All you need is a Test only cycle

Jeff Seid and Zyzz are both good height and are perfect SMV for women. You obv have zero experience gaurantee your lay count is zero
It depends on the girl but atleast it stands out. Where i live most guys have a physique thats lean and half the size of me natty so having the connor Murphy body is the only thing that stands out. Theres a good chunk of girls who like it and 99% of dudes will never hit that look so its a good niche
  • +1
Reactions: Racky and Deleted member 2268
How bad is test for health and lipids in your opinion
It improves metabolic health overall but due to the aromatization, it fucks slightly up your lipid profile. Nothing dangerous tho. Citrus bergamot is enough to course correct it
  • Love it
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Tren is far worse for lipids than 500 test…
That’s what I’m saying bro. Why take all this risk just to look like some male gaze coping retard.
  • +1
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Deca only cycle moggs, no hair loss either.
Resd taiean's article, he's a based and doesn't give normie advice. I'll run Deca only next year at low dose. Till that I'll play around with peptides and sarms
That man is a god.
That’s what I’m saying bro. Why take all this risk just to look like some male gaze coping retard.
Why do you keep saying this male gaze shit when you literally have a shit dyel 0 appeal body. I actually know what physiques are male gaze because ive experimented with all of them on myself. You dont lift your physique is shit youve never done steroids or know the side effects but on looksmax you come here pretending as if you even have a clue.
  • +1
Reactions: HinnieVacker
I was natty here. I did good on tinder but i did even better when i was bulked up. Alot of girls sent me messages about them wanting me to choke them out with my big arms. You keep calling me some ugly overcompensating dude but youre the guy whos incel and gets no girls lol meanwhile i never really struggled back then at all
Bro were you on gear or natty. You are saying two very different things at the same time.
Also I was never an incel. Even when I was a fat ass round headed slob I was still slaying chicks. I have a 5 body count which may look puny in the west I agree, but here people will only ever have sex with their wives. I’m mostly here to look for ways to improve and get money that’s it. Ugly ass gymcell
This thread isn't completely retarded, only slightly.

Tapering test dosages is the stupidest shit ever, the ester will do that naturally.
The reason why different steroids were made was to get more of the beneficial properties of testosterone (anabolic ones) and less of the undesirable effects (water retention, estrogen conversion etc).

Yes, you can build a good and way above average physique on just test, and it's probably more than enough for most people who wanna dabble with steroids.

AI's are harmful on their own, one example where an additional steroid would be beneficial is primo or EQ, which can be used in replacement of an AI as it has estrogen inhibiting properties on it's own.

But yeah, blast and cruise or don't bother.
Last edited:
  • +1
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It depends on the girl but atleast it stands out. Where i live most guys have a physique thats lean and half the size of me natty so having the connor Murphy body is the only thing that stands out. Theres a good chunk of girls who like it and 99% of dudes will never hit that look so its a good niche
At least something I agree with. In Senegal everybody is lean skinny and very rarely will you see a guy that is built but at the same time not fat. There is a very big niche for that kind of physique and no one to fill it. And I’m taller than 99% of dudes and look facially better than 90% of them. Slayer path laid down
Most roiders here will take an insane number of compounds, multiple cycles and high doses just to look like your average lifter when all they ever needed is testosterone.

Most compounds are metabolically taxing. They will fuck you up from the brain, blood vessels, liver, heart and kidneys. The only that are pretty safe are Testosterone and Primobolan. All the rest is dangerous to some degree. I don’t see the need to use multiple dangerous compounds if you are not planning to become a bodybuilder or fitness influencer.

We all know that gymcelling is cope to a certain extent. All you need is surfer physique or a swimmer’s physique to be attractive.View attachment 1918704View attachment 1918705
Check the wide shoulders on swimmers View attachment 1918706View attachment 1918707

Anything bigger than this is just male gaze copeView attachment 1918708
And you can tell he is on roids.

My roiding philosophy is that you need an above natty limit physique, and that’s very easy to achieve with just test.

What are the benefits?
1- It saves you time. Instead of gymcelling for 3 to 5 years to hit your natty limit, you can achieve that and beyond in a year.

2- It’s cheap, effective, non toxic and you won’t need an entire pharmacy on deck to keep your metabolism in check.

3- You won’t have to cycle on and off for years risking your health, your hairline and your liver just for some male gaze cope.

What do you need for this cycle?
All you need is Testosterone Enanthate, an Aromatase inhibitor(Arimidex), a 5ar inhibiter( Finasteride or Dutasteride), Citrus bergamot, HCG and Clomid. And this is for best case scenario. If you don’t worry about hairloss, you won’t need fin. If you are a low aromatizer, you don’t need AI. If you don’t care about your blood lipids( they will go back to normal once the cycle is over) then you don’t need citrus bergamot. The only thing necessary here is Test, HCG for your balls to not shrivel up and Clomid to restore natural test production. That’s it.

What’s the cycle??
You start by injecting 150mg/w for 2 weeks.
Then up the dose by 50 to a 100mg every 2 weeks until you reach 500mg/week divided in two injections and you maintain it there.
4 weeks before the end of the cycle slowly reduce the injection to 200mg on your last week. Doing that you won’t be suppressed for too long and natural production will restart after 4 weeks.
If you notice an anomaly like puffy and sensitive nipples or overly emotional mood, you’ll need an AI.
If you notice hair shedding, you’ll need fin or you can just drop the cycle if you are hairloss prone.
500mg a day for Citrus Bergamot.
500IU of HCG twice a week during the cycle and 3000IU trice a week starting 3 weeks before the end of the cycle to 4 weeks after cycle.
Clomid 25mg a day 2 weeks before the end of the cycle to 4 weeks after.

This cycle should be at least 9 months up to a year and a half due to it’s low toxicity and relative cheapness. You will need an appropriate training regimen and nutrition to get the full benefits too.
After the cycle you’ll mog most natty gymcells. That’s enough to slay anywhere in the world.

@alriodai @Blackgymmax @Prettyboy @Racky @Niko69 @.... @tyronelite @TyroneJohnAnthony
What do you think of Oxandrolone cycle?

Anavar seems to have a better safety profile than test, and more anabolic. Also, unlike other orals, it does not influence the liver, so safe for big dosing. Pretty much what you describe, but no need for AI, HCG, finasteride (oxandrolone is hair safe). So oxandrolone only fucks with one's cholesterol (Bergamot), and it has a very short half-life, and does not inhibit test much, like by 40% at high doses, so the testosterone production will resume very fast after the end of the cycle, even without Chlomid.
  • +1
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At least something I agree with. In Senegal everybody is lean skinny and very rarely will you see a guy that is built but at the same time not fat. There is a very big niche for that kind of physique and no one to fill it. And I’m taller than 99% of dudes and look facially better than 90% of them. Slayer path laid down
I doubt youre better facially else you wouldnt be on here. Ive foid fished even in niģeria and there were alot of dudes with good jawlinee and eye area,arugably the same psl as guys in toronto or better but with pheno caps. If you had a 90 percentile face youd already be a slayer. Also i think i have like a 60%+ match rate in those shit holes so its drastically easier there. Pretty sure i match virtually every girl in nigger countries.
Why do you keep saying this male gaze shit when you literally have a shit dyel 0 appeal body. I actually know what physiques are male gaze because ive experimented with all of them on myself. You dont lift your physique is shit youve never done steroids or know the side effects but on looksmax you come here pretending as if you even have a clue.
Yeah I don’t train yeaaah. But I still would mog you to your ancestors graves if we were face to face. I do train and I plan on roiding after I moneymaxx. That’s why I studied the shit out of it. I don’t know everything and I can be pretty retarded sometimes but this is not an exemple of those moments
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackgymmax
This thread isn't completely retarded, only slightly.

Tapering test dosages is the stupidest shit ever, the ester will do that naturally.
The reason why different steroids were made was to get more of the beneficial properties of testosterone (anabolic ones) and less of the undesirable effects (water retention, estrogen conversion etc).

Yes, you can build a good and way above average physique on just test, and it's probably more than enough for most people who wanna dabble with steroids.

AI's are harmful on their own, one example where an additional steroid would be beneficial is primo or EQ, which can be used in replacement of an AI as it has estrogen inhibiting properties on it's own.

But yeah, blast and cruise or don't bother.
I designed it that way so that you wouldn’t have a huge amount of ester to cleave off after cycle and natural test production con resume pretty quickly. I wanna the pct side effects like loss of muscle mass and acne. The longer the pct is the more prone you are to these sides.

Yeah primo would be waaay better but it’s very expensive compared to an AI. If I was rich then maybe I would have made that trade off but this is Senegal.
Yeah I don’t train yeaaah. But I still would mog you to your ancestors graves if we were face to face. I do train and I plan on roiding after I moneymaxx. That’s why I studied the shit out of it. I don’t know everything and I can be pretty retarded sometimes but this is not an exemple of those moments
Keep dreaming incel lol
  • JFL
Reactions: Africancel
What do you think of Oxandrolone cycle?

Anavar seems to have a better safety profile than test, and more anabolic. Also, unlike other orals, it does not influence the liver, so safe for big dosing. Pretty much what you describe, but no need for AI, HCG, finasteride (oxandrolone is hair safe). So oxandrolone only fucks with one's cholesterol (Bergamot), and it has a very short half-life, and does not inhibit test much, like by 40% at high doses, so the testosterone production will resume very fast after the end of the cycle, even without Chlomid.
Oh that’s very interesting. I don’t know much about oxandrolone but it seems pretty promising.
Does it aromatize? What are it’s biggest strength and downsides??
Had 1000+ matches on tinder with that face with my gymcelling. Stay mad natty
damn bro, which slum in Bujumbura did you spoof your location to for that tinder experiment? the cibitoke?
  • JFL
Reactions: 5.5psl and ....
I doubt youre better facially else you wouldnt be on here. Ive foid fished even in niģeria and there were alot of dudes with good jawlinee and eye area,arugably the same psl as guys in toronto or better but with pheno caps. If you had a 90 percentile face youd already be a slayer. Also i think i have like a 60%+ match rate in those shit holes so its drastically easier there. Pretty sure i match virtually every girl in nigger countries.
Oh I already told you I’m a slayer, as much as a slayer can be in Senegal. And I don’t live in nigeria. I was slaying when my face was below 60% percentile off of height alone. Just continue coping and self hating. Me I’m gonna moneymaxx, improve till I reach chadlite/chad level and profit
  • +1
Reactions: ItsOVERBuddyBoyos
What do you think of Oxandrolone cycle?

Anavar seems to have a better safety profile than test, and more anabolic. Also, unlike other orals, it does not influence the liver, so safe for big dosing. Pretty much what you describe, but no need for AI, HCG, finasteride (oxandrolone is hair safe). So oxandrolone only fucks with one's cholesterol (Bergamot), and it has a very short half-life, and does not inhibit test much, like by 40% at high doses, so the testosterone production will resume very fast after the end of the cycle, even without Chlomid.
Doing anything without a test base (except MENT) is textbook retardedness, don't ever contemplate on doing that.

Oxandrolone being hair safe... Are you for real? It's literally a DHT derivative dude.
Oh that’s very interesting. I don’t know much about oxandrolone but it seems pretty promising.
Does it aromatize? What are it’s biggest strength and downsides??
Don't listen to that guy he is absolutely clueless.
damn bro, which slum in Bujumbura did you spoof your location to for that tinder experiment? the cibitoke?
Let him cope bruh. Hope I had the money to change location on tinder. Gonna change it to your city, mog the living shit out of everybody and just rub it in your face
  • JFL
Reactions: ItsOVERBuddyBoyos and Orc
Do you think 500mg/week of testosterone makes a significantly bigger difference than 200-250mg/week? Also in terms of cost-benefit ratio.
I saw a Youtuber who presented blood values and he went from 120 mg a week to 375, so the testosterone was three times the higher, but DHT gor Four times higher. He is on fin.
damn bro, which slum in Bujumbura did you spoof your location to for that tinder experiment? the cibitoke?
Went to random main cities in africa. Shits too easy. I dont know if op is overrating himself or im underrating myself due to nigger tax in the west, but its really easy if you look half decent. I was spammed with messages
Oh I already told you I’m a slayer, as much as a slayer can be in Senegal. And I don’t live in nigeria. I was slaying when my face was below 60% percentile off of height alone. Just continue coping and self hating. Me I’m gonna moneymaxx, improve till I reach chadlite/chad level and profit
Hardly a slayer brah lol. Im a full chad in any African country. The whole hundreds of matches a day and spammed with heart messages. Im untouchable in your poverty shitholes. I wouldnt complain if i lived in a place where the competition was low as yourself does
  • +1
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Let him cope bruh. Hope I had the money to change location on tinder. Gonna change it to your city, mog the living shit out of everybody and just rub it in your face
Youll get like 5 matches in a day in toronto as non gymcelled htn black lol.
Doing anything without a test base (except MENT) is textbook retardedness, don't ever contemplate on doing that.

Oxandrolone being hair safe... Are you for real? It's literally a DHT derivative dude.
Oh shit it’s not a test derivative?? How the hell can it be hair safe. I probably don’t have hairloss genes. My dad is 50 and still NW0 but still. I’m defo not playing russian roulette woth my hair
  • +1
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Oh that’s very interesting. I don’t know much about oxandrolone but it seems pretty promising.
Does it aromatize? What are it’s biggest strength and downsides??
Oxandrolone (anavar) does not aromatize.

===== Cons

It's biggest strength is the lack of sides pretty much: its worst side is that it nukes cholesterol, which is theoretically controllable with bergamot or low-dose statins.

Another drawback it slightly inhibits test. But it is dose-dependent, and even at very high doses, anavar does not fully shutdown native production. Sth like 80mg (large dose) shuts test by 40-60%. At smaller doses, like 20mg, if one is lucky then no shutdown at all.

But also the half-life of Anavar is like 12 hours. The shorter the steroid half-life is, the faster the PCT will work, and faster the production of test without PCT will restore. In fact, many who take smaller doses just go from oxandrolone cold-turkey: afaik, works well for them.

-------- Pros

Also, anavar is processed through kidneys unlike other orals, so it actually does not hurt the liver. People usually have perfect ALT/AST during the course.

Anavar has high anabolic-androgenic ratio. So few androgenic sides, like excessive growth of ass hair.

Anavar BURNS FAT. It actually messes with T3-T4 cycle, making more of these hormones available in blood, which acts as a mild fatburner.

Also read that the gains that Anavar gives are LEAN. So, no water weight, no bloat.

But the main thing IMO which makes it stand out: IT INCREASES SKIN COLLAGEN. It literally not only grows your muscles, BUT it additionally RESTORES SKIN COLLAGEN. @Gaia262 said he had glowing skin from it. Sth like tret.

I have not tried this compound so far it seems. Oxandrolone is notorious for being counterfeit. People often think they are taking Anavar, while in reality they were sold Winstrol.
  • +1
Reactions: ItsOVERBuddyBoyos and Gaia262
Let him cope bruh. Hope I had the money to change location on tinder. Gonna change it to your city, mog the living shit out of everybody and just rub it in your face
brb setting my profile to global to brag about all the matches I get from asian/latino goblins and bots, surely this must mean my experiment was successful.
Doing anything without a test base (except MENT) is textbook retardedness, don't ever contemplate on doing that.
Idk man, i would disagree. In the past, e.g. Arnold was running literally NAKED PRIMOBOLAN, no test, no pct, no shit. Won Mr. Olimpia. Oxadrolone is also run alone very often.

I am not a practical user. But I think. (from what i know) using test as "base" is totally a myth. Oxandrolone creates the positive NO2 balance in muscles. This is EVERYTHING that is needed: you will grow. There is really no need for test in this process. Though ofc im not saying with test you couldn't do it more efficiently.

Oxandrolone being hair safe... Are you for real? It's literally a DHT derivative dude.
Yes, it is. But being DHT derivative does NOT mean it should harm your hair. Sth like there is ethanol you can drink. And there is methanol that kills you. In principle, both are alcohols. But the results are different.

Same with DHT and Oxandrolone. Anavar is given to children in burn departments. No hair loss was listed there...
Went to random main cities in africa. Shits too easy. I dont know if op is overrating himself or im underrating myself due to nigger tax in the west, but its really easy if you look half decent. I was spammed with messages

Hardly a slayer brah lol. Im a full chad in any African country. The whole hundreds of matches a day and spammed with heart messages. Im untouchable in your poverty shitholes. I wouldnt complain if i lived in a place where the competition was low as yourself does
Nigga shit always been easy. And you never hear ne complaining about anything. Only thing I would complain about would be for girls to be less stuck up religious. And that’s not even a bad thing if you know the right words. Bro I was banging the most high in demand girls here when I’m utterly broke, and you know god damn well the importance of money here.
4A379111 0D5B 4A19 98A3 938EBD133A3A
Last slay.
  • JFL
  • Woah
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12 weeks test/npp 600/400
12 weeks test/tren/mast 400/300/300 (enanthate)

10 iu hgh m/w/f for all 24 weeks
Oh shit it’s not a test derivative?? How the hell can it be hair safe. I probably don’t have hairloss genes. My dad is 50 and still NW0 but still. I’m defo not playing russian roulette woth my hair
Primobolan is a DHT derivative. But you still listed it as two best steroids :feelshehe:
damn bro, which slum in Bujumbura did you spoof your location to for that tinder experiment? the cibitoke?
Oh i misread this, i was in toronto. I mean when i tested myself in africa it was recently. I cannget 1000+ in a day or so
brb setting my profile to global to brag about all the matches I get from asian/latino goblins and bots, surely this must mean my experiment was successful.
Bro change it to Dakar, Lagos, Acra and all the cities he can be living in.
Primobolan is a DHT derivative. But you still listed it as two best steroids :feelshehe:
But primo is pretty Hair safe compared to other steroids. It’s basically the most tissue selective steroids ever
Bro change it to Dakar, Lagos, Acra and all the cities he can be living in.
I'd slay in the kibera of nairobi but they don't have internet access and only accept payment in kidneys.
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackgymmax and Artemis
But primo is pretty Hair safe compared to other steroids. It’s basically the most tissue selective steroids ever
Yep, the same with Oxandrolone.

It is very tissue-specific, and does not touch hair, despite being a DHT-derivative like Primobolan.
Nigga shit always been easy. And you never hear ne complaining about anything. Only thing I would complain about would be for girls to be less stuck up religious. And that’s not even a bad thing if you know the right words. Bro I was banging the most high in demand girls here when I’m utterly broke, and you know god damn well the importance of money here.
View attachment 1918838 Last slay.
Uh yeah bro i mog you to death and you wouldnt get over 5 likes in Toronto. When i was swiping in african cities i had pictures in my moms basement getting hundreds of likes and messages a day lol. Youre basically incel in the west @fogdart This nigga has no idea how bad it is in the west
  • JFL
Reactions: fogdart and Orc
I'd slay in the kibera of nairobi but they don't have internet access and only accept payment in kidneys.
😂😂😂 seriously it’s easy for a white guy to slay in africa. Just tell the girl there is a possibility of you taking her back to the west and her pussy gonna open up like Moses walked upon that bitch
  • JFL
Reactions: ItsOVERBuddyBoyos
Idk man, i would disagree. In the past, e.g. Arnold was running literally NAKED PRIMOBOLAN, no test, no pct, no shit. Won Mr. Olimpia. Oxadrolone is also run alone very often.

I am not a practical user. But I think. (from what i know) using test as "base" is totally a myth. Oxandrolone creates the positive NO2 balance in muscles. This is EVERYTHING that is needed: you will grow. There is really no need for test in this process. Though ofc im not saying with test you couldn't do it more efficiently.


Yes, it is. But being DHT derivative does NOT mean it should harm your hair. Sth like there is ethanol you can drink. And there is methanol that kills you. In principle, both are alcohols. But the results are different.

Same with DHT and Oxandrolone. Anavar is given to children in burn departments. No hair loss was listed there...
You disagreeing doesn't mean anything when you're proving that you are absolutely clueless.

You NEED testosterone to fulfill normal physiological processes in the body, which you won't have when you do stupid shit like anavar only. You'll feel like shit the entire fucking time with no libido and depression symptoms.
Like, you are giving out dangerous advice, anavar is absolutely not hair safe. IT IS A STRAIGHT UP DHT DERIVATIVE.

You'd be fucking killed on any respectable steroids board, the amount of stupid shit in here in relation to steroids is absolutely mind blowing.
  • +1
Reactions: Polar and Blackgymmax
I'd slay in the kibera of nairobi but they don't have internet access and only accept payment in kidneys.
WHat is ONE kidney, when you have 2 anyways, and if it lets you get African Goddesses ... :feelshehe:

Also, don't mention kidneys on this forum, half of guys here are already probably calling their dealer to exchange parts of liver for some pussy :feelshehe:
Yep, the same with Oxandrolone.

It is very tissue-specific, and does not touch hair, despite being a DHT-derivative like Primobolan.
I’ll look into it after
  • +1
Reactions: Artemis
You disagreeing doesn't mean anything when you're proving that you are absolutely clueless.
I am not clueless even if i had no practical experience with oxandrolone.
You NEED testosterone to fulfill normal physiological processes in the body, which you won't have when you do stupid shit like anavar only. You'll feel like shit the entire fucking time with no libido and depression symptoms.
This is emphatically NOT true. How is it true, if Anavar inhibits your test only partially. If you run like 20-40mg per day, this inhibition will be like 20% max. Does NOT sound like you will "feel like shit". Since you will have MOST your test in your blood. No libido issues for sure.
Like, you are giving out dangerous advice, anavar is absolutely not hair safe. IT IS A STRAIGHT UP DHT DERIVATIVE.
You are WRONG. It IS safe for hair. it being DHT-derivative does NOT mean anything at all: anavar does NOT influence your hair.
You'd be fucking killed on any respectable steroids board, the amount of stupid shit in here in relation to steroids is absolutely mind blowing.
You realize that steroid boards are full of gym-bros and other retards who do not know shit themselves? :feelshehe:
Uh yeah bro i mog you to death and you wouldnt get over 5 likes in Toronto. When i was swiping in african cities i had pictures in my moms basement getting hundreds of likes and messages a day lol. Youre basically incel in the west @fogdart This nigga has no idea how bad it is in the west
Yeaah yeaah sure. From the pics we seen it’s not even up for debate bro. If I’m incel in the west(where I don’t even live) then you are utterly invisible. The only department you mog me in is body, and that’s not even gonna stay up for long. Accept your fate boug. I mog
I am not clueless even if i had no practical experience with oxandrolone.

This is emphatically NOT true. How is it true, if Anavar inhibits your test only partially. If you run like 20-40mg per day, this inhibition will be like 20% max. Does NOT sound like you will "feel like shit". Since you will have MOST your test in your blood. No libido issues for sure.

You are WRONG. It IS safe for hair. it being DHT-derivative does NOT mean anything at all: anavar does NOT influence your hair.

You realize that steroid boards are full of gym-bros and other retards who do not know shit themselves? :feelshehe:
Ok bro, go run 40mg var and show me your blood work in week 4 or 6.
  • +1
Reactions: Artemis
I am not clueless even if i had no practical experience with oxandrolone.

This is emphatically NOT true. How is it true, if Anavar inhibits your test only partially. If you run like 20-40mg per day, this inhibition will be like 20% max. Does NOT sound like you will "feel like shit". Since you will have MOST your test in your blood. No libido issues for sure.

You are WRONG. It IS safe for hair. it being DHT-derivative does NOT mean anything at all: anavar does NOT influence your hair.

You realize that steroid boards are full of gym-bros and other retards who do not know shit themselves? :feelshehe:
Gym bro boards know alot more than guys here. Take 40mg var alone and see what happens dude.
  • +1
Reactions: Artemis
WHat is ONE kidney, when you have 2 anyways, and if it lets you get African Goddesses ... :feelshehe:

Also, don't mention kidneys on this forum, half of guys here are already probably calling their dealer to exchange parts of liver for some pussy :feelshehe:
can't wait to produce some future looksmaxxers, which locations in africa have the best § ratio?

(slay to STD ratio)
  • JFL
Reactions: Artemis
You disagreeing doesn't mean anything when you're proving that you are absolutely clueless.

You NEED testosterone to fulfill normal physiological processes in the body, which you won't have when you do stupid shit like anavar only. You'll feel like shit the entire fucking time with no libido and depression symptoms.
Like, you are giving out dangerous advice, anavar is absolutely not hair safe. IT IS A STRAIGHT UP DHT DERIVATIVE.

You'd be fucking killed on any respectable steroids board, the amount of stupid shit in here in relation to steroids is absolutely mind blowing.
Anavar is pretty hair safe, as much as a dht derivatives can go asside from primo. But a cycle without a test base is just idiotic
  • +1
Reactions: Artemis
Ok bro, go run 40mg var and show me your blood work in week 4 or 6.
Gym bro boards know alot more than guys here. Take 40mg var alone and see what happens dude.
Actually i was planning to by next summer. If i am still on this forum then, I will share my bloodwork for sure. Atm i need first to get a prescription for a statin.
  • JFL
Reactions: Blackgymmax
Yeaah yeaah sure. From the pics we seen it’s not even up for debate bro. If I’m incel in the west(where I don’t even live) then you are utterly invisible. The only department you mog me in is body, and that’s not even gonna stay up for long. Accept your fate boug. I mog
3126570 4A379111 0D5B 4A19 98A3 938EBD133A3A 1
No i drastically mog you. I do 100x better than you even in africa lmao and youre like low mtn in any African country.
Youre like one of the lowest smv guys here.
@ManletBlackcel if you were in africa youd actually have a chance. This guy is your level and hes not a truecel in africa
Last edited:
can't wait to produce some future looksmaxxers, which locations in africa have the best § ratio?

(slay to STD ratio)
Std?? Idk man bit you would do very well in all African capital cities. Nairobi, Dakar, Lagos, Accra, Johannesbourg or CapeTown and the list goes on. As long as you have minimum wage salary in the US it’s pretty much impossible to be an incel here
  • +1
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