Did I handle this situation regarding my sister very well? I called her this afternoon; a guy she was dating ghosted her. She has an exam on Friday.

Would you have responded to my sister the same way as I did if you were me?

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Francine is a Jewish monkey
Jun 11, 2021
TLDR; my sister (chubby MTB) blew up my phone while I was in the ward this afternoon with text messages referencing a guy she was seeing, exams and being blocked. After coming home, eating a small snack and calling her, I learned that she was seeing an upper-middle-class white rugby lad at uni for three weeks, went out to the bar a couple of times and after three dates, had PiV sex with him. The day after, she texted him and she found out that he blocked her on all platforms she had him on. She didn't take kindly to it at all.

See this thread for more details and my response over the phone to her. Did I tell her the right thing or not? What would you have done in this situation if you found out your sister was treated this way?

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@Britmaxxer @Br0sk1 @Chadethnic101 @FailedNormieManlet @Vermilioncore @currylightskin @Chadeep @Predeterminism @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Erik-Jón
If my sister told me this she wouldn’t be my sister anymore

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@currylightskin where did I go wrong with my advice towards her?
Next poll: Are you (@Xangsane) a foid?
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Are you a foid?
No, I'm not. If I were, I'd have a 300 lay count. All due to infinite SMV :lul::lul::lul:
I'm wondering if what I told her over the phone was the right thing or not, because she expressed her worries that our dad would kick her out if she was caught sleeping around at university. I'm her older brother who lives with my parents, she's on campus.
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thats her fault tbh you dont need to comfort her
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, GetShrekt and Xangsane
Did I tell her the right thing over the phone or not?
Dude you are one of my favorite users but why do u criticize and rage at Muslims here sleeping around when your own sister is doing exactly that and u don’t say shit to her and talk about it like it’s normal
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Reactions: metagross, ballskin, phudaaaa and 3 others
@currylightskin where did I go wrong with my advice towards her?
you shouldnt be this soft to her brother . dont let her repeat your moms mistake
  • +1
Reactions: Chadethnic101 and Xangsane
Dude you are one of my favorite users but why do u criticize and rage at Muslims here sleeping around when your own sister is doing exactly that and u don’t say shit to her and talk about it like it’s normal
Thank you. I do critique them because the foids they want to settle down with are usually top 1% foids, virgin, religious brown women, who are gonna be extremely picky with their spouses regarding every standard, especially among the brown community where words and rumours spread like water.

I like to give advice to those who need it to get what they want.
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you shouldnt be this soft to her brother . dont let her repeat your moms mistake
I mean, she needed this especially when she has an exam coming up. That's what family is for.
I mean, she needed this especially when she has an exam coming up. That's what family is for.
ok but you need to correct her later
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So becky got pumped and dumped..surprise surprise
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So becky got pumped and dumped..surprise surprise
Did I tell her the right thing over the phone or could I have been more tactful/stern with her?

I spoke to her for an hour this afternoon.
What's the guy's rating?
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What's the guy's rating?
She didn't send me a photo of him. All she told me was that he was a rugby lad who was tall with dark hair, white and "very muscular".
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She didn't send me a photo of him. All she told me was that he was a rugby lad who was tall with dark hair, white and "very muscular".
So it's a case of literally this :lul:

She should know better than to expect Chad to commit, lesson learned.
  • +1
Reactions: metagross and Xangsane
So it's a case of literally this :lul:

She should know better than to expect Chad to commit, lesson learned.

To add, I also told her to forget about men and focus on making friends and getting a good finishing grade at uni as well as all this:

Alright, so I had a talk with her over the phone for a good hour. I had to make sure I took the call in a quiet room away from the living room downstairs while mum and dad were watching TV.

From her voice, I could tell she was upset and hurt. She told me that she has an exam on Friday morning that counts for 50% of her module grade; this module carries a lot of weight in her year grading, and told me she skipped revision lectures today because she was so upset. She told me she hasn't been revising for almost two weeks because of the guy she had been seeing.

I asked her to give her details of the guy she was seeing, and when they first started seeing each other and the time of last contact.

She told me she first started seeing the guy about three weeks ago, and met off Bumble. The guy was a year older than her, white, dark hair, and an upper-middle-class rugby type with a "posh accent". She said he treated her very well and she thought that there could be something there if she kept this up - they went on a couple of dates (all in the evening, at a bar). After three dates, he invited her over to his house, they had PiV sex and she told me that he immediately shooed her out after they did the deed. He only did rough doggy with her and that was it.
She said the following day she texted him "how was he doing" only to get an automated message that the text couldn't go through, and learned that he blocked her (even across social media), and wondered what she did to upset him as she said everything went so well.

I told her that this is a common manipulation tactic that men do to get women into bed with them, and that she should know better than to fall into that trap. I went onto tell her that rugby lads have a reputation for being fuckboys and are very non-committal, especially white ones, all the way up into their 30s, so she shouldn't expect anything from them. She rebutted to me saying that she thought he was cute and gentlemanly, and not like other boys who play rugby but I told her they would all be like that because they have an array of options to play about it. I reassured her that she should think before jumping into bed with men like this and that rugby boys aren't everything in the world - there are much better, classier men that would treat her just right waiting for her around the corner if she pulls her weight together and not gives in like she did this time.

Comforting and soothing her, I also told her that rugby boys drink a lot and will definitely get fat after they stop going to the gym but she told me "all white boys drink anyway and you can't stop them"

Just to make her feel better, I told her a hypothetical story in which she gives herself a makeover by buying expensive clothes, does her hair nicely and feeds herself well, has her education in place, is mannerly and gets to meet her high-class Prince at a networking event after uni. I told her things will be okay if she focuses on where she went wrong and what she could do to protect herself and stop putting rugby lads/these sorts of top tier white men on a pedestal.

How did I fare talking to her?
yes, you did good(y)

But imo you should slut shame her more for her not to become confortable becoming promiscuous. That’s what i plan to do if i ever have a daughter
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Tell her not to be a self hater
I told her to stop putting white men on a pedestal.

yes, you did good(y)

But imo you should slut shame her more for her not to become confortable becoming promiscuous. That’s what i plan to do if i ever have a daughter
Thank you. I didn't want to cause any disharmony with her so I allowed her to vent out and gave her some advice that would benefit her while not causing disharmony.
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tell her chads will never settle for her, but she shouldn't settle for betabux orbiter cucks either. become a hooker and find true love
yes, you did good(y)

But imo you should slut shame her more for her not to become confortable becoming promiscuous. That’s what i plan to do if i ever have a daughter
That's the best way to turn your daughter into a turboslut :ROFLMAO:
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Reactions: Manu le coq
bro sorry but your sister must be low iq af, you even told her a few weeks ago that she doesn't have a chance with above normie guys and she still chose to chase chad and get fucked by him :lul::lul:

if my sister told me she fucked a white chad I'd react different
That's the best way to turn your daughter into a turboslut :ROFLMAO:
Cope women becoming whores at adult is due to 2 things
1) education, being surounded with hoes and a society accepting you being one. And no social ostracism for such behaviour

2) bad relationship with/absent father

if your relationship with your daughter is healthy and loving, and you explain to her how men work, and why it would be deceiving for you for her to become a slut , the chances for her to become one are very low. Atleast 10x lower than the average white woman
I think you did well talking to her about this.

But still, holy fuck at her literally not heeding any of your warnings and getting pumped and dumped.
  • +1
Reactions: ballskin, Xangsane and bogii
you haven’t really given much detail, but dropping blackpill truths on your sister whilst she is an emotional state wouldn’t help anything. wait a few days when she’s calmed down before telling her off.

also you have a really close relationship with your sister. it seems a little odd to me.
you haven’t really given much detail, but dropping blackpill truths on your sister whilst she is an emotional state wouldn’t help anything. wait a few days when she’s calmed down before telling her off.

also you have a really close relationship with your sister. it seems a little odd to me.
I would not want to drop some blackpill truths on her on this occasion.

Oh, in our household, mum, dad and my sister always tell each other everything that's on our minds and we're always there for each other.
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You don't have to be harsh, but after she calms down, you have to explain to her that "Prince Charming" will never come.
No Alex, no Colin, Earl only, Final Destination.
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You don't have to be harsh, but after she calms down, you have to explain to her that "Prince Charming" will never come.
No Alex, no Colin, Earl only, Final Destination.
Alex, Colin, Earl, are you referring to those facial composites I made earlier in the year? With Earl being the soyboy? :lul::lul:
Alex, Colin, Earl, are you referring to those facial composites I made earlier in the year? With Earl being the soyboy? :lul::lul:
Yeah that was a good thread. We all got mogged by a granny fucker.
But in all seriousness, obviously you shouldn't snitch, but maybe you should suggest confessing to your parents to her. Because I don't think they would kick her out, I think they just said it to scare her away from bad things because they care about her. And you sister must feel that her parents care about her, so it would be hard for her to always keep a secret from them. I think it might be easier for her to confess so it won't be weighting down on her.
  • +1
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Yeah that was a good thread. We all got mogged by a granny fucker.
But in all seriousness, obviously you shouldn't snitch, but maybe you should suggest confessing to your parents to her. Because I don't think they would kick her out, I think they just said it to scare her away from bad things because they care about her. And you sister must feel that her parents care about her, so it would be hard for her to always keep a secret from them. I think it might be easier for her to confess so it won't be weighting down on her.
All noted. I know they want to protect her but I'm wondering if my dad would really get angry at my sister and threaten to kick her out or if it is all gaslighting.

What do you rate Alex, Colin and Earl? :lul:
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What do you rate Alex, Colin and Earl? :lul:
Alex is a Chadlite, Colin HTN, Earl LTN.
Alex can have casual sex with gl girls.:feelsyay:
Colin can have ltr with gl girls and casual with ugly ones.:feelsokman:
Earl is about as bad as you can go to have an ltr with an ugly woman.:feelsrope:
But he's a fatcel, so who knows. Maybe he can ascend by leaning out and softmaxxing.:bigbrain:
  • JFL
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Alex is a Chadlite, Colin HTN, Earl LTN.
Alex can have casual sex with gl girls.:feelsyay:
Colin can have ltr with gl girls and casual with ugly ones.:feelsokman:
Earl is about as bad as you can go to have an ltr with an ugly woman.:feelsrope:
But he's a fatcel, so who knows. Maybe he can ascend by leaning out and softmaxxing.:bigbrain:
What about Bonnie, Danielle, Gonzalo?
Who would Alex ltr?
I've seen Earl type niggas in LTRs with white HTBs :lul:
get cucked nigger
your sister will be the neighborhood cumsocket
gg no re
What about Bonnie, Danielle, Gonzalo?
Who would Alex ltr?
I've seen Earl type niggas in LTRs with white HTBs :lul:
Gonzalo is a solid Chadlite. I don't agree with people underrating him as a normie. I'm surprised that he doesn't do better in your experiments. I kind of want to fish with him in my area one day.
Bonnie without makeup is grim. But I do believe her perseverance can land her a normie. She won't settle down for Earl since she's to stubborn in her Chad chasing and will try to lock Colin down.
Danielle I think would experience something similar to your sister, get frustrated and eventually settle down on a guy that would treat her well (Earl). So even been though she is better looking I think she has a higher chance of getting together with Earl than Bonnie.
I feel bad for Earl, taking about an average guy like he's some sort of a lepper. :rage:
Alex will stay true to his fuckboy nature and sleep around while leeching off of his sugar mamma until he's an oldcel. Then he'll settle down with a younger version of Bonnie - so again, I believe Bonnie is a dark horse.
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Gonzalo is a solid Chadlite. I don't agree with people underrating him as a normie. I'm surprised that he doesn't do better in your experiments. I kind of want to fish with him in my area one day.
Bonnie without makeup is grim. But I do believe her perseverance can land her a normie. She won't settle down for Earl since she's to stubborn in her Chad chasing and will try to lock Colin down.
Danielle I think would experience something similar to your sister, get frustrated and eventually settle down on a guy that would treat her well (Earl). So even been though she is better looking I think she has a higher chance of getting together with Earl than Bonnie.
I feel bad for Earl, taking about an average guy like he's some sort of a lepper. :rage:
Alex will stay true to his fuckboy nature and sleep around while leeching off of his sugar mamma until he's an oldcel. Then he'll settle down with a younger version of Bonnie - so again, I believe Bonnie is a dark horse.
What do you rate Bonnie and Danielle?
Would it surprise you that IRL, Gonzalo married a MTB? (He was 25 when he got married, even went to uni :lul:)
I don't think it's a good idea to fish with gonzalo anymore since he's now married. But a lot of the girls he matched with were below mtb :lul:
Would Bonnie succeed in trying to lock Colin down?
  • Hmm...
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What do you rate Bonnie and Danielle?
Would it surprise you that IRL, Gonzalo married a MTB? (He was 25 when he got married, even went to uni :lul:)
Would Bonnie succeed in trying to lock Colin down?
Bonnie without makeup - LTB. With makeup - Beckie. Danielle is HTB. But it's hard to rate women since I'm too preoccupied with beautiful men.
Gonzalo's, or rather, Tom's marriage doesn't surprise me that much. If he was ready to get married and she was his girlfriend, what would he do, go out of his way to find a looksmatch? Is it really worth it when he already has a person he's comfortable with?
Bonnie might succeed because she's gonna play the numbers game and possibly find her Tom. She just needs to not waste time on guys completely above her league (Alex) and focus on guys that's a merely a tier above her looksmatch (Colin).
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Bonnie without makeup - LTB. With makeup - Beckie. Danielle is HTB. But it's hard to rate women since I'm too preoccupied with beautiful men.
Gonzalo's, or rather, Tom's marriage doesn't surprise me that much. If he was ready to get married and she was his girlfriend, what would he do, go out of his way to find a looksmatch? Is it really worth it when he already has a person he's comfortable with?
Bonnie might succeed because she's gonna play the numbers game and possibly find her Tom. She just needs to not waste time on guys completely above her league (Alex) and focus on guys that's a merely a tier above her looksmatch (Colin).
I wonder why you think a foid like Danielle would settle with Earl and not her looksmatch (Colin)?

Also bear in mind that Tom is a jew. They (and Muslims) tend to get married younger than the average white brit even if uni educated.

If Bonnie had a personality transplant she might find her chadlite tbh
I wonder why you think a foid like Danielle would settle with Earl and not her looksmatch (Colin)?
It's just where my imagination took me. She might as well find a better match if things go well. But your sister situation made me think she might get hurt instead.

If Bonnie had a personality transplant she might find her chadlite tbh
I find Bonnie strangely endearing in her relentless pursuit of Chad. She's a good character.
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Reactions: Xangsane
TLDR; my sister (chubby MTB) blew up my phone while I was in the ward this afternoon with text messages referencing a guy she was seeing, exams and being blocked. After coming home, eating a small snack and calling her, I learned that she was seeing an upper-middle-class white rugby lad at uni for three weeks, went out to the bar a couple of times and after three dates, had PiV sex with him. The day after, she texted him and she found out that he blocked her on all platforms she had him on. She didn't take kindly to it at all.

See this thread for more details and my response over the phone to her. Did I tell her the right thing or not? What would you have done in this situation if you found out your sister was treated this way?

Chad did her rightly. I’d pity her because it’s your sister but I have 0 sympathy for foids
It's just where my imagination took me. She might as well find a better match if things go well. But your sister situation made me think she might get hurt instead.

I find Bonnie strangely endearing in her relentless pursuit of Chad. She's a good character.
I want to write a story about Alex, Bonnie, Colin, Earl and Danielle :lul:

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