DHTmaxxing guide


Deleted member 439

what would jordan do?
Oct 20, 2018
For @Rob Paul'sHeight who requested I post this. Wrote this a while back but refrained from posting as I dont agree anymore with the risk/reward of DHT especially as an almost oldcel and prone to balding. Eitherway its worth a read, especially if your still young

Androgenic effect on secondary male characteristics

  1. Sexual dimorphism and its role in attractiveness of men
Testosterone-dependent secondary sexual characteristics in malesmay signal immunological competence1 and are sexually selected for in several species Enhancing the sexual dimorphism of human faces should raise attractiveness by enhancing sex-hormone-related cues to dominance and immunocompetence in males

For Caucasian and Japanese male faces, increasing the masculinity of face shape across the three set members increased ranking of perceived dominance, masculinity and age but decreased ranking of perceived warmth, emotionality, honesty, cooperativeness and quality as a parent

“Testosterone affects a number of male facial features. In pubertal males, facilitated by a high testosterone-to-estrogen ratio, the cheekbones, mandibles and chin grow laterally, the bones of the eyebrow ridges and central face grow forward, and the lower facial bones lengthen. Large size of these male sexually dimorphic facial traits is hypothesized to be an honest signal of ability to engage in intrasexual confrontation, and they also contribute to men’s perceived facial dominance.


Feminine normal masculine
Low T normal T High T

High facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) has been associated with a cluster of behavioural traits in men, including aggression and status-striving. This association between face structure and behaviour may be caused by testosterone. In addition, face-width-to-lower-height ratio was positively associated with testosterone in both samples, suggesting that, in particular, facial width (scaled by two measures of facial height) is associated with testosterone.

Higher cheekbones and a wide (not necessarily squared) jaw are also positively associated with testosterone.

DHT deserves a special mention because it is a very active androgen and acts to induce masculine, aesthetic changes in facial features. However, sensitivity to DHT is an important issue, in the sense that DHT is more “active” after periods of rest or inaction.

2. Effect of Dihydrotestosterone

Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone that stimulates the development of male characteristics (an androgen). It is made through conversion of the more commonly known androgen, Testosterone. However you can also take DHT

Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair. Loss of scalp hair due to androgenic alopecia can also occur.
Greater mass of thigh muscles in front of the femur, rather than behind it as is typical in mature females
Growth of facial hair
Enlargement of larynx (Adam’s apple) and deepening of voice[3]
Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average
Heavier skull and bone structure
Increased muscle mass and strength
Larger hands, feet and nose than women, prepubescent boys, and girls
Larger bodies
Square face
Small waist, but wider than females
Broadening of shoulders and chest; shoulders wider than hips[4]
Increased secretions of oil and sweat glands, often causing acne and body odor[3]
Coarsening or rigidity of skin texture due to less subcutaneous fat
Higher waist-to-hip ratio than prepubescent or adult females or prepubescent males, on average
Lower bodyfat percentage than prepubescent or adult females or prepubescent males, on average
Enlargement (growth) of the penis (during puberty)

Studies/ Proof

Following baseline clinical and laboratory assessments all completed a 4-month course of daily DHT gel 2.5% (androstanolone) topically to penis (0.3 mg/kg body weight), with monitoring for adverse effects. Primary outcome was change in stretched penile length (SPL) following treatment


In the available literature, topical DHT appears to be safe when used for periods of 3–4 months at the doses noted above

Topical DHT treatment appears to be a safe and well tolerated alternative to high-dose IM testosterone for micropenis associated with PAIS. Our case series suggests that for pre- and peri-pubertal boys, this may be a very effective therapy,


Study #2

To investigate the efficacy of transdermal dihydrotestosterone therapy on 22 patients with microphallus, we applied dihydrotestosterone gel for 8 weeks to the external genitalia at daily doses of 12.5 mg. and 25 mg. for ages less than and older than 10 years, respectively


The mean increase rate (153%) in the first 4 weeks of treatment was higher than that (118%) of the second 4 weeks

Notice how even the 15year old was a good responder

Secondary sexual characteristics

Four months of DHT treatment (50 mg im every 2 wk) in adolescent boys with delayed puberty was associated with: 1) the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics commensurate with Tanner stage II of puberty; 2) body composition changes characterized by increased lean body mass and decreased percent body fat; 3) no change in IGF-I, mean nocturnal GH, and E2 concentrations; 4) no change in rates of lipolysis; 5) no change in rates of proteolysis; 6) decreased HDL level; and 7) no change in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.


Note that this dose is small compared to what i would take 50mg daily (id take 14x that dose)

after 4 months of DHT treatment, both weight and height increased (weight, 45.9 ± 3.7 vs. 49.6 ± 3.6 kg, P < 0.001; height, 149.9 ± 1.6 vs. 152.3 ± 1.5 cm, P < 0.001). Growth velocity increased from 4.4 ± 0.8 to 5.9 ± 0.9 cm/yr in five subjects in whom pretreatment growth velocity was available and to 7.1 ± 0.1 cm/yr (n = 10). Fat-free mass (FFM) increased significantly, and percentage body fat decreased

Study number 2

Significant changes in secondary sexual development were seen in both groups. Pubic hair increased from stage 1.1 + 0.1 to 2.0 f 0.5 in group A and from stage 1.2 + 0.2 to 2.2 f 0.3 in group B (P = NS). Testis size did not change appreciably in either group. Testis diameter before treatment was 5.5 + 1.1 in group A and 4.0 + 0.6 in group B (differences not significant by t test). These measurements were 5.8 f 2.2 and 4.7 f 0.8 after treatment, also not significantly different either between groups or as a result of treatment.
ted subjects grew at rates comparable to peak HV for normal pubertal boys (l), at least during the brief period of treatment. Since, in the T-treated subjects, ICGH increased at least 4-fold, and in the DHT-treated subjects, ICGH decreased almost 50%, an increase in GH secretion does not seem to be a necessary condition for androgen-stimulated growth.

For older subjects (keep in mind that in terms of androgenic, dht is stronger , Dihydrotestosterone has the ability to bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) more than three times higher than testosterone)

Keep in mind this used low dose of 250mg test/3 weeks


Masculinizing therapy for F→M transsexual people was simpler in comparison, with fewer variations between patients and providers.

More than half of the patients felt that the treatment raised general well-being and so had a positive effect sci-hub.tw/10.1111/j.1439-0272.1978.tb03037.x

Example of facial changes following testosterone therapy (all older than 17-18)





How to take / Dosage

Gel: Cost$$ 80dollars for 240day dosage

40% Isopropyl Alcohol (91% or better)
15% Isopropyl Myristate
15% Isopropyl Palmitate
10% Oleic Acid
10% Propylene Glycol
10% DMSO (99% Technical Grade or better recommended)
And add DHT gel amount needed

“It has not yet been determined whether local application of androgen is superior to the systemic route but theoretically a high concentration of androgen for penile tissue may be obtained at the site of local application.”
Note: the absorption rate for this is only 40% so multiply your dose by .4 to find how much is actually going in your body

Oral: proviron 50mg/day
Cost $ 1gram is 5.5$
Cycle had to be 10 weeks and has to include a PCT
Few communities that know their shit when it comes to roids : Brotherhoodofpain, steroidsources, fitmisc

Injection: Masteron 300mg/week

Creatine: loading 25g/day 1st week, after 5g/day


Serum dht levels increased by 56%

Side effects
Hair loss: I suggest you do peppermint + dermarolling (castor oil+nizoral+minoxidil if you are really scared), if you see any signs of balding add ru58841 (topical dht blocker)
Acne: isotretinoin 20mg/day (you can order this probably from the same website you order your DHT powder) and a fuckload of moisturizer
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Hair loss: I suggest you do peppermint + dermarolling, if you see any signs of balding add ru58841 (topical dht blocker)
for hair loss in this case I recommend peppermint + castor oil + nizoral + minoxidil + dermarolling

Wrote this a while back but if i had written now id say the same thing haha (changing it now)
I wish but...

41031BC1 4770 44AD A889 BA81E4BED9A4
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Reactions: Aero, Chadelite, Deleted member 5539 and 3 others
topical DHT blockers don't exist because your scalp (the place where you apply RU58841) does not produce a signficant amount of DHT.
DHT is actually produced in testicles and prostate, in fact RU58841 works by penetrating the blood vessels and by reaching testicles and prostate where DHT production occurs.
After taking topical RU58841 your systemic DHT levels gets reduced by 60%
How to die early while growing bitch tits stack tbh
  • JFL
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Reactions: Toth's thot, HeightOrDie and Deleted member 3583
legit thread thx dht is underrated for overall changes after 20
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and Deleted member 1973
If I use this while doing my rounds of mse and full time facepulling will I become Jason statham maxxed?
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Reactions: forwardgrowth
legit son. DHT is important, it's what grows your dick
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Reactions: Deleted member 1973
Are there any anecdotes of facial improvement from biological males using as adults? I’m intrigued
legit son. DHT is important, it's what grows your dick

Works as an adult?
  • +1
Reactions: ASR
Are there any anecdotes of facial improvement from biological males using as adults? I’m intrigued

Works as an adult?
lol no buddy boyo, prob in development
legit son. DHT is important, it's what grows your dick
only in puberty DHT is important.
After 20 years old the less DHT you have, the better it is
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad, AscendingHero, Chadelite and 4 others
lol no buddy boyo, prob in development
The whole point of showing FM->M changes is that there are facial changes after 18. Obviously this isnt exclusive only for people trying to change gender, its just there are alot of picture showing this dramatically.
The whole point of showing FM->M changes is that there are facial changes after 18. Obviously this isnt exclusive only for people trying to change gender, its just there are alot of picture showing this dramatically.
I think there's a study on DHT growing the clit glans in females JFL,
I think there's a study on DHT growing the clit glans in females JFL,
Well yeah same as roids but roids don’t give you a giant dick
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
The whole point of showing FM->M changes is that there are facial changes after 18. Obviously this isnt exclusive only for people trying to change gender, its just there are alot of picture showing this dramatically.
showing FMT transgenders is cherry picking: they don't only increase their DHT on the long term, but also Testosterone.
a man cannot inject testosterone like FTM do, because this kills the testicles
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Reactions: Chadelite and Deleted member 2227
High dht = low igf1

Keep it balanced
showing FMT transgenders is cherry picking: they don't only increase their DHT on the long term, but also Testosterone.
a man cannot inject testosterone like FTM do, because this kills the testicles

are you saying guys can inject T? even if it leads to suppression or producing test when endogenous source is removed (which can be countered with pct), Guys can easily inject T.

Either way, DHT is way more androgenic than testosterone so it shouldnt really make a big difference
are you saying guys can inject T? even if it leads to suppression or producing test when endogenous source is removed (which can be countered with pct), Guys can easily inject T.

Either way, DHT is way more androgenic than testosterone so it shouldnt really make a big difference
FMT go from having 10 ng/mol testosterone to a level of 500ng/mol this is why they change so much.
A man on steroids cannot change so much because he already have a masculine T level.
furthermore bodybuilders on steroids cannot take T forever, but can only take it in cycles
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite, Deleted member 2227 and Zeta ascended
FMT go from having 10 ng/mol testosterone to a level of 500ng/mol this is why they change so much.
A man on steroids cannot change so much because he already have a masculine T level.
furthermore bodybuilders on steroids cannot take T forever, but can only take it in cycles

Yeah I see your point. Thats part of the reason i dont reccommend DHT anymore tbh
If i was a low-t subhuman with nothing to loose id go for it, but since im already mid-high t and not a subhuman risks>rewards imo
anyone here successfully made their own? I would like to increase erect length but too high inhib to make one lol
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
how to know if you are sensitive to dht? I want to work with the nigga named dht but i dont want to lose my hair.
So... do you think I should get fin at 19 or should i get on minox now and start fin in a year or two?
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
Reposting for relevancy. DHT game is extremely legit.

Yes but only before about 17/18 I've heard.

I took some at 18 for a week and my size temporarily increased from 6.4" to 7.7" plus way more girth it was ridiculous, the condoms I normally used didn't fit me anymore I felt like a sex god my prolactin levels were zero. At one point my frame, wrists and clavicles were aching unbearably from the androgenic growth especially when I threw hexarelin + cjc-1295 into the mix. I had an incredible attraction to Rihanna for some reason I thought she was the best looking girl in the world.

Before I made it into a cream I had it in the powdered form and would actually just snort it. One day I snorted a bunch before track practice and the JBs on the team just swarmed around me very obviously like <1.5 feet away trying to smell me that's how powerful the pheromones were. The coach is (was) this 26yo 5/10 Jamaican woman and used me as an example for block starts and kept putting her hands on me lol just not even trying to hide it. After track this JB came up to me in private and flirted with me except it was beyond flirting it was just basically her asking me if I fucked a lot hahaha.

Later that evening I snorted even more and I remember being on the bus and my inhibition went so low I forgot what consequences were. I remember thinking if someone had given me a gun I might've shot somebody just for the fun of it. I had my arms stretched out sitting in the back of the bus and this Russian guy and his girl came and sat next to me, I basically had my arms stretched out around them and didn't give a fuck, he asked me if I could respect his personal space and I told him I was gay in response. 4 days in and I competed in my city's track meet where I long jumped 6.87m which at the time for my age was #2 in the country (some 7ft tall Nigerian cucked me.)

After probably 5 days of taking it my estrogen levels crashed to the point where I felt miserable and I couldn't do mathematics, so this stuff is really only a once a month type of deal unless you're running it with a test base.

So in conclusion DHT will make you black, thank you for listening to my ted talk.
  • JFL
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Reactions: teenmax, MogMax, SolarWind and 8 others
only in puberty DHT is important.
After 20 years old the less DHT you have, the better it is
hi im newly 17, hit puberty at 14

should i take DHT?
for hair loss in this case I recommend peppermint + castor oil + nizoral + minoxidil + dermarolling
what about topical fin or palmetto ?
Also castor oil just makes your hair strangled up, doesnt stop hairfall,u can use it to give an illusion of thicker hair
no point of nizoral if u are already using minox
only in puberty DHT is important.
After 20 years old the less DHT you have, the better it is
this is why it isn't recommended and allowed for under 18 to take fin
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for hair loss in this case I recommend peppermint + castor oil + nizoral + minoxidil + dermarolling
you dermaroll the balding spots with thin hair? and did your routine work?
topical DHT blockers don't exist because your scalp (the place where you apply RU58841) does not produce a signficant amount of DHT.
DHT is actually produced in testicles and prostate, in fact RU58841 works by penetrating the blood vessels and by reaching testicles and prostate where DHT production occurs.
After taking topical RU58841 your systemic DHT levels gets reduced by 60%.

if you aim to increase DHT level as this guide reaches, you should obviously avoid finasteride and RU58841
Any ways to stop balding.without lowering DHT?
For @Rob Paul'sHeight who requested I post this. Wrote this a while back but refrained from posting as I dont agree anymore with the risk/reward of DHT especially as an almost oldcel and prone to balding. Eitherway its worth a read, especially if your still young

Androgenic effect on secondary male characteristics

  1. Sexual dimorphism and its role in attractiveness of men
Testosterone-dependent secondary sexual characteristics in malesmay signal immunological competence1 and are sexually selected for in several species Enhancing the sexual dimorphism of human faces should raise attractiveness by enhancing sex-hormone-related cues to dominance and immunocompetence in males

For Caucasian and Japanese male faces, increasing the masculinity of face shape across the three set members increased ranking of perceived dominance, masculinity and age but decreased ranking of perceived warmth, emotionality, honesty, cooperativeness and quality as a parent

“Testosterone affects a number of male facial features. In pubertal males, facilitated by a high testosterone-to-estrogen ratio, the cheekbones, mandibles and chin grow laterally, the bones of the eyebrow ridges and central face grow forward, and the lower facial bones lengthen. Large size of these male sexually dimorphic facial traits is hypothesized to be an honest signal of ability to engage in intrasexual confrontation, and they also contribute to men’s perceived facial dominance.


Feminine normal masculine
Low T normal T High T

High facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) has been associated with a cluster of behavioural traits in men, including aggression and status-striving. This association between face structure and behaviour may be caused by testosterone. In addition, face-width-to-lower-height ratio was positively associated with testosterone in both samples, suggesting that, in particular, facial width (scaled by two measures of facial height) is associated with testosterone.

Higher cheekbones and a wide (not necessarily squared) jaw are also positively associated with testosterone.

DHT deserves a special mention because it is a very active androgen and acts to induce masculine, aesthetic changes in facial features. However, sensitivity to DHT is an important issue, in the sense that DHT is more “active” after periods of rest or inaction.

2. Effect of Dihydrotestosterone

Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone that stimulates the development of male characteristics (an androgen). It is made through conversion of the more commonly known androgen, Testosterone. However you can also take DHT

Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair. Loss of scalp hair due to androgenic alopecia can also occur.
Greater mass of thigh muscles in front of the femur, rather than behind it as is typical in mature females
Growth of facial hair
Enlargement of larynx (Adam’s apple) and deepening of voice[3]
Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average
Heavier skull and bone structure
Increased muscle mass and strength
Larger hands, feet and nose than women, prepubescent boys, and girls
Larger bodies
Square face
Small waist, but wider than females
Broadening of shoulders and chest; shoulders wider than hips[4]
Increased secretions of oil and sweat glands, often causing acne and body odor[3]
Coarsening or rigidity of skin texture due to less subcutaneous fat
Higher waist-to-hip ratio than prepubescent or adult females or prepubescent males, on average
Lower bodyfat percentage than prepubescent or adult females or prepubescent males, on average
Enlargement (growth) of the penis (during puberty)

Studies/ Proof

Following baseline clinical and laboratory assessments all completed a 4-month course of daily DHT gel 2.5% (androstanolone) topically to penis (0.3 mg/kg body weight), with monitoring for adverse effects. Primary outcome was change in stretched penile length (SPL) following treatment


In the available literature, topical DHT appears to be safe when used for periods of 3–4 months at the doses noted above

Topical DHT treatment appears to be a safe and well tolerated alternative to high-dose IM testosterone for micropenis associated with PAIS. Our case series suggests that for pre- and peri-pubertal boys, this may be a very effective therapy,


Study #2

To investigate the efficacy of transdermal dihydrotestosterone therapy on 22 patients with microphallus, we applied dihydrotestosterone gel for 8 weeks to the external genitalia at daily doses of 12.5 mg. and 25 mg. for ages less than and older than 10 years, respectively


The mean increase rate (153%) in the first 4 weeks of treatment was higher than that (118%) of the second 4 weeks

Notice how even the 15year old was a good responder

Secondary sexual characteristics

Four months of DHT treatment (50 mg im every 2 wk) in adolescent boys with delayed puberty was associated with: 1) the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics commensurate with Tanner stage II of puberty; 2) body composition changes characterized by increased lean body mass and decreased percent body fat; 3) no change in IGF-I, mean nocturnal GH, and E2 concentrations; 4) no change in rates of lipolysis; 5) no change in rates of proteolysis; 6) decreased HDL level; and 7) no change in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.


Note that this dose is small compared to what i would take 50mg daily (id take 14x that dose)

after 4 months of DHT treatment, both weight and height increased (weight, 45.9 ± 3.7 vs. 49.6 ± 3.6 kg, P < 0.001; height, 149.9 ± 1.6 vs. 152.3 ± 1.5 cm, P < 0.001). Growth velocity increased from 4.4 ± 0.8 to 5.9 ± 0.9 cm/yr in five subjects in whom pretreatment growth velocity was available and to 7.1 ± 0.1 cm/yr (n = 10). Fat-free mass (FFM) increased significantly, and percentage body fat decreased

Study number 2

Significant changes in secondary sexual development were seen in both groups. Pubic hair increased from stage 1.1 + 0.1 to 2.0 f 0.5 in group A and from stage 1.2 + 0.2 to 2.2 f 0.3 in group B (P = NS). Testis size did not change appreciably in either group. Testis diameter before treatment was 5.5 + 1.1 in group A and 4.0 + 0.6 in group B (differences not significant by t test). These measurements were 5.8 f 2.2 and 4.7 f 0.8 after treatment, also not significantly different either between groups or as a result of treatment.
ted subjects grew at rates comparable to peak HV for normal pubertal boys (l), at least during the brief period of treatment. Since, in the T-treated subjects, ICGH increased at least 4-fold, and in the DHT-treated subjects, ICGH decreased almost 50%, an increase in GH secretion does not seem to be a necessary condition for androgen-stimulated growth.

For older subjects (keep in mind that in terms of androgenic, dht is stronger , Dihydrotestosterone has the ability to bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) more than three times higher than testosterone)

Keep in mind this used low dose of 250mg test/3 weeks


Masculinizing therapy for F→M transsexual people was simpler in comparison, with fewer variations between patients and providers.

More than half of the patients felt that the treatment raised general well-being and so had a positive effect sci-hub.tw/10.1111/j.1439-0272.1978.tb03037.x

Example of facial changes following testosterone therapy (all older than 17-18)





How to take / Dosage

Gel: Cost$$ 80dollars for 240day dosage

40% Isopropyl Alcohol (91% or better)
15% Isopropyl Myristate
15% Isopropyl Palmitate
10% Oleic Acid
10% Propylene Glycol
10% DMSO (99% Technical Grade or better recommended)
And add DHT gel amount needed

“It has not yet been determined whether local application of androgen is superior to the systemic route but theoretically a high concentration of androgen for penile tissue may be obtained at the site of local application.”
Note: the absorption rate for this is only 40% so multiply your dose by .4 to find how much is actually going in your body

Oral: proviron 50mg/day
Cost $ 1gram is 5.5$
Cycle had to be 10 weeks and has to include a PCT
Few communities that know their shit when it comes to roids : Brotherhoodofpain, steroidsources, fitmisc

Injection: Masteron 300mg/week

Creatine: loading 25g/day 1st week, after 5g/day


Serum dht levels increased by 56%

Side effects
Hair loss: I suggest you do peppermint + dermarolling (castor oil+nizoral+minoxidil if you are really scared), if you see any signs of balding add ru58841 (topical dht blocker)
Acne: isotretinoin 20mg/day (you can order this probably from the same website you order your DHT powder) and a fuckload of moisturizer
After taking, how can I make sure my natural production remains the same?
[Cope] I'm high DHT
Screenshot 20191201 131745
Screenshot 20191201 131757
How to go bald 101
Reposting for relevancy. DHT game is extremely legit.

Yes but only before about 17/18 I've heard.

I took some at 18 for a week and my size temporarily increased from 6.4" to 7.7" plus way more girth it was ridiculous, the condoms I normally used didn't fit me anymore I felt like a sex god my prolactin levels were zero. At one point my frame, wrists and clavicles were aching unbearably from the androgenic growth especially when I threw hexarelin + cjc-1295 into the mix. I had an incredible attraction to Rihanna for some reason I thought she was the best looking girl in the world.

Before I made it into a cream I had it in the powdered form and would actually just snort it. One day I snorted a bunch before track practice and the JBs on the team just swarmed around me very obviously like <1.5 feet away trying to smell me that's how powerful the pheromones were. The coach is (was) this 26yo 5/10 Jamaican woman and used me as an example for block starts and kept putting her hands on me lol just not even trying to hide it. After track this JB came up to me in private and flirted with me except it was beyond flirting it was just basically her asking me if I fucked a lot hahaha.

Later that evening I snorted even more and I remember being on the bus and my inhibition went so low I forgot what consequences were. I remember thinking if someone had given me a gun I might've shot somebody just for the fun of it. I had my arms stretched out sitting in the back of the bus and this Russian guy and his girl came and sat next to me, I basically had my arms stretched out around them and didn't give a fuck, he asked me if I could respect his personal space and I told him I was gay in response. 4 days in and I competed in my city's track meet where I long jumped 6.87m which at the time for my age was #2 in the country (some 7ft tall Nigerian cucked me.)

After probably 5 days of taking it my estrogen levels crashed to the point where I felt miserable and I couldn't do mathematics, so this stuff is really only a once a month type of deal unless you're running it with a test base.

So in conclusion DHT will make you black, thank you for listening to my ted talk.
Is this your personal experience? Or it was someone else?
I was mixing up dht with dmt lol
Reposting for relevancy. DHT game is extremely legit.

Yes but only before about 17/18 I've heard.

I took some at 18 for a week and my size temporarily increased from 6.4" to 7.7" plus way more girth it was ridiculous, the condoms I normally used didn't fit me anymore I felt like a sex god my prolactin levels were zero. At one point my frame, wrists and clavicles were aching unbearably from the androgenic growth especially when I threw hexarelin + cjc-1295 into the mix. I had an incredible attraction to Rihanna for some reason I thought she was the best looking girl in the world.

Before I made it into a cream I had it in the powdered form and would actually just snort it. One day I snorted a bunch before track practice and the JBs on the team just swarmed around me very obviously like <1.5 feet away trying to smell me that's how powerful the pheromones were. The coach is (was) this 26yo 5/10 Jamaican woman and used me as an example for block starts and kept putting her hands on me lol just not even trying to hide it. After track this JB came up to me in private and flirted with me except it was beyond flirting it was just basically her asking me if I fucked a lot hahaha.

Later that evening I snorted even more and I remember being on the bus and my inhibition went so low I forgot what consequences were. I remember thinking if someone had given me a gun I might've shot somebody just for the fun of it. I had my arms stretched out sitting in the back of the bus and this Russian guy and his girl came and sat next to me, I basically had my arms stretched out around them and didn't give a fuck, he asked me if I could respect his personal space and I told him I was gay in response. 4 days in and I competed in my city's track meet where I long jumped 6.87m which at the time for my age was #2 in the country (some 7ft tall Nigerian cucked me.)

After probably 5 days of taking it my estrogen levels crashed to the point where I felt miserable and I couldn't do mathematics, so this stuff is really only a once a month type of deal unless you're running it with a test base.

So in conclusion DHT will make you black, thank you for listening to my ted talk.
Where did you buy? Do you still use it now?
So here is the deal. You think rubbing DHT gel like andractim on balls will increase DHT?

You are correct, it will.

But problem is - your body is self-regulating, so as soon as body sees that DHT is higher than average, it will self-regulate and shut down DHT production in balls.

So DHT gels aren't really that useful.

Source - experienced urologist consult.
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So here is the deal. You think rubbing DHT gel like andractim on balls will increase DHT?

You are correct, it will.

But problem is - your body is self-regulating, so as soon as body sees that DHT is higher than average, it will self-regulate and shut down DHT production in balls.

So DHT gels aren't really that useful.

Source - experienced urologist consult.
So it will suppress DHT forever?
is 15 a good age? I would totally do this except I'm worried about premature hair loss or an increased amount of hair loss down the line.
I would DHTmax in a heartbeat if it wasn't for my f***ing NW2
  • +1
Reactions: teenmax and Schizoidcel
For @Rob Paul'sHeight who requested I post this. Wrote this a while back but refrained from posting as I dont agree anymore with the risk/reward of DHT especially as an almost oldcel and prone to balding. Eitherway its worth a read, especially if your still young

Androgenic effect on secondary male characteristics

  1. Sexual dimorphism and its role in attractiveness of men
Testosterone-dependent secondary sexual characteristics in malesmay signal immunological competence1 and are sexually selected for in several species Enhancing the sexual dimorphism of human faces should raise attractiveness by enhancing sex-hormone-related cues to dominance and immunocompetence in males

For Caucasian and Japanese male faces, increasing the masculinity of face shape across the three set members increased ranking of perceived dominance, masculinity and age but decreased ranking of perceived warmth, emotionality, honesty, cooperativeness and quality as a parent

“Testosterone affects a number of male facial features. In pubertal males, facilitated by a high testosterone-to-estrogen ratio, the cheekbones, mandibles and chin grow laterally, the bones of the eyebrow ridges and central face grow forward, and the lower facial bones lengthen. Large size of these male sexually dimorphic facial traits is hypothesized to be an honest signal of ability to engage in intrasexual confrontation, and they also contribute to men’s perceived facial dominance.


Feminine normal masculine
Low T normal T High T

High facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) has been associated with a cluster of behavioural traits in men, including aggression and status-striving. This association between face structure and behaviour may be caused by testosterone. In addition, face-width-to-lower-height ratio was positively associated with testosterone in both samples, suggesting that, in particular, facial width (scaled by two measures of facial height) is associated with testosterone.

Higher cheekbones and a wide (not necessarily squared) jaw are also positively associated with testosterone.

DHT deserves a special mention because it is a very active androgen and acts to induce masculine, aesthetic changes in facial features. However, sensitivity to DHT is an important issue, in the sense that DHT is more “active” after periods of rest or inaction.

2. Effect of Dihydrotestosterone

Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone that stimulates the development of male characteristics (an androgen). It is made through conversion of the more commonly known androgen, Testosterone. However you can also take DHT

Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair. Loss of scalp hair due to androgenic alopecia can also occur.
Greater mass of thigh muscles in front of the femur, rather than behind it as is typical in mature females
Growth of facial hair
Enlargement of larynx (Adam’s apple) and deepening of voice[3]
Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average
Heavier skull and bone structure
Increased muscle mass and strength
Larger hands, feet and nose than women, prepubescent boys, and girls
Larger bodies
Square face
Small waist, but wider than females
Broadening of shoulders and chest; shoulders wider than hips[4]
Increased secretions of oil and sweat glands, often causing acne and body odor[3]
Coarsening or rigidity of skin texture due to less subcutaneous fat
Higher waist-to-hip ratio than prepubescent or adult females or prepubescent males, on average
Lower bodyfat percentage than prepubescent or adult females or prepubescent males, on average
Enlargement (growth) of the penis (during puberty)

Studies/ Proof

Following baseline clinical and laboratory assessments all completed a 4-month course of daily DHT gel 2.5% (androstanolone) topically to penis (0.3 mg/kg body weight), with monitoring for adverse effects. Primary outcome was change in stretched penile length (SPL) following treatment


In the available literature, topical DHT appears to be safe when used for periods of 3–4 months at the doses noted above

Topical DHT treatment appears to be a safe and well tolerated alternative to high-dose IM testosterone for micropenis associated with PAIS. Our case series suggests that for pre- and peri-pubertal boys, this may be a very effective therapy,


Study #2

To investigate the efficacy of transdermal dihydrotestosterone therapy on 22 patients with microphallus, we applied dihydrotestosterone gel for 8 weeks to the external genitalia at daily doses of 12.5 mg. and 25 mg. for ages less than and older than 10 years, respectively


The mean increase rate (153%) in the first 4 weeks of treatment was higher than that (118%) of the second 4 weeks

Notice how even the 15year old was a good responder

Secondary sexual characteristics

Four months of DHT treatment (50 mg im every 2 wk) in adolescent boys with delayed puberty was associated with: 1) the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics commensurate with Tanner stage II of puberty; 2) body composition changes characterized by increased lean body mass and decreased percent body fat; 3) no change in IGF-I, mean nocturnal GH, and E2 concentrations; 4) no change in rates of lipolysis; 5) no change in rates of proteolysis; 6) decreased HDL level; and 7) no change in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.


Note that this dose is small compared to what i would take 50mg daily (id take 14x that dose)

after 4 months of DHT treatment, both weight and height increased (weight, 45.9 ± 3.7 vs. 49.6 ± 3.6 kg, P < 0.001; height, 149.9 ± 1.6 vs. 152.3 ± 1.5 cm, P < 0.001). Growth velocity increased from 4.4 ± 0.8 to 5.9 ± 0.9 cm/yr in five subjects in whom pretreatment growth velocity was available and to 7.1 ± 0.1 cm/yr (n = 10). Fat-free mass (FFM) increased significantly, and percentage body fat decreased

Study number 2

Significant changes in secondary sexual development were seen in both groups. Pubic hair increased from stage 1.1 + 0.1 to 2.0 f 0.5 in group A and from stage 1.2 + 0.2 to 2.2 f 0.3 in group B (P = NS). Testis size did not change appreciably in either group. Testis diameter before treatment was 5.5 + 1.1 in group A and 4.0 + 0.6 in group B (differences not significant by t test). These measurements were 5.8 f 2.2 and 4.7 f 0.8 after treatment, also not significantly different either between groups or as a result of treatment.
ted subjects grew at rates comparable to peak HV for normal pubertal boys (l), at least during the brief period of treatment. Since, in the T-treated subjects, ICGH increased at least 4-fold, and in the DHT-treated subjects, ICGH decreased almost 50%, an increase in GH secretion does not seem to be a necessary condition for androgen-stimulated growth.

For older subjects (keep in mind that in terms of androgenic, dht is stronger , Dihydrotestosterone has the ability to bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) more than three times higher than testosterone)

Keep in mind this used low dose of 250mg test/3 weeks


Masculinizing therapy for F→M transsexual people was simpler in comparison, with fewer variations between patients and providers.

More than half of the patients felt that the treatment raised general well-being and so had a positive effect sci-hub.tw/10.1111/j.1439-0272.1978.tb03037.x

Example of facial changes following testosterone therapy (all older than 17-18)





How to take / Dosage

Gel: Cost$$ 80dollars for 240day dosage

40% Isopropyl Alcohol (91% or better)
15% Isopropyl Myristate
15% Isopropyl Palmitate
10% Oleic Acid
10% Propylene Glycol
10% DMSO (99% Technical Grade or better recommended)
And add DHT gel amount needed

“It has not yet been determined whether local application of androgen is superior to the systemic route but theoretically a high concentration of androgen for penile tissue may be obtained at the site of local application.”
Note: the absorption rate for this is only 40% so multiply your dose by .4 to find how much is actually going in your body

Oral: proviron 50mg/day
Cost $ 1gram is 5.5$
Cycle had to be 10 weeks and has to include a PCT
Few communities that know their shit when it comes to roids : Brotherhoodofpain, steroidsources, fitmisc

Injection: Masteron 300mg/week

Creatine: loading 25g/day 1st week, after 5g/day


Serum dht levels increased by 56%

Side effects
Hair loss: I suggest you do peppermint + dermarolling (castor oil+nizoral+minoxidil if you are really scared), if you see any signs of balding add ru58841 (topical dht blocker)
Acne: isotretinoin 20mg/day (you can order this probably from the same website you order your DHT powder) and a fuckload of moisturizer
Should we apply dht gel on dick only?
Also whats the safe st dosage 8mg or below?
This is all fun and games but where can I get real DHT?
  • +1
Reactions: Britishlooksmaxxer
Where can I get that
Its a prescription drug so u will need to get it from steroid sources
e.g. roidhead at your gym or online websites. go to eroids for steroid website reviews
  • +1
Reactions: Chad69
Its a prescription drug so u will need to get it from steroid sources
e.g. roidhead at your gym or online websites. go to eroids for steroid website reviews
Can it shutdown my natural T production?
Can I use this while heightmaxing?
Can it shutdown my natural T production?
Can I use this while heightmaxing?
Heightmaxxing with it is fine, Im pretty sure you dont get dht shutdown as long as your body continues producting T
  • +1
Reactions: Chad69
For @Rob Paul'sHeight who requested I post this. Wrote this a while back but refrained from posting as I dont agree anymore with the risk/reward of DHT especially as an almost oldcel and prone to balding. Eitherway its worth a read, especially if your still young

Androgenic effect on secondary male characteristics

  1. Sexual dimorphism and its role in attractiveness of men
Testosterone-dependent secondary sexual characteristics in malesmay signal immunological competence1 and are sexually selected for in several species Enhancing the sexual dimorphism of human faces should raise attractiveness by enhancing sex-hormone-related cues to dominance and immunocompetence in males

For Caucasian and Japanese male faces, increasing the masculinity of face shape across the three set members increased ranking of perceived dominance, masculinity and age but decreased ranking of perceived warmth, emotionality, honesty, cooperativeness and quality as a parent

“Testosterone affects a number of male facial features. In pubertal males, facilitated by a high testosterone-to-estrogen ratio, the cheekbones, mandibles and chin grow laterally, the bones of the eyebrow ridges and central face grow forward, and the lower facial bones lengthen. Large size of these male sexually dimorphic facial traits is hypothesized to be an honest signal of ability to engage in intrasexual confrontation, and they also contribute to men’s perceived facial dominance.


Feminine normal masculine
Low T normal T High T

High facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) has been associated with a cluster of behavioural traits in men, including aggression and status-striving. This association between face structure and behaviour may be caused by testosterone. In addition, face-width-to-lower-height ratio was positively associated with testosterone in both samples, suggesting that, in particular, facial width (scaled by two measures of facial height) is associated with testosterone.

Higher cheekbones and a wide (not necessarily squared) jaw are also positively associated with testosterone.

DHT deserves a special mention because it is a very active androgen and acts to induce masculine, aesthetic changes in facial features. However, sensitivity to DHT is an important issue, in the sense that DHT is more “active” after periods of rest or inaction.

2. Effect of Dihydrotestosterone

Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone that stimulates the development of male characteristics (an androgen). It is made through conversion of the more commonly known androgen, Testosterone. However you can also take DHT

Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair. Loss of scalp hair due to androgenic alopecia can also occur.
Greater mass of thigh muscles in front of the femur, rather than behind it as is typical in mature females
Growth of facial hair
Enlargement of larynx (Adam’s apple) and deepening of voice[3]
Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average
Heavier skull and bone structure
Increased muscle mass and strength
Larger hands, feet and nose than women, prepubescent boys, and girls
Larger bodies
Square face
Small waist, but wider than females
Broadening of shoulders and chest; shoulders wider than hips[4]
Increased secretions of oil and sweat glands, often causing acne and body odor[3]
Coarsening or rigidity of skin texture due to less subcutaneous fat
Higher waist-to-hip ratio than prepubescent or adult females or prepubescent males, on average
Lower bodyfat percentage than prepubescent or adult females or prepubescent males, on average
Enlargement (growth) of the penis (during puberty)

Studies/ Proof

Following baseline clinical and laboratory assessments all completed a 4-month course of daily DHT gel 2.5% (androstanolone) topically to penis (0.3 mg/kg body weight), with monitoring for adverse effects. Primary outcome was change in stretched penile length (SPL) following treatment


In the available literature, topical DHT appears to be safe when used for periods of 3–4 months at the doses noted above

Topical DHT treatment appears to be a safe and well tolerated alternative to high-dose IM testosterone for micropenis associated with PAIS. Our case series suggests that for pre- and peri-pubertal boys, this may be a very effective therapy,


Study #2

To investigate the efficacy of transdermal dihydrotestosterone therapy on 22 patients with microphallus, we applied dihydrotestosterone gel for 8 weeks to the external genitalia at daily doses of 12.5 mg. and 25 mg. for ages less than and older than 10 years, respectively


The mean increase rate (153%) in the first 4 weeks of treatment was higher than that (118%) of the second 4 weeks

Notice how even the 15year old was a good responder

Secondary sexual characteristics

Four months of DHT treatment (50 mg im every 2 wk) in adolescent boys with delayed puberty was associated with: 1) the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics commensurate with Tanner stage II of puberty; 2) body composition changes characterized by increased lean body mass and decreased percent body fat; 3) no change in IGF-I, mean nocturnal GH, and E2 concentrations; 4) no change in rates of lipolysis; 5) no change in rates of proteolysis; 6) decreased HDL level; and 7) no change in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.


Note that this dose is small compared to what i would take 50mg daily (id take 14x that dose)

after 4 months of DHT treatment, both weight and height increased (weight, 45.9 ± 3.7 vs. 49.6 ± 3.6 kg, P < 0.001; height, 149.9 ± 1.6 vs. 152.3 ± 1.5 cm, P < 0.001). Growth velocity increased from 4.4 ± 0.8 to 5.9 ± 0.9 cm/yr in five subjects in whom pretreatment growth velocity was available and to 7.1 ± 0.1 cm/yr (n = 10). Fat-free mass (FFM) increased significantly, and percentage body fat decreased

Study number 2

Significant changes in secondary sexual development were seen in both groups. Pubic hair increased from stage 1.1 + 0.1 to 2.0 f 0.5 in group A and from stage 1.2 + 0.2 to 2.2 f 0.3 in group B (P = NS). Testis size did not change appreciably in either group. Testis diameter before treatment was 5.5 + 1.1 in group A and 4.0 + 0.6 in group B (differences not significant by t test). These measurements were 5.8 f 2.2 and 4.7 f 0.8 after treatment, also not significantly different either between groups or as a result of treatment.
ted subjects grew at rates comparable to peak HV for normal pubertal boys (l), at least during the brief period of treatment. Since, in the T-treated subjects, ICGH increased at least 4-fold, and in the DHT-treated subjects, ICGH decreased almost 50%, an increase in GH secretion does not seem to be a necessary condition for androgen-stimulated growth.

For older subjects (keep in mind that in terms of androgenic, dht is stronger , Dihydrotestosterone has the ability to bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) more than three times higher than testosterone)

Keep in mind this used low dose of 250mg test/3 weeks


Masculinizing therapy for F→M transsexual people was simpler in comparison, with fewer variations between patients and providers.

More than half of the patients felt that the treatment raised general well-being and so had a positive effect sci-hub.tw/10.1111/j.1439-0272.1978.tb03037.x

Example of facial changes following testosterone therapy (all older than 17-18)





How to take / Dosage

Gel: Cost$$ 80dollars for 240day dosage

40% Isopropyl Alcohol (91% or better)
15% Isopropyl Myristate
15% Isopropyl Palmitate
10% Oleic Acid
10% Propylene Glycol
10% DMSO (99% Technical Grade or better recommended)
And add DHT gel amount needed

“It has not yet been determined whether local application of androgen is superior to the systemic route but theoretically a high concentration of androgen for penile tissue may be obtained at the site of local application.”
Note: the absorption rate for this is only 40% so multiply your dose by .4 to find how much is actually going in your body

Oral: proviron 50mg/day
Cost $ 1gram is 5.5$
Cycle had to be 10 weeks and has to include a PCT
Few communities that know their shit when it comes to roids : Brotherhoodofpain, steroidsources, fitmisc

Injection: Masteron 300mg/week

Creatine: loading 25g/day 1st week, after 5g/day


Serum dht levels increased by 56%

Side effects
Hair loss: I suggest you do peppermint + dermarolling (castor oil+nizoral+minoxidil if you are really scared), if you see any signs of balding add ru58841 (topical dht blocker)
Acne: isotretinoin 20mg/day (you can order this probably from the same website you order your DHT powder) and a fuckload of moisturizer
Studies have shown that isotretnoin significantly reduces igf1 levels
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
frick im gonna do this boys - if dht makes transgenders voice deeper it will make mine deeper too since im still a late pubertycel

side effects? muh idc about that dht + hgh = life

how im gonna pull this off is a question
frick im gonna do this boys - if dht makes transgenders voice deeper it will make mine deeper too since im still a late pubertycel

side effects? muh idc about that dht + hgh = life

how im gonna pull this off is a question
hgh can increase risk of cancer and dht can accelerate ur hairloss permanently
hgh can increase risk of cancer and dht can accelerate ur hairloss permanently
no you see

im in puberty so DHT is working now anyways, hairline maturing etc, i will have a routine in check to not go bald im still nw0

everything increases cancer risk literally breathing air increases lung cancer risk it's just buzz words to scare you and not make you do things like take TRT

they give DHT to transgenders but for me it's bad?

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