do not major in anything but stem.


Deleted member 16970

Married 💑
Jan 2, 2022
stay the fuck away from anything but stem.

also avoid shit hole degrees like biology and chemistry that are basically a pre-med undergrad.

1. Comp-sci, Engineering ( Mech, Electrical, Comp, Aero, Civil, Robotics etc. avoid chemical <-- not alot of jobs + shithole conditions)
2. Pharmacology, Space Science

OR go trades
electrician, plumbing, hvac, etc..

avg salaries 70k+

do not pursue what you "love" unless you are 140+ IQ. :p
  • +1
  • JFL
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do not pursue what you "love" unless you are 140+ IQ. :p

How come? Why’s it OK for 140+ IQ people to pursue what they love if they aren’t STEM?
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  • +1
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How come? Why’s it OK for 140+ IQ people to pursue what they love if they aren’t STEM?
Arent 90% of STEM 140 iq anyways?

Or just dont go to school at all and take a piece of the massive market of the internet. althought i highly doubt people take internet as serious as school just imagine, if we poured 1000 hours into money making in the internet, would definetely surpass whatever youd make from school
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
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How come? Why’s it OK for 140+ IQ people to pursue what they love if they aren’t STEM?
because average iq people cannot achieve groundbreaking excellence (me included):p
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Danish_Retard and thecel
Arent 90% of STEM 140 iq anyways?

Or just dont go to school at all and take a piece of the massive market of the internet. althought i highly doubt people take internet as serious as school just imagine, if we poured 1000 hours into money making in the internet, would definetely surpass whatever youd make from school
no 90% of stem are retard wannabe's . average is prob 90-100 iq
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So, not philosophy?


trad virgin or cope​

Joined Jan 3, 2022
Posts 756
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Arent 90% of STEM 140 iq anyways?

Or just dont go to school at all and take a piece of the massive market of the internet. althought i highly doubt people take internet as serious as school just imagine, if we poured 1000 hours into money making in the internet, would definetely surpass whatever youd make from school
STEM or entrupenuership is the only way to making a decently comforable living today unless you're extremely motivated in a niche field. Agree with you 100%
stay the fuck away from anything but stem.

also avoid shit hole degrees like biology and chemistry that are basically a pre-med undergrad.

1. Comp-sci, Engineering ( Mech, Electrical, Comp, Aero, Civil, Robotics etc. avoid chemical <-- not alot of jobs + shithole conditions)
2. Pharmacology, Space Science

OR go trades
electrician, plumbing, hvac, etc..

avg salaries 70k+

do not pursue what you "love" unless you are 140+ IQ. :p
engineering, applied math, banking everything else is a waste
  • +1
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Stem is really only focused on cs that’s where most of the gains in the economy have been concentrated, specifically internet companies

Other stem u may be signing up for poverty
  • JFL
Reactions: Tony
Stem is really only focused on cs that’s where most of the gains in the economy have been concentrated, specifically internet companies
yes but in 10 years everyone will know how to read code. So having an engineering + cs is prettymuch a must
“A nihilist is a man who judges that the real world ought not to be, and that the world as it ought to be does not exist. According to this view, our existence (action, suffering, willing, feeling) has no meaning: this 'in vain' is the nihilists' pathos—an inconsistency on the part of the nihilists.”
  • JFL
Reactions: Mouthbreath
Yes bro, and Computer Science is the best option too
CS is easier than engineering and pays more + there are plenty of jobs that allow working from home :Comfy:
  • +1
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yes but in 10 years everyone will know how to read code. So having an engineering + cs is prettymuch a must
Likely not. New economy will be even more narrow in the sense that there won’t be much to engineer, frankly. It’ll be firmly in favour of wealth extraction and not wealth creation. Engineering, in that sense, won’t be of use at face value. It’s better to go to a liberal arts elite school and make elite friends. CS will be enough if ur technically inclined.
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall
It’s better to go to a liberal arts elite school and make elite friends
such a dude-bro thing to say. enjoy failure and debt i guess :p. those guys are not your friends. they are low achieving chads with hand-me downs. mentally unstable and not reliable. its not 1980's dude.
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Or learn programming
  • +1
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such a dude-bro thing to say. enjoy failure and debt i guess :p
I really only mean hyper elite schools if u can swing it. That will be your ticket to high finance and tech and the intersection of the two, which is where most the gains in the new economy are being made. I don’t mean bumfuck nowhere in liberal arts or tier 2 liberal arts.

If u can’t do this then just optimize for debt reduction bcuz the college game is becoming a giant racket

I work in tech rn
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall
I really only mean hyper elite schools if u can swing it. That will be your ticket to high finance and tech and the intersection of the two, which is where most the gains in the new economy are being made. I don’t mean bumfuck nowhere in liberal arts or tier 2 liberal arts.
stop this thinking, i've been to elite elite schools. its not 1980's, nobody gives a fuck about eachother. all guys are on their phones in their own world of sex and hedonism. nobody wants to collaborte with you unless you and them are both from extremely good families (0.00001% chance)
  • +1
Reactions: chawaje, Deleted member 28691 and incel194012940
stop this thinking, i've been to elite elite schools. its not 1980's, nobody gives a fuck about eachother. all guys are on their phones in their own world of sex and hedonism. nobody wants to collaborte with you unless you and them are both from extremely good families (0.00001% chance)
It’s true that there have been some changes, but by and large most of the successful capital allocators in tech come from a few schools. That’s where the big money is.

Obviously if ur content being middle or maybe upper middle class u can make do with a non elite school if u leetcode and get lucky. But generally ur stuck in a rat race then. The stamp of an elite school will matter far more in the future than people think, for the Good parts of the economy.

I’m curious are u a student right now
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall
It’s true that there have been some changes, but by and large most of the successful capital allocators in tech come from a few schools. That’s where the big money is.

Obviously if ur content being middle or maybe upper middle class u can make do with a non elite school if u leetcode and get lucky. But generally ur stuck in a rat race then. The stamp of an elite school will matter far more in the future than people think, for the Good parts of the economy.

I’m curious are u a student right now
i have no idea what you are talking about. do u have some dude-bro fantasy that you will meet someone and charm your way to a fortune? jfl. we must live on different planets or your ego is sky high

i am a mech eng student
  • +1
Reactions: Going2KillMyself
i have no idea what you are talking about. do u have some dude-bro fantasy that you will meet someone and charm your way to a fortune? jfl. we must live on different planets or your ego is sky high

i am a mech eng student
Don’t shoot the messenger man:ogre:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16970
If ur iq is at least 110, stem is a no brainer
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Mouthbreath
STEM is for awkward incels who are not going to live a happy life because the void they're trying to fill with being the "smart kid" will always be overshadowed by someone more successful.
  • +1
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im gonna major in gender studies!! Yippie, updoot me fellow redditerinos!!
  • JFL
  • +1
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STEM is for awkward incels who are not going to live a happy life because the void they're trying to fill with being the "smart kid" will always be overshadowed by someone more successful.
how to spot a fatherless retard ^.
yes there are alot of "losers"

but all the chads who have enough discipline are also in stem:p faggot arts major
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Why is avi a pad
What about just learning how to code, and getting a job as a junior programmer
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Some business degrees are good if you’re lazy or not that bright. Or if you are smart and highly motivated to climb the corporate ladder business careers can be way better than stem in the long run, stem salaries are capped much lower

Obviously social interaction is a much bigger factor though so if you’re an abomination stick to stem
  • +1
Reactions: Oberyn
Add construction management. It is better than civil engineering and most schools have 100% job placement in 3 months. In 10 years you can clear 150 to 200k easily.
Cope just be 130+ IQ and good looking and major in business or some shit and become a lifemogger
Arent 90% of STEM 140 iq anyways?

Or just dont go to school at all and take a piece of the massive market of the internet. althought i highly doubt people take internet as serious as school just imagine, if we poured 1000 hours into money making in the internet, would definetely surpass whatever youd make from school
lol tf

starting your own hustle from the internet takes wayy more iq than just following a path of institutional education

you wont be handheld or spoonfed, all information will come to you through experience and personal research.
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3573
lol tf

starting your own hustle from the internet takes wayy more iq than just following a path of institutional education

you wont be handheld or spoonfed, all information will come to you through experience and personal research.
exactly what i said, plus walking the talk rather than talking the talk (actually learning and executing what youve learnt is way better than reading a book about some old cuck who wasted his life researching ants)
Idk man i tried to understand what the swedish eqvuivalant is
High IQ people are being kicked out of universities in favour of dumber more likeable people.
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall, Mouthbreath and kuk
Massive disagree

So many people have jerked stem off for the past 30 years that it's absolutely oversaturated, and becoming less and less useful.

Also you work like a dog and have too little free time even if you're intelligent.

And btw Chemistry and Biology are included in STEM it's not just Engineering, Comp Sci etc.

"90-100" LOL. Do you realize that people with 90 IQ can't even understand Conditional Hypotheticals (Let's say they did not take a shower this morning. You ask them what they would have done had they not. They will say, "but I didn't," and if you ask them again they simply can't carry it out.)

Also remember that different people have different forms of intelligence. Someone with great verbal and plainly above average spatial would be much more successful in business, for example.

Finance or Econ should be the go-to for above average but nothing special smart people who aren't interested in academia because it's practical and theoretical, but also flexible, relatively demanding and respected. Works multiple forms of intelligence as well fairly equally. Not to mention you won't work like a dog in school just to be surrounded by freakshows. And your social skills will improve too.
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall
Massive disagree

So many people have jerked stem off for the past 30 years that it's absolutely oversaturated, and becoming less and less useful.

Also you work like a dog and have too little free time even if you're intelligent.

And btw Chemistry and Biology are included in STEM it's not just Engineering, Comp Sci etc.

"90-100" LOL. Do you realize that people with 90 IQ can't even understand Conditional Hypotheticals (Let's say they did not take a shower this morning. You ask them what they would have done had they not. They will say, "but I didn't," and if you ask them again they simply can't carry it out.)

Also remember that different people have different forms of intelligence. Someone with great verbal and plainly above average spatial would be much more successful in business, for example.

Finance or Econ should be the go-to for above average but nothing special smart people who aren't interested in academia because it's practical and theoretical, but also flexible, relatively demanding and respected. Works multiple forms of intelligence as well fairly equally. Not to mention you won't work like a dog in school just to be surrounded by freakshows. And your social skills will improve too.
if you are white, male, and go into finance. good luck, its completely over for you HR will never let u in, u will do diversity training 24/7, have to suck up to ur female superiors (who climbed the corporate cock carousel). all the while contemplating why u spend 8hrs a day crunching numbers.

or, do stem so u can mostly avoid retard liberals.

remember 70% of university students are in Arts. > future baristas
30% and in eng, of which only 20% will graduate. so ur oversaturation, competition is massive cope for : im a finance bro and i want to network my way to a bazillion dollars. kek. :pbig fantasy. or ur 20% body fat and drink every weekend with low achievers (also true)
Ur living in a fantasy world where every woman is a boss bitch who rides the cock carousel and every arts major makes overpriced coffee and every finance bro thinks they are a Jordan Belfort-Pat Bateman hybrid (if they're really stupid) or Michael Milken (if they are smarter and less concerned with overt materialism)

The reality is that most people at some point in college realize that the positions they aspire to in IB to PE or whatever are too selective and require and Ivy League education. They also realize that downloading Robinhood and having an interest in the market and an introductory understanding of an already unpredictable field won't get them far. So they get a job at a decent firm somewhere in any financial sector or marketing or non-profit, and they make a decent living where they have enough time to devote to their hobbies and interests outside of work.

I hate to tell you this but Engineering can be equally as monotonous and soul crushing as "crunching numbers." And you have to bust your ass to get there during the years where you should be working towards something, but should also have time to devote to other things.

People way overestimate the importance of a specific degree anyway. The two most important metrics for determining your success later in life is your IQ and level of education. "Barista art majors" may be struggling immediately, but will do just fine for themselves later down the line. And that is also a stupid generalization. My dad majored in a liberal art, and works in tech, as does my cousin (only 25) and there are plenty of people working in tech that have art degrees, just as there are a number of engineering majors working in finance.

Lastly, "retard liberals," is a ridiculous bullshit insult. If you really knew something about political history or political philosophy you would realize that "Liberalism" has given you everything you have, and that both parties exist as metrics of check and balances that will never be universally right or wrong, but present a specific set of ideas that are worth consideration.
  • +1
Reactions: Lethbridge and Adamsmith12345
stem is overrated, it mostly sucks

humanities get all the flak but they are extremely legit
Arent 90% of STEM 140 iq anyways?

Or just dont go to school at all and take a piece of the massive market of the internet. althought i highly doubt people take internet as serious as school just imagine, if we poured 1000 hours into money making in the internet, would definetely surpass whatever youd make from school
10%* ,the real smart one who can work in nasa or can do some real creative engineering work are a minority
Econ (or double honours of econ+something else, e.g. maths, political science, philosophy, etc) at a top uni is worth doing.

In fact unless you have the raw material and the interest to stick it out in something like pure STEM, consider prioritising getting into a top uni first (the subject is less of an issue at first). Assuming there’s leeway in switching degree programs if you do well, you can end up graduating with a degree considerably more prestigious than you originally qualified for.
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Ur living in a fantasy world where every woman is a boss bitch who rides the cock carousel and every arts major makes overpriced coffee and every finance bro thinks they are a Jordan Belfort-Pat Bateman hybrid (if they're really stupid) or Michael Milken (if they are smarter and less concerned with overt materialism)

The reality is that most people at some point in college realize that the positions they aspire to in IB to PE or whatever are too selective and require and Ivy League education. They also realize that downloading Robinhood and having an interest in the market and an introductory understanding of an already unpredictable field won't get them far. So they get a job at a decent firm somewhere in any financial sector or marketing or non-profit, and they make a decent living where they have enough time to devote to their hobbies and interests outside of work.

I hate to tell you this but Engineering can be equally as monotonous and soul crushing as "crunching numbers." And you have to bust your ass to get there during the years where you should be working towards something, but should also have time to devote to other things.

People way overestimate the importance of a specific degree anyway. The two most important metrics for determining your success later in life is your IQ and level of education. "Barista art majors" may be struggling immediately, but will do just fine for themselves later down the line. And that is also a stupid generalization. My dad majored in a liberal art, and works in tech, as does my cousin (only 25) and there are plenty of people working in tech that have art degrees, just as there are a number of engineering majors working in finance.

Lastly, "retard liberals," is a ridiculous bullshit insult. If you really knew something about political history or political philosophy you would realize that "Liberalism" has given you everything you have, and that both parties exist as metrics of check and balances that will never be universally right or wrong, but present a specific set of ideas that are worth consideration.
dnrd but i gave u a react
Ur living in a fantasy world where every woman is a boss bitch who rides the cock carousel and every arts major makes overpriced coffee and every finance bro thinks they are a Jordan Belfort-Pat Bateman hybrid (if they're really stupid) or Michael Milken (if they are smarter and less concerned with overt materialism)

The reality is that most people at some point in college realize that the positions they aspire to in IB to PE or whatever are too selective and require and Ivy League education. They also realize that downloading Robinhood and having an interest in the market and an introductory understanding of an already unpredictable field won't get them far. So they get a job at a decent firm somewhere in any financial sector or marketing or non-profit, and they make a decent living where they have enough time to devote to their hobbies and interests outside of work.

I hate to tell you this but Engineering can be equally as monotonous and soul crushing as "crunching numbers." And you have to bust your ass to get there during the years where you should be working towards something, but should also have time to devote to other things.

People way overestimate the importance of a specific degree anyway. The two most important metrics for determining your success later in life is your IQ and level of education. "Barista art majors" may be struggling immediately, but will do just fine for themselves later down the line. And that is also a stupid generalization. My dad majored in a liberal art, and works in tech, as does my cousin (only 25) and there are plenty of people working in tech that have art degrees, just as there are a number of engineering majors working in finance.

Lastly, "retard liberals," is a ridiculous bullshit insult. If you really knew something about political history or political philosophy you would realize that "Liberalism" has given you everything you have, and that both parties exist as metrics of check and balances that will never be universally right or wrong, but present a specific set of ideas that are worth consideration.
u just wrote an essay about how you think an arts degree is equivalent to an engineering degree.
ur iq is prob sub 100. and u rationalized the ethics of leeching off people who work hard in life. just lol at ur brain damage
Likely not. New economy will be even more narrow in the sense that there won’t be much to engineer, frankly. It’ll be firmly in favour of wealth extraction and not wealth creation. Engineering, in that sense, won’t be of use at face value. It’s better to go to a liberal arts elite school and make elite friends. CS will be enough if ur technically inclined.
This apply to third world country too? I know where u are coming from and i laugh at people who cannot see this very obvious future . Am indian though i want to know whats best.
sorry mate can't hear you over the sound of my blue haired gender studies professor telling me I'm an oppressor
  • JFL
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Or just build your own online money-making empire.
Stem if for smart people even if they get in they won't graduate

Trades makes you break your back and in european countries you don't make much

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