Can sugar from fruits destroy collagen too ?



Sep 8, 2019
Ok, I want a good answer on this one. I studiet collagen and sugar ability to destroy skin and cause saggy skin or wrinkles, yet I don't really understand if fruits high in sugar (most of fruits) can do the same. Anyone here that can provide a good study / proof on this one ? I really work 24/24 and study some other projects at the same time, working for a drug company too, so I need this info. Don't really have much time to research on this one too

Please no troll, trolling on this forum just shows that you are stupid, let's help each other !

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no, it doesn't
jared leto is vegan.
tobey mguire is also vegan
i suppose they eat a lot of fruits
That ain't a good explanation. It can be their genetics, it can be fillers, etc.

I need to read why the sugar from fruits does not destroy the skin like normal sugar ? it's still sugar...
Why DOES sugar "destroy" collagen?
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fibers in fruits control the insulin spikes so its not the same as refined high-glycemic index sugars that spike your insulin
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Why DOES sugar "destroy" collagen?
Sugar causes inflammation and the resulting inflammation produces enzymes which breaks down collagen.
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Sugar causes inflammation and the resulting inflammation produces enzymes which breaks down collagen.

Any studies or an explanation thaths not on 11th grade bio level?
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Sugar causes inflammation and the resulting inflammation produces enzymes which breaks down collagen.
Yep there's so many reasons. Insulin secretion due to rising blood glucose levels; insulin binds to the insulin receptors and switches on the cascade of anabolic pathways, none of which have any anti-inflammatory properties. Sugar will also turn your type III collagen to type I which is a lot less resilient. Eating sugar regularly will fuck up your skin. I think @Lifeisgood72 is seeing some good progress with his skin by getting into autophagy with fasting. Autophagy will recycle and renew all the shit in your skin cells that accumulate when you eat sugar frequently. Sugar will make your pancreas secrete tons of insulin. Too much.
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Any studies or an explanation thaths not on 11th grade bio level?
sugar makes body mad, mad body makes chemicals that attack collagen
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Yep there's so many reasons. Insulin secretion due to rising blood glucose levels; insulin binds to the insulin receptors and switches on the cascade of anabolic pathways, none of which have any anti-inflammatory properties. Sugar will also turn your type III collagen to type I which is a lot less resilient. Eating sugar regularly will fuck up your skin. I think @Lifeisgood72 is seeing some good progress with his skin by getting into autophagy with fasting. Autophagy will recycle and renew all the shit in your skin cells that accumulate when you eat sugar frequently. Sugar will make your pancreas secrete tons of insulin. Too much.

Sugar intake eventually activates the AKT pathway which ensures that you will never get into autophagy and your body won't produce anti-inflammatory cytokines even when they're needed. AMPK will be shut off due to AKT being switched on. And the main autophagic pathway PDK2 is activated through AMPK.


This diagram might be hard to see, but I show what insulin does at the receptor site. More insulin secretion; more frequent PI3K/AKT activation. The insulin will have already done it's storage job of transporting blood glucose to cells that need it; but most people who consume a lot of sugar are never in an energy deficit due to frequent eating of insulinogenic foods and eating in a caloric surplus. They'll gain more fat too through de Novo Lipogenesis and that extra fat is going to be inflammatory just like all stored body fat is.
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View attachment 128285
Sugar intake eventually activates the AKT pathway which ensures that you will never get into autophagy and your body won't produce anti-inflammatory cytokines even when they're needed. AMPK will be shut off due to AKT being switched on. And the main autophagic pathway PDK2 is activated through AMPK.

View attachment 128287

This diagram might be hard to see, but I show what insulin does at the receptor site. More insulin secretion; more frequent PI3K/AKT activation. The insulin will have already done it's storage job of transporting blood glucose to cells that need it; but most people who consume a lot of sugar are never in an energy deficit due to frequent eating of insulinogenic foods and eating in a caloric surplus. They'll gain more fat too through de Novo Lipogenesis and that extra fat is going to be inflammatory just like all stored body fat is.

Where does collagen come into play here though? 10 minute googling has yielded nothing in terms of studies on inflammation and collagenolysis.

And if anything, due to the anabolic nature of Insulin, you should be getting higher collagen synthesis.
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Where does collagen come into play here though? 10 minute googling has yielded nothing in terms of studies on inflammation and collagenolysis.
The only thing sugar will do to your collagen is change it from type III into type I. I can't really elaborate on how that's bad but from what I've searched, type III is the more resilient type. Sugar intake will cause inflammation in the skin cells themselves, and that'll fuck up your skin, regardless of collagen. Through consumption of a high sugar, frequent eating diet, you'll be causing oxidative stress and inflammation without any anti-inflammatory counterbalance. Polyphenols and anti-oxidants have also been shown to strengthen elastin in skin, giving it a tighter and healthier look. Typically junk food eaters aren't eating chaga mushroom or spirulina with their fast food. Even if they did, it wouldn't prevent the frequent sugar consumption from damaging their skin. With that type of diet you're literally never giving your body a chance to produce it's own anti-inflammatory cytokines, which are a lot more potent that exogenous anti-oxidants.

From what I know, there's no direct impact on collagen that sugar has. But just because collagen synthesis might not be disrupted, it doesn't mean that sugar won't make your skin look like crap. The inflammation will affect all cells, including fibroblasts, which are responsible for producing collagen. As for collagen synthesis, idk; all that's needed for that are Vitamin C and iron. Maybe junk food eaters aren't getting enough Vitamin C and/or Iron too (?)
And if anything, due to the anabolic nature of Insulin, you should be getting higher collagen synthesis.
Interesting. Yeah and that looks to be true since collagen itself is an amino acid; and amino acid starvation will activate autophagy pathways like ULK1. So maybe prolonged amino acid starvation (or just fasting) will negatively impact collagen synthesis. But that doesn't mean sugar will help your skin since the most important part of anything is having healthy, non inflammed, functioning cells in the body; and sugar will cause a heap of inflammation within cells. Insulin still gets secreted even if you avoid sugar or carbs entirely; so its not as if your body won't be secreting insulin if you avoid sugar and carbs.
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The only thing sugar will do to your collagen is change it from type III into type I. I can't really elaborate on how that's bad but from what I've searched, type III is the more resilient type.

Of course you had to chime in so we can have a discussion and not baseless "sugar destroys collagen" talk.
"In young skin collagen I comprises 80% of dermal collagen and type III makes up 15%; however, with age there is a decrease in collagen I with a resultant increase in the ratio of type III to type I collagen." as seen here. Based on that I don't think the hypothetical conversion of type 3 to type 1 will necessarily be bad.

Sugar intake will cause inflammation in the skin cells themselves, and that'll fuck up your skin, regardless of collagen.

That I completely agree with as with the rest of your comment pretty much. High amounts of simple carbs and insulin spikes are bad period. Claims like "sugar" (whicht sugar?) "destroys" (how) "collagen" (where, what type of collagen, by what mechanism?) contribute absolutely nothing to any looksmaxxing theories and only encourage circlejerking of broscience.
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Of course you had to chime in so we can have a discussion and not baseless "sugar destroys collagen" talk.
"In young skin collagen I comprises 80% of dermal collagen and type III makes up 15%; however, with age there is a decrease in collagen I with a resultant increase in the ratio of type III to type I collagen." as seen here. Based on that I don't think the hypothetical conversion of type 3 to type 1 will necessarily be bad.

That I completely agree with as with the rest of your comment pretty much. High amounts of simple carbs and insulin spikes are bad period. Claims like "sugar" (whicht sugar?) "destroys" (how) "collagen" (where, what type of collagen, by what mechanism?) contribute absolutely nothing to any looksmaxxing theories and only encourage circlejerking of broscience.
Yep, collagen for sure isn't the only thing that promotes healthy skin. Skin health has a foundation; the main foundation being the function of the skin cells themselves, their mitochondrial density etc. That wikipedia page says that "Glycation" causes stiffening of the collagen in the blood vessels which can lead to problems like high blood pressure and strokes.

Basically, everyone's "Collagen synthesis" is probably fine. You can't supercharge your collagen by somehow enhancing its synthesis or just by "Adding more collagen" like some people on this forum seem to think lmao.
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View attachment 128285
Sugar intake eventually activates the AKT pathway which ensures that you will never get into autophagy and your body won't produce anti-inflammatory cytokines even when they're needed. AMPK will be shut off due to AKT being switched on. And the main autophagic pathway PDK2 is activated through AMPK.

View attachment 128287

This diagram might be hard to see, but I show what insulin does at the receptor site. More insulin secretion; more frequent PI3K/AKT activation. The insulin will have already done it's storage job of transporting blood glucose to cells that need it; but most people who consume a lot of sugar are never in an energy deficit due to frequent eating of insulinogenic foods and eating in a caloric surplus. They'll gain more fat too through de Novo Lipogenesis and that extra fat is going to be inflammatory just like all stored body fat is.
Jeez bro your pictures just get more complicated and difficult to understand by the day xP
Jeez bro your pictures just get more complicated and difficult to understand by the day xP
Just took them from my thread about protein synthesis w/ Arginine/Leucine
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"Adding more collagen" like some people on this forum seem to think lmao.

Thats a tough pill to swallow. Nothing in the body can be reduced to do x and y will happen. The system will actively resist any change in order to keep homeostasis, you can get one benefit but it will be at the cost of something else i.e finasteride. What I believe is the right path is to ensure that your organism has everything necessary in order to function properly and optimally - optimization>>>>change.
You can't supercharge your collagen by somehow enhancing its synthesis or just by "Adding more collagen"

Everyone I know in real life thinks like this...
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Thats a tough pill to swallow. Nothing in the body can be reduced to do x and y will happen. The system will actively resist any change in order to keep homeostasis, you can get one benefit but it will be at the cost of something else i.e finasteride. What I believe is the right path is to ensure that your organism has everything necessary in order to function properly and optimally - optimization>>>>change.
That's my foundation. Ensuring all cells are working optimally. PQQ and CoQ10 are a strong combo. PGC1α is fascinating.
Everyone I know in real life thinks like this...
Minoxidil users get fucked by damaging their CELLS. Not their skin cells, but their fibroblast cells that are responsible for producing collagen. Now imagine that you take care of all cells in your body. The results will be overwhelming. Roid users self sabotage and shut down their sex hormone production. The LEYDIG CELLS are responsible for producing the LH and FSH which convert to a whole host of hormones through a chain of events.
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Vitamin C helps skin waaay more than sugar destroys it ? ok then boys, read this :

Yep there's so many reasons. Insulin secretion due to rising blood glucose levels; insulin binds to the insulin receptors and switches on the cascade of anabolic pathways, none of which have any anti-inflammatory properties. Sugar will also turn your type III collagen to type I which is a lot less resilient. Eating sugar regularly will fuck up your skin. I think @Lifeisgood72 is seeing some good progress with his skin by getting into autophagy with fasting. Autophagy will recycle and renew all the shit in your skin cells that accumulate when you eat sugar frequently. Sugar will make your pancreas secrete tons of insulin. Too much.

Bro I appreciate your research on fasting, but take it like this, if enough fasting is done, the body will consume the normal fat stores, when those become less available, it will start consuming even the fat pads from the face area, those fat pads give natural baby volume to face, this is why in hardcore weight losing people you see huge lines on their face, but think of this, do enough fasting and the body will even consume the fat pads in your face and you will look decades older. Please prove or explain to me why I am wrong on this one.


Thats a tough pill to swallow. Nothing in the body can be reduced to do x and y will happen. The system will actively resist any change in order to keep homeostasis, you can get one benefit but it will be at the cost of something else i.e finasteride. What I believe is the right path is to ensure that your organism has everything necessary in order to function properly and optimally - optimization>>>>change.


Finasteride is made up in the pharmacy. We talk about mostly, if not all, natural stuff here.

Say you can't add collagen ? of course you can't. The body will consume it. But you can provoke the body to produce collagen like in youth levels, be that example with Sweet Potatoes (super vitamin a amount, carrotenoids and copper) the combo will surely make your skin youthful for ages, this was studied on Blue Zones, where they consumed sweet potato daily.

So the theory of "you cannot change your body" is duh ! dumb ! that would mean alcohol/cigs will not age you like crap, that would mean diet does nothing, while we all know that loads of antioxidants and a proper diet can keep youth and delay aging



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the sugar in fruits (fructose) is actually worse for you than table sugar
the fiber and nutrients in fruits balances it out but regardless fruits are cucked
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UVR-induced oxidative stress in human skin in vivo: effects of oral vitamin C supplementation. - PubMed - NCBI

Tell me what conclusion did YOU draw from reading this abstract. Just explain it to me like I'm 5 years old.

Finasteride is made up in the pharmacy. We talk about mostly, if not all, natural stuff here.

Appeal to nature.
Purple Sweet Potato Leaf Extract Induces Apoptosis and Reduces Inflammatory Adipokine Expression in 3T3-L1 Differentiated Adipocytes

Again, did you actually understand anything from this study? How would you summarize the results?
a proper diet can keep youth and delay aging

"To conclude, nutrition and skin aging still remains a controversial and conflicting subject. " from your own fucking source. No one is denying a good diet is beneficial. What I meant with my comment, and you clearly didn't grasp that, is that the best path is to OPTIMIZE the function of your body, rather than trying to CHANGE it. Smoking and alcohol consumption are just examples of things that DE-OPTIMIZE your system and they fully support what I've said.

Try harder next time with that bro-science shit.
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the sugar in fruits (fructose) is actually worse for you than table sugar
the fiber and nutrients in fruits balances it out but regardless fruits are cucked
cringe and gay, I'm gonna stick to eating my apples thanks
the sugar in fruits (fructose) is actually worse for you than table sugar
the fiber and nutrients in fruits balances it out but regardless fruits are cucked
Explain how
@x30001 on the topic of fibroblasts (which, as you pointed out, produce collagen), what's your opinion on injecting GHK-Cu on a regular (daily) basis? My understanding is that it's one of the most potent fibroblast activators that has been discovered, so I'm wondering if it may be beneficial as someone in his early 30's (almost 32) to start a year-round routine of daily injections of it.

Also, what's your opinion on topical peptides such as Matrixyl 3000?
fruit sugar is still sugar, if they are chemically the same, then it might
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So there goes the fruit fantasy y all.

Want good skin? No fruits!
As I thought.
So there goes the fruit fantasy y all.

Want good skin? No fruits!
As I thought.

Boy i thought u didnt care about collagen. What changed your mind if i may ask
Last sentence conculsion of that stuy that you quoted:

"Fruit and vegetables consumption may represent the most healthy and safe method in order to maintain a balanced diet and youthful appearing skin. "

We all gotta eat. And if we are not eating Fruit as snacks, likely we will replace with snacks like donuts and shit like that. Which will fuck up alot, health + skin.
Also that callogen thing. If fruits dimish callogen a bit, one can compensate it with adding the following callogen enhancing activities: Retin-A/tretinon; Vitamine A serum/retinol; and dermarolling.
Keep on topic. Wrinkles are fine, as long as they are not extreme. Even Gordon Ramsay is handsome but wrinkles bìgger than that might be a ptoblem
Last sentence conculsion of that stuy that you quoted:

"Fruit and vegetables consumption may represent the most healthy and safe method in order to maintain a balanced diet and youthful appearing skin. "

We all gotta eat. And if we are not eating Fruit as snacks, likely we will replace with snacks like donuts and shit like that. Which will fuck up alot, health + skin.
Also that callogen thing. If fruits dimish callogen a bit, one can compensate it with adding the following callogen enhancing activities: Retin-A/tretinon; Vitamine A serum/retinol; and dermarolling.

Dermarolling was proved to have 0 effect on collagen production.

No one on this thread was capable to give a good answer.

Not even x30001 who speaks a lot but mostly offtopic. Question was simple : can sugar from fruits destroy collagen and skin ? Cause YES sugar can cause saggy skin and wrinkles directly. And sugar is sugar even as fructose.....
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Fruit Sugar = sugar = bad. Therefore avoid eating an excess of fruit.

When one is deciding what fruit to eat, one should look at the nutritional value per calorie. Which is basically equal to nutritional value per gram of sugar.

One can see that Kiwi's, strawberries and oranges have similar vitamin C values per calorie. Meanwhile apples, bananas and blueberries are absolute TRASH.

If one wants to get a healthy orange/yellow skin color as was talked about earlier in this topic, one needs to look at beta-carotene content per calorie.
Oranges excell, banana's and strawberries are TRASH.

If you are going to eat fruit, eat more kiwi's and oranges, avoid bananas.
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can sugar from fruits destroy collagen and skin ?

What kind of a retarded question is that? NORMAL consumption of FRUCTOSE ( not "chemically the same as glucose" and not metabolized in the same way, does not cause insulin spikes if consumed in its naturally occurring form in fruit, not corn syrup) will NOT "destroy" (whatever that means) your skin and collagen. If you have ANY studies showing that a diet high in fruit results in worsening of facial skin characteristics, post it. Until then, the case is closed.
blueberries are absolute TRASH.

Lmao, first using this shit table and comparing fruits by the amount of fuckin Vitamin C thats already abundant in our diet is comical. Second, claiming that blueberries are trash when they are one of the most researched fruits due to their phytochemical content is even more laughable. Oh, and so is comparing glucose to fructose in such a reductionist way.
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All of you are clowns 🤡
What kind of a retarded question is that? NORMAL consumption of FRUCTOSE ( not "chemically the same as glucose" and not metabolized in the same way, does not cause insulin spikes if consumed in its naturally occurring form in fruit, not corn syrup) will NOT "destroy" (whatever that means) your skin and collagen. If you have ANY studies showing that a diet high in fruit results in worsening of facial skin characteristics, post it. Until then, the case is closed.

Lmao, first using this shit table and comparing fruits by the amount of fuckin Vitamin C thats already abundant in our diet is comical. Second, claiming that blueberries are trash when they are one of the most researched fruits due to their phytochemical content is even more laughable. Oh, and so is comparing glucose to fructose in such a reductionist way.

You're a fucking idiot, I will post later why, anyway, it's evident. FRUCTOSE does the same shit you fucking moron, it's sugar. Dumb ass, what level of coping to eat sweets do you live on ?
What kind of a retarded question is that? NORMAL consumption of FRUCTOSE ( not "chemically the same as glucose" and not metabolized in the same way, does not cause insulin spikes if consumed in its naturally occurring form in fruit, not corn syrup) will NOT "destroy" (whatever that means) your skin and collagen. If you have ANY studies showing that a diet high in fruit results in worsening of facial skin characteristics, post it. Until then, the case is closed.
normal consumption of anything won't cause serious health concerns. You can eat binge-eat mcdonalds once a week and not notice a difference with someone who doesnt. Diets high in fruit can't be healthy.

Fructose is useless and your body doesn't need it at all. It's simply energy, nothing else. It's as usefull as alcohol (ethanol) for your body so the only question is whether fruit has enough nutritional benefits to bother eating it's shitty fructose content.

Lmao, first using this shit table and comparing fruits by the amount of fuckin Vitamin C thats already abundant in our diet is comical. Second, claiming that blueberries are trash when they are one of the most researched fruits due to their phytochemical content is even more laughable. Oh, and so is comparing glucose to fructose in such a reductionist way.
Just because fructose might not be as harmfull as glucose, doesn't mean it's usefull. Fat/Protein mogs the shit out of shitty carbs any day and fruit cointains A LOT of carbs.

I said blueberries are worthless with respect to its vit C content, which is a fact.

9:30 into this vid shows that fructose=poison.

Just lol @ poisoning yourself with excess fruit consumption.
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This ended life journey of everyone promoting fruit maxxing over this forums and the nonsense of "eat shitload of fruits"

fucking fags that have no brain, you make the world be a shithole. lowiq subhumans, fuck you and your fruits.
normal consumption of anything won't cause serious health concerns. You can eat binge-eat mcdonalds once a week and not notice a difference with someone who doesnt. Diets high in fruit can't be healthy.

Fructose is useless and your body doesn't need it at all. It's simply energy, nothing else. It's as usefull as alcohol (ethanol) for your body so the only question is whether fruit has enough nutritional benefits to bother eating it's shitty fructose content.

Just because fructose might not be as harmfull as glucose, doesn't mean it's usefull. Fat/Protein mogs the shit out of shitty carbs any day and fruit cointains A LOT of carbs.

I said blueberries are worthless with respect to its vit C content, which is a fact.

9:30 into this vid shows that fructose=poison.

Just lol @ poisoning yourself with excess fruit consumption.

This ended life journey of everyone promoting fruit maxxing over this forums and the nonsense of "eat shitload of fruits"

fucking fags that have no brain, you make the world be a shithole. lowiq subhumans, fuck you and your fruits.
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9:30 into this vid shows that fructose=poison.

It shows as much as marathon runners who die from water over-consumption show that water is poison. This video specifically refers to HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP and its equivalents which are, as expected, very very high in fructose and glucose content per unit as compared to fruit. The author of the video mentions this at the end of the video as well - it is pretty much physically impossible to get the same amount of fructose.

So yeah, fructose in FRUIT is still NOT BAD for you and next time maybe to prove it with a scientific article instead of misrepresenting a youtube video. Also, LOL @ "excess FRUIT consumption" - that's the first time Ive ever heard this combo of words. Even if you do overffed yourself on fruits, your biggest problem would be having to shit for 2 hours straight and not fucking insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver.

"substantial experimental studies have supported the protective role of fruits against CVDs" [1]

"Fruits...also supply vitamins and minerals to the diet and are sources of phytochemicals that function as antioxidants, phytoestrogens, and antiinflammatory agents and through other protective mechanisms." [2]

"Our meta-analysis indicates that fruit or/and vegetable consumption may be inversely associated with risk of MetS. It suggests that people should consume more fruits and vegetables to decrease the risk of MetS." [3]

"Flavanol-rich lychee fruit extract alleviates diet-induced insulin resistance via suppressing mTOR/SREBP-1 mediated lipogenesis in liver and restoring insulin signaling in skeletal muscle" [4]

[1] - A Heart-Healthy Diet: Recent Insights and Practical Recommendations.
[2] - Health benefits of fruits and vegetables.
[3] - Fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of the metabolic syndrome: a meta-analysis.
[4] - Flavanol-rich lychee fruit extract alleviates diet-induced insulin resistance via suppressing mTOR/SREBP-1 mediated lipogenesis in liver and restoring insulin signaling in skeletal muscle
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Rice Cakes
Despite being at the top of most people's diet-inspired grocery lists, rice cakes are actually horrible for your skin. Eating them causes your blood sugar to increase dramatically, which causes wrinkles because "your body metabolizes the simple carbs in the cake the same way it does sugar--by converting them to glucose." After they've been converted, the glucose clings to collagen and damages it.

Now this is exactly what fructose from fruit transforms to in your body, and it destroys the collagen.

This is science. How is the fruit good for your skin, please tell me again ? please explain to me again ???
Rice Cakes
Despite being at the top of most people's diet-inspired grocery lists, rice cakes are actually horrible for your skin. Eating them causes your blood sugar to increase dramatically, which causes wrinkles because "your body metabolizes the simple carbs in the cake the same way it does sugar--by converting them to glucose." After they've been converted, the glucose clings to collagen and damages it.

Now this is exactly what fructose from fruit transforms to in your body, and it destroys the collagen.

This is science. How is the fruit good for your skin, please tell me again ? please explain to me again ???
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Should we eat fruits or not? I've seen tons of guys saying you shouldn't and others saying you should.
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