All these retards saying "6'2 is average" "6'5 or death" are retards



Apr 21, 2024
I was at chik fil a today and there was this really really long line and I (6'1 barefoot) heightmogged literally every person there

The average guy is like 5'9ish
Zoomers aren't giants
People here are just delusional
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White zoomers are 5’11 on average
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White zoomers are 5’11 on average
I don't think so tbh
Most white zoomers I meet are shorter than me
Maybe 5'10 in taller areas but 5'11 is pushing it
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Is 5’10 an acceptable height then
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People here are just delusional
"im 6'2 bro and like every female heightmogs me for some reason"

"zoomers 6'3 average bro and females are 6ft average"

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I'm a zoomfaggot and I'm 5'5 :feelswhy:
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Is 5’10 an acceptable height then
Yea you can slay at that height

It won't be a halo of course but if you have a good face your heights not gonna stop you from slaying
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I am 6’5” and I never see people taller than me lol. On average I’m the tallest person in a building/store/resturaunt/general public space. Only time I’ve ever seen someone that heightmogged me was in line at walmart a month ago and he was like 6’7”-6’8”. On average men are like 5’9-5’11”
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I am 6’5” and I never see people taller than me lol. On average I’m the tallest person in a building/store/resturaunt/general public space. Only time I’ve ever seen someone that heightmogged me was in line at walmart a month ago and he was like 6’7”-6’8”. On average men are like 5’9-5’11”
Yea exactly
You tower over everybody you meet at 6'5 so how can the avg zoomer be 6'3
Yea exactly
You tower over everybody you meet at 6'5 so how can the avg zoomer be 6'3
It is such an outrageous statement formed in the warping of reality and the abscence of any substantial truth that I’m forced to believe that anyone that unironically claims these things are eithr shitposting, or never go outside. Like at 6” you do not get heightmogged by foids every time you leave the house. That’s absurd.
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average height for ricecel
i thought u were gonna be inactive u black little nigger why do i see u posting everyday
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whenever someone says that it just exposes themselves as a rotter or completely delusional about ppl’s heights. the average man is still 5’9-5’10. 6’2 easily stands out
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Can’t unfortunately, I look too masc and my pheno doesn’t support femboymaxxing:feelsbadman:
I look feminine due to a lot of estrogen from high bf% but in general I’m an ogre with an aggresive nigger phenotype. I would look like that one meme of this huge oiled up black dude dancing in a pink skirt and thigh highs. If I was 5’5” and feminine (not an ogre) I would probably femboymaxx if my options were low.
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ur overdosing on copium

no foid will look at you if ur below 6’8
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ur overdosing on copium

no foid will look at you if ur below 6’8
Is that kid actually u in that thread u posted a while back or was that larp
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I’m 6’2” and it’s rare that I get legit height mogged, mog being 2-3 inches or more. But everyone framemogs me, lankletism is actually pretty rare among adult men in America.
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If I was 5’5” and feminine (not an ogre) I would probably femboymaxx if my options were low.
Then we agree :feelsyay:

I’m a 5’3 teramanlet, if only I was feminine looking and/or rice:feelsrope:
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@rand anon srs qstion
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I was at chik fil a today and there was this really really long line and I (6'1 barefoot) heightmogged literally every person there

The average guy is like 5'9ish
Zoomers aren't giants
People here are just delusional
6'7 or death
I’m 6’2” and it’s rare that I get legit height mogged, mog being 2-3 inches or more. But everyone framemogs me, lankletism is actually pretty rare among adult men in America.
Are you sitting on your bed with a blanket over your shoulders?
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I was at chik fil a today and there was this really really long line and I (6'1 barefoot) heightmogged literally every person there

The average guy is like 5'9ish
Zoomers aren't giants
People here are just delusional
average guy is like 5'6 to 5'8
then brah in shoes are like 5'9 range

most brah dont realize they walk pass 10 5'6 to 5'8 guy before they walk by a 5'10 guy and think all brahs are over 6 foot
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I was at chik fil a today and there was this really really long line and I (6'1 barefoot) heightmogged literally every person there

The average guy is like 5'9ish
Zoomers aren't giants
People here are just delusional
muh i mogged everybody in the line at chic fil a

but think about the hottest female in the line at chic fil a. it’s probably a 4/10 nigger who is slightly better than the 4000 lb goblinas in the rest of the line. muh i was the tallest in the chic fil a line so that means 6’5 is cope cmon now
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this is why this happens.
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I was at chik fil a today and there was this really really long line and I (6'1 barefoot) heightmogged literally every person there

The average guy is like 5'9ish
Zoomers aren't giants
People here are just delusional
face is all that matters, so long as u aren't super short like 5'7 or below, or u aren't at a party where every nigga is 6'5 then you just need the face
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people who say 6'5 or death watch too many femcel wattpad tiktoks

JFL at 6'7 billionaire serial killer shape shifts into a wolf rapes y/n then apologises (18+)
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Reactions: RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿, ilovetakis and theonewhocantascend
talking about height and not specifying the region is retard tier behaviour
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