ANYTHING ABOVE 6'3 IS A NERF (thoughts?)

in life as humans we are still hunter gatherers by nature and the men with the highest dominance physically pass on their genes, if your not good at fighting your female will not want to breed with you as you cannot protect her against other threats (males) fighting for her.
redpilled and untrue heavyweight boxing doesnt correlate to being a hunter gatherer please rope yourself
redpilled and untrue heavyweight boxing doesnt correlate to being a hunter gatherer please rope yourself
how is not being physically more superior then your competition untrue ? dumbass
fr 6'1-6'2 is literally as good as it gets anybody within that range is incredibly fortunate and if they got a normal looking face you get easy bitches lmao
should I do limb lengthening I'm 6 foot and half but I need to reach 6'1
should I do limb lengthening I'm 6 foot and half but I need to reach 6'1
this should be self explanation no need to fuck up your mobility for an inch
ik ik I'm joking lmao surgery for half an inch is ludacris
too many retards on looksmax idk whats a joke anymore lol
i honestly do not want to be 6'3+ like genuinely all ascension of height hits at 6'2 to 6'3 anything above has nerfs
Imagine physically looking down on every person you talk to. Pure dopamine 24/7
Imagine physically looking down on every person you talk to. Pure dopamine 24/7
Peak male existence. Godtier height robust frame in the upper limits like 6'6 Travis kelce 6'10 giannis and blake griffin is ideal WHEN face is not able to exceed 7psl w high female appeal

which happens after 6'3-6'4 like someone here posted, something like skull/facial proportions and frame growing relatively throws the facial harmony out of whack making +7psl near impossible to occur, diminishing returns, etc
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People cope because you can’t change height without ll surgery
This guy mogged almost everyone on here before (only tellem t mogs him) now he mogs everyone

JFL @ NOT BEING A 2m giga mogger

how can subhumans cope? “5ft 7 is enough I don’t need LL surgery” “height is cope after 5ft8”

Joe manganellio is a 6ft5 Tera mogger snd Manlets think they can compete against him

Honestly I want to get LL to be 2m+

This guy had wingspan of 6'4 already so it worked out for him. Not everyone has a long wingspan
No majority don't think that
And how am I coping jfl I'm 6'4 and i mog it's you who wants to feel good that you won't be 6'3+ ever and somehow wanna convince yourself that it's too tall

@Chadelite @TheTakeoverHasBegun look at this thread lmao definition of coping tbh
Do you never feel short though/not that tall? I'm the same height but sometimes even just walking through the street without seeing really tall people I feel maybe like 6'1/6'2
I don't really think I stand out at this height
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Life quality wise I agree. Sports Gets harder from that point on. Girls Are really short For you to Kiss. Being really tall only benefits in you mogging other men beyond 6'3-4
Do you never feel short though/not that tall? I'm the same height but sometimes even just walking through the street without seeing really tall people I feel maybe like 6'1/6'2
I don't really think I stand out at this height
I do feel tall
It was at 6'1-6'2 that I didn't
And yes I will choose to grow taller too
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I do feel tall
It was at 6'1-6'2 that I didn't
And yes I will choose to grow taller too
I feel tall on some occasions. Like once I walked through London and counted I was taller than like 192/200 guys by estimating by eye
And if I'm standing on a crowded tube I feel tall. But sometimes when just walking I feel average, it's weird
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Dogshit Thread Stay Mad Manlet I'm Blasting HGH To Grow To 6'6 Which is "The Perfect Height "
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In my opinion anything above 6'3 is a nerf cause its just too tall, you already heightmogg many many people by just being 6'2 ish and if you are too tall, you look weird, ratio to legs to upper body looks off, this is incredibly a hottake and i understand but it cant be just me 6'1 - 6'3 is the ideal height too tall not good
cope im 6 foot 4 and have normal proportions
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In my opinion anything above 6'3 is a nerf cause its just too tall, you already heightmogg many many people by just being 6'2 ish and if you are too tall, you look weird, ratio to legs to upper body looks off, this is incredibly a hottake and i understand but it cant be just me 6'1 - 6'3 is the ideal height too tall not good
I am 6ft2 Barefoot , most people call me 'really tall' , Above 6'3 is definitely too tall (in france atleast) , people on looksmaxx are dumb , a legit 6ft2 is what they called "6ft3" The ideal height imo is between 6ft1 and 6ft2..
There is only one guy taller than me in my university (he is a legit 6ft3.5 or 192 cm) and he looks like a lanklet ogre because of bad proportions and weird face...

it may be unpopular but i honestly believe that Chadlite 6ft2>Chadlite 6ft5
Nobody realises how tall 6ft5 is , a legit 6ft3 is TALL and tower 98% of zoomers , now , add 2 inches to the same guy... he will definitely be less attractive , Chad Height starts at legit 6ft evening... 6ft4 is good with good proportions and good face
The true ideal range :
6'1(185 cm) To 6'3(191 cm) (Extend to 6ft4 if the frame is good)
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This guy had wingspan of 6'4 already so it worked out for him. Not everyone has a long wingspan

Tyler hero is 6ft5 with 6ft3 wingspan

Makes 30 million a year as an nba player

Muh you need a long wingspan bro
I am 6ft2 Barefoot , most people call me 'really tall' , Above 6'3 is definitely too tall (in france atleast) , people on looksmaxx are dumb , a legit 6ft2 is what they called "6ft3" The ideal height imo is between 6ft1 and 6ft2..
There is only one guy taller than me in my university (he is a legit 6ft3.5 or 192 cm) and he looks like a lanklet ogre because of bad proportions and weird face...

it may be unpopular but i honestly believe that Chadlite 6ft2>Chadlite 6ft5
Nobody realises how tall 6ft5 is , a legit 6ft3 is TALL and tower 98% of zoomers , now , add 2 inches to the same guy... he will definitely be less attractive , Chad Height starts at legit 6ft evening... 6ft4 is good with good proportions and good face
The true ideal range :
6'1(185 cm) To 6'3(191 cm) (Extend to 6ft4 if the frame is good)
I do agree with what you said as most lie about their height and that true 6'3 barefoot evening height is tall
But as long as your frame is wide you'll mog..
I'm 192cm with 21.5inch frame and i mog

Tyler hero is 6ft5 with 6ft3 wingspan

Makes 30 million a year as an nba player

Muh you need a long wingspan bro
Ok. So what is the maximum amount we can get away without affecting the proportions?
because face is everything. women arent thinking 'wow i bet he can punch hard'
Its not about attracting women, its about being physically superior to other males also known as the word “mog”. if you mog males you won in life
Its not about attracting women, its about being physically superior to other males also known as the word “mog”. if you mog males you won in life
pucnhing power doesnt mog faggot height yes but your point is meaningless roep yourseklf
pucnhing power doesnt mog faggot height yes but your point is meaningless roep yourseklf
How is being a mogger at fighting pointless ? One day you might encounter a self defense and life or death situation where you dont know what to do or how to survive.
The rock is 6'5 with a high tier normie face and Henry Cavil is 6'1 with a giga chad face. Who mogs who????
No such thing as too tall
How is being a mogger at fighting pointless ? One day you might encounter a self defense and life or death situation where you dont know what to do or how to survive.
theres guns today my friend, know how to fight its not so useful
In my opinion anything above 6'3 is a nerf cause its just too tall, you already heightmogg many many people by just being 6'2 ish and if you are too tall, you look weird, ratio to legs to upper body looks off, this is incredibly a hottake and i understand but it cant be just me 6'1 - 6'3 is the ideal height too tall not good
it depends on the country. like im sure 6ft tall is perfect in china but in canada being 6ft2-3 you dont stand out from the crowd that much
theres guns today my friend, know how to fight its not so useful
How is being a mogger at fighting pointless ? One day you might encounter a self defense and life or death situation where you dont know what to do or how to survive.
Women should not be a problem in your life in the first place, if you did anything soley for womens attention or validation then you have the wrong path in life as a man.

you naturally get women when your a real man who can fight for yourself and others
I do agree with what you said as most lie about their height and that true 6'3 barefoot evening height is tall
But as long as your frame is wide you'll mog..
I'm 192cm with 21.5inch frame and i mog
ofc , if your frame is good (21.5 inch is top 3%) then you will be a mogger no matter what..
the problem is that frame is also genetic due to clavicles and scapula.. you are either blessed with the whole package or you are not...
(mirin your height tho)
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Another 5'10pill
nerf in a manlet country maybe, anywhere in western europe 6'3+ is a requirement
Women should not be a problem in your life in the first place, if you did anything soley for womens attention or validation then you have the wrong path in life as a man.

you naturally get women when your a real man who can fight for yourself and others
redpilled faggot this not
nerf in a manlet country maybe, anywhere in western europe 6'3+ is a requirement
6'2 is 3 inches taller than the average man (so the definition of where proper tall begins) in Scandinavia. In the Netherlands sure it's only 1.5 inches above, but generally it is seen as a tall height by normies in Europe. 6'3 is seen as a good height even in the NL, the tallest county in the world, so I don't imagine 1 inch below that is manlet tier by any means.
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The rock is not 6'5 btw , he is about 188-189 cm , and cavill is 6ft
wtf really? I'm surprised normies never thought of him as too short for Superman or James Bond.
Does a 6‘3 with good proportions and frame mog a 6‘6 framecel with dog shit proportions? Yes.

But the 6‘6 mogs if they have equal proportions and frame.
So it’s the taller the better as long as proportions and frame aren’t worse.
Chances of having a good proportions at 6’6 doesn’t seem great to me just gets harde to build muscle the taller you are. Look at the NBA for example, for every Lebron James with great physique there’s a Kevin Durant.

Also the health issues and daily struggles aren’t worth it imo. I’m only 6’2 and sometimes my back and kneeled give me issues imagine being 6’6 💀
depends on the harmony (im 5'9 coping)
Dont forget, tall people also seem to have wide hips, and worse cranofacial development on average. There is diminishing returns past a certain height. I believe diminishing returns in regards to hips+facial development+frame starts at the area between 6'1.5 to 6'2
this guy 6"8

this guy 6"10
manlet cope
tall : clothes look good as fuck esp if legs are slightly longer than torso, dominance over everyone (people subconsciously submit to tall people), high TDEE so you can eat whatever the fuck you want without gaining shit in fat, women automatically liking you just for that cause they wanna be slutted out by you and feel petite af next to you... i could go on for hours but you get it
what do short to average niggas have ?
well they can get a 23 in bideltoid and walk around looking like roblox characters
retarded shit
there is a limit where tall simply becomes unbearable which is 6'6 and above, too many health risks and you won't ever find a place comfy to sit, not to mention clothes, having to crunch your body in certain cars and modes of transport etc
but aesthetics wise the taller you are the better as long as you're under 6'7 unless you're in the netherlands jfl
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jfl 6,4-6,5 is ultimate height

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