complete evisceration of joos, Christians and Muslims (Christcucks, sand niggers, and joos get in here)

IMG 9187


Give Christ another chance come to orthodoxy, the Catholics have clearly thrown in the towel, Quick now before the Pope goes into a synagogue and prays with a Rabbi and then does Salat with an Imam
Idk why we are even talking about this lol we moved on from that point ages ago. It just a side discussion
nigga what the fuck I might actually stoop low to your retardedness did you not fucking say to go up and check to see your response to the suicide bombing are you actually fr
nigga what the fuck I might actually stoop low to your retardedness did you not fucking say to go up and check to see your response to the suicide bombing are you actually fr
No cuz I’m saying it has nothing to do with the conflict which was the main discussion I thought
No cuz I’m saying it has nothing to do with the conflict which was the main discussion I thought
tell me fag did I not give you enough proof and told you suicide bombing is haram and nothing related to islam, and if you say I didn't give me a valid response don't just fucking change the topic and act like a smarts
tell me fag did I not give you enough proof and told you suicide bombing is haram and nothing related to islam, and if you say I didn't give me a valid response don't just fucking change the topic and act like a smarts
Nigga why tf do u want to prove to me so badly that suicide bombing is haram lol, when it doesn’t even have anything to do with the discussion. it’s so obvious you are just doing this to prove me wrong lol not to actually have a discussion. Dumbass. Just go to bed I’ll already your mum has a bedtime story to tell you about your favourite hero, pedophile Muhammad: now leave me alone
Nigga why tf do u want to prove to me so badly that suicide bombing is haram lol, when it doesn’t even have anything to do with the discussion. it’s so obvious you are just doing this to prove me wrong lol not to actually have a discussion. Dumbass. Just go to bed I’ll already your mum has a bedtime story to tell you about your favourite hero, pedophile Muhammad: now leave me alone
how does this have nothing to do with the fucking discussion we were litterally debating on this weren't we? youre so full of shit and don't know how to actually debate or put out any points even in a thread you got disproved you disregarded it all cuz you're a jew fag, and your last couple of words prove you're another whiny bitch who came across ex muslims on reddit and thought you entered a new level of intelect you never researched islam and never was a muslim you're a close minded retard who knows his wrong and can only through insults at the religion thinking "I gotchu there"
Nigga why tf do u want to prove to me so badly that suicide bombing is haram lol, when it doesn’t even have anything to do with the discussion. it’s so obvious you are just doing this to prove me wrong lol not to actually have a discussion. Dumbass. Just go to bed I’ll already your mum has a bedtime story to tell you about your favourite hero, pedophile Muhammad: now leave me alone
im not replying anymore cuz you provide nothing to a debate and only throw shit around and I have engineering exams coming up no point in wasting it with a child
how does this have nothing to do with the fucking discussion we were litterally debating on this weren't we? youre so full of shit and don't know how to actually debate or put out any points even in a thread you got disproved you disregarded it all cuz you're a jew fag, and your last couple of words prove you're another whiny bitch who came across ex muslims on reddit and thought you entered a new level of intelect you never researched islam and never was a muslim you're a close minded retard who knows his wrong and can only through insults at the religion thinking "I gotchu there"
Triggered hard lmao
im not replying anymore cuz you provide nothing to a debate and only throw shit around and I have engineering exams coming up no point in wasting it with a child
Doesn’t work after I said the exact same thing lmao to leave me alone. Fucking idiot
Ignoring my questions, stop diverting
Nigga ur literally spewing the same shit. Can’t tell whether u have deathly low iq (literally like sub 90) or your actually losing he argument and know it so u resort to random bs :lul::lul::lul:
bro I just remembered the guy you're debating are one of these Israeli accounts who try to start conflict and don't want to debate just their to spread propaganda
Nigga ur literally spewing the same shit. Can’t tell whether u have deathly low iq (literally like sub 90) or your actually losing he argument and know it so u resort to random bs :lul::lul::lul:
Last I checked ur ignoring my agurments lol, that’s why you never replied. The audacity lol. Typical Muzzie tactic tho so I expect nothing less
Remember that Socrates quote lmao? Oh wait no ofc u don’t ur just a dumbass who worships a man as ur religion lmao
“Dumbass” that’s crazy coming from you :feelskek:

Nigga just stop responding literally everyone thinks your a weirdo low iq schizo.
“Dumbass” that’s crazy coming from you :feelskek:

Nigga just stop responding literally everyone thinks your a weirdo low iq schizo.
Everyone: 2 people who are both retards lmao.

And bro ignored the quote part cuz he knows damn well that’s the truth lol

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