Called out for surgery irl



Jun 16, 2024
So I met these hot chicks one of them mtb and the other one staceylite/htb. The first question they asked me was did I have plastic surgery before even asking for my name.
They said my skin was crazy good I had prominent cheekbones (zygos) and my nose was perfect. The craziest part is that I just started my looksmaxxing journey. And the funny part is that they didn’t really believe me that I didn’t get anything done I didn’t get any surgeries Im not even softmaxxed yet. Its kind of crazy high tier becky/staycey lite (with stacey body) asked me did I have surgery. I felt like zeta on omegle for a moment. They said that they spend so much money on face products and their skin doesn’t look like this. Its propably the craziest compliment ever which gave me a crazy ego boost. I wonder how life will look like after I softmaxx. I think I have decend potential except my fucking jaw assymetry.

Here is what im going to be doing:

Eye area:
-Minoxidil on eyebrows and castor oil
-All types of oils on eyelashes
-After I grow them out(Should take me about 6 months) Im going to dye them black

I will also try to get my eye muscles stronger which can help me even out my eye symmetry a little bit

I am going to chew hard gum every other day till my masseters get tired in order to widen my peanut skull.

I will also be doing hard mewing and bonesmashing every once in a while for fun and hope it helps ( I have a reeceding chin)

I will bonesmash the fuck out of my chin hoping this shit grows


I will get composite bonding and whithen my teeth by a specialist so that they look top tier.

I will also expand my upper palate by using palate expander.

I will use vaseline under eyes in order to make sure
That im going to get rid of my eyebags.

Ill try to get rid of some acne spots and keep glowy skin.

Right now I only use water and no products and my skin is still good.

Here I was blessed with massive clavicles and great frame so the only right thing to do is to get brutally strong and aesthetic.

Gym 4-5 times a week. I am going to slightly bulk and then cut for summer

I will stick to this routine for the next 8 -10months basically till the summer.
If I ascend to high htn/chadlite im good but if not I might consider some hardmaxxes.

Let me know if you would add anything else from basic softmaxxes. Life as mid MTN with good frame is decent but why not try to be chad.
Being calledout for surgery while not even having one by hot chicks got to be crazy. I can only imagine how Zeta or Pneumo get called out in real life for surgery they didn’t have.

Look at Josh Mcgregor and his fucking cringey tiktoks if an MTN did that shit he would be getting bullied by everyone but when chad does it nobody cares.
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Look at Josh Mcgregor and his fucking cringey tiktoks if an MTN did that shit he would be getting bullied by everyone but when chad does it nobody cares.

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I have a life 😂😂. Im not going to post a picture of my face on this forum. Unless im chadlite. If your Chadlite you can get away with anything
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OK, so according to you, having an 18+ inch neck makes someone automatically a Chad? Nice to know
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same its only my maxilla messing me up bruh
No my maxilla is good. Thats why my nose is good. Its also forward grown. But my upper pallate isnt wide and my lower jaw and chin is assymetrical. Its not massive barely visible irl but still a failo. And my lower jaw isnt too wide either
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So I met these hot chicks one of them mtb and the other one staceylite/htb. The first question they asked me was did I have plastic surgery before even asking for my name.
They said my skin was crazy good I had prominent cheekbones (zygos) and my nose was perfect. The craziest part is that I just started my looksmaxxing journey. And the funny part is that they didn’t really believe me that I didn’t get anything done I didn’t get any surgeries Im not even softmaxxed yet. Its kind of crazy high tier becky/staycey lite (with stacey body) asked me did I have surgery. I felt like zeta on omegle for a moment. They said that they spend so much money on face products and their skin doesn’t look like this. Its propably the craziest compliment ever which gave me a crazy ego boost. I wonder how life will look like after I softmaxx. I think I have decend potential except my fucking jaw assymetry.

Here is what im going to be doing:

Eye area:
-Minoxidil on eyebrows and castor oil
-All types of oils on eyelashes
-After I grow them out(Should take me about 6 months) Im going to dye them black

I will also try to get my eye muscles stronger which can help me even out my eye symmetry a little bit

I am going to chew hard gum every other day till my masseters get tired in order to widen my peanut skull.

I will also be doing hard mewing and bonesmashing every once in a while for fun and hope it helps ( I have a reeceding chin)

I will bonesmash the fuck out of my chin hoping this shit grows


I will get composite bonding and whithen my teeth by a specialist so that they look top tier.

I will also expand my upper palate by using palate expander.

I will use vaseline under eyes in order to make sure
That im going to get rid of my eyebags.

Ill try to get rid of some acne spots and keep glowy skin.

Right now I only use water and no products and my skin is still good.

Here I was blessed with massive clavicles and great frame so the only right thing to do is to get brutally strong and aesthetic.

Gym 4-5 times a week. I am going to slightly bulk and then cut for summer

I will stick to this routine for the next 8 -10months basically till the summer.
If I ascend to high htn/chadlite im good but if not I might consider some hardmaxxes.

Let me know if you would add anything else from basic softmaxxes. Life as mid MTN with good frame is decent but why not try to be chad.
Being calledout for surgery while not even having one by hot chicks got to be crazy. I can only imagine how Zeta or Pneumo get called out in real life for surgery they didn’t have.

Look at Josh Mcgregor and his fucking cringey tiktoks if an MTN did that shit he would be getting bullied by everyone but when chad does it nobody cares.

Mewing, bonesmashing and chewing.
—> stopped reading
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Where did I say that?
That guy you posted, Josh McGregor, his most distinctive feature is his thick neck, and if you look at the guy in my avatar gif picture, it's also the neck. Sure they have good jaw bones but without the neck, they would look like skinny nerds.

Look at every guy you consider to be a Chad, then look at their neck, usually it is very developed, it makes a huge difference.

Mine is currently at 16 inches flexed after training it directly but it used to be 14.5 inches and the difference it makes in terms of looking masculine is huge. I'm trying to get up to 18 inches and above to look even bigger, with neck curls, it grows so fast, and I am able to do them at home which is great.
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So I met these hot chicks one of them mtb and the other one staceylite/htb. The first question they asked me was did I have plastic surgery before even asking for my name.
They said my skin was crazy good I had prominent cheekbones (zygos) and my nose was perfect. The craziest part is that I just started my looksmaxxing journey. And the funny part is that they didn’t really believe me that I didn’t get anything done I didn’t get any surgeries Im not even softmaxxed yet. Its kind of crazy high tier becky/staycey lite (with stacey body) asked me did I have surgery. I felt like zeta on omegle for a moment. They said that they spend so much money on face products and their skin doesn’t look like this. Its propably the craziest compliment ever which gave me a crazy ego boost. I wonder how life will look like after I softmaxx. I think I have decend potential except my fucking jaw assymetry.

Here is what im going to be doing:

Eye area:
-Minoxidil on eyebrows and castor oil
-All types of oils on eyelashes
-After I grow them out(Should take me about 6 months) Im going to dye them black

I will also try to get my eye muscles stronger which can help me even out my eye symmetry a little bit

I am going to chew hard gum every other day till my masseters get tired in order to widen my peanut skull.

I will also be doing hard mewing and bonesmashing every once in a while for fun and hope it helps ( I have a reeceding chin)

I will bonesmash the fuck out of my chin hoping this shit grows


I will get composite bonding and whithen my teeth by a specialist so that they look top tier.

I will also expand my upper palate by using palate expander.

I will use vaseline under eyes in order to make sure
That im going to get rid of my eyebags.

Ill try to get rid of some acne spots and keep glowy skin.

Right now I only use water and no products and my skin is still good.

Here I was blessed with massive clavicles and great frame so the only right thing to do is to get brutally strong and aesthetic.

Gym 4-5 times a week. I am going to slightly bulk and then cut for summer

I will stick to this routine for the next 8 -10months basically till the summer.
If I ascend to high htn/chadlite im good but if not I might consider some hardmaxxes.

Let me know if you would add anything else from basic softmaxxes. Life as mid MTN with good frame is decent but why not try to be chad.
Being calledout for surgery while not even having one by hot chicks got to be crazy. I can only imagine how Zeta or Pneumo get called out in real life for surgery they didn’t have.

Look at Josh Mcgregor and his fucking cringey tiktoks if an MTN did that shit he would be getting bullied by everyone but when chad does it nobody cares.

1. If you have a perfect nose and cheekbones, and your skin is top tier that foids can't even replicate it.
You are for sure already a Chadlite

2. Also wouldn't advise Minox on eyebrows and Oils on Eyelashes. Cba to explain why, I'm outta energy rn. Just take my word for it

3. Dying Eyebrows/lashes is a very very underrated looksmax. Be careful that you don't go too dark though. Darker than what it currently is, but if you go too far it kinda becomes a looksmin, and too obvious

4.Vaseline is good for eyebags. Also you can use green tea/ cold spoon

5. Ice face morning too if you want

6. Palate expander will fuck ur asymmetry, dont use it. It will also increase lateral projection of zygos that often fucks ur harmony. Not worth, unless ur harmony is getting fucked from being a giga-narrow-mouth-cel

7. High HTN- Low Chadlite has the best life quality. When you reach it don't push further. Check this thread:

8. Pneumo doesn't get called out for surgery. He doesn't have bones good enough for it. Relies completely on soft features, and colouring/harmony etc

9. For Teeth you can also use 3D Crest Whitening Strips, get the Professional ones though

10. Finally, Chewing is only good for you if you got good masseter insertions. It can seriously looksmin somebody, fucking their harmony:
Says clenching, but same for Chewing
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same its only my maxilla messing me up bruh
Its because of fucking mouthe breathing as a kid. My brother breathes through his nose and he is chad. He has same eye area as me with godlike jaw
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No my maxilla is good. Thats why my nose is good. Its also forward grown. But my upper pallate isnt wide and my lower jaw and chin is assymetrical. Its not massive barely visible irl but still a failo. And my lower jaw isnt too wide either
how can bro pallate be not wide but he has forward grown whatt 😭😭😭
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That guy you posted, Josh McGregor, his most distinctive feature is his thick neck, and if you look at the guy in my avatar gif picture, it's also the neck. Sure they have good jaw bones but without the neck, they would look like skinny nerds.

Look at every guy you consider to be a Chad, then look at their neck, usually it is very developed, it makes a huge difference.

Mine is currently at 16 inches flexed after training it directly but it used to be 14.5 inches and the difference it makes in terms of looking masculine is huge. I'm trying to get up to 18 inches and above to look even bigger, with neck curls, it grows so fast, and I am able to do them at home which is great.
Okay. Thank you so much I will implement this in my gym routine and try to grow it to 18 inches. Thank you
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how can bro pallate be not wide but he has forward grown whatt 😭😭😭
I dont know like wtf. I am forward grown my chin is reccessed. I had a palate expander as a kid but never wore it.
1. If you have a perfect nose and cheekbones, and your skin is top tier that foids can't even replicate it.
You are for sure already a Chadlite

2. Also wouldn't advise Minox on eyebrows and Oils on Eyelashes. Cba to explain why, I'm outta energy rn. Just take my word for it

3. Dying Eyebrows/lashes is a very very underrated looksmax. Be careful that you don't go too dark though. Darker than what it currently is, but if you go too far it kinda becomes a looksmin, and too obvious

4.Vaseline is good for eyebags. Also you can use green tea/ cold spoon

5. Ice face morning too if you want

6. Palate expander will fuck ur asymmetry, dont use it. It will also increase lateral projection of zygos that often fucks ur harmony. Not worth, unless ur harmony is getting fucked from being a giga-narrow-mouth-cel

7. High HTN- Low Chadlite has the best life quality. When you reach it don't push further. Check this thread:

8. Pneumo doesn't get called out for surgery. He doesn't have bones good enough for it. Relies completely on soft features, and colouring/harmony etc

9. For Teeth you can also use 3D Crest Whitening Strips, get the Professional ones though

10. Finally, Chewing is only good for you if you got good masseter insertions. It can seriously looksmin somebody, fucking their harmony:
Says clenching, but same for Chewing
Thank you so much for writing all this but my lower jaw is kind of assymetrical and I can’t properly mew because of lack of space for my tounge on the roof of my mouth. Im pretty sure that I have good masseter insertions as I chewmaxxed a little and it ascended me. Why shouldn’t I use minoxidil and castor oil. I have long eyebrows and positively tilted but They aren’t really full yet.
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Thank you so much for writing all this but my lower jaw is kind of assymetrical and I can’t properly mew because of lack of space for my tounge on the roof of my mouth. Im pretty sure that I have good masseter insertions as I chewmaxxed a little and it ascended me. Why shouldn’t I use minoxidil and castor oil. I have long eyebrows and positively tilted but They aren’t really full yet.
Aight I'll keep explanation short.
Minox causes fat loss, Castor oil or any oils around Eye area (eyelashes) are dangerous
Brows are fine for Castor tho. I can go into why it's dangerous the oils, but it essentially will fuck your eyes up. Not worth for eyelashes, worth deffo for eyebrows
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Thank you so much
I've been aware of it for a long time, since like 2018 but only started training neck like 1 year ago and I wasn't very consistent with it, but basically, one thing that is not mentioned anywhere except in far away corners of the internet is the fact you have to warmup the neck before training it and not go further down than parallel otherwise you will get neck pain and you won't be able to move your neck the next day, and also, you might get nausea and feel like throwing up.

So now I warmup by doing 15 reps of head nods, 15 reps of the opposite (saying no with my head), and 15 reps of turning my head clockwise and also 15 reps counterclockwise. This gives my neck a proper warmup then I can go into neck curls without any issues. Without the warmup, it becomes unbearable after just one set. Unfortunately, that is never mentioned in any of the most popular videos on the topic, so at the time I had concluded it was not feasible, that it was just a gimmick but eventually I managed to train it, with the warmups at the start, and my neck got a lot bigger and it makes a huge difference.
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1. If you have a perfect nose and cheekbones, and your skin is top tier that foids can't even replicate it.
You are for sure already a Chadlite

2. Also wouldn't advise Minox on eyebrows and Oils on Eyelashes. Cba to explain why, I'm outta energy rn. Just take my word for it

3. Dying Eyebrows/lashes is a very very underrated looksmax. Be careful that you don't go too dark though. Darker than what it currently is, but if you go too far it kinda becomes a looksmin, and too obvious

4.Vaseline is good for eyebags. Also you can use green tea/ cold spoon

5. Ice face morning too if you want

6. Palate expander will fuck ur asymmetry, dont use it. It will also increase lateral projection of zygos that often fucks ur harmony. Not worth, unless ur harmony is getting fucked from being a giga-narrow-mouth-cel

7. High HTN- Low Chadlite has the best life quality. When you reach it don't push further. Check this thread:

8. Pneumo doesn't get called out for surgery. He doesn't have bones good enough for it. Relies completely on soft features, and colouring/harmony etc

9. For Teeth you can also use 3D Crest Whitening Strips, get the Professional ones though

10. Finally, Chewing is only good for you if you got good masseter insertions. It can seriously looksmin somebody, fucking their harmony:
Says clenching, but same for Chewing
When I was younger and my jaw was less asymetrical I got refruuted by a modeling agency as a kid. But my lower jaw is trash. I have chadlite area including my zygos eyes nose etc but my lower jaw fucks me over its so narrow
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Please in the future for anything over 2 paragraphs put a tldr.
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I've been aware of it for a long time, since like 2018 but only started training neck like 1 year ago and I wasn't very consistent with it, but basically, one thing that is not mentioned anywhere except in far away corners of the internet is the fact you have to warmup the neck before training it and not go further down than parallel otherwise you will get neck pain and you won't be able to move your neck the next day, and also, you might get nausea and feel like throwing up.

So now I warmup by doing 15 reps of head nods, 15 reps of the opposite (saying no with my head), and 15 reps of turning my head clockwise and also 15 reps counterclockwise. This gives my neck a proper warmup then I can go into neck curls without any issues. Without the warmup, it becomes unbearable after just one set. Unfortunately, that is never mentioned in any of the most popular videos on the topic, so at the time I had concluded it was not feasible, that it was just a gimmick but eventually I managed to train it, with the warmups at the start, and my neck got a lot bigger and it makes a huge difference.
Thanks for spreading all the knowledge
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I dont know like wtf. I am forward grown my chin is reccessed. I had a palate expander as a kid but never wore it.
can you show me in pm bhaii
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When I was younger and my jaw was less asymetrical I got refruuted by a modeling agency as a kid. But my lower jaw is trash. I have chadlite area including my zygos eyes nose etc but my lower jaw fucks me over its so narrow
Can u compare urself to a celebrity :feelswhat:
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When I was younger and my jaw was less asymetrical I got refruuted by a modeling agency as a kid. But my lower jaw is trash. I have chadlite area including my zygos eyes nose etc but my lower jaw fucks me over its so narrow
Shouldn't matter if everything else is good

Aim for High HTN - Low Chadlite bro, and you are good.
I think Softmaxxing might get you there

What's your diet like, and what was your diet growing up? Did you eat lots of meat, fresh vegetables/fruit.. raw milk, any milk?
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Reactions: treezy456 and truthhurts
Shouldn't matter if everything else is good

Aim for High HTN - Low Chadlite bro, and you are good.
I think Softmaxxing might get you there

What's your diet like, and what was your diet growing up? Did you eat lots of meat, fresh vegetables/fruit.. raw milk, any milk?
Yes I had a very healthy diet. My mum used to put a lot of effort into heslthy foods
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Yes I had a very healthy diet. My mum used to put a lot of effort into heslthy foods
Can you give me some examples of food you used to eat?
  1. What food did you eat?
  2. Did you drink Soda? If so, how often?
  3. How often did you eat Meat?
  4. What sort of Meat did you Eat?
  5. How often did you eat eggs?
  6. Did you drink Milk? How often?
  7. Did you eat vegetables, which ones?
  8. How long did your mother breastfeed you? [V important, please ask her thank u bro 🙏]
  9. Did you have snacks? What did they used to be?
  10. How often did you eat out?
  11. Any junkfood ever? How frequently?
If you answer these bro, I'd be very happy. Feel free to give as much information as you know. Thanks
Neck makes your physique look worse though? It will look less wider
Isn't it worth to not go for wide, but simply above average
Not true.

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So I met these hot chicks one of them mtb and the other one staceylite/htb. The first question they asked me was did I have plastic surgery before even asking for my name.
They said my skin was crazy good I had prominent cheekbones (zygos) and my nose was perfect. The craziest part is that I just started my looksmaxxing journey. And the funny part is that they didn’t really believe me that I didn’t get anything done I didn’t get any surgeries Im not even softmaxxed yet. Its kind of crazy high tier becky/staycey lite (with stacey body) asked me did I have surgery. I felt like zeta on omegle for a moment. They said that they spend so much money on face products and their skin doesn’t look like this. Its propably the craziest compliment ever which gave me a crazy ego boost. I wonder how life will look like after I softmaxx. I think I have decend potential except my fucking jaw assymetry.

Here is what im going to be doing:

Eye area:
-Minoxidil on eyebrows and castor oil
-All types of oils on eyelashes
-After I grow them out(Should take me about 6 months) Im going to dye them black

I will also try to get my eye muscles stronger which can help me even out my eye symmetry a little bit

I am going to chew hard gum every other day till my masseters get tired in order to widen my peanut skull.

I will also be doing hard mewing and bonesmashing every once in a while for fun and hope it helps ( I have a reeceding chin)

I will bonesmash the fuck out of my chin hoping this shit grows


I will get composite bonding and whithen my teeth by a specialist so that they look top tier.

I will also expand my upper palate by using palate expander.

I will use vaseline under eyes in order to make sure
That im going to get rid of my eyebags.

Ill try to get rid of some acne spots and keep glowy skin.

Right now I only use water and no products and my skin is still good.

Here I was blessed with massive clavicles and great frame so the only right thing to do is to get brutally strong and aesthetic.

Gym 4-5 times a week. I am going to slightly bulk and then cut for summer

I will stick to this routine for the next 8 -10months basically till the summer.
If I ascend to high htn/chadlite im good but if not I might consider some hardmaxxes.

Let me know if you would add anything else from basic softmaxxes. Life as mid MTN with good frame is decent but why not try to be chad.
Being calledout for surgery while not even having one by hot chicks got to be crazy. I can only imagine how Zeta or Pneumo get called out in real life for surgery they didn’t have.

Look at Josh Mcgregor and his fucking cringey tiktoks if an MTN did that shit he would be getting bullied by everyone but when chad does it nobody cares.

no pic no care
Can you give me some examples of food you used to eat?
  1. What food did you eat?
A lot of fatty fish red meat pasta a lot fo avocado and many different vegetables.
  1. Did you drink Soda? If so, how often?
No never. One time I havent been to mcdonalds for 8 years straight
  1. How often did you eat Meat?
Every 2 days. We ate about 3 times a week fish 3 times a week meet
  1. What sort of Meat did you Eat?
I never eat chicken or pork. So like ossobuco red meat and all those other heslthy meats their really expensive
  1. How often did you eat eggs?
Almost everyday
  1. Did you drink Milk? How often?
Yes I did every 2 or 3 days. My brother drinks milk all the time maybe thats why he is chad
  1. Did you eat vegetables, which ones?
Yes all sort of vegetables avocado tomatoes carrots beans onions all sorts of healthy fruits
  1. How long did your mother breastfeed you? [V important, please ask her thank u bro 🙏]
All the time. As long as she could I remember she told me thay she avoided all sorts of chemical fake bottles. Also when she was pregnant with me she ate extremely heatlthy. Avoiding all sorts of unjealthy foods and eating lots of seafood
  1. Did you have snacks? What did they used to be?
Fruits. I love berries watermellon strawberries mango kiwi bananas dragonfruit. I really love fruits
  1. How often did you eat out?
  1. Any junkfood ever? How frequently?
No my mom never allowed me to eat that type of food and I think my brain was programmed later on in life to never eat it. I dont even enjoy fastfood I would rather eat some fruits
If you answer these bro, I'd be very happy. Feel free to give as much information as you know. Thanks
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I will use vaseline under eyes in order to make sure
That im going to get rid of my eyebags.
Don’t do this bro, can cause milia, plus it’s just not gonna work
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Tbh I couldn’t tell you, I’ve tried everything and still have them, I think surgery is the only way
Damn really? I've heard some people link certain brands for under eyebag problems but I wanna buy the right ones.
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Damn really? I've heard some people link certain brands for under eyebag problems but I wanna buy the right ones.
Well it definitely depends on the reason you have eyebags, it can be caused by thin skin, puffiness, or lack of undereye support, the first two can be changed, but if you’ve had eye bags your whole life it’s probably the third that’s causing it
Well it definitely depends on the reason you have eyebags, it can be caused by thin skin, puffiness, or lack of undereye support, the first two can be changed, but if you’ve had eye bags your whole life it’s probably the third that’s causing it
100% got mines due to lack of sleep, went for 2 years getting 4-6 hours of sleep. I assume sleep can be attributed to the former 2 and not the latter? If so would easy fixes involving the aforementioned creams/treatments be feasible? Thanks
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100% got mines due to lack of sleep, went for 2 years getting 4-6 hours of sleep. I assume sleep can be attributed to the former 2 and not the latter? If so would easy fixes involving the aforementioned creams/treatments be feasible? Thanks
Just get more sleep and they should go away then if that’s what’s causing it, you could try some creams tho
Just get more sleep and they should go away then if that’s what’s causing it, you could try some creams tho
Not a big fan of creams and other ointments I will probably do the formerly mentioned solution thank you for your attention my friend.
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I would have used the opportunity to give my unwelcomed advice on what plastic surgeries they could get. And that they should lose weight even if they are medium weight.
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So I met these hot chicks one of them mtb and the other one staceylite/htb. The first question they asked me was did I have plastic surgery before even asking for my name.
They said my skin was crazy good I had prominent cheekbones (zygos) and my nose was perfect. The craziest part is that I just started my looksmaxxing journey. And the funny part is that they didn’t really believe me that I didn’t get anything done I didn’t get any surgeries Im not even softmaxxed yet. Its kind of crazy high tier becky/staycey lite (with stacey body) asked me did I have surgery. I felt like zeta on omegle for a moment. They said that they spend so much money on face products and their skin doesn’t look like this. Its propably the craziest compliment ever which gave me a crazy ego boost. I wonder how life will look like after I softmaxx. I think I have decend potential except my fucking jaw assymetry.

Here is what im going to be doing:

Eye area:
-Minoxidil on eyebrows and castor oil
-All types of oils on eyelashes
-After I grow them out(Should take me about 6 months) Im going to dye them black

I will also try to get my eye muscles stronger which can help me even out my eye symmetry a little bit

I am going to chew hard gum every other day till my masseters get tired in order to widen my peanut skull.

I will also be doing hard mewing and bonesmashing every once in a while for fun and hope it helps ( I have a reeceding chin)

I will bonesmash the fuck out of my chin hoping this shit grows


I will get composite bonding and whithen my teeth by a specialist so that they look top tier.

I will also expand my upper palate by using palate expander.

I will use vaseline under eyes in order to make sure
That im going to get rid of my eyebags.

Ill try to get rid of some acne spots and keep glowy skin.

Right now I only use water and no products and my skin is still good.

Here I was blessed with massive clavicles and great frame so the only right thing to do is to get brutally strong and aesthetic.

Gym 4-5 times a week. I am going to slightly bulk and then cut for summer

I will stick to this routine for the next 8 -10months basically till the summer.
If I ascend to high htn/chadlite im good but if not I might consider some hardmaxxes.

Let me know if you would add anything else from basic softmaxxes. Life as mid MTN with good frame is decent but why not try to be chad.
Being calledout for surgery while not even having one by hot chicks got to be crazy. I can only imagine how Zeta or Pneumo get called out in real life for surgery they didn’t have.

Look at Josh Mcgregor and his fucking cringey tiktoks if an MTN did that shit he would be getting bullied by everyone but when chad does it nobody cares.

Giga narcismmaxxed
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