Coming to terms with shit genetics



Turbomanlet Enjoyer
Oct 22, 2022
I will never be able to escape the heightpill, I am a 5,5 turbomanlet who shouldn't even be one. I am currently 17 and trying everything to gain a few inches. What annoys me the most is that I am not from a short background the majority of my family is over 6ft, my brother who is 3 years older than me is 6,2 whilst I'm here stuck at 5.5, neither of my parents are short, mom is 5,7/dad is 6,1 so why am I so fucking short. I managed to pull the worst genetics (still grateful with what I have, at least I am not disabled or someshit). I had been enquiring about my height at the doctors every time I went in for at least 7 years and always asked about my height, to which they would always respond telling me I was having a late growth spurt, I have not had a growth spurt yet, I was told my bone age was 3 years younger and that it would eventually catch up. Unfortunately, that never happened and about 4 months ago my growth plates were checked and I was told they were nearly fused and that I may gain a 1cm or 2 at max JFL. So here I am standing tall at 165.5cm, no growth spurt and short my entire life. It changed the person I was, ever since I transitioned into secondary, I was so fucking aware of my height that I purposely statusminned to avoid being in crowds that held attention, I went from arguably one of the most popular people to the most invisible I could get, I find it hard to speak to people and hold conversations even though I am not an autist. In addition to my shit height genes, I was also diagnosed with t1 diabetes a couple years ago under an autoimmune base, no one in my family even has the fucking disease. I guess thats just how life is.
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Ur brother is prob 5’9 but he looks 6’2 to ur manlet ass
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just kidding i stopped reading at 5"5. @FailedNormieManlet is 5"5 and lifemogs most of this forum to suicide so maybe talk to him
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Reactions: BugeyeBigNoseCurry, FailedNormieManlet, Deleted member 14693 and 4 others
same situation here
16 years old and getting heightmogged by both of my parents
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I haven't given up I just acknowledge what I have
Don't waste time on this site bro talk to a doctor and get injections if not just buy it from online
I know the pain of being short almost roped
Don't waste time on this site bro talk to a doctor and get injections if not just buy it from online
I have a consultation for hgh this weekend, hopefully I will get it prescribed
I have a consultation for hgh this weekend, hopefully I will get it prescribed

I tried the same shit they wouldn't give to me the fucking bastards now I'm 28 only leg lengthening left. Run some anavar and test with hgh it works better
I tried the same shit they wouldn't give to me the fucking bastards now I'm 28 only leg lengthening left. Run some anavar and test with hgh it works better
I tried the same shit they wouldn't give to me the fucking bastards now I'm 28 only leg lengthening left. Run some anavar and test with hgh it works better
I have a year off this year coming and might get LL if my growth plates are fully closed
I do not have good vision, I am mixed European and Middle eastern

Religion? The vision thing is worse than height I would get it corrected first dead srs
I have a year off this year coming and might get LL if my growth plates are fully closed

Do u got the money for it? I might get it also
Do u got the money for it? I might get it also
My parents do, however I do not want them to pay for anything I will make the money myself, if I don't I won't get it, I will not accept there money
just become a transbian, I don’t see the downside in your case

You’ll get tons of girls and mogging was never gonna be an option no matter how hard you looksmaxed
  • JFL
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just become a transbian, I don’t see the downside in your case

You’ll get tons of girls and mogging was never gonna be an option no matter how hard you looksmaxed
I will never become a trans. Absolutely foul thing to do
Be careful dude and good luck.
  • +1
Reactions: chrisN
I will never become a trans. Absolutely foul thing to do

Don’t actually become one, just go with a femboy androgynous style, these guys do fuck. Masculinity-maxxing is cope and you know it.
What size shoe do you wear btw hows ur frame
Don’t actually become one, just go with a femboy androgynous style, these guys do fuck. Masculinity-maxxing is cope and you know it.
I would rather stay alone but hold on to my dignity
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thyroid problem? malabsorption problem? is it hard to put on weight? do your stools look normal?
Ur proof god has his favorites
Frame is decent i was decently aesthetic when I was really lean, size 8 shoes

Just hop on hgh bro shit. Stay off this forum I am trying to get surgery also don't bully ppl at ur height you'll get fucked up
thyroid problem? malabsorption problem? is it hard to put on weight? do your stools look normal?
No thyroid problem or anything, I am checked quite frequently and have never had any issues, in fact I wish there was so that I could fix it, all my hormone levels are normal.

No its average effort for putting on weight I am normal in that department
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I don't want be an incel, nor stay on this site but its got really good info and people who I can somewhat relate to
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I would rather stay alone but hold on to my dignity

You are 5’5” you never had dignity to begin with lol

Go ahead and cope with double LL to be 5’9” if you want but you’ll just be disappointed and still invisible in the end. Plus having wasted years of your life.
I don't want be an incel, nor stay on this site but its got really good info and people who I can somewhat relate to

Bro, incel means involuntarily celibate, it doesn’t matter what you want.

If I’m 6,2”, jacked, and at least facially average… and I am incel… how do you think you ever even have a chance? It’s delusional cope, you are legit clutching at straws trying to looksmax from that base.
You are 5’5” you never had dignity to begin with lol

Go ahead and cope with double LL to be 5’9” if you want but you’ll just be disappointed and still invisible in the end. Plus having wasted years of your life.
Regardless of how much dignity you think I have I will not immasculate myself for female approval
I will never be able to escape the heightpill, I am a 5,5 turbomanlet who shouldn't even be one. I am currently 17 and trying everything to gain a few inches. What annoys me the most is that I am not from a short background the majority of my family is over 6ft, my brother who is 3 years older than me is 6,2 whilst I'm here stuck at 5.5, neither of my parents are short, mom is 5,7/dad is 6,1 so why am I so fucking short. I managed to pull the worst genetics (still grateful with what I have, at least I am not disabled or someshit). I had been enquiring about my height at the doctors every time I went in for at least 7 years and always asked about my height, to which they would always respond telling me I was having a late growth spurt, I have not had a growth spurt yet, I was told my bone age was 3 years younger and that it would eventually catch up. Unfortunately, that never happened and about 4 months ago my growth plates were checked and I was told they were nearly fused and that I may gain a 1cm or 2 at max JFL. So here I am standing tall at 165.5cm, no growth spurt and short my entire life. It changed the person I was, ever since I transitioned into secondary, I was so fucking aware of my height that I purposely statusminned to avoid being in crowds that held attention, I went from arguably one of the most popular people to the most invisible I could get, I find it hard to speak to people and hold conversations even though I am not an autist. In addition to my shit height genes, I was also diagnosed with t1 diabetes a couple years ago under an autoimmune base, no one in my family even has the fucking disease. I guess thats just how life is.
Hop on exemestane
Bro, incel means involuntarily celibate, it doesn’t matter what you want.

If I’m 6,2”, jacked, and at least facially average… and I am incel… how do you think you ever even have a chance? It’s delusional cope, you are legit clutching at straws trying to looksmax from that base.
I will try regardless of the results
Buy aromatese inhibitor tablet - eat them
Buy 10nml somatotropin hgh injection.

Take 1 nml each week.

You just have one year.
I will never be able to escape the heightpill, I am a 5,5 turbomanlet who shouldn't even be one. I am currently 17 and trying everything to gain a few inches. What annoys me the most is that I am not from a short background the majority of my family is over 6ft, my brother who is 3 years older than me is 6,2 whilst I'm here stuck at 5.5, neither of my parents are short, mom is 5,7/dad is 6,1 so why am I so fucking short. I managed to pull the worst genetics (still grateful with what I have, at least I am not disabled or someshit). I had been enquiring about my height at the doctors every time I went in for at least 7 years and always asked about my height, to which they would always respond telling me I was having a late growth spurt, I have not had a growth spurt yet, I was told my bone age was 3 years younger and that it would eventually catch up. Unfortunately, that never happened and about 4 months ago my growth plates were checked and I was told they were nearly fused and that I may gain a 1cm or 2 at max JFL. So here I am standing tall at 165.5cm, no growth spurt and short my entire life. It changed the person I was, ever since I transitioned into secondary, I was so fucking aware of my height that I purposely statusminned to avoid being in crowds that held attention, I went from arguably one of the most popular people to the most invisible I could get, I find it hard to speak to people and hold conversations even though I am not an autist. In addition to my shit height genes, I was also diagnosed with t1 diabetes a couple years ago under an autoimmune base, no one in my family even has the fucking disease. I guess thats just how life is.
  • +1
Reactions: chrisN
Buy aromatese inhibitor tablet - eat them
Buy 10nml somatotropin hgh injection.

Take 1 nml each week.

You just have one year.
Less I turn 18 in 4 months I enquired about all this in the hospital to which I was told it wasn't worth it so up until recently I listened to them, I am now going private and paying for ahit rather than relying on the nhs
I will never be able to escape the heightpill, I am a 5,5 turbomanlet who shouldn't even be one. I am currently 17 and trying everything to gain a few inches. What annoys me the most is that I am not from a short background the majority of my family is over 6ft, my brother who is 3 years older than me is 6,2 whilst I'm here stuck at 5.5, neither of my parents are short, mom is 5,7/dad is 6,1 so why am I so fucking short. I managed to pull the worst genetics (still grateful with what I have, at least I am not disabled or someshit). I had been enquiring about my height at the doctors every time I went in for at least 7 years and always asked about my height, to which they would always respond telling me I was having a late growth spurt, I have not had a growth spurt yet, I was told my bone age was 3 years younger and that it would eventually catch up. Unfortunately, that never happened and about 4 months ago my growth plates were checked and I was told they were nearly fused and that I may gain a 1cm or 2 at max JFL. So here I am standing tall at 165.5cm, no growth spurt and short my entire life. It changed the person I was, ever since I transitioned into secondary, I was so fucking aware of my height that I purposely statusminned to avoid being in crowds that held attention, I went from arguably one of the most popular people to the most invisible I could get, I find it hard to speak to people and hold conversations even though I am not an autist. In addition to my shit height genes, I was also diagnosed with t1 diabetes a couple years ago under an autoimmune base, no one in my family even has the fucking disease. I guess thats just how life is.
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