America Will Fall

People have been saying that for 300 years, it’s literally the strongest country by every measurable statistic. But keep
Coping doomer
As the white population goes down the worse America will become you will see hopefully you don’t have too though
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Tbh I ain't gonna lie. With the war in Gaza, and everyone knows how narcissistic and egotistical Isrealis are, I'm afraid shit is going to pop off globally between now and 2030.
Hopefully they do wake up and kill the jews
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No nigger
White Americans think Whites around the world are sad about the demise of your sick country. We are not. I care about Europeans just like you do. However, America is part of the reason Europe is being invaded today. America finances and fights the wars started by Israel.

America spreads its degeneracy to European countries and brainwashes the young into becoming a generic version of what you have in America. Young Europeans no longer care about tradition, culture and history because they are busy listening to Negro artists and watching some homosexual couple make out on Netflix.

America helped destroy Germany in the second World War. America has the highest amount of Jews besides Israel. America has the largest pornography industry. Seriously, why are you sad about the death of your sick country? You should be celebrating it.

America is a disease that should be eradicated. I do not care about Whites in America, except those who have the decency to leave.
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White Americans think Whites around the world are sad about the demise of your sick country. We are not. I care about Europeans just like you do. However, America is part of the reason Europe is being invaded today. America finances and fights the wars started by Israel.

America spreads its degeneracy to European countries and brainwashes the young into becoming a generic version of what you have in America. Young Europeans no longer care about tradition, culture and history because they are busy listening to Negro artists and watching some homosexual couple make out on Netflix.

America helped destroy Germany in the second World War. America has the highest amount of Jews besides Israel. America has the largest pornography industry. Seriously, why are you sad about the death of your sick country? You should be celebrating it.

America is a disease that should be eradicated. I do not care about Whites in America, except those who have the decency to leave.
Because America is just a country I don’t want to see my country fall and then go into the hands of people who hate us and will try to kill me I just want to fix it and get rid of nonwhites and Jews and everything that’s wrong with it I don’t trust being under European control because it will end up being the same situation that lead to America being created in the first place they will try to opress us and we will revolt
Because America is just a country I don’t want to see my country fall and then go into the hands of people who hate us and will try to kill me I just want to fix it and get rid of nonwhites and Jews and everything that’s wrong with it I don’t trust being under European control because it will end up being the same situation that lead to America being created in the first place they will try to opress us and we will revolt

We both know America is not going to be taken over by White Nationalists. Non-Whites are becoming the majority and they overwhelmingly vote Democrat, which means the Right is never going to win an election again. That means bye second amendment, bye gun rights, bye free speech, and bye everything that made your country great one day. The military listens to Jews and the only president to ever stand up against leftism in today's America is pro-Zionist, namely Donald Trump. And he is probably the last right-winger that is going to be elected.

Let America crash and burn. America is a failed social experiment. Europe is where most of the White race lives. We should focus on the homeland. America is forever going to be remembered as some failed experiment of Whites that embraced diversity and feminism. I know this is hard to accept because it's still your country in the end of the day, but even the most optimistic White Nationalists are starting to give up and move to Europe, as they should.
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We both know America is not going to be taken over by White Nationalists. Non-Whites are becoming the majority and they overwhelmingly vote Democrat, which means the Right is never going to win an election again. That means bye second amendment, bye gun rights, bye free speech, and bye everything that made your country great one day. The military listens to Jews and the only president to ever stand up against leftism in today's America is pro-Zionist, namely Donald Trump. And he is probably the last right-winger that is going to be elected.

Let America crash and burn. America is a failed social experiment. Europe is where most of the White race lives. We should focus on the homeland. America is forever going to be remembered as some failed experiment of Whites that embraced diversity and feminism. I know this is hard to accept because it's still your country in the end of the day, but even the most optimistic White Nationalists are starting to give up and move to Europe, as they should.
I’d never give up if I can fight as soon as I get my hands on a gun I’m never letting the government take it away they would have to kill me and I wouldn’t let them do that easily not to mention Europe is ruled by Jews filled with nonwhites and has absolutely no guns so moving over there is even worse we are both together in this Europe is leftist and feminist it’s in danger just like America is
I’d never give up if I can fight as soon as I get my hands on a gun I’m never letting the government take it away they would have to kill me and I wouldn’t let them do that easily not to mention Europe is ruled by Jews filled with nonwhites and has absolutely no guns so moving over there is even worse we are both together in this Europe is leftist and feminist it’s in danger just like America is
Gun rights and free speech are very protected by the American constitution. America is superior to Europe in that sense. However, it's just a matter of time until America loses its constitution and becomes just another leftist-dominated country. You say European countries are like that, which is true, but the difference is that Europe is a whole continent with hundreds of millions of people, while America is one country with a shy number of Whites remanining, most of whom are not even racially aware, especially the younger generations that are the future of your country.

Most zoomers are ethnic, by the way. The census bureau includes Whites of all ages. That's why we think Whites are the absolute majority. But many of those Whites are old and the young ones are brainwashed by Netflix and Tiktok into race-mixing and supporting liberal causes. It's over. Europe is starting to resist ethnic replacement, while America welcomes millions of legal and illegal aliens every year. The future lies here, not there.
Gun rights and free speech are very protected by the American constitution. America is superior to Europe in that sense. However, it's just a matter of time until America loses its constitution and becomes just another leftist-dominated country. You say European countries are like that, which is true, but the difference is that Europe is a whole continent with hundreds of millions of people, while America is one country with a shy number of Whites remanining, most of whom are not even racially aware, especially the younger generations that are the future of your country.

Most zoomers are ethnic, by the way. The census bureau includes Whites of all ages. That's why we think Whites are the absolute majority. But many of those Whites are old and the young ones are brainwashed by Netflix and Tiktok into race-mixing and supporting liberal causes. It's over. Europe is starting to resist ethnic replacement, while America welcomes millions of legal and illegal aliens every year. The future lies here, not there.
Every single European leader is Jewish and ethnic you’re also being sent millions of ethnics your people are also being brainwashed by the same things that are brainwashing America and as I said it doesn’t matter if they “ban guns” I will keep mines until they kill me and yes there’s a lot of young brainwashed whites in America but that’s the same for Europe we can still turn the tide if we really fight
Every single European leader is Jewish and ethnic you’re also being sent millions of ethnics your people are also being brainwashed by the same things that are brainwashing America and as I said it doesn’t matter if they “ban guns” I will keep mines until they kill me and yes there’s a lot of young brainwashed whites in America but that’s the same for Europe we can still turn the tide if we really fight
We almost got rid of the Jews in Germany, Italy, and Spain until external forces like America destroyed us. Even Japan was going in that direction. America had to bomb it twice and now Japan is under threat. Your country is part of the reason Europe is facing the ethnic replacement. North African and Middle Eastern Muslims are welcomed into Europe because they have nowhere else to go. Their countries are in flames because of Americans and their loyalty to Israel. Speaking of Israel, it would weaken significantly if America ceased to exist. America sends billions of dollars every year to keep Israel running. Getting rid of America would be an instant harm to Israel. You know it.
We almost got rid of the Jews in Germany, Italy, and Spain until external forces like America destroyed us. Even Japan was going in that direction. America had to bomb it twice and now Japan is under threat. Your country is part of the reason Europe is facing the ethnic replacement. North African and Middle Eastern Muslims are welcomed into Europe because they have nowhere else to go. Their countries are in flames because of Americans and their loyalty to Israel. Speaking of Israel, it would weaken significantly if America ceased to exist. America sends billions of dollars every year to keep Israel running. Getting rid of America would be an instant harm to Israel. You know it.
Still this is a huge and powerful country it would be better if we revolted and did basically what Germany did but with America that would be better then just letting it get taken over by ethnics and Jews
Still this is a huge and powerful country it would be better if we revolted and did basically what Germany did but with America that would be better then just letting it get taken over by ethnics and Jews
Good luck then.
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Mumbai is nonwhite and a shithole we always laugh about it just proves my point more
Cool, now go back to a storefront. This is a looksmaxxing forum not a cumskin cope forum
Our white apathetic ancestors and the Jews plunged us and this world into a state that was never seen in histroy before it’s not long until this country completely destroys itself and then every other country with it the only way to possibly even reverse the damage is total war
We will every kind of enemy at our own doorstep that people don’t even realize yet the Muslims the blacks the Indians the mexicans and not to mention even in a state of war there will be people of our own race actively fighting against us there will be people who don’t care at all thinking they will be spared don’t know what kind of shit I’m gonna see in my lifetime if I even live that long
.org will fall

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