inches of extra height is certainly quite an amazing life hack for sure. However, it's when you combine stuff like big boots with lifts when shit can get dangerous. With that, you can end up frauding over extra 2 inches of height. 1 inch is noticeable, 2 inches is a real big difference, anything above and you're risking social suicide.

Imagine you're in the club, frauding 3-4 inches. You heightmog the normies, then take a thot home. As soon as you take those fucking frauding army boots off with the lifts in them, and she notices how you basically suddenly deflated in size, your social life is OVER.

This can work, for sure, but you should never fraud more than 2 inches with normal, regular shoes.

PS: Also, if you're an incel and you have a shitton of other problems besides height, especially with social skills, this won't do shit for you. You'll stay an incel.
Lifts or thick soles for 1-2 inches of extra height is certainly quite an amazing life hack for sure. However, it's when you combine stuff like big boots with lifts when shit can get dangerous. With that, you can end up frauding over extra 2 inches of height. 1 inch is noticeable, 2 inches is a real big difference, anything above and you're risking social suicide.

Imagine you're in the club, frauding 3-4 inches. You heightmog the normies, then take a thot home. As soon as you take those fucking frauding army boots off with the lifts in them, and she notices how you basically suddenly deflated in size, your social life is OVER.

This can work, for sure, but you should never fraud more than 2 inches with normal, regular shoes.

PS: Also, if you're an incel and you have a shitton of other problems besides height, especially with social skills, this won't do shit for you. You'll stay an incel.

First off:
I mentioned in the thread that 2-3 inches is the maximum that one should attempt. You need to be a literal retard for people to notice that you're frauding 1 inch. One inch isn't even frauding, it's just regular shoe thickness. 2 inches is only noticeable if you don't make an effort to conceal it using the methods discussed above. 3 inches and above is when shit starts getting dangerous, but it can be hidden if you're willing to make an effort. I fraud 3 inches on a regular basis and no one has ever called me out on it since I make a conscious effort to conceal it. People think I grew taller JFL.

As for frauding 3-4 inches in a nightclub (JFL), I see your point, but i'd also never encourage people to fraud more than 2 inches in such a situation. Remember that females have piss poor spatial visualization and are unlikely to notice a 2 inch difference. Obviously frauding 4 inches in the middle of a crowded nightclub is just asking to get caught. 3-4 inches should be not be attempted in such circumstances.

Lastly, we all know that poor social skills and a lack of confidence often stems from a lack of validation due to bad looks, looks encompassing face, height, frame, etc. Feeling validated from your height is sure to boost your "confidence" around normies and improve your social skills to an extent. I'm not saying autists will be cured of their autism from wearing lifts. But it 's an undeniable self-esteem boost on a level comparable to doing plastic surgery. Imagine being average, or even below average, then mogging most guys you encounter during the day. The confidence boost from lifts alone would be enough to keep you motivated and content during the day, even without female interaction.
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  • +1
Reactions: hybriderr
Good thread
First off:
I mentioned in the thread that 2-3 inches is the maximum that one should attempt. You need to be a literal retard for people to notice that you're frauding 1 inch. One inch isn't even frauding, it's just regular shoe thickness. 2 inches is only noticeable if you don't make an effort to conceal it using the methods discussed above. 3 inches and above is when shit starts getting dangerous, but it can be hidden if you're willing to make an effort. I fraud 3 inches on a regular basis and no one has ever called me out on it since I make a conscious effort to conceal it. People think I grew taller JFL.

As for frauding 3-4 inches in a nightclub (JFL), I see your point, but i'd also never encourage people to fraud more than 2 inches in such a situation. Remember that females have piss poor spatial visualization and are unlikely to notice a 2 inch difference. Obviously frauding 4 inches in the middle of a crowded nightclub is just asking to get caught. 3-4 inches should be not be attempted in such circumstances.

Lastly, we all know that poor social skills and a lack of confidence often stems from a lack of validation due to bad looks, looks encompassing face, height, frame, etc. Feeling validated from your height is sure to boost your "confidence" around normies and improve your social skills to an extent. I'm not saying autists will be cured of their autism from wearing lifts. But it 's an undeniable self-esteem boost on a level comparable to doing plastic surgery. Imagine being average, or even below average, then mogging most guys you encounter during the day. The confidence boost from lifts alone would be enough to keep you motivated and content during the day, even without female interaction.
Imagine me frauding 4 inches lmao. If be 6'7
  • +1
Reactions: Swagwaffle
I lift fruaded in like 7th - 8th grade ( I used socks ) it work no one knew I was doing it. But then I felt fake.

Just be your theory

Yes it’s failed so maybe I’ll use lifts again .
Good thread

Imagine me frauding 4 inches lmao. If be 6'7
I actually tried that once and felt like a king so you should try it once preferrably at night during a concert / football game or some shit.
I lift fruaded in like 7th - 8th grade ( I used socks ) it work no one knew I was doing it. But then I felt fake.

Just be your theory

Yes it’s failed so maybe I’ll use lifts again .
Lol youd need two seperate limb lengthening operations + heels + lifts to reach 6 foot
sorry life's harsh
I actually tried that once and felt like a king so you should try it once preferrably at night during a concert / football game or some shit.
How would I go about frauding 4 inches?
How would I go about frauding 4 inches?
Buy one of these shitty 4 inch elevator boots off amazon. Wear it once at a football game or some shit, tower over the normans, then throw it. U get one year's worth of dopamine hits
  • +1
Reactions: Nibba
Buy one of these shitty 4 inch elevator boots off amazon. Wear it once at a football game or some shit, tower over the normans, then throw it. U get one year's worth of dopamine hits
Lmao I already tower over most people but I think 4 inches would crazy
Kek you retards should stop frauding. Srsly, you niggas are destroying the balance between tall and not so tall.

Just dont cheat. Accept your height ffs. Furthermore it looks retarded if your legs are unbalanced to your upper body part jfl.
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Kek you retards should stop frauding. Srsly, you niggas are destroying the balance between tall and not so tall. You force me to buy lifts in order to heightmog you again even tho i am very tall.

Just dont cheat. Accept your height ffs. Furthermore it looks retarded if your legs are unbalanced to your upper body part jfl.
stfu you tall fag I will continue to fraud lifts so long as people like yourself exist.
stfu you tall fag I will continue to fraud lifts so long as people like yourself exist.

Yea, if you wear lifts, other tallfags will wear lifts. You will force taller ppl to buy lifts. And hirls have a sense for frauding ppl.

You will have to wear off your shoes one day and she will see it. It wont work for long term relationships but it might work for hook-ups
Yea, if you wear lifts, other tallfags will wear lifts. You will force taller ppl to buy lifts. And hirls have a sense for frauding ppl.

You will have to wear off your shoes one day and she will see it. It wont work for long term relationships but it might work for hook-ups
girls literally cannot detect a 2 inch height difference unless they are eye level with you. Their spatial awareness is terrible. You can wear 2 inch lifts at special events and then wear normal 1 inch shoes during a LTR. No biggie. Remember I said above to not exceed that and go around wearing 3-4 inch lifts at all times. I only do it because it feels good and gives validation, but eventually ill stop
Where from nigga?
Amazon niggeh
girls literally cannot detect a 2 inch height difference unless they are eye level with you. Their spatial awareness is terrible. You can wear 2 inch lifts at special events and then wear normal 1 inch shoes during a LTR. No biggie. Remember I said above to not exceed that and go around wearing 3-4 inch lifts at all times. I only do it because it feels good and gives validation, but eventually ill stop

Amazon niggeh
My man! This brand you recommend? Do they work well with sneakers?
girls literally cannot detect a 2 inch height difference unless they are eye level with you. Their spatial awareness is terrible. You can wear 2 inch lifts at special events and then wear normal 1 inch shoes during a LTR. No biggie. Remember I said above to not exceed that and go around wearing 3-4 inch lifts at all times. I only do it because it feels good and gives validation, but eventually ill stop

Amazon niggeh

Is it comfy? Can you walk around with them all day?
My man! This brand you recommend? Do they work well with sneakers?
read the post :feelsautistic:
Ideally you want the thickest shoes possible in order to not overdo it with the insoles. Timberlands, work boots, and dress shoes work the best. Sneakers, I don't think they can fit an insole, so no.
You can still wear thiccc sneakers and stuff socks in there lmao.
Is it comfy? Can you walk around with them all day?
2 inches is comfortable, 3 inches begins hurt at the end of the day, and 4 inches is pretty painful since you're almost tiptoeing. Those 5 inch lift boots look absolutely ridiculous, like you're standing on top of a box
  • +1
Reactions: Never_Began
For those of you in the 5'10-6'1 (178-185 cm) range, there is no perhaps no greater booster to your SMV and confidence than to fraud with lifts.

Stop being high-inhib, stop overthinking shit like I do. It's better to fraud a couple inches of height and risk getting exposed, than to continue living as a semi-manlet (or even a full on manlet in some regions), getting heightmogged by 13 year olds left and right. A single heightmogg (defined by Dr. @SomethingOff , PhD as a height difference equal to or above 4 inches) is enough to leave you feeling like shit for the rest of your day. Now imagine being heightmogged by around half of males if not more, and a sizable proportion of FEMALES as well. Instead of referencing your outdated and inaccurate (((statistics))), leave your room, take a stroll, and report back.

Stop relying on arcane height statistics taken from rural china (as @Afrikancel put it). A quick stroll around your neighborhood or college campus should quickly dispel the idea that 5'9-5'10 is the average male height. Even areas with a high deathnic manlet population will still average at or above this height. Honestly, just fucking lol at believing that the average well-off male in the 18-35 age range (aka your competition, aka the relevant populational sub-group) is anything less than 5'11-6'0 ON AVERAGE. Those of who you live in areas with high concentrations of white germanics (such as the american midwest or northern europe) will have it even worse. Just ask @Curious0 about his personal experience.

The reason why I specifically include the 5'10-6'1 height range is because it is at this height that lifts will give you the greatest return on investment. Manlets such as @Swagwaffle would have to wear huge lifts and endure pain and discomfort for the rest of the day, in return for a negligible increase in height, going from turbo-manlet to just manlet or below average. Which in the eyes of females is still a manlet. On the otherhand, tallfags like @badromance would only go from being tall (i.e, 95th percentile) to being very tall (i.e, 98-99th percentile), which, if anything, would only serve to draw negative attention to their facial and bodily flaws. Aka their personality.

However, you 5'10-6'1 brahs could experience significant changes in confidence, body image, and female attention by wearing lifts since such heights are close to the male average depending on location. 6'0 brahs in particular can fraud 1 inch with thick shoes alone, and up to 3 inches with shoes + lifts. The difference between 6'0 and 6'3 can be pretty astounding especially if you live in the states. 5'10 brahs can go from feeling like manlets to feeling pretty average (or maybe even slightly tall) around white males. 6'1 brahs can fraud up to 6'4 and feel like Gods. I recommend frauding in the 2-3 inch height range since it is the best compromise between results, pain, safety, and discomfort. Any shorter than that and you will not notice a significant difference. Any taller than that and it will seem as though you are constantly holding in a shit while walking. Anything above 4 inches is just ludicrous and asking to be caught.

If you're above 6'1 and are still autistic about your height, like @Nibba and @TakaRyo are, then it's probably not a bad idea to try out some 2 inch lifts.

Drawing less attention from normies:
- It helps to have disproprtionately long legs and a rather short torso
- Always wear long, somewhat loosely fitting jeans, and make sure to cover your lift shoes as much possible
- Always wear long sleeved shirts / jackets to distract from your uneven proportions
- Try walking at an accelerated pace; walking slowly in thick lifts can feel weird
- Try not to walk around with your chest puffed and shoulders outwards. People can notice easily. Your posture should be somewhat hunched but also straightened as to make the most from the lifts
-NEVER wear brightly colored or excessively large shoes, shoes that make any kind of noticeable noise. Basically anything that serves to draw excessive attention from anyone.
- If someone asks about your height, state your frauded height minus 1-1.5 inches. For example, if you're frauding 6'2. say that you're 6 foot and a half, or 6 foot one. People are much more likely to believe a downgraded height claim than an upgraded one. If anything, they will comment about you how you look taller and how you "must be 6'3 teehee".

5'10-6'1 manlets who need to view this thread:
@Future Arablite
@future chadlite

my short arab legs failed me bad tbh
Stop bullying me man I'm practically a manlet in the west
read the post :feelsautistic:
Ideally you want the thickest shoes possible in order to not overdo it with the insoles. Timberlands, work boots, and dress shoes work the best. Sneakers, I don't think they can fit an insole, so no.
You can still wear thiccc sneakers and stuff socks in there lmao.

2 inches is comfortable, 3 inches begins hurt at the end of the day, and 4 inches is pretty painful since you're almost tiptoeing. Those 5 inch lift boots look absolutely ridiculous, like you're standing on top of a box

Does it not have a negative impact to your body or foot if u wear 2 inch+ lifts your lifetime?

Id say 1 inch is ideal
my short arab legs failed me bad tbh
short arab legs??? arabs don't have these proportions
Stop bullying me man I'm practically a manlet in the west
wear 2 inch lifts and you're good to go
Does it not have a negative impact to your body or foot if u wear 2 inch+ lifts your lifetime?

Id say 1 inch is ideal
Idk about specific insole measurements but obviously wearing ridiculous lifts all the time is going to harm your joints, posture, etc..
same with women who wear 5 inch heels for 30 years
1 inches is too little to make any difference. Most shoes have thicker heels than that.
short arab legs??? arabs don't have these proportions
They do, at least the ones in the 5'8-5'11 range that i know all seem to have short legs
Idk about the levant, it may be different there because you guys have more european (facial and body wise) resembling features than iraqis and other arabs
u can still lift fraud. It will just look more obvious tbh.
@Future Arablite
For those of you in the 5'10-6'1 (178-185 cm) range, there is no perhaps no greater booster to your SMV and confidence than to fraud with lifts.

Stop being high-inhib, stop overthinking shit like I do. It's better to fraud a couple inches of height and risk getting exposed, than to continue living as a semi-manlet (or even a full on manlet in some regions), getting heightmogged by 13 year olds left and right. A single heightmogg (defined by Dr. @SomethingOff , PhD as a height difference equal to or above 4 inches) is enough to leave you feeling like shit for the rest of your day. Now imagine being heightmogged by around half of males if not more, and a sizable proportion of FEMALES as well. Instead of referencing your outdated and inaccurate (((statistics))), leave your room, take a stroll, and report back.

Stop relying on arcane height statistics taken from rural china (as @Afrikancel put it). A quick stroll around your neighborhood or college campus should quickly dispel the idea that 5'9-5'10 is the average male height. Even areas with a high deathnic manlet population will still average at or above this height. Honestly, just fucking lol at believing that the average well-off male in the 18-35 age range (aka your competition, aka the relevant populational sub-group) is anything less than 5'11-6'0 ON AVERAGE. Those of who you live in areas with high concentrations of white germanics (such as the american midwest or northern europe) will have it even worse. Just ask @Curious0 about his personal experience.

The reason why I specifically include the 5'10-6'1 height range is because it is at this height that lifts will give you the greatest return on investment. Manlets such as @Swagwaffle would have to wear huge lifts and endure pain and discomfort for the rest of the day, in return for a negligible increase in height, going from turbo-manlet to just manlet or below average. Which in the eyes of females is still a manlet. On the otherhand, tallfags like @badromance would only go from being tall (i.e, 95th percentile) to being very tall (i.e, 98-99th percentile), which, if anything, would only serve to draw negative attention to their facial and bodily flaws. Aka their personality.

However, you 5'10-6'1 brahs could experience significant changes in confidence, body image, and female attention by wearing lifts since such heights are close to the male average depending on location. 6'0 brahs in particular can fraud 1 inch with thick shoes alone, and up to 3 inches with shoes + lifts. The difference between 6'0 and 6'3 can be pretty astounding especially if you live in the states. 5'10 brahs can go from feeling like manlets to feeling pretty average (or maybe even slightly tall) around white males. 6'1 brahs can fraud up to 6'4 and feel like Gods. I recommend frauding in the 2-3 inch height range since it is the best compromise between results, pain, safety, and discomfort. Any shorter than that and you will not notice a significant difference. Any taller than that and it will seem as though you are constantly holding in a shit while walking. Anything above 4 inches is just ludicrous and asking to be caught.

If you're above 6'1 and are still autistic about your height, like @Nibba and @TakaRyo are, then it's probably not a bad idea to try out some 2 inch lifts.

Drawing less attention from normies:
- It helps to have disproprtionately long legs and a rather short torso
- Always wear long, somewhat loosely fitting jeans, and make sure to cover your lift shoes as much possible
- Always wear long sleeved shirts / jackets to distract from your uneven proportions
- Try walking at an accelerated pace; walking slowly in thick lifts can feel weird
- Try not to walk around with your chest puffed and shoulders outwards. People can notice easily. Your posture should be somewhat hunched but also straightened as to make the most from the lifts
-NEVER wear brightly colored or excessively large shoes, shoes that make any kind of noticeable noise. Basically anything that serves to draw excessive attention from anyone.
- If someone asks about your height, state your frauded height minus 1-1.5 inches. For example, if you're frauding 6'2. say that you're 6 foot and a half, or 6 foot one. People are much more likely to believe a downgraded height claim than an upgraded one. If anything, they will comment about you how you look taller and how you "must be 6'3 teehee".

5'10-6'1 manlets who need to view this thread:
@Future Arablite
@future chadlite
High IQ thread as usual.

For the demographic we sexually compete with, i regularly am height mogged by white middle to upper class males with optimal nutrition.

5'10 is a manlet asf.

Me and nibba are 6'3 and we regulalry are heightmogged.

High IQ thread as usual.

For the demographic we sexually compete with, i regularly am height mogged by white middle to upper class males with optimal nutrition.

5'10 is a manlet asf.

Me and nibba are 6'3 and we regulalry are heightmogged.

legit 6'3 or rounding up?
every centimeter counts

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