Change my view. I’m convinced jaw development is the only thing that truly makes or breaks you.

Deleted member 19642

Deleted member 19642

May 16, 2022
Height, frame, pheno, coloring, hair, etc all these things are ultimately preferences. There isn’t one thats really objectively better than another in terms of genetics. Yes being 6’3 with mogger frame and Nordic pheno and blonde hair and blue eyes like dolph lundgren will give you a much larger dating pool. Close to 100% of women. But you can still slay being black, bald, Manlet, it will be harder but still possible. Just takes more work because your prospective dating pool is much smaller maybe 10% of women are attracted to you.

But having a recessed jaw is totally different, it shows the whole world you have truly inferior genes. It’s a visible sign you have overall poor health, poor hormone profile, bad posture, mutational load, it tells everyone that you literally can’t even breathe or swallow correctly.

Some women do prefer short men, some women prefer Indians, some prefer bald men, but absolutely nobody prefers a underdeveloped jaw. It’s quite literally a bony deformation. Zero women are attracted to that.

So if you’re actually deformed then numbers game doesn’t work. It’s over. You may get lucky and find a one night stand or ltr but the girl will always be settling.

If you’re just short and bald though you can still slay, because girls are still attracted to you, just way less so it’s just a lot harder.
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If you’re just short and bald though you can still slay, because girls are still attracted to you, just way less so it’s just a lot harder
Doesn't work like that
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It is not a linear distribution of women for each looks rating
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Yeah agreed like u cant look human without forward jaws,
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Height, frame, pheno, coloring, hair, etc all these things are ultimately preferences.
Some women do prefer short men, some women prefer Indians, some prefer bald men
u’re just short and bald though you can still slay, because girls are still attracted to you, just way less so it’s just a lot harder.
Funny GIF
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No. otherwise everyone who got Bimax would slay. That’s not the case
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1000% facts incredible posf and why almost everyone needs MSE + jaw surgery
Height, frame, pheno, coloring, hair, etc all these things are ultimately preferences. There isn’t one thats really objectively better than another in terms of genetics. Yes being 6’3 with mogger frame and Nordic pheno and blonde hair and blue eyes like dolph lundgren will give you a much larger dating pool. Close to 100% of women. But you can still slay being black, bald, Manlet, it will be harder but still possible. Just takes more work because your prospective dating pool is much smaller maybe 10% of women are attracted to you.

But having a recessed jaw is totally different, it shows the whole world you have truly inferior genes. It’s a visible sign you have overall poor health, poor hormone profile, bad posture, mutational load, it tells everyone that you literally can’t even breathe or swallow correctly.

Some women do prefer short men, some women prefer Indians, some prefer bald men, but absolutely nobody prefers a underdeveloped jaw. It’s quite literally a bony deformation. Zero women are attracted to that.

So if you’re actually deformed then numbers game doesn’t work. It’s over. You may get lucky and find a one night stand or ltr but the girl will always be settling.

If you’re just short and bald though you can still slay, because girls are still attracted to you, just way less so it’s just a lot harder.
funny how your pfp debunks this
  • JFL
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Agreed, on TikTok all the pretty boys have a range of different phenos, colouring, heights yet they all do well cause of four things: top tier jaw, hair, skin and at least non dark eyes.
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>The four masticatory muscles showed positive correlation with intergonial width in all subjects. All muscles, except temporalis, positively correlated with height of the ramus and mandibular length. Positive correlation was also observed in all muscles, except medial pterygoid, with thickness of the ramus. In the normal occlusion group, all four masticatory muscles showed positive correlation with intergonial width and ramus thickness. Positive correlation was also observed in all muscles (except lateral pterygoid) with mandibular length. Masseter and lateral pterygoid positively correlated with height of the ramus.
Chewing hard gum and clenching onto something that won't damage your teeth is essential to a good lower third. No it won't make you bloated that's a fucking meme.
Muscles influence your bones
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Yep, the jaw is important.
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The thing about a strong jaw is how much they stand out from the crowd. You can see one a mile off. Even those blind to the blackpill; they see it, they're just not aware that they see it. Almost subconcious.

Since the beginning of time when a slayer appeared out of the jungle/forrest or over a hill, approached on horseback etc, the first thing a whore sees is the jaw. They are just...spectacular.

"Revel in your time, slayers."
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my experience on this:

i have a 3st percentile jaw lenght (very bad chin) and i still got a gf that is attracted to me.
she has a perfect jaw and a perfect pointy psl chin, and she says she HATES that part of her body and she wishes it was more ''delicate'' like mine JFLL :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: she is insecure and therefore wishes she was different, felling attration towards smaller jaws and chins.

tldr if ur subhuman in the jaw go for a self hating girl with a perfect chin and jaw, they are the most probable to liking your looks
  • JFL
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I have stopped chewing because I’m recessed and chewing a lot when you are recessed works out je temporal is muscles turning you into megamind, it’s over you can’t fix it without surgery
Height, frame, pheno, coloring, hair, etc all these things are ultimately preferences. There isn’t one thats really objectively better than another in terms of genetics. Yes being 6’3 with mogger frame and Nordic pheno and blonde hair and blue eyes like dolph lundgren will give you a much larger dating pool. Close to 100% of women. But you can still slay being black, bald, Manlet, it will be harder but still possible. Just takes more work because your prospective dating pool is much smaller maybe 10% of women are attracted to you.

But having a recessed jaw is totally different, it shows the whole world you have truly inferior genes. It’s a visible sign you have overall poor health, poor hormone profile, bad posture, mutational load, it tells everyone that you literally can’t even breathe or swallow correctly.

Some women do prefer short men, some women prefer Indians, some prefer bald men, but absolutely nobody prefers a underdeveloped jaw. It’s quite literally a bony deformation. Zero women are attracted to that.

So if you’re actually deformed then numbers game doesn’t work. It’s over. You may get lucky and find a one night stand or ltr but the girl will always be settling.

If you’re just short and bald though you can still slay, because girls are still attracted to you, just way less so it’s just a lot harder.
JAW IS LAW. People IRL judge attractiveness primarily by people's side profile/how forward grown their face is
  • So Sad
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Height, frame, pheno, coloring, hair, etc all these things are ultimately preferences. There isn’t one thats really objectively better than another in terms of genetics. Yes being 6’3 with mogger frame and Nordic pheno and blonde hair and blue eyes like dolph lundgren will give you a much larger dating pool. Close to 100% of women. But you can still slay being black, bald, Manlet, it will be harder but still possible. Just takes more work because your prospective dating pool is much smaller maybe 10% of women are attracted to you.

But having a recessed jaw is totally different, it shows the whole world you have truly inferior genes. It’s a visible sign you have overall poor health, poor hormone profile, bad posture, mutational load, it tells everyone that you literally can’t even breathe or swallow correctly.

Some women do prefer short men, some women prefer Indians, some prefer bald men, but absolutely nobody prefers a underdeveloped jaw. It’s quite literally a bony deformation. Zero women are attracted to that.

So if you’re actually deformed then numbers game doesn’t work. It’s over. You may get lucky and find a one night stand or ltr but the girl will always be settling.

If you’re just short and bald though you can still slay, because girls are still attracted to you, just way less so it’s just a lot harder.
I do think jaw is important and although I don't have a top-tier jaw, I have very good zygos...

I think zygos > jaw because with orthodontics and implants anyone can get an excellent jaw, but the opposite is true of zygos...

Naturally developed zygos just scream "High T", and almost every guy I see with pronounced zygos has other High T features like low inhibition, and I can't say the same of Jaws.
No. otherwise everyone who got Bimax would slay. That’s not the case
Bimax usually just lengthens the jaw.

OP, take the eyes, head, midface, body, neck - pill.
I have stopped chewing because I’m recessed and chewing a lot when you are recessed works out je temporal is muscles turning you into megamind, it’s over you can’t fix it without surgery
Lol what, it’s chewing pattern that determines that (whether you work temporaali or masseter)
This is mostly water but yes. The jaw is what makes or breaks a persons conventional attractiveness. You need jaw development, in terms of bone and muscle too. Especially for men though, a larger jaw indicates the following.

High T levels.

You've chewed lots of food meaning you can hunt and gather efficiently

You can intake a lot more oxygen so your stronger and faster
You can't afford to have any major failo, and whatever trait is your particular failo, is the most important trait to you. But on the face specifically I would agree that jaw is most important followed by hair and eye area. I've never seen a slayer with a truly bad jaw whereas I've seen plenty of slayers with weak eye areas and various stages of baldness.
balding doesn't matter that much the main thing is height and jawline it's pretty simple height jawline and skull size especially skull size girls hate nerds/skullcels

height frame (hand foot and dick size) and jawline are the most important.
Eye area is ten time more important.

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