Curry Only. Genetic combination. Abbo is not the reason for curry ugliness.

Thank God, I'm Singaporean Indian. We eat meat 2-3 times a day. Some of us even beef.

That's why our average height is 5'8-5'9 here. Literally 2-3 inches taller than our countrymen back home. All within 2 generations.
😍😍😍 bismillah please tell me you guys don't drink cow pee and worship cows😍😍😍
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😍😍😍 bismillah please tell me you guys don't drink cow pee and worship cows😍😍😍

As a kid I asked my cousin sister "do you eat cheeseburgers? It has beef in it". And she gave out a sly smile saying "I know, I don't care".

Even one of my Boxing coaches at my gym who's Hindu eats steak. I told him "even though I'm Hindu, I eat steak". He said "me too".

Funnily beef is banned in our military camps to placate Buddhists and Hindus.
  • JFL
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😍😍😍 bismillah please tell me you guys don't drink cow pee and worship cows😍😍😍
Apparently Dalits putting cowshit on them is a recent phenomenon, some priest had a moment of schitzophrinia whne he threw his robes on a pile of cow shit and it formed into a penis, he then claimed this was a sign of shiva and from that day the tribal subhoomans started a cow shit smearing festival, idk what these peoples problem are, I personally think these r npc and the matrix always has a group of people in every race that are designed to be the most retarded beings on the planet as like an equalizer.
  • +1
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This has become a big controversy amongst curries and on other platforms so I feel this needs to be discussed, I genuinely dont believe the abo component is what made currys so ugly, it is a result of modern-day currys being a weird giga mutt race of 3 completely different races resulting in an absolute disgusting recombination of disfigured mystery meat, these 3 vastly different races were not compatible to mix, the original Indian or IVC was an iranic farmer + an AASI abo, this resulted in IVC which looks aesthetically good looking, it was the steppe component which when added to the IVC that made Indians into a mutt mystery meat abomination.

Here we have the kanged kaliasher, he is a 1%er of their tribe and he would barely be mtn
View attachment 2562848
and here is a .1%er who would be htn
View attachment 2562849

Now compare these 1%ers with curry who have abo admixture and you will recognize that they are outclassed.

@BrahminBoss @SidharthTheSlayer @CFW432 @horizontallytall @GuyFromSingapore @Preston tag any other curries.
Jfl if you think your average brown pajeeta wouldn't be all over these white skin, sharp featured, light eyed moggers. You fucking retard, typical brown western born and raise pajeetas are FUCKING WHITE MTNS IN THE WEST RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK. YOU YOURSELF LITERALLY CALLED HIM MTN. SO YES, THEY CLEARLY WOULD STILL WANT HIM LMAOπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

The literal only thing wrong with him is that he's a cute endearing villager which is why he has a pedostache, and why he isn't dressed zoomer like. Any curry knows how in curry culture, especially rural curry culture (AKA the Kalash who are isolated village people who live in gilgit) mustaches and other facial hair are seen as a sign of masculinity, and male puberty and how curry parents don't fucking let you shave until your like 16+. Lmao I had a pedostache growing since like the 6-7th grade, and my mom literally didn't allow me to shave it till I got into highschool in the 9th grade πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Gurantee you that if he shaved and dressed and styled himself zoomer like and posted himself on tinder with a few nice pics outside doing outdoorsie shit, brown pajeeta foids would literally be in his DMS frothing at mouth over his white skin and light eyes, sharp features and brown hair lol. But keep coping and trying to protect ugly abos.
Jfl if you think your average brown pajeeta wouldn't be all over these white skin, sharp featured, light eyed moggers. You fucking retard, typical brown western born and raise pajeetas are FUCKING WHITE MTNS IN THE WEST RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK. YOU YOURSELF LITERALLY CALLED HIM MTN. SO YES, THEY CLEARLY WOULD STILL WANT HIM LMAOπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

The literal only thing wrong with him is that he's a cute endearing villager which is why he has a pedostache, and why he isn't dressed zoomer like. Any curry knows how in curry culture, especially rural curry culture (AKA the Kalash who are isolated village people who live in gilgit) mustaches and other facial hair are seen as a sign of masculinity, and male puberty and how curry parents don't fucking let you shave until your like 16+. Lmao I had a pedostache growing since like the 6-7th grade, and my mom literally didn't allow me to shave it till I got into highschool in the 9th grade πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Gurantee you that if he shaved and dressed and styled himself zoomer like and posted himself on tinder with a few nice pics outside doing outdoorsie shit, brown pajeeta foids would literally be in his DMS frothing at mouth over his white skin and light eyes, sharp features and brown hair lol. But keep coping and trying to protect ugly abos.
they are ugly as fuck and even their 1%er would be inferior to any cracker, pajeetas will not look at that hook nosed inbred goblin like hes some purer version of herself like she will look at a westerner in a lustful manner, and what on earth are u bickering about.
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they are ugly as fuck and even their 1%er would be inferior to any cracker, pajeetas will not look at that hook nosed inbred goblin like hes some purer version of herself like she will look at a westerner in a lustful manner, and what on earth are u bickering about.
pajeetas will not look at that hook nosed inbred goblin like hes some purer version of herself
Meanwhile kashmiris who are fetishsized all over curryland, and are known for their lightskin and long/hook noses. 🀭🀭🀭 just lol you clearly don't know anything about curry culture and curry beauty standards πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Meanwhile kashmiris who are fetishsized all over curryland, and are known for their lightskin and long/hook noses. 🀭🀭🀭 just lol you clearly don't know anything about curry culture and curry beauty standards πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
cause curry culture and curry beauty standards are inferior to west and a htn of memeshmiri land would be ltn in west, when u have a large population of 5 foot 5 dark uglies walking around the 5 7 lighter skinned average looking fella starts to look very desirable, but place him in the west and he would be swallowed up even in curry circles.
  • +1
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IMG 5301

IMG 5300
cause curry culture and curry beauty standards are inferior to west and a htn of memeshmiri land would be ltn in west, when u have a large population of 5 foot 5 dark uglies walking around the 5 7 lighter skinned average looking fella starts to look very desirable, but place him in the west and he would be swallowed up even in curry circles.
cause curry culture and curry beauty standards are inferior to west and a htn of memeshmiri land would be ltn in west,

Says who lmao? You? Lol who are you to decide what cultures beauty standards are inferior? Curries inherently find lightskin chadpreets and stacypreets to be attractive because they objectively are.

memeshmiri land would be ltn in west,

And not necessarily, I knew a pashtun kid that was tannish/lightbrownish in highschool, he kinda reminded me of basically a discount version of zayn Malik. He had a cute jb blonde girlfriend as well lol. A few of these kashmiri militants, especially Burhan Wani (circled in the middle) wouldn't have any problem getting with a becky gf AT THE VERY LEAST, so long they became acclimated to the west, dressed western, and lost the curry accent. You're just a coping south indian who can't accept the fact that abos made curries uglier and more undesirable than they would've been had curries not had their blood.

You're honestly pathetic for being this delusional, keep thinking that those black and white pics of abos you posted, would have more appeal in the west, than lightskin chadpreets like hrithik Roshan, John Abraham, Zaid khan, or Neil nithin Mukesh. πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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Says who lmao? You? Lol who are you to decide what cultures beauty standards are inferior? Curries inherently find lightskin chadpreets and stacypreets to be attractive because they objectively are.

And not necessarily, I knew a pashtun kid that was tannish/lightbrownish in highschool, he kinda reminded me of basically a discount version of zayn Malik. He had a cute jb blonde girlfriend as well lol. A few of these kashmiri militants, especially Burhan Wani (circled in the middle) wouldn't have any problem getting with a becky gf AT THE VERY LEAST, so long they became acclimated to the west, dressed western, and lost the curry accent. You're just a coping south indian who can't accept the fact that abos made curries uglier and more undesirable than they would've been had curries not had their blood.

You're honestly pathetic for being this delusional, keep thinking that those black and white pics of abos you posted, would have more appeal in the west, than lightskin chadpreets like hrithik Roshan, John Abraham, Zaid khan, or Neil nithin Mukesh. πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
idk where the hell u live but in the West we have people from all over and trust me when I say it that these peoples that would have a harem and treated like gods in curry land have absolutely nothing to brag about, we have light skin aryas, Persians, turks, anglos, etc etc, all of whom would be seen as a literal god amongst curry dalits in india, but the vast majority of them are either ugly af or mtn, those guys in the pic u posted are all ltn-mtn, nothing amazing, how u mainland currys view things is an embraisment to the curry race, a pathetic view of ur inferior beauty standards. There are darker chadpreets lots who are models and others like Sendhil or are on the same level as the lighter chadpreets u mentioned, which related to my last point, outclass a .1% kailasha tribe or whatever tribe of inbreds people like u love to kang about despite still having abo admixture.
Curries aren't Human
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Look at this Mallu retard Nasrani dog @Banasura saying that this girl looks South Indian.

She does look south indian though lol, darker skin south indians with pointy features like noses do exist, they just tend to come from higher caste south indian groups cause pointy noses are a Caucasian facial feature and lower caste and Dalit south indians tend look typically abo looking with wide fleshy noses cause of the majority of their abo ancestry while high caste south indians can pass for pseudo looking north indians because of their lower abo dna and higher farmer dna.

Although it's pretty funny in my families personal situation. My mom's side are all dark brown to dark skin and I'm pretty sure have partial dalit ancestry, but my mom has a small pointy nose even though she's dark brown. But my dad's side who is part kamma and part rajput, even though they are all lightbrown and lightskin, they have a south indian widish fleshy nose. It's where I get my widish fleshy nose from.
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She does look south indian though lol, darker skin south indians with pointy features like noses do exist, they just tend to come from higher caste south indian groups cause pointy noses are a Caucasian facial feature and lower caste and Dalit south indians tend look typically abo looking with wide fleshy noses cause of the majority of their abo ancestry while high caste south indians can pass for pseudo looking north indians because of their lower abo dna and higher farmer dna.

Although it's pretty funny in my families personal situation. My mom's side are all dark brown to dark skin and I'm pretty sure have partial dalit ancestry, but my mom has a small pointy nose even though she's dark brown. But my dad's side who is part kamma and part rajput, even though they are all lightbrown and lightskin, they have a south indian widish fleshy nose. It's where I get my widish fleshy nose from.

The only thing that girl can pass for is Tamil Brahmin.
idk where the hell u live but in the West we have people from all over and trust me when I say it that these peoples that would have a harem and treated like gods in curry land have absolutely nothing to brag about, we have light skin aryas, Persians, turks, anglos, etc etc, all of whom would be seen as a literal god amongst curry dalits in india, but the vast majority of them are either ugly af or mtn, those guys in the pic u posted are all ltn-mtn, nothing amazing, how u mainland currys view things is an embraisment to the curry race, a pathetic view of ur inferior beauty standards. There are darker chadpreets lots who are models and others like Sendhil or are on the same level as the lighter chadpreets u mentioned, which related to my last point, outclass a .1% kailasha tribe or whatever tribe of inbreds people like u love to kang about despite still having abo admixture.
Dumbass I'm a western born and raised curry, born in the states and lived specifically in PA for my entire life (excluding the 3 1/2 years I was in the airforce and was stationed in Florida). Who the hell are you calling "mainland" lol? Aren't you the one that lives in Kerala or some shit lmfao?! I KNOW what type of curries do well here, and it's mostly LIGHTSKIN CHADPREETS AND STACYPREETS. Darker skin curry dudes do have SOME HOPE in the west... IF THEY ARE TALL, HAVE GOOD BODY FRAME, FIT AND ATHLETIC, AND BBCMAXX/NTMAXX. You CANNOT be a darkskin curry in the west and be a normal person going about your day, and having any hope of some girl liking you. You have to be some pseudo Tyrone BBCMAXXED dude that passes more of as a black dude, than he does an Indian dude.
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Dumbass I'm a western born and raised curry, born in the states and lived specifically in PA for my entire life (excluding the 3 1/2 years I was in the airforce and was stationed in Florida). Who the hell are you calling "mainland" lol? Aren't you the one that lives in Kerala or some shit lmfao?! I KNOW what type of curries do well here, and it's mostly LIGHTSKIN CHADPREETS AND STACYPREETS. Darker skin curry dudes do have SOME HOPE in the west... IF THEY ARE TALL, HAVE GOOD BODY FRAME, ATHLETIC, AND BBCMAXX/NTMAXX. You CANNOT be a darkskin curry in the west and be a normal person going about your day, and having any hope of some girl liking you. You have to be some pseudo Tyrone BBCMAXXED dude that passes more of as a black dude, than he does an Indian dude.
U r spiritually a mainlander and ur views are literally like some curry faggot typing away while sharing a 1 room apartment in Mumbai with 10 dudes, I was born in Pittsburgh and it’s literally 99% white people, I live in Texas now in a very diverse area so I’m exposed to people from more obscure places, idk what u define as doing well or what u consider successful for a curry but the reality of the situation is most curry date amongst themselves with a small number of em dating outside of their community, I’ve seen both lighter skin curries and darker dravids doing fairly well for themselves, this situation is not much different than the more Arya peoples, atleast Indian foids are dating within their own communities instead of whores from other groups, thank the gods, but it’s still an issue.
U r spiritually a mainlander and ur views are literally like some curry faggot typing away while sharing a 1 room apartment in Mumbai with 10 dudes, I was born in Pittsburgh and it’s literally 99% white people, I live in Texas now in a very diverse area so I’m exposed to people from more obscure places, idk what u define as doing well or what u consider successful for a curry but the reality of the situation is most curry date amongst themselves with a small number of em dating outside of their community, I’ve seen both lighter skin curries and darker dravids doing fairly well for themselves, this situation is not much different than the more Arya peoples, atleast Indian foids are dating within their own communities instead of whores from other groups, thank the gods, but it’s still an issue.

Jfl at this yap, your entire spiel here was basically, your average curry is together in the west simply cause they are too ugly to get with other races, that's it lol, that's all I read from that garbo you just typed.

And just lol if you don't think western born and raised curry foids aren't secretly getting dicked down by white normies in college/university. I'm assuming that you believe that they don't, simply cause they don't tell you that they do, or maybe cause you probably believe them when they say "oh no, we definitely only want our brown desi men/boys 😍😍😍"

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Abo blood is subhuman. Its the only reason Afghans dont look like Italian med moggers.

Italians are basically like Afghans but without too much black shitskin dna.
Jfl at this yap, your entire spiel here was basically, your average curry is together in the west simply cause they are too ugly to get with other races, that's it lol, that's all I read from that garbo you just typed.

And just lol if you don't think western born and raised curry foids aren't secretly getting dicked down by white normies in college/university. I'm assuming that you believe that they don't, simply cause they don't tell you that they do, or maybe cause you probably believe them when they say "oh no, we definitely only want our brown desi men/boys 😍😍😍" πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
No u dumbass my point was that curry guys are dating within their own race not much different than the peoples who u love to kang about, ofc curry foids will be getting dicked down by crackers, but not to the same degree as Persian foids who need to larp as Mexican because Iranians don’t have the same appeal as they do in mena countries.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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Iranian Neolithic should have genocided those black abos monkeys

Both Afghans and curries would be white passing (Med) on avarage.
  • +1
  • JFL
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This has become a big controversy amongst curries and on other platforms so I feel this needs to be discussed, I genuinely dont believe the abo component is what made currys so ugly, it is a result of modern-day currys being a weird giga mutt race of 3 completely different races resulting in an absolute disgusting recombination of disfigured mystery meat, these 3 vastly different races were not compatible to mix, the original Indian or IVC was an iranic farmer + an AASI abo, this resulted in IVC which looks aesthetically good looking, it was the steppe component which when added to the IVC that made Indians into a mutt mystery meat abomination.

Here we have the kanged kaliasher, he is a 1%er of their tribe and he would barely be mtn
View attachment 2562848
and here is a .1%er who would be htn
View attachment 2562849

Now compare these 1%ers with curry who have abo admixture and you will recognize that they are outclassed.

@BrahminBoss @SidharthTheSlayer @CFW432 @horizontallytall @GuyFromSingapore @Preston tag any other curries.
This thread is made 20 times a day. Nobdou gives a fuck you weirdos
This thread is made 20 times a day. Nobdou gives a fuck you weirdos
This is why I specified curry only u kinh kanger or whatever Vietnamese master race u love to sperg about.
Jfl at this yap, your entire spiel here was basically, your average curry is together in the west simply cause they are too ugly to get with other races, that's it lol, that's all I read from that garbo you just typed.

And just lol if you don't think western born and raised curry foids aren't secretly getting dicked down by white normies in college/university. I'm assuming that you believe that they don't, simply cause they don't tell you that they do, or maybe cause you probably believe them when they say "oh no, we definitely only want our brown desi men/boys 😍😍😍" πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I don't the curry situation in the US, particularly in your own area, but where I'm from (Canada), almost all Indian women (majority Punjabi) dated other Indians. It was the same in my high school and the same in college.

Mind you these are western born Indian women too. The close knit culture is really strong where I'm from. It's not just the women either, the men as well.

There's plenty of whites in my area as well, but the Indian women seldom chased them. Mind you these women have this pheno.


Now the men were still attractive, but they were brown.

The biggest white chasers in my area were the SEA monkeys (filipinas, Vietnamese etc.)

The biggest interracial couples I see here are white men and Asian women.

The Punjabis here are very proud of their culture so that plays a heavy role.
Iranian Neolithic should have genocided those black abos monkeys

Both Afghans and curries would be white passing (Med) on avarage.

Subhumans are subhumans.

I assure you it wasn't her abo genetics that made her look like this


Nor was it her white genes that made her look like this

Subhumans are subhumans.

I assure you it wasn't her abo genetics that made her look like this

View attachment 2563527

Nor was it her white genes that made her look like this

View attachment 2563528
Top one mogs just due to coloring and genetic recombinant factor alone.
She has potential to give birth to a Nordic Aryan mogger.

That shitskin below will never have the same appeal as a white woman.
I don't the curry situation in the US, particularly in your own area, but where I'm from (Canada), almost all Indian women (majority Punjabi) dated other Indians. It was the same in my high school and the same in college.

Mind you these are western born Indian women too. The close knit culture is really strong where I'm from. It's not just the women either, the men as well.

There's plenty of whites in my area as well, but the Indian women seldom chased them. Mind you these women have this pheno.

View attachment 2563502

Now the men were still attractive, but they were brown.

The biggest white chasers in my area were the SEA monkeys (filipinas, Vietnamese etc.)

The biggest interracial couples I see here are white men and Asian women.

The Punjabis here are very proud of their culture so that plays a heavy role.
Ive heard this about punjabis, they are a proud people, much more prouder and less self hating compared to other curry ethnicities and tend to stick to their own.

Now the men were still attractive, but they were brown.
Well obviously this makes sense, im assuming that they themselves were lightskin chadpreets. Well of course indian girls want lightskin chadpreets lol. Everyone wants lightskin chadpreets. Lightskin chadpreets, and lightskin curries in general tend to pass more off as some good looking mena or hispanic people and arent obviously seen as the stereotypical 5 ft darksin balding indian janitor pheno that everyone thinks your average curry looks like.

Indian girls do want indian guys..... who are lightskin chadpreets that is. Unfortunately, since your average indian dude isnt a lightskin chadpreet, but usually a soft face normie looking dude with brown to dark brown skin, and whos height is usually 5'8-5'10, and then on top of that our sexual marketplace value is completely in the dumps due to the constant dunking on us by pop culture media constantly desexualizing us as beta nerds, your average western born and raised indian girl, doesnt want your average western raised born indian guy, and would rather get with average looking white guys instead. Its really that simple.
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Top one mogs just due to coloring and genetic recombinant factor alone.
She has potential to give birth to a Nordic Aryan mogger.


Yes bro, the Nordic Aryan mogger as demonstrated below

22m and still single am i ugly or what v0 eulqyjubfzvb1
22m and still single am i ugly or what v0 fihpflubfzvb1

This mogger will curse his mother for every word he writes on .is

That shitskin below will never have the same appeal as a white woman.

Nah bro this shitskin with an excellent profile


Will never outappeal this


Run a fucking poll and see this right now for yourself.

Cleanse yourself of your shit Pajeet vision.
Ive heard this about punjabis, they are a proud people, much more prouder and less self hating compared to other curry ethnicities and tend to stick to their own.

Well obviously this makes sense, im assuming that they themselves were lightskin chadpreets. Well of course indian girls want lightskin chadpreets lol. Everyone wants lightskin chadpreets. Lightskin chadpreets, and lightskin curries in general tend to pass more off as some good looking mena or hispanic people and arent obviously seen as the stereotypical 5 ft darksin balding indian janitor pheno that everyone thinks your average curry looks like.

Indian girls do want indian guys..... who are lightskin chadpreets that is. Unfortunately, since your average indian dude isnt a lightskin chadpreet, but usually a soft face normie looking dude with brown to dark brown skin, and whos height is usually 5'8-5'10, and then on top of that our sexual marketplace value is completely in the dumps due to the constant dunking on us by pop culture media constantly desexualizing us as beta nerds, your average western born and raised indian girl, doesnt want your average western raised born indian guy. Its really that simple.
Western foids are into curry’s that don’t like em and will not show any attraction to them, then it becomes like a game for these whores. If any curry wants to actually know what the secret is, it’s literally don’t give a sliver of attention to white bitches, idk why this is the case but it seems to be the truth, I will NEVER get with a yajuj majuj follower of antichrist cave dwelling subhooman ever.
It's the AASI component you fucking numpty.

Why do you think tamils, Sri Lankans, and South indians in particular look subhuman?

Also, punjabis and pashtuns have an AASI component too, but they mog the nigger indians to the slums of Tamil Nadu and back

Yes bro, the Nordic Aryan mogger as demonstrated below

View attachment 2563538View attachment 2563539

This mogger will curse his mother for every word he writes on .is

Nah bro this shitskin with an excellent profile


Will never outappeal this


Run a fucking poll and see this right now for yourself.

Cleanse yourself of your shit Pajeet vision.
IRL, the pajeeta will get more attention than the Becky.

On an incel forum ran by white supremacist cucks crying about their supposed superiority, the subhuman Becky will have more appeal
  • +1
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Western foids are into curry’s that don’t like em and will not show any attraction to them, then it becomes like a game for these whores. If any curry wants to actually know what the secret is, it’s literally don’t give a sliver of attention to white bitches, idk why this is the case but it seems to be the truth, I will NEVER get with a yajuj majuj follower of antichrist cave dwelling subhooman ever.
Hmm... unironically, this might be true, and I'm not fucking sure why that's the case.

Question: if india was cut off from the internet, and the world didn't get to see just how fucking subhuman most indians truly behave (kinda like a Chinese firewall), then would curries that were born and raised in the west have better luck?
It's the AASI component you fucking numpty.

Why do you think tamils, Sri Lankans, and South indians in particular look subhuman?

Also, punjabis and pashtuns have an AASI component too, but they mog the nigger indians to the slums of Tamil Nadu and back
That is because they think have a pedo mustache is a good look not realizing that a full beard is a far more good looking but refuse to wear it for some reason, the reason curry race is so ugly is because 3 different lineages mixed, curry race would the final mutt boss if they mixed with mongoloids then it will be the ultimate final mutt.
Everyone is ugly. GL people are outliers. I've posted pics of people from thr extreme north- kashmiris, punjabis etc from my uni. Most got rated low. @URL code and @SidharthTheSlayer @Fynasids dk can vouch to this reality. People think I am coping when I save everyone is ugly on average. It's literally true
I'd say the same thing, even for whites
Ive heard this about punjabis, they are a proud people, much more prouder and less self hating compared to other curry ethnicities and tend to stick to their own.

Well obviously this makes sense, im assuming that they themselves were lightskin chadpreets. Well of course indian girls want lightskin chadpreets lol. Everyone wants lightskin chadpreets. Lightskin chadpreets, and lightskin curries in general tend to pass more off as some good looking mena or hispanic people and arent obviously seen as the stereotypical 5 ft darksin balding indian janitor pheno that everyone thinks your average curry looks like.

Indian girls do want indian guys..... who are lightskin chadpreets that is. Unfortunately, since your average indian dude isnt a lightskin chadpreet, but usually a soft face normie looking dude with brown to dark brown skin, and whos height is usually 5'8-5'10, and then on top of that our sexual marketplace value is completely in the dumps due to the constant dunking on us by pop culture media constantly desexualizing us as beta nerds, your average western born and raised indian girl, doesnt want your average western raised born indian guy, and would rather get with average looking white guys instead. Its really that simple.

Is this what you consider light skin?


Cause I could've picked this guy straight from my high school.
IRL, the pajeeta will get more attention than the Becky.

On an incel forum ran by white supremacist cucks crying about their supposed superiority, the subhuman Becky will have more appeal

Ironically it's not the white guys that say the subhuman white bitch mogs, it's the self hating ethnics.

I'd say the majority of the whites will actually pick the Indian one.
Is this what you consider light skin?

View attachment 2563559

Cause I could've picked this guy straight from my high school.
Depends who u ask, for Indian aryan wannabees he’s dark, for people know how light and how dark an Indian can get he’s more in the middle leaning to the lighter side.
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That is because they think have a pedo mustache is a good look not realizing that a full beard is a far more good looking but refuse to wear it for some reason, the reason curry race is so ugly is because 3 different lineages mixed, curry race would the final mutt boss if they mixed with mongoloids then it will be the ultimate final mutt.
Nah man, it's the inbreeding.

Think about it, how tf did Latinos not end up as forsaken as curries?
You had Native Americans, Spaniards, Africans, and some chinks thrown into the mix.

OTOH, curries decided to go the arranged marriage route and only marry within their caste / town.

Dude, genetic diversity is a good thing.

The problem is, curries cucked themselves hard with arranged marriage, and we now get the abominations that are running around now.

Most curries deserve to be exterminated.

We desperately need a eugenics program for curries.

The reason why so many European countries are good looking is because of hypergamy + eugenics + women getting to pick their mates.

CURRIES, otoh, only had arranged marriages for thousands of years.

This is why the curry genome is so cursed.

It'll honestly take a full blown eugenics program, ngl
Western foids are into curry’s that don’t like em and will not show any attraction to them, then it becomes like a game for these whores. If any curry wants to actually know what the secret is, it’s literally don’t give a sliver of attention to white bitches, idk why this is the case but it seems to be the truth, I will NEVER get with a yajuj majuj follower of antichrist cave dwelling subhooman ever.
I dont understand what this bullshit stereotype is that indian dudes in the west are constantly in some white girls face trynna get at her. Maybe this applies to some random fob who just got here from curry land 5 min ago lmao. Most of my interactions with white girls have always been friendly and professional because i was literally born and raised here in the west. I was a teenager when i realized just how unappealing your average curry dude is not only to white women, but in the western dating market as a whole. As a result of internalizing this, i have always tried to keep either a friendly distance AWAY from white girls and NOT try to interact with them, or if i WAS interested in one, I would build rapport with them over time before ever asking any of them out lol. My relationship with white girls is either, well nothing lol, or if im constantly interacting with them through work or school, its to be friendly and professional lol. Let me tell you lol, the times i was distant or reserved from white women and "muh dont give them a sliver of attention", i never got anything out of it lol, not friendship, let alone a relationship lmfao. Not a single white girl has ever came up to me in my entire life and was like "muh i find you so mysterious and interesting cause you dont give me any attention" lmfao.

For anyone that wants to know how women choose the men they like...


Women already decide within like .5 seconds of seeing a dudes face whether they are sexually/phyiscally attracted to him or not, and if they are, then depending on if they are bold, they make their interest pretty forward themselves (ive seen this literally happen in front of me with my chadlite prettyboy friends myself) and if they are shy, they tend to get one of their girlfriends to scope the guy out and ask him what they think of her (ive also seen this happen with my chadlite prettyboy friends right in front of me). Let me tell you that its literally fucking brutal asf seeing this shit happen right in front of you, and it takes alot to not either run away or break down right there immediately, knowing that not a single girl has ever felt the same way about you ever, and will ever do the same for you.
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Ironically it's not the white guys that say the subhuman white bitch mogs, it's the self hating ethnics.

I'd say the majority of the whites will actually pick the Indian one.
I'm not white and i pick the Indian one.
I'm paki.

Also, most curries on here don't even deserve to live tbqh, so... yeah
I dont understand what this bullshit stereotype is that indian dudes in the west are constantly in some white girls face trynna get at her. Maybe this applies to some random fob who just got here from curry land 5 min ago lmao. Most of my interactions with white girls have always been friendly and professional because i was literally born and raised here in the west. I was a teenager when i realized just how unappealing your average curry dude is not only to white women, but in the western dating market as a whole. As a result of internalizing this, i have always tried to keep either a friendly distance AWAY from white girls and NOT try to interact with them, or if i WAS interested in one, I would build rapport with them over time before ever asking any of them out lol. My relationship with white girls is either, well nothing lol, or if im constantly interacting with them through work or school, its to be friendly and professional lol. Let me tell you lol, the times i was distant or reserved from white women and "muh dont give them a sliver of attention", i never got anything out of it lol, not friendship, let alone a relationship lmfao. Not a single white girl has ever came up to me in my entire life and was like "muh i find you so mysterious and interesting cause you dont give me any attention" lmfao.


Women already decide within like .5 seconds of seeing a dudes face whether they are sexually/phyiscally attracted to him or not, and if they are, then depending on if they are bold, they make their interest pretty forward themselves (ive seen this literally happen in front of me with my chadlite prettyboy friends myself) and if they are shy, they tend to get one of their girlfriends to scope the guy out and ask him what they think of her (ive also seen this happen with my chadlite prettyboy friends right in front of me). Let me tell you that its literally fucking brutal asf seeing this shit happen to knowing that not a single girl has ever felt the same way about you ever, and will ever do the same for
Not all of this is true tbqh.

Depends how "indian" you look, and this forum overblows just how much the raceplay actually plays a factor
I dont understand what this bullshit stereotype is that indian dudes in the west are constantly in some white girls face trynna get at her. Maybe this applies to some random fob who just got here from curry land 5 min ago lmao. Most of my interactions with white girls have always been friendly and professional because i was literally born and raised here in the west. I was a teenager when i realized just how unappealing your average curry dude is not only to white women, but in the western dating market as a whole. As a result of internalizing this, i have always tried to keep either a friendly distance AWAY from white girls and NOT try to interact with them, or if i WAS interested in one, I would build rapport with them over time before ever asking any of them out lol. My relationship with white girls is either, well nothing lol, or if im constantly interacting with them through work or school, its to be friendly and professional lol. Let me tell you lol, the times i was distant or reserved from white women and "muh dont give them a sliver of attention", i never got anything out of it lol, not friendship, let alone a relationship lmfao. Not a single white girl has ever came up to me in my entire life and was like "muh i find you so mysterious and interesting cause you dont give me any attention" lmfao.

For anyone that wants to know how women choose the men they like...


Women already decide within like .5 seconds of seeing a dudes face whether they are sexually/phyiscally attracted to him or not, and if they are, then depending on if they are bold, they make their interest pretty forward themselves (ive seen this literally happen in front of me with my chadlite prettyboy friends myself) and if they are shy, they tend to get one of their girlfriends to scope the guy out and ask him what they think of her (ive also seen this happen with my chadlite prettyboy friends right in front of me). Let me tell you that its literally fucking brutal asf seeing this shit happen right in front of you, and it takes alot to not either run away or break down right there immediately, knowing that not a single girl has ever felt the same way about you ever, and will ever do the same for you.
That is because u have lived ur life in a typical fashion looking for womyn and not in a mysterious purely romanticized fashion letting fate decide which womyn comes into ur life, being fine with dying without ever really knowing a foid. Looks are important but when ur race is considered a slave race and the lowest of the earth an attitude and aura is important, in the west alot of manipulation goes on in the background and foids then to take notice of the odd ones, that’s all I’m going to say.
Depends who u ask, for Indian aryan wannabees he’s dark, for people know how light and how dark an Indian can get he’s more in the middle leaning to the lighter side.

@CFW432 if the guy I posted is considered dark skinned by your definition, then your argument goes straight out the window because those motherfuckers were always with the good looking Punjabi girls.

That means what you are saying is exclusive to your area only.
  • Hmm...
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@CFW432 if the guy I posted is considered dark skinned by your definition, then your argument goes straight out the window because those motherfuckers were always with the good looking Punjabi girls.

That means what you are saying is exclusive to your area only.
He’s being real
@CFW432 if the guy I posted is considered dark skinned by your definition, then your argument goes straight out the window because those motherfuckers were always with the good looking Punjabi girls.

That means what you are saying is exclusive to your area only.
Hes lightbrownish tannish tbh. Not lightskinned. Hes like a shade lighter than me.
Nah man, it's the inbreeding.

Think about it, how tf did Latinos not end up as forsaken as curries?
You had Native Americans, Spaniards, Africans, and some chinks thrown into the mix.

OTOH, curries decided to go the arranged marriage route and only marry within their caste / town.

Dude, genetic diversity is a good thing.

The problem is, curries cucked themselves hard with arranged marriage, and we now get the abominations that are running around now.

Most curries deserve to be exterminated.

We desperately need a eugenics program for curries.

The reason why so many European countries are good looking is because of hypergamy + eugenics + women getting to pick their mates.

CURRIES, otoh, only had arranged marriages for thousands of years.

This is why the curry genome is so cursed.

It'll honestly take a full blown eugenics program, ngl
Depends, I believe that if u belong to a unique clan or interesting lineage than a certain level of inbreeding is important and required, for us Kerala Christians the knayas were smart and decided to practice inbreeding and as a result have the coolest gene chart possible with super high IVC and the rest being a sprinkle of AASI and middle eastern and even some steppe, obvious the ancestry is fundamentally the same as nasranis however the % and traceability allows for confirming different genetic lineage myths and folk lore.
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That is because u have lived ur life in a typical fashion looking for womyn and not in a mysterious purely romanticized fashion letting fate decide which womyn comes into ur life, being fine with dying without ever really knowing a foid. Looks are important but when ur race is considered a slave race and the lowest of the earth an attitude and aura is important, in the west alot of manipulation goes on in the background and foids then to take notice of the odd ones, that’s all I’m going to say.
Dude, stfu.

TWO out of 5 candidates running for the republican party are indians.

People take note of that.

IDK where tf you guys live, but indians have hell of alot better stereotypes than blacks and Latinos.

Yeah, there's the rapey one, but if you don't look like a creep, you'll be fine
Dude, stfu.

TWO out of 5 candidates running for the republican party are indians.

People take note of that.

IDK where tf you guys live, but indians have hell of alot better stereotypes than blacks and Latinos.

Yeah, there's the rapey one, but if you don't look like a creep, you'll be fine
Even blacks and Latinos have had people in high positions and power in the west, curry are not special in this regard, that is just the truth, smv is everything and curry is the lowest and it is because they are considered as subhuman by the world, they can’t do sports, have little appeal, have a joke of a cultural system, a history of getting conquered, etc, I swear when I say this, the abos are more desirable than curry are.
  • +1
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Hes lightbrownish tannish tbh. Not lightskinned. Hes like a shade lighter than me.

The majority of the men were a shade darker or a shade lighter than that (including me).

The Punjabi women are much lighter than the men. The lightest ones went for the darkest motherfuckers (not Aziz Ansari dark, but darker than the guy I posted).

The light skin obsession then is exclusive to your area.
Dude, stfu.

TWO out of 5 candidates running for the republican party are indians.

People take note of that.

IDK where tf you guys live, but indians have hell of alot better stereotypes than blacks and Latinos.

Yeah, there's the rapey one, but if you don't look like a creep, you'll be fine
Nikki Haley is literally white passing with a fucking tan lmao. Most of the retarded white republican good ol boys from the south probably dont even know shes fucking curry. AND I REMEMBER back in like 2010 or sometime around then, WHEN THEY FOUND OUT ABOUT HER WHOLE NAME (Nimrata something something) THEY WERE MAKING FUN OF IT LMFAO. BTW apparently she puts down "white" as her identification on the census lmfao. So yes, she is self hating to a degree lol.

And literally no one likes vivek ramaswamy lol. Hes literally nothing more than a token minority republican, just like any of the other non-white black republicans either lol. Just lol if you think vivek ramasalami or nimrata has any chance of winning anything lol. White conservatives still make up the majority of the republican voter base, they will keep voting for white candidates lol.

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