Deathnic paid 15k to go from 0 SMV to 0 SMV



Somali Jew 🇸🇴🇮🇱
Dec 3, 2021
Its over for him, genioplasty made no difference to SMV whatsoever. The only thing that would have done anything is a race transplant.
But realistically tho he is gonna need like every surgery in the book to be equal with LTN white.


  • JFL
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Reactions: Gargantuan, ubicuse, Jamaldickjavontus and 26 others
He needs rhino, fix his droopy eyes, bimax or jaw fillers, skin whitening, etc
  • +1
Reactions: Manfrommars, boss8055, Pakicel and 8 others
It's an improvement, but yeah, his lips, nose, eyes, facial hair, skin tone all need to be reworked. He should just arrange-marriagemax and moneymax and forget about being handsome
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: boss8055, VenatorLuparius, looksmaxxing223 and 4 others
It's an improvement, but yeah, his lips, nose, eyes, facial hair, skin tone all need to be reworked. He should just arrange-marriagemax and moneymax and forget about being handsome
His eyes are the biggest problem tbh, I'm curious why he chose to get genio before other more impactdul surgeries and how did this guy even afford 15k from Mumbai
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: boss8055, WhoTookVendetta, h111 and 2 others
he x2 his looks whats the point of this post

has it ever crossed your mind that people don't do everything to impress others

I bet he is way more confident now it's worth it

(price tag is weird, idk what currency that is tho)
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Reactions: n9wiff, h111, Ghoulish and 1 other person
He has the boneless face
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Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
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  • WTF
  • Woah
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, h111, got.daim and 1 other person
Do Somali women like white brah?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: h111 and normie_joe
He needs rhino, fix his droopy eyes, bimax or jaw fillers, skin whitening, etc
Skin whitening won’t help this guys case 😹
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
  • +1
  • Woah
  • WTF
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, Deleted member 33711, h111 and 3 others
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Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
They do actually cuz they want white looking kids
Honestly there are tons of Somali foids here in the UK where i live. I can say for sure i never seen a single Somali girl with a non-somali guy. They don't marry outside their race. I used to be friends with one a while ago, somalians are good people for the most part.
  • +1
Reactions: looksmaxxing223, WhoTookVendetta, h111 and 1 other person
His eyes are the biggest problem tbh, I'm curious why he chose to get genio before other more impactdul surgeries and how did this guy even afford 15k from Mumbai
I actually think I'd leave the eyes for last. It's like building a house: build the structural foundation first, then make it aesthetically pleasing. So I'd rather fix the bone structure first, and then try to fix the eye area and soft tissues
I just think it would look uncanny to have a great eye area but subhuman features everywhere else
  • +1
Reactions: looksmaxxing223, WhoTookVendetta, h111 and 1 other person
Honestly there are tons of Somali foids here in the UK where i live. I can say for sure i never seen a single Somali girl with a non-somali guy. They don't marry outside their race. I used to be friends with one a while ago, somalians are good people for the most part.
Never said they were like Asian women who prefer whites over their own race, of course they want big Somali cock but other than that they would take a white as a second option over anyone else.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, h111 and JohnDoe
I actually think I'd leave the eyes for last. It's like building a house: build the structural foundation first, then make it aesthetically pleasing. So I'd rather fix the bone structure first, and then try to fix the eye area
I just think it would look uncanny to have a great eye area but subhuman features everywhere else
Ya leave it for last but it still has the most impact. This genio is just 1 step, hope this jeet keeps going. I ain't gonna hate on curries, we get enough hate as is.
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Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, h111 and spirili
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Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, h111, SidharthTheSlayer and 1 other person
Stupid post. It's a great improvement and fixed an insecurity. I want something similar
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Reactions: Jamaldickjavontus, Giorgio, h111 and 2 others
@normie_joe what’s so funny?
  • JFL
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Reactions: h111 and normie_joe
Very good result tbh
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, Giorgio, h111 and 1 other person
He needs a reincarnationplasty
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
he looks better u incel subhuman coping tiktok faggot
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  • JFL
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Reactions: h111, SidharthTheSlayer, watah and 1 other person
Tbh a guy like this would be screwed even if white. He’s legit medically deformed.
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
horrible pheno
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
Stupid post. It's a great improvement and fixed an insecurity. I want something similar

I don't know what kind of magic these retards are expecting. He got a genio; his lower third improved dramatically. The genio did its job.

Do people expect to go from this


to this


with one surgery?

These niggas will get a better return on their investment with LSD instead of surgery.
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, h111, SidharthTheSlayer and 2 others
Never said they were like Asian women who prefer whites over their own race, of course they want big Somali cock but other than that they would take a white as a second option over anyone else.
When you say "asian" women i'm going to go ah ead and assume you're talking about south asians aka pakis/indians/bengalis in which case you are so wrong. South asian foids are the most loyal of any race, ask @SecularIslamist paki foids only marry paki guys, saying otherwise just shows me you don't know what you're talking about. Also pipe down, somalis are the most recessed alien head niggas out of all africans. Untouchable to any non-somali foid honestly. Imagine thinking some fair-skinned paki foid would EVER choose a somali nigga over some aryan paki guy, just insane delusions tbh. Whites don't want somali foids, tbh evne pakis don't like somali foids, they're usually not attractive and black skin.
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, h111 and SecularIslamist
High BF%, Negative canthal tilt, Poor under eye support, terrible nose type. and ungroomed slight unibrow. Also both lips are dark lmao wtf is that? :lul:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, h111 and watah
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  • So Sad
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, h111 and JohnDoe
He has improved a little bit though
  • +1
Reactions: h111
When you say "asian" women i'm going to go ah ead and assume you're talking about south asians aka pakis/indians/bengalis in which case you are so wrong. South asian foids are the most loyal of any race, ask @SecularIslamist paki foids only marry paki guys, saying otherwise just shows me you don't know what you're talking about. Also pipe down, somalis are the most recessed alien head niggas out of all africans. Untouchable to any non-somali foid honestly. Imagine thinking some fair-skinned paki foid would EVER choose a somali nigga over some aryan paki guy, just insane delusions tbh. Whites don't want somali foids, tbh evne pakis don't like somali foids, they're usually not attractive and black skin.
When I say Asians I am referring to east Asians not shitskinned curries JFL
"fair-skinned paki foid would EVER choose a somali nigga over some aryan paki guy"
I literally knew a fair skinned Paki foid that was in engaged to an ugly as fuck Somali guy in 2020, they're probably married now.
Muh "whites don't want Somali foids"
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
When I say Asians I am referring to east Asians not shitskinned curries JFL
"fair-skinned paki foid would EVER choose a somali nigga over some aryan paki guy"
I literally knew a fair skinned Paki foid that was in engaged to an ugly as fuck Somali guy in 2020, they're probably married now.
Muh "whites don't want Somali foids"

kek you can't fool me with your words nigga, i live in an area full of pakis and somalis, i know what real life is really like while you are in somalia or wherever the fuck you live. @SecularIslamist u ever seen some fair-skinned aryan paki foid with some alien headed somali nigga? JFL lived here my entire life and NEVER seen it, paki foids don't even interact with black guys, nice cope though. Even bengali and indian (muslim) foids don't interact with black guys, especially somalis.
Muh i know this and that, JFL. You cope hard because deep down you know you are inferior to every other race including the so called "shitskin curries", Bruh pakis are aryan, we are literally light/fair-skinned, more aryan DNA than most ethnics.
Keep coping abdi, i would never dilute my genes breeding a somali girl and i have seen some pretty somali girls here who you would beg to marry and yet i still wouldn't touch them over a fair-skinned paki average paki foid that i see every day.
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
I don't know what kind of magic these retards are expecting. He got a genio; his lower third improved dramatically. The genio did its job.

Do people expect to go from this

View attachment 3070779

to this

View attachment 3070780

with one surgery?

These niggas will get a better return on their investment with LSD instead of surgery.
No point in getting surgery if it won't make you look like Josh McGregor tbh.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Diarrhoea, h111, SidharthTheSlayer and 2 others
He needs rhino, fix his droopy eyes, bimax or jaw fillers, skin whitening, etc
Lightening his skin wouldn’t do shit
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
kek you can't fool me with your words nigga, i live in an area full of pakis and somalis, i know what real life is really like while you are in somalia or wherever the fuck you live. @SecularIslamist u ever seen some fair-skinned aryan paki foid with some alien headed somali nigga? JFL lived here my entire life and NEVER seen it, paki foids don't even interact with black guys, nice cope though. Even bengali and indian (muslim) foids don't interact with black guys, especially somalis.

@Piratecel all paki girls ignore me. If I got IOIs in real life it's coz they thought I was paki. One I dropped the Bengali pill on them, it's like as if they look at me like as if I'm

Curry girls are the most moral and because of strong cultural ties are least likely to marry outside. You can say same about other ethnics but it's not as strong.

At least Arabs are willing to marry other Mid east people. Kurds) Turks can be in-group but half the population of secular so would slurp white cum at first sight.

So in conclusion yes curry girls only (usually forced to) fuck other curries. They are low SMV though despite this.
  • +1
Reactions: h111

@Piratecel all paki girls ignore me. If I got IOIs in real life it's coz they thought I was paki. One I dropped the Bengali pill on them, it's like as if they look at me like as if I'm

Curry girls are the most moral and because of strong cultural ties are least likely to marry outside. You can say same about other ethnics but it's not as strong.

At least Arabs are willing to marry other Mid east people. Kurds) Turks can be in-group but half the population of secular so would slurp white cum at first sight.

So in conclusion yes curry girls only (usually forced to) fuck other curries. They are low SMV though despite this.
That nigga is delusional, they won't even consider MTN fair-skinned bengali guy or other similar guys but this guy thinks they'll consider blacks, Just fucking LOL
Paki foids only like/want paki guys, Anything else is cope. btw secular probably mogs the entire country of somalia so there's that and he gets perma ignored by 99% of paki foids.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta, h111 and SecularIslamist
Brutal basepill
  • +1
Reactions: h111
That nigga is delusional, they won't even consider MTN fair-skinned bengali guy or other similar guys but this guy thinks they'll consider blacks, Just fucking LOL
Paki foids only like/want paki guys, Anything else is cope.
Any curry that does is definitely liberal and not in touch culturally with their own background, compared to the norm. Basically raised up in a westernised household and really cannot be classed as curries culturally.
  • +1
Reactions: h111 and JohnDoe
His maxilla and mandible were reccesed and nigga just goes and gets genio:lul::lul:
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta and h111
He needs rhino, fix his droopy eyes, bimax or jaw fillers, skin whitening, etc
Shouldve done djs, ccw rotation of maxilla, and then some final touches not fucking genio when your maxilla and mandible are reccesed lmao
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe

No point in getting surgery if it won't make you look like Josh McGregor tbh.

If you want to look like another man, get yourself an A4 paper and a printer


There, you are now McGregor and it only cost a dollar. Well maybe a months worth of wages in slavshit currency, but point still stands.

Slavshits need to worry less about surgery and more about food on the table sir, so not sure why EEcels (and 3rd worlders) bother here.
Shouldve done djs, ccw rotation of maxilla, and then some final touches not fucking genio when your maxilla and mandible are reccesed lmao
don't think anyone advised him or if someone did it was probably some reddit retard who doesn't know shit.
4284192 17227231437191

a bit eyebrow shaping
Droopy mouth ends lifting surgery
Beard + longer hair

What do you think guys?
  • +1
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: watah, spirili, CFW432 and 1 other person
Any curry that does is definitely liberal and not in touch culturally with their own background, compared to the norm. Basically raised up in a westernised household and really cannot be classed as curries culturally.
yes it's ethnicitymatch for most ethnics tbh, arabs are different since there's so amny different types of them
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Bimax nigga his maxillas reccesed, manidble too but he "fixed" it with genio
Greycel take sorry...

If the guy doesn't have sleep apnea or some shit, why in the hell would you go for double jaw surgery?

2 years of braces, super expensive surgery, months of recovery and he will look even worse then genioplasty alone

If you do not have medical problems or very visible failos, overbite or something like that, double jaw is nearly invisible in results
nah im actually shooting up the hospital if I come out looking the same
lol at this shitty ethnic
  • JFL
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Reactions: watah and Piratecel

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