After leanmaxing women are making jokes about my tiny waist

If u are below 5'11 just bulk dont go lean
67 kilos at 5'9". Shredded with abs and veins everywhere.
Women tells me things like :
" look at your's so little "
They say that with a tone of someone not attracted at all.

" he can sit in the centre...he weighs 50 kilos "

" your legs are tinier than mine "

" you look like a 15 yo boy from behind " ( my height doesnt help in this case)

Keep in mind if you leanmax without roiding you will look less masculine and more like.a child who's starved.
Bro you need to slowly lean bulk back up now
Why are you saying this?
Cuz you will look like someone who dont workout plus being shorter make you look more buff
Bro I weigh 175ish at roughly the same height. Im 5' 10 on a good day. Muscles are attractive because they suggest physical strength and raw power. A V taper is attractive because it is physically advantageous for throwing things and fighting. Being 6% body fat is not attractive to women. Women would find you more attractive if you were filled out with muscle MASS and at 12-14% body fat. There is no way in hell that a 147.71 pound guy looks healthy at 5' 9. Add some muscle and fat. Women like larger healthier and stronger looking men in regards to a body/physique. At that weight you look like a twink. Fill out asap. Eat more

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