atheism = lost

I've not heard of a single argument from a religious person that proves the existence of the supernatural or the existence of a god. Not one. At best they produce arguments against atheist (none of them are good arguments/points) and even at that, still have not been able to HALF THE WAY and produce a half acceptable answer.
Cope. First cause/unmovable mover argument, fine tuning, etc are solid arguments for the existence of god/a supernatural force. I’m not gonna act as if I have a definitive answer though, I don’t. Nobody does
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I seriously don't understand atheist bashing.
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The burden of proof lies on the person asserting that God exists, not the other way around.

You know I got respect for you bro, but this is the definition of irony.
You can make solid arguments for the existence of a god, I listed 2 out of many in my previous comment.

Its the truth. Atheists literally do not have any definitive arguments for their claim. Yet they act as if they’re right, I’ll agree that religious people who say they’re right and others are wrong aren’t in the right either but that doesn’t disprove the notion of athiests tending to boast about their side being the most correct one
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Cope. First cause/unmovable mover argument, fine tuning, etc are solid arguments for the existence of god/a supernatural force. I’m not gonna act as if I have a definitive answer though, I don’t. Nobody does
no theyre fucking not
you believe in god right? thats a big part of your life right?
then take 5 minutes to please save my soul and open my eyes to the light bro
just for 5 minutes, or however long you want - show me any sort of proof at all that god, jesus satan, heaven, angels and hell exist
show me proof that after i die theres gonna be a massive judgement day
show me proof that im being judged for all of my sins and that god is "always watching me"
You can make solid arguments for the existence of a god, I listed 2 out of many in my previous comment.
no you didnt lol
Its the truth. Atheists literally do not have any definitive arguments for their claim. Yet they act as if they’re right
this is literally fucking you, you dont have ANY FUCKING ARGUMENT that god or jesus or holy ghost blah blah exist
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Any Catholics here?
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no theyre fucking not
you believe in god right? thats a big part of your life right?
then take 5 minutes to please save my soul and open my eyes to the light bro
just for 5 minutes, or however long you want - show me any sort of proof at all that god, jesus satan, heaven, angels and hell exist
show me proof that after i die theres gonna be a massive judgement day
show me proof that im being judged for all of my sins and that god is "always watching me"

no you didnt lol

this is literally fucking you, you dont have ANY FUCKING ARGUMENT that god or jesus or holy ghost blah blah exist
“No they’re fucking not” isn’t an argument.

I believe in the existence of a god, sure. But it’s not a big part of my life. I don’t dwell on it too much

The vast majority of your comment is obviously aimed towards religion and religious concepts rather than the existence of god. Again, God =\= religion.

I mentioned the immovable mover argument and fine tuning argument. Didnt you read my comment?

As for god, I gave you 2 arguments. As for Jesus, there is evidence for his existence, so much so to where historians largely acknowledge that he did exist. The Holy Ghost has nothing to do with the existence of god and is purely a religious concept.
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faith gives meaning to the life of those that need it. that doesn't include me
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“No they’re fucking not” isn’t an argument.

I believe in the existence of a god, sure. But it’s not a big part of my life. I don’t dwell on it too much

The vast majority of your comment is obviously aimed towards religion and religious concepts rather than the existence of god. Again, God =\= religion.
err, if youre not religious then what the fuck was the point of this thread? you were bashing on atheists so hard yet you are practically one yourself. so you don't believe in a religion but believe in the existence of god?? what? a lot atheists actually believe in some form of higher power/that something created the universe but theyre not religious
what the fuck was the point of this thread, so retarded
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err, if youre not religious then what the fuck was the point of this thread? you were bashing on atheists so hard yet you are practically one yourself. so you don't believe in a religion but believe in the existence of god?? what? a lot atheists actually believe in some form of higher power/that something created the universe but theyre not religious
what the fuck was the point of this thread, so retarded
Your IQ level is obviously below 90.

You’re asking me what is the point of this thread when I didn’t make it, lmfao.

You don’t have to subscribe to a religion for you to believe in the existence of a god/supernatural entity. That’s one of the most retarded arguments I have ever heard. Despite all this time you’ve not been able to understand that god and religion are not the same thing. Meanwhile they do have a lot of overlap, they are different concepts.

If you believe in a higher power / supernatural creator, you’re not an atheist. By definition you’re not an atheist. Atheism says that there probably is no god/deity that exists or says outright that there is no god or deity that exists. If you believe in a creator but don’t subscribe to a religion, that makes you spiritual but not religious. Not atheist.

I do subscribe to a certain religion, I’m Christian. But I really don’t care to argue for it’s legitimacy.
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Your IQ level is obviously below 90.

You’re asking me what is the point of this thread when I didn’t make it, lmfao.

You don’t have to subscribe to a religion for you to believe in the existence of a god/supernatural entity. That’s one of the most retarded arguments I have ever heard. Despite all this time you’ve not been able to understand that god and religion are not the same thing. Meanwhile they do have a lot of overlap, they are different concepts.

If you believe in a higher power / supernatural creator, you’re not an atheist. By definition you’re not an atheist. Atheism says that there probably is no god/deity that exists or says outright that there is no god or deity that exists. If you believe in a creator but don’t subscribe to a religion, that makes you spiritual but not religious. Not atheist.

I do subscribe to a certain religion, I’m Christian. But I really don’t care to argue for it’s legitimacy.
argument* lol didnt mean to say thread
I do subscribe to a certain religion, I’m Christian. But I really don’t care to argue for it’s legitimacy.
The vast majority of your comment is obviously aimed towards religion and religious concepts rather than the existence of god. Again, God =\= religion.
what was the point of mentioning this lol
argument* lol didnt mean to say thread

what was the point of mentioning this lol
You were mixing up god and religion and trying to make me prove concepts in some certain religions in order to prove god as if that’s needed.
You were mixing up god and religion and trying to make me prove concepts in some certain religions in order to prove god as if that’s needed.
Nigga none of this shit matters were getting exposed
You were mixing up god and religion and trying to make me prove concepts in some certain religions in order to prove god as if that’s needed.
i was just directly addressing you and your beliefs and if you could prove to me why you believed in god, though it was just a guess anyway - you do believe in christianity, so...
proof? or not just proof but what exactly is it that makes you follow the religion, what makes you think god exists personally, what makes you so confident whats written in the bible is the truth, im assuming you havent actually interacted with a god in any way
Everyone here, have u seen the tik tik on looksmax there is a thread about it
who cares about that, that tiktok has gotten barely any views and its not like it matters anyway
Everyone here, have u seen the tik tik on looksmax there is a thread about it
It’s over
i was just directly addressing you and your beliefs and if you could prove to me why you believed in god, though it was just a guess anyway - you do believe in christianity, so...
proof? or not just proof but what exactly is it that makes you follow the religion, what makes you think god exists personally, what makes you so confident whats written in the bible is the truth, im assuming you havent actually interacted with a god in any way

who cares about that, that tiktok has gotten barely any views and its not like it matters anyway
I follow the religion because I agree with its teachings and values, I don’t care for its legitimacy and trying to prove it is a waste of time. Especially to someone who’s dead set on being atheist.

I think god exists because I don’t believe in infinite regress being the scenario that led to the creation of the universe, neither do I believe something as fine tuned as the universe to sustain life came from absolutely nothing.
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Lol at atheists claiming that religion has no proof. To be an atheist you need to be bellow iq of an ACTUALLY religious person. Now some random western atheist will laugh and say that they are smarter, when in fact they are only smarter then your average """"religious""""" person. True religious people are the smart ones because they are mostly immersed in the philosophy of religion.

I went on many posts on quora and reddit with the question "why did you leave Islam?" And then there is an atheist explaining how he saw evidence that islam is false because of errors in Quran and other shit, but get this, THEY NEVER HEARD THE COUNTERARGUMENTS, jfl, they always end up their sentences with they saw 'proof' and just left. In reality you should see what the muslim priests have to say and they ALWAYS have a good answer to it that is literally correct.
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hose millions of people are raised from childhood to believe in god because their parents tell them so, people cant come out and say that they dont believe in god because of societal pressure and fear of being excluded by their friends and family, or in the past being branded a heretic and killed - you dont just randomly wake up one day with the knowledge that everything written in the bible is true or whatever, youre taught as a child that you SHOULD believe in god because your parents do
That is only one side of the coin. On the other side there are the millions who naturally find God through their own experimentation and reasoning. There is zero logical reason not to pursue God with all your heart. If you are wrong, you lose nothing. If you are right, you gain everything.
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That is only one side of the coin. On the other side there are the millions who naturally find God through their own experimentation and reasoning. There is zero logical reason not to pursue God with all your heart. If you are wrong, you lose nothing. If you are right, you gain everything.
saying "millions" doesnt mean much when 99/100 religious people are religious because of their parents/community pushing them into religion
and what exactly do u mean by that. taking lsd or something and having a trip and then thinking youve found god? is that meant to be experimentation?
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saying "millions" doesnt mean much when 99/100 religious people are religious because of their parents/community pushing them into religion
and what exactly do u mean by that. taking lsd or something and having a trip and then thinking youve found god? is that meant to be experimentation?
Same could be said for atheism. Most athiests on this planet are in Asia and atheists there are atheist because of family conditioning. Even in the west, many athiests come from irreligious/non-religious homes.
Same could be said for atheism. Most athiests on this planet are in Asia and atheists there are atheist because of family conditioning. Even in the west, many athiests come from irreligious/non-religious homes.
My family was religious and I was too, but then I saw how fucked up the world was and the lack of evidence supporting the claims made by those around me, so I stopped believing. If you believe in a religious/personal God, you have to believe that he’s unimaginably evil, or he just doesn’t care. I don’t know which of those is worse. Even if he was real, I would rather him not be. Living on forever in an afterlife sounds incredibly tedious and boring. I’d rather just be nothing like the 13.6 billion years that came before my first moment of consciousness.
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saying "millions" doesnt mean much when 99/100 religious people are religious because of their parents/community pushing them into religion
You are the one who referred to millions. Even so 1/100 of a million would be 10 000 individuals who found God on their own accord, without external influences.

and what exactly do u mean by that. taking lsd or something and having a trip and then thinking youve found god? is that meant to be experimentation?
Ask God to reveal himself to you in a way that is uniquely meaningful to your subjective life. As long as you haven't done even this, it's pointless to argue about the existence of God, since you haven't truly tried to find him.

If you believe in a religious/personal God, you have to believe that he’s unimaginably evil, or he just doesn’t care.
but then I saw how fucked up the world was
The world is fucked up because we have the free will to act against God's will. Take a moment to consider what unconditional love means. Is it more loving to let your child do to the wrong thing, or to force them to do the right thing?

Moreover, is goodness desirable? If so, one would have to be exposed to evil in order to learn to recognize goodness. Is courage desirable? Then one would have to be exposed to situations that make you fear. And so on. Every evil experience exist in order for us to learn to understand what makes evil evil and goodness good.
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The world is fucked up because we have the free will to act against God's will. Take a moment to consider what unconditional love means. Is it more loving to let your child do to the wrong thing, or to force them to do the right thing?
Stupid fucking question. Let me ask you this: If someone is murdered and God does nothing is he evil? The answer is yes. This is because he’s favoring the free will of the murderer instead of the free will of the victim to LIVE. Keep dancing around this fact anyway you want to justify your delusional beliefs.
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I used to do drugs, I still do, but I used to too.
Stupid fucking question. Let me ask you this: If someone is murdered and God does nothing is he evil? The answer is yes.
No. It would be more evil to prevent someone from murdering you, because it would violate the free will of your murderer. You are judging God by your own sense of morality. God doesn't bow down to morality, morality bow downs to God.
It would be more evil to prevent someone from murdering you
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It seems that you don't understand how love and freedom are bound together. A God that prevents you from doing evil things would be a cold tyrant. You would learn nothing under the rule of such authority. You would exercise no freedom. Only God that let's you commit mistakes can be a God of love. When someone murders you, it's not you who is the real victim, it is the murderer for choosing the wrong thing. You suffer no spiritual repercussions for getting murdered.
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It seems that you don't understand how love and freedom are bound together. A God that prevents you from doing evil things would be a cold tyrant. You would learn nothing under the rule of such authority. You would exercise no freedom. Only God that let's you commit mistakes can be a God of love. When someone murders you, it's not you who is the real victim, it is the murderer, for who chose the wrong thing. You suffer no spiritual repercussions for begin murdered.
Yes, the God of love. Are we taking about the God that gives children bone cancer, let’s them be murdered by the masses by delusional people, let’s them be raped and does nothing about it? Ah yes that God is so loving.
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Yes, the God of love. Are we taking about the God that gives children bone cancer, let’s them be murdered by the masses by delusional people, let’s them be raped and does nothing about it? Ah yes that God is so loving.
We already went through this, Hades. All suffering that exists is the result of people exercising their free will. God allows you to do ungodly things and suffer the consequences for it, should you so desire. There is nothing more just than this.

Whether or not your existence amounts to suffering is your own choice, regardless of your condition. By finding God you transcend every misery, for the bliss of being near God is superior to any pain you can experience on Earth. This is why people who truly knew God were prepared to die for their faith. Death means nothing to someone actively experiencing the presence of God. On the other hand, everything experienced by someone who doesn't know God reminds them of the innate suffering of all existence.
Religion is bluepilled, every single religious person sounds like a soyboy spouting the bluepill word for word

Bluepill: Just be nice, and have a good personality! Eventually nice things will happen! It's never worked for me but trust me bro!

Religion: Just worship imaginary sky Chad with magic powers! Eventually nice things will happen. I've never seen or met this "god" but just trust me bro!

Meanwhile there is no evidence for either, and anyone with an IQ above 10 realizes that looks are all that matters, and that rich psychopathic narcy CEOs and jews run the world, and that 99% of religious people are poor curries in India/Pakistan and poor sandcels in the Middle East and poor white trash/black trash in rural America.
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Religion is bluepilled, every single religious person sounds like a soyboy spouting the bluepill word for word

Bluepill: Just be nice, and have a good personality! Eventually nice things will happen! It's never worked for me but trust me bro!
It's the opposite. Worshiping God is the hardest thing you'll ever do, because every fiber of your body rebels against it. You'd rather drink beer instead, browse internet, have sex, and so on. God is the redpill that appears blue to those who are not yet ready for it.
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Religion is bluepilled, every single religious person sounds like a soyboy spouting the bluepill word for word

Bluepill: Just be nice, and have a good personality! Eventually nice things will happen! It's never worked for me but trust me bro!

Religion: Just worship imaginary sky Chad with magic powers! Eventually nice things will happen. I've never seen or met this "god" but just trust me bro!

Meanwhile there is no evidence for either, and anyone with an IQ above 10 realizes that looks are all that matters, and that rich psychopathic narcy CEOs and jews run the world, and that 99% of religious people are poor curries in India/Pakistan and poor sandcels in the Middle East and poor white trash/black trash in rural America.
Religion is far from bluepilled. Religion is redpilled if anything. Look in the religious text of stuff like Old Testament Christianity and the Quran (islam). It describes the behaviour of women perfectly and enforces modesty and pairbonding.

It’s these teachings that directly countered any chance of an incel epidemic in the past. It’s no surprise that once secularist sexual liberation took hold in western society, all these problems started to arise. In less than 30-40 years we’re back at the point of genetic determinism being the main driver of society
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Imagine being blackpilled and believing in religion. Legit kys.
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Imagine being blackpilled and believing in religion. Legit kys.
Being blackpilled is just one step away from getting Godpilled. By the time you have arrived at the blackpill, there will be no other logical paths left than spirituality. It's either permanent stagnation or re-defining your existential framework.
Religion is far from bluepilled. Religion is redpilled if anything. Look in the religious text of stuff like Old Testament Christianity and the Quran (islam). It describes the behaviour of women perfectly and enforces modesty and pairbonding.

It’s these teachings that directly countered any chance of an incel epidemic in the past. It’s no surprise that once secularist sexual liberation took hold in western society, all these problems started to arise. In less than 30-40 years we’re back at the point of genetic determinism being the main driver of society

I don't disagree with you on the "content" of religious books saying women are whores etc, we are just animals after all. I'm talking about the belief that some random magic deity made these teachings instead of high IQ people back then who wanted to gain power and control. If they started religion today, you wouldn't even need it because money is religion. It's no surprise that pastors and church leaders are able to convince retards to give them $$ in god's name so they can buy a new boat and summer house.
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I don't disagree with you on the "content" of religious books saying women are whores etc, we are just animals after all. I'm talking about the belief that some random magic deity made these teachings instead of high IQ people back then who wanted to gain power and control. If they started religion today, you wouldn't even need it because money is religion. It's no surprise that pastors and church leaders are able to convince retards to give them $$ in god's name so they can buy a new boat and summer house.
I don’t think it’s purely man made tbh

The priests who do that are shameful charlatans. They rightfully deserve punishment. Money is indeed religion now
I don't disagree with you on the "content" of religious books saying women are whores etc, we are just animals after all. I'm talking about the belief that some random magic deity made these teachings instead of high IQ people back then who wanted to gain power and control. If they started religion today, you wouldn't even need it because money is religion.
The irony with this sentiment is that those high IQ people who have power are very spiritual. Only midwit nobodies worship money. The elite partake in the occult, black magic and human sacrifice in order to cultivate their power. One of the surest way to trigger belief in God is realizing how utterly demonic the practices of the rich and powerful are. If worshiping evil serves them so well, there has to exist metaphysical goodness to balance this out.
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Your god cannot save you from being brutally mogged in this blackpilled society

religion is the greatest cope
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There is no tangible proof in either direction. To say that there definitively is a god is just as ignorant as saying there definitively isn’t one

I will say though that if there is one, in my eyes he’s abandoned any pulse of meaning or direction in this existence a long long time ago
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The irony with this sentiment is that those high IQ people who have power are very spiritual. Only midwit nobodies worship money. The elite partake in the occult, black magic and human sacrifice in order to cultivate their power. One of the surest way to trigger belief in God is realizing how utterly demonic the practices of the rich and powerful are. If worshiping evil serves them so well, there has to exist metaphysical goodness to balance this out.
Wow you must be so lucky to born into a christian country and christianity just happened to your one true religion!
Wow you must be so lucky to born into a christian country and christianity just happened to your one true religion!
I rebelled against the Christianity I was raised with. Dabbled with Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Kabbalah, New Age and eventually arrived at Christianity.
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I rebelled against the Christianity I was raised with. Dabbled with Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Kabbalah, New Age and eventually arrived at Christianity.
Just the fact that religion is tied to different regions is enough to disprove religion alone tbh, never mind all the overwhelming facts about evolution etc. Legit question, have you literally read any book about evolution? There are videos for 5-year olds that explains it, I Think it would suit your low iq.
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Just the fact that religion is tied to different regions is enough to disprove religion alone tbh,
It is only natural that a being capable of creating all existence can be approached from multiple directions. God reveals an unique face of him to each human, because each human is unique to begin with. Likewise, societies and cultures discover and frame God in the way that best fits them. It matters little which names and myths we attach to God, or which framework we approach him from. God is grand enough to transcend the boundaries of any singular religion.

never mind all the overwhelming facts about evolution etc. Legit question, have you literally read any book about evolution? There are videos for 5-year olds that explains it, I Think it would suit your low iq.
Evolution has little to do with faith, nor is it in an innate state of contradiction with it.
It is only natural that a being capable of creating all existence can be approached from multiple directions. God reveals an unique face of him to each human, because each human is unique to begin with. Likewise, societies and cultures discover and frame God in the way that best fits them. It matters little which names and myths we attach to God, or which framework we approach him from. God is grand enough to transcend the boundaries of any singular religion.
Mental gymnastics is a powerful thing. Literally the biggest cope I have witnessed on this site. Please seek help at a professional psychologist, you literally believe in fairy tales. I stopped believing in santa Claus when I was a kid.
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Religion is literally the biggest cope of them all. Half of the suicidal mfs would rope tomorrow if they knew without a doubt they’d be sleeping forever
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Mental gymnastics is a powerful thing. Literally the biggest cope I have witnessed on this site. Please seek help at a professional psychologist, you literally believe in fairy tales. I stopped believing in santa Claus when I was a kid.
Not an argument. You are the archetype of an armchair atheist. Full of smug skepticism, devoid of intellectual depth.
Not an argument. You are the archetype of an armchair atheist. Full of smug skepticism, devoid of intellectual depth.
Sorry,I must have missed the part where you disproved evolution and how religion is a regional phenomenon with actual facts and logical arguments. You literally just made up some bizarre explanation that sounded exactly like a junkie on LSD would say.
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