atheism = lost

Sorry,I must have missed the part where you disproved evolution and how religion is a regional phenomenon with actual facts and logical arguments. You literally just made up some bizarre explanation that sounded exactly like a junkie on LSD would say.
Why should evolution be disproved? As I said, evolution has little to do with anything we are discussing.

how religion is a regional phenomenon with actual facts and logical arguments
Of course religion is a regional phenomenon, There is nothing to dispute. Or am I missing something?
hindu master religon son red dot gives +2 psl boost
without dot psl 3 :cry:


With dot psl 7 son
Of course religion is a regional phenomenon, There is nothing to dispute.
make up your own facts to rationalize your beliefs, that's for Children. You see, we live in a World with an observable and objective reality. When I said that it's strange how different religions are more popular on different continents you just made up something in your mind that's literally not true and only exists in your imagination and use it as an argument, that's not how reality works. Ffs it feels like i'm talking to a Child right now.

If I want to prove that my dick is 12 inches I can't say "oh, my almighty cock makes me perceive it as 12 inches and he takes on different forms for different Eyes that's why you only perceive it as 6 inches" even though my cock is 6 inches i'll never have a 12 inch cock no matter how much I Believe that it's 12 inches because that's not how reality works. You are not entitled to your own facts.
make up your own facts to rationalize your beliefs, that's for Children. You see, we live in a World with an observable and objective reality. When I said that it's strange how different religions are more popular on different continents you just made up something in your mind that's literally not true and only exists in your imagination and use it as an argument, that's not how reality works.
I am not making up my own facts. I am using elementary reasoning to answer your elementary questions. There is nothing strange to different cultures having different religions. because culture and religions both are extensions of DNA and environment.

Do you think all races of the world experience the reality the same way? If not, then why would you expect all races to experience God the same way?

Ffs it feels like i'm talking to a Child right now.
<writes an entire analogy about dicks>
The irony.
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  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero and Deleted member 4310
Do you think all races of the world experience the reality the same way? If not, then why would you expect all races to experience God the same way?
Wtf did I just read? Do you Think that a black man and a White man who grow up in the same Environment to experience different realities? You literally sound like a lunatic, again, go seek professional help. I wouldn't want a lunatic who Believes in fairy tales to roam the streets tbh. I met a junkie who believed in flying pink rabbits and you sound exactly like him. If an adult believes in fairy tales such as Santa Claus or God then he's mentally ill.
Wtf did I just read? Do you Think that a black man and a White man who grow up in the same Environment to experience different realities?
What determines how you experience the reality, if not genes? You seem to cling to the notion that there exists objective reality which our senses accurately perceive. Had you even modicum of understanding of either religion or science, you would know how irrational this notion is. I bet you think that colors exist outside your mind too.

You literally sound like a lunatic, again, go seek professional help.
Ha! Betamanlet can't be intimidated. Betamanlet will judge you by the content of your arguments alone. So far you have failed to properly address any point of mine. You have called me a child, mentally ill, lunatic and indulged in several fallacies. If you don't demonstrate that you are able to converse like an adult in your next reply, betamanlet will forever ignore you.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4310
What determines how you experience the reality, if not genes? You seem to cling to the notion that there exists objective reality which our senses accurately perceive. Had you even modicum of understanding of either religion or science, you would know how irrational this notion is. I bet you think that colors exist outside your mind too.

Ha! Betamanlet can't be intimidated. Betamanlet will judge you by the content of your arguments alone. So far you have failed to properly address any point of mine. You have called me a child, mentally ill, lunatic and indulged in several fallacies. If you don't demonstrate that you are able to converse like an adult in your next reply, betamanlet will forever ignore you.
Go seek help man this is not healthy…
Expected more of you Sven. Wish you the best.
My genes made me perceive reality differently from you and thanks to your genes you couldn't see my arguments, they existed outside of your reality.
My genes made me perceive reality differently from you and thanks to your genes you couldn't see my arguments, they existed outside of your reality.
They must be very special genes, given that no one else could see your arguments either.
They must be very special genes, given that no one else could see your arguments either.
Indeed, only people with 12 inch cock-gene could perecive them.
Just the fact that religion is tied to different regions is enough to disprove religion alone tbh, never mind all the overwhelming facts about evolution etc. Legit question, have you literally read any book about evolution? There are videos for 5-year olds that explains it, I Think it would suit your low iq.
Different countries having different religious beliefs doesn’t really disprove religion tbh. It only shows that different regions have different religious attitudes due to the difference in their culture and history. This is why even irreligion in China differs from irreligion in the west. There isn’t really a wrong side here.
Discussions on religion are so pointless. Nobody will ever change their mind, just let people cope with religion
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We already went through this, Hades. All suffering that exists is the result of people exercising their free will. God allows you to do ungodly things and suffer the consequences for it, should you so desire. There is nothing more just than this.

Whether or not your existence amounts to suffering is your own choice, regardless of your condition. By finding God you transcend every misery, for the bliss of being near God is superior to any pain you can experience on Earth. This is why people who truly knew God were prepared to die for their faith. Death means nothing to someone actively experiencing the presence of God. On the other hand, everything experienced by someone who doesn't know God reminds them of the innate suffering of all existence.
how did you godmax?
Celibacy for how long, am closing in on one yr no sex?
Even reducing your frequency of masturbation does a lot in the long term. I have been practicing semen retention on and off since 2011. I average about 20 ejaculations a year. It has been said that the surest way to take God out of man's mind is to teach him to masturbate. When you have abstained from sexual deed and thought for a while, you will directly and permanently experience the subtle presence of God within you. It is so convincing that you find it impossible to become completely nihilistic again.
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