Best way to increase wrist size and overall strength/endurance/cardio



Nov 26, 2019
Get a retail job where you are on the shop floor 8-10 hours / 5-6 days a week

You’ll be gripping things all day, lifting heavy shit, always on your feet, walking around all day

The strength your glutes and forearms will gain will be immense

Plus its lots of cardio and will improve your cardio to levels of high athleticism

It will increase test too

Youre getting paid also so you can moneymax for surgeries

Eat healthy on top of this and take primobolan and youll have top tier body + strength and just lift 2-3 days a week

Win win
ngl sometimes i think of getting a manual labor job since they're great looksmaxes, but then i remember that it's a very shortsighted decision
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Inject growth hormone
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Growth hormone can help you with that

Or become morbidly obese
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Or get a construction job like a man
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is it normal to have lowered sex drive when weightlossmaxxing?
Lost 6 kg in the past 3 months and my libido is pretty low, it's actually annoying
i got more muscular in 4 months as ironworker+trash diet+drinking at job site afterwards than gymcelling for 6 months like autist and following strict routine+diets.
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i got more muscular in 4 months as ironworker+trash diet+drinking at job site afterwards than gymcelling for 6 months like autist and following strict routine+diets.
that job looks scary af I would do it but scared of heights
is it normal to have lowered sex drive when weightlossmaxxing?
Lost 6 kg in the past 3 months and my libido is pretty low, it's actually annoying
Yes. A calorie deficit will cause test levels to drop. It's one of your body's defense mechanisms against fat loss. They should go back up once you end the diet.
that job looks scary af I would do it but scared of heights
i got scared shitless when crane fucked up and survived death by one or two feet lol. otherwise i loved it but company wasnt very tidy and didnt care that much [cuz they could get away]. probably last time cranes and equipment in general were checked for maintance was first time jobsite was started years ago :lul: thats why i quit. if they actually cared for it id have stayed tbh. working with shit equipment is 50/50 but care would change that to at least 20/80 and thats not too bad
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i got scared shitless when crane fucked up and survived death by one or two feet lol. otherwise i loved it but company wasnt very tidy and didnt care that much [cuz they could get away]. probably last time cranes and equipment in general were checked for maintance was first time jobsite was started years ago :lul: thats why i quit. if they actually cared for it id have stayed tbh. working with shit equipment is 50/50 but care would change that to at least 20/80 and thats not too bad
Nice how did you get the job? obviously you need to know how to weld first right and then apply for apprenticeships?
Nice how did you get the job? obviously you need to know how to weld first right and then apply for apprenticeships?
nah i didnt know anything and still no idea how to weld[if i did id get decent paying job tbh]. i just walked in and told them i was looking for job. asked me if id work on heights and that was it :lul:
Yes. A calorie deficit will cause test levels to drop. It's one of your body's defense mechanisms against fat loss. They should go back up once you end the diet.
So this happens even when cutting when you're already fit? Ironic, because you cut to get better pussy
So this happens even when cutting when you're already fit? Ironic, because you cut to get better pussy
The leaner you are, the worse it gets. It's easy to cut from 20% to 15%. To 10% it's a bit harder. Much lower than that, you risk tanking your testosterone to Buzzfeed levels. And God help you if they were already there at 20%...
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The leaner you are, the worse it gets. It's easy to cut from 20% to 15%. To 10% it's a bit harder. Much lower than that, you risk tanking your testosterone to Buzzfeed levels. And God help you if they were already there at 20%...
hmm, i'm getting more and more inclined to roiding
hmm, i'm getting more and more inclined to roiding
Try to get to 15% naturally if you can, but it's okay to roid at higher body fat if you have to. You just might want a lower dose of test or a larger dose of Aromasin/Arimidex.
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Try to get to 15% naturally if you can, but it's okay to roid at higher body fat if you have to. You just might want a lower dose of test or a larger dose of Aromasin/Arimidex.
how accurate is DEXA?
had one last year and I estimated my BF to be around 18%, it was actually closer to 29%, I based myself on those images you already know
about roiding, I can drop weight easily, i'm just thinking of the future when I get to lifting so I can overcome my shitty genetics and don't have low libido (which is already not very high normally) otherwise everything would be pointless
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how accurate is DEXA?
had one last year and I estimated my BF to be around 18%, it was actually closer to 29%, I based myself on those images you already know
about roiding, I can drop weight easily, i'm just thinking of the future when I get to lifting so I can overcome my shitty genetics and don't have low libido (which is already not very high normally) otherwise everything would be pointless
DEXA is accurate within 3%. Body fat comparison images are complete garbage, and are likely one of the main culprits behind people underestimating their body fats so greatly.

You don't have to wait until you lose weight to start lifting. That would, in fact, be a waste. As a clinically overfat/obese person who has never lifted, you are a prime candidate for body recomposition i.e. concurrent muscle gain and fat loss. Roids would make this even easier, but you would need vast aromatase inhibitor doses to keep estrogen low; I would guess it's already fairly high naturally. An exception would be if you took TRT doses of test with a low dose of trenbolone, which is 5 times as potent as test and immune to aromatase, but I'd leave that as an absolute last resort.
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tbh join climbing club no joke
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