Does MMA fighters prove muscles doesnt matter

Say whatever you like young man. I'm 38 and have fucked a lot of beautiful women. If you don't have any training background, I could son you in front of your girl and there's nothing you could do about it. I don't go around doing stuff like that because I'm not a massive twat, but my point is that I have been on both sides of the fence and without a doubt, I got way more pussy after I started training wrestling, boxing, and bjj. It turned me into a man and women could smell my primal confidence.

I think you're the one coping with your little well defined calvin Klein muscles fag boy.

And for the record, I am skinny fat. I'm not even that great at fighting but I know enough to beat most untrained dudes and it gives me confidence that pulls women.

I get more good pussy than I have time for and I'm poor.

View attachment 406332
ur small af, i would destroy you in a fight even tho i have no fighting experience just because im bigger. Brute force.

also who the fuck works out in suit pants jfl
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  • JFL
Reactions: LampPostPrime, hoodmaxxnigga and aestheticallypleasin
so many guys keep spamming ”muh high fighting success” and how important it is in attraction

meanwhile most MMA winners are small af, basically tons of fat and zero muscles

look at this guy, im much bigger than him yet hes the best MMA fighter, with a skinnyfat body. How is that even possible. He looks like the average guy on the street wtf.

View attachment 404011
Mma is shit they got no hands boxing is where high testosterone men are
ur small af, i would destroy you in a fight even tho i have no fighting experience just because im bigger. Brute force.
I'm in southern California if you want to test that theory.

Gif nodding


Mma is shit they got no hands boxing is where high testosterone men are
Until I drag your ass to the ground and put you in side control. Good luck with your one shot chance to knock a competent grappler out before you get double legged to oblivion.
ur small af, i would destroy you in a fight even tho i have no fighting experience just because im bigger. Brute force.

also who the fuck works out in suit pants jfl
You like to get dressed up in special work out clothes for the gym? Cool story bro
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5393
What people rate average here is so delusional. They become fighters for a reason. Just like high fighting success features and high pren t is largely a meme here. It doesn't correlate to becoming GL or a model, GL people in general just hit a lucky balance.

This guy would wipe the floor
Muhammad ali photo by stanley weston archive photos getty 482857506

With this guy

Or this guy

Do I need to tell how they would be rated here?

Doesn't work like that boyo
Tenor 6
  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime and Deleted member 4466
so many guys keep spamming ”muh high fighting success” and how important it is in attraction

meanwhile most MMA winners are small af, basically tons of fat and zero muscles

look at this guy, im much bigger than him yet hes the best MMA fighter, with a skinnyfat body. How is that even possible. He looks like the average guy on the street wtf.

View attachment 404011
>What is muscle conditioning
>What is sport specific body types

Most MMA fighters that are skinny like that are usually strikers. Which makes sense because striking sports reward nimble and quick body types. Look at wrestler/grappler body-types, they're big, but not retardedly big like bodybuilders. Also their bones and muscles are conditioned to take hits, and have high endurance. Their muscles are not of the same calibur as your average gymbro. Again and again it is proven that otter-mode is ideal for women, because it shows off your six packs and at the same time keeps you lean for so it shows off your facial bone structure. It also shows off your shoulder to waist ratio.

Ottermode > bodybuilder. But if you have shit bone structure you might need to compensate with a jacked body.
Learn karate it’s highclass material art
What people rate average here is so delusional. They become fighters for a reason. Just like high fighting success features and high pren t is largely a meme here. It doesn't correlate to becoming GL or a model, GL people in general just hit a lucky balance.

This guy would wipe the floor
View attachment 406349

With this guy
View attachment 406353

Or this guy
View attachment 406354

Do I need to tell how they would be rated here?

Doesn't work like that boyo
View attachment 406369
Yeah the last guy mogs tho
EDIT: Looks like OP is roided also. Not that I care since it's his liver/heart that he destroying.
Lol you really think OP is roided? Are you serious?

OP no disrespect you definetly have a good physique, but it's not roids.
Its highly amussing to witness men of all ages struggling to find any solution, any endgame, online to notice that their discussion ist nothing but a waste of Times. What are you trying to prove
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall, Deleted member 4466 and Deleted member 3142
They all are extreme muscular stop cope
If u reach certain level muscles matter shit, its weight, explosive power, endurance and technique
Its highly amussing to witness men of all ages struggling to find any solution, any endgame, online to notice that their discussion ist nothing but a waste of Times. What are you trying to prove
Nothing, just having fun shitposting. You could apply your own comment to yourself. We're all wasting time trying to amuse ourselves
Martial arts are still relatively new thing, there were no mma gyms in caveman days so obviously women would think the guy with the bigger height frame and muscle mass would have a greater fighting success. Besides most people don't train martial arts, more people just lift weights than do martial arts
Sure you do faggot.. that's why you spend hours a day arguing with virgins on forums.
Basic 1st grade level math would tell you that you're posting at a higher rate than me given our join date.
Never go full retard

  • +1
Reactions: Incoming
>literally point of the entire game is move your body in specific ways to cause harm to your opponent
>"having more of the things that make your body move doesn't matter"

low double digit IQ argument
no, reach matters a lot, that is arm span, height comes second. Jones fought taller opponents and won. But you have to categorize people on weight size though, to be more fair. If 2 equally skilled fighters fought against each ovther the heavier one has an advantage.

Also look at Velasquez his shoulders are big, and he has a "bulky" appearance but he is usually higher body fat and not so much muscle yet he was the champ of the division..
>literally point of the entire game is move your body in specific ways to cause harm to your opponent
>"having more of the things that make your body move doesn't matter"

low double digit IQ argument

>literally point of the entire game is move your body in specific ways to cause harm to your opponent
>"having more of the things that make your body move doesn't matter"

low double digit IQ argument

having more muscle is important in a fight? the Gracie's proved bullshit like this wrong since UFC 1
  • +1
Reactions: Robocok
having more muscle is important in a fight? the Gracie's proved bullshit like this wrong since UFC 1

you know how i know you've never grappled or fought?
There's being strong and there's being muscular.

Not all strong men are muscular.
Not all muscular men are strong.
Some men are muscular and strong.

It varies.
so many guys keep spamming ”muh high fighting success” and how important it is in attraction

meanwhile most MMA winners are small af, basically tons of fat and zero muscles

look at this guy, im much bigger than him yet hes the best MMA fighter, with a skinnyfat body. How is that even possible. He looks like the average guy on the street wtf.

View attachment 404011
Jones is quite big for being a LITE Heavyweight, especially He has a very Long reach,feets etc.

But also even Heavyweights in the UFC have a Limit what they may weight.

If Jones enters the heavy Weight Division, He will Bulk Up/gain Weight etc.

Yes Weight is necessary, otherwise making Weight wouldnt make Sense and almost every pro Fighter does ist (exceptions are Most heavy weights For a reason)
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Just saying these MMA fighters look like average gym goers. Only alistair overeem was big.
  • JFL
Reactions: awkwardlycompatible
Jones is deceptivingly strong/large, I think you'd think differently if you saw him IRL


And he has to make 205, he's not trying to win Mr Olympia. Adding 2 inches to his arms would do nothing but hurt his career.

If you like fighters with bodybuilder physiques who are still successful, look into prime Overeem, Paulo Costa or Yoel Romero.

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you know how i know you've never grappled or fought?
There are multiple examples of dudes that are successful fighters and grapplers that don't have great physiques. Extra strength doesn't hurt, but without technique it doesn't mean much.
There are multiple examples of dudes that are successful fighters and grapplers that don't have great physiques. Extra strength doesn't hurt, but without technique it doesn't mean much.

If you want to be a successful fighter, you need to take every advantage you can get. And note that having a strong, muscular physique doesn't necessarily equal having a 'great physique' (read: aesthetic physique).

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