Do ethnics think that they are invading the west and getting revenge?

Doesn't the Pakistani population have the highest rates of incest in the world?
Roughly 70% of all Pakis in Pakistan are inbred.
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I think they were just immigrating and heard someone say the "invasion" thing and all that then thought it sounded powerful so they started pretending like it's their master plan lol.
Again, you justify whites fucking other people over by muh its war. So therefore ethnics hating you is totally justified and part of an ongoing war. I don't get what is so hard to understand. You're here bitching about it go handle the ethnics yourself since you're so superior instead of crying on an internet forum. Also you're probably ethnic yourself

I was talking about Blacks in White neighborhoods dumbass. Keep up. Dear God you must be ethnic with how stupid you are
... seriously? I've never heard of a war that one side would let the enemy inside their walls except for the the story of Troy...

If they really hate us why do they love our countries? huh?

>Also you're probably ethnic yourself
>Dear God you must be ethnic with how stupid you are
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Your turn buddy.
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"only the very poor immigrate and when they do they always fix themselves and have a great life"
Yeah, If they manage to get off the boats alive without the men raping them to death.
Immigrants tend to commit less crime than native born. Attract in the US.
So why not defend and build their own countries to have a better life?
Hey, If I wanted a better life I could move into the backyard of a millionaires mansion and say that it's a human right that I enjoy his luxury too since it's me having a "better life".
way easier said than done. Hardly anyone today has built their own countries, unless you’re in a position of power. The average person today is a wage cuck whose extent of building their country is working a 9-5, paying their taxes, etc. plus the US literally encourages immigration. They work for way cheaper, and jobs natives don’t want to work. The comparison isn’t at all the same
Immigrants tend to commit less crime than native born. Attract in the US.

way easier said than done. Hardly anyone today has built their own countries, unless you’re in a position of power. The average person today is a wage cuck whose extent of building their country is working a 9-5, paying their taxes, etc. plus the US literally encourages immigration. They work for way cheaper, and jobs natives don’t want to work. The comparison isn’t at all the same
>completely ignores rape statistics from increase immigrants
>argues its easier to just move to a better country than build up your own

very good job saar.
Now legally speaking, if illegal men show up on the shores of my nation claiming they are here for "revenge" and that they are "taking over", Am I allowed to take that as a serious act of war on my country and kill them?
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the immigrants will destroy the jew and the world will be a happy place.
Immigrants tend to commit less crime than native born. Attract in the US.

way easier said than done. Hardly anyone today has built their own countries, unless you’re in a position of power. The average person today is a wage cuck whose extent of building their country is working a 9-5, paying their taxes, etc. plus the US literally encourages immigration. They work for way cheaper, and jobs natives don’t want to work. The comparison isn’t at all the same

Thank immigrants for putting white countries on the top 10 most rapes per capita list.
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Chinese are more often than not, bugs. They rarely invent, But instead copy.
Korean & Japanese, especially Japanese have beautiful culture and history from what I recall.

My knowledge on these countries and the people in them however, is very limited.
Through my experience with 2nd+ generation East Asians they are great people, Though a little perverse or strange in some way.

Koreans are actually more bugs and copycats than Chinese are. They did not even have their own written language until the 1400.
All their culture is copied from China and Japan. Koreans are robots
White people are really going to let Muslims take over their countries because they don't want to be mean. Crusaders literally used to recapture stolen land from the Muslims while killing every person they saw including women and children (I only have knowledge from the movie Kingdom of Heaven), Christians these days are so brainwashed.
White people are really going to let Muslims take over their countries because they don't want to be mean. Crusaders literally used to recapture stolen land from the Muslims while killing every person they saw including women and children (I only have knowledge from the movie Kingdom of Heaven), Christians these days are so brainwashed.
I have no problem with Islam, I think it is the best and most correct religion for a people to have.
Main qimg 804e716dced095f4bc270004ce0fb765 pjlq

Historically speaking, the crusades were not very successful.
I just hate the fact that there are so many cowards fleeing the middle east and not fighting along with the Muslims and conquer Israel.
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At least they died fighting for what they believed in whether it was effective or not. Nowadays, those who are fiercely opposed to immigration—so much so that they’re willing to fight and die for it—seem to be waiting for a trigger, a nudge that could set off a domino effect leading to civil war. That nudge will likely come in our lifetime, and when it does, it will escalate into a race war.
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At least they died fighting for what they believed in whether it was effective or not. Nowadays, those who are fiercely opposed to immigration—so much so that they’re willing to fight and die for it—seem to be waiting for a trigger, a nudge that could set off a domino effect leading to civil war. That nudge will likely come in our lifetime, and when it does, it will escalate into a race war.
What are you waiting for then? Stop being a pussy and do something
I will, once the nudge occurs, I am not HIM.


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we genuinly dont care man , your not the center of everything broskie there is no secret organization to get rid of your race man Lmao
yes, some of them are so retarded they don't understand if they replace the white population, the country just becomes another third world shithole, which it already is in the process of becoming.

immigrants in the globalized era are the biggest pieces of cowardly shit in existence, instead of trying to make their country better and "more like the west" if you will, they just dick tuck and run away so they can bring their shitty genetics over here, breed like cockroaches, and turn toronto, paris, london, los ageless, etc into open sewers.
singapore? uae? white people dont build shit they are lazy broskie , they got shit ton of recources exploited and used them to get rich
BROSKIE im literally palestinian, the village of my family quite literally doesnt exist anymore it got replaced by some jewish city , and my entire ethnicity as an existence is denied to this day, you dont know what replacement is you make jokes about "londonistan" but in reality if you were to get replaced london would not exist anymore, thats real ethnic cleansing wich the israelis did to palestinians , not just some brown people you see in a train station just chilling lmao
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BROSKIE im literally palestinian, the village of my family quite literally doesnt exist anymore it got replaced by some jewish city , and my entire ethnicity as an existence is denied to this day, you dont know what replacement is you make jokes about "londonistan" but in reality if you were to get replaced london would not exist anymore, thats real ethnic cleansing wich the israelis did to palestinians , not just some brown people you see in a train station just chilling lmao
I've never said "londonistan"
Your point being that I shouldn't worry about being replaced because my city hasn't been wiped from the ground is astonishingly dumb.

I am worried about replacement and will continue to fight for my people.

also define white culture to me dumbass, there is german culture , greek culture but no united white culture white is a race culture is for an ethnicity dumbass not a race
European culture is more unified than cultures like asian culture. Look at Vietnam and Japan and China. they all have significantly different cultures.
so yes there is a Unified European culture.

I do feel sympathy for you regarding the neighboring Muslim countries not destroying Israel.
I am worried about replacement and will continue to fight for my people.
what people? if you are from germany or any nordic country as a palestinian i am genetically closer to greeks than you are? where excactly is your people do you think that west of istanbul is white and as soon as you cross the water its suddenly all different race? ango saxon? english? who literally massacred irish and most definetily did not see them as the same people? i know ur not austrian because if you ask any austrian about being german they will get crazy mad at you only a retard would claim they are the same people.
what people? if you are from germany or any nordic country as a palestinian i am genetically closer to greeks than you are? where excactly is your people do you think that west of istanbul is white and as soon as you cross the water its suddenly all different race? ango saxon? english? who literally massacred irish and most definetily did not see them as the same people? i know ur not austrian because if you ask any austrian about being german they will get crazy mad at you only a retard would claim they are the same people.
tsk tsk I actually have Greek ancestry, specifically Northern Greece where the Ottomans didn't mix.
Screenshot 2024 08 22 205811

Along with some Anglo, Irish and Georgian admixture.
so no, You are not closer to Greeks than me.

Obfuscating with the Irish massacres too, as it is irrelevant to this thread.
where the Ottomans didn't mix.
did you take a dna test? or are you just talking about family stuff? if you havent taken a dna test i recommend you do youll see you been racist to your own blood the entire time. All of the balkan has ottoman blood as they married balkan women you are not pure blood dumbass
youre a retard wouldnt it atleast make sense to learn about dna and genetics before claiming that one is superior dumbass, georgians are west asian genetically
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Georgia is incredibly diverse. My family is NOT from the arab mixed parts of Georgia.
no one in georgia is arab mixed you is stupid dumbass , its turkic , the entire region is turkic crimea is also turkic stupid kid thinks he loses 50iq if he is 1 percent arab such internalized hate is insane
no one in georgia is arab mixed you is stupid dumbass , its turkic , the entire region is turkic crimea is also turkic stupid kid thinks he loses 50iq if he is 1 percent arab such internalized hate is insane
>guess I'm turkic, not even slav

You are delusional if you think I'm not fully European.
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you are too retarded to understand if the whites wanted to, they could just exterminate niggers overnight. there is a problem with white people, but it's not that they're not strong or deadly enough, it's that their altruism(gained over millenia of mutual cooperation with other whites) is being exploited. the solution is that a lot of white people(the bleeding heart liberal types who live in the city) have to be killed off or disincentivized from reproducing, so that they can be replaced by genetics that are resistant to exploitation.
Legit post
Wish there were more whites around with strong in-group preference
Hopefully the whites who are weighing us down perish then we can protect ourselves as a group more cohesively
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Thats exactly what they think, they think because we enslaved their entire bloodlines, think they have the right to come here and do what they want
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>completely ignores rape statistics from increase immigrants
>argues its easier to just move to a better country than build up your own

very good job saar.
Not ignoring anything lmao, just brought up the fact that even if this is true, Immigrants commit less crime than native relative to their populations. Plus not really a problem in the US. Not sure what’s going on in Europe.

Yeah I would argue moving to a country and using the skills you already have is much easier than trying to take down a corrupt government, get rid of the gangs plaguing your country, etc.
The j3ws put the ethnics in west on purpose so they breed with white niggas and every becomes 90 iq
Thats the perfect iq where they can control us and at the same time we can takw care of our selves
It is actually. 90iq niggas smart enough to be drones but dumb enough to not question shit
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