currently at 170lbs looking to start first cycle - advice wanted



Apr 24, 2023
IMG 0655

looking worse than ever after gaining 7 lbs on bulk my look at 163 was way better but i’m still skinny, jawline raped looking subhuman also.

looking to jump on maybe 300-600 test E with var, casual starter stack maybe throw mk677 or rad 140 in there on top of it run for about 12-16 weeks.

as summers coming up i don’t know if to do a mini cut then hop on so i don’t look like a balloon for months even though that is inevitable with water i’ll be holding

i’m looking to hopefully put on around 7kg of lean mass in this time could be higher if i go with 600 test but that is decently high for a first timer

hopefully var will help keep me lean too during this so the cut is not a year long for next summer.

goal is bulk to 200lbs then probably cut and have fully recomped by the end and be shreds next year

also i’m 6’3 that’s why i’m bulking hard i look skinny in clothes
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IMG 0654

this is how i was looking at a slightly lower body fat few months ago, looked better but that’s the price you pay when you bulk a bit fast
don't do anavar and rad, pick one. I suggest Anavar if you can find a quality source, RAD would be a bit more toxic but similar effects.
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don't do anavar and rad, pick one. I suggest Anavar if you can find a quality source, RAD would be a bit more toxic but similar effects.
i’d pick anavar over rad is there a reason you shouldn’t stack them together?
i’d pick anavar over rad is there a reason you shouldn’t stack them together?
Yeah, it’s toxic for your liver and stacking would be cope here when you stack a steroid and sarm they would just be fighting for who binds with what androgen.
Do test + deca cycle, 250 test and 400mg deca for 16 weeks
View attachment 2905830

looking worse than ever after gaining 7 lbs on bulk my look at 163 was way better but i’m still skinny, jawline raped looking subhuman also.

looking to jump on maybe 300-600 test E with var, casual starter stack maybe throw mk677 or rad 140 in there on top of it run for about 12-16 weeks.

as summers coming up i don’t know if to do a mini cut then hop on so i don’t look like a balloon for months even though that is inevitable with water i’ll be holding

i’m looking to hopefully put on around 7kg of lean mass in this time could be higher if i go with 600 test but that is decently high for a first timer

hopefully var will help keep me lean too during this so the cut is not a year long for next summer.

goal is bulk to 200lbs then probably cut and have fully recomped by the end and be shreds next year

also i’m 6’3 that’s why i’m bulking hard i look skinny in clothes
Yeah, it’s toxic for your liver and stacking would be cope here when you stack a steroid and sarm they would just be fighting for who binds with what androgen.
Not true
OP dont listen to this skinny fags listen to me
Screenshot 20240509 161814 comandroidgallery3d
It’s true, more doesn’t mean better meathead, not with sarms. They’re going to be competing for the same number of androgen receptor sites, which is suboptimal for extra muscle gain and optimal for accelerated hair loss.

He’s better off using test and or standalone anavar
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It’s true, more doesn’t mean better meathead, not with sarms. They’re going to be competing for the same number of androgen receptor sites, which is suboptimal for extra muscle gain and optimal for accelerated hair loss.

He’s better off using test and or standalone anavar
Sarms and steroids dont interact they have differemt pathways, lol at you.
It’s true, more doesn’t mean better meathead, not with sarms. They’re going to be competing for the same number of androgen receptor sites, which is suboptimal for extra muscle gain and optimal for accelerated hair loss.

He’s better off using test and or standalone anavar
Test is shit for performance enhancement, show physique bet you small af
Sarms and steroids dont interact they have differemt pathways, lol at you.
The risk to reward ratio is suboptimal, at the very least if he decides to stack them he should run a test base because he’ll shutdown his test production
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The risk to reward ratio is suboptimal, at the very least if he decides to stack them he should run a test base because he’ll shutdown his test production
Using sarms is very dumb and using them without test base is retard
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The risk to reward ratio is suboptimal, at the very least if he decides to stack them he should run a test base because he’ll shutdown his test production
What cycles u did? Or what roids u used?
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What cycles u did? Or what roids u used?
Up until now I’ve only ran ostarine on aggressive cuts. I’m going to reach 10% bf and if I think putting on more muscle will enhance my appeal and increase frame I’ll run a lean bulk with lgd or test/masteron
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Up until now I’ve only ran ostarine on aggressive cuts. I’m going to reach 10% bf and if I think putting on more muscle will enhance my appeal and increase frame I’ll run a lean bulk with lgd or test/masteron
U like sarms? I only used rad and s4
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 53670
U like sarms? I only used rad and s4
Yes, though the only two i would use are lgd and ostarine as they’re the most studied. With sarms I don’t have to worry about potential cardiac toxicity
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Do test + deca cycle, 250 test and 400mg deca for 16 weeks
Im having a blast on 375 test, 200 eq, and 50 anavar. Bloods came back clean, taking telmisartain, ezetimibe, NAC, Tudca
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Reactions: halloweed, ConfusedBolivian and normie tiktoker
Im having a blast on 375 test, 200 eq, and 50 anavar. Bloods came back clean, taking telmisartain, ezetimibe, NAC, Tudca
What are those on cycle supports for tho specific?

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