All STEMcels live lives of quiet desperation. Gender studies moggs



Mar 20, 2020
I dont think there's a possibly sadder life than a male STEM student in modern colleges. Even a leprosy ridden trash collector in Bangladesh has a more fulfilling life.

I was in online class studying before final exam and the professor (short fat Mexican boomer) said to us when we where done "okay guys, make sure to study for next weeks test, I know it's going to be the weekend and you are ready to go out get some tequila and have fun. but try to save some time to study the material"
And the whole class of STEMcels looked at him like he was completely delusional, because he was. One of the ricecels said "ha, dont worry professor, definitely none of us are out partying" he said it in the most depressing self deprecating tone:feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy:

God damn this is depressing, literally the prime of their lives and STEM guys are wasting it wallowing away busting their asses for a shit potential job. And worst of all, they all know its over
It would be one thing if they where completely oblivious and bluepilled, but they know they are basement dwelling and missing out on their youth. This is more depressing than any genocide in human history, these young boys are having their youths genocided
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low IQ post

I dont think there's a possibly sadder life than a male STEM student in modern colleges. Even a leprosy ridden trash collector in Bangladesh has a more fulfilling life.

utter cope

And worst of all, they all know its over

it may indeed be sexually over for them, and they know that, but it isn’t over life-wise. For them, getting laid isn’t even close to being their main goal. Many STEMcels are actual intellectuals who study what they study because they genuinely are into the subjects. Rotting STEMcels in blackpill communities are the exceptions and aren’t the norm. Unlike other STEMnerds, we don’t get pleasure from studying STEM. We just want to put our penises in girls’ vaginas. But it’s incorrect to conclude that most male Western STEM students are just like we are.

Some of these people are volcels. Most of the incels are NOT SUFFERING. They don’t care a lot about getting laid like we do.

IMO, non-ugly guys who’re into blackpill/redpill dating stuff are dudes with above-average libidos.

I don’t know any people IRL who say they care about sex and dating as much as guys in redpill and blackpill communities seem to.
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I dont think there's a possibly sadder life than a male STEM student in modern colleges. Even a leprosy ridden trash collector in Bangladesh has a more fulfilling life.

I was in online class studying before final exam and the professor (short fat Mexican boomer) said to us when we where done "okay guys, make sure to study for next weeks test, I know it's going to be the weekend and you are ready to go out get some tequila and have fun. but try to save some time to study the material"
And the whole class of STEMcels looked at him like he was completely delusional, because he was. One of the ricecels said "ha, dont worry professor, definitely none of us are out partying" he said it in the most depressing self deprecating tone:feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy:

God damn this is depressing, literally the prime of their lives and STEM guys are wasting it wallowing away busting their asses for a shit potential job. And worst of all, they all know its over
It would be one thing if they where completely oblivious and bluepilled, but they know they are basement dwelling and missing out on their youth. This is more depressing than any genocide in human history, these young boys are having their youths genocided
I'm so glad I am in china
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low IQ post

utter cope
How is that cope?

Think about it, realistically what's their best possible return on investment?
Around a 100k job waging for the rest of their lives, and what did they have to pay for it? Their youth, they will never have those teen/young adult years back. No parties, no sex, no socializing. And even worse they will work in a 99% Male autistic office so their future is worse
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I go out on Friday, Saturday night ,Sunday evenings , on some Tuesday/Thursday nights (uni parties at clubs) and on home drinking gatherings on Mondays. My grades are still top 10% in my year. Cope. Just work properly theory, it's not that hard, treat it as a job (6-8hrs per day including the classes), then you have remaining like 8-10hrs to do whatever the fuck you want. Maybe true for ricecels in top top unis, but even in TU Delft (which is like top 10 world for engineering) my acquaintance has a lot of time for partying/socializing. Most stemcels are there anyways cause "muh high iq field :soy::soy:" . I'm basically cruising through it and Im go into finance/business admin after and wont have to worry about "didnt make enough nerdy shit to be considered by stockx/tesla:feelswhy::feelswhy:"
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This is going to blow your mind but what about this . . . What if . . . THEY'RE INTERESTED IN THESE SUBJECTS???!!! :feelswow::feelswow::feelswow:

Maybe just MAYBE there's things in life besides sex with women out of your league, lmao. Disgusting piece of shit rotting 2/10 incel lol. You're not entitled to an attractive girl
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Most of those students you mention are cucks by nature/personality, this field does attract them cause you're probably naturally introverted if you're into doing stuff alone/small projects (especially in electrical engineering, cause all mecheng ppl ive known are ultra extroverted). It would be same if they were in any other field for them. If econ, they'd be perma rotting with stocks/crypto, if law they'd be perma reading books. In the end it's just who you're deciding to be and sticking to it, the one who slaves (well they enjoy it too though) for well known companies that give no shits about you, or the one that keeps a balance between understanding the actual material and how to apply it at a good level , and being social/going into management field/having your own office.
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Reactions: MostGLSlayer, Mewton, PURE ARYAN GENETICS and 2 others
I go out on Friday, Saturday night ,Sunday evenings , on some Tuesday/Thursday nights (uni parties at clubs) and on home drinking gatherings on Mondays. My grades are still top 10% in my year. Cope. Just work properly theory, it's not that hard, treat it as a job (6-8hrs per day including the classes), then you have remaining like 8-10hrs to do whatever the fuck you want. Maybe true for ricecels in top top unis, but even in TU Delft (which is like top 10 world for engineering) my acquaintance has a lot of time for partying/socializing. Most stemcels are there anyways cause "muh high iq field :soy::soy:" . I'm basically cruising through it and Im go into finance/business admin after and wont have to worry about "didnt make enough nerdy shit to be considered by stockx/tesla:feelswhy::feelswhy:"
Yea it's almost as if you can have both a social life and be responsible at the same time lol
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This is going to blow your mind but what about this . . . What if . . . THEY'RE INTERESTED IN THESE SUBJECTS???!!! :feelswow::feelswow::feelswow:

Maybe just MAYBE there's things in life besides sex with women out of your league, lmao. Disgusting piece of shit rotting 2/10 incel lol. You're not entitled to an attractive girl
That's one of the main things I'm trying to address. THEY WANT BOTH
As that stemcel depressingly showed, they want to have fun. Go out. Have sex. But it's not possible for them, not even that all of them are subhumans, some of the normies could get something if they socialmaxxed. But they have been rotting chained to textbooks since 10 by their parents
  • +1
Also gender studies definitely don't mog . . . At least not the degree. It's just the people who go into that are disgustingly entitled and spoiled rotten leftist suburban white girls. They life mog because of their preexisting lives not because they went into gender studies

They're sheltered as shit so they can afford to blow their time and money on a useless degree
That's one of the main things I'm trying to address. THEY WANT BOTH
As that stemcel depressingly showed, they want to have fun. Go out. Have sex. But it's not possible for them, not even that all of them are subhumans, some of the normies could get something if they socialmaxxed. But they have been rotting chained to textbooks since 10 by their parents
You don't need to throw away all socializing to get good grades. They're doing it wrong if they have to sacrifice socializing for studying.
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I go out on Friday, Saturday night ,Sunday evenings , on some Tuesday/Thursday nights (uni parties at clubs) and on home drinking gatherings on Mondays. My grades are still top 10% in my year. Cope. Just work properly theory, it's not that hard, treat it as a job (6-8hrs per day including the classes), then you have remaining like 8-10hrs to do whatever the fuck you want. Maybe true for ricecels in top top unis, but even in TU Delft (which is like top 10 world for engineering) my acquaintance has a lot of time for partying/socializing. Most stemcels are there anyways cause "muh high iq field :soy::soy:" . I'm basically cruising through it and Im go into finance/business admin after and wont have to worry about "didnt make enough nerdy shit to be considered by stockx/tesla:feelswhy::feelswhy:"
Your comparing your gigachad engineering STEM student peers to the average vast majority of stemcels.
We know how this works, the best, richest, well connected, etc get into those big top colleges like yours. Obviously they are gonna be out doing shit, they are part of the elite.
But you are neglecting the 99.9% of other study drones in colleges around the country
You don't need to throw away all socializing to get good grades. They're doing it wrong if they have to sacrifice socializing for studying.
Yes not everyone needs to, but for most people this is probably what they need to be doing if they are gonna succeed, even more so if they grew up with insane parents demanding perfect test grades their whole lives.
You gotta remember the average person is braindead, the average STEMcel is just like that except they have to work hard to try and survive more challenging subjects
Your comparing your gigachad engineering STEM student peers to the average vast majority of stemcels.
We know how this works, the best, richest, well connected, etc get into those big top colleges like yours. Obviously they are gonna be out doing shit, they are part of the elite.
But you are neglecting the 99.9% of other study drones in colleges around the country
That's probably just because they don't have social skills . Lol do you really think ugly people can't make friends ? Yea it's gonna be harder but you act like it's high school and people are gonna throw eggs at you when you step outside
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Reactions: EggKing, Deleted member 14905, Deleted member 14918 and 1 other person
Your comparing your gigachad engineering STEM student peers to the average vast majority of stemcels.
We know how this works, the best, richest, well connected, etc get into those big top colleges like yours. Obviously they are gonna be out doing shit, they are part of the elite.
But you are neglecting the 99.9% of other study drones in colleges around the country
Nah mate you're losing the plot because you're either not in a stem uni or are projecting your own shitty experiences. What you said holds true, but only if you decide to make it true. In the end, it becomes exponentially harder to get good grades, so it's better to be like top 20 of your year and do other stuff with your life as well (because they matter too), than perma rot for a 10% grade increase. I'm only comparing myself and some others to all the rotters, for who you are right, they may just be 110 iq and just can't survive otherwise. I can't relate with that, that's all.
That's probably just because they don't have social skills . Lol do you really think ugly people can't make friends ? Yea it's gonna be harder but you act like it's high school and people are gonna throw eggs at you when you step outside
Your not understanding, their life choices up to that point (or rather their parents) has set them up for a life of loneliness and inceldom. What's more likely, that most guys in STEM have autism and that's why they can't socialize, or that they have been conditioned by their parents to be bookish and introverted thus causing them to be unable to socialize?
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Your not understanding, their life choices up to that point (or rather their parents) has set them up for a life of loneliness and inceldom. What's more likely, that most guys in STEM have autism and that's why they can't socialize, or that they have been conditioned by their parents to be bookish and introverted thus causing them to be unable to socialize?
Probably both. But that doesn't change that they can work on it. You're just making excuses to not try at this point. Ironically coping.
Probably both. But that doesn't change that they can work on it. You're just making excuses to not try at this point. Ironically coping.
"Just become sociable after a lifetime of high introversion and missed socialization"

Im not even talking about myself, I'm talking about the everyman. C'mon bro, 99% of guys require a high level of self reflection and brutal determination to surpass such a boundary. 99% of guys would fall into contemptness and go back to their PCs than try to socialize.
The only viable fix would be mandated government programs to force low socialized men into situations where they can develop, which sounds pretty promising. Something like the Hitler youth (lol I can't think of any other equivalent)
low IQ post

utter cope

it may indeed be sexually over for them, and they know that, but it isn’t over life-wise. For them, getting laid isn’t even close to being their main goal. Many STEMcels are actual intellectuals who study what they study because they genuinely are into the subjects. Rotting STEMcels in blackpill communities are the exceptions and aren’t the norm. Unlike other STEMnerds, we don’t get pleasure from studying STEM. We just want to put our penises in girls’ vaginas. But it’s incorrect to conclude that most male Western STEM students are just like we are.
Many of them are on the spectrum and STEM subjects are something they can delve into and genuinely enjoy
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"Just become sociable after a lifetime of high introversion and missed socialization"

Im not even talking about myself, I'm talking about the everyman. C'mon bro, 99% of guys require a high level of self reflection and brutal determination to surpass such a boundary. 99% of guys would fall into contemptness and go back to their PCs than try to socialize.
The only viable fix would be mandated government programs to force low socialized men into situations where they can develop, which sounds pretty promising. Something like the Hitler youth (lol I can't think of any other equivalent)
Lol I'm literally going through this right now. There's a guy at work I wanna talk to (no homo, as friends) but I can't bring myself to . I know it's not easy. But it's not impossible. And I could be doing more for the situation I'm just super fucking lazy and depressed
  • +1
Reactions: Crustaciouse_
I dont think there's a possibly sadder life than a male STEM student in modern colleges. Even a leprosy ridden trash collector in Bangladesh has a more fulfilling life.

I was in online class studying before final exam and the professor (short fat Mexican boomer) said to us when we where done "okay guys, make sure to study for next weeks test, I know it's going to be the weekend and you are ready to go out get some tequila and have fun. but try to save some time to study the material"
And the whole class of STEMcels looked at him like he was completely delusional, because he was. One of the ricecels said "ha, dont worry professor, definitely none of us are out partying" he said it in the most depressing self deprecating tone:feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy:

God damn this is depressing, literally the prime of their lives and STEM guys are wasting it wallowing away busting their asses for a shit potential job. And worst of all, they all know its over
It would be one thing if they where completely oblivious and bluepilled, but they know they are basement dwelling and missing out on their youth. This is more depressing than any genocide in human history, these young boys are having their youths genocided
Good post, ngl.
Yeah, they may be more financially successful later, so what?

I would prefer being some Chad guy fucking all the college girls and then getting a low - medium income job rather than studying all day long and eventually becoming some high-income truecel.
Like, yeah great, you now have money. - Still you wasted your youth away and you can never get it back.
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Reactions: EggKing, horizontallytall and Crustaciouse_
I was in online class studying before final exam and the professor (short fat Mexican boomer) said to us when we where done "okay guys, make sure to study for next weeks test, I know it's going to be the weekend and you are ready to go out get some tequila and have fun. but try to save some time to study the material"
And the whole class of STEMcels looked at him like he was completely delusional, because he was. One of the ricecels said "ha, dont worry professor, definitely none of us are out partying" he said it in the most depressing self deprecating tone:feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry:
The professor was probably making fun of them, sometimes normies like to mock people who are obvious incels and look very nerdy by telling them stuff like "don't party to hard!", "ladies should watch out for you!", etc.
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The professor was probably making fun of them, sometimes normies like to mock people who are obvious incels and look very nerdy by telling them stuff like "don't party to hard!", "ladies should watch out for you!", etc.
Lol sadly these boomers have had such opposite life experiences due to the eras they grew up in that they still think it applies to young guys now.
This is the same professor that unironically told the class after a lecture that we could get a $25 an hour job with just the knowledge we learned that day (jfl and all he taught us was some basic network connection shit any fresh subhuman can do) :lul::lul::lul:
These boomer professors think we still have insane job opportunities and sex lives like they had 40 years ago
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Good post, ngl.
Yeah, they may be more financially successful later, so what?

I would prefer being some Chad guy fucking all the college girls and then getting a low - medium income job rather than studying all day long and eventually becoming some high-income truecel.
Like, yeah great, you now have money. - Still you wasted your youth away and you can never get it back.
Time is the only thing worth fuzzing about.

Youth, is forming for rest of life
Good post, ngl.
Yeah, they may be more financially successful later, so what?

I would prefer being some Chad guy fucking all the college girls and then getting a low - medium income job rather than studying all day long and eventually becoming some high-income truecel.
Like, yeah great, you now have money. - Still you wasted your youth away and you can never get it back.
This one of the worst ways our money hungry society has ruined mens lives.

I'd also add this is one of the insane effects ethnic/immigrant parents have on their sons. These parents are in a culture where when they are old they expect their sons to take care of them, so they dont give a fuck if hes insanely depressed and an incel, all they care is that he gets a high earning job so that he can support them when they are old. What a joke world :feelscry:
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Lol sadly these boomers have had such opposite life experiences due to the eras they grew up in that they still think it applies to young guys now.
This is the same professor that unironically told the class after a lecture that we could get a $25 an hour job with just the knowledge we learned that day (jfl and all he taught us was some basic network connection shit any fresh subhuman can do) :lul::lul::lul:
These boomer professors think we still have insane job opportunities and sex lives like they had 40 years ago
To add.
In many countries, it's also kinda over for BetaBuxxing. At least, way less women are into that now.
Because women have enough money and financial security already, that they don't need that from a dude anymore.
The few women still into BetaBuxxing, can get rich guys and alot of money. Because, still alot of guys believe alot of women want guys with money. So, the amount of guys trying to lead with money, is more than the amount of women that have that as number 1 factor in their list. So, a guy now ruining BetaBuxxing game, needs to pay allot more than in the past.
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Reactions: horizontallytall, LampPostPrime, Gonthar and 2 others
Good post, ngl.
Yeah, they may be more financially successful later, so what?

I would prefer being some Chad guy fucking all the college girls and then getting a low - medium income job rather than studying all day long and eventually becoming some high-income truecel.
Like, yeah great, you now have money. - Still you wasted your youth away and you can never get it back.
Yea and that's why OP should be encouraging them to socialize while young, not discouraging them and telling them it's over
How is that cope?

Think about it, realistically what's their best possible return on investment?
Around a 100k job waging for the rest of their lives, and what did they have to pay for it? Their youth, they will never have those teen/young adult years back. No parties, no sex, no socializing. And even worse they will work in a 99% Male autistic office so their future is worse
i didnt STEMcel and don't have a 100k wagie job guaranteed but i still lost my youth rotting
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 9568
I dont think there's a possibly sadder life than a male STEM student in modern colleges. Even a leprosy ridden trash collector in Bangladesh has a more fulfilling life.

I was in online class studying before final exam and the professor (short fat Mexican boomer) said to us when we where done "okay guys, make sure to study for next weeks test, I know it's going to be the weekend and you are ready to go out get some tequila and have fun. but try to save some time to study the material"
And the whole class of STEMcels looked at him like he was completely delusional, because he was. One of the ricecels said "ha, dont worry professor, definitely none of us are out partying" he said it in the most depressing self deprecating tone:feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy::feelscry::feelswhy:

God damn this is depressing, literally the prime of their lives and STEM guys are wasting it wallowing away busting their asses for a shit potential job. And worst of all, they all know its over
It would be one thing if they where completely oblivious and bluepilled, but they know they are basement dwelling and missing out on their youth. This is more depressing than any genocide in human history, these young boys are having their youths genocided
if they weren't in stem they'd still be incel, just like if you're a Chad in stem doesn't make you a loser, you just mog even harder
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if they weren't in stem they'd still be incel, just like if you're a Chad in stem doesn't make you a loser, you just mog even harder
I'd say it's the opposite, a Chad in STEM is experiencing a mega life min.
Think about it, his immediate social surroundings is comprised of socially stunted autists. He is gonna have a shit social life unless he goes out of his way.
I experienced this myself, trying to make friends among the guys in my STEM related classes is futile. They are boring as fuck and antisocial, and the most social shit they are up to doing is getting on a discord call.
All my friends I've made in college have been through non STEM related classes like English, and other electives where normies exist
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I'd say it's the opposite, a Chad in STEM is experiencing a mega life min.
Think about it, his immediate social surroundings is comprised of socially stunted autists. He is gonna have a shit social life unless he goes out of his way.
I experienced this myself, trying to make friends among the guys in my STEM related classes is futile. They are boring as fuck and antisocial, and the most social shit they are up to doing is getting on a discord call.
All my friends I've made in college have been through non STEM related classes like English, and other electives where normies exist
Normies are the boring ones lol. No real conversations, low IQ, mindlessly consuming the latest Netflix trending show. How tf can you think they're the interesting ones . STEM types are the real interesting ones.
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Autists have actual interests outside generic superficial attention paid to the latest trend lmao
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Autists have actual interests outside generic superficial attention paid to the latest trend lmao
The issue is most of those niggas are high inhib and anti social so even if you share an interest with them, chances are yoh won't even know it or connect since they are sitting alone trying to get by without feeling stressed by anxiety.
It's really brutal, I've struggled with this myself, and experienced it coming from other guys
The issue is most of those niggas are high inhib and anti social so even if you share an interest with them, chances are yoh won't even know it or connect since they are sitting alone trying to get by without feeling stressed by anxiety.
It's really brutal, I've struggled with this myself, and experienced it coming from other guys
that isn't all of those niggas, I'm into STEM and i am not a high inhib incel i act like a nt normie and fake laugh and talk about everything normies talk about (rap, music, movies, money and women)
Imagine getting into a college with 99% men?lol
At least 50% must be women.
There are fields in the stem with many women, chemistry, biology
imagine studying 6 years to get a master degree in computer science, and then working in a shithole country (mine is Italy) with a 1000 euro net salary (income tax is 22% to 43%), VAT tax on 22% plus a shit ton of extra taxes like house property tax and sanitation tax.
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Imagine getting into a college with 99% men?lol
At least 50% must be women.
There are fields in the stem with many women, chemistry, biology


ugly men like me are studying 3 to 7 years in a place with unbearable testosterone smell, to learn difficoult mathematical and engineeristic disciplines, while good looking men are graduating in medical schools, biological sciences, or even humanities. They live in god mode since they are able to sleep with most girls they want and the possibility to interact with multiple women in real lift boosts their chances.
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If you're ugly sub4
It doesnt matter which major you choose , you're still fucked
If its some NT major then you'll NTmax and socialize:soy: only to jestermax
Meanwhile in STEM you'll just monkmode like all around you

Youth socializing is very important i agree. But if you're ugly in the first place, STEMcelling or some other demanding career is the last of your problems
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Reactions: EggKing, Deleted member 9568, koalendo and 2 others
The issue is most of those niggas are high inhib and anti social so even if you share an interest with them, chances are yoh won't even know it or connect since they are sitting alone trying to get by without feeling stressed by anxiety.
It's really brutal, I've struggled with this myself, and experienced it coming from other guys
That has nothing to do with how interesting they are tho. You can just talk to them then first too
I really was about to become like this but thankfully I came to my senses
I'm gonna ascend with plastic surgery and go to med school maybe
Most of those students you mention are cucks by nature/personality,
Also the other day I was gonna point this out but didn't have the energy to argue. This is what I mean it was stupid of you in the rap thread to say "generalization bad". You're literally doing it here. Ofc you are, the whole incelsphere is about generalizing lol.
Also the other day I was gonna point this out but didn't have the energy to argue. This is what I mean it was stupid of you in the rap thread to say "generalization bad". You're literally doing it here. Ofc you are, the whole incelsphere is about generalizing lol.
You misread probably, this is not exactly a generalization, more like a false assumption if anything. The original thread said stemcels live "depressing/cucked lives" which is a generalization, and all I said is that only a specific subset of students, that displays this set of trends, regardless of what they study (see my example about law students,econ students) , has this personality.

If you think this is even remotely the same as saying "rap class=low class af" and "rap listeners=nerds and cringe" then I'm not sure what to tell you mate :hnghn:
You misread probably, this is not exactly a generalization, more like a false assumption if anything. The original thread said stemcels live "depressing/cucked lives" which is a generalization, and all I said is that only a specific subset of students, that displays this set of trends, regardless of what they study (see my example about law students,econ students) , has this personality.

If you think this is even remotely the same as saying "rap class=low class af" and "rap listeners=nerds and cringe" then I'm not sure what to tell you mate :hnghn:
Eh they're both generalizing just ones less a generalization than the other. Liking rap is a trait too ofc. And yes if rap is your favorite genre you obviously are a lot more likely to be low class. Lol at how incels always follow stereotypes UNTIL it gets to their personal likes/dislikes.
If it's something you like along with other genres tho, that's different.
low IQ post

utter cope

it may indeed be sexually over for them, and they know that, but it isn’t over life-wise. For them, getting laid isn’t even close to being their main goal. Many STEMcels are actual intellectuals who study what they study because they genuinely are into the subjects. Rotting STEMcels in blackpill communities are the exceptions and aren’t the norm. Unlike other STEMnerds, we don’t get pleasure from studying STEM. We just want to put our penises in girls’ vaginas. But it’s incorrect to conclude that most male Western STEM students are just like we are.
Reading this post after u came out as transgender
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Reactions: thecel
You misread probably, this is not exactly a generalization, more like a false assumption if anything. The original thread said stemcels live "depressing/cucked lives" which is a generalization, and all I said is that only a specific subset of students, that displays this set of trends, regardless of what they study (see my example about law students,econ students) , has this personality.

If you think this is even remotely the same as saying "rap class=low class af" and "rap listeners=nerds and cringe" then I'm not sure what to tell you mate :hnghn:
" you're probably naturally introverted if you're into doing stuff alone/small projects"

Didn't you say in the other thread it's bad to generalize based on hobbies? That's what you're doing here . . . Again it's just really obvious you took exception with the rap thing probably cuz it's your personal like
" you're probably naturally introverted if you're into doing stuff alone/small projects"

Didn't you say in the other thread it's bad to generalize based on hobbies? That's what you're doing here . . . Again it's just really obvious you took exception with the rap thing probably cuz it's your personal like
Buddy just drop it , I dont even care that much about rap (I do listen to it however) , and I cba to get dragged into making more unproven claims. Because apparently that's all that matters to you, that scientifically we're not correct claiming x,y without testing, so therefore x = y , even though x has 10 times the argumentative value of y .It's like saying "every footballer = retarded" and comparing that to what I said, and since both are unproven, you can just claim that both are correct/you're not wrong. Like fuck, even my example is less retarded than the original thread.
Buddy just drop it , I dont even care that much about rap (I do listen to it however) , and I cba to get dragged into making more unproven claims. Because apparently that's all that matters to you, that scientifically we're not correct claiming x,y without testing, so therefore x = y , even though x has 10 times the argumentative value of y .It's like saying "every footballer = retarded" and comparing that to what I said, and since both are unproven, you can just claim that both are correct/you're not wrong. Like fuck, even my example is less retarded than the original thread.
more histrionic indignation and coping cuz u have no argument. "Drop it" = you're giving up and have lost. Same as the other thread where you were basically the crying wojak with laughing mask meme lol. Laugh reacting cuz u have no comeback
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 3946
Nigga big triggered trying to prove he is chill with the laugh reacts :ROFLMAO:
more histrionic indignation and coping cuz u have no argument. "Drop it" = you're giving up and have lost. Same as the other thread where you were basically the crying wojak with laughing mask meme lol. Laugh reacting cuz u have no comeback
Can't win with such an exquisite argumentator as you , I definitely won't win the battle of "who replies last wins" . Enjoy feeling ultra superior bro you deserve it :bigbrain:

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