Calories in calories out? My weight/fat loss plan and if it will work.



Jan 12, 2024
I am 25% to 27% bodyfat rn
240lbs (108.8kg) 5’10

Aside from health, let’s say I eat 1000 to 1500 calories a day mainly consisting of reaching my protein intake with gymcelling and cardio to burn calories. and then we have 1 gym day which adds onto my TDEE and In total I burn 3500 calories at the end of the day.
I eat 1250 cals of food
3500 spent - 1250 eaten = 2250 cals spent
2250 calories expended
(3500 cals in 1 lbs of fat
35000 cals in 10 lbs of fat)

It will take 15.5 gym days of expending 2250 calories per day to lose 10 pounds.

I made posts on this before but dudes kept telling me to cut normally and healthy.

I want to lose fat faster even if it’s at the cost of my health, after I get to my desired weight I’ll get healthmax

as long as I’m consistent on this shitty low cal diet and burning more calories than I eat, will this work???
It will work but you will feel like a vegetable and you'll need a lot of mental fortitude to ignore the hunger
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