All these retards saying "6'2 is average" "6'5 or death" are retards

talking about height and not specifying the region is retard tier behaviour
He must live in some third world shithole.

6'2 in a place like Scandinavia, it's just alright, you better prepare your ass to be mogged by foids wearing heels. :feelsree:

When you are >6'4 , you hardly ever will be mogged by anyone, anywhere.
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talking about height and not specifying the region is retard tier behaviour
USA buddy
He must live in some third world shithole.

6'2 in a place like Scandinavia, it's just alright, you better prepare your ass to be mogged by foids wearing heels. :feelsree:

When you are >6'4 , you hardly ever will be mogged by anyone, anywhere.
I live in the US

Didn't know third world shitholes had chik fil a
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ur overdosing on copium

no foid will look at you if ur below 6’8
Then why does your mom do a lot more than just look at me every night
I’m 6’2” and it’s rare that I get legit height mogged, mog being 2-3 inches or more. But everyone framemogs me, lankletism is actually pretty rare among adult men in America.
You just have a 14 inch bideltoid or something
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muh i mogged everybody in the line at chic fil a

but think about the hottest female in the line at chic fil a. it’s probably a 4/10 nigger who is slightly better than the 4000 lb goblinas in the rest of the line. muh i was the tallest in the chic fil a line so that means 6’5 is cope cmon now
The cashier was pretty hot

And I heightmog most people pretty much everywhere not just chik fil a lmao
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average guy is like 5'6 to 5'8
then brah in shoes are like 5'9 range

most brah dont realize they walk pass 10 5'6 to 5'8 guy before they walk by a 5'10 guy and think all brahs are over 6 foot
Idk about that
Maybe in ethnicland but most white guys are taller than 5'6
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Idk about that
Maybe in ethnicland but most white guys are taller than 5'6
most white brah are like 5'7

take a measuring tape and see yourself
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most white brah are like 5'7

take a measuring tape and see yourself
I might have to pay more attention to that next time I'm in a busy public area
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I was at chik fil a today and there was this really really long line and I (6'1 barefoot) heightmogged literally every person there

The average guy is like 5'9ish
Zoomers aren't giants
People here are just delusional
Chick fil a in shangai probably😹
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I hope you amerimutts reincarnate in europe in the next life to see what lifes really like with the heightpocalypse that is happening here.
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I hope you amerimutts reincarnate in europe in the next life to see what lifes really like with the heightpocalypse that is happening here.
Cope all commie europoors are 5'5
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Cope all commie europoors are 5'5
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I don't think so tbh
Most white zoomers I meet are shorter than me
Maybe 5'10 in taller areas but 5'11 is pushing it
even then it will just get worse
none of you think of the bigger picture you deserve to suffer
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even then it will just get worse
none of you think of the bigger picture you deserve to suffer
No the avg height has stayed the same for decades

It's not gonna get worse
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even then it will just get worse
none of you think of the bigger picture you deserve to suffer
Xenostrogens are stunting growth, EE is getting tallera nd taller thougha.
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please come outside in 2027
Ok I will
And I will heightmog everyone just as I do today

The average height is not gonna go up in 3 years you silly boy
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people who say 6'5 or death watch too many femcel wattpad tiktoks

JFL at 6'7 billionaire serial killer shape shifts into a wolf rapes y/n then apologises (18+)
I want to be the wattpad fantasy. That's why I'm going to get leg lengthening.
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There’s a difference between trannymaxxing and femboymaxxing, I never recommend the former :feelsautistic:
with trannymaxxing you keep your hairline nw0 till oldcel age though...
  • Hmm...
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I am 6’5” and I never see people taller than me lol. On average I’m the tallest person in a building/store/resturaunt/general public space. Only time I’ve ever seen someone that heightmogged me was in line at walmart a month ago and he was like 6’7”-6’8”. On average men are like 5’9-5’11”
Why tf are you rotting on here with that height? Are you aspie?
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with trannymaxxing you keep your hairline nw0 till oldcel age though...
Yeah but the aesthetic is different and chopping off ur dick limits u to lesbos :feelsbadman:

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