Colonialism saved Africa.

True, it could be argued that they were not ready for such a surge in technological capabilities.
Africa is a huge continent, some countries would be, others not.
lol so you have no defense? thought so

do you even know what ur posting? this supports my stance jfl
He believes that Hal group E didn’t start in Africa he’s one of those people :lul::lul:
they believe the (disproven) theory of e1b1 originating in east africa so they count it as subsaharan
jfl, im not replying after this
if you think E-P2 isnt a sub saharan lineage then theirs no point in arguing, its clear you don't even really read what your posting
can i see proof?

i fell for the confirmation bias
the levant people we were talking were not african
the facial features you blackwashers think of as negroid is actually middle eastern
they don't need to have european facial structure inorder to not be black
that's the way these(middle eastern) people look
there might be more similarities between them and africans in comparison to whites but that deosn't make them african
the video is a joke
"The Shuqbah Natufian type may be described as Mediterranean, but with a distinct bias towards the African variety of that stock represented by the predynastic people of Egypt… The later cave dwellers of Shukbah practiced a rite which is still observed by many negro tribes of Africa. They removed one or both upper central incisors in youth, which resulted in atrophy of the corresponding alveolar part of the upper jaw and in an upgrowth of the unopposed lower incisors."
- New discoveries relating to the antiquity of man

the natufians may not have been completely african, but they carry african ancestry

you have no clue what this shit really means, their are ethiopians genetically closer to spanish people than to nigerians, they are still indigenous africans, the study you are citing looked at ancient egypts relation to west africans, me and @Blackeycel are not claiming they were west african, so this is cope
im done after this
The Badarians show a greater affinity to indigenous Africans while not being identical. This suggests that the Badarians were more affiliated with local and an indigenous African population than with Europeans
- Early Nile Valley Farmers from El Badari

A comparison with neighbouring Nile Valley skeletal samples suggests that the high status cemetery represents an endogamous ruling or elite segment of the local population at Naqada, which is more closely related to populations in northern Nubia than to neighbouring populations in southern Egypt.
- Concordance of cranial and dental morphological traits and evidence for endogamy in ancient Egypt

Early southern predynastic Egyptian crania show tropical African affinities, displaying craniometric trends that differ notably from the coastal northern African pattern. The various craniofacial patterns discernible in northern Africa are attributable to the agents of microevolution and migration.

The predynastic remains from the south (Badari, early Nagada) have been noted to be broadly Negroid by several previous workers. Casual inspection of these remains from a morphological perspective confirms this.

The upper Nile Valley series show close affinities to one another and to tropical African series. Thus variation is also present in the Egyptian Nile Valley, as the northern pattern trend is distinguishable from the southern one. The Badari and Nagada I cranial patterns emerge as tropical African variants (with Kerma). Badari remains show little affinity to the mass of Maghreban crania

- Studies of Ancient Crania From Northern Africa

"Badarian occupies a position closest to the Teita, Gaboon, Nubian, and Nagada series by centroid values and territorial maps. The Nagada and the Kerma(nubian) series are so similar that they are barely distinguishable in the territorial maps; they subsume the first dynasty series in Abydos… The Badarian crania have a modal metric phenotype that is clearly “southern”; most classify into the Kerma (Nubian), Gaboon, and Kenyan groups No Badarian cranium in any analysis classified into the European series"
- Keita 1990

Our results confirm that, although ancient Egyptians are closer in body proportion to modern American Blacks than they are to American Whites proportions in Blacks and Egyptians are not identical. Previously estimated intralimb indices for ancient Egyptians are generally quite similar to ours, and are more similar to US Blacks than to US Whites. The only exception is Robins and Shute’s (1983) crural indices for Egyptian Pharaohs, which are lower, although these were derived using a different technique—radiography rather than direct measurement— which could account for the difference (alternatively, Pharaohs may have had slightly different body proportions than other Egyptians). Egyptians also fall within the range of modern African populations (Ruff and Walker, 1993), but close to the upper limit of modern Europeans as well, at least for the crural index (brachial indices are definitely more ‘‘African’’).
- Stature Estimation in Ancient Egyptians: A New Technique Based on Anatomical Reconstruction of Stature

The Mahalanobis D2 analysis uncovered close affinities between Nubians and Egyptians. Table 3 lists the Mahalanobis D2 distance matrix. As there is no significance testing that is available to be applied to this form of Mahalanobis distances, the biodistance scores must be interpreted in relation to one another, rather than on a general scale. In some cases, the statistics reveal that the Egyptian samples were more similar to Nubian samples than to other Egyptian samples (e.g. Gizeh and Hesa/Biga) and vice versa (e.g. Badari and Kerma, Naqada and Christian).
The clustering of the Nubian and Egyptian samples together supports this paper’s hypothesis and demonstrates that there may be a close relationship between the two populations. This relationship is consistent with Berry and Berry (1972), among others, who noted a similarity between Nubians and Egyptians. If Nubians and Egyptians were not biologically similar, one would expect the scores to separately cluster by population (e.g. Nubians compared to Nubians would have small biological distances, and Nubians compared to Egyptians would have high biological distances). However, this was not the case in the current analysis and the results suggest homogeneity between the two populations. Many of the samples that are similar to one another, between the two populations, are separated by great amounts of time (e.g. Kerma and Badari). These similarities over time make sense because, as Konigsberg (1990) asserted, as time elapses, related groups become more genetically similar. In order to explicate the meaning behind all of these findings, the results here must be tempered by the DNA evidence.
Both mtDNA (Krings et al., 1999) and Y-Chromosome data (Hassan et al., 2008; Keita, 2005; Lucotte and Mercier, 2003) indicate that migrations, usually bidirectional, occurred along the Nile. Thus, the osteological material used in this analysis also supports the DNA evidence

Nutter (1958) noted affinities between the Badarian and Naqada samples, a feature that Strouhal (1971) attributed to their skulls possessing ‘‘Negroid’’ traits.
- An examination of Nubian and Egyptian biological distances: Support for biological diffusion or in situ development?
He believes that Hal group E didn’t start in Africa he’s one of those people :lul::lul:
yhh give up tbh, theres no point arguing anymore jfl, its a waste of time
He believes that Hal group E didn’t start in Africa he’s one of those people :lul::lul:
hey dumbasses i DIDNT say it didnt start in africa i posted THE WIKI PAGE which said the east africa theory has been falsified and it started in north africa instead.

anyway i don't care arguing with you retards anymore since i already won the debate

This placement suggests that there may have been a
Sub-Saharan African element in the make-up of the Natufians
(the putative ancestors of the subsequent Neolithic), although in
this particular test there is no such evident presence in the North
African or Egyptian samples.

@Blackeycel @hairyballscel this is literally you btw :lul: :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

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