Ascension is a syringe of Juvederm away (looksmax story + chadlite advice)

Where you recessed before fillers? Maybe you had solid non recessed bone structure and just lacked a bit of angularity/definiton?
How many ml did you got?
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Where you recessed before fillers? Maybe you had solid non recessed bone structure and just lacked a bit of angularity/definiton?
How many ml did you got?
I’d like to know as well.

Couldn’t share any kind of picture?
Fillers are underrated on this forum, if done by a good practitioner where it’s needed fillers really are liquid gold.

Great read OP
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Stopped reading at 6'0 also no fillers for my deformed skull
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Not a nano pixel
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Another question:

You mentioned 2500 per visit for the fillers but also that 75% of the fillers stayed in place by the next visit. Shouldn't the price for the top up visits have been lower due to only injecting 25%?

I'm seriously tempted to follow this path as I'm seeing my oneitis in December and there was never any time for implants or a bimax but this I could do.
Where you recessed before fillers? Maybe you had solid non recessed bone structure and just lacked a bit of angularity/definiton?
How many ml did you got?
I had very little angularity or definition before. I didn't have recession in my maxilla nor mandible. I'd best describe it as a hypoplasia, since I needed BONE. I needed mass and angularity.
As for how many ml, I don't remember so well, but I think it was 8 cartridges of Juvederm which would make it 8ml. That's for each visit btw. Makes sense since the price of 1 ml Juvederm is around 250 Euro.
Another question:

You mentioned 2500 per visit for the fillers but also that 75% of the fillers stayed in place by the next visit. Shouldn't the price for the top up visits have been lower due to only injecting 25%?

I'm seriously tempted to follow this path as I'm seeing my oneitis in December and there was never any time for implants or a bimax but this I could do.
My estimation of 75% is as of present, after 3 appointments.
As said, I wasn't totally satisfied after my first visit so I got another appointment soon after. Then it was perfect, and a year later I wanted a top up so I could look incredible for the coming semester.
As far as I remember, the cost/volume of the filler was the same in every appointment, even the second one.
I'm not sure how hyaluronic acid behaves, but my guess is that even if you already have filler the doctor will just inject as if there's no filler at all, and then immediately massages out any excess. After all he's inserting a needle into your tissues and that will disrupt the existing filler anyway.
Short background: I'm an OG poster between 2015-2018. That website utterly changed my life; I went from a 5/10 depressed awkward virgin to an unironic 9+/10 slayer, with everything that transformation entails. I recently tried to find the lookism website for moneymaxxing, but it's gone for some reason.

My goal here with my first post is to describe my looksmaxxing journey for you future models and billionaires, because I think it'll be very illuminating to a lot of you, especially for young guys feeling analysis paralysis and unsure of their course of action.
I spent my late teens agonising over my subpar looks. I'm 130 IQ, INTJ, probably on the spectrum, so I not only discover redpills very early on, but I can autistically research the fuck out of something if I care enough about it. And I cared about not being ugly.
By age 20 I'd spent hundreds of hours lurking and posting on lookism, researching, looking at before & afters, gazing at photographs of models, talking with users and asking their experiences, and most of all: staring into the mirror and formulating what my subhuman face needs in order to ascend.
I'll list all the things I did later, but by far the most important things I did, and the only procedures I underwent, were a rhinoplasty and jawline+cheekbone fillers, both of which were performed in Germany by two different doctors. Filler pretty much transformed my entire life instantly.

6'0", light olive skin, dark curly 'Greek statue' hair, dark eyes, perfect beard
A lot of you are reading this and thinking "fuck this guy he already had good genetics wtf". Yes, I'm very lucky in many ways. But whatever cards you're dealt with, your face is definitely the most malleable. You can change your looks, no matter if you're a hideous birdface or just a 6.5 who wants to feel like a God. Only difference is the likely extent of procedures required. There are plenty of before & afters on the internet which prove this (however, surgeons keep the best ones only for their consultations; I've seen many and they're insane).
Also, most of you reading this are probably just average or slightly below average looking autists who are intelligent enough to know that looks>everything, and determined to ascend and reach your full potential. In which case it truly is just a few millimetres of filler for most of you.

Height: many of the biggest slayers I've known were good looking manlets with excellent game, so don't be a blackpill loser just because you're short. Height is as much of a drawback as you want it to be.

Ethnicity: not gonna lie this is the most important factor. Not only can it make looksmaxxing more difficult and ineffective, but just the fact that you can inherit really bad genetics. For example, if your background is from very poor Brazilian or South Indian immigrants, then you've probably got terrible genetics. If you're from a very wealthy background, then you've probably inherited good genetics. This isn't so much the case with European people, only to a lesser extent.
Of course, it depends on the individual and where they live. Indians and Orientals will struggle the most anywhere they are. Black guys do much better as they benefit hugely from Western media and hiphop. Again, no matter your race, you can definitely looksmax and do very well. I've known slayers of all races, in fact one of the biggest slayers I know is Indian and he's easily slain more than I have.

I've always been a ~55kg skeleton but was 66kg at my peak, which doesn't sound big but I looked really good. I've lost and gained weight many times due to exam seasons and the lockdowns.
Whilst I've slayed as a skeleton, it definitely helps to be at least ottermode for your height. If you've ever read cope about "girls don't care about body" or "skinny is in fashion" just disregard it. Lifting is really good for you in many ways, not just looking jacked so you can easily slay, but also building strength and stamina, feeling great, confidence, commanding respect, mental clarity, cognitive function and longevity, structuring your life, fitting better in your clothes, improving posture, etc.

This is the most important part as I'll go into everything I did to looksmax, first beginning with the non-invasive things.

Generally: Obviously, if you're not retarded then you should cease smoking, drinking alcohol, consuming any sugar, drug use (especially amphetamines), being stressed and angry all the time, sleeping poorly, eating junk, eating too much/too little, not drinking water. I recommend taking vitamin D3, zinc, magnesium. Those are the 3 essentials for men.

Hair: I have curly (not afro) hair, so I lurked a curly hair subreddit for advice on how to best take care of it. No matter your hair type, you should consider whether chemicals (sulfates, silicones) in your shampoo and conditioner are ruining it. I used shampoo and conditioner recommended in the subreddit as well as following methods on how best to wash my hair, and my hair has been unbelievably gorgeous on many days. I don't shower every day, when I shower I don't always use products, and I never use a blow dryer as it burns the fuck out of your hair and scalp. Nor do I towel dry; just air dry.
Hair style: I used to have hilariously bad hair. My mother would give me an ugly buzzcut once a year, which got uglier as it grew out. I was constantly the butt of jokes in school. The first time I went to a decent barber and asked for a skin fade was at 19 and it was life changing. People instantly commented on me looking much better. Girls who never spoke to me would light up and approach me to ask how I'm doing. I've always maintained a skin fade since then. By the way, tell your barber DO NOT TOUCH THE TEMPLE PEAKS. Some barbers are fucking retarded and will butcher them.

Skin: Don't rub or touch your face, avoid sunlight on your face, if you have clear skin or very light acne then you could exfoliate maximum once a month using a Konjac sponge (don't exfoliate if you have moderate acne; it'll make it worse), eliminate sugar, be careful with your diet, be careful of using any products which can cause irritation or breakouts (styling products for example), and for the love of God never rape your face with a towel.
I had moderate-severe acne in school and in my first year of university. Don't take prescription medication for it unless it's extremely severe or you still have acne in your early-mid 20s. Be patient. In school my problem was very oily skin, which required me to wash my face every morning and night. In university it was the opposite; I had very dry skin, especially in winter, which required moisturisation. Use a NON-COMEDOGENIC cleanser and moisturiser. Wear sunscreen as your moisturiser in the daytime.
I use Cetaphil for cleanser. La Roche Posay 50+ non-tinted sunscreen. I also use Trilogy rosehip oil as moisturiser instead of sunscreen if I'm going out in the evening. Those are the three skin products I use and swear by, that's it. If you have clear skin you don't need to use cleanser every day. By the way, in applying sunscreen/oil, don't rub it across your face. Put small amounts over your face and gently pat it in.
Also for guys with acne + facial hair: STOP USING RAZORS. Especially disposables holy shit those things instantly turn my face into pepperoni pizza. Every man should own a double edge safety razor, but if you have acne then stop clean shaving and use an electric trimmer. This noticeably helped a huge amount.
I stopped consuming dairy during my acne years.
My acne finally went away at 19-20. I've no idea if it went away on it's own or if my skin care and diet helped it. There are other things you should do such as sleeping on a clean pillow/towel every night, but I didn't do that.

Facial hair: Invest in a good Philips electric trimmer with millimetre graded sliding guard. If you rock a beard then experiment with fading the sides.
Stop buying (((Gillette))) and get a double edged safety razor which lasts your whole life. Buy shaving gel and a badger brush, not the canned foam shit. Make sure you're lathered up real good. You need to maintain the boundaries of your beard by clean shaving your cheekbones and upper cheek (but don't butcher your beard!), upper moustache, rear sideburns, and middle-lower neck. Search up some YouTube tutorials if you don't understand what I'm describing (I think alpha m. has a good one). Also, don't fuck up your sideburns.
For guys with thick eyebrows, you can use the safety razor to *very carefully* shave above your eyebrows as well, so you don't have two caterpillars.
Invest in very good tweezers if you have a unibrow. Don't use a razor.
Buy small, fine, curved eyebrow scissors. Brush your eyebrow hair upwards and carefully trim just a little bit. You can also use these scissors to trim your nose hair, and to trim moustache hair that hangs over your upper lip.
All these little things add up to make a HUGE difference and you're fucking insane if you don't do these.

Teeth: Professional teeth whitening (moulded trays done in clinic, with cartriges of gel which I did at home). Highly effective and easy; my teeth used to be yellow, within a few weeks they were dazzlingly white. Even 4 years later people still tell me I have really white teeth.

Too much to go into but I just copied and took inspiration from my fashionable friends or famous dudes, YouTubers, Instagrammers. Whatever highly good looking guys are wearing is most likely what's attractive. Don't buy hypebeast shit unless you're a drug dealer, don't buy brands, don't buy clothes with slogans. You don't need to wear super snazzy clothes, just make sure you have high quality, well-fitting basics and a few outfits to wear. ASOS has the best clothes and service hands down. I can make a dedicated response about fashion if someone asks in the replies.

Underwent at 19 from a very skilled German maxillofacial surgeon, operated on both cartilage and bone. Don't go cheap; it's your fucking face. Recovery was fine, stayed in an airbnb and relaxed for a week. My nose looked wonderful when the bandage was removed, soon afterwards there's swelling which took years to subside and would always fluctuate, however this can be a good thing because it hides the surgery. Be very careful to not touch or hit your nose in the months after the surgery. You could very gently do drainage massages after a few weeks, if your surgeon allows it. My nose looks perfect and harmonious now and it doesn't look operated on at all.

Filler is a revolutionary invention in cosmetics. It's gelatinous fucking gold. It's truly incredible stuff and many men and women swear by it, including the female receptionist and male doctor at the clinic I go to. It's quick, cheap, no recovery time, astonishingly effective, lasts for years, with pretty much zero drawbacks or risk of side effects (make sure the doctor is using a blunt tip cannula).
I went to another highly skilled German doctor who specialises in male aesthetics, first time I went being when I was 20, many months after the rhinoplasty and when my nose was looking great.
He evaluated my face for maybe 5-10 minutes and knew exactly how much and where to inject. I got a lot of it in my gonial angle, sides of chin, and cheekbones. I didn't get it infraorbitally; the doctor advised against it for reasons I don't remember, but I'm glad I didn't.
Yes, attractive cheek hollows are formed from the tenting effect of cheekbones and jawline, and filler can absolutely create them. I didn't have them before I got filler, now I do.
The result looked absolutely amazing even in the office, however you're a bit swollen in the first few days, and it might take a week for residual swelling to completely subside. It's hard to describe how it feels the first time you look in the mirror in the doctors office right after getting injected. For a moment I didn't recognise myself. Then, I realised that I look better than I could ever have imagined.
You should avoid touching the filler in the first weeks, and you should sleep on your back. But if you gently feel it in the bony areas like ramus or cheekbones, the filler feels hard just like bone. In muscular areas like the masseter it feels more like muscle.
Yes, it does decrease a little bit after 8-10 months, but it's only noticeable if you're obsessively evaluating it in the mirror like an autist. But for sure, the first 6 months are the most amazing.
Also my appearance does somewhat change depending on time of day, if I've just shaved (due to the massaging of the trimmer or razor), how hydrated I am, if I've exercised, etc.
It's been 3 years since I last had filler and I still look excellent and I receive plenty of compliments when I'm scrubbed up and well dressed.

Rhinoplasty cost 5k Euro at the time, filler around 2.5k Euro each visit (it's a lot of cartridges). Worth every penny. Whatever procedures you need, get your fucking money up and do it. You only get one life, why be a sub8 lmao.
Btw don't do the self-injecting meme, that's stupid.

You only realise how far you've climbed when you're at the mountain top. In my looksmaxxing years I thought looks are the secret of life, and in many ways it is, but at the same time the obsessive pimping and preening is highly superficial and feminine in retrospect. I used to love compliments, now I hate them. It takes a few years but the initial excitement fades away. Or maybe I just need another filler appointment...
But God damn, THAT GLOW UP. Can't describe it, just feelsgoodman. Sometimes I felt spontaneous euphoria. It's insane to go from invisible to suddenly receiving a LOT of positive attention. Sometimes it was overwhelming, like when women would approach me in clubs and instantly start making out with me, or when I'd be at a club with a girl and another girl would plead with me to leave them and go home with her instead, or when women in public would just stare at me. You feel liberated. You feel adored. Dating is ez mode. Socialising is ez mode. Charm is ez mode. Friends you haven't seen for a while will ask "how did you get so hot??". Girls will gossip and conspire with each other to hook up with you.

When I was 19 I had a consultation with the surgeon in Germany (same one who did my rhino) for a zygomatic sandwich osteotomy and chin wing, and another consultation in London for PEEK infraorbital implants. It was so fucking dumb and a waste of time and money.
Don't be retarded - just get filler, trust me.

Recessed chins, underbites, overbites, etc. are unfortunately common in the population nowadays. But before getting surgery, make sure you visit a few surgeons and have gotten ratings from dozens of people (preferably actual doctors or dentists and not just random autists).

Also a word on meme surgeries like philtrum surgery, canthal surgery, facelifts, etc: be very, very careful with this shit. You can fuck your shit up quite badly. If you're unironically thinking about these surgeries then consider that you actually look fine you're just autistic and spending too much time on looksmaxxing forums. I know I've considered philtrum surgery and even a fucking hair transplant (at age 20) even though I actually looked completely fine and wasn't norwooding AT ALL. I was delusional.
Never get surgery for removing buccal fat pad.

I spent a good 2-3 years of my life (ages 19-21) dedicated to dating, improving my game, being socially competent... I spent hundreds of hours watching YouTube videos like RSD, AMS strategy, Natural Lifestyles, alpha m., Based Zeus...
In the summer of 2020 I realised that money actually matters in life, and so I decided to learn about economics and finance. Then, I discovered crypto. I felt fucking stupid for having spent so much time chasing pussy after I saw that I'd just missed literally the best buying opportunity of a lifetime. I could be a retired millionaire today.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of what I learned about seduction and social skills was absolutely necessary, but it's one of those paths that can be never ending. Don't become one of those guys in their mid 30s who works a shit job, lives in a flatshare, and dedicates his life to sleeping with an average girl maybe a couple of times a year.
At the same time, don't be a dude who spends his youth obsessively chasing money, muh career, muh degree, and missing out on your prime years.
It can sometimes be difficult to do both, but if you can keep a good balance then you're golden.

Ascend or die trying. But you'll likely find other problems to autistically tunnel vision on, both in your life and in the world.
Muh fillers crap...good luck with refilling and migrating...
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard
You re the one coping with fillers..that crap is for women...why the fuck would i pay every 6 months when i can do implants
you're coping so hard :feelskek:
good luck with your implants hopefully they don't become spontaneously infected after a few years and cause osteomyelitis
  • +1
  • JFL
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@Tall Dark&Handsome can I send you a DM? need advice on something and the guy at my local filler clinic is gaslighting me hard
@Tall Dark&Handsome can I send you a DM? need advice on something and the guy at my local filler clinic is gaslighting me hard
you're coping so hard :feelskek:
good luck with your implants hopefully they don't become spontaneously infected after a few years and cause osteomyelitis
I already have them for over 3 years...i did fillers before so i know what i am talking
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard
read it but send some pics man.
not posting pics publicly
Short background: I'm an OG poster between 2015-2018. That website utterly changed my life; I went from a 5/10 depressed awkward virgin to an unironic 9+/10 slayer, with everything that transformation entails. I recently tried to find the lookism website for moneymaxxing, but it's gone for some reason.

My goal here with my first post is to describe my looksmaxxing journey for you future models and billionaires, because I think it'll be very illuminating to a lot of you, especially for young guys feeling analysis paralysis and unsure of their course of action.
I spent my late teens agonising over my subpar looks. I'm 130 IQ, INTJ, probably on the spectrum, so I not only discover redpills very early on, but I can autistically research the fuck out of something if I care enough about it. And I cared about not being ugly.
By age 20 I'd spent hundreds of hours lurking and posting on lookism, researching, looking at before & afters, gazing at photographs of models, talking with users and asking their experiences, and most of all: staring into the mirror and formulating what my subhuman face needs in order to ascend.
I'll list all the things I did later, but by far the most important things I did, and the only procedures I underwent, were a rhinoplasty and jawline+cheekbone fillers, both of which were performed in Germany by two different doctors. Filler pretty much transformed my entire life instantly.

6'0", light olive skin, dark curly 'Greek statue' hair, dark eyes, perfect beard
A lot of you are reading this and thinking "fuck this guy he already had good genetics wtf". Yes, I'm very lucky in many ways. But whatever cards you're dealt with, your face is definitely the most malleable. You can change your looks, no matter if you're a hideous birdface or just a 6.5 who wants to feel like a God. Only difference is the likely extent of procedures required. There are plenty of before & afters on the internet which prove this (however, surgeons keep the best ones only for their consultations; I've seen many and they're insane).
Also, most of you reading this are probably just average or slightly below average looking autists who are intelligent enough to know that looks>everything, and determined to ascend and reach your full potential. In which case it truly is just a few millimetres of filler for most of you.

Height: many of the biggest slayers I've known were good looking manlets with excellent game, so don't be a blackpill loser just because you're short. Height is as much of a drawback as you want it to be.

Ethnicity: not gonna lie this is the most important factor. Not only can it make looksmaxxing more difficult and ineffective, but just the fact that you can inherit really bad genetics. For example, if your background is from very poor Brazilian or South Indian immigrants, then you've probably got terrible genetics. If you're from a very wealthy background, then you've probably inherited good genetics. This isn't so much the case with European people, only to a lesser extent.
Of course, it depends on the individual and where they live. Indians and Orientals will struggle the most anywhere they are. Black guys do much better as they benefit hugely from Western media and hiphop. Again, no matter your race, you can definitely looksmax and do very well. I've known slayers of all races, in fact one of the biggest slayers I know is Indian and he's easily slain more than I have.

I've always been a ~55kg skeleton but was 66kg at my peak, which doesn't sound big but I looked really good. I've lost and gained weight many times due to exam seasons and the lockdowns.
Whilst I've slayed as a skeleton, it definitely helps to be at least ottermode for your height. If you've ever read cope about "girls don't care about body" or "skinny is in fashion" just disregard it. Lifting is really good for you in many ways, not just looking jacked so you can easily slay, but also building strength and stamina, feeling great, confidence, commanding respect, mental clarity, cognitive function and longevity, structuring your life, fitting better in your clothes, improving posture, etc.

This is the most important part as I'll go into everything I did to looksmax, first beginning with the non-invasive things.

Generally: Obviously, if you're not retarded then you should cease smoking, drinking alcohol, consuming any sugar, drug use (especially amphetamines), being stressed and angry all the time, sleeping poorly, eating junk, eating too much/too little, not drinking water. I recommend taking vitamin D3, zinc, magnesium. Those are the 3 essentials for men.

Hair: I have curly (not afro) hair, so I lurked a curly hair subreddit for advice on how to best take care of it. No matter your hair type, you should consider whether chemicals (sulfates, silicones) in your shampoo and conditioner are ruining it. I used shampoo and conditioner recommended in the subreddit as well as following methods on how best to wash my hair, and my hair has been unbelievably gorgeous on many days. I don't shower every day, when I shower I don't always use products, and I never use a blow dryer as it burns the fuck out of your hair and scalp. Nor do I towel dry; just air dry.
Hair style: I used to have hilariously bad hair. My mother would give me an ugly buzzcut once a year, which got uglier as it grew out. I was constantly the butt of jokes in school. The first time I went to a decent barber and asked for a skin fade was at 19 and it was life changing. People instantly commented on me looking much better. Girls who never spoke to me would light up and approach me to ask how I'm doing. I've always maintained a skin fade since then. By the way, tell your barber DO NOT TOUCH THE TEMPLE PEAKS. Some barbers are fucking retarded and will butcher them.

Skin: Don't rub or touch your face, avoid sunlight on your face, if you have clear skin or very light acne then you could exfoliate maximum once a month using a Konjac sponge (don't exfoliate if you have moderate acne; it'll make it worse), eliminate sugar, be careful with your diet, be careful of using any products which can cause irritation or breakouts (styling products for example), and for the love of God never rape your face with a towel.
I had moderate-severe acne in school and in my first year of university. Don't take prescription medication for it unless it's extremely severe or you still have acne in your early-mid 20s. Be patient. In school my problem was very oily skin, which required me to wash my face every morning and night. In university it was the opposite; I had very dry skin, especially in winter, which required moisturisation. Use a NON-COMEDOGENIC cleanser and moisturiser. Wear sunscreen as your moisturiser in the daytime.
I use Cetaphil for cleanser. La Roche Posay 50+ non-tinted sunscreen. I also use Trilogy rosehip oil as moisturiser instead of sunscreen if I'm going out in the evening. Those are the three skin products I use and swear by, that's it. If you have clear skin you don't need to use cleanser every day. By the way, in applying sunscreen/oil, don't rub it across your face. Put small amounts over your face and gently pat it in.
Also for guys with acne + facial hair: STOP USING RAZORS. Especially disposables holy shit those things instantly turn my face into pepperoni pizza. Every man should own a double edge safety razor, but if you have acne then stop clean shaving and use an electric trimmer. This noticeably helped a huge amount.
I stopped consuming dairy during my acne years.
My acne finally went away at 19-20. I've no idea if it went away on it's own or if my skin care and diet helped it. There are other things you should do such as sleeping on a clean pillow/towel every night, but I didn't do that.

Facial hair: Invest in a good Philips electric trimmer with millimetre graded sliding guard. If you rock a beard then experiment with fading the sides.
Stop buying (((Gillette))) and get a double edged safety razor which lasts your whole life. Buy shaving gel and a badger brush, not the canned foam shit. Make sure you're lathered up real good. You need to maintain the boundaries of your beard by clean shaving your cheekbones and upper cheek (but don't butcher your beard!), upper moustache, rear sideburns, and middle-lower neck. Search up some YouTube tutorials if you don't understand what I'm describing (I think alpha m. has a good one). Also, don't fuck up your sideburns.
For guys with thick eyebrows, you can use the safety razor to *very carefully* shave above your eyebrows as well, so you don't have two caterpillars.
Invest in very good tweezers if you have a unibrow. Don't use a razor.
Buy small, fine, curved eyebrow scissors. Brush your eyebrow hair upwards and carefully trim just a little bit. You can also use these scissors to trim your nose hair, and to trim moustache hair that hangs over your upper lip.
All these little things add up to make a HUGE difference and you're fucking insane if you don't do these.

Teeth: Professional teeth whitening (moulded trays done in clinic, with cartriges of gel which I did at home). Highly effective and easy; my teeth used to be yellow, within a few weeks they were dazzlingly white. Even 4 years later people still tell me I have really white teeth.

Too much to go into but I just copied and took inspiration from my fashionable friends or famous dudes, YouTubers, Instagrammers. Whatever highly good looking guys are wearing is most likely what's attractive. Don't buy hypebeast shit unless you're a drug dealer, don't buy brands, don't buy clothes with slogans. You don't need to wear super snazzy clothes, just make sure you have high quality, well-fitting basics and a few outfits to wear. ASOS has the best clothes and service hands down. I can make a dedicated response about fashion if someone asks in the replies.

Underwent at 19 from a very skilled German maxillofacial surgeon, operated on both cartilage and bone. Don't go cheap; it's your fucking face. Recovery was fine, stayed in an airbnb and relaxed for a week. My nose looked wonderful when the bandage was removed, soon afterwards there's swelling which took years to subside and would always fluctuate, however this can be a good thing because it hides the surgery. Be very careful to not touch or hit your nose in the months after the surgery. You could very gently do drainage massages after a few weeks, if your surgeon allows it. My nose looks perfect and harmonious now and it doesn't look operated on at all.

Filler is a revolutionary invention in cosmetics. It's gelatinous fucking gold. It's truly incredible stuff and many men and women swear by it, including the female receptionist and male doctor at the clinic I go to. It's quick, cheap, no recovery time, astonishingly effective, lasts for years, with pretty much zero drawbacks or risk of side effects (make sure the doctor is using a blunt tip cannula).
I went to another highly skilled German doctor who specialises in male aesthetics, first time I went being when I was 20, many months after the rhinoplasty and when my nose was looking great.
He evaluated my face for maybe 5-10 minutes and knew exactly how much and where to inject. I got a lot of it in my gonial angle, sides of chin, and cheekbones. I didn't get it infraorbitally; the doctor advised against it for reasons I don't remember, but I'm glad I didn't.
Yes, attractive cheek hollows are formed from the tenting effect of cheekbones and jawline, and filler can absolutely create them. I didn't have them before I got filler, now I do.
The result looked absolutely amazing even in the office, however you're a bit swollen in the first few days, and it might take a week for residual swelling to completely subside. It's hard to describe how it feels the first time you look in the mirror in the doctors office right after getting injected. For a moment I didn't recognise myself. Then, I realised that I look better than I could ever have imagined.
You should avoid touching the filler in the first weeks, and you should sleep on your back. But if you gently feel it in the bony areas like ramus or cheekbones, the filler feels hard just like bone. In muscular areas like the masseter it feels more like muscle.
Yes, it does decrease a little bit after 8-10 months, but it's only noticeable if you're obsessively evaluating it in the mirror like an autist. But for sure, the first 6 months are the most amazing.
Also my appearance does somewhat change depending on time of day, if I've just shaved (due to the massaging of the trimmer or razor), how hydrated I am, if I've exercised, etc.
It's been 3 years since I last had filler and I still look excellent and I receive plenty of compliments when I'm scrubbed up and well dressed.

Rhinoplasty cost 5k Euro at the time, filler around 2.5k Euro each visit (it's a lot of cartridges). Worth every penny. Whatever procedures you need, get your fucking money up and do it. You only get one life, why be a sub8 lmao.
Btw don't do the self-injecting meme, that's stupid.

You only realise how far you've climbed when you're at the mountain top. In my looksmaxxing years I thought looks are the secret of life, and in many ways it is, but at the same time the obsessive pimping and preening is highly superficial and feminine in retrospect. I used to love compliments, now I hate them. It takes a few years but the initial excitement fades away. Or maybe I just need another filler appointment...
But God damn, THAT GLOW UP. Can't describe it, just feelsgoodman. Sometimes I felt spontaneous euphoria. It's insane to go from invisible to suddenly receiving a LOT of positive attention. Sometimes it was overwhelming, like when women would approach me in clubs and instantly start making out with me, or when I'd be at a club with a girl and another girl would plead with me to leave them and go home with her instead, or when women in public would just stare at me. You feel liberated. You feel adored. Dating is ez mode. Socialising is ez mode. Charm is ez mode. Friends you haven't seen for a while will ask "how did you get so hot??". Girls will gossip and conspire with each other to hook up with you.

When I was 19 I had a consultation with the surgeon in Germany (same one who did my rhino) for a zygomatic sandwich osteotomy and chin wing, and another consultation in London for PEEK infraorbital implants. It was so fucking dumb and a waste of time and money.
Don't be retarded - just get filler, trust me.

Recessed chins, underbites, overbites, etc. are unfortunately common in the population nowadays. But before getting surgery, make sure you visit a few surgeons and have gotten ratings from dozens of people (preferably actual doctors or dentists and not just random autists).

Also a word on meme surgeries like philtrum surgery, canthal surgery, facelifts, etc: be very, very careful with this shit. You can fuck your shit up quite badly. If you're unironically thinking about these surgeries then consider that you actually look fine you're just autistic and spending too much time on looksmaxxing forums. I know I've considered philtrum surgery and even a fucking hair transplant (at age 20) even though I actually looked completely fine and wasn't norwooding AT ALL. I was delusional.
Never get surgery for removing buccal fat pad.

I spent a good 2-3 years of my life (ages 19-21) dedicated to dating, improving my game, being socially competent... I spent hundreds of hours watching YouTube videos like RSD, AMS strategy, Natural Lifestyles, alpha m., Based Zeus...
In the summer of 2020 I realised that money actually matters in life, and so I decided to learn about economics and finance. Then, I discovered crypto. I felt fucking stupid for having spent so much time chasing pussy after I saw that I'd just missed literally the best buying opportunity of a lifetime. I could be a retired millionaire today.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of what I learned about seduction and social skills was absolutely necessary, but it's one of those paths that can be never ending. Don't become one of those guys in their mid 30s who works a shit job, lives in a flatshare, and dedicates his life to sleeping with an average girl maybe a couple of times a year.
At the same time, don't be a dude who spends his youth obsessively chasing money, muh career, muh degree, and missing out on your prime years.
It can sometimes be difficult to do both, but if you can keep a good balance then you're golden.

Ascend or die trying. But you'll likely find other problems to autistically tunnel vision on, both in your life and in the world.
6'0", light olive skin, dark curly 'Greek statue' hair, dark eyes, perfect beard

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I spent a good 2-3 years of my life (ages 19-21) dedicated to dating, improving my game, being socially competent... I spent hundreds of hours watching YouTube videos like RSD, AMS strategy, Natural Lifestyles, alpha m., Based Zeus...

Do you think 2ml of Juvederm for both cheekbones would be enough to enhance angulairty/ogee curve, i know its depends on different cases but lets say in general on a person with an average jaw but flat cheekbones
Do you think 2ml of Juvederm for both cheekbones would be enough to enhance angulairty/ogee curve, i know its depends on different cases but lets say in general on a person with an average jaw but flat cheekbones
you mean 1ml for each side? yeah it should be enough. it's probably how much I had injected in cheekbones.
I think my gonial angles needed the most volume.
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How often do you get filler retouch for gonions? Have you felt it migrating or any bloating in meantime?
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How often do you get filler retouch for gonions? Have you felt it migrating or any bloating in meantime?
i don't get retouches for specific areas
no haven't noticed migration or bloating of any sort. don't know what those even are.
i don't get retouches for specific areas
no haven't noticed migration or bloating of any sort. don't know what those even are.
I have interest in having filler in two specific areas, Gonions and for chin vertical projection in side profile (not chin height). Your gonion fillers lasted or are lasting for how many time? I would only do it if it lasts more than 1 year, do you think those areas hold for longer time? How brand/type of filler you recommend
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I have interest in having filler in two specific areas, Gonions and for chin vertical projection in side profile (not chin height). Your gonion fillers lasted or are lasting for how many time? I would only do it if it lasts more than 1 year, do you think those areas hold for longer time? How brand/type of filler you recommend
I've only ever received Juvederm and I think it's perfect. I don't remember which type of Juvederm.
Gonial angle fillers last for years. Of course it becomes less sharp and defined over time, I don't have Jeremy Meeks jaw anymore, but overall I still have a perfect square jaw. I used to have very weak gonial angle and curved soft jawline, and it pissed me off.
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I've only ever received Juvederm and I think it's perfect. I don't remember which type of Juvederm.
Gonial angle fillers last for years. Of course it becomes less sharp and defined over time, I don't have Jeremy Meeks jaw anymore, but overall I still have a perfect square jaw. I used to have very weak gonial angle and curved soft jawline, and it pissed me off.
Thank you very much for this input, this is encouraging to get some fillers tbh. I already have a square jaw from the front and decent angularity from 3/4, the thing is that my ramus is short from side profile. I dont want to make my jaw wider from the front just boost my ramus lenght and definition from side and perhaps 3/4 and the chin a bit, do you think this is achievable long-term with fillers without lasting only few months?

I market the area in red in the photo that i want to boost

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Just inject jew chemicals in to your face theory
Based post. Bookmarked
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Is it possible to get a before and after of your jaw via DM?
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seems like a lot of pointless writing when the entire message can be summed up as “I use filler and have an inflated self rating”

PS no pics no care
  • +1
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Oh look another neurotic stim head in mania phase thinking he knows everything without a shred of proof. While fillers have their place, you are giving actual average men false hope.
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I'm 24

The consultation was a waste of time because:
1. Infraorbital area is nowhere near as important as people here think unless you're some majorly deformed bug eyed subhuman. Alain Delon is the best looking man of all time and, by incel standards, he has a "bad" infraorbital area and dark circles. He has perfect cheekbones and jawline, which is what actually matters and can be achieved easily with filler. Note, I didn't even get infraorbital filler, however the cheekbone filler creates some tenting in the lateral area which definitely had some positive effect on my infraorbital.
2. If you're hot then dark circles are hot
3. Implants are just shit no matter the material. They're for people with genetic diseases or severe trauma. Fillers are superior in every way.
4. Implants are much more expensive, require operation, you might require psychological analysis before surgery, traumatic, long recovery time, can have complications, can have an unpredictable or poor outcome or outright failure all of which require another operation. List goes on.
5. The ongoing cost is not that much. Sell your car. Buy bitcoin now and sell it in two years. There you go, now you've got enough money to afford filler for the rest of your life and never be a sub8 again.
Why do you think people say cheekbone fillers bloat you up/migrate?
seems like a lot of pointless writing when the entire message can be summed up as “I use filler and have an inflated self rating”

PS no pics no care
Cope and seethe all you want

PS didn't ask
FA5F58C8 3CDD 4454 9522 D736415FC1BF
D5FC89B8 D157 460C 8092 3FD6C0B3A3B6
08ED6D92 0CFD 4C1D B8B2 E5714EA0720C
2D3DF551 EDB9 4ED6 8134 81A8999CF0CA
5FABDE35 0D2A 4095 AACB 33C5F3F272F9
  • +1
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0 -> double digits, maybe 10-12. all happened within two years. haven't dated since summer 2020, was too busy with finals, covid psyop, and shitcoin casino
You got 10 lays in several years as if that's some big accomplishment. I think you're seriously overrating your self. You're probably a htn who is so convinced he's a chad, just because you made improvements. It happens all the time. So rare is it that a user makes becomes legitimately attractive. Even users that have had a bimax or lefort rarely get htn afterwards I get you want to share a success story but not posting any real proof seriously damages the legitimacy of this post.
Bookmarked. Thanks for the inspiration. Glad you ascended. And yea for most of us money is an issue. Wish I had that, but I will wage slave to achieve the relevant goals.
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You got 10 lays in several years as if that's some big accomplishment. I think you're seriously overrating your self. You're probably a htn who is so convinced he's a chad, just because you made improvements. It happens all the time. So rare is it that a user makes becomes legitimately attractive. Even users that have had a bimax or lefort rarely get htn afterwards I get you want to share a success story but not posting any real proof seriously damages the legitimacy of this post.
And just because it worked for him, does not mean it will work for everyone. I rarely if ever see filler results making a 5/10 a 9/10.
You got 10 lays in several years as if that's some big accomplishment. I think you're seriously overrating your self. You're probably a htn who is so convinced he's a chad, just because you made improvements. It happens all the time. So rare is it that a user makes becomes legitimately attractive. Even users that have had a bimax or lefort rarely get htn afterwards I get you want to share a success story but not posting any real proof seriously damages the legitimacy of this post.
I said 2 years, not several. it's pretty decent for me since I was studying full time and mostly running dating app game.
I'm not posting my face on the public forum and I don't give a shit what incels think of the "legitimacy" of my post, as if I wrote all that shit in the OP just to dab on retards
  • +1
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Thank you very much for this input, this is encouraging to get some fillers tbh. I already have a square jaw from the front and decent angularity from 3/4, the thing is that my ramus is short from side profile. I dont want to make my jaw wider from the front just boost my ramus lenght and definition from side and perhaps 3/4 and the chin a bit, do you think this is achievable long-term with fillers without lasting only few months?

I market the area in red in the photo that i want to boost

View attachment 1909056

It has no audio but I'm Chad confirmed
  • JFL
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I said 2 years, not several. it's pretty decent for me since I was studying full time and mostly running dating app game.
I'm not posting my face on the public forum and I don't give a shit what incels think of the "legitimacy" of my post, as if I wrote all that shit in the OP just to dab on retards
You clearly care if you wrote that long of a post. You wanted people to take you seriously. Why go through so much effort without providing a shred of evidence? I'm considered a mtn to htn. Getting 5 lays a year isnt that difficult. With dating apps you should be hitting at least the 50s by now. Look at amnesia, he's in the 100s. Probably more at this point. You're not that busy that you cant score at least 1 girl a week.

In some way, you must know you're not the hot shit you think you are. You don't want to post your face because you understand you're not going to get the response you were hoping for. Especially after you spent thousands of dollars hoping to be taken seriously by people.
You clearly care if you wrote that long of a post. You wanted people to take you seriously. Why go through so much effort without providing a shred of evidence?
I wanted to share my story and years of accrued wisdom and experience, and so far most people are happy to have read it, only a handful of turbo autists like yourself are lashing out because I triggered their inferiority complex or some shit, but this is to be expected on an incel website of course.
If you wanted to see my before & after you could've asked in DM like dozens of others have already done but you were too intimidated I guess lol

I'm considered a mtn to htn. Getting 5 lays a year isnt that difficult. With dating apps you should be hitting at least the 50s by now. Look at amnesia, he's in the 100s.
1. Who asked?
2. I don't know who your internet friend is and I don't care how many lays he claims to get on the internet
3. 50-100 lays a year would mean going on several dates a week. Unless you're going to claim you fuck every girl on the first date too.
4. Number of total lays isn't the sole metric; I've fucked 3 hot girls in one day and that sort of dick appointment schedule is something a sub8 like you simply won't ever experience

You're not that busy that you cant score at least 1 girl a week.
jfl how would you even know that
Also, you haven't experienced the dating app game as an 8+. Bumble is ezmode (especially with the premium version), but doesn't matter how GL you are the logistics of getting a lay doesn't change that much

In some way, you must know you're not the hot shit you think you are. You don't want to post your face because you understand you're not going to get the response you were hoping for. Especially after you spent thousands of dollars hoping to be taken seriously by people.
You're coping and projecting so hard. I know being average can be frustrating, but seething impotently through the internet isn't going to lower my score nor will it elevate yours.
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I'm convinced you're crisick
Oh I think I remember him now, the dark blonde guy who looked like a 36y.o. maths teacher before filler
I messaged him years ago (can't remember if before or after I got my fillers) and he ascended hard as fuck, unfortunately I can't remember the information he told me about his filler experience aside from him saying he gets more every 9m or so. Dude was buff too and slayed like a boss. But no I'm not him.
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Oh I think I remember him now, the dark blonde guy who looked like a 36y.o. maths teacher before filler
I messaged him years ago (can't remember if before or after I got my fillers) and he ascended hard as fuck, unfortunately I can't remember the information he told me about his filler experience aside from him saying he gets more every 9m or so. Dude was buff too and slayed like a boss. But no I'm not him.
You know he is on here as average joe right?
If you have screenshots of those messages, the forum would go wild as he’s been getting accused for fkin ages

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