[JFL] EVISCERATION of the subhuman curry shudra DALIT DOG @Reptiles - CURRIES GTFIH at your own risk

"you have no right to mock indians..."

In the Beginning

The Middle...

And the End.

All that bullshit *sacred hindu-dindu cowshit* you just pulled out of your ass and you didn't even bother citing any sources.

JFL Imagine being IQ mogged by fucking mutt

straight up go ER for you if you're ever this low IQ tbh
because it's fucking ovER for you -full stop -no cap


So anyway, after taking a few minutes sifting through you're mess of a post and utterly broken English to try and unpack what you're really even saying, because you don't like using commas for some reason...

*And also for future reference just know*-
Poop brown color + Italics = Curry dalit moment



JFL Imagine trying to grasp at straws in such a feeble attempt to belittle me just for my quarter Iranian heritage when the other quarter of that same half is literally Chitrali/Paki, weren't you and Pakis supposed to hate each other or something?

I'm surprised you didn't even try to say oh muh "lazy med" or muh "moorish rape babies" or muh "beaner/spic" or muh "border hoper/cartels" or muh "conquistador rape babies" for my other half or even just "ha Lul u stoopid mutt" tbh.


Anyway, the Indo-Iranians (Sintashta) are the Eastern Branch of the Proto-Indo Europeans, that moved into Iran and mixed with the Iranian Farmers (BMAC), creating their descendants the Aryans (and modern Iranians with up to 95% genetic continuity to this very day).

And again here's my source, Iran Talk, who's been a trusted source on Iranian (and Aryan) genetics and any dispelling myth and hearsay from both wignats and currynats, & has always been on point for with the latest studies tbh:

Goddamn, you really do give credence to the stereotype of muh "delusional curries" holy fuck. I never said they created white people nor did I even mention whites any of my posts except to remind you of how you were also conquered by the British, :lul: @ your strawman.


They were are:

JFL you're grapsing at straws because, for probably the second time already, I never even said they were white/European.

And speaking of White [European] people, since you're so quick to try and dismiss their own Proto-Indo-European birthright as well:

*they're*^ and *than*^

And there you go again actually trying to claim muh Iranians are Arabs just goes to show how much of disingenuous "JEW", as you often like to say, you in fact really are. Can you even more cringe that this tbh?

*are a lot*^ but not they're really not though...

Also trying to claim that Arabs, Semites of all people, are white JFL? Where'd you even get that from tbh?

Oh let me guess, what is it the Levant-nats always try to say again...

...muh "Levantines are huwtie too bro habibi, srs wallahi..."?

second time already- *Aryans*^

Pathetically low IQ dalit moment right there bhaibi

I never said Whites were Aryans, and is your fragile sense of faux/pseudo-nationalistic pride truly so fragile that you'd even try to project your own insecurities onto me.

Also, I say faux/pseudo-nationalistic because [ISPOILER]true Nationalism is based on the unity and cohesion of a common Folk [Volk] through blood, not merely "culture".

Your own people's sense of "Nationalism" is no more than an utterly cringe feeble attempt at some fake & gay "civic-nationalism", since the modern state of India is merely an amalgamation of various different ethnic groups all pretending to be one single [curry] people. [/ISPOILER]

They [the Whites] too come from the Proto Indo Europeans (Yamnaya [they were the largest] + similar IE cultures) and have 3 major admixture components, not just the 2 you included, the third of which being significant Yamnaya admixture.

They even had a similar cognate to Aryan- "Aryos", both of which come from "Heryos".

And again, trying to accuse me of associating Aryans with whites... Who the fuck do you even think I am Robert Sepehr or Jason Jorjani?
Do you honestly think I have wacky vendetta against you or curries? Or do you just think I'm one of those people trying to say muh "huwite Aryan invasion in India justifies it's occupation and/or rule by foreign powers" because of it?

If so, I must confess that I'm genuinely disappointed in just how low you not only think of me but also yourself, and it only goes to show just how bad you are at reading through the lines.

Realizing something like that about you almost made me want to pity for your own lack of self awareness, but then you straight up spew bullshit like this that I can't just ignore:

Big Brother Lol GIF by MOODMAN

JFL I can't even begin to tackle that one bro...
Picard Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

holy fuck .


And now you even bring the Nords into this too JFL what do they even have to do with any of this?

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN

Do you have some spite against them too for mogging and making you feel inferior because of the abundance of self hating curries worshiping them?

*inserts X example of thread muh I wish I was white instead of shitskin dravidian curry*

Or is it just because everyone on this forum is more than well aware of muh "huwite nordic gigastacies" you curries drool over and simp for so much?
candice swanepoel vsfs 2010 gif

*inserts X example of thread i wish i had muh huwite nordic gigastacy*

"Sir please"
*but with curry accent*
Sar, paleez-aheh

Nigger please .


JFL, when you said:

*in the very first post actually^ btw*

and even again rn when you literally just said:

ok sure thing bro
Then is that why you keep trying to compare them to Arabs?^

Yeah why else would I keep saying they have 95% genetic continuity and constantly educate you about it? :unsure:^^^

The fuck?
By that cowshit tier logic you could also say oh muh-

"Nords are inbred cuz muh 'no nigger/ethnic dna = inbred' bhai srs"

*...aren't, they're a mixture of various other...*^

I never said Indians were "inbred" or that they were the "result of a mass scale genetic bottle neck".
They're a mix of Dravidian/Veddoid and Aryan (Iranian Farmer + Indo-Iranian/Sintashta) to varying degrees.

Which is is a result of being violently conquered through the Aryan invasions and being subjugated to a "harsh" racially based caste system for slave labor.

Oh and being raped... :ROFLMAO:

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And inb4 but muh "Aryans weren't blonde Huwite nordics" or some shit
Calm down I know and it's just a [Chad] meme

*Insert You KikeTube apology video sigh*
facepalm GIF

Here We Go Again GIF


but muh

ok dalit .

It's totally not just because they all make based shit that triggers all the curries and pajeets, like niggers after cops shoot them, right?

muh Western "Jewish" study:

Easy dislike ratio farm when you breed like rats and KikeTubes already hates based content tbh.

or could also be because of this...

or this

He didn't say that and even if he did it wouldn't even make any sense.

Yeah they're mixed so of course they have both Iranian Farmer (BMAC) and Iranian-Farmer (Sintashta) blood, I said that from the very beginning so what does that even prove? That they're not Iranian?

Third time already, but I'm not exactly keep track every time this nigger dalit says this
I never even said they were.


Are You Sure About That John Cena GIF by MOODMAN

Speak for yourself bro bhai dalit.

I know, and I've also been saying that since the very beginning

An Ancient Harappan Genome "Lacks" Ancestry from Steppe Pastoralists or Iranian Farmers

JFL no
IVC was actually based out of Pakistan
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And besides, your DNA consists of 2 components- Aryan (Indo-Iranian + Iranian Farmer) and Dravidian/Veddoid to varying degrees

JFL even normie tier sources have to walk on eggshells and do damage control when they trigger you
but even they can't deny the truth and neither can you.

Ok sure bro, at least now I really know you're full of shit

Ainu? Surely you're not talking about these people are you?



Yeah because going to human phenotypes.net is accurate
humanphenotypes.net "Iranid"
View attachment 1144868
JFL even if this was legit it'd still mogg average curry face all the way back to the shitfilled ganges river tbh cause
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holy fuck .

💩 :blackpill: :feelswhy:

But using the example from the Faces of Tomorrow Project and the the Postnational Monitor project (both of which created the templates) isn't...

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*tone*^ getting tired of reading these? Yeah well I got pretty tired of writing them before I was even halfway through on post 2 tbh & now you know how it felt to have to read through an entire fucking essay's worth of broken
curry "Ahngleesh"

Yeah bro this is soo inaccurate...
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You got to be fucking kidding me
You lying Jew fuck .

The Vedic literature comes from the Aryans, who came from Iran and the Avesta.


Case and point:

No, you not acknowledging the fact that Iran has always mogged you in historically and that denying the fact that most of the "Arab" Innovations during the "Islamic Golden Age" were in fact mostly Persian is pure cope and is fucking disgusting just like your poop filled streets.

Imagine receiving billions in aid and still living like fucking dalit subhumans shitting in the street like dogs.






muh "dark skinned ariens"^
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Alexander appropriated from Persia first.




JFL The fact that you still feel the need to live up to the West and are using just two religious texts, plagiarized off of Persian literature, when Both the West and Perisa can stand on their own feet when it comes to their vast literary history even up till today.

And this is but a sliver of the bigger piece of the pie:

The heavy hitters:

For more on Rome if interested because it needs more love being over shadowed by the greeks:

Even Gooks mogg tbh


You really are a special kind of retarded aren't you dalit?

For fuck's sake, I honestly can't believe I have to post this shit a second time because you keep repeating yourself and you don't know how to use commas.

The Vedic literature comes from the Aryans, who came from Iran and the Avesta.


I mean most parts of the known world at least at one point, even after discovery of the new world.

Your people have never, and will never, be this MOGGER

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Not exactly much an achievement when considering:

This is the furthest you've ever ventured into SEA before the British
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These are the people you conquered.
And let's not forget it's the only place on Earth subhumans on this forum would ever be able to go to ascend because the if they live like savages now one could only imagine what kind of subhuman they'd like be back then.
View attachment 1144932

Good for you then .

Because it's not just the fact that oh this race mogged that.

It's the fact that my people mogged yours all the way back to the poop filled streets of mumbhai.

Very low IQ take ngl, and only goes to show your inferiority complex to whites tbh.


Ah yes, anecdotal "evidence"...

Truly the lowest of all logical fallacies.

Funny thing is though, that's the only piece of evidence you've even brought to the table so far anyway.

And the only conclusions I've been drawing here have literally been based only off of everything you've said, that's how I'm able to expose holes in your various contradicting and flawed arguments as well as call you out on your hypocrisy.


Unrelliable? :ROFLMAO::lul::feelswah:

You have no idea how much it hurts both my pride and my spirit when you say that.

I went out of my way to find a legit "Western" study because I knew you'd say it's bullshit/Jewish, just like that gook faggot @RedFlood when I brought up penis average global penis sizes because he thought gooks mogged the world.

And don't even get me started on all my mogger gook evisceration threads.

I went searching for the map "reputable" news sources often used when writing all their clickbaity aritcles, and found the people that made it, then I had to go find the study the map makers cited to create it.

And is it turns out, that map was based off of a study which was conducted by the BJUI (so it doesn't get more "Western" that that) and used 15,000 participants from various different countries.

All those other "charts" you see online and, yes even the one you posted after searching google images for one that confirmed what you wanted to see, were based on this study because it set the standard for World Penile Length charts/map and studies ever since.

So it's legit as legit as they come buddy broyo.

no shit.
The map I posted, along with the study, showed that the difference was .4 of an inch.
Meaning while really insignificant, because I believe dickpill is really just cope above 6", Iran still moggs Indian penis sizes.


That one's on you poorcel dalitcel

And I know the article is faulty and I only included it, along with actual data from the map and study, to show you how you even dickmogged when it comes to stereotypes people have of you.

And speaking of said articles... :lul::feelswhy:


Now there you go being a disingenuous little Jew dalit fuck again, and to think you of all people accused me of acting like a Jew.

I never took offense to being part Iranian.

I took offense to this:

That's because we don't see ourselves as "ethnic" and ironically enough, since you accuse me of being "racist" after all, we don't limit our view of ourselves nor the rest of the world as being just ethnic or huwite, we're Iranians.

Or rather whatever group one really is, like for me in my case I'm an NorthPaki/Iranic Med bad boy mutt.

We're not in the same boat just because we're both not white,

or rather, as is the case with where I actually am half White (med bad boy gang gang),

We're both different people, and my people mogg yours.

If you really think that not being huwite all that you need to group people together then you're unironically sub nigger/Abo IQ tbh.


I know and...
You Dont Say Nicholas Cage GIF

nigger .

Call it form of irony or what have you, because I was mocking you for that very reason:


I don't fucking care what a white person thinks of me or Persians and I doubt Persians care all that much either unless they're a pussy.
(also because I'm already half white myself but I still wouldn't even if wasn't cause that's such a cucked bitch thing to do tbh),

I only care about what you said, and your pathetic attempt to try and belittle me, in suggesting that "I have no right to mock curries" when

A. I wasn't mocking them or was even going to and only suggested using it if me and some curry were talking shit
B. You thought you have any right in telling me what I have the right to do like you're my own Goddamn father when I don't even know you.
C. You tried to passive aggressively insulting me like a bitch by calling me an Arab, because apparently I mentioned somewhere I was [part] Iranian

D. Oh and you still never mentioned where you even got that from to begin with tbh.

Come Again Episode 2 GIF by P-Valley
what the fuck GIF

How in the fuck would you even know what has a "bro" catch to it when you talk weak shit, contradict yourself way too many times to even bother sifting through your mess of a post again, and don't even know how to speak proper English or use commas correctly, or even at all really?
The Fuck GIF by memecandy


No .

you fucking subhuman dalit dog go suck some more curry out of your mommas saggy brown tits or fuck a cow of someshit JFL :lul:.

Get ready to write another reply cause I just intellectually mogged the absolute fuck out of you


tbh tbh.

I did,

and it's your mom.
Deez Nuts GIF

muh Iran waycist,
JFL bro don't you curries even try to say thought about the Afghanis too? :ROFLMAO:

GTFO with that bullshit it's like you forget about the fact that you literally made an entire thread about how calling an Indian "dalit", an insult based off of an ancient RACIALLY BASED caste system that "persecuted" people based on their race, thereby being "racist" yourself.

And even then who really even gives a fuck about being "racist" these days when it's based?

No but seriously though, racism is an overrated problem in the world compared to all the actual evil in the world.

And if you actually care so much about it then you'd also realize that racism itself isn't really a race based problem but merely a hate based one.

That is to say we're all racialist in our biases and that's perfectly okay because it's inherent to who were are, or in other words natural.

The problem of racism isn't that it's inherently racialist in nature, but the fact that a "racist" even hates someone to begin with really.

And the fact that because that someone is hated by said person say because they're black/ethnic/etc is insignificant because the real problem is just that they hate them and have hate in their heart.

JLP, despite some of his faults and cringe takes at times, puts it quite nicely:

So, with my final closing thoughts I'd just like to take a moment to say...

Writing this shit makes me feel like I'm back in school again ngl and I'm supposed to be on my vaccation smh tbh.

So fuck you and you're a bitch for that -
full stop -no cap you fucking
dalit dog.

And JFL, the funniest thing is...

I already knew what a dalit even was before I even read your shit tier thread ngl. :lul:

Cause I shit on (more like shit talk really) a legit curry Paki "friend" ik irl and he fucking hates you Indians' cowfucker guts ngl (his words not even mine btw tbh)

Am I... ?


I am the most based user on this forum tbh, or at least by this point that is anyway ngl :blackpill:.

Dude i was reading and reading and i thought i finally finished the thread. Then i scrolled and scrolled and i still didn't reach the end so i started laughing hard cuz u wrote more words than me in my bachelor thesis just to finish of the forum autis reptiles:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Hes a good guy tho ngl and this thread is too high iq for me
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, chaddyboi66 and Deleted member 10524
he willl never recover tbh wtf is this
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Lolcel, sytyl, EverythingMattersCel and 3 others
holy shit, what an evisceration. never seen one this long. literally opened this man up, alive and breathing, and flayed him, skinned him, and diced him. this is some next level shit, i could feel the hatred flowing through your keyboard.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, Lolcel, Patient A and 6 others
he willl never recover tbh wtf is this
Fatality. Never saw such a destruction ngl, probably took him a whole ass day to write this:lul::y'all:

out cold rage GIF by GLORY Kickboxing
  • JFL
Reactions: Patient A, Lolcel and chaddyboi66
This is @reptiles response to this thread

1 Your right i probably should have cited my sources well here's the source for the aryan's being mainly non iranic and more european

Sci-Hub | Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East. Nature, 536(7617), 419–424 | 10.1038/nature19310
Skip to page 4 out of 18 the aryans are about 56 percent eastern hunter gathrer your right Iranians have aryan dna but aryans are a mixed breed as it is so you can't claim them as a race
this is like claiming a mulatoo is a black dude and 2nd of all most iranians aren't made from EHG there made from iran chaloclethic.

2 I don't care about different forms of south asian's have i ever claimed the kalash or the pashtuns were Indians ? did i say most Indians drift towards these populations due to a shared
genetic component that all south asians and central asians share which is the iran neolethic that's it pls learn to read.

3 The reason why i called you sand is a cause i live in the west and people can't tell what's an arab and what's an iranic 2 there is tons of phenotypic similarties between the 2 3 there
more geographically closer the fact your country is even muslim by a arab phrophet proves and 4th even if you weren't arab it still would be sand because the climates of iran are sandy
hence there browner skin although tbf this can vary by the part of iran generally though to call an iran sand is a fair statement they
do live in sandy enviroments.

4TH calling you non white and saying your not aryan fully and also that the aryans were a mixed race is bellitiling you ? i never even claimed curries were aryans i just said they were a
mixed race of iran chalcolethic but they majority EHG

5th that vedio about BMAC,VEDIC CIVILAZTION,VEDIC ARYANS Is a bit wrong here tbqh 1 he leaves out the yamnaya pastoralists are non iranics there non white as well but there closest to
europeans genetically 2nd of all i didn't disagree there was a mixture of iran choloclethic with yamnaya pastoralists. You bringing this vedio up is like you shouting at me for things
I didn't argue i didn't say iranans had no aryan dna i said the aryans were a mixture and know i will clarify even further they were non iranans and they non europeans they hybrids of
the 2 so to claim the aryans were 1 race rather than an extinct 1 is like claiming a mulatoo is a fucking white dude that's it.

6 Okay fair enough if you don't claim the iranians were white or were the progenitors of the white race we have no disagreement on this with all that being said and done your next
statement is a bit stupid people have conquered and pillaged by just about every civilization arabs have conquered many parts of iran
the romans fell to visigoths and the germanics what's your point here ? every civilization in history has been conquered and subjugated
name your point in mentioning this though.

7 I already went over how the aryans were a mixed race again check the original study you claiming them as iranian is as stupid as a mulatoo claiming to be a black dude in fact it's even
stupider in your case because genetically the aryans are long gone the last vestiges left truly is the ANE based population the kalash they are very distinct and they orignated from
my postulation ancient proto europoids wondering from south asia or rather close to it remeber most kalash are ANE fully and a depigmented ANE can pass as nearly full euro some times.

8 Survive the jive is mainly talking about a shared common origin of all pie based languages btw he even thinks the aryans orignated in the urals of russia which he isn't fully wrong but
they also mixed clearly with iranics also wanted to say Indian's don't have Aryan DNA we have another form of caucasoid which is iran neolethic very distinct there line spawned the veddas
and the other texts Indians have always been there own thing when it comes to there traditions i just wanted to clarify that cause that vedio was essentially claiming all of Indian history
to the aryans when in reality the aryans were barbaric war based cultures in fact most of the ancient innovations in the ancient indus was due to the neolethic iranic farmers which most
Indians descend from i mean literally it can even be seen on the facial traits just skin bleach an indian albino they look very much so like an neolethic iranian.

9 imagine having the balls to call me a jew when you as an iranian are about x10 closer to a jew than i can ever be since your so emphatic
about genetics. Also i listed the 4 reasons why i consider you arab overall. 1 I do it based on genetic distance. 2 i do it based of climate
. 3 i do it based of phenotype. 4 I do it based on the public views of the host society i live in tbqh i think those are some pretty reaso

10 I Said a lot of arabs because turks and levantine arabs count as arabs apperntly but if were counting these then yeah a lot of non
indo europeans are a lot whiter than indo europeans like the iranics my point of all this was to say language connection means jack shit
in terms of measuring genetic distance overall though many arabs are whiter than iranans i think that's a fair claim.

11 Cringe at trying to frame me as an nationalist i'm a globalist because i like results because i like the idea of everyone being rich
and also because i want eugenics globally because i see things and reality for what it is. There is always losers and there is always vic
tors to me though we can decrease this abborant system.

Also Nationalism based on race fails a lot because like i said arabs are overall in genetic distance closer to you and also a lot of
people of the same blood will disagree heavily on a lot of views i know 99 percent curries disagree with me on most topics.

12 Whites descend from 3 genetic components overall i didn't list 2 they descend from ENF (EASTERN NEOLETHIC FARMER) ANE (ANCIENT NORTH
EURASIAN) WHG (Western hunter gathrer basically dark skinned europeans)

13 I'm pleased then you agree with me the stance iranics are not whites were we disgaree is that the aryans are a mixed race and there
basically mulatoos and they were dark skinned the light skin allele for europeans is actually very recent calling them light skinned is
retarded also just look at the geography they came from this is iran a arrid enviroment do you think the dna for light skin allles would
be benefical in an area that needs for an pastoralist tribe to be on the move constantly ?

14 I never said you had an vendetta agaist indians i'm just pointing out your being hypocrital and also trying to start a dick measuring

15 I measured what do iranan's mog Indians in first because your the 1 who mentioned that iran mogs india and i was pointing out the idea
that, differences adjusted for ses (socio ecanomic status) nurition and other forms of enviromental factors loosen any large differences
between the 2 that's all i wasn't meaning to start a dick measuring contest between the 2 hell if it were me i would black pill a lot of
india into caring more the genetic stock of the country.

16 We all wish we were white i'm just honest the reason simple is becase of 3 reasons, 1 I'm british in all but blood so i've literally
been raised to find white people more attractive raise me in my ethinc country and i can gurrantee you i would not feel the same way about
white people. 2 Whites currently are at the top in terms of social stats. 3 Whites consistently have better nuitrion although there diets
are horrible (for reference read the piece weston a pierce) I think those 3 are fair reasons for further reading you might wanna check out
the pre colonial views of white people before colonization just a hint.

17 I don't simp for women 99 percent of this forum are more cucked than me 90 percent of my posts are actually usually simping for white
men so again your wrong here the reason i simp for white men is because overall huwite men have same angelic faces that could just be be
cause i was raised literally around white people the fact i have 0 connection to my own people says a lot also i can't culturally understan
-d them indian culture is just to detached from me.

18 when i said iranics include sand i thought i was being pretty clear here plain and fucking simple that to white people and the culture
i live in there is very little difference also in terms of genetic distance your closest to other arabs because your geographically closes
-t to them also the climate your people evolved under is very arrid curry is also a bad term to use for indians i prefer tropicked
because indians evolvd under the tropics.

19 Saying overall iranians are in genetic distance closer to arabs than to whites is not the same thing as saying the 2 have had genetic
admixture with each other this isn't pedantic these are very clear differences and your right iranians have had complete genetic contiunity
but that's not what i was arguing.

20 Originally i called them sands and i included that as a broad umbrella term for those that basically 1 share common genetic origin but
divergence 2 common climatic features, 3 common faiths, 4 common customs not everything is just genes you know i look at it in more than
1 view point.

21 You do know how inbreeding occurs right ? there are population bottle necks if you haven't had a lot of genetic mixing with other populations overall your population is more inbred
whites are very mixed there literally a mix of 3 different components from things very distant from each each other so to call them inbred is ridiclous.

22 I called them sands to begin with and then arabs based on faith, customs tradions and overall genetic distance the 2 aren't very far tbqh also is that offesnive your ? i mean your
getting offended at being called an arab what's the problem bro ? i mean you seem offended overall.

23 If you admit iranians are a result of an ancient population bottle neck you admit they all essentially descend from incest because
bottle necks limit the amount of people in a population and it also increases genetic drift and as drift and bottle necks increase the rate
of incest only increases of course this isn't to say iranians are inbred but overall your bringing it up as a pride factor just cause
your ancestors long way down the line practiced incest due to population scarcity doesn't you will but to pride full about it makes no
sense especially since races change every few thousand years due to the response from the enviroment.

24 the caste system is not racial all Indians are the same race You can divide categories and say the Indo aryans are different from the
dravdians but off course 1 they all cline towards each other, 2 they all phenotypically resemble each other the main difference between
an indo melanid and an indid is that an indo melanid is more veddid mixed indid is more caucasoid (neolethic iran) 3 most if not all indian's
cline towards western eurasia there is a reason they are classified over all as caucasoids but like you said with vediod blood however
vediod i just wanna mention is not aboringal or african it's more closer to the jomons in phenotype.

25 M8 1 The dude your sighting is a pakistani not even iranian so this is ridiclous, 2 calling me a daalit is essentially calling a caste
less person an untoucheable plus i seem to have grown up fine height wise i'm good, Face wise i'm not good but that's cause of multiple
factors mainly enviroment for instance i mouth breathed a lot as a child and my diet has been very plant based rather than meat based
compare the jaws of our ancestors to today they have wider palates and less doliocephalic skulls doliocephali is a subhuman trait.

26 India's birth rate ratio is at 2.0 this number is falling globally saying indians breed like rats is ridiclous the reason there is more
indians is because of the size of the contient you do realize that right ? also do you think pashtuns or the other pakis aren't breeding
like rats ?

27 I already went over who the aryans were check study 1 they are mulatoos or hybrids to claim them as your own race is essentially calling
mulatoos white. The indo greek kingdom is a small forgotten kingdom it barely stayed at all it's a foot note in history and yeah invasions
did happen tell me a place where people have never experienced invasions.

28 also about kashmir if they wanna be a part of pakistan they can be my guest again I can't control the Indian goverment but personally
if kashmir wants independence that's up to them. Me personally i don't care.

29 the aryan invasion of india is absolutely not a fact that own paper you cited cage disagrees with this a migration happened that later inter
mixed with the general population but large scale ethnic replacement never happened and there was no literally no raping you could tell
if there was if a large scale replacement happened.

Also it's called the aryan integration theory what really happened is migrants from central asia migrated to the indus valley and they mixed with the inhabitants of the population hence bringing i guess yamnaya genes but
again this is only for certain indians like the jatts again this disproves the theory that the more bramhin you are the more aryan you
are because the jatts were sheep herders they were never even seen in the highest light when it came to caste some no name shepard caste
ended up having the most aryan genes funny really when you look at it so much for muh bramhinism cope.

30 yamnaya or sinthastha was certainly not iranic again look at study 1 it was Ehg that was a european component it was more european than
iranian but even then there still more mulatoos than anything calling them aryan is retarded also i don't cope max with the aryan bullshit
seeing as the majority of the aryan dna only went to the eastern iranics which you are fair enough but in general most of the other iranics
don't have aryan specefic dna.

31 oh goody so you agree the vast majority of indian dna is neolethic iranian farmer and this component is found mostly in indians in
fact calling it iranian isn't correct it's more caucasoid and is too drifted to be an iranian based population.

32 Some parts of the indus reached to north pakistan but it also reached to india also i'm talking about culture and genes here most
of the IVC were made from neolethic iranan farmers although i call them mesolethic cause there way more drifted from iran and also
most of the languge is sanskrit the horse found is purely south asian the inscriptions and facial features look more south and finally
the faith is more south asian the vedic faith is very clearly distinct from the zoroastrians.

Also that vedio hugely over estimates the dravdian blood i already showed you the admixture components for the average indian they are abo
-ut 80 percent neolethic iranian farmer derived if were talking northern indians and southern ones are about 65 percent neolethic farmer
derived with all that being said and done that veddiod blood i just wanted to point out is closer to proto mongoloids or perhaps proto
caucasoids just search up albino vedids they look like light skinned ainu found in japan.

33 I already told you i've showed you the stats the average indian is majority neolethic iranic based you can even check it by there skulls
(https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijeb/2013/836738/) btw this study accounted for 43 measurements before you invoke muh curry coping
even this found the average indian to be closest to caucasoids really what they mean is that the majority of indians resemble neolethic
iranian farmers again i hate using iranian cause there not iranian.

34 TBQH I think i miss spoke eastern iranians have a lot of neoelthic iranian dna same with the burushos and the brahui's fair enough
i miss spoke over all though the majority of iran is chalocalethic based rather than neolethic based.

35 yeah i'm talking about the ainu the vediods resemble phenotypically ainu peoples from japan in fact the only reason east asian's
are fucked is because they went through the iceage the vediods are a seperate branch that reached out ages ago hence why they share a co
mmon phenotype and share drift with each other.

36 right human phenotypes wiki isn't accurate but some computer generated ai with no sources to derive from images is ? also keep in mind
they gave india 1 phenotype the phenotype wiki gave india more also based also based on the indids and the iranics the iranics certainly
look whiter no argument there but to say they have way better phenotypes or looks than your casual is bullshit.

37 in pic you posted for the average indian guy a lot of them had good bones even aziz pansari it's there orbitals plus there the indo me
lanids there isn't just 1 phenotype in india there are more.

38 for this link all the composites averaged looked better than both of the pics given by either me or you https://www.businessinsider.com/faces-of-tomorrow-2011-2?r=US&IR=T
even the asians looked good in those morphs they didn't show the indian face though they showed that half assed composite with the all
togeher morph again how is this more trust worthy than phenotypes wiki which is literally an anthroplogical site ?

Also facially i can admit the average iranian is a lot whiter than an average indian but that says nothing about the phenotype more
specefically bone structure of some ones face.

39 it also depends on what photos you use to average it for instance that photo shown gave iran just 1 phenotype this is retarded also
certain iranian phenotypes are chads for instance the proto iranid is a beautiful face but that doesn't mean every iranian has that pheno
also the other iranian dude i posted it's not like iran also just has 1 phenotype you seem to just wanna box every indian and iranian under
1 box phenotypically when we know just by adaptation alone this isn't possible in terms of feautres.

40 the paleness of the population is also dependent on the region the ones closer to turkey like azeribijan will be whiter also funny how
you never mention these pics


Sure they all look caucasian i'm not arguing they don't but they certainly have more desert adapted traits and essentially there darker eu
ropeans but lighter than indians no shit but they also have the same skin tonne to other middle easterns because of the enviroment.

41 indo persian culture dates to 1600 india has been colonized for 40 thousand years and it basically has been in civilzation for more than
10 thousand years and again the veddas date to around 1500 bce before 1600 CE

42 that jstor link doesn't disagree remeber the indus valley liked to trade so both cultures would have overall had inspiration but that
doesn't mean 1 was based of the other for instance iran and greece had a lot of cultural contact but and they both shared a lot but
does that mean 1 rose up from the other.

43 The oldest avestian texts date to 10th century ce before that it's oral tradition the oldest vedic scripts is 1500 bce so if there
was any copying it was inverse order also you can find vague similarties in names that doesn't mean the 2 are copies for instance zeus
was a lighting god but he was the main sky father of the greek pantheon indra was the war god but he was the main sky father for
the gods does that mean indians copied greeks ? highly unlikely also the veddas mention the saptu sindu river some thing the avesta mention
-s 0 times the veddas mention reincarnation the avestas don't. In content there very different.

44 unless your eastern iranic the majority of irananians don't have neolethic iran tbqh that's what i'm saying they have iran chalcolethic
it's a bit different.

45 I said in terms of maths and history were equal both civilizations had it's ups and downs in litreture indians mog though not even
including the veddas just look at the mahabratas or the ramayanas in terms of content that mogs anything the ancient world produced

As for height like i said all things being equal for enviroment i think both indians and iranians could reach 6 to perhaps even 8 inches
if they practice eugenics but i emphasis eugenics more than enviroment

46 Iran hasn't always mogged India i even said there equal this is retarded tbqh you posted a wikipedia and in that same article it went
on to talk about india's contributions so much for mu-h mogging almost trying to down play arab or indian inventions also the arabs
had ibn-al-haytam who wrote great works on the laws of optics there is also al-latif a great historian not a persian so in before
muh arabs stole from the persians no they didn't

https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1096/fj.06-0803ufm for further reading there is some great arab inventors.

47 You do realize foriegn aid money goes to the beuracrats right ? also where the fuck are you getting the 100 billion dollar a year figure ? here is the 2019 stats for the amount of forie
-gn aid recieved by country it's 2.6 million overall much lower far cry of BILLIONS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Official_Development_Assistance_received

48 the vedic migrants to the indus valley were a minority though culturally you could say they were aryan but genetically they weren't that's what i'm saying there very clearly distint.
Culturally they didn't bring much tbqh.

49 the aryans were dark skinned though not indian dark skinned but dark in reference point to europeans and other east asian based popualtions plus looking at the latitude off course it's
gonna be darker it's not indian dark but the aryans didn't come from the tropics but it certainly is dark skinned relative to europeans and east asian's and many medterranians.

The Sintashta were swarthy – Brown Pundits


49 the aryans were barbarians most of the tech came from the IVC Also that's 1 even that happened so long ago it's like antiquity why do you never mention the ramayana or the mahabratha
which had 0 influnce from any out side influce ? seems sus bro also i don't even talk about the AIT I know it didn't happen but an integration event did happen this is objective.

But even if an invasion occured that speaks nothing about the later texts at best you get inspiration at worst you could argue the prototypes originate from iran however the works of the
veddas cause that book is a long as book does not oringate from iran also these are mulatoos were talking about there not iranians there just as much ehg as they are iran chalcolethic.

50 the writers of the mahabrata were very definitely Indians and they clearly post date the vedic period and like i said the aryans for the last time were mulatoos and you can be culturally aryan but not genetically
also to say because the prototypes may have had origins from migrants is different from saying the whole culture origiantes from the vedics.

51 as for alexander the great adopting persian tradition i mean the dude wanted an unified asia off course he's gonna want to appeal to the persians like no shit that doesn't mean all of greece adopted that culture.
Although tbf some cultural resembalances will oviously pop up this is due to how close iranans and greeks were tbqh.

52 There is a reason why i said the mahabrata ass raped ancient greece in terms of litreture because to me greece was the greatest civilization in antiquity living upto them is a fucking
honor and bitch this not plagarism you attempting to steal Indian culture and then claim it as your own even though both of these works post date the veddas also keeping in mind
most of the aryans got assimlated into the culture and also keeping in mind they were a minority to start with you arguing the aryans writing these later works makes no sense.

Also name me an persian work that mogs the mahabrata pls i really want to hear it the avestas ? well that post dates the mahabrata what else do you have tbqh ?

53 Keep in mind how large India it's a subcontient combined with south east Asia also from what i'm aware india never really had a thing for trying to start wars from what i'm aware
indians have had very little out fighting with neigbouring countries. Also keep in mind most of sea looks ugly because of malnourishment again compare an european today to the 1700
though tbqh western foods isn't perfect either there to soft so most people usually get narrower palates which leads to a dolciophalic skull structure again most of this is enviromental
As countries start to modernize they will grow more beautiful.

Also your right the greeks were awsome i'm obessed with anything european tbqh but that's cause i was raised in europe i was born here i highly doubt i would care if i lived in india.

54 your kinda assuming an conclusion from the premises.

1 You don't care if indians are moggers or not.
2 I do care and it is a fact indians get mogged by iranics.
C1 There fore iranians mog indians your assuming the conclusion in the premises.

55 It's not a low iq thing to view white and ethnic because 1 that's how this forum views things, 2 that's how the host society views things, 3 inferiorty complexes are formed for a reason
the main 1 being exposure if your brought up in a culture that is phenotypically different from you your gonna have a lot of inferiorty towards this fact it's as simple as that.

56 first of all an argument isn't neccarily wrong because of a fallacy also 2nd of all i did mention the source that indian growing up under western diets grow to the european


It's not just the genes: Ethnic Indians grow taller in the UK

Despite impressive rates of economic growth, India's children and adults do not grow as tall as they could.
57 I also mentioned an follow up to the study you posted which was a meta analyses of 43 other studies the results were around 5.25 inches for asians and 5.75 for europeans and africans
same for middle easterns that's about an 0.5 inches hell well round up for middle easterns and round down for asian's that still leaves the asian cock to be 5 inches hardly a micro cock
and hardly a massive as difference.

58 Well first of all i'm bengali so i have 0 caste restrictions 2nd of all scihub is down in the uk tbqh that's why i couldn't access it at the time i had to down load a vpn 3rd of all
even daalits in india can access scihub it's not like you can't work if your an daalit or a shudra you do know this right ? like caste is not an big deal when it comes to workers because
no 1 gives a fuck a bussiness owner just wants hard working employees i mean 34 percent of the population in a 3rd world country uses the internet that means over 100 million people
which includes 99 percent of the daalits in large numbers can access and probably have accessed the internet.

59 Okay so you admit the study is faulty and you also looked at the other study right ? the correlates of penis size and GDP know certain populations genetically have very large cocks
like africans they are born and bred to have very large penis size but that doesn't mean your own ethnic population can't epigenetics to increase there overall penis size by this i mean
in the next century as india becomes a 1st world country the overall penis size due to better nuitrion factors will increase overall and the sterotype exists but it's hugely over blown
like i told you 5 inches is not singicantly smaller than 6 inches the sterotype exists mainly to mock indians but regardless non of these populations have micro cocks like your suggesting

60 You were acting like a jew by citing a literal jew who clearly had an agenda to push anyways your the 1 who found it as an insult. I pointed out how can you as a sand man cause your
people evolved under arrid enviroments mock indians who evolved under tropical enviroments ?

61 weren't you bragging about mu-h genetic contuinity earlier also i never said you were in the same boat iranians and meds are way less
ethnic but that doesn't speak on facial aesthetics you moron facial aesthetics boils down more to genetic randomness than to how white you
are though being white helps if your in a white society. Also keep in mind i was pointing out non white people see you just as bad as indians that's my point.

Also yeah no you are racist you called gooks subhuman tbqh i'm some what racist as well but it's not due to malice or due to some dick
measuring contest.

62 well you might not but a lot western iranians do and also the reason why i pointed it out is that in a western society unless your 1 of those white passing iranains cause they do exist
people are gonna think your an indian or arab that's it don't infer anything more.

63 I didn't command you it was a suggestion saying you shouldn't is basically saying just don't be a dick also you seemed to think calling you arab was an insult bearing in mind most
of your region is muslim, keeping in mind the climates are quite arrid, overall in terms of genetic distance your closest to arabs, and also bearing in mind that in a white populated countr
-y you would be considered an arab well not you cause your half white but your iranian person that should clear up the reasons as to why i very very clearly stated i consider arabs and
iranians to be off the same stock.

64 1 I know nigger has a bro slang to it cause i talk to black dudes on the regular basis so stop being retarded 2nd of all your not using any real insults here it's just a reptiton.

65 Your going into head space thinking. 1 The caste system is not a race all indians are off the same race but a lot have different phenotypes just like how there is differences in europeans
we still classify them as white people overall similarly all indians are off the same genetic stock.

66 1ST Of all race doesn't even exist in the way your thinking there not discreet biological terms and they change every generation i actually prefer the term cline tbqh and most biologists

2ND point racism is very much so a taught factor at best you could perhaps argue racism is an out growth of tribalism but tribalism isn't neccarily racist on it's own the culture itself
has to take it down that path.

3RD Point if race is biological and concrete term then the concept of european should have existed back in the ancient days but it doesn't hell even most genetically realted white people
didn't think they were the same really were you wanna draw the line is arbitrary. Hell some people literally used to argue 1 clan was of a different lineage.

Closing thoughts.

1 This is literally a good response the word texture may be slightly because i wrote this on note pad.

2 You never learned what a daalit was.

3 This ass rapes every point you made and more.

4 i think this is the very last response btw the reason i banned myself is because i need to stop rotting it's not cause of you don't give yourself too much credit. Honestly fuck you i had
to do a lot of reading up on this topic to make a reasoned response.
  • JFL
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WTF DID YOU DO NIGGA @chaddyboi66
  • JFL
Reactions: chaddyboi66
This is @reptiles response to this thread

1 Your right i probably should have cited my sources well here's the source for the aryan's being mainly non iranic and more european

Sci-Hub | Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East. Nature, 536(7617), 419–424 | 10.1038/nature19310
Skip to page 4 out of 18 the aryans are about 56 percent eastern hunter gathrer your right Iranians have aryan dna but aryans are a mixed breed as it is so you can't claim them as a race
this is like claiming a mulatoo is a black dude and 2nd of all most iranians aren't made from EHG there made from iran chaloclethic.

2 I don't care about different forms of south asian's have i ever claimed the kalash or the pashtuns were Indians ? did i say most Indians drift towards these populations due to a shared
genetic component that all south asians and central asians share which is the iran neolethic that's it pls learn to read.

3 The reason why i called you sand is a cause i live in the west and people can't tell what's an arab and what's an iranic 2 there is tons of phenotypic similarties between the 2 3 there
more geographically closer the fact your country is even muslim by a arab phrophet proves and 4th even if you weren't arab it still would be sand because the climates of iran are sandy
hence there browner skin although tbf this can vary by the part of iran generally though to call an iran sand is a fair statement they
do live in sandy enviroments.

4TH calling you non white and saying your not aryan fully and also that the aryans were a mixed race is bellitiling you ? i never even claimed curries were aryans i just said they were a
mixed race of iran chalcolethic but they majority EHG

5th that vedio about BMAC,VEDIC CIVILAZTION,VEDIC ARYANS Is a bit wrong here tbqh 1 he leaves out the yamnaya pastoralists are non iranics there non white as well but there closest to
europeans genetically 2nd of all i didn't disagree there was a mixture of iran choloclethic with yamnaya pastoralists. You bringing this vedio up is like you shouting at me for things
I didn't argue i didn't say iranans had no aryan dna i said the aryans were a mixture and know i will clarify even further they were non iranans and they non europeans they hybrids of
the 2 so to claim the aryans were 1 race rather than an extinct 1 is like claiming a mulatoo is a fucking white dude that's it.

6 Okay fair enough if you don't claim the iranians were white or were the progenitors of the white race we have no disagreement on this with all that being said and done your next
statement is a bit stupid people have conquered and pillaged by just about every civilization arabs have conquered many parts of iran
the romans fell to visigoths and the germanics what's your point here ? every civilization in history has been conquered and subjugated
name your point in mentioning this though.

7 I already went over how the aryans were a mixed race again check the original study you claiming them as iranian is as stupid as a mulatoo claiming to be a black dude in fact it's even
stupider in your case because genetically the aryans are long gone the last vestiges left truly is the ANE based population the kalash they are very distinct and they orignated from
my postulation ancient proto europoids wondering from south asia or rather close to it remeber most kalash are ANE fully and a depigmented ANE can pass as nearly full euro some times.

8 Survive the jive is mainly talking about a shared common origin of all pie based languages btw he even thinks the aryans orignated in the urals of russia which he isn't fully wrong but
they also mixed clearly with iranics also wanted to say Indian's don't have Aryan DNA we have another form of caucasoid which is iran neolethic very distinct there line spawned the veddas
and the other texts Indians have always been there own thing when it comes to there traditions i just wanted to clarify that cause that vedio was essentially claiming all of Indian history
to the aryans when in reality the aryans were barbaric war based cultures in fact most of the ancient innovations in the ancient indus was due to the neolethic iranic farmers which most
Indians descend from i mean literally it can even be seen on the facial traits just skin bleach an indian albino they look very much so like an neolethic iranian.

9 imagine having the balls to call me a jew when you as an iranian are about x10 closer to a jew than i can ever be since your so emphatic
about genetics. Also i listed the 4 reasons why i consider you arab overall. 1 I do it based on genetic distance. 2 i do it based of climate
. 3 i do it based of phenotype. 4 I do it based on the public views of the host society i live in tbqh i think those are some pretty reaso

10 I Said a lot of arabs because turks and levantine arabs count as arabs apperntly but if were counting these then yeah a lot of non
indo europeans are a lot whiter than indo europeans like the iranics my point of all this was to say language connection means jack shit
in terms of measuring genetic distance overall though many arabs are whiter than iranans i think that's a fair claim.

11 Cringe at trying to frame me as an nationalist i'm a globalist because i like results because i like the idea of everyone being rich
and also because i want eugenics globally because i see things and reality for what it is. There is always losers and there is always vic
tors to me though we can decrease this abborant system.

Also Nationalism based on race fails a lot because like i said arabs are overall in genetic distance closer to you and also a lot of
people of the same blood will disagree heavily on a lot of views i know 99 percent curries disagree with me on most topics.

12 Whites descend from 3 genetic components overall i didn't list 2 they descend from ENF (EASTERN NEOLETHIC FARMER) ANE (ANCIENT NORTH
EURASIAN) WHG (Western hunter gathrer basically dark skinned europeans)

13 I'm pleased then you agree with me the stance iranics are not whites were we disgaree is that the aryans are a mixed race and there
basically mulatoos and they were dark skinned the light skin allele for europeans is actually very recent calling them light skinned is
retarded also just look at the geography they came from this is iran a arrid enviroment do you think the dna for light skin allles would
be benefical in an area that needs for an pastoralist tribe to be on the move constantly ?

14 I never said you had an vendetta agaist indians i'm just pointing out your being hypocrital and also trying to start a dick measuring

15 I measured what do iranan's mog Indians in first because your the 1 who mentioned that iran mogs india and i was pointing out the idea
that, differences adjusted for ses (socio ecanomic status) nurition and other forms of enviromental factors loosen any large differences
between the 2 that's all i wasn't meaning to start a dick measuring contest between the 2 hell if it were me i would black pill a lot of
india into caring more the genetic stock of the country.

16 We all wish we were white i'm just honest the reason simple is becase of 3 reasons, 1 I'm british in all but blood so i've literally
been raised to find white people more attractive raise me in my ethinc country and i can gurrantee you i would not feel the same way about
white people. 2 Whites currently are at the top in terms of social stats. 3 Whites consistently have better nuitrion although there diets
are horrible (for reference read the piece weston a pierce) I think those 3 are fair reasons for further reading you might wanna check out
the pre colonial views of white people before colonization just a hint.

17 I don't simp for women 99 percent of this forum are more cucked than me 90 percent of my posts are actually usually simping for white
men so again your wrong here the reason i simp for white men is because overall huwite men have same angelic faces that could just be be
cause i was raised literally around white people the fact i have 0 connection to my own people says a lot also i can't culturally understan
-d them indian culture is just to detached from me.

18 when i said iranics include sand i thought i was being pretty clear here plain and fucking simple that to white people and the culture
i live in there is very little difference also in terms of genetic distance your closest to other arabs because your geographically closes
-t to them also the climate your people evolved under is very arrid curry is also a bad term to use for indians i prefer tropicked
because indians evolvd under the tropics.

19 Saying overall iranians are in genetic distance closer to arabs than to whites is not the same thing as saying the 2 have had genetic
admixture with each other this isn't pedantic these are very clear differences and your right iranians have had complete genetic contiunity
but that's not what i was arguing.

20 Originally i called them sands and i included that as a broad umbrella term for those that basically 1 share common genetic origin but
divergence 2 common climatic features, 3 common faiths, 4 common customs not everything is just genes you know i look at it in more than
1 view point.

21 You do know how inbreeding occurs right ? there are population bottle necks if you haven't had a lot of genetic mixing with other populations overall your population is more inbred
whites are very mixed there literally a mix of 3 different components from things very distant from each each other so to call them inbred is ridiclous.

22 I called them sands to begin with and then arabs based on faith, customs tradions and overall genetic distance the 2 aren't very far tbqh also is that offesnive your ? i mean your
getting offended at being called an arab what's the problem bro ? i mean you seem offended overall.

23 If you admit iranians are a result of an ancient population bottle neck you admit they all essentially descend from incest because
bottle necks limit the amount of people in a population and it also increases genetic drift and as drift and bottle necks increase the rate
of incest only increases of course this isn't to say iranians are inbred but overall your bringing it up as a pride factor just cause
your ancestors long way down the line practiced incest due to population scarcity doesn't you will but to pride full about it makes no
sense especially since races change every few thousand years due to the response from the enviroment.

24 the caste system is not racial all Indians are the same race You can divide categories and say the Indo aryans are different from the
dravdians but off course 1 they all cline towards each other, 2 they all phenotypically resemble each other the main difference between
an indo melanid and an indid is that an indo melanid is more veddid mixed indid is more caucasoid (neolethic iran) 3 most if not all indian's
cline towards western eurasia there is a reason they are classified over all as caucasoids but like you said with vediod blood however
vediod i just wanna mention is not aboringal or african it's more closer to the jomons in phenotype.

25 M8 1 The dude your sighting is a pakistani not even iranian so this is ridiclous, 2 calling me a daalit is essentially calling a caste
less person an untoucheable plus i seem to have grown up fine height wise i'm good, Face wise i'm not good but that's cause of multiple
factors mainly enviroment for instance i mouth breathed a lot as a child and my diet has been very plant based rather than meat based
compare the jaws of our ancestors to today they have wider palates and less doliocephalic skulls doliocephali is a subhuman trait.

26 India's birth rate ratio is at 2.0 this number is falling globally saying indians breed like rats is ridiclous the reason there is more
indians is because of the size of the contient you do realize that right ? also do you think pashtuns or the other pakis aren't breeding
like rats ?

27 I already went over who the aryans were check study 1 they are mulatoos or hybrids to claim them as your own race is essentially calling
mulatoos white. The indo greek kingdom is a small forgotten kingdom it barely stayed at all it's a foot note in history and yeah invasions
did happen tell me a place where people have never experienced invasions.

28 also about kashmir if they wanna be a part of pakistan they can be my guest again I can't control the Indian goverment but personally
if kashmir wants independence that's up to them. Me personally i don't care.

29 the aryan invasion of india is absolutely not a fact that own paper you cited cage disagrees with this a migration happened that later inter
mixed with the general population but large scale ethnic replacement never happened and there was no literally no raping you could tell
if there was if a large scale replacement happened.

Also it's called the aryan integration theory what really happened is migrants from central asia migrated to the indus valley and they mixed with the inhabitants of the population hence bringing i guess yamnaya genes but
again this is only for certain indians like the jatts again this disproves the theory that the more bramhin you are the more aryan you
are because the jatts were sheep herders they were never even seen in the highest light when it came to caste some no name shepard caste
ended up having the most aryan genes funny really when you look at it so much for muh bramhinism cope.

30 yamnaya or sinthastha was certainly not iranic again look at study 1 it was Ehg that was a european component it was more european than
iranian but even then there still more mulatoos than anything calling them aryan is retarded also i don't cope max with the aryan bullshit
seeing as the majority of the aryan dna only went to the eastern iranics which you are fair enough but in general most of the other iranics
don't have aryan specefic dna.

31 oh goody so you agree the vast majority of indian dna is neolethic iranian farmer and this component is found mostly in indians in
fact calling it iranian isn't correct it's more caucasoid and is too drifted to be an iranian based population.

32 Some parts of the indus reached to north pakistan but it also reached to india also i'm talking about culture and genes here most
of the IVC were made from neolethic iranan farmers although i call them mesolethic cause there way more drifted from iran and also
most of the languge is sanskrit the horse found is purely south asian the inscriptions and facial features look more south and finally
the faith is more south asian the vedic faith is very clearly distinct from the zoroastrians.

Also that vedio hugely over estimates the dravdian blood i already showed you the admixture components for the average indian they are abo
-ut 80 percent neolethic iranian farmer derived if were talking northern indians and southern ones are about 65 percent neolethic farmer
derived with all that being said and done that veddiod blood i just wanted to point out is closer to proto mongoloids or perhaps proto
caucasoids just search up albino vedids they look like light skinned ainu found in japan.

33 I already told you i've showed you the stats the average indian is majority neolethic iranic based you can even check it by there skulls
(https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijeb/2013/836738/) btw this study accounted for 43 measurements before you invoke muh curry coping
even this found the average indian to be closest to caucasoids really what they mean is that the majority of indians resemble neolethic
iranian farmers again i hate using iranian cause there not iranian.

34 TBQH I think i miss spoke eastern iranians have a lot of neoelthic iranian dna same with the burushos and the brahui's fair enough
i miss spoke over all though the majority of iran is chalocalethic based rather than neolethic based.

35 yeah i'm talking about the ainu the vediods resemble phenotypically ainu peoples from japan in fact the only reason east asian's
are fucked is because they went through the iceage the vediods are a seperate branch that reached out ages ago hence why they share a co
mmon phenotype and share drift with each other.

36 right human phenotypes wiki isn't accurate but some computer generated ai with no sources to derive from images is ? also keep in mind
they gave india 1 phenotype the phenotype wiki gave india more also based also based on the indids and the iranics the iranics certainly
look whiter no argument there but to say they have way better phenotypes or looks than your casual is bullshit.

37 in pic you posted for the average indian guy a lot of them had good bones even aziz pansari it's there orbitals plus there the indo me
lanids there isn't just 1 phenotype in india there are more.

38 for this link all the composites averaged looked better than both of the pics given by either me or you https://www.businessinsider.com/faces-of-tomorrow-2011-2?r=US&IR=T
even the asians looked good in those morphs they didn't show the indian face though they showed that half assed composite with the all
togeher morph again how is this more trust worthy than phenotypes wiki which is literally an anthroplogical site ?

Also facially i can admit the average iranian is a lot whiter than an average indian but that says nothing about the phenotype more
specefically bone structure of some ones face.

39 it also depends on what photos you use to average it for instance that photo shown gave iran just 1 phenotype this is retarded also
certain iranian phenotypes are chads for instance the proto iranid is a beautiful face but that doesn't mean every iranian has that pheno
also the other iranian dude i posted it's not like iran also just has 1 phenotype you seem to just wanna box every indian and iranian under
1 box phenotypically when we know just by adaptation alone this isn't possible in terms of feautres.

40 the paleness of the population is also dependent on the region the ones closer to turkey like azeribijan will be whiter also funny how
you never mention these pics


Sure they all look caucasian i'm not arguing they don't but they certainly have more desert adapted traits and essentially there darker eu
ropeans but lighter than indians no shit but they also have the same skin tonne to other middle easterns because of the enviroment.

41 indo persian culture dates to 1600 india has been colonized for 40 thousand years and it basically has been in civilzation for more than
10 thousand years and again the veddas date to around 1500 bce before 1600 CE

42 that jstor link doesn't disagree remeber the indus valley liked to trade so both cultures would have overall had inspiration but that
doesn't mean 1 was based of the other for instance iran and greece had a lot of cultural contact but and they both shared a lot but
does that mean 1 rose up from the other.

43 The oldest avestian texts date to 10th century ce before that it's oral tradition the oldest vedic scripts is 1500 bce so if there
was any copying it was inverse order also you can find vague similarties in names that doesn't mean the 2 are copies for instance zeus
was a lighting god but he was the main sky father of the greek pantheon indra was the war god but he was the main sky father for
the gods does that mean indians copied greeks ? highly unlikely also the veddas mention the saptu sindu river some thing the avesta mention
-s 0 times the veddas mention reincarnation the avestas don't. In content there very different.

44 unless your eastern iranic the majority of irananians don't have neolethic iran tbqh that's what i'm saying they have iran chalcolethic
it's a bit different.

45 I said in terms of maths and history were equal both civilizations had it's ups and downs in litreture indians mog though not even
including the veddas just look at the mahabratas or the ramayanas in terms of content that mogs anything the ancient world produced

As for height like i said all things being equal for enviroment i think both indians and iranians could reach 6 to perhaps even 8 inches
if they practice eugenics but i emphasis eugenics more than enviroment

46 Iran hasn't always mogged India i even said there equal this is retarded tbqh you posted a wikipedia and in that same article it went
on to talk about india's contributions so much for mu-h mogging almost trying to down play arab or indian inventions also the arabs
had ibn-al-haytam who wrote great works on the laws of optics there is also al-latif a great historian not a persian so in before
muh arabs stole from the persians no they didn't

https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1096/fj.06-0803ufm for further reading there is some great arab inventors.

47 You do realize foriegn aid money goes to the beuracrats right ? also where the fuck are you getting the 100 billion dollar a year figure ? here is the 2019 stats for the amount of forie
-gn aid recieved by country it's 2.6 million overall much lower far cry of BILLIONS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Official_Development_Assistance_received

48 the vedic migrants to the indus valley were a minority though culturally you could say they were aryan but genetically they weren't that's what i'm saying there very clearly distint.
Culturally they didn't bring much tbqh.

49 the aryans were dark skinned though not indian dark skinned but dark in reference point to europeans and other east asian based popualtions plus looking at the latitude off course it's
gonna be darker it's not indian dark but the aryans didn't come from the tropics but it certainly is dark skinned relative to europeans and east asian's and many medterranians.

The Sintashta were swarthy – Brown Pundits


49 the aryans were barbarians most of the tech came from the IVC Also that's 1 even that happened so long ago it's like antiquity why do you never mention the ramayana or the mahabratha
which had 0 influnce from any out side influce ? seems sus bro also i don't even talk about the AIT I know it didn't happen but an integration event did happen this is objective.

But even if an invasion occured that speaks nothing about the later texts at best you get inspiration at worst you could argue the prototypes originate from iran however the works of the
veddas cause that book is a long as book does not oringate from iran also these are mulatoos were talking about there not iranians there just as much ehg as they are iran chalcolethic.

50 the writers of the mahabrata were very definitely Indians and they clearly post date the vedic period and like i said the aryans for the last time were mulatoos and you can be culturally aryan but not genetically
also to say because the prototypes may have had origins from migrants is different from saying the whole culture origiantes from the vedics.

51 as for alexander the great adopting persian tradition i mean the dude wanted an unified asia off course he's gonna want to appeal to the persians like no shit that doesn't mean all of greece adopted that culture.
Although tbf some cultural resembalances will oviously pop up this is due to how close iranans and greeks were tbqh.

52 There is a reason why i said the mahabrata ass raped ancient greece in terms of litreture because to me greece was the greatest civilization in antiquity living upto them is a fucking
honor and bitch this not plagarism you attempting to steal Indian culture and then claim it as your own even though both of these works post date the veddas also keeping in mind
most of the aryans got assimlated into the culture and also keeping in mind they were a minority to start with you arguing the aryans writing these later works makes no sense.

Also name me an persian work that mogs the mahabrata pls i really want to hear it the avestas ? well that post dates the mahabrata what else do you have tbqh ?

53 Keep in mind how large India it's a subcontient combined with south east Asia also from what i'm aware india never really had a thing for trying to start wars from what i'm aware
indians have had very little out fighting with neigbouring countries. Also keep in mind most of sea looks ugly because of malnourishment again compare an european today to the 1700
though tbqh western foods isn't perfect either there to soft so most people usually get narrower palates which leads to a dolciophalic skull structure again most of this is enviromental
As countries start to modernize they will grow more beautiful.

Also your right the greeks were awsome i'm obessed with anything european tbqh but that's cause i was raised in europe i was born here i highly doubt i would care if i lived in india.

54 your kinda assuming an conclusion from the premises.

1 You don't care if indians are moggers or not.
2 I do care and it is a fact indians get mogged by iranics.
C1 There fore iranians mog indians your assuming the conclusion in the premises.

55 It's not a low iq thing to view white and ethnic because 1 that's how this forum views things, 2 that's how the host society views things, 3 inferiorty complexes are formed for a reason
the main 1 being exposure if your brought up in a culture that is phenotypically different from you your gonna have a lot of inferiorty towards this fact it's as simple as that.

56 first of all an argument isn't neccarily wrong because of a fallacy also 2nd of all i did mention the source that indian growing up under western diets grow to the european


It's not just the genes: Ethnic Indians grow taller in the UK

Despite impressive rates of economic growth, India's children and adults do not grow as tall as they could.
57 I also mentioned an follow up to the study you posted which was a meta analyses of 43 other studies the results were around 5.25 inches for asians and 5.75 for europeans and africans
same for middle easterns that's about an 0.5 inches hell well round up for middle easterns and round down for asian's that still leaves the asian cock to be 5 inches hardly a micro cock
and hardly a massive as difference.

58 Well first of all i'm bengali so i have 0 caste restrictions 2nd of all scihub is down in the uk tbqh that's why i couldn't access it at the time i had to down load a vpn 3rd of all
even daalits in india can access scihub it's not like you can't work if your an daalit or a shudra you do know this right ? like caste is not an big deal when it comes to workers because
no 1 gives a fuck a bussiness owner just wants hard working employees i mean 34 percent of the population in a 3rd world country uses the internet that means over 100 million people
which includes 99 percent of the daalits in large numbers can access and probably have accessed the internet.

59 Okay so you admit the study is faulty and you also looked at the other study right ? the correlates of penis size and GDP know certain populations genetically have very large cocks
like africans they are born and bred to have very large penis size but that doesn't mean your own ethnic population can't epigenetics to increase there overall penis size by this i mean
in the next century as india becomes a 1st world country the overall penis size due to better nuitrion factors will increase overall and the sterotype exists but it's hugely over blown
like i told you 5 inches is not singicantly smaller than 6 inches the sterotype exists mainly to mock indians but regardless non of these populations have micro cocks like your suggesting

60 You were acting like a jew by citing a literal jew who clearly had an agenda to push anyways your the 1 who found it as an insult. I pointed out how can you as a sand man cause your
people evolved under arrid enviroments mock indians who evolved under tropical enviroments ?

61 weren't you bragging about mu-h genetic contuinity earlier also i never said you were in the same boat iranians and meds are way less
ethnic but that doesn't speak on facial aesthetics you moron facial aesthetics boils down more to genetic randomness than to how white you
are though being white helps if your in a white society. Also keep in mind i was pointing out non white people see you just as bad as indians that's my point.

Also yeah no you are racist you called gooks subhuman tbqh i'm some what racist as well but it's not due to malice or due to some dick
measuring contest.

62 well you might not but a lot western iranians do and also the reason why i pointed it out is that in a western society unless your 1 of those white passing iranains cause they do exist
people are gonna think your an indian or arab that's it don't infer anything more.

63 I didn't command you it was a suggestion saying you shouldn't is basically saying just don't be a dick also you seemed to think calling you arab was an insult bearing in mind most
of your region is muslim, keeping in mind the climates are quite arrid, overall in terms of genetic distance your closest to arabs, and also bearing in mind that in a white populated countr
-y you would be considered an arab well not you cause your half white but your iranian person that should clear up the reasons as to why i very very clearly stated i consider arabs and
iranians to be off the same stock.

64 1 I know nigger has a bro slang to it cause i talk to black dudes on the regular basis so stop being retarded 2nd of all your not using any real insults here it's just a reptiton.

65 Your going into head space thinking. 1 The caste system is not a race all indians are off the same race but a lot have different phenotypes just like how there is differences in europeans
we still classify them as white people overall similarly all indians are off the same genetic stock.

66 1ST Of all race doesn't even exist in the way your thinking there not discreet biological terms and they change every generation i actually prefer the term cline tbqh and most biologists

2ND point racism is very much so a taught factor at best you could perhaps argue racism is an out growth of tribalism but tribalism isn't neccarily racist on it's own the culture itself
has to take it down that path.

3RD Point if race is biological and concrete term then the concept of european should have existed back in the ancient days but it doesn't hell even most genetically realted white people
didn't think they were the same really were you wanna draw the line is arbitrary. Hell some people literally used to argue 1 clan was of a different lineage.

Closing thoughts.

1 This is literally a good response the word texture may be slightly because i wrote this on note pad.

2 You never learned what a daalit was.

3 This ass rapes every point you made and more.

4 i think this is the very last response btw the reason i banned myself is because i need to stop rotting it's not cause of you don't give yourself too much credit. Honestly fuck you i had
to do a lot of reading up on this topic to make a reasoned response.
literally no one is going to read through both responses and fact check everything I'm just gonna say OP is right tbh
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, AscendingHero, Lolcel and 7 others
literally no one is going to read through both responses and fact check everything I'm just gonna say OP is right tbh
Not a single photon from this thread is entering my retina.Dnt even read the title tbh
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: zura, Deleted member 15827, Patient A and 3 others
Not a single photon from this thread is entering my retina.Dnt even read the title tbh
Don't worry...


flash flashing GIF
scared episode 14 GIF
flash flashing GIF






. . .
  • JFL
Reactions: zura, Deleted member 15827, Deleted member 9641 and 4 others
Don't worry...


flash flashing GIF
scared episode 14 GIF
flash flashing GIF






. . .
What was this thread then?also ffs make it not more longer than a few paras so I can actually read it
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15827 and chaddyboi66
This is @reptiles response to this thread

1 Your right i probably should have cited my sources well here's the source for the aryan's being mainly non iranic and more european

Sci-Hub | Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East. Nature, 536(7617), 419–424 | 10.1038/nature19310
Skip to page 4 out of 18 the aryans are about 56 percent eastern hunter gathrer your right Iranians have aryan dna but aryans are a mixed breed as it is so you can't claim them as a race
this is like claiming a mulatoo is a black dude and 2nd of all most iranians aren't made from EHG there made from iran chaloclethic.

2 I don't care about different forms of south asian's have i ever claimed the kalash or the pashtuns were Indians ? did i say most Indians drift towards these populations due to a shared
genetic component that all south asians and central asians share which is the iran neolethic that's it pls learn to read.

3 The reason why i called you sand is a cause i live in the west and people can't tell what's an arab and what's an iranic 2 there is tons of phenotypic similarties between the 2 3 there
more geographically closer the fact your country is even muslim by a arab phrophet proves and 4th even if you weren't arab it still would be sand because the climates of iran are sandy
hence there browner skin although tbf this can vary by the part of iran generally though to call an iran sand is a fair statement they
do live in sandy enviroments.

4TH calling you non white and saying your not aryan fully and also that the aryans were a mixed race is bellitiling you ? i never even claimed curries were aryans i just said they were a
mixed race of iran chalcolethic but they majority EHG

5th that vedio about BMAC,VEDIC CIVILAZTION,VEDIC ARYANS Is a bit wrong here tbqh 1 he leaves out the yamnaya pastoralists are non iranics there non white as well but there closest to
europeans genetically 2nd of all i didn't disagree there was a mixture of iran choloclethic with yamnaya pastoralists. You bringing this vedio up is like you shouting at me for things
I didn't argue i didn't say iranans had no aryan dna i said the aryans were a mixture and know i will clarify even further they were non iranans and they non europeans they hybrids of
the 2 so to claim the aryans were 1 race rather than an extinct 1 is like claiming a mulatoo is a fucking white dude that's it.

6 Okay fair enough if you don't claim the iranians were white or were the progenitors of the white race we have no disagreement on this with all that being said and done your next
statement is a bit stupid people have conquered and pillaged by just about every civilization arabs have conquered many parts of iran
the romans fell to visigoths and the germanics what's your point here ? every civilization in history has been conquered and subjugated
name your point in mentioning this though.

7 I already went over how the aryans were a mixed race again check the original study you claiming them as iranian is as stupid as a mulatoo claiming to be a black dude in fact it's even
stupider in your case because genetically the aryans are long gone the last vestiges left truly is the ANE based population the kalash they are very distinct and they orignated from
my postulation ancient proto europoids wondering from south asia or rather close to it remeber most kalash are ANE fully and a depigmented ANE can pass as nearly full euro some times.

8 Survive the jive is mainly talking about a shared common origin of all pie based languages btw he even thinks the aryans orignated in the urals of russia which he isn't fully wrong but
they also mixed clearly with iranics also wanted to say Indian's don't have Aryan DNA we have another form of caucasoid which is iran neolethic very distinct there line spawned the veddas
and the other texts Indians have always been there own thing when it comes to there traditions i just wanted to clarify that cause that vedio was essentially claiming all of Indian history
to the aryans when in reality the aryans were barbaric war based cultures in fact most of the ancient innovations in the ancient indus was due to the neolethic iranic farmers which most
Indians descend from i mean literally it can even be seen on the facial traits just skin bleach an indian albino they look very much so like an neolethic iranian.

9 imagine having the balls to call me a jew when you as an iranian are about x10 closer to a jew than i can ever be since your so emphatic
about genetics. Also i listed the 4 reasons why i consider you arab overall. 1 I do it based on genetic distance. 2 i do it based of climate
. 3 i do it based of phenotype. 4 I do it based on the public views of the host society i live in tbqh i think those are some pretty reaso

10 I Said a lot of arabs because turks and levantine arabs count as arabs apperntly but if were counting these then yeah a lot of non
indo europeans are a lot whiter than indo europeans like the iranics my point of all this was to say language connection means jack shit
in terms of measuring genetic distance overall though many arabs are whiter than iranans i think that's a fair claim.

11 Cringe at trying to frame me as an nationalist i'm a globalist because i like results because i like the idea of everyone being rich
and also because i want eugenics globally because i see things and reality for what it is. There is always losers and there is always vic
tors to me though we can decrease this abborant system.

Also Nationalism based on race fails a lot because like i said arabs are overall in genetic distance closer to you and also a lot of
people of the same blood will disagree heavily on a lot of views i know 99 percent curries disagree with me on most topics.

12 Whites descend from 3 genetic components overall i didn't list 2 they descend from ENF (EASTERN NEOLETHIC FARMER) ANE (ANCIENT NORTH
EURASIAN) WHG (Western hunter gathrer basically dark skinned europeans)

13 I'm pleased then you agree with me the stance iranics are not whites were we disgaree is that the aryans are a mixed race and there
basically mulatoos and they were dark skinned the light skin allele for europeans is actually very recent calling them light skinned is
retarded also just look at the geography they came from this is iran a arrid enviroment do you think the dna for light skin allles would
be benefical in an area that needs for an pastoralist tribe to be on the move constantly ?

14 I never said you had an vendetta agaist indians i'm just pointing out your being hypocrital and also trying to start a dick measuring

15 I measured what do iranan's mog Indians in first because your the 1 who mentioned that iran mogs india and i was pointing out the idea
that, differences adjusted for ses (socio ecanomic status) nurition and other forms of enviromental factors loosen any large differences
between the 2 that's all i wasn't meaning to start a dick measuring contest between the 2 hell if it were me i would black pill a lot of
india into caring more the genetic stock of the country.

16 We all wish we were white i'm just honest the reason simple is becase of 3 reasons, 1 I'm british in all but blood so i've literally
been raised to find white people more attractive raise me in my ethinc country and i can gurrantee you i would not feel the same way about
white people. 2 Whites currently are at the top in terms of social stats. 3 Whites consistently have better nuitrion although there diets
are horrible (for reference read the piece weston a pierce) I think those 3 are fair reasons for further reading you might wanna check out
the pre colonial views of white people before colonization just a hint.

17 I don't simp for women 99 percent of this forum are more cucked than me 90 percent of my posts are actually usually simping for white
men so again your wrong here the reason i simp for white men is because overall huwite men have same angelic faces that could just be be
cause i was raised literally around white people the fact i have 0 connection to my own people says a lot also i can't culturally understan
-d them indian culture is just to detached from me.

18 when i said iranics include sand i thought i was being pretty clear here plain and fucking simple that to white people and the culture
i live in there is very little difference also in terms of genetic distance your closest to other arabs because your geographically closes
-t to them also the climate your people evolved under is very arrid curry is also a bad term to use for indians i prefer tropicked
because indians evolvd under the tropics.

19 Saying overall iranians are in genetic distance closer to arabs than to whites is not the same thing as saying the 2 have had genetic
admixture with each other this isn't pedantic these are very clear differences and your right iranians have had complete genetic contiunity
but that's not what i was arguing.

20 Originally i called them sands and i included that as a broad umbrella term for those that basically 1 share common genetic origin but
divergence 2 common climatic features, 3 common faiths, 4 common customs not everything is just genes you know i look at it in more than
1 view point.

21 You do know how inbreeding occurs right ? there are population bottle necks if you haven't had a lot of genetic mixing with other populations overall your population is more inbred
whites are very mixed there literally a mix of 3 different components from things very distant from each each other so to call them inbred is ridiclous.

22 I called them sands to begin with and then arabs based on faith, customs tradions and overall genetic distance the 2 aren't very far tbqh also is that offesnive your ? i mean your
getting offended at being called an arab what's the problem bro ? i mean you seem offended overall.

23 If you admit iranians are a result of an ancient population bottle neck you admit they all essentially descend from incest because
bottle necks limit the amount of people in a population and it also increases genetic drift and as drift and bottle necks increase the rate
of incest only increases of course this isn't to say iranians are inbred but overall your bringing it up as a pride factor just cause
your ancestors long way down the line practiced incest due to population scarcity doesn't you will but to pride full about it makes no
sense especially since races change every few thousand years due to the response from the enviroment.

24 the caste system is not racial all Indians are the same race You can divide categories and say the Indo aryans are different from the
dravdians but off course 1 they all cline towards each other, 2 they all phenotypically resemble each other the main difference between
an indo melanid and an indid is that an indo melanid is more veddid mixed indid is more caucasoid (neolethic iran) 3 most if not all indian's
cline towards western eurasia there is a reason they are classified over all as caucasoids but like you said with vediod blood however
vediod i just wanna mention is not aboringal or african it's more closer to the jomons in phenotype.

25 M8 1 The dude your sighting is a pakistani not even iranian so this is ridiclous, 2 calling me a daalit is essentially calling a caste
less person an untoucheable plus i seem to have grown up fine height wise i'm good, Face wise i'm not good but that's cause of multiple
factors mainly enviroment for instance i mouth breathed a lot as a child and my diet has been very plant based rather than meat based
compare the jaws of our ancestors to today they have wider palates and less doliocephalic skulls doliocephali is a subhuman trait.

26 India's birth rate ratio is at 2.0 this number is falling globally saying indians breed like rats is ridiclous the reason there is more
indians is because of the size of the contient you do realize that right ? also do you think pashtuns or the other pakis aren't breeding
like rats ?

27 I already went over who the aryans were check study 1 they are mulatoos or hybrids to claim them as your own race is essentially calling
mulatoos white. The indo greek kingdom is a small forgotten kingdom it barely stayed at all it's a foot note in history and yeah invasions
did happen tell me a place where people have never experienced invasions.

28 also about kashmir if they wanna be a part of pakistan they can be my guest again I can't control the Indian goverment but personally
if kashmir wants independence that's up to them. Me personally i don't care.

29 the aryan invasion of india is absolutely not a fact that own paper you cited cage disagrees with this a migration happened that later inter
mixed with the general population but large scale ethnic replacement never happened and there was no literally no raping you could tell
if there was if a large scale replacement happened.

Also it's called the aryan integration theory what really happened is migrants from central asia migrated to the indus valley and they mixed with the inhabitants of the population hence bringing i guess yamnaya genes but
again this is only for certain indians like the jatts again this disproves the theory that the more bramhin you are the more aryan you
are because the jatts were sheep herders they were never even seen in the highest light when it came to caste some no name shepard caste
ended up having the most aryan genes funny really when you look at it so much for muh bramhinism cope.

30 yamnaya or sinthastha was certainly not iranic again look at study 1 it was Ehg that was a european component it was more european than
iranian but even then there still more mulatoos than anything calling them aryan is retarded also i don't cope max with the aryan bullshit
seeing as the majority of the aryan dna only went to the eastern iranics which you are fair enough but in general most of the other iranics
don't have aryan specefic dna.

31 oh goody so you agree the vast majority of indian dna is neolethic iranian farmer and this component is found mostly in indians in
fact calling it iranian isn't correct it's more caucasoid and is too drifted to be an iranian based population.

32 Some parts of the indus reached to north pakistan but it also reached to india also i'm talking about culture and genes here most
of the IVC were made from neolethic iranan farmers although i call them mesolethic cause there way more drifted from iran and also
most of the languge is sanskrit the horse found is purely south asian the inscriptions and facial features look more south and finally
the faith is more south asian the vedic faith is very clearly distinct from the zoroastrians.

Also that vedio hugely over estimates the dravdian blood i already showed you the admixture components for the average indian they are abo
-ut 80 percent neolethic iranian farmer derived if were talking northern indians and southern ones are about 65 percent neolethic farmer
derived with all that being said and done that veddiod blood i just wanted to point out is closer to proto mongoloids or perhaps proto
caucasoids just search up albino vedids they look like light skinned ainu found in japan.

33 I already told you i've showed you the stats the average indian is majority neolethic iranic based you can even check it by there skulls
(https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijeb/2013/836738/) btw this study accounted for 43 measurements before you invoke muh curry coping
even this found the average indian to be closest to caucasoids really what they mean is that the majority of indians resemble neolethic
iranian farmers again i hate using iranian cause there not iranian.

34 TBQH I think i miss spoke eastern iranians have a lot of neoelthic iranian dna same with the burushos and the brahui's fair enough
i miss spoke over all though the majority of iran is chalocalethic based rather than neolethic based.

35 yeah i'm talking about the ainu the vediods resemble phenotypically ainu peoples from japan in fact the only reason east asian's
are fucked is because they went through the iceage the vediods are a seperate branch that reached out ages ago hence why they share a co
mmon phenotype and share drift with each other.

36 right human phenotypes wiki isn't accurate but some computer generated ai with no sources to derive from images is ? also keep in mind
they gave india 1 phenotype the phenotype wiki gave india more also based also based on the indids and the iranics the iranics certainly
look whiter no argument there but to say they have way better phenotypes or looks than your casual is bullshit.

37 in pic you posted for the average indian guy a lot of them had good bones even aziz pansari it's there orbitals plus there the indo me
lanids there isn't just 1 phenotype in india there are more.

38 for this link all the composites averaged looked better than both of the pics given by either me or you https://www.businessinsider.com/faces-of-tomorrow-2011-2?r=US&IR=T
even the asians looked good in those morphs they didn't show the indian face though they showed that half assed composite with the all
togeher morph again how is this more trust worthy than phenotypes wiki which is literally an anthroplogical site ?

Also facially i can admit the average iranian is a lot whiter than an average indian but that says nothing about the phenotype more
specefically bone structure of some ones face.

39 it also depends on what photos you use to average it for instance that photo shown gave iran just 1 phenotype this is retarded also
certain iranian phenotypes are chads for instance the proto iranid is a beautiful face but that doesn't mean every iranian has that pheno
also the other iranian dude i posted it's not like iran also just has 1 phenotype you seem to just wanna box every indian and iranian under
1 box phenotypically when we know just by adaptation alone this isn't possible in terms of feautres.

40 the paleness of the population is also dependent on the region the ones closer to turkey like azeribijan will be whiter also funny how
you never mention these pics


Sure they all look caucasian i'm not arguing they don't but they certainly have more desert adapted traits and essentially there darker eu
ropeans but lighter than indians no shit but they also have the same skin tonne to other middle easterns because of the enviroment.

41 indo persian culture dates to 1600 india has been colonized for 40 thousand years and it basically has been in civilzation for more than
10 thousand years and again the veddas date to around 1500 bce before 1600 CE

42 that jstor link doesn't disagree remeber the indus valley liked to trade so both cultures would have overall had inspiration but that
doesn't mean 1 was based of the other for instance iran and greece had a lot of cultural contact but and they both shared a lot but
does that mean 1 rose up from the other.

43 The oldest avestian texts date to 10th century ce before that it's oral tradition the oldest vedic scripts is 1500 bce so if there
was any copying it was inverse order also you can find vague similarties in names that doesn't mean the 2 are copies for instance zeus
was a lighting god but he was the main sky father of the greek pantheon indra was the war god but he was the main sky father for
the gods does that mean indians copied greeks ? highly unlikely also the veddas mention the saptu sindu river some thing the avesta mention
-s 0 times the veddas mention reincarnation the avestas don't. In content there very different.

44 unless your eastern iranic the majority of irananians don't have neolethic iran tbqh that's what i'm saying they have iran chalcolethic
it's a bit different.

45 I said in terms of maths and history were equal both civilizations had it's ups and downs in litreture indians mog though not even
including the veddas just look at the mahabratas or the ramayanas in terms of content that mogs anything the ancient world produced

As for height like i said all things being equal for enviroment i think both indians and iranians could reach 6 to perhaps even 8 inches
if they practice eugenics but i emphasis eugenics more than enviroment

46 Iran hasn't always mogged India i even said there equal this is retarded tbqh you posted a wikipedia and in that same article it went
on to talk about india's contributions so much for mu-h mogging almost trying to down play arab or indian inventions also the arabs
had ibn-al-haytam who wrote great works on the laws of optics there is also al-latif a great historian not a persian so in before
muh arabs stole from the persians no they didn't

https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1096/fj.06-0803ufm for further reading there is some great arab inventors.

47 You do realize foriegn aid money goes to the beuracrats right ? also where the fuck are you getting the 100 billion dollar a year figure ? here is the 2019 stats for the amount of forie
-gn aid recieved by country it's 2.6 million overall much lower far cry of BILLIONS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Official_Development_Assistance_received

48 the vedic migrants to the indus valley were a minority though culturally you could say they were aryan but genetically they weren't that's what i'm saying there very clearly distint.
Culturally they didn't bring much tbqh.

49 the aryans were dark skinned though not indian dark skinned but dark in reference point to europeans and other east asian based popualtions plus looking at the latitude off course it's
gonna be darker it's not indian dark but the aryans didn't come from the tropics but it certainly is dark skinned relative to europeans and east asian's and many medterranians.

The Sintashta were swarthy – Brown Pundits


49 the aryans were barbarians most of the tech came from the IVC Also that's 1 even that happened so long ago it's like antiquity why do you never mention the ramayana or the mahabratha
which had 0 influnce from any out side influce ? seems sus bro also i don't even talk about the AIT I know it didn't happen but an integration event did happen this is objective.

But even if an invasion occured that speaks nothing about the later texts at best you get inspiration at worst you could argue the prototypes originate from iran however the works of the
veddas cause that book is a long as book does not oringate from iran also these are mulatoos were talking about there not iranians there just as much ehg as they are iran chalcolethic.

50 the writers of the mahabrata were very definitely Indians and they clearly post date the vedic period and like i said the aryans for the last time were mulatoos and you can be culturally aryan but not genetically
also to say because the prototypes may have had origins from migrants is different from saying the whole culture origiantes from the vedics.

51 as for alexander the great adopting persian tradition i mean the dude wanted an unified asia off course he's gonna want to appeal to the persians like no shit that doesn't mean all of greece adopted that culture.
Although tbf some cultural resembalances will oviously pop up this is due to how close iranans and greeks were tbqh.

52 There is a reason why i said the mahabrata ass raped ancient greece in terms of litreture because to me greece was the greatest civilization in antiquity living upto them is a fucking
honor and bitch this not plagarism you attempting to steal Indian culture and then claim it as your own even though both of these works post date the veddas also keeping in mind
most of the aryans got assimlated into the culture and also keeping in mind they were a minority to start with you arguing the aryans writing these later works makes no sense.

Also name me an persian work that mogs the mahabrata pls i really want to hear it the avestas ? well that post dates the mahabrata what else do you have tbqh ?

53 Keep in mind how large India it's a subcontient combined with south east Asia also from what i'm aware india never really had a thing for trying to start wars from what i'm aware
indians have had very little out fighting with neigbouring countries. Also keep in mind most of sea looks ugly because of malnourishment again compare an european today to the 1700
though tbqh western foods isn't perfect either there to soft so most people usually get narrower palates which leads to a dolciophalic skull structure again most of this is enviromental
As countries start to modernize they will grow more beautiful.

Also your right the greeks were awsome i'm obessed with anything european tbqh but that's cause i was raised in europe i was born here i highly doubt i would care if i lived in india.

54 your kinda assuming an conclusion from the premises.

1 You don't care if indians are moggers or not.
2 I do care and it is a fact indians get mogged by iranics.
C1 There fore iranians mog indians your assuming the conclusion in the premises.

55 It's not a low iq thing to view white and ethnic because 1 that's how this forum views things, 2 that's how the host society views things, 3 inferiorty complexes are formed for a reason
the main 1 being exposure if your brought up in a culture that is phenotypically different from you your gonna have a lot of inferiorty towards this fact it's as simple as that.

56 first of all an argument isn't neccarily wrong because of a fallacy also 2nd of all i did mention the source that indian growing up under western diets grow to the european


It's not just the genes: Ethnic Indians grow taller in the UK

Despite impressive rates of economic growth, India's children and adults do not grow as tall as they could.
57 I also mentioned an follow up to the study you posted which was a meta analyses of 43 other studies the results were around 5.25 inches for asians and 5.75 for europeans and africans
same for middle easterns that's about an 0.5 inches hell well round up for middle easterns and round down for asian's that still leaves the asian cock to be 5 inches hardly a micro cock
and hardly a massive as difference.

58 Well first of all i'm bengali so i have 0 caste restrictions 2nd of all scihub is down in the uk tbqh that's why i couldn't access it at the time i had to down load a vpn 3rd of all
even daalits in india can access scihub it's not like you can't work if your an daalit or a shudra you do know this right ? like caste is not an big deal when it comes to workers because
no 1 gives a fuck a bussiness owner just wants hard working employees i mean 34 percent of the population in a 3rd world country uses the internet that means over 100 million people
which includes 99 percent of the daalits in large numbers can access and probably have accessed the internet.

59 Okay so you admit the study is faulty and you also looked at the other study right ? the correlates of penis size and GDP know certain populations genetically have very large cocks
like africans they are born and bred to have very large penis size but that doesn't mean your own ethnic population can't epigenetics to increase there overall penis size by this i mean
in the next century as india becomes a 1st world country the overall penis size due to better nuitrion factors will increase overall and the sterotype exists but it's hugely over blown
like i told you 5 inches is not singicantly smaller than 6 inches the sterotype exists mainly to mock indians but regardless non of these populations have micro cocks like your suggesting

60 You were acting like a jew by citing a literal jew who clearly had an agenda to push anyways your the 1 who found it as an insult. I pointed out how can you as a sand man cause your
people evolved under arrid enviroments mock indians who evolved under tropical enviroments ?

61 weren't you bragging about mu-h genetic contuinity earlier also i never said you were in the same boat iranians and meds are way less
ethnic but that doesn't speak on facial aesthetics you moron facial aesthetics boils down more to genetic randomness than to how white you
are though being white helps if your in a white society. Also keep in mind i was pointing out non white people see you just as bad as indians that's my point.

Also yeah no you are racist you called gooks subhuman tbqh i'm some what racist as well but it's not due to malice or due to some dick
measuring contest.

62 well you might not but a lot western iranians do and also the reason why i pointed it out is that in a western society unless your 1 of those white passing iranains cause they do exist
people are gonna think your an indian or arab that's it don't infer anything more.

63 I didn't command you it was a suggestion saying you shouldn't is basically saying just don't be a dick also you seemed to think calling you arab was an insult bearing in mind most
of your region is muslim, keeping in mind the climates are quite arrid, overall in terms of genetic distance your closest to arabs, and also bearing in mind that in a white populated countr
-y you would be considered an arab well not you cause your half white but your iranian person that should clear up the reasons as to why i very very clearly stated i consider arabs and
iranians to be off the same stock.

64 1 I know nigger has a bro slang to it cause i talk to black dudes on the regular basis so stop being retarded 2nd of all your not using any real insults here it's just a reptiton.

65 Your going into head space thinking. 1 The caste system is not a race all indians are off the same race but a lot have different phenotypes just like how there is differences in europeans
we still classify them as white people overall similarly all indians are off the same genetic stock.

66 1ST Of all race doesn't even exist in the way your thinking there not discreet biological terms and they change every generation i actually prefer the term cline tbqh and most biologists

2ND point racism is very much so a taught factor at best you could perhaps argue racism is an out growth of tribalism but tribalism isn't neccarily racist on it's own the culture itself
has to take it down that path.

3RD Point if race is biological and concrete term then the concept of european should have existed back in the ancient days but it doesn't hell even most genetically realted white people
didn't think they were the same really were you wanna draw the line is arbitrary. Hell some people literally used to argue 1 clan was of a different lineage.

Closing thoughts.

1 This is literally a good response the word texture may be slightly because i wrote this on note pad.

2 You never learned what a daalit was.

3 This ass rapes every point you made and more.

4 i think this is the very last response btw the reason i banned myself is because i need to stop rotting it's not cause of you don't give yourself too much credit. Honestly fuck you i had
to do a lot of reading up on this topic to make a reasoned response.
holy fuck an even bigger thesis
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, Lolcel, .👽. and 2 others
What was this thread then?also ffs make it not more longer than a few paras so I can actually read it
Low key bro I'll try, I already have most of my sources cited and will try to just reference them but rn I'm currently in the process of eviscerating another delusional curry that thought it'd be funny to start some shit, but It's all gg cause he's no more than target practice for larger prey...

Anyway so yeah, I also gotta sleep and shower, and take another shit soon so
Leaving See Ya GIF by MOODMAN
Jake Gyllenhaal Goodbye GIF by MOODMAN
  • JFL
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A, Deleted member 10524 and volcelfatcel
"you have no right to mock indians..."

In the Beginning

The Middle...

And the End.

All that bullshit *sacred hindu-dindu cowshit* you just pulled out of your ass and you didn't even bother citing any sources.

JFL Imagine being IQ mogged by fucking mutt

straight up go ER for you if you're ever this low IQ tbh
because it's fucking ovER for you -full stop -no cap


So anyway, after taking a few minutes sifting through you're mess of a post and utterly broken English to try and unpack what you're really even saying, because you don't like using commas for some reason...

*And also for future reference just know*-
Poop brown color + Italics = Curry dalit moment



JFL Imagine trying to grasp at straws in such a feeble attempt to belittle me just for my quarter Iranian heritage when the other quarter of that same half is literally Chitrali/Paki, weren't you and Pakis supposed to hate each other or something?

I'm surprised you didn't even try to say oh muh "lazy med" or muh "moorish rape babies" or muh "beaner/spic" or muh "border hoper/cartels" or muh "conquistador rape babies" for my other half or even just "ha Lul u stoopid mutt" tbh.


Anyway, the Indo-Iranians (Sintashta) are the Eastern Branch of the Proto-Indo Europeans, that moved into Iran and mixed with the Iranian Farmers (BMAC), creating their descendants the Aryans (and modern Iranians with up to 95% genetic continuity to this very day).

And again here's my source, Iran Talk, who's been a trusted source on Iranian (and Aryan) genetics and any dispelling myth and hearsay from both wignats and currynats, & has always been on point for with the latest studies tbh:

Goddamn, you really do give credence to the stereotype of muh "delusional curries" holy fuck. I never said they created white people nor did I even mention whites any of my posts except to remind you of how you were also conquered by the British, :lul: @ your strawman.


They were are:

JFL you're grapsing at straws because, for probably the second time already, I never even said they were white/European.

And speaking of White [European] people, since you're so quick to try and dismiss their own Proto-Indo-European birthright as well:

*they're*^ and *than*^

And there you go again actually trying to claim muh Iranians are Arabs just goes to show how much of disingenuous "JEW", as you often like to say, you in fact really are. Can you even more cringe that this tbh?

*are a lot*^ but not they're really not though...

Also trying to claim that Arabs, Semites of all people, are white JFL? Where'd you even get that from tbh?

Oh let me guess, what is it the Levant-nats always try to say again...

...muh "Levantines are huwtie too bro habibi, srs wallahi..."?

second time already- *Aryans*^

Pathetically low IQ dalit moment right there bhaibi

I never said Whites were Aryans, and is your fragile sense of faux/pseudo-nationalistic pride truly so fragile that you'd even try to project your own insecurities onto me.

Also, I say faux/pseudo-nationalistic because [ISPOILER]true Nationalism is based on the unity and cohesion of a common Folk [Volk] through blood, not merely "culture".

Your own people's sense of "Nationalism" is no more than an utterly cringe feeble attempt at some fake & gay "civic-nationalism", since the modern state of India is merely an amalgamation of various different ethnic groups all pretending to be one single [curry] people. [/ISPOILER]

They [the Whites] too come from the Proto Indo Europeans (Yamnaya [they were the largest] + similar IE cultures) and have 3 major admixture components, not just the 2 you included, the third of which being significant Yamnaya admixture.

They even had a similar cognate to Aryan- "Aryos", both of which come from "Heryos".

And again, trying to accuse me of associating Aryans with whites... Who the fuck do you even think I am Robert Sepehr or Jason Jorjani?
Do you honestly think I have wacky vendetta against you or curries? Or do you just think I'm one of those people trying to say muh "huwite Aryan invasion in India justifies it's occupation and/or rule by foreign powers" because of it?

If so, I must confess that I'm genuinely disappointed in just how low you not only think of me but also yourself, and it only goes to show just how bad you are at reading through the lines.

Realizing something like that about you almost made me want to pity for your own lack of self awareness, but then you straight up spew bullshit like this that I can't just ignore:

Big Brother Lol GIF by MOODMAN

JFL I can't even begin to tackle that one bro...
Picard Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

holy fuck .


And now you even bring the Nords into this too JFL what do they even have to do with any of this?

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN

Do you have some spite against them too for mogging and making you feel inferior because of the abundance of self hating curries worshiping them?

*inserts X example of thread muh I wish I was white instead of shitskin dravidian curry*

Or is it just because everyone on this forum is more than well aware of muh "huwite nordic gigastacies" you curries drool over and simp for so much?
candice swanepoel vsfs 2010 gif

*inserts X example of thread i wish i had muh huwite nordic gigastacy*

"Sir please"
*but with curry accent*
Sar, paleez-aheh

Nigger please .


JFL, when you said:

*in the very first post actually^ btw*

and even again rn when you literally just said:

ok sure thing bro
Then is that why you keep trying to compare them to Arabs?^

Yeah why else would I keep saying they have 95% genetic continuity and constantly educate you about it? :unsure:^^^

The fuck?
By that cowshit tier logic you could also say oh muh-

"Nords are inbred cuz muh 'no nigger/ethnic dna = inbred' bhai srs"

*...aren't, they're a mixture of various other...*^

I never said Indians were "inbred" or that they were the "result of a mass scale genetic bottle neck".
They're a mix of Dravidian/Veddoid and Aryan (Iranian Farmer + Indo-Iranian/Sintashta) to varying degrees.

Which is is a result of being violently conquered through the Aryan invasions and being subjugated to a "harsh" racially based caste system for slave labor.

Oh and being raped... :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 1144950

And inb4 but muh "Aryans weren't blonde Huwite nordics" or some shit
Calm down I know and it's just a [Chad] meme

*Insert You KikeTube apology video sigh*
facepalm GIF

Here We Go Again GIF


but muh

ok dalit .

It's totally not just because they all make based shit that triggers all the curries and pajeets, like niggers after cops shoot them, right?

muh Western "Jewish" study:

Easy dislike ratio farm when you breed like rats and KikeTubes already hates based content tbh.

or could also be because of this...

or this

He didn't say that and even if he did it wouldn't even make any sense.

Yeah they're mixed so of course they have both Iranian Farmer (BMAC) and Iranian-Farmer (Sintashta) blood, I said that from the very beginning so what does that even prove? That they're not Iranian?

Third time already, but I'm not exactly keep track every time this nigger dalit says this
I never even said they were.


Are You Sure About That John Cena GIF by MOODMAN

Speak for yourself bro bhai dalit.

I know, and I've also been saying that since the very beginning

An Ancient Harappan Genome "Lacks" Ancestry from Steppe Pastoralists or Iranian Farmers

JFL no
IVC was actually based out of Pakistan
View attachment 1144865

And besides, your DNA consists of 2 components- Aryan (Indo-Iranian + Iranian Farmer) and Dravidian/Veddoid to varying degrees

JFL even normie tier sources have to walk on eggshells and do damage control when they trigger you
but even they can't deny the truth and neither can you.

Ok sure bro, at least now I really know you're full of shit

Ainu? Surely you're not talking about these people are you?



Yeah because going to human phenotypes.net is accurate
humanphenotypes.net "Iranid"
View attachment 1144868
JFL even if this was legit it'd still mogg average curry face all the way back to the shitfilled ganges river tbh cause
View attachment 1144885View attachment 1144886


holy fuck .

💩 :blackpill: :feelswhy:

But using the example from the Faces of Tomorrow Project and the the Postnational Monitor project (both of which created the templates) isn't...

View attachment 1144869

*tone*^ getting tired of reading these? Yeah well I got pretty tired of writing them before I was even halfway through on post 2 tbh & now you know how it felt to have to read through an entire fucking essay's worth of broken
curry "Ahngleesh"

Yeah bro this is soo inaccurate...
View attachment 1144875View attachment 1144876View attachment 1144878View attachment 1144879View attachment 1144882

You got to be fucking kidding me
You lying Jew fuck .

The Vedic literature comes from the Aryans, who came from Iran and the Avesta.


Case and point:

No, you not acknowledging the fact that Iran has always mogged you in historically and that denying the fact that most of the "Arab" Innovations during the "Islamic Golden Age" were in fact mostly Persian is pure cope and is fucking disgusting just like your poop filled streets.

Imagine receiving billions in aid and still living like fucking dalit subhumans shitting in the street like dogs.






muh "dark skinned ariens"^
View attachment 1144902View attachment 1144903View attachment 1144904View attachment 1144905

Alexander appropriated from Persia first.




JFL The fact that you still feel the need to live up to the West and are using just two religious texts, plagiarized off of Persian literature, when Both the West and Perisa can stand on their own feet when it comes to their vast literary history even up till today.

And this is but a sliver of the bigger piece of the pie:

The heavy hitters:

For more on Rome if interested because it needs more love being over shadowed by the greeks:

Even Gooks mogg tbh


You really are a special kind of retarded aren't you dalit?

For fuck's sake, I honestly can't believe I have to post this shit a second time because you keep repeating yourself and you don't know how to use commas.

The Vedic literature comes from the Aryans, who came from Iran and the Avesta.


I mean most parts of the known world at least at one point, even after discovery of the new world.

Your people have never, and will never, be this MOGGER

View attachment 1144908View attachment 1144909View attachment 1144911View attachment 1144913View attachment 1144914View attachment 1144915View attachment 1144935View attachment 1144936

Not exactly much an achievement when considering:

This is the furthest you've ever ventured into SEA before the British
View attachment 1144922

These are the people you conquered.
And let's not forget it's the only place on Earth subhumans on this forum would ever be able to go to ascend because the if they live like savages now one could only imagine what kind of subhuman they'd like be back then.
View attachment 1144932

Good for you then .

Because it's not just the fact that oh this race mogged that.

It's the fact that my people mogged yours all the way back to the poop filled streets of mumbhai.

Very low IQ take ngl, and only goes to show your inferiority complex to whites tbh.


Ah yes, anecdotal "evidence"...

Truly the lowest of all logical fallacies.

Funny thing is though, that's the only piece of evidence you've even brought to the table so far anyway.

And the only conclusions I've been drawing here have literally been based only off of everything you've said, that's how I'm able to expose holes in your various contradicting and flawed arguments as well as call you out on your hypocrisy.


Unrelliable? :ROFLMAO::lul::feelswah:

You have no idea how much it hurts both my pride and my spirit when you say that.

I went out of my way to find a legit "Western" study because I knew you'd say it's bullshit/Jewish, just like that gook faggot @RedFlood when I brought up penis average global penis sizes because he thought gooks mogged the world.

And don't even get me started on all my mogger gook evisceration threads.

I went searching for the map "reputable" news sources often used when writing all their clickbaity aritcles, and found the people that made it, then I had to go find the study the map makers cited to create it.

And is it turns out, that map was based off of a study which was conducted by the BJUI (so it doesn't get more "Western" that that) and used 15,000 participants from various different countries.

All those other "charts" you see online and, yes even the one you posted after searching google images for one that confirmed what you wanted to see, were based on this study because it set the standard for World Penile Length charts/map and studies ever since.

So it's legit as legit as they come buddy broyo.

no shit.
The map I posted, along with the study, showed that the difference was .4 of an inch.
Meaning while really insignificant, because I believe dickpill is really just cope above 6", Iran still moggs Indian penis sizes.


That one's on you poorcel dalitcel

And I know the article is faulty and I only included it, along with actual data from the map and study, to show you how you even dickmogged when it comes to stereotypes people have of you.

And speaking of said articles... :lul::feelswhy:


Now there you go being a disingenuous little Jew dalit fuck again, and to think you of all people accused me of acting like a Jew.

I never took offense to being part Iranian.

I took offense to this:

That's because we don't see ourselves as "ethnic" and ironically enough, since you accuse me of being "racist" after all, we don't limit our view of ourselves nor the rest of the world as being just ethnic or huwite, we're Iranians.

Or rather whatever group one really is, like for me in my case I'm an NorthPaki/Iranic Med bad boy mutt.

We're not in the same boat just because we're both not white,

or rather, as is the case with where I actually am half White (med bad boy gang gang),

We're both different people, and my people mogg yours.

If you really think that not being huwite all that you need to group people together then you're unironically sub nigger/Abo IQ tbh.


I know and...
You Dont Say Nicholas Cage GIF

nigger .

Call it form of irony or what have you, because I was mocking you for that very reason:


I don't fucking care what a white person thinks of me or Persians and I doubt Persians care all that much either unless they're a pussy.
(also because I'm already half white myself but I still wouldn't even if wasn't cause that's such a cucked bitch thing to do tbh),

I only care about what you said, and your pathetic attempt to try and belittle me, in suggesting that "I have no right to mock curries" when

A. I wasn't mocking them or was even going to and only suggested using it if me and some curry were talking shit
B. You thought you have any right in telling me what I have the right to do like you're my own Goddamn father when I don't even know you.
C. You tried to passive aggressively insulting me like a bitch by calling me an Arab, because apparently I mentioned somewhere I was [part] Iranian

D. Oh and you still never mentioned where you even got that from to begin with tbh.

Come Again Episode 2 GIF by P-Valley
what the fuck GIF

How in the fuck would you even know what has a "bro" catch to it when you talk weak shit, contradict yourself way too many times to even bother sifting through your mess of a post again, and don't even know how to speak proper English or use commas correctly, or even at all really?
The Fuck GIF by memecandy


No .

you fucking subhuman dalit dog go suck some more curry out of your mommas saggy brown tits or fuck a cow of someshit JFL :lul:.

Get ready to write another reply cause I just intellectually mogged the absolute fuck out of you


tbh tbh.

I did,

and it's your mom.
Deez Nuts GIF

muh Iran waycist,
JFL bro don't you curries even try to say thought about the Afghanis too? :ROFLMAO:

GTFO with that bullshit it's like you forget about the fact that you literally made an entire thread about how calling an Indian "dalit", an insult based off of an ancient RACIALLY BASED caste system that "persecuted" people based on their race, thereby being "racist" yourself.

And even then who really even gives a fuck about being "racist" these days when it's based?

No but seriously though, racism is an overrated problem in the world compared to all the actual evil in the world.

And if you actually care so much about it then you'd also realize that racism itself isn't really a race based problem but merely a hate based one.

That is to say we're all racialist in our biases and that's perfectly okay because it's inherent to who were are, or in other words natural.

The problem of racism isn't that it's inherently racialist in nature, but the fact that a "racist" even hates someone to begin with really.

And the fact that because that someone is hated by said person say because they're black/ethnic/etc is insignificant because the real problem is just that they hate them and have hate in their heart.

JLP, despite some of his faults and cringe takes at times, puts it quite nicely:

So, with my final closing thoughts I'd just like to take a moment to say...

Writing this shit makes me feel like I'm back in school again ngl and I'm supposed to be on my vaccation smh tbh.

So fuck you and you're a bitch for that -
full stop -no cap you fucking
dalit dog.

And JFL, the funniest thing is...

I already knew what a dalit even was before I even read your shit tier thread ngl. :lul:

Cause I shit on (more like shit talk really) a legit curry Paki "friend" ik irl and he fucking hates you Indians' cowfucker guts ngl (his words not even mine btw tbh)

Am I... ?


I am the most based user on this forum tbh, or at least by this point that is anyway ngl :blackpill:.

This Niqqa has no life I'm so glad I'm Mallu
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: zura, Deleted member 15827, Lolcel and 3 others
Don't worry...


flash flashing GIF
scared episode 14 GIF
flash flashing GIF






. . .
Tag me when yiu make it
  • Love it
Reactions: chaddyboi66
You obviously think all South Indians look like this. You don't know Mallus goofy, Mallus are beautiful mog and even the dark ones mog cause we tall🌴🇮🇳💪🏽.Kerala zindabad
good for you then i guess .
  • Love it
Reactions: Ryan and chaddyboi66
I wanted to give everyone a heads up on my evisceration thread...

I'm still planning on making my thread but I'm going to be taking a break for a while [for like a day or 2, Ik I said 24 hrs sry...] and the thread itself will take at least a day and a half, as you probably could've guessed by this point [meaning I probably won't post for at least 3], and because I'm also dealing with some personal shit rn with my family.

I also just wanted to say that while I'm still planning to respond to every point he gave, this also means new thread will be nearly double the length of either thread and everyone one ought to prepare themselves for that before going in.

[Despite the fact the whole "response" he gave was some real weak ass shit, ngl, and he just keeps repeating himself over and over again tbh]

Regardless, I geniunely believe that there are just some things I'll never be able to change his mind on and I honestly don't necessarily even think that's really much of a bad thing tbh, because everyone is entitled to their own opinions even if they're wrong.

I actually think the both of us might be able to come to some grand final consensus in the end or at the very least some brocels will get another
[more of half-assed attempt on my part really] history lesson.

Anyway till then,

Jake Gyllenhaal Goodbye GIF by MOODMAN
So let me get this straight... a race-obsessed Iranian nationalist incel wrote a PhD on an obscure incel forum to "eviscerate" a self-hating, race-obsessed Indian incel because he is "wrong" on haplogroups and phenotypical differences.

In the time it took you to write this drivel, a big-chinned chad got his dick sucked 3 times by your oneitis.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: zura, Deleted member 9641, Lolcel and 6 others
Tldr but shorter? You should pay me if im ever gonna read all this. How many days did this take you?

Meanwhile Stacies posting pics on Discord and getting flooded by simps wanting to buy her shit from her wishlist
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Lolcel, Patient A, AcneScars and 1 other person
dnr have a reaction for effort
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A and .👽.
I read. Every single. Word.
do me a lil favor and read my name
  • JFL
Reactions: Lolcel, Patient A and Edgar
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Edgar and Patient A
dnr have a reaction for effort
Indeed. I literally did not read a single word I tried to look at first reply and ended up scrolling for 5 minutes till I arrived at first reply.
  • +1
Reactions: RealTruecel, Edgar and Deleted member 10987
we wuz aryan n shiiiet
Who mogs @FleshPerson or OP?

@JustMewbrah @volcelfatcel @WadlowMaxxing
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing and volcelfatcel
Who mogs @FleshPerson or OP?

@JustMewbrah @volcelfatcel @WadlowMaxxing
Op but flesh person is catching up. Kaut pytr people will rise soon
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Didn't read, retarded faggot:forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
How much adderall did you take before you wrote this?
Can someone briefly state the conclusion of this thread?
This guy makes the same point multiple times he was definitely tweaking hard as fuck when he wrote this. If OP did write this sober I would genuinely be shocked
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6531
@reptiles said:
1 Your right i probably should have cited my sources well here's the source for the aryan's being mainly non iranic and more european

Sci-Hub | Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East. Nature, 536(7617), 419–424 | 10.1038/nature19310

Skip to page 4 out of 18 the aryans are about 56 percent eastern hunter gathrer your right Iranians have aryan dna but aryans are a mixed breed as it is so you can't claim them as a race
this is like claiming a mulatoo is a black dude and 2nd of all most iranians aren't made from EHG there made from iran chaloclethic.

2 I don't care about different forms of south asian's have i ever claimed the kalash or the pashtuns were Indians ? did i say most Indians drift towards these populations due to a shared
genetic component that all south asians and central asians share which is the iran neolethic that's it pls learn to read.

3 The reason why i called you sand is a cause i live in the west and people can't tell what's an arab and what's an iranic 2 there is tons of phenotypic similarties between the 2 3 there
more geographically closer the fact your country is even muslim by a arab phrophet proves and 4th even if you weren't arab it still would be sand because the climates of iran are sandy
hence there browner skin although tbf this can vary by the part of iran generally though to call an iran sand is a fair statement they
do live in sandy enviroments.

4TH calling you non white and saying your not aryan fully and also that the aryans were a mixed race is bellitiling you ? i never even claimed curries were aryans i just said they were a
mixed race of iran chalcolethic but they majority EHG

5th that vedio about BMAC,VEDIC CIVILAZTION,VEDIC ARYANS Is a bit wrong here tbqh 1 he leaves out the yamnaya pastoralists are non iranics there non white as well but there closest to
europeans genetically 2nd of all i didn't disagree there was a mixture of iran choloclethic with yamnaya pastoralists. You bringing this vedio up is like you shouting at me for things
I didn't argue i didn't say iranans had no aryan dna i said the aryans were a mixture and know i will clarify even further they were non iranans and they non europeans they hybrids of
the 2 so to claim the aryans were 1 race rather than an extinct 1 is like claiming a mulatoo is a fucking white dude that's it.

6 Okay fair enough if you don't claim the iranians were white or were the progenitors of the white race we have no disagreement on this with all that being said and done your next
statement is a bit stupid people have conquered and pillaged by just about every civilization arabs have conquered many parts of iran
the romans fell to visigoths and the germanics what's your point here ? every civilization in history has been conquered and subjugated
name your point in mentioning this though.

7 I already went over how the aryans were a mixed race again check the original study you claiming them as iranian is as stupid as a mulatoo claiming to be a black dude in fact it's even
stupider in your case because genetically the aryans are long gone the last vestiges left truly is the ANE based population the kalash they are very distinct and they orignated from
my postulation ancient proto europoids wondering from south asia or rather close to it remeber most kalash are ANE fully and a depigmented ANE can pass as nearly full euro some times.

8 Survive the jive is mainly talking about a shared common origin of all pie based languages btw he even thinks the aryans orignated in the urals of russia which he isn't fully wrong but
they also mixed clearly with iranics also wanted to say Indian's don't have Aryan DNA we have another form of caucasoid which is iran neolethic very distinct there line spawned the veddas
and the other texts Indians have always been there own thing when it comes to there traditions i just wanted to clarify that cause that vedio was essentially claiming all of Indian history
to the aryans when in reality the aryans were barbaric war based cultures in fact most of the ancient innovations in the ancient indus was due to the neolethic iranic farmers which most
Indians descend from i mean literally it can even be seen on the facial traits just skin bleach an indian albino they look very much so like an neolethic iranian.

9 imagine having the balls to call me a jew when you as an iranian are about x10 closer to a jew than i can ever be since your so emphatic
about genetics. Also i listed the 4 reasons why i consider you arab overall. 1 I do it based on genetic distance. 2 i do it based of climate
. 3 i do it based of phenotype. 4 I do it based on the public views of the host society i live in tbqh i think those are some pretty reaso

10 I Said a lot of arabs because turks and levantine arabs count as arabs apperntly but if were counting these then yeah a lot of non
indo europeans are a lot whiter than indo europeans like the iranics my point of all this was to say language connection means jack shit
in terms of measuring genetic distance overall though many arabs are whiter than iranans i think that's a fair claim.

11 Cringe at trying to frame me as an nationalist i'm a globalist because i like results because i like the idea of everyone being rich
and also because i want eugenics globally because i see things and reality for what it is. There is always losers and there is always vic
tors to me though we can decrease this abborant system.

Also Nationalism based on race fails a lot because like i said arabs are overall in genetic distance closer to you and also a lot of
people of the same blood will disagree heavily on a lot of views i know 99 percent curries disagree with me on most topics.

12 Whites descend from 3 genetic components overall i didn't list 2 they descend from ENF (EASTERN NEOLETHIC FARMER) ANE (ANCIENT NORTH
EURASIAN) WHG (Western hunter gathrer basically dark skinned europeans)

13 I'm pleased then you agree with me the stance iranics are not whites were we disgaree is that the aryans are a mixed race and there
basically mulatoos and they were dark skinned the light skin allele for europeans is actually very recent calling them light skinned is
retarded also just look at the geography they came from this is iran a arrid enviroment do you think the dna for light skin allles would
be benefical in an area that needs for an pastoralist tribe to be on the move constantly ?

14 I never said you had an vendetta agaist indians i'm just pointing out your being hypocrital and also trying to start a dick measuring

15 I measured what do iranan's mog Indians in first because your the 1 who mentioned that iran mogs india and i was pointing out the idea
that, differences adjusted for ses (socio ecanomic status) nurition and other forms of enviromental factors loosen any large differences
between the 2 that's all i wasn't meaning to start a dick measuring contest between the 2 hell if it were me i would black pill a lot of
india into caring more the genetic stock of the country.

16 We all wish we were white i'm just honest the reason simple is becase of 3 reasons, 1 I'm british in all but blood so i've literally
been raised to find white people more attractive raise me in my ethinc country and i can gurrantee you i would not feel the same way about
white people. 2 Whites currently are at the top in terms of social stats. 3 Whites consistently have better nuitrion although there diets
are horrible (for reference read the piece weston a pierce) I think those 3 are fair reasons for further reading you might wanna check out
the pre colonial views of white people before colonization just a hint.

17 I don't simp for women 99 percent of this forum are more cucked than me 90 percent of my posts are actually usually simping for white
men so again your wrong here the reason i simp for white men is because overall huwite men have same angelic faces that could just be be
cause i was raised literally around white people the fact i have 0 connection to my own people says a lot also i can't culturally understan
-d them indian culture is just to detached from me.

18 when i said iranics include sand i thought i was being pretty clear here plain and fucking simple that to white people and the culture
i live in there is very little difference also in terms of genetic distance your closest to other arabs because your geographically closes
-t to them also the climate your people evolved under is very arrid curry is also a bad term to use for indians i prefer tropicked
because indians evolvd under the tropics.

19 Saying overall iranians are in genetic distance closer to arabs than to whites is not the same thing as saying the 2 have had genetic
admixture with each other this isn't pedantic these are very clear differences and your right iranians have had complete genetic contiunity
but that's not what i was arguing.

20 Originally i called them sands and i included that as a broad umbrella term for those that basically 1 share common genetic origin but
divergence 2 common climatic features, 3 common faiths, 4 common customs not everything is just genes you know i look at it in more than
1 view point.

21 You do know how inbreeding occurs right ? there are population bottle necks if you haven't had a lot of genetic mixing with other populations overall your population is more inbred
whites are very mixed there literally a mix of 3 different components from things very distant from each each other so to call them inbred is ridiclous.

22 I called them sands to begin with and then arabs based on faith, customs tradions and overall genetic distance the 2 aren't very far tbqh also is that offesnive your ? i mean your
getting offended at being called an arab what's the problem bro ? i mean you seem offended overall.

23 If you admit iranians are a result of an ancient population bottle neck you admit they all essentially descend from incest because
bottle necks limit the amount of people in a population and it also increases genetic drift and as drift and bottle necks increase the rate
of incest only increases of course this isn't to say iranians are inbred but overall your bringing it up as a pride factor just cause
your ancestors long way down the line practiced incest due to population scarcity doesn't you will but to pride full about it makes no
sense especially since races change every few thousand years due to the response from the enviroment.

24 the caste system is not racial all Indians are the same race You can divide categories and say the Indo aryans are different from the
dravdians but off course 1 they all cline towards each other, 2 they all phenotypically resemble each other the main difference between
an indo melanid and an indid is that an indo melanid is more veddid mixed indid is more caucasoid (neolethic iran) 3 most if not all indian's
cline towards western eurasia there is a reason they are classified over all as caucasoids but like you said with vediod blood however
vediod i just wanna mention is not aboringal or african it's more closer to the jomons in phenotype.

25 M8 1 The dude your sighting is a pakistani not even iranian so this is ridiclous, 2 calling me a daalit is essentially calling a caste
less person an untoucheable plus i seem to have grown up fine height wise i'm good, Face wise i'm not good but that's cause of multiple
factors mainly enviroment for instance i mouth breathed a lot as a child and my diet has been very plant based rather than meat based
compare the jaws of our ancestors to today they have wider palates and less doliocephalic skulls doliocephali is a subhuman trait.

26 India's birth rate ratio is at 2.0 this number is falling globally saying indians breed like rats is ridiclous the reason there is more
indians is because of the size of the contient you do realize that right ? also do you think pashtuns or the other pakis aren't breeding
like rats ?

27 I already went over who the aryans were check study 1 they are mulatoos or hybrids to claim them as your own race is essentially calling
mulatoos white. The indo greek kingdom is a small forgotten kingdom it barely stayed at all it's a foot note in history and yeah invasions
did happen tell me a place where people have never experienced invasions.

28 also about kashmir if they wanna be a part of pakistan they can be my guest again I can't control the Indian goverment but personally
if kashmir wants independence that's up to them. Me personally i don't care.

29 the aryan invasion of india is absolutely not a fact that own paper you cited cage disagrees with this a migration happened that later inter
mixed with the general population but large scale ethnic replacement never happened and there was no literally no raping you could tell
if there was if a large scale replacement happened.

Also it's called the aryan integration theory what really happened is migrants from central asia migrated to the indus valley and they mixed with the inhabitants of the population hence bringing i guess yamnaya genes but
again this is only for certain indians like the jatts again this disproves the theory that the more bramhin you are the more aryan you
are because the jatts were sheep herders they were never even seen in the highest light when it came to caste some no name shepard caste
ended up having the most aryan genes funny really when you look at it so much for muh bramhinism cope.

30 yamnaya or sinthastha was certainly not iranic again look at study 1 it was Ehg that was a european component it was more european than
iranian but even then there still more mulatoos than anything calling them aryan is retarded also i don't cope max with the aryan bullshit
seeing as the majority of the aryan dna only went to the eastern iranics which you are fair enough but in general most of the other iranics
don't have aryan specefic dna.

31 oh goody so you agree the vast majority of indian dna is neolethic iranian farmer and this component is found mostly in indians in
fact calling it iranian isn't correct it's more caucasoid and is too drifted to be an iranian based population.

32 Some parts of the indus reached to north pakistan but it also reached to india also i'm talking about culture and genes here most
of the IVC were made from neolethic iranan farmers although i call them mesolethic cause there way more drifted from iran and also
most of the languge is sanskrit the horse found is purely south asian the inscriptions and facial features look more south and finally
the faith is more south asian the vedic faith is very clearly distinct from the zoroastrians.

Also that vedio hugely over estimates the dravdian blood i already showed you the admixture components for the average indian they are abo
-ut 80 percent neolethic iranian farmer derived if were talking northern indians and southern ones are about 65 percent neolethic farmer
derived with all that being said and done that veddiod blood i just wanted to point out is closer to proto mongoloids or perhaps proto
caucasoids just search up albino vedids they look like light skinned ainu found in japan.

33 I already told you i've showed you the stats the average indian is majority neolethic iranic based you can even check it by there skulls
(https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijeb/2013/836738/) btw this study accounted for 43 measurements before you invoke muh curry coping
even this found the average indian to be closest to caucasoids really what they mean is that the majority of indians resemble neolethic
iranian farmers again i hate using iranian cause there not iranian.

34 TBQH I think i miss spoke eastern iranians have a lot of neoelthic iranian dna same with the burushos and the brahui's fair enough
i miss spoke over all though the majority of iran is chalocalethic based rather than neolethic based.

35 yeah i'm talking about the ainu the vediods resemble phenotypically ainu peoples from japan in fact the only reason east asian's
are fucked is because they went through the iceage the vediods are a seperate branch that reached out ages ago hence why they share a co
mmon phenotype and share drift with each other.

36 right human phenotypes wiki isn't accurate but some computer generated ai with no sources to derive from images is ? also keep in mind
they gave india 1 phenotype the phenotype wiki gave india more also based also based on the indids and the iranics the iranics certainly
look whiter no argument there but to say they have way better phenotypes or looks than your casual is bullshit.

37 in pic you posted for the average indian guy a lot of them had good bones even aziz pansari it's there orbitals plus there the indo me
lanids there isn't just 1 phenotype in india there are more.

38 for this link all the composites averaged looked better than both of the pics given by either me or you https://www.businessinsider.com/faces-of-tomorrow-2011-2?r=US&IR=T
even the asians looked good in those morphs they didn't show the indian face though they showed that half assed composite with the all
togeher morph again how is this more trust worthy than phenotypes wiki which is literally an anthroplogical site ?

Also facially i can admit the average iranian is a lot whiter than an average indian but that says nothing about the phenotype more
specefically bone structure of some ones face.

39 it also depends on what photos you use to average it for instance that photo shown gave iran just 1 phenotype this is retarded also
certain iranian phenotypes are chads for instance the proto iranid is a beautiful face but that doesn't mean every iranian has that pheno
also the other iranian dude i posted it's not like iran also just has 1 phenotype you seem to just wanna box every indian and iranian under
1 box phenotypically when we know just by adaptation alone this isn't possible in terms of feautres.

40 the paleness of the population is also dependent on the region the ones closer to turkey like azeribijan will be whiter also funny how
you never mention these pics


Sure they all look caucasian i'm not arguing they don't but they certainly have more desert adapted traits and essentially there darker eu
ropeans but lighter than indians no shit but they also have the same skin tonne to other middle easterns because of the enviroment.

41 indo persian culture dates to 1600 india has been colonized for 40 thousand years and it basically has been in civilzation for more than
10 thousand years and again the veddas date to around 1500 bce before 1600 CE

42 that jstor link doesn't disagree remeber the indus valley liked to trade so both cultures would have overall had inspiration but that
doesn't mean 1 was based of the other for instance iran and greece had a lot of cultural contact but and they both shared a lot but
does that mean 1 rose up from the other.

43 The oldest avestian texts date to 10th century ce before that it's oral tradition the oldest vedic scripts is 1500 bce so if there
was any copying it was inverse order also you can find vague similarties in names that doesn't mean the 2 are copies for instance zeus
was a lighting god but he was the main sky father of the greek pantheon indra was the war god but he was the main sky father for
the gods does that mean indians copied greeks ? highly unlikely also the veddas mention the saptu sindu river some thing the avesta mention
-s 0 times the veddas mention reincarnation the avestas don't. In content there very different.

44 unless your eastern iranic the majority of irananians don't have neolethic iran tbqh that's what i'm saying they have iran chalcolethic
it's a bit different.

45 I said in terms of maths and history were equal both civilizations had it's ups and downs in litreture indians mog though not even
including the veddas just look at the mahabratas or the ramayanas in terms of content that mogs anything the ancient world produced

As for height like i said all things being equal for enviroment i think both indians and iranians could reach 6 to perhaps even 8 inches
if they practice eugenics but i emphasis eugenics more than enviroment

46 Iran hasn't always mogged India i even said there equal this is retarded tbqh you posted a wikipedia and in that same article it went
on to talk about india's contributions so much for mu-h mogging almost trying to down play arab or indian inventions also the arabs
had ibn-al-haytam who wrote great works on the laws of optics there is also al-latif a great historian not a persian so in before
muh arabs stole from the persians no they didn't

https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1096/fj.06-0803ufm for further reading there is some great arab inventors.

47 You do realize foriegn aid money goes to the beuracrats right ? also where the fuck are you getting the 100 billion dollar a year figure ? here is the 2019 stats for the amount of forie
-gn aid recieved by country it's 2.6 million overall much lower far cry of BILLIONS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Official_Development_Assistance_received

48 the vedic migrants to the indus valley were a minority though culturally you could say they were aryan but genetically they weren't that's what i'm saying there very clearly distint.
Culturally they didn't bring much tbqh.

49 the aryans were dark skinned though not indian dark skinned but dark in reference point to europeans and other east asian based popualtions plus looking at the latitude off course it's
gonna be darker it's not indian dark but the aryans didn't come from the tropics but it certainly is dark skinned relative to europeans and east asian's and many medterranians.

The Sintashta were swarthy – Brown Pundits


49 the aryans were barbarians most of the tech came from the IVC Also that's 1 even that happened so long ago it's like antiquity why do you never mention the ramayana or the mahabratha
which had 0 influnce from any out side influce ? seems sus bro also i don't even talk about the AIT I know it didn't happen but an integration event did happen this is objective.

But even if an invasion occured that speaks nothing about the later texts at best you get inspiration at worst you could argue the prototypes originate from iran however the works of the
veddas cause that book is a long as book does not oringate from iran also these are mulatoos were talking about there not iranians there just as much ehg as they are iran chalcolethic.

50 the writers of the mahabrata were very definitely Indians and they clearly post date the vedic period and like i said the aryans for the last time were mulatoos and you can be culturally aryan but not genetically
also to say because the prototypes may have had origins from migrants is different from saying the whole culture origiantes from the vedics.

51 as for alexander the great adopting persian tradition i mean the dude wanted an unified asia off course he's gonna want to appeal to the persians like no shit that doesn't mean all of greece adopted that culture.
Although tbf some cultural resembalances will oviously pop up this is due to how close iranans and greeks were tbqh.

52 There is a reason why i said the mahabrata ass raped ancient greece in terms of litreture because to me greece was the greatest civilization in antiquity living upto them is a fucking
honor and bitch this not plagarism you attempting to steal Indian culture and then claim it as your own even though both of these works post date the veddas also keeping in mind
most of the aryans got assimlated into the culture and also keeping in mind they were a minority to start with you arguing the aryans writing these later works makes no sense.

Also name me an persian work that mogs the mahabrata pls i really want to hear it the avestas ? well that post dates the mahabrata what else do you have tbqh ?

53 Keep in mind how large India it's a subcontient combined with south east Asia also from what i'm aware india never really had a thing for trying to start wars from what i'm aware
indians have had very little out fighting with neigbouring countries. Also keep in mind most of sea looks ugly because of malnourishment again compare an european today to the 1700
though tbqh western foods isn't perfect either there to soft so most people usually get narrower palates which leads to a dolciophalic skull structure again most of this is enviromental
As countries start to modernize they will grow more beautiful.

Also your right the greeks were awsome i'm obessed with anything european tbqh but that's cause i was raised in europe i was born here i highly doubt i would care if i lived in india.

54 your kinda assuming an conclusion from the premises.

1 You don't care if indians are moggers or not.
2 I do care and it is a fact indians get mogged by iranics.
C1 There fore iranians mog indians your assuming the conclusion in the premises.

55 It's not a low iq thing to view white and ethnic because 1 that's how this forum views things, 2 that's how the host society views things, 3 inferiorty complexes are formed for a reason
the main 1 being exposure if your brought up in a culture that is phenotypically different from you your gonna have a lot of inferiorty towards this fact it's as simple as that.

56 first of all an argument isn't neccarily wrong because of a fallacy also 2nd of all i did mention the source that indian growing up under western diets grow to the european


It's not just the genes: Ethnic Indians grow taller in the UK

Despite impressive rates of economic growth, India's children and adults do not grow as tall as they could.

57 I also mentioned an follow up to the study you posted which was a meta analyses of 43 other studies the results were around 5.25 inches for asians and 5.75 for europeans and africans
same for middle easterns that's about an 0.5 inches hell well round up for middle easterns and round down for asian's that still leaves the asian cock to be 5 inches hardly a micro cock
and hardly a massive as difference.

58 Well first of all i'm bengali so i have 0 caste restrictions 2nd of all scihub is down in the uk tbqh that's why i couldn't access it at the time i had to down load a vpn 3rd of all
even daalits in india can access scihub it's not like you can't work if your an daalit or a shudra you do know this right ? like caste is not an big deal when it comes to workers because
no 1 gives a fuck a bussiness owner just wants hard working employees i mean 34 percent of the population in a 3rd world country uses the internet that means over 100 million people
which includes 99 percent of the daalits in large numbers can access and probably have accessed the internet.

59 Okay so you admit the study is faulty and you also looked at the other study right ? the correlates of penis size and GDP know certain populations genetically have very large cocks
like africans they are born and bred to have very large penis size but that doesn't mean your own ethnic population can't epigenetics to increase there overall penis size by this i mean
in the next century as india becomes a 1st world country the overall penis size due to better nuitrion factors will increase overall and the sterotype exists but it's hugely over blown
like i told you 5 inches is not singicantly smaller than 6 inches the sterotype exists mainly to mock indians but regardless non of these populations have micro cocks like your suggesting

60 You were acting like a jew by citing a literal jew who clearly had an agenda to push anyways your the 1 who found it as an insult. I pointed out how can you as a sand man cause your
people evolved under arrid enviroments mock indians who evolved under tropical enviroments ?

61 weren't you bragging about mu-h genetic contuinity earlier also i never said you were in the same boat iranians and meds are way less
ethnic but that doesn't speak on facial aesthetics you moron facial aesthetics boils down more to genetic randomness than to how white you
are though being white helps if your in a white society. Also keep in mind i was pointing out non white people see you just as bad as indians that's my point.

Also yeah no you are racist you called gooks subhuman tbqh i'm some what racist as well but it's not due to malice or due to some dick
measuring contest.

62 well you might not but a lot western iranians do and also the reason why i pointed it out is that in a western society unless your 1 of those white passing iranains cause they do exist
people are gonna think your an indian or arab that's it don't infer anything more.

63 I didn't command you it was a suggestion saying you shouldn't is basically saying just don't be a dick also you seemed to think calling you arab was an insult bearing in mind most
of your region is muslim, keeping in mind the climates are quite arrid, overall in terms of genetic distance your closest to arabs, and also bearing in mind that in a white populated countr
-y you would be considered an arab well not you cause your half white but your iranian person that should clear up the reasons as to why i very very clearly stated i consider arabs and
iranians to be off the same stock.

64 1 I know nigger has a bro slang to it cause i talk to black dudes on the regular basis so stop being retarded 2nd of all your not using any real insults here it's just a reptiton.

65 Your going into head space thinking. 1 The caste system is not a race all indians are off the same race but a lot have different phenotypes just like how there is differences in europeans
we still classify them as white people overall similarly all indians are off the same genetic stock.

66 1ST Of all race doesn't even exist in the way your thinking there not discreet biological terms and they change every generation i actually prefer the term cline tbqh and most biologists

2ND point racism is very much so a taught factor at best you could perhaps argue racism is an out growth of tribalism but tribalism isn't neccarily racist on it's own the culture itself
has to take it down that path.

3RD Point if race is biological and concrete term then the concept of european should have existed back in the ancient days but it doesn't hell even most genetically realted white people
didn't think they were the same really were you wanna draw the line is arbitrary. Hell some people literally used to argue 1 clan was of a different lineage.

Closing thoughts.

1 This is literally a good response the word texture may be slightly because i wrote this on note pad.

2 You never learned what a daalit was.

3 This ass rapes every point you made and more.

4 i think this is the very last response btw the reason i banned myself is because i need to stop rotting it's not cause of you don't give yourself too much credit. Honestly fuck you i had
to do a lot of reading up on this topic to make a reasoned response.
What's even the point nigga.
You obviously think all South Indians look like this. You don't know Mallus goofy, Mallus are beautiful mog and even the dark ones mog cause we tall🌴🇮🇳💪🏽.Kerala zindabad
Last edited:
"you have no right to mock indians..."

In the Beginning

The Middle...

And the End.

All that bullshit *sacred hindu-dindu cowshit* you just pulled out of your ass and you didn't even bother citing any sources.

JFL Imagine being IQ mogged by fucking mutt

straight up go ER for you if you're ever this low IQ tbh
because it's fucking ovER for you -full stop -no cap


So anyway, after taking a few minutes sifting through you're mess of a post and utterly broken English to try and unpack what you're really even saying, because you don't like using commas for some reason...

*And also for future reference just know*-
Poop brown color + Italics = Curry dalit moment



JFL Imagine trying to grasp at straws in such a feeble attempt to belittle me just for my quarter Iranian heritage when the other quarter of that same half is literally Chitrali/Paki, weren't you and Pakis supposed to hate each other or something?

I'm surprised you didn't even try to say oh muh "lazy med" or muh "moorish rape babies" or muh "beaner/spic" or muh "border hoper/cartels" or muh "conquistador rape babies" for my other half or even just "ha Lul u stoopid mutt" tbh.


Anyway, the Indo-Iranians (Sintashta) are the Eastern Branch of the Proto-Indo Europeans, that moved into Iran and mixed with the Iranian Farmers (BMAC), creating their descendants the Aryans (and modern Iranians with up to 95% genetic continuity to this very day).

And again here's my source, Iran Talk, who's been a trusted source on Iranian (and Aryan) genetics and any dispelling myth and hearsay from both wignats and currynats, & has always been on point for with the latest studies tbh:

Goddamn, you really do give credence to the stereotype of muh "delusional curries" holy fuck. I never said they created white people nor did I even mention whites any of my posts except to remind you of how you were also conquered by the British, :lul: @ your strawman.


They were are:

JFL you're grapsing at straws because, for probably the second time already, I never even said they were white/European.

And speaking of White [European] people, since you're so quick to try and dismiss their own Proto-Indo-European birthright as well:

*they're*^ and *than*^

And there you go again actually trying to claim muh Iranians are Arabs just goes to show how much of disingenuous "JEW", as you often like to say, you in fact really are. Can you even more cringe that this tbh?

*are a lot*^ but not they're really not though...

Also trying to claim that Arabs, Semites of all people, are white JFL? Where'd you even get that from tbh?

Oh let me guess, what is it the Levant-nats always try to say again...

...muh "Levantines are huwtie too bro habibi, srs wallahi..."?

second time already- *Aryans*^

Pathetically low IQ dalit moment right there bhaibi

I never said Whites were Aryans, and is your fragile sense of faux/pseudo-nationalistic pride truly so fragile that you'd even try to project your own insecurities onto me.

Also, I say faux/pseudo-nationalistic because [ISPOILER]true Nationalism is based on the unity and cohesion of a common Folk [Volk] through blood, not merely "culture".

Your own people's sense of "Nationalism" is no more than an utterly cringe feeble attempt at some fake & gay "civic-nationalism", since the modern state of India is merely an amalgamation of various different ethnic groups all pretending to be one single [curry] people. [/ISPOILER]

They [the Whites] too come from the Proto Indo Europeans (Yamnaya [they were the largest] + similar IE cultures) and have 3 major admixture components, not just the 2 you included, the third of which being significant Yamnaya admixture.

They even had a similar cognate to Aryan- "Aryos", both of which come from "Heryos".

And again, trying to accuse me of associating Aryans with whites... Who the fuck do you even think I am Robert Sepehr or Jason Jorjani?
Do you honestly think I have wacky vendetta against you or curries? Or do you just think I'm one of those people trying to say muh "huwite Aryan invasion in India justifies it's occupation and/or rule by foreign powers" because of it?

If so, I must confess that I'm genuinely disappointed in just how low you not only think of me but also yourself, and it only goes to show just how bad you are at reading through the lines.

Realizing something like that about you almost made me want to pity for your own lack of self awareness, but then you straight up spew bullshit like this that I can't just ignore:

Big Brother Lol GIF by MOODMAN

JFL I can't even begin to tackle that one bro...
Picard Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

holy fuck .


And now you even bring the Nords into this too JFL what do they even have to do with any of this?

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN

Do you have some spite against them too for mogging and making you feel inferior because of the abundance of self hating curries worshiping them?

*inserts X example of thread muh I wish I was white instead of shitskin dravidian curry*

Or is it just because everyone on this forum is more than well aware of muh "huwite nordic gigastacies" you curries drool over and simp for so much?
candice swanepoel vsfs 2010 gif

*inserts X example of thread i wish i had muh huwite nordic gigastacy*

"Sir please"
*but with curry accent*
Sar, paleez-aheh

Nigger please .


JFL, when you said:

*in the very first post actually^ btw*

and even again rn when you literally just said:

ok sure thing bro
Then is that why you keep trying to compare them to Arabs?^

Yeah why else would I keep saying they have 95% genetic continuity and constantly educate you about it? :unsure:^^^

The fuck?
By that cowshit tier logic you could also say oh muh-

"Nords are inbred cuz muh 'no nigger/ethnic dna = inbred' bhai srs"

*...aren't, they're a mixture of various other...*^

I never said Indians were "inbred" or that they were the "result of a mass scale genetic bottle neck".
They're a mix of Dravidian/Veddoid and Aryan (Iranian Farmer + Indo-Iranian/Sintashta) to varying degrees.

Which is is a result of being violently conquered through the Aryan invasions and being subjugated to a "harsh" racially based caste system for slave labor.

Oh and being raped... :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 1144950

And inb4 but muh "Aryans weren't blonde Huwite nordics" or some shit
Calm down I know and it's just a [Chad] meme

*Insert You KikeTube apology video sigh*
facepalm GIF

Here We Go Again GIF


but muh

ok dalit .

It's totally not just because they all make based shit that triggers all the curries and pajeets, like niggers after cops shoot them, right?

muh Western "Jewish" study:

Easy dislike ratio farm when you breed like rats and KikeTubes already hates based content tbh.

or could also be because of this...

or this

He didn't say that and even if he did it wouldn't even make any sense.

Yeah they're mixed so of course they have both Iranian Farmer (BMAC) and Iranian-Farmer (Sintashta) blood, I said that from the very beginning so what does that even prove? That they're not Iranian?

Third time already, but I'm not exactly keep track every time this nigger dalit says this
I never even said they were.


Are You Sure About That John Cena GIF by MOODMAN

Speak for yourself bro bhai dalit.

I know, and I've also been saying that since the very beginning

An Ancient Harappan Genome "Lacks" Ancestry from Steppe Pastoralists or Iranian Farmers

JFL no
IVC was actually based out of Pakistan
View attachment 1144865

And besides, your DNA consists of 2 components- Aryan (Indo-Iranian + Iranian Farmer) and Dravidian/Veddoid to varying degrees

JFL even normie tier sources have to walk on eggshells and do damage control when they trigger you
but even they can't deny the truth and neither can you.

Ok sure bro, at least now I really know you're full of shit

Ainu? Surely you're not talking about these people are you?



Yeah because going to human phenotypes.net is accurate
humanphenotypes.net "Iranid"
View attachment 1144868
JFL even if this was legit it'd still mogg average curry face all the way back to the shitfilled ganges river tbh cause
View attachment 1144885View attachment 1144886


holy fuck .

💩 :blackpill: :feelswhy:

But using the example from the Faces of Tomorrow Project and the the Postnational Monitor project (both of which created the templates) isn't...

View attachment 1144869

*tone*^ getting tired of reading these? Yeah well I got pretty tired of writing them before I was even halfway through on post 2 tbh & now you know how it felt to have to read through an entire fucking essay's worth of broken
curry "Ahngleesh"

Yeah bro this is soo inaccurate...
View attachment 1144875View attachment 1144876View attachment 1144878View attachment 1144879View attachment 1144882

You got to be fucking kidding me
You lying Jew fuck .

The Vedic literature comes from the Aryans, who came from Iran and the Avesta.


Case and point:

No, you not acknowledging the fact that Iran has always mogged you in historically and that denying the fact that most of the "Arab" Innovations during the "Islamic Golden Age" were in fact mostly Persian is pure cope and is fucking disgusting just like your poop filled streets.

Imagine receiving billions in aid and still living like fucking dalit subhumans shitting in the street like dogs.






muh "dark skinned ariens"^
View attachment 1144902View attachment 1144903View attachment 1144904View attachment 1144905

Alexander appropriated from Persia first.




JFL The fact that you still feel the need to live up to the West and are using just two religious texts, plagiarized off of Persian literature, when Both the West and Perisa can stand on their own feet when it comes to their vast literary history even up till today.

And this is but a sliver of the bigger piece of the pie:

The heavy hitters:

For more on Rome if interested because it needs more love being over shadowed by the greeks:

Even Gooks mogg tbh


You really are a special kind of retarded aren't you dalit?

For fuck's sake, I honestly can't believe I have to post this shit a second time because you keep repeating yourself and you don't know how to use commas.

The Vedic literature comes from the Aryans, who came from Iran and the Avesta.


I mean most parts of the known world at least at one point, even after discovery of the new world.

Your people have never, and will never, be this MOGGER

View attachment 1144908View attachment 1144909View attachment 1144911View attachment 1144913View attachment 1144914View attachment 1144915View attachment 1144935View attachment 1144936

Not exactly much an achievement when considering:

This is the furthest you've ever ventured into SEA before the British
View attachment 1144922

These are the people you conquered.
And let's not forget it's the only place on Earth subhumans on this forum would ever be able to go to ascend because the if they live like savages now one could only imagine what kind of subhuman they'd like be back then.
View attachment 1144932

Good for you then .

Because it's not just the fact that oh this race mogged that.

It's the fact that my people mogged yours all the way back to the poop filled streets of mumbhai.

Very low IQ take ngl, and only goes to show your inferiority complex to whites tbh.


Ah yes, anecdotal "evidence"...

Truly the lowest of all logical fallacies.

Funny thing is though, that's the only piece of evidence you've even brought to the table so far anyway.

And the only conclusions I've been drawing here have literally been based only off of everything you've said, that's how I'm able to expose holes in your various contradicting and flawed arguments as well as call you out on your hypocrisy.


Unrelliable? :ROFLMAO::lul::feelswah:

You have no idea how much it hurts both my pride and my spirit when you say that.

I went out of my way to find a legit "Western" study because I knew you'd say it's bullshit/Jewish, just like that gook faggot @RedFlood when I brought up penis average global penis sizes because he thought gooks mogged the world.

And don't even get me started on all my mogger gook evisceration threads.

I went searching for the map "reputable" news sources often used when writing all their clickbaity aritcles, and found the people that made it, then I had to go find the study the map makers cited to create it.

And is it turns out, that map was based off of a study which was conducted by the BJUI (so it doesn't get more "Western" that that) and used 15,000 participants from various different countries.

All those other "charts" you see online and, yes even the one you posted after searching google images for one that confirmed what you wanted to see, were based on this study because it set the standard for World Penile Length charts/map and studies ever since.

So it's legit as legit as they come buddy broyo.

no shit.
The map I posted, along with the study, showed that the difference was .4 of an inch.
Meaning while really insignificant, because I believe dickpill is really just cope above 6", Iran still moggs Indian penis sizes.


That one's on you poorcel dalitcel

And I know the article is faulty and I only included it, along with actual data from the map and study, to show you how you even dickmogged when it comes to stereotypes people have of you.

And speaking of said articles... :lul::feelswhy:


Now there you go being a disingenuous little Jew dalit fuck again, and to think you of all people accused me of acting like a Jew.

I never took offense to being part Iranian.

I took offense to this:

That's because we don't see ourselves as "ethnic" and ironically enough, since you accuse me of being "racist" after all, we don't limit our view of ourselves nor the rest of the world as being just ethnic or huwite, we're Iranians.

Or rather whatever group one really is, like for me in my case I'm an NorthPaki/Iranic Med bad boy mutt.

We're not in the same boat just because we're both not white,

or rather, as is the case with where I actually am half White (med bad boy gang gang),

We're both different people, and my people mogg yours.

If you really think that not being huwite all that you need to group people together then you're unironically sub nigger/Abo IQ tbh.


I know and...
You Dont Say Nicholas Cage GIF

nigger .

Call it form of irony or what have you, because I was mocking you for that very reason:


I don't fucking care what a white person thinks of me or Persians and I doubt Persians care all that much either unless they're a pussy.
(also because I'm already half white myself but I still wouldn't even if wasn't cause that's such a cucked bitch thing to do tbh),

I only care about what you said, and your pathetic attempt to try and belittle me, in suggesting that "I have no right to mock curries" when

A. I wasn't mocking them or was even going to and only suggested using it if me and some curry were talking shit
B. You thought you have any right in telling me what I have the right to do like you're my own Goddamn father when I don't even know you.
C. You tried to passive aggressively insulting me like a bitch by calling me an Arab, because apparently I mentioned somewhere I was [part] Iranian

D. Oh and you still never mentioned where you even got that from to begin with tbh.

Come Again Episode 2 GIF by P-Valley
what the fuck GIF

How in the fuck would you even know what has a "bro" catch to it when you talk weak shit, contradict yourself way too many times to even bother sifting through your mess of a post again, and don't even know how to speak proper English or use commas correctly, or even at all really?
The Fuck GIF by memecandy


No .

you fucking subhuman dalit dog go suck some more curry out of your mommas saggy brown tits or fuck a cow of someshit JFL :lul:.

Get ready to write another reply cause I just intellectually mogged the absolute fuck out of you


tbh tbh.

I did,

and it's your mom.
Deez Nuts GIF

muh Iran waycist,
JFL bro don't you curries even try to say thought about the Afghanis too? :ROFLMAO:

GTFO with that bullshit it's like you forget about the fact that you literally made an entire thread about how calling an Indian "dalit", an insult based off of an ancient RACIALLY BASED caste system that "persecuted" people based on their race, thereby being "racist" yourself.

And even then who really even gives a fuck about being "racist" these days when it's based?

No but seriously though, racism is an overrated problem in the world compared to all the actual evil in the world.

And if you actually care so much about it then you'd also realize that racism itself isn't really a race based problem but merely a hate based one.

That is to say we're all racialist in our biases and that's perfectly okay because it's inherent to who were are, or in other words natural.

The problem of racism isn't that it's inherently racialist in nature, but the fact that a "racist" even hates someone to begin with really.

And the fact that because that someone is hated by said person say because they're black/ethnic/etc is insignificant because the real problem is just that they hate them and have hate in their heart.

JLP, despite some of his faults and cringe takes at times, puts it quite nicely:

So, with my final closing thoughts I'd just like to take a moment to say...

Writing this shit makes me feel like I'm back in school again ngl and I'm supposed to be on my vaccation smh tbh.

So fuck you and you're a bitch for that -
full stop -no cap you fucking
dalit dog.

And JFL, the funniest thing is...

I already knew what a dalit even was before I even read your shit tier thread ngl. :lul:

Cause I shit on (more like shit talk really) a legit curry Paki "friend" ik irl and he fucking hates you Indians' cowfucker guts ngl (his words not even mine btw tbh)

Am I... ?


I am the most based user on this forum tbh, or at least by this point that is anyway ngl :blackpill:.

hombre put more effort into this thread than his entire university degree :feelsohh:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Toth's thot, Lolcel and chaddyboi66
Jesus fucking christ
why do indians love talking about phenotypes and indo europeans
  • JFL
Reactions: Lolcel and volcelfatcel
ok nessman
wtf is this
17 I don't simp for women 99 percent of this forum are more cucked than me 90 percent of my posts are actually usually simping for white
men so again your wrong here the reason i simp for white men is because overall huwite men have same angelic faces that could just be be
cause i was raised literally around white people the fact i have 0 connection to my own people says a lot also i can't culturally understan
-d them indian culture is just to detached from me.
  • JFL
Reactions: Lolcel
  • JFL
Reactions: Lolcel and StrangerDanger
Too long to read. Op put so much effort in the post he could have cured hairloss. Instead he is having online beef.
  • So Sad
Reactions: chaddyboi66
read it all bro.
correct, not all indians are same, top 5% of higher caste indians look totally different from average curry.

not all indians are same. india is super diverse and yeah, north aryans totally fucked the other indians, they literally conqured them. its a fact. aryan invasion theory is totally legit. nobody can deny that.
Yep, this is all that needs to be said, OP is correct.

I do get pissed off that normies don't understand 'indian' is not a race, but I guess BBC's would get pissed off too cos normies don't understand that there are like 500 different types of BBC in Africa
Lol dalits
  • WTF
Reactions: stevielake

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