R is Caucasoid
europe had technology long before the mongols, and eastern technology imported into europe came from the silk road not mongols

JFL talk about cherrypicking
View attachment 1255024View attachment 1255025

keep writing essays you gook dog
Keep denying and coping for me you little shitskin cockroach:lul::lul::lul:, you're too in denial to look at the TRUTH that haplogroup R is Asiatic. LMFAO
You have no scientific sources for any of your claims, you have NO ARGUMENT just :feelswhy: already
  • JFL
Reactions: FattySalmon
As time went on the Indo-Europeans looked less Asian, I don't deny this LOL. But at the very beginning and for some time they had a mixed-race appearance as they were paternally Asian.
View attachment 1255023View attachment 1255026Of course there's variance in phenotypes, but at the very beginning they looked Asiatic/Asiatic influenced [2]

This is not robust View attachment 1255027lmfao, Europeans are not naturally robust peoples, that's Caesar btw

they never looked mongoloid.

you pick the emperor of one of the most advanced empires of antiquity to disprove european robustness when you exclude europeans living tribalistice lifestyles like celts, germanics, etc.

dishonest chink fuck tbh, no wonder you're like the jews of asia
i have no clue what the fuck is going in this thread but thanks for the headache
Images   2021 08 04T114205236
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17791, Jason Voorhees and StrangerDanger
you pick the emperor of one of the most advanced empires of antiquity to disprove european robustness when you exclude europeans living tribalistice lifestyles like celts, germanics, etc.
"they never looked mongoloid"
>ignores facial reconstructions I posted

This is like talking to a brick wall, although I'm not surprised since you're a double-digit IQ migrant worker. It's good that everyone else lurking here knows that HG R is Asiatic though

Sure, I can post tribal/common folk facial reconstructions
This is not robust. They were ancient beard frauders with tiny jaws. Tiny jaws thousands of years ago, tiny jaws now.
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon
"they never looked mongoloid"
>ignores facial reconstructions I posted

This is like talking to a brick wall, although I'm not surprised since you're a double-digit IQ migrant worker. It's good that everyone else lurking here knows that HG R is Asiatic though

Sure, I can post tribal/common folk facial reconstructions
View attachment 1255034View attachment 1255033 This is not robust. They were ancient beard frauders with tiny jaws. Tiny jaws thousands of years ago, tiny jaws now.

speak for yourself all you do is go in circles spouting the same bullshit over and over claiming everyone that helps push you gooknat agenda as gook.

if the people here are gonna see anything it's only how full of shit you are just like with that other thread you made trying to dick mogg whites because of your insecurities to them.
Last edited:
  • Ugh..
Reactions: FattySalmon
speak for yourself all you do is go in circles spouting the same bullshit over and over claiming everyone that helps push you gooknat agenda as gook.

if the people here are gonna see anything it's only how full of shit you are just like with that other thread you made trying to dick mogg whites because your insecurities to them.
>spouting the same bullshit over and over

:lul::lul::lul: You just have no argument, little kid. I've been the only one providing scientific sources [2]

"MUH YOU'RE INSECURE" LMFAO JFL at this 12-year-old tier normie banter, shitposting does not mean someone is insecure. I also noticed you use the MUH PROJECTION cope that only 12-year-olds use.
  • JFL
Reactions: FattySalmon
@Chadeep and @StrangerDanger rn


@chaddyboi66 and @RedFlood in the background
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17791, FattySalmon, Deleted member 5802 and 4 others

''Ahh, Damien p-please not h-here. I have class in five minutes.'' Steven informed me, a moan traveling soon behind. I let my mouth abandon his erect nipple as I began sucking on his unmarked neck.

''So do I,'' I breathed out against his skin, placing a kiss to his soft spot right beneath his ear. He shuddered. I had him melting under me within seconds.

He's always like this when I start on him. I haven't even kissed him yet and he's already moaning my name.

''Damien, t-three minutes.'' He released from his lips despite his frequent panting for air. My laughter floated in the air, my lips moving from his neck.

It would be really cruel of me to leave him in his state of discomfort, seeing as though I am the one who put him there.

I thought about it for a minute, then shrugged.

His continuous countdown wasn't exactly a turn on.

I reached down, picking my shirt up from the floor, quickly pulling it over my head. ''Remember,'' I said, looking him deep in his caramel brown eyes, a smirk hanging at my lips. ''It was your call to finish yourself off.''

I slipped out of the janitors closet before he could object. As I'm swiftly making my way down the hall, I glance briefly at my wrist watch.

Haha, two minutes left Steven, I hope your hand works wonders.

Students start piling into the hall at the sound of the bell ranging. I continued making my way to my final class of the day, which by chance, just so happens to be his as well.

I took my usual seat in the back, watching as the rest of the students piled into the classroom. Inwardly, I laughed. There's no way he's going to make it, there is only a few minutes left 'till the tardy bell.

I smiled, seeing the Teacher walking in and calling the class to order. He started with the attendance.

I've never really understood why we did attendance at the end of the day. I mean c'mon, don't they think we've learned enough to be able to skip the last forty-five minutes of school?

God, the Board of Education is so stupid. I would definitely be as far away from this place as I could be if it wasn't for Steven.

I honestly never knew he was such a nerd until he made a rule that if I skipped school more than four times a week I wouldn't get any. Not that I get any anyway. But even thought I hated being here, I stopped skipping for him.

Deep down, I know he did that to help me, and in a way I am thankful to him. Before I only came to school on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Tuesdays are tolerable and Fridays are the most important day of the week. It's a test day, and the most exciting day of the week. You wouldn't believe me if I told you what goes down at this school.

The bell rang and in the same second a panting Steven came running into the classroom. His hand was clutching his stomach as he made an attempt to try and regain some air back into his lungs.

I laughed loudly, not caring if anyone started to stare.

He quickly shot me a glare from across the classroom. He turned to the teacher and gave him some bs excuse for being late. I doubt that he would have even got in trouble if he was a little late. He's like the Einstein of teachers pets.

Even knowing that, I also knew he'd be so pissed at me for almost making him late that that I wouldn't get any midnight action. Well there goes my late night blowie.

Daniel Crawford has always been perfect. He was the guy who played all the sports, dated the prettiest girls, and got the best grades. Life on the surface couldn't be be...
I purposely avoided his gaze as he took his seat beside me. The teacher started going on about some project and I proceeded to put my textbook up like a fort so I'd have a shield as I got on my phone.

I really didn't feel like being bothered right now. I have practice after this and then I have to go home and help my brother with his homework.

I know, funny isn't it? Considering I hate all things school related it seems kind of hypocritical of me to make my brother do his homework. I haven't did any homework since sophomore year. The advantage of having an Asian as a bestfriend.

Anyway, after I help with his homework I have to drop him off by his bestfriends house. I never let him sleep at home when our parents are there.

For the most part they ignore us, and we used to hate that, but when things get bad...when they get really bad, we wished they would ignore us, forget our existence even.

I don't really have any place to go when this happens besides Steven's house, but I can't stay there for more than two days a week. His parents are fucking crazy.

It doesn't matter though because I'd rather be dealing with it than letting my little brother deal with it.

''This is worth fifty percent of you final grade Mr. Vitalé. I hope you're paying attention.'' Mr. Richards said, looking in my direction. I gave him a sarcastic smile, shooting him a thumbs up.

Creative writing isn't exactly my favorite. Anything school related is not to my liking really. And I still don't like how they call the class an elective when the person who has to sit through it for forty five minutes sure as hell didn't choose it.

Steven discretely slipped a folded piece of paper on my desk when the teacher wasn't looking. I smirked. Oh look, the golden child is trying to break few rules. Aye, maybe I'm finally rubbing off on him. I unfolded the paper and read his perfect hand writing.

~Now you're shy? Don't play daft with me Damien. Just tell me you're afraid of me giving you blue balls.~

I smiled at the paper. The nerve of this boy. I glanced over to him before scribbling down my response.

~Are you kidding me? I have a hand, Steven. The only time you scare me is when you start using your foreign ass scholar words. Like 'daft'. What the hell does that mean anyway?~

I slipped the piece of paper back to him, then focused my attention to the game of Angry birds on my phone. Hearing him laugh, I glanced in his direction to see him crumbling up the piece of paper.

When he smiles it shows off his dimples. He'll never admit to it though, since he wants to look mature at every moment, but it makes him look even younger than his actual age. It's really adorable. He's the most attractive person I've ever seen in my life.

''Boys,'' Mr. Richards voice caught our attention. Steven and I both looked up at him. ''Either you can read it out loud, or I can. But just so you know Damien,'' He locked eyes with me giving me a stern look. I smiled back innocently just to piss him off. ''After you pretend to read it, I will read it.''

I rolled my eyes.

Turning to Steven, I gave him a 'what the hell' look, but he was busy staring at the teacher with a pleading expression on his face.

How did we even get caught? We barely passed more than two notes.


We only passed two notes. Does this man have eyes in the back of his head or something?

How the hell did he even see past my book fort? This is complete b.s.

''Any day now,'' Mr. Richards said, impatiently. Everyone’s attention was on us. The room suddenly felt like it was getting hotter. I took in a nervous breath.

Literally the first sentence on that paper gave away our secret. And there's no telling what Steven wrote on that paper before he crumbled it up. This is great, just fucking great!

I sighed, reaching my hand out towards Steven so that he could give me the paper. He handed it to me and the feeling of eyes watching me became even more evident.

I quickly shoved the balled up piece of paper in my mouth. When dreamed about deep throating so well that I'd have balls in my throat, this is not what I imagined.

I gaged at least three times trying to swallow it. The class watched in amusement and the teacher stared in dull annoyment. This is the fourth year Mr. Richards has had to deal with me, I'm pretty sure he's used to it by now.

Oh and Steven seemed to enjoy the show. He was laughing so hard his complexion had changed to fifty shades of pink.

''Steven, take your goat to the nurse. When you're done you can go down to the gym and explain and explain to your coaches why you both will be missing practice today because of the detention Damien just earned you.'' Mr. Richards spoke, immediately going back to his lesson after that.

I grabbed my things, shoving them into my backpack and exiting the classroom. A laughing Steven followed me out. I didn't find it funny at all. I felt like there was a ball stuck in my throat, and not the good kind. Plus, paper and ink taste really nasty together.

He was still laughing once we were further down the hall. I gritted my teeth, shoving him into a locker and continuing to walk.

Of course he caught up to me though, the boy is captain of the soccer team, he has legs.

''Shoving the defenseless Asian kid into the locker won't change the fact that you looked stupid.'' He told me, still laughing.

I stopped walking, turning to face him. I pinned him against the wall before he had a chance to react. Capturing his lips in mine, I stole what was left of his air. I should've suffocated the laughing bastard with my lips.

''I did it for you, you fucking idiot so please, stop telling me how stupid I looked, I know,'' I said once I had separated our lips, deciding to let him live. ''What the hell did you write on that paper after you crumbled it up?'' I asked him.

He pushed me back, getting off of the wall. I watched his cheeks flame up as he went into deep blush mode. I laughed, shaking my head.

''Wow,'' I said. ''That bad huh?'' I asked him seriously. He didn't answer me and we started walking again in silence. I wasn't even mad at him for almost getting us caught. It's both our fault. But we really have to be more careful, this town is like the headquarters for homophobia.

''Steven, what if Mr. Richards would have took the paper from you before he warned us?'' The question slipped free from my mind before I really thought about it.

I hate it when my thoughts escape my head. I'd rather just keep it to myself, it makes me feel like an idiot sometimes.

Steven glanced at me briefly.

''I guess--I mean I don't know. I know you would've had my back with it, but I don't really want to think about it, Damien.'' He whispered. I could hear the fear in his voice. ''But that's just bro-code right? We have each others back no matter what?'' He asked, offering his hand out to me.

I took his hand in mine, nodding in agreement.

Two jocks who are secretly gay together.

Two reputations and lives on the line if anyone ever finds out.

A millions things to worry about every minute we're in public together, trying our hardest to hide our feelings for each other.

''Yeah,'' I spoke with ease, ''Just bro-code.''

It's easier to lie when you're happy. With Steven, I'm happy.
*Steven's POV*

I'm infuriated with him. I know he knows that I am.
But of course I can't express that with him because he did just save both of our asses. Then again...he did just prevent me from going to soccer practice.
He's an asshole.

Although I can't help but smile at the thought that he's my asshole. That doesn't change the fact that I'm going to kick his ass for this.

I suddenly feel someone breathing down my neck, turning around to see Damien ogling me with curious hazy blue eyes. A scoff left my lips as I pinpointed the look in his eyes as lust.
When isn't he horny?

''What?'' I ask him, starting a slow walk in the direction of the detention he earned us. Of course he began to follow closely behind me. Extremely close.

''Nothing,'' He spoke, giving me my response, ''You just look sexy when you think.'' He whispers in my ear. I raise a brow at him, putting my hand over his face and pushing him away.
If he thinks we're about to be all buddy-buddy and discretely cozied up in detention he's dead wrong. I'm still pissed at him.
''You're not off the hook,'' I inform him. I hear a sigh leave his lips. I glance over my shoulder to see him shaking his head.
I don't care if he feels like I'm being inconsiderate right now. Soccer is important to me, and missing this practice means I can't play in the game tomorrow.
And it's not some big secret that if you miss a practice before an event you won't be allowed to participate. He knows this, he's on the football team. Then again missing practice doesn't affect his eligibility to perform at all since he's the quarterback.
Believe it or not, but I'm sure it's pretty damn believable, they allow him to play no matter what because they know they need him to win.
He can go to two practices a week if he wants and completely skip their weekend practices and you'll still see him in the game on Friday.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking bad about him. He's a really good football player, with or without the practice. It's so effortless for him. And I'm over here killing myself to be the best not only in the classroom but on the soccer field as well.
I mean, I barely even made it on the varsity soccer team because of my age, and now I have the honor of being the captain. Just so you know, I'm not really the stereotype Asian, if that wasn't already blatantly obvious, but I did skip a grade so that I could take more advanced classes.
But that didn't exactly help me in the sports area because a team full of seventeen and eighteen-year old's don't want a sixteen year old on the team, let alone as their team captain. So at least I know that they'll be more than happy to hear I'm out of the game tomorrow. They can thank Damien for that.

After overcoming a traumatic heartbreak as a teenager, Chloe struggled to grow up and establish her career, but after years of work, her life finally feels like it's bac...
Hanging by a Moment [Completed] by iswearidontbite
Hanging by a Moment [Completed]

''If you were gonna be such a bitch about it Steven, you shouldn't have passed the note in the first place. I'm not afraid to admit that I screwed up, okay? I know that. But use that brain of yours for a minute, because so did you.'' He says, taking faster strides to walk ahead of me.
I roll my eyes. If that was his attempt at making me feel bad it wouldn't work. I have a high wall of protection around my emotions Damien Vitalé, and you my asshole of a friend, will not penetrate that wall.
''And in case you're too stuck in your own head to realize it, everything I did in that classroom, I did for you.'' He says over his shoulder before entering Mr. Richards class. I sigh, shaking my head.
Well, there goes my fucking wall.
I guess now it is my turn to pull my head out of my ass and apologize to him. Something a lot worse could've happened besides me missing a single game. Something like Mr. Richards seeing what I wrote on that paper.
Just thinking about it is making me blush.
Even though apologizing isn't my favorite thing in the world to do I know I have to stop being a dick and be grateful for Damien because the only reason Mr. Richards didn't see that note is because of what he did.
Now he's mad at me.

Great, we're mad at each other now.
I just have yet to understand why we act like this. So caring towards each others emotions. We aren't in a relationship, we're not, but it certainly does feel that way when someone crosses a line or gets emotionally hurt. It pulls us deeper into whatever this thing is that we've been secretly building for a while now.
And speaking of emotions, I can feel my emotions for this asshole growing. When Damien and I are together, when we're intimate, I swear he's a completely different person.
He scares the hell out of me with how rough he can be whenever we decide to take it down that road. He doesn't hold back at all, biting, scratching, sucking, breaking the thin layer of my skin to leave his mark for weeks.
But when he's gentle...damn I hate the gentle Damien Vitalé at times and how he can keep me on edge for hours with no end to the way his lips would gently caress my heated skin.
And damn, I must admit that I love it.

I love everything about him when he's with me.
I enter the classroom, heading to the back to take a seat. I like the back of the classroom, besides being peaceful the view is always better from this angle.
I quickly spot Damien on the opposite side of the classroom, looking extremely committed to tapping furiously at the screen of his phone. Right beside him some hopeless girl, -I think her name is Kayla, I recognize her from Civics-, tries desperately to get his attention to no avail.
Even though she's really attractive and resembles the exact type of girl Damien would sleep around with before him and I started...started what we have going on, I'm not worried. I know he won't give her the time of day, and while deep down that made me extremely happy, it also made outsiders view him as a massive jerk.
Their logic is that since the most popular jock and fuckboy of the school went from screwing every girl that walks these halls to not screwing anyone of them at all, clearly he's become conceited beyond reprimand.

I mean I can think of more logical reasons he's a jerk but I'll just keep that to myself.
''Okay, take your seats.'' Mr. Richards speaks, leisurely entering the room. He takes a seat behind his desk, taking test papers out and beginning to grade them.
A quiet laugh escapes my lips. I already know I have an A on that.
''I want thirty minutes of absolute silence, oh and Mr. Vitalé,'' Mr. Richards says, looking up from his work to stare intently at Damien.
Damien looks up into Mr. Richards eyes with a knowing smirk. ''Please try your best not to consume anything else that might affect your health in any way. As much as I live for the thought of suspending you, I really hate paperwork.''
I suppressed the laughter that attempted to leap from my lips. Although that didn't stop me from grinning ear to ear.
Of course I don't actually think Damien is stupid. Whether he chooses to admit it or not, he's really good at school yet he purposely refuses to put forth effort. It's seriously not even that hard.
I have to bribe him with blowjobs just to make him show up on occasion.
To my surprise the time flew by. Mr. Richards released us from detention with ten minutes to spare. I leave the classroom heading in the direction of the locker room.
I might as well go beg the coach to let me play tomorrow since clearly I have nothing better to do than avoid my problems.

I know I have to apologize to Damien...and I will.
Just as soon as I can find a way to shove my pride somewhere where it wont get in the way for a couple of minutes. Until then, I'll just keep my distance from him. That shouldn't be too hard, it's not like we're attached at the hip or something.

I walk into the locker room, the smell of sweat and musk evading my nostrils. Unfortunately I'm used to that smell, so it doesn't bother me so much. I walk towards the back of the room where the coaches office is.
''Well Yeiun, it's nice to see your face around here. Although I am sure I should've seen you ten minutes before practice even started Mr. Varsity Team Captain.'' Coach says, not even giving me the chance to step into his office before those words leave his lips.

I sigh, walking over to his desk. Before I can reply, he speaks again, not even glancing up from the playbook in his hands.

''Look Yeiun,'' He puts the playbook down on his desk, looking me in the eyes, ''When I made the decision to make you captain of the varsity team it wasn't to set a new trend or to prove that the underclassmen athletes have the same skill levels as the upperclassmen athletes.
I put you in this position because you showed me that you had ambition, drive, passion, talent and commitment. I told you that it was going to be hard getting your teammates to look to you as a leader because of the age gap, and you told me you could handle it.
Now I've been seeing you trying with them, but missing the final practice before the first game of the season isn't how you earn their respect, or mines. Do you get where I'm coming from?''

''Yes, sir.''

''Good, good. Now as far as playing in tomorrow's games, you're in. Vitalé was in here a couple of minutes ago explaining to me how Mr. Richards gave you both a detention for something that he did. So you're off the hook this time, but don't let detention become a regular thing.
You're a good kid Yeiun, don't let stupid shit hold you back. I understand you're trying to fit in, but maybe Vitalé and his crowd of friends aren't the right people for you.
Think about it, and close my door on your way out.'' Coach says, picking the playbook back up.
I nod my head, leaving his office, shutting the door as I go.
I'm happy as hell that I didn't just get his playbook thrown at my head. I can't stress enough on how much it means to me to be the captain of the varsity soccer team.

This is really big for me, and for Damien to almost fuck that up with that stupid detention just pisses me off.
Then again the asshole did just save my ass.

''Fuck,'' I mumble, walking out of the school.
He just saved my ass for the second time today. First with the note and now with the game tomorrow.
Why would he do that?

I'm not being ungrateful, I can't thank him enough for what he's done but that still doesn't kill my curiosity on why he did it.
This, 'taking one for the team' attitude has never been apart of Damien's personality.
I didn't think he'd throw himself out on the line like that for me to play in the game. Football is important as hell to him and he really just risked not playing in the game tomorrow so that I would be able to play in mines.
And here I am, all day just being an oblivious jerk.
I hate myself, I've never felt more stupid than I feel right now. And that's saying a lot, considering I'm the smartest kid in this school.

I might as well add egotistical to my list of flaws with a statement like that.
I figure Damien will need a ride home since I drove him to school today, but when I make it to the parking lot he's nowhere to be found.
I sigh, climbing into my car and starting it up.
I should've known he'd be so pissed at my ungrateful attitude that he'd push me away. I'm not mad, I know I deserve it.
I've been acting like a bitch to him all day when he's treated me like the complete opposite of that.
I didn't mean to, I'm just so fucking blinded by myself sometimes.

I pull out of the parking lot, driving in the direction of his house.

The sooner he realizes that I'm not that easy to get rid of, the quicker he'll understand how I'm starting to feel about him.
Although I'll never just come right out and tell him.
And we are what we are.



And lovers.

*Damien's POV*

Caring about people and having feelings for them and shit, it's nothing but a bunch of bullshit I swear it. I mean look at this shit, I basically just sacrificed my life twice for this ungrateful kid and all that he can think about is himself.
So what do I get for doing what I did for him?
Just him being pissed at me because things didn't go his way. Not him being thankful that I saved both our asses. I don't even need him to say thank you but damn some simple gratitude would be nice.

Honestly, I don't even really care about the fact that he's mad.
Steven can be mad all he wants. What's really bothering me is the fact that he likes to assign blame but when something is actually his fault he can't accept that.
You know what?

Fuck him.
I feel this sprout of laughter take over me.
Fucking him is exactly what I won't be doing tonight, or any night to come for that matter.
In all seriousness, we've yet to go that far. And I would never push the subject of sex with him. I'm not a virgin so to speak because I've slept with plenty of girls, but I've never slept with a guy. And he knows that I want to have sex with him.
But on the other hand, he is a virgin and...I don't know. I guess I'm just so used to being with girls and sleeping with them whenever I pleased that I'm not used to not being able to sleep with the person that I want to, when I want to.
And I would never 'cheat' on Steven and go have sex with a female just because he won't sleep with me. But I'm not going to lie and act like he doesn't piss me off when he acts like he doesn't want to sleep with me at all.
I mean maybe it's not an act.
We've been fooling around with each other for a while now and I'll continue to wait as long as he needs me to until we can take that next step, but my feelings for him are starting to get kind of more than personal, and I don't think it's the same for him.

I don't know.
I don't know what's going on with him these days. Or with us. But to be honest I don't feel like wasting my time by wrecking my brain to try and figure it out.
I helped him today, not once but twice. Twice I saved his ass.

God only knows what my parents would do to me if they knew I was attracted to guys. I take enough shit and enough hits as it is on the football field, I don't need even more at home.
Steven's parents are an entirely different story though. They are all traditional and shit. Hell they'd probably disown him or something crazy like that if they ever find out what he's doing with his best friend in the closet. His parents creep me the fuck out.

Jake foster, the popular jock football player is dating Sam fuller, his jock football player boyfriend. What will happen when the not social and sarcastic Liam smith is...
There's a knock on my room door.

''Come in,'' I yell. I see my little brother Cody running down the stairs. Yes, down the stairs.
I took the basement and converted it into my room. I know my house is basically like a mansion there's ten rooms in this house, but I like the basement. I get peace, privacy, and it's...secure.
''Did you finish your homework yet?'' I ask him when he reaches the bottom of the stairs. He walks over to me. I sit up on my bed and look at him.


''Then we can almost talk, after you finish your homework.'' I tell him. I pick my cellphone up from beside me on my bed. Cody sighs, causing me to look back over at him. ''Do you need me to help you?'' I ask him.
He shakes his head.
I put my phone down.

''Come here,'' I say, gesturing for him to have a seat next to me. He sits beside me on my bed. His head is hung low, but I catch a glimpse of his expression and I can see that something is bothering them.
''What's up?'' I ask him. He shrugs. That's a tell sign that I'm going to have to ease this out of him.
Cody is very closed off when he wants to be for reasons that I completely understand. When you grow up in a household like this you learn to be invisible, quiet, and keep every thought that crosses your mind to yourself at all times.
''Cody you can tell me what's bothering you, I'm your brother you can always tell me anything.'' I assure him. He glances up at me with that worried look of his in his emerald eyes.
''I just—I just don't like leaving you alone in this house with them Damien. I know that it's best for me to sleep at Connors' house when he's back in town but I don't like leaving you here. It makes me feel bad.'' Cody admits, looking into my eyes.
I can see the puddles forming in his eyes and with a single blink the tears cascade down his face. I sigh, reaching over to wipe my brothers face, proceeding to pull him closer to me for a hug.
''Don't you ever feel bad for me, Cody. I'm going to be alright. Okay? Look at me,'' I release him from the hug, staring into his teary eyes as I muster up the most believable face I can possibly display. ''I'm going to be just fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm your older brother, it's my job to worry about you not the other way around.'' I say, hopping to soothe him.
He nods his head at me.
''Okay, I guess I'll drop you off early and you can finish your homework at Connors house. Go pack a bag for the week.'' I tell him.
He gets up from my bed and leaves my room, going to get his things ready.
I sigh, laying back against my bed.
I'm not going to be just fine when our father gets back into town tonight. I mean unless you consider just fine a broken nose and a few bruised ribs.
I'm sure as soon as his plane lands he'll make his way to the bar that's nearest to the airport. Then he'll take a taxi to the house, come home and greet us and everything will be fine for a while as he goes upstairs to unpack his suitcase.
And then things won't be fine.
Then my mother becomes a punching bag that works to alleviate my fathers stress.
And me? What do I become?
I become the bandages that wrap around a beaten punching bag. Pushing her to the side and taking all the hits for her.
And when morning rolls around she powders on a new layer of makeup and they'll both pretend like nothing happened. She'll refuse to look me in my eyes because of the guilt she feels for letting her husband put his hands on me.
And my father? He'll make some joke about how football is really getting the better of me this year with all the new bruises I'm sporting lately.
Fucking in denial, abusive alcoholic.
And me? I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. Because I care about the people that I'm taking the hits to protect more than I care about myself.
I brush all of this from my mind, getting up from my bed. I grab my car keys from my dresser and make my way upstairs.
I walk down the hall over to the main stairwell in the house.
''Cody are you ready to go?'' I yell up the stairs. A minute later he comes running down the stairs, a backpack in one hand and a gym bag in the other.

''Let's go!'' He screams, running past me and for the front door. Okay so now I'm basically deaf.

I follow him outside, looking the front door behind me. He tosses his stuff into the backseat of the car, climbing into the passenger seat as I get into the drivers' seat.
I put my seatbelt on, waiting until he does the same before I start up the car and back out of the driveway.
I start heading in the direction of his best friend Connors house. It's nearly a thirty-minute drive and about fifteen minutes in my phone starts to ring.
''Answer it for me,'' I tell Cody. He gets my phone from my pocket, hitting the answer button and placing it to his ear.
He exchanges greetings with whoever's on the phone for a minute.

''Well we're in the car right now, he can't talk,'' Cody says. He looks at me. ''Steven wants to know if you can hangout at his house later.'' Cody informs me.
I shake my head.
''He doesn't want to hangout with you,'' Cody replies bluntly. I roll my eyes, coming to a halt at a red light and reaching over to take the phone from Cody's hands.
I put the phone to my ear.
''Steven I'm busy,'' I say simply before hanging the phone up and continuing to drive when the light changes colors.
''Liar,'' I hear Cody mumble in a sing-song voice.

''Am I not driving you somewhere?'' I ask him.
''Well you won't be in about ten minutes.'' He responds.
''Mhmm,'' I reply dryly.
We reach Connors house within the next ten minutes. Cody grabs his stuff from the backseat before hopping out of the car.
''Hey!'' I scream out of the window, honking the horn. ''I love you, I'll see you soon.''

''I love you too,'' He yells back, making his way up to Connors front door.
I drive away, going back to my house. The next thirty minutes are filled with the radio quietly spurting out a song now and again.
I pull up in my driveway, turning my car off and getting out. I make it to my front door, only to glance around and see Steven's car parked on the curb. I sigh, unlocking my front door and walking into my house.
I make my way down to my bedroom, not surprised in the slightest to see Steven in my room, digging through my dresser.

''What are you doing?'' I ask him, walking over to my dresser.
''Packing you some clothes obviously. Where do you think you're sleeping tonight? Here?'' He asks me sarcastically.
I walk over to him, putting all the clothes that he had taken out of my dresser back in it. ''I locked my front door when I left. You broke into my house and,'' I close my drawer, '' You're invading my privacy.''

He turns to look at me, his arms folded across his chest.
''Look I fucked up, okay?'' He offers. I just stand there. I'm not about to make this so easy for him. He fucks up all the time the only difference to this time is for some reason it hurt more.
It hurt a hell of a lot more.
He looks me in my eyes. I stare back into his deep brown eyes.
''You know what I'm trying to say,'' He attempts again. I shake my head, walking over to my bed and taking a seat.
Steven resumes taking my clothes from my dresser and tossing them into his athletics bag.

''Whenever you're finished packing my clothes for no reason at all, you should leave before my Dad gets here.'' I tell him.
Steven tosses the bag on the floor, turning around and walking towards me.
''Look I don't care how much of an asshole you're being to me right now, it's not changing the fact that you're sleeping at my fucking house tonight.'' He shouts at me.
''What about your annoying, overbearing helicopter parents?'' I ask him idly. He shrugs his shoulders.
''I'll sneak you in,'' He concludes.
''Steven unless you plan on sneaking me in for the entire week, don't waste your time. It doesn't matter if I dodge a beating tonight, because I know that it'll be coming my way regardless.'' I tell him seriously.
Yes, I would love to spend the night with Steven and not in my fucking house with my father, but it won't change the whole situation in its entirety. I'd rather just deal with it instead of playing a game of dodgeball.
Steven looks to the ground. I hear him intake a deep breath of air before he exhales it. ''I'm sorry,'' He apologizes, still not looking up at me. ''I'm an idiot sometimes Damien, but I do care. And I'm not letting you sleep here.''

He looks into my eyes again finally.
''Forgive me?'' He asks.
I stand up, grabbing Steven and pulling him closer. I let my hand gently stroke his cheek before leaning in and kissing his lips. I set him free from the kiss, looking at his face to see tears falling from his eyes.
I smile, wiping the tears away. ''That was me accepting your apology idiot, why are you crying?'' I taunt him.
He shakes his head. His arms come up to wrap around my neck. I feel more tears hitting my skin.
''Steven...'' I say quietly. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him back. ''Tell me what's wrong,'' I beg him.
I feel him shaking his head against my neck.

''Just hold me—hold me close please,'' He hiccups out through tears.
I guide us down to the bed. I lay on my back so that Steven can rest his head on my chest.
Getting things out of Steven isn't as easy as getting things out of Cody. With Steven I had to wait until he was ready to tell me. If I pry we'll just end up fighting about it and that won't get us anywhere.
So for now I guess I'll just be left worrying until he decides that he's ready to tell me.
I can't stop hearing his voice in my head when he told me that he cares about me.
There are different meanings for the word care. I don't know what he means.

What I do know is that I care.
I want to do more than just hold him close. That's the type of care I'm feeling. I want to keep him, take him, have him.

Honestly, at this point I feel like I can actually handle and get happiness out of putting up with his shit for the rest of my life.

I want him to be mines. But sadly, wanting isn't enough.

''Dammit Carter!'' I yelled as I threw the game controller to the floor. He erupted in laughter. Same as Jackson and Damien.

''You lost prep boy, don't take it out on my game controller.'' Jackson said. I sighed shaking my head. I did'nt lose, Carter cheated.
''Whatever, I'm going to get something to drink.'' I said getting up and tossing Jackson the controller. Let's see how much fun he has losing to the cheating Carter. I walked out of the main room and into the kitchen. I would much rather be relaxing at Damiens house, cuddled up with him as we watched Netflix all day, but no we just had to hangout with Jackson and Carter today.

I was'nt complaining because I did'nt like them. They were my friends just as much as they were Damiens, but I'd just rather be anywhere but here. Well that's a lie, because honestly I'd rather be anywhere but at my house.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Damien looking at me with the same worried expression he's had since last night.
''I'm fine.'' I repeated to him for the fifth time today. It may have been a lie but he couldn't help me with what I was going through. My family was my problem, and if I told him what was going on then he'd feel bad, and I did'nt want that.

''Don't lie to me Steven, I know you.'' Damien said. His hand left my shoulder and moved to my waist as he pulled me in close to him for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging more tightly to him than I wanted to be. I fought back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. I have to hold it in, it'll all blow over quickly, I know it will.
The tears won the battle, and soon they were staining my face. I held my sobs in as they ran relentlessly down my face.

''Aye Damien get in here! It's your turn to get your ass kicked!'' Carter yelled from the main room. I heard Damien sigh before he moved his hands from my waist, and with me refusing to let him go, he had to basically pry my arms from around his neck.
He took a step back, looking at me. His expression still never changed, only now he looked as worried as ever. I should'nt have just broke down, I probably ruined his entire day, because I know now he'll suggest that we go home. And even though I'll assure him that he can stay and hang with our friends he'll refuse easily. It's such a played out routine.

He lifted his hand to my face, wiping the fallen tears away. I sighed and turned my head away from him. I was never this bad at keeping my emotions in check. I turned my head back to face him, and was caught in a kiss. I went to put my hands on his cheeks but his hands caught mine, entwining our fingers and squeezing tightly.

He pulled away and I was'nt ready to set him free just yet, but I knew that it was beyond dangerous for him to have even hugged me in the first place. He released my hands and rested his forehead against mine.

''Your public face is horrible.'' He whispered out to me laughing quietly. He was referring to the way we had to act with each other when we were'nt alone or in private. I smiled pulling back from him and looking into his light blue eyes.

''Stay'' I suggested. ''I'll only be moping in my own problems all day, and besides you really wanted to hang with them.'' He shook his head smiling back at me.

''We both know how this argument is going to end, so should we skip the meaningless conversation? Because either way I'm coming, and dude I'm your ride idiot, I'm leaving either way.'' He said, shaking his head like he was surprised at my sudden lack of common sense. Actually I was a bit shocked at that as well.

Gale was stumbling down the halls the first day of his Junior year in a new school when he bumped into a boy named Ivan. Gale stumbled feeling quite embarrassed and look...
We said bye to Jackson and Carter, then climbed into Damiens car and made our way over to his house. The ride was silent, but I guess he did'nt yet notice that I had in fact noticed him stealing glances at me every three minutes. Jocks, there so creepy I swear.
''Stop it.'' I murmured, feeling a blush sneak its way onto my cheek after he just looked at me and smiled.
''I can't help it.'' He admitted, stopping at a red light. ''You have that look on your face again, the one where I can tell your over thinking something, and you look so damn sexy.'' He stated smiling at me.
I knew my face was probably bright red right now. I hated it when he said things like that, it made me blush repeatedly. ''Give me a kiss.'' He said. I laughed, shaking my head no. ''Please babe.'' He said fluttering his eyes and poking out his bottom lip.
I just stared at him frozen. Did he just call me babe? Oh god no. What was happening, I did'nt need this not now at least. He caught on to his mistake as well, I'm hoping it was a mistake, he turned his gaze from me looking down at his hand that rested on his lap.
''Um. Green light.'' I choked out quietly in the awkward silence. He continued to drive and when we pulled into his parking lot neither of us bothered to get out of the car. I was'nt going to move until he moved.
''I did'nt mean anything by it. It just sort of slipped out.'' He said turning to look at me. I wish this was'nt on my mind right now. I was'nt mad that he had called me babe, but I could'nt be happy about it either even though I honestly wanted to be. I knew I had to tell him why I was upset sooner or later. I mean he would start to come to a conclusion when I begin to repeatedly crash at his house for the rest of my life.
I couldn't go home. Not after what happened.
''Look we don't have to talk about this. It was just a slip up and-'' I unbuckled my seat belt and basically threw myself into his lap, as I captured his lips with mine. He did'nt get a chance to ask me for entrance before my tongue had already invaded his mouth taking control. His hands were at my back and they trailed down to roughly grope my butt. I let a groan escape from between our lips as I ran my fingers through his hair.
I captured his bottom lip in between my teeth. Pulling playfully before letting go and resting my head on his forehead. I leaned down to gently kiss his lips again before pulling back and smiling.
''Call me what ever you want.'' I whispered to him.
''Give me the remote Damien.'' I said angrily as he held it above his head, out of my reach smiling. He thought this was a joke, well I did'nt! God he knows just how to ruin a perfect moment. Not even five minutes ago we were laying peacefully on his bed kissing each others faces off while The Walking Dead played loudly in the background.
''No, no way. Not until you tell me.'' He said in a serious tone. I sighed moving over to his bed where I layed down and basically tried to smother myself with a pillow. I did'nt get that far before then pillow was pulled from my face and a pair of soft lips slammed into mine.
''Now tell me.'' Damien said, pulling back from the unexpected kiss. I sighed again and turned on my side facing away from him. I did'nt want to tell him even though I had too. He should'nt have to worry. If he knew, I know he was going to through his own neck out on the line for me. And that's exactly what I did'nt want.
I felt him wrap his arm around my waist pulling me back and into his warm chest. He rested his head on the side of my neck, and I held onto the hand that he had wrapped around me. He was spooning me, I never in my life thought that I'd be the little spoon. I did'nt feel like complaining, I knew he was only trying to make me feel better, and it was working.
His embrace had me feeling so safe. ''It's about your parents, is'nt it?'' He asked, I felt his warm breath hit my neck. I mentally sighed. I was about to tell him everything, it would'nt help to lie to him any longer. He'd guess it sooner or later.
''My Mom walked into my room when I had just taken a shower, so all I had was a towel wrapped around my waist. She saw the hickeys on my chest and shoulder, then rushed over to me like I was dying or something. Of course I got in trouble for them, but we still had to discuss it with my Dad. She picked diner later that day to bring it up, and my Dad was furious with me, you know how religiously strict my parents are. But what made it worse was that my sister had to choose that moment of all times to make a stupid joke about me being gay.'' I said to him, forcing my self to restrain the tears. I guess he could sense I was on the verge of crying because he tightened his hold around me and placed a gentle kiss on my neck.
''Everyone at the table thought it was funny except me because I was the only one not laughing. When they finished I replied to her with a simple 'Yeah, and?' I swear it looked like they were different people the way the were staring incredulously at me. Then my Dad broke the silence by asking me if I was homosexual. I could'nt answer him, but I'm pretty sure the way I stormed out of the house after that gave them all the answer that they feared most.'' By the time I had got all that out my eyes had watered and spilled over.
''Shh it's okay. We can fix this if you want we can make it all go away.'' He said turning me in his arms so that I was facing him. He had me beneath him as he climbed on top me letting his weight rest on me. He kissed my lips lightly and I let my hand gently caress his cheek. ''Or we can accept it. I like you Steven, much more than an experiment or a free hookup every other day.'' He said separating our lips.
''I don't want to have to play public face anymore, and I don't want you to have to suffer through this alone. You should've told me sooner that, that's what made you so upset. I'm going to come out to my parents, this is all my fault anyway. I kissed you first that night.'' He said looking guilty and ashamed.
I pulled him closer to me pecking his lips gently, before pulling back. ''No Damien-''
''You can't change my mind. I'm doing it...for you.'' He said cutting me off and placing a kiss to my cheek before we got back into our previous positions. What had I done? I'm fine with my life being over, but now he was just going to give his up for me.
All for me.*

''Just one more please.'' I asked childishly. Steven grinned at me and crawled back atop me, forcing me to lay down on my bed as he straddled me.

''Did you do your homework?'' He asked leaning in close to me. I shook my head at him as I stuck my tongue out and he caught it between his teeth. A quiet groan left my lips as I stared up at him in shock. I never knew he had a kinky side, that just makes him so much more sexier.
He closed the distance between us bringing my tongue into his mouth and sucking roughly on it. I ran my hand through his raven black hair, as my other trailed down his back to grope his butt lightly. He moaned releasing my tongue from his mouth, and sitting up on me.

I laughed and shook my head. ''Well damn, I wonder what else that mouth of yours can do.'' I purred seductively. He laughed getting off of me. He reached his hand out to me and I took it getting to my feet.
I found my self being wrapped into his embrace as his arms found there way around my neck, pulling me into an air restricting hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I knew why he was clinging to me so tightly, and I refuse to change my decision.
''Please.'' He whispered into the crook of my neck. ''Don't do it, we can pretend this never happened. We can go back to getting wasted and screwing girls on the weekend. I'll never talk to you again if that's what it'll take for us to go back to normal.'' He stopped for a second and I could hear him began to sob as his warm tears hit my shoulder. I was suppose to be the one crying, not him.

''It hurts Damien. I love you, and it hurts, because they say I shouldn't. I won't believe them. Please, just tell me you don't feel the same, tell me your feelings aren't as strong.'' He begged me. But I wouldn't, I refused to lie to him, even though I knew I probably should.
This feeling of shame and vulnerability was so new to him, he lived off of stability, and it was hard for him to break away from it since he'd grown up around it. He said he loved me. Steven loved me. And if this didn't go well his love was the only love I'd ever need.
''C'mon.'' I said breaking our hug and placing a gentle kiss to his forehead before walking over to my closet and grabbing my duffel bag off my dresser. I threw random clothes in before zipping it up and throwing it over my shoulder. He looked confused as I took his hand and led him out of my room. When we got into the dining room where my parents were idlely chatting while drowning themselves in their work, I let out a sigh. It would really snow in hell if they ever looked up from their laptops long enough to see if I was even alive.
I felt him trying to pull his hand from my grip, but I held on tighter. I could do this, but I needed him. He was the only thing that gave me the strength to do this.
''Mom, Dad.'' I said casually, trying to get there attention, if only just for a second. They weren't paying me any mind though. ''Excuse me!'' I basically yelled. They both glanced my way before quickly going back to their work, but my Dad did a double take as he looked at me again and his eyes zeroed in on me and Stevens clasped hands. The look that covered his face, had cold bitter chills going down my spine, I knew Steven felt it too as he tried yet again to pull away from me but I wouldn't let him.

''Damien Kristopher Vitale.'' My father spoke sternly, his cold gaze shifting to look me in my eyes. Oh god, you know your dead when your parents use your full name. I broke his gaze for a second as I glanced over at my Mother. She had stopped what she was doing as well and was staring at me with careful eyes. She had a stoic expression on her face, but I was praying that whatever she was thinking wasn't as harsh as whatever my Dad was thinking.

''Dad.'' I said turning so I had both my parents in my sight. ''Mom, I'm in love-''

''Choose your next words carefully son. I advise you to choose them very very carefully.'' He seethed at me. His jaw was clenched. If his balled fist didn't give away the fact that he was beyond pissed, the threatening tone in his voice sure did. I didn't think the situation would go grim so quickly.
I gripped on tighter to Stevens hand. I needed him more than I needed air at this moment. ''I'm gay.'' I said with a low voice, in fear of it cracking. My eyes were averted to looking at my shoes. I was scared to look up. Scared to face that look of disappointment that I knew would be on their faces. I wasn't what they wanted, and now they knew that.
' 'Get out.'' My fathers voice was much more calm than I expected it to be. I looked up to see him holding on so tightly to his phone to where I'm sure it was about to shatter into his hands. My Mom stared at him in a daze of surprise and anger.


''No, Beth.'' He said slamming his hand on the table, causing all three of us to jump. ''Get out before I do something that I'm going to be arrested for.'' He said, his hatred filled eyes scorching into me.
I stood there, to in shock to move. I expected this, I did which is why I had already packed me some clothes. But for him to threaten me... my own father.
No, no, no, no, no. This wasn't happening. ''Mom?'' I asked feeling myself on the brink of tears. She was already crying. Her lightly tanned skinned now a shade of deep pink as tears streamed down her cheek. Her long brown hair flowing past her shoulders as she ran a shaky hand through it.
''Sweetie.'' She said getting up, almost making her way over to me but my Dad beat her to it. He pushed her to the side. I'm sure he didn't mean to but he practically threw her small frame into the wall. A high pitched scream escaped her lips as her head hit the wall and she fell limp to the floor. The look of horror on my face, barely showed how I truly felt.
My Dad grabbed a handful of my shirt, pulling me off my feet, and pinning me against the main room wall. Stevens hand left mine as he backed away with a petrified look on his face. I wanted to try to get out of my fathers grip but I was only thinking of my mom. I knew she wasn't dead, the blow to her head was only hard enough to make her go unconscious but the fact that he did that. The fact that he's doing this.
I turned my attention back to my dad as I saw his fist raising in the air from the corner of my eye. I turned my head just in time to catch the blow that hit my jaw and had me spitting blood. My entire face felt numb. I coughed, choking on the blood that was caught in my throat.
I felt his hand leave my shirt and I fell to knees clutching my stomach as I stared up at my Dad. I didn't need a mirror to show my expression. I'm sure how I felt was very evident on my face. I saw the sudden change in his eyes, as they went from anger and hate to regret and shock. He stared at me and back to his hand that was stained with my blood.

''Get out.'' He breath in a lifeless tone, after a moment of silence. ''Just-Just leave. Now!'' He yelled moving over to my Mother, and pushing Steven away from her. I could see she was slowly regaining consciousness. I was still in shock, but gladly Steven was beside me in less than a second, pulling me to my feet and rushing us both out the door.
My head was spinning, and it wasn't just from the collision of his fist to my face. No, I was confused, heartbroken, torn, and horrifically astonished. That wasn't the Father I grew up with, that was not the man that I looked up to. He was no longer my Father. And I couldn't help but blame myself.*
Steven P.O.V*

I feel like I deserve to die, like I deserve to be disowned by my family and never loved again. It was my fault. I did this. I'm the reason for it happening.

I didn't know what to say. He sat next to me in my car, as I drove us to the furthest hotel from our town. All I knew is that we had to get away. I was useless. Completely useless as his Dad abused him.

I sighed shaking my head. It was all my fault.

"I'm fine." He said quietly to me, reaching over and taking my free hand in his. He squeezed my hand tightly in reassurance but I didn't squeeze back. He'd been saying that this whole time and I know when he's lying to me. I hate it when he lies to me.

"I'm not." I admitted. My voice was barely above a whisper, but I knew he heard me. I pulled into the lot of the hotel. Taking the keys out the car I closed my eyes and took a breath, hoping to get a grasp on myself. On my stability.

Before I could open my eyes again a pair of soft lips met mine, kissing me sweetly. I brought my hand up to caress his cheek but quickly recoiled my hand and my lips as a hiss of pain left his lips.

"I-I'm sorry." I said watching him carefully as he brought his own hand up to run over his bruised face. He sighed shaking his head at me.

"Its okay, its nothing. It'll be gone by the weeks end." He assured me, leaning over to peck my lips lightly again before climbing out the car. I followed his lead. We went to the main building and booked a room for a few nights.

"I'm sorry." I said again when we were inside our hotel room. He was leaning against the headboard of the bed with an ice bag pressed to his cheek. I was sprawled out across the foot of the bed, as we just stared at each other.

He moved, placing the ice bag on the bedside table, before coming to hover over me. His hands were beside my head, holding himself off me as he studied my features carefully.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Steven. I did what I should've done a long time ago. And for the first time in a long time, they actually gave me more than five seconds of their time." He joked, laughing lightly.

I frowned at him, holding myself up on my elbows and forcing him to lean up a little. "That's not funny, Damien. None of this is. I'm sorry. My life was bad enough and now because of me yours is fucked up too!" I said. He pushed me back on the bed firmly. His own features becoming angry.

''No, it isn't! And never say that again,'' He let his hand gently caress my cheek. ''Steven as long as you're here with me, as long as we mean something to each other, my life isn't fucked up and it never will be.'' He leaned down and embraced me in the most passionate kiss we've ever shared.
His lips moved slowly over mine. I felt his hand snake its way under my shirt and glide over my abs. I shuddered at the sparks it emitted to me.

I hated the fact that I forgot his back was sore. He winced as I griped the side of his shoulder, pulling him closer to me. When he started to grind on me is about the moment that I think I lost a bit of my control.
The breathless pants slipped free from my lips as I arched my back, trying to get much more contact than he was giving me.

His lips left mine and started on my neck, slow tender kisses. Every where his lips touched left my skin tingling. He pulled back, causing me to open my shut eyes and look into his bright blue ones.

''I love you.'' He said, staring at me with a look that all but screamed I was the most important thing in the world to him. I felt the tears pooling in my eyes but I couldn't push them back.

After overcoming a traumatic heartbreak as a teenager, Chloe struggled to grow up and establish her career, but after years of work, her life finally feels like it's bac...
''I love you too.'' I said feeling the water run from my eyes. He kissed my tears away, sitting up and pulling me into his lap. I moved forward and kissed him sweetly on the lips. ''Can we?'' I asked when I pulled back from the kiss.

I didn't elaborate on my question but I didn't have to because I knew that he knew what I meant. I knew that he knew what I wanted. He looked so hesitant as he stared into my eyes.

He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but I cut him off before he could. ''Please don't ask if I'm sure, Damien. I love you, that's all I want you to think about,'' I said wrapping my arms around his neck and laying my head on his shoulder. ''We love each other.'' I whispered to him. ''So make love to me.''

I felt his arms tighten around me. He laid me back on the bed crawling on top of me and looking into my eyes. ''Slow?" He asked cautiously. I laughed actually enjoying his momentary uncertainty. Never once in our time together like this has he offered to go slow. But I guess that was a good thing, I knew that was a good thing.

''Slow.'' I agreed as he leaned up to pull his shirt off. I admired his built muscular body. He caught my eye as I was practically drooling over him.

''Stare all you want,'' He said lifting my shirt up and over my head. ''What's mine is yours, and what's yours,'' My breath was caught in my throat and a strangled groan left my lips as he cupped me roughly in his hand. ''Is mine.'' He breathed into my ear letting his tongue trace the shell. I shuddered under his touch.

''Damien.'' I whined out as his grip got tighter. Of course it wouldn't be normal with out some teasing. But with the way he was making me feel, I don't think I can handle any teasing.

I felt my nipple being enveloped in the warmth of his mouth and I let my hands rake through his brown hair. Oh god. I ended up pulling his hair as his teeth tugged at my nipple.

I sat up slightly causing him to lean back, giving me the chance to basically jump him as he fell back on the bed and I landed on top of him. ''I love it when you get rough.'' He said smirking at me.

''I hate it when you tease me.'' I scolded him. He simply smiled at me as I undid his pants button. I slid them off and started to hook my thumbs in the waist band of his briefs but his hand caught mines.

I let my hands slowly feel down the frame of his body. The feel of his smooth warm skin beneath my fingertips had my mouth watering. I looked up to see him biting his lips. I was tempted to lean down and take his soft pink lip into my mouth.

''Let me.'' I whispered to him as I started to pull his briefs down. Before he could stop me I leaned down and licked the tip of his member, causing a hiss like groan to leave his lips.

I started to suck on the underside, feeling his fingers entwine in my hair once I licked from top to base. I looked up to see his beautiful blue eyes watching me intently as his teeth marked into his lip harshly. It was nice to know I was finally the one making him lose his cool.

I took one last lust filled look at him before enveloping him in my mouth completely. The sexy groan that left his lips had my pants becoming even more uncomfortable.

I had him on edge for the longest before I removed my mouthed completely denying him release. I leaned up and kiss him. His hand traveled down my back, groping me roughly. ''You're amazing.'' He whispered pecking my lips again. I laughed.

''With sexy breathless compliments like that, I should suck you off all the time.'' I mused. I saw his eyes glint at the thought which caused me to laugh more. He climbed atop me, reaching between me to undo my pants. I helped, slipping my briefs and pants off together as we stared into each others eyes.

''I meant it.'' He said, taking my leg and placing it to his shoulder. I felt my breathing hitch. He noticed and gave me a small smile as he entwined our fingers. ''I love you.'' I'll never get tired of hearing him tell me that. I heard a cap pop. I swear I glared at him for just a mere second and he started laughing. He knew why.

''You were just hoping you were gonna get laid, weren't you?'' I said mocking him as I smiled. I gasped as I felt the coldness at my entrance. He leaned down and let his lips hover over mine.

''Maybe.'' He whispered before kissing me. His tongue glided into my mouth moving together with mine. I felt his free hand start to slowly rub my leg that rested on his shoulder.

He made me feel sparks with just his touch. I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment between him kissing me breathless with his intoxicating lips, and his hand on my leg rubbing gently, making me harder than I already am, but the most unpleasant pain spread through me.

I gripped his hand tightly as I squeezed my eyes shut repelling the tears. This hurts like hell. He made a sound like a groan and a hiss at the same time as I moved slightly trying to find some comfort.

He didn't rush me as I took my time getting used to it. After a while the pain wasn't as bad. I opened my eyes to be greeted by sparkling blue ones. ''Okay?" He asked in a husky voice.

''Okay.'' I answered, tilting my head up. He kissed my lips. When he started to move the pain I felt before was becoming practically nonexistent. This felt incredible; he felt incredible inside me.

I adored the way I got to see his muscle flex and grow taut in his shoulders every time he would pick up speed. I loved the way he would moan out my name like it was his favorite word in the world when he came; every time he came.

It seemed as though every time I clawed at his back or tugged roughly on his hair when I felt near climax he would go faster, harder even. Just that thought made me mentally smile. Of course he likes it rough.

He decorated me beautifully. Kissing, biting and sucking at my porcelain skin. I attributed my own share of marks as he went slower, deeper. His hand started to stroke me and I wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him closer to me. It felt so astonishing I sunk my teeth into his shoulder to keep from screaming out in pleasure.

''You mean everything to me.'' He mumbled panting when we were finally spent. I rolled over staring into his alluring eyes, he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into his embrace.

''How much is everything?'' I asked after a while, I was gently running my hand over his cheek, being sure not to hurt him. He smiled at me, grabbing my hand from him face and placing it on his chest.

''Everything is all.'' He answered bringing my hand up to his lips and placing a gentle kiss. I could practically feel the blush take over my face. I tried to turn away, but he captured my lips first. ''Everything.'' He told me again before kissing me deeply.
*Damien P.O.V.*

I watched him while he slept.

To say he is beautiful wouldn't due him justice. He is lovely, stunning, gorgeous, charming, he is everything to me. I loved the way he fit perfectly in my arms; the way this all just felt so perfect.

I hated myself for what I had to do.

But knowing that I was doing it for him, so that he could survive, made me feel not so much like crap.

He's going to hate me too.

I wouldn't blame him if he did. I'd still love him. I'll always love him. But I wouldn't be able to deal with him growing to resent me. I couldn't take it. Even when doing the most selfless thing of my life, why did I still feel selfish?

Maybe because I knew it was wrong. Maybe because it was going to tear him into a million pieces and me the same. Maybe because I was ripping us from each others arms in such a cruel manner that I should be deemed a criminal.

Or maybe it was because I love him more than my own life.

I leaned down and kissed his lips lightly, making sure not to wake him. I laid the letter down on the bed. It took all the will I had to walk out of that hotel room. Every step felt like the world was shaking. I told myself not to look back once I reached the room door. But I couldn't resist.

Seeing him lay so peacefully, and knowing it would be the last time I laid eyes on him had my heart crumbling. I ran from the room, shutting the door lightly. I wasn't even two minutes from the hotel before the pain took over. I drowned myself in tears as I slumped against a tree.

''It's okay, it's-it's fine as long as it's for him. This is all for him. I love him. God, I love him.'' I whispered to myself trying to calm down.

I love him.


Dear Steven,

I wasn't drunk when I kissed you that night, I was barely even buzzed. I wanted to.

Steven I wanted to kiss you that night. I've wanted to kiss you ever since the first week we met. I'm sorry for lying about that.

I'm sorry for a lot of things.

The Bro-Code;

#: Never get caught.

#: Learn your lies.

#: What happens in the closet stays in the closet.

#: Never break the Bro-Code.

We failed number one. I don't regret it. Everything that has brought us closer together, I'll never regret any of it.

I'm pretty sure we fucked up number two on many occasions. But we fucked up together.

I ruined number three for us. I'm not proud of how everything played out when I told my parents. I just want you to know and understand that none of it is your fault.

Right now I'm breaking number four.

So right now I'm saying fuck the Bro-Code. It was never about the Bro-Code it's about us and I love you.

I can't apologize enough for what I've done to you, because I know my words mean nothing. They can't ever justify my actions enough for you to forgive me and I know that.

I'm sure right now your upset and your probably cursing me out in every language you know but I won't apologize for what I'm doing right now.

Yes, I'm deeply sorry for causing you the pain that's going to follow, but no Steven, I'm not sorry for leaving, because I'm doing it for reasons I can't bring myself to explain. But most importantly you should know I'm doing it for you.

I love you more than I love myself. You didn't fuck my life up Steven you made it worth living, but I can't go back home. My parents will never accept me and I know that.

But you have a chance.

And it would be so cruel of me to take that away from you. Your parents will forgive you, Steven. I know they will. They love you. I want you to tell them what they want to hear. Even if it means bashing me, I don't care. I want what's best for you.

Steven...Steven I'm not best for you. You're so perfect and I'm not worth your future. And I want you to have that future.

I love you so much baby. I must have written that a million times already but I don't care, it's true. I'll always love you, that's why I have to do this, please never forget that.

Please never forget our love.
>spouting the same bullshit over and over

:lul::lul::lul: You just have no argument, little kid. I've been the only one providing scientific sources [2]

"MUH YOU'RE INSECURE" LMFAO JFL at this 12-year-old tier normie banter, shitposting does not mean someone is insecure. I also noticed you use the MUH PROJECTION cope that only 12-year-olds use.

that's literally what you've been doing

you give sources acting as if they somehow justify the ridiculous idea the yamnaya were mongoloid but none of them even actually prove that

and yeah that is projection, your projection.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: FattySalmon

''Ahh, Damien p-please not h-here. I have class in five minutes.'' Steven informed me, a moan traveling soon behind. I let my mouth abandon his erect nipple as I began sucking on his unmarked neck.

''So do I,'' I breathed out against his skin, placing a kiss to his soft spot right beneath his ear. He shuddered. I had him melting under me within seconds.

He's always like this when I start on him. I haven't even kissed him yet and he's already moaning my name.

''Damien, t-three minutes.'' He released from his lips despite his frequent panting for air. My laughter floated in the air, my lips moving from his neck.

It would be really cruel of me to leave him in his state of discomfort, seeing as though I am the one who put him there.

I thought about it for a minute, then shrugged.

His continuous countdown wasn't exactly a turn on.

I reached down, picking my shirt up from the floor, quickly pulling it over my head. ''Remember,'' I said, looking him deep in his caramel brown eyes, a smirk hanging at my lips. ''It was your call to finish yourself off.''

I slipped out of the janitors closet before he could object. As I'm swiftly making my way down the hall, I glance briefly at my wrist watch.

Haha, two minutes left Steven, I hope your hand works wonders.

Students start piling into the hall at the sound of the bell ranging. I continued making my way to my final class of the day, which by chance, just so happens to be his as well.

I took my usual seat in the back, watching as the rest of the students piled into the classroom. Inwardly, I laughed. There's no way he's going to make it, there is only a few minutes left 'till the tardy bell.

I smiled, seeing the Teacher walking in and calling the class to order. He started with the attendance.

I've never really understood why we did attendance at the end of the day. I mean c'mon, don't they think we've learned enough to be able to skip the last forty-five minutes of school?

God, the Board of Education is so stupid. I would definitely be as far away from this place as I could be if it wasn't for Steven.

I honestly never knew he was such a nerd until he made a rule that if I skipped school more than four times a week I wouldn't get any. Not that I get any anyway. But even thought I hated being here, I stopped skipping for him.

Deep down, I know he did that to help me, and in a way I am thankful to him. Before I only came to school on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Tuesdays are tolerable and Fridays are the most important day of the week. It's a test day, and the most exciting day of the week. You wouldn't believe me if I told you what goes down at this school.

The bell rang and in the same second a panting Steven came running into the classroom. His hand was clutching his stomach as he made an attempt to try and regain some air back into his lungs.

I laughed loudly, not caring if anyone started to stare.

He quickly shot me a glare from across the classroom. He turned to the teacher and gave him some bs excuse for being late. I doubt that he would have even got in trouble if he was a little late. He's like the Einstein of teachers pets.

Even knowing that, I also knew he'd be so pissed at me for almost making him late that that I wouldn't get any midnight action. Well there goes my late night blowie.

Daniel Crawford has always been perfect. He was the guy who played all the sports, dated the prettiest girls, and got the best grades. Life on the surface couldn't be be...
I purposely avoided his gaze as he took his seat beside me. The teacher started going on about some project and I proceeded to put my textbook up like a fort so I'd have a shield as I got on my phone.

I really didn't feel like being bothered right now. I have practice after this and then I have to go home and help my brother with his homework.

I know, funny isn't it? Considering I hate all things school related it seems kind of hypocritical of me to make my brother do his homework. I haven't did any homework since sophomore year. The advantage of having an Asian as a bestfriend.

Anyway, after I help with his homework I have to drop him off by his bestfriends house. I never let him sleep at home when our parents are there.

For the most part they ignore us, and we used to hate that, but when things get bad...when they get really bad, we wished they would ignore us, forget our existence even.

I don't really have any place to go when this happens besides Steven's house, but I can't stay there for more than two days a week. His parents are fucking crazy.

It doesn't matter though because I'd rather be dealing with it than letting my little brother deal with it.

''This is worth fifty percent of you final grade Mr. Vitalé. I hope you're paying attention.'' Mr. Richards said, looking in my direction. I gave him a sarcastic smile, shooting him a thumbs up.

Creative writing isn't exactly my favorite. Anything school related is not to my liking really. And I still don't like how they call the class an elective when the person who has to sit through it for forty five minutes sure as hell didn't choose it.

Steven discretely slipped a folded piece of paper on my desk when the teacher wasn't looking. I smirked. Oh look, the golden child is trying to break few rules. Aye, maybe I'm finally rubbing off on him. I unfolded the paper and read his perfect hand writing.

~Now you're shy? Don't play daft with me Damien. Just tell me you're afraid of me giving you blue balls.~

I smiled at the paper. The nerve of this boy. I glanced over to him before scribbling down my response.

~Are you kidding me? I have a hand, Steven. The only time you scare me is when you start using your foreign ass scholar words. Like 'daft'. What the hell does that mean anyway?~

I slipped the piece of paper back to him, then focused my attention to the game of Angry birds on my phone. Hearing him laugh, I glanced in his direction to see him crumbling up the piece of paper.

When he smiles it shows off his dimples. He'll never admit to it though, since he wants to look mature at every moment, but it makes him look even younger than his actual age. It's really adorable. He's the most attractive person I've ever seen in my life.

''Boys,'' Mr. Richards voice caught our attention. Steven and I both looked up at him. ''Either you can read it out loud, or I can. But just so you know Damien,'' He locked eyes with me giving me a stern look. I smiled back innocently just to piss him off. ''After you pretend to read it, I will read it.''

I rolled my eyes.

Turning to Steven, I gave him a 'what the hell' look, but he was busy staring at the teacher with a pleading expression on his face.

How did we even get caught? We barely passed more than two notes.


We only passed two notes. Does this man have eyes in the back of his head or something?

How the hell did he even see past my book fort? This is complete b.s.

''Any day now,'' Mr. Richards said, impatiently. Everyone’s attention was on us. The room suddenly felt like it was getting hotter. I took in a nervous breath.

Literally the first sentence on that paper gave away our secret. And there's no telling what Steven wrote on that paper before he crumbled it up. This is great, just fucking great!

I sighed, reaching my hand out towards Steven so that he could give me the paper. He handed it to me and the feeling of eyes watching me became even more evident.

I quickly shoved the balled up piece of paper in my mouth. When dreamed about deep throating so well that I'd have balls in my throat, this is not what I imagined.

I gaged at least three times trying to swallow it. The class watched in amusement and the teacher stared in dull annoyment. This is the fourth year Mr. Richards has had to deal with me, I'm pretty sure he's used to it by now.

Oh and Steven seemed to enjoy the show. He was laughing so hard his complexion had changed to fifty shades of pink.

''Steven, take your goat to the nurse. When you're done you can go down to the gym and explain and explain to your coaches why you both will be missing practice today because of the detention Damien just earned you.'' Mr. Richards spoke, immediately going back to his lesson after that.

I grabbed my things, shoving them into my backpack and exiting the classroom. A laughing Steven followed me out. I didn't find it funny at all. I felt like there was a ball stuck in my throat, and not the good kind. Plus, paper and ink taste really nasty together.

He was still laughing once we were further down the hall. I gritted my teeth, shoving him into a locker and continuing to walk.

Of course he caught up to me though, the boy is captain of the soccer team, he has legs.

''Shoving the defenseless Asian kid into the locker won't change the fact that you looked stupid.'' He told me, still laughing.

I stopped walking, turning to face him. I pinned him against the wall before he had a chance to react. Capturing his lips in mine, I stole what was left of his air. I should've suffocated the laughing bastard with my lips.

''I did it for you, you fucking idiot so please, stop telling me how stupid I looked, I know,'' I said once I had separated our lips, deciding to let him live. ''What the hell did you write on that paper after you crumbled it up?'' I asked him.

He pushed me back, getting off of the wall. I watched his cheeks flame up as he went into deep blush mode. I laughed, shaking my head.

''Wow,'' I said. ''That bad huh?'' I asked him seriously. He didn't answer me and we started walking again in silence. I wasn't even mad at him for almost getting us caught. It's both our fault. But we really have to be more careful, this town is like the headquarters for homophobia.

''Steven, what if Mr. Richards would have took the paper from you before he warned us?'' The question slipped free from my mind before I really thought about it.

I hate it when my thoughts escape my head. I'd rather just keep it to myself, it makes me feel like an idiot sometimes.

Steven glanced at me briefly.

''I guess--I mean I don't know. I know you would've had my back with it, but I don't really want to think about it, Damien.'' He whispered. I could hear the fear in his voice. ''But that's just bro-code right? We have each others back no matter what?'' He asked, offering his hand out to me.

I took his hand in mine, nodding in agreement.

Two jocks who are secretly gay together.

Two reputations and lives on the line if anyone ever finds out.

A millions things to worry about every minute we're in public together, trying our hardest to hide our feelings for each other.

''Yeah,'' I spoke with ease, ''Just bro-code.''

It's easier to lie when you're happy. With Steven, I'm happy.
*Steven's POV*

I'm infuriated with him. I know he knows that I am.
But of course I can't express that with him because he did just save both of our asses. Then again...he did just prevent me from going to soccer practice.
He's an asshole.

Although I can't help but smile at the thought that he's my asshole. That doesn't change the fact that I'm going to kick his ass for this.

I suddenly feel someone breathing down my neck, turning around to see Damien ogling me with curious hazy blue eyes. A scoff left my lips as I pinpointed the look in his eyes as lust.
When isn't he horny?

''What?'' I ask him, starting a slow walk in the direction of the detention he earned us. Of course he began to follow closely behind me. Extremely close.

''Nothing,'' He spoke, giving me my response, ''You just look sexy when you think.'' He whispers in my ear. I raise a brow at him, putting my hand over his face and pushing him away.
If he thinks we're about to be all buddy-buddy and discretely cozied up in detention he's dead wrong. I'm still pissed at him.
''You're not off the hook,'' I inform him. I hear a sigh leave his lips. I glance over my shoulder to see him shaking his head.
I don't care if he feels like I'm being inconsiderate right now. Soccer is important to me, and missing this practice means I can't play in the game tomorrow.
And it's not some big secret that if you miss a practice before an event you won't be allowed to participate. He knows this, he's on the football team. Then again missing practice doesn't affect his eligibility to perform at all since he's the quarterback.
Believe it or not, but I'm sure it's pretty damn believable, they allow him to play no matter what because they know they need him to win.
He can go to two practices a week if he wants and completely skip their weekend practices and you'll still see him in the game on Friday.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking bad about him. He's a really good football player, with or without the practice. It's so effortless for him. And I'm over here killing myself to be the best not only in the classroom but on the soccer field as well.
I mean, I barely even made it on the varsity soccer team because of my age, and now I have the honor of being the captain. Just so you know, I'm not really the stereotype Asian, if that wasn't already blatantly obvious, but I did skip a grade so that I could take more advanced classes.
But that didn't exactly help me in the sports area because a team full of seventeen and eighteen-year old's don't want a sixteen year old on the team, let alone as their team captain. So at least I know that they'll be more than happy to hear I'm out of the game tomorrow. They can thank Damien for that.

After overcoming a traumatic heartbreak as a teenager, Chloe struggled to grow up and establish her career, but after years of work, her life finally feels like it's bac...
Hanging by a Moment [Completed] by iswearidontbite
Hanging by a Moment [Completed]

''If you were gonna be such a bitch about it Steven, you shouldn't have passed the note in the first place. I'm not afraid to admit that I screwed up, okay? I know that. But use that brain of yours for a minute, because so did you.'' He says, taking faster strides to walk ahead of me.
I roll my eyes. If that was his attempt at making me feel bad it wouldn't work. I have a high wall of protection around my emotions Damien Vitalé, and you my asshole of a friend, will not penetrate that wall.
''And in case you're too stuck in your own head to realize it, everything I did in that classroom, I did for you.'' He says over his shoulder before entering Mr. Richards class. I sigh, shaking my head.
Well, there goes my fucking wall.
I guess now it is my turn to pull my head out of my ass and apologize to him. Something a lot worse could've happened besides me missing a single game. Something like Mr. Richards seeing what I wrote on that paper.
Just thinking about it is making me blush.
Even though apologizing isn't my favorite thing in the world to do I know I have to stop being a dick and be grateful for Damien because the only reason Mr. Richards didn't see that note is because of what he did.
Now he's mad at me.

Great, we're mad at each other now.
I just have yet to understand why we act like this. So caring towards each others emotions. We aren't in a relationship, we're not, but it certainly does feel that way when someone crosses a line or gets emotionally hurt. It pulls us deeper into whatever this thing is that we've been secretly building for a while now.
And speaking of emotions, I can feel my emotions for this asshole growing. When Damien and I are together, when we're intimate, I swear he's a completely different person.
He scares the hell out of me with how rough he can be whenever we decide to take it down that road. He doesn't hold back at all, biting, scratching, sucking, breaking the thin layer of my skin to leave his mark for weeks.
But when he's gentle...damn I hate the gentle Damien Vitalé at times and how he can keep me on edge for hours with no end to the way his lips would gently caress my heated skin.
And damn, I must admit that I love it.

I love everything about him when he's with me.
I enter the classroom, heading to the back to take a seat. I like the back of the classroom, besides being peaceful the view is always better from this angle.
I quickly spot Damien on the opposite side of the classroom, looking extremely committed to tapping furiously at the screen of his phone. Right beside him some hopeless girl, -I think her name is Kayla, I recognize her from Civics-, tries desperately to get his attention to no avail.
Even though she's really attractive and resembles the exact type of girl Damien would sleep around with before him and I started...started what we have going on, I'm not worried. I know he won't give her the time of day, and while deep down that made me extremely happy, it also made outsiders view him as a massive jerk.
Their logic is that since the most popular jock and fuckboy of the school went from screwing every girl that walks these halls to not screwing anyone of them at all, clearly he's become conceited beyond reprimand.

I mean I can think of more logical reasons he's a jerk but I'll just keep that to myself.
''Okay, take your seats.'' Mr. Richards speaks, leisurely entering the room. He takes a seat behind his desk, taking test papers out and beginning to grade them.
A quiet laugh escapes my lips. I already know I have an A on that.
''I want thirty minutes of absolute silence, oh and Mr. Vitalé,'' Mr. Richards says, looking up from his work to stare intently at Damien.
Damien looks up into Mr. Richards eyes with a knowing smirk. ''Please try your best not to consume anything else that might affect your health in any way. As much as I live for the thought of suspending you, I really hate paperwork.''
I suppressed the laughter that attempted to leap from my lips. Although that didn't stop me from grinning ear to ear.
Of course I don't actually think Damien is stupid. Whether he chooses to admit it or not, he's really good at school yet he purposely refuses to put forth effort. It's seriously not even that hard.
I have to bribe him with blowjobs just to make him show up on occasion.
To my surprise the time flew by. Mr. Richards released us from detention with ten minutes to spare. I leave the classroom heading in the direction of the locker room.
I might as well go beg the coach to let me play tomorrow since clearly I have nothing better to do than avoid my problems.

I know I have to apologize to Damien...and I will.
Just as soon as I can find a way to shove my pride somewhere where it wont get in the way for a couple of minutes. Until then, I'll just keep my distance from him. That shouldn't be too hard, it's not like we're attached at the hip or something.

I walk into the locker room, the smell of sweat and musk evading my nostrils. Unfortunately I'm used to that smell, so it doesn't bother me so much. I walk towards the back of the room where the coaches office is.
''Well Yeiun, it's nice to see your face around here. Although I am sure I should've seen you ten minutes before practice even started Mr. Varsity Team Captain.'' Coach says, not even giving me the chance to step into his office before those words leave his lips.

I sigh, walking over to his desk. Before I can reply, he speaks again, not even glancing up from the playbook in his hands.

''Look Yeiun,'' He puts the playbook down on his desk, looking me in the eyes, ''When I made the decision to make you captain of the varsity team it wasn't to set a new trend or to prove that the underclassmen athletes have the same skill levels as the upperclassmen athletes.
I put you in this position because you showed me that you had ambition, drive, passion, talent and commitment. I told you that it was going to be hard getting your teammates to look to you as a leader because of the age gap, and you told me you could handle it.
Now I've been seeing you trying with them, but missing the final practice before the first game of the season isn't how you earn their respect, or mines. Do you get where I'm coming from?''

''Yes, sir.''

''Good, good. Now as far as playing in tomorrow's games, you're in. Vitalé was in here a couple of minutes ago explaining to me how Mr. Richards gave you both a detention for something that he did. So you're off the hook this time, but don't let detention become a regular thing.
You're a good kid Yeiun, don't let stupid shit hold you back. I understand you're trying to fit in, but maybe Vitalé and his crowd of friends aren't the right people for you.
Think about it, and close my door on your way out.'' Coach says, picking the playbook back up.
I nod my head, leaving his office, shutting the door as I go.
I'm happy as hell that I didn't just get his playbook thrown at my head. I can't stress enough on how much it means to me to be the captain of the varsity soccer team.

This is really big for me, and for Damien to almost fuck that up with that stupid detention just pisses me off.
Then again the asshole did just save my ass.

''Fuck,'' I mumble, walking out of the school.
He just saved my ass for the second time today. First with the note and now with the game tomorrow.
Why would he do that?

I'm not being ungrateful, I can't thank him enough for what he's done but that still doesn't kill my curiosity on why he did it.
This, 'taking one for the team' attitude has never been apart of Damien's personality.
I didn't think he'd throw himself out on the line like that for me to play in the game. Football is important as hell to him and he really just risked not playing in the game tomorrow so that I would be able to play in mines.
And here I am, all day just being an oblivious jerk.
I hate myself, I've never felt more stupid than I feel right now. And that's saying a lot, considering I'm the smartest kid in this school.

I might as well add egotistical to my list of flaws with a statement like that.
I figure Damien will need a ride home since I drove him to school today, but when I make it to the parking lot he's nowhere to be found.
I sigh, climbing into my car and starting it up.
I should've known he'd be so pissed at my ungrateful attitude that he'd push me away. I'm not mad, I know I deserve it.
I've been acting like a bitch to him all day when he's treated me like the complete opposite of that.
I didn't mean to, I'm just so fucking blinded by myself sometimes.

I pull out of the parking lot, driving in the direction of his house.

The sooner he realizes that I'm not that easy to get rid of, the quicker he'll understand how I'm starting to feel about him.
Although I'll never just come right out and tell him.
And we are what we are.



And lovers.

*Damien's POV*

Caring about people and having feelings for them and shit, it's nothing but a bunch of bullshit I swear it. I mean look at this shit, I basically just sacrificed my life twice for this ungrateful kid and all that he can think about is himself.
So what do I get for doing what I did for him?
Just him being pissed at me because things didn't go his way. Not him being thankful that I saved both our asses. I don't even need him to say thank you but damn some simple gratitude would be nice.

Honestly, I don't even really care about the fact that he's mad.
Steven can be mad all he wants. What's really bothering me is the fact that he likes to assign blame but when something is actually his fault he can't accept that.
You know what?

Fuck him.
I feel this sprout of laughter take over me.
Fucking him is exactly what I won't be doing tonight, or any night to come for that matter.
In all seriousness, we've yet to go that far. And I would never push the subject of sex with him. I'm not a virgin so to speak because I've slept with plenty of girls, but I've never slept with a guy. And he knows that I want to have sex with him.
But on the other hand, he is a virgin and...I don't know. I guess I'm just so used to being with girls and sleeping with them whenever I pleased that I'm not used to not being able to sleep with the person that I want to, when I want to.
And I would never 'cheat' on Steven and go have sex with a female just because he won't sleep with me. But I'm not going to lie and act like he doesn't piss me off when he acts like he doesn't want to sleep with me at all.
I mean maybe it's not an act.
We've been fooling around with each other for a while now and I'll continue to wait as long as he needs me to until we can take that next step, but my feelings for him are starting to get kind of more than personal, and I don't think it's the same for him.

I don't know.
I don't know what's going on with him these days. Or with us. But to be honest I don't feel like wasting my time by wrecking my brain to try and figure it out.
I helped him today, not once but twice. Twice I saved his ass.

God only knows what my parents would do to me if they knew I was attracted to guys. I take enough shit and enough hits as it is on the football field, I don't need even more at home.
Steven's parents are an entirely different story though. They are all traditional and shit. Hell they'd probably disown him or something crazy like that if they ever find out what he's doing with his best friend in the closet. His parents creep me the fuck out.

Jake foster, the popular jock football player is dating Sam fuller, his jock football player boyfriend. What will happen when the not social and sarcastic Liam smith is...
There's a knock on my room door.

''Come in,'' I yell. I see my little brother Cody running down the stairs. Yes, down the stairs.
I took the basement and converted it into my room. I know my house is basically like a mansion there's ten rooms in this house, but I like the basement. I get peace, privacy, and it's...secure.
''Did you finish your homework yet?'' I ask him when he reaches the bottom of the stairs. He walks over to me. I sit up on my bed and look at him.


''Then we can almost talk, after you finish your homework.'' I tell him. I pick my cellphone up from beside me on my bed. Cody sighs, causing me to look back over at him. ''Do you need me to help you?'' I ask him.
He shakes his head.
I put my phone down.

''Come here,'' I say, gesturing for him to have a seat next to me. He sits beside me on my bed. His head is hung low, but I catch a glimpse of his expression and I can see that something is bothering them.
''What's up?'' I ask him. He shrugs. That's a tell sign that I'm going to have to ease this out of him.
Cody is very closed off when he wants to be for reasons that I completely understand. When you grow up in a household like this you learn to be invisible, quiet, and keep every thought that crosses your mind to yourself at all times.
''Cody you can tell me what's bothering you, I'm your brother you can always tell me anything.'' I assure him. He glances up at me with that worried look of his in his emerald eyes.
''I just—I just don't like leaving you alone in this house with them Damien. I know that it's best for me to sleep at Connors' house when he's back in town but I don't like leaving you here. It makes me feel bad.'' Cody admits, looking into my eyes.
I can see the puddles forming in his eyes and with a single blink the tears cascade down his face. I sigh, reaching over to wipe my brothers face, proceeding to pull him closer to me for a hug.
''Don't you ever feel bad for me, Cody. I'm going to be alright. Okay? Look at me,'' I release him from the hug, staring into his teary eyes as I muster up the most believable face I can possibly display. ''I'm going to be just fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm your older brother, it's my job to worry about you not the other way around.'' I say, hopping to soothe him.
He nods his head at me.
''Okay, I guess I'll drop you off early and you can finish your homework at Connors house. Go pack a bag for the week.'' I tell him.
He gets up from my bed and leaves my room, going to get his things ready.
I sigh, laying back against my bed.
I'm not going to be just fine when our father gets back into town tonight. I mean unless you consider just fine a broken nose and a few bruised ribs.
I'm sure as soon as his plane lands he'll make his way to the bar that's nearest to the airport. Then he'll take a taxi to the house, come home and greet us and everything will be fine for a while as he goes upstairs to unpack his suitcase.
And then things won't be fine.
Then my mother becomes a punching bag that works to alleviate my fathers stress.
And me? What do I become?
I become the bandages that wrap around a beaten punching bag. Pushing her to the side and taking all the hits for her.
And when morning rolls around she powders on a new layer of makeup and they'll both pretend like nothing happened. She'll refuse to look me in my eyes because of the guilt she feels for letting her husband put his hands on me.
And my father? He'll make some joke about how football is really getting the better of me this year with all the new bruises I'm sporting lately.
Fucking in denial, abusive alcoholic.
And me? I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. Because I care about the people that I'm taking the hits to protect more than I care about myself.
I brush all of this from my mind, getting up from my bed. I grab my car keys from my dresser and make my way upstairs.
I walk down the hall over to the main stairwell in the house.
''Cody are you ready to go?'' I yell up the stairs. A minute later he comes running down the stairs, a backpack in one hand and a gym bag in the other.

''Let's go!'' He screams, running past me and for the front door. Okay so now I'm basically deaf.

I follow him outside, looking the front door behind me. He tosses his stuff into the backseat of the car, climbing into the passenger seat as I get into the drivers' seat.
I put my seatbelt on, waiting until he does the same before I start up the car and back out of the driveway.
I start heading in the direction of his best friend Connors house. It's nearly a thirty-minute drive and about fifteen minutes in my phone starts to ring.
''Answer it for me,'' I tell Cody. He gets my phone from my pocket, hitting the answer button and placing it to his ear.
He exchanges greetings with whoever's on the phone for a minute.

''Well we're in the car right now, he can't talk,'' Cody says. He looks at me. ''Steven wants to know if you can hangout at his house later.'' Cody informs me.
I shake my head.
''He doesn't want to hangout with you,'' Cody replies bluntly. I roll my eyes, coming to a halt at a red light and reaching over to take the phone from Cody's hands.
I put the phone to my ear.
''Steven I'm busy,'' I say simply before hanging the phone up and continuing to drive when the light changes colors.
''Liar,'' I hear Cody mumble in a sing-song voice.

''Am I not driving you somewhere?'' I ask him.
''Well you won't be in about ten minutes.'' He responds.
''Mhmm,'' I reply dryly.
We reach Connors house within the next ten minutes. Cody grabs his stuff from the backseat before hopping out of the car.
''Hey!'' I scream out of the window, honking the horn. ''I love you, I'll see you soon.''

''I love you too,'' He yells back, making his way up to Connors front door.
I drive away, going back to my house. The next thirty minutes are filled with the radio quietly spurting out a song now and again.
I pull up in my driveway, turning my car off and getting out. I make it to my front door, only to glance around and see Steven's car parked on the curb. I sigh, unlocking my front door and walking into my house.
I make my way down to my bedroom, not surprised in the slightest to see Steven in my room, digging through my dresser.

''What are you doing?'' I ask him, walking over to my dresser.
''Packing you some clothes obviously. Where do you think you're sleeping tonight? Here?'' He asks me sarcastically.
I walk over to him, putting all the clothes that he had taken out of my dresser back in it. ''I locked my front door when I left. You broke into my house and,'' I close my drawer, '' You're invading my privacy.''

He turns to look at me, his arms folded across his chest.
''Look I fucked up, okay?'' He offers. I just stand there. I'm not about to make this so easy for him. He fucks up all the time the only difference to this time is for some reason it hurt more.
It hurt a hell of a lot more.
He looks me in my eyes. I stare back into his deep brown eyes.
''You know what I'm trying to say,'' He attempts again. I shake my head, walking over to my bed and taking a seat.
Steven resumes taking my clothes from my dresser and tossing them into his athletics bag.

''Whenever you're finished packing my clothes for no reason at all, you should leave before my Dad gets here.'' I tell him.
Steven tosses the bag on the floor, turning around and walking towards me.
''Look I don't care how much of an asshole you're being to me right now, it's not changing the fact that you're sleeping at my fucking house tonight.'' He shouts at me.
''What about your annoying, overbearing helicopter parents?'' I ask him idly. He shrugs his shoulders.
''I'll sneak you in,'' He concludes.
''Steven unless you plan on sneaking me in for the entire week, don't waste your time. It doesn't matter if I dodge a beating tonight, because I know that it'll be coming my way regardless.'' I tell him seriously.
Yes, I would love to spend the night with Steven and not in my fucking house with my father, but it won't change the whole situation in its entirety. I'd rather just deal with it instead of playing a game of dodgeball.
Steven looks to the ground. I hear him intake a deep breath of air before he exhales it. ''I'm sorry,'' He apologizes, still not looking up at me. ''I'm an idiot sometimes Damien, but I do care. And I'm not letting you sleep here.''

He looks into my eyes again finally.
''Forgive me?'' He asks.
I stand up, grabbing Steven and pulling him closer. I let my hand gently stroke his cheek before leaning in and kissing his lips. I set him free from the kiss, looking at his face to see tears falling from his eyes.
I smile, wiping the tears away. ''That was me accepting your apology idiot, why are you crying?'' I taunt him.
He shakes his head. His arms come up to wrap around my neck. I feel more tears hitting my skin.
''Steven...'' I say quietly. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him back. ''Tell me what's wrong,'' I beg him.
I feel him shaking his head against my neck.

''Just hold me—hold me close please,'' He hiccups out through tears.
I guide us down to the bed. I lay on my back so that Steven can rest his head on my chest.
Getting things out of Steven isn't as easy as getting things out of Cody. With Steven I had to wait until he was ready to tell me. If I pry we'll just end up fighting about it and that won't get us anywhere.
So for now I guess I'll just be left worrying until he decides that he's ready to tell me.
I can't stop hearing his voice in my head when he told me that he cares about me.
There are different meanings for the word care. I don't know what he means.

What I do know is that I care.
I want to do more than just hold him close. That's the type of care I'm feeling. I want to keep him, take him, have him.

Honestly, at this point I feel like I can actually handle and get happiness out of putting up with his shit for the rest of my life.

I want him to be mines. But sadly, wanting isn't enough.

''Dammit Carter!'' I yelled as I threw the game controller to the floor. He erupted in laughter. Same as Jackson and Damien.

''You lost prep boy, don't take it out on my game controller.'' Jackson said. I sighed shaking my head. I did'nt lose, Carter cheated.
''Whatever, I'm going to get something to drink.'' I said getting up and tossing Jackson the controller. Let's see how much fun he has losing to the cheating Carter. I walked out of the main room and into the kitchen. I would much rather be relaxing at Damiens house, cuddled up with him as we watched Netflix all day, but no we just had to hangout with Jackson and Carter today.

I was'nt complaining because I did'nt like them. They were my friends just as much as they were Damiens, but I'd just rather be anywhere but here. Well that's a lie, because honestly I'd rather be anywhere but at my house.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Damien looking at me with the same worried expression he's had since last night.
''I'm fine.'' I repeated to him for the fifth time today. It may have been a lie but he couldn't help me with what I was going through. My family was my problem, and if I told him what was going on then he'd feel bad, and I did'nt want that.

''Don't lie to me Steven, I know you.'' Damien said. His hand left my shoulder and moved to my waist as he pulled me in close to him for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging more tightly to him than I wanted to be. I fought back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. I have to hold it in, it'll all blow over quickly, I know it will.
The tears won the battle, and soon they were staining my face. I held my sobs in as they ran relentlessly down my face.

''Aye Damien get in here! It's your turn to get your ass kicked!'' Carter yelled from the main room. I heard Damien sigh before he moved his hands from my waist, and with me refusing to let him go, he had to basically pry my arms from around his neck.
He took a step back, looking at me. His expression still never changed, only now he looked as worried as ever. I should'nt have just broke down, I probably ruined his entire day, because I know now he'll suggest that we go home. And even though I'll assure him that he can stay and hang with our friends he'll refuse easily. It's such a played out routine.

He lifted his hand to my face, wiping the fallen tears away. I sighed and turned my head away from him. I was never this bad at keeping my emotions in check. I turned my head back to face him, and was caught in a kiss. I went to put my hands on his cheeks but his hands caught mine, entwining our fingers and squeezing tightly.

He pulled away and I was'nt ready to set him free just yet, but I knew that it was beyond dangerous for him to have even hugged me in the first place. He released my hands and rested his forehead against mine.

''Your public face is horrible.'' He whispered out to me laughing quietly. He was referring to the way we had to act with each other when we were'nt alone or in private. I smiled pulling back from him and looking into his light blue eyes.

''Stay'' I suggested. ''I'll only be moping in my own problems all day, and besides you really wanted to hang with them.'' He shook his head smiling back at me.

''We both know how this argument is going to end, so should we skip the meaningless conversation? Because either way I'm coming, and dude I'm your ride idiot, I'm leaving either way.'' He said, shaking his head like he was surprised at my sudden lack of common sense. Actually I was a bit shocked at that as well.

Gale was stumbling down the halls the first day of his Junior year in a new school when he bumped into a boy named Ivan. Gale stumbled feeling quite embarrassed and look...
We said bye to Jackson and Carter, then climbed into Damiens car and made our way over to his house. The ride was silent, but I guess he did'nt yet notice that I had in fact noticed him stealing glances at me every three minutes. Jocks, there so creepy I swear.
''Stop it.'' I murmured, feeling a blush sneak its way onto my cheek after he just looked at me and smiled.
''I can't help it.'' He admitted, stopping at a red light. ''You have that look on your face again, the one where I can tell your over thinking something, and you look so damn sexy.'' He stated smiling at me.
I knew my face was probably bright red right now. I hated it when he said things like that, it made me blush repeatedly. ''Give me a kiss.'' He said. I laughed, shaking my head no. ''Please babe.'' He said fluttering his eyes and poking out his bottom lip.
I just stared at him frozen. Did he just call me babe? Oh god no. What was happening, I did'nt need this not now at least. He caught on to his mistake as well, I'm hoping it was a mistake, he turned his gaze from me looking down at his hand that rested on his lap.
''Um. Green light.'' I choked out quietly in the awkward silence. He continued to drive and when we pulled into his parking lot neither of us bothered to get out of the car. I was'nt going to move until he moved.
''I did'nt mean anything by it. It just sort of slipped out.'' He said turning to look at me. I wish this was'nt on my mind right now. I was'nt mad that he had called me babe, but I could'nt be happy about it either even though I honestly wanted to be. I knew I had to tell him why I was upset sooner or later. I mean he would start to come to a conclusion when I begin to repeatedly crash at his house for the rest of my life.
I couldn't go home. Not after what happened.
''Look we don't have to talk about this. It was just a slip up and-'' I unbuckled my seat belt and basically threw myself into his lap, as I captured his lips with mine. He did'nt get a chance to ask me for entrance before my tongue had already invaded his mouth taking control. His hands were at my back and they trailed down to roughly grope my butt. I let a groan escape from between our lips as I ran my fingers through his hair.
I captured his bottom lip in between my teeth. Pulling playfully before letting go and resting my head on his forehead. I leaned down to gently kiss his lips again before pulling back and smiling.
''Call me what ever you want.'' I whispered to him.
''Give me the remote Damien.'' I said angrily as he held it above his head, out of my reach smiling. He thought this was a joke, well I did'nt! God he knows just how to ruin a perfect moment. Not even five minutes ago we were laying peacefully on his bed kissing each others faces off while The Walking Dead played loudly in the background.
''No, no way. Not until you tell me.'' He said in a serious tone. I sighed moving over to his bed where I layed down and basically tried to smother myself with a pillow. I did'nt get that far before then pillow was pulled from my face and a pair of soft lips slammed into mine.
''Now tell me.'' Damien said, pulling back from the unexpected kiss. I sighed again and turned on my side facing away from him. I did'nt want to tell him even though I had too. He should'nt have to worry. If he knew, I know he was going to through his own neck out on the line for me. And that's exactly what I did'nt want.
I felt him wrap his arm around my waist pulling me back and into his warm chest. He rested his head on the side of my neck, and I held onto the hand that he had wrapped around me. He was spooning me, I never in my life thought that I'd be the little spoon. I did'nt feel like complaining, I knew he was only trying to make me feel better, and it was working.
His embrace had me feeling so safe. ''It's about your parents, is'nt it?'' He asked, I felt his warm breath hit my neck. I mentally sighed. I was about to tell him everything, it would'nt help to lie to him any longer. He'd guess it sooner or later.
''My Mom walked into my room when I had just taken a shower, so all I had was a towel wrapped around my waist. She saw the hickeys on my chest and shoulder, then rushed over to me like I was dying or something. Of course I got in trouble for them, but we still had to discuss it with my Dad. She picked diner later that day to bring it up, and my Dad was furious with me, you know how religiously strict my parents are. But what made it worse was that my sister had to choose that moment of all times to make a stupid joke about me being gay.'' I said to him, forcing my self to restrain the tears. I guess he could sense I was on the verge of crying because he tightened his hold around me and placed a gentle kiss on my neck.
''Everyone at the table thought it was funny except me because I was the only one not laughing. When they finished I replied to her with a simple 'Yeah, and?' I swear it looked like they were different people the way the were staring incredulously at me. Then my Dad broke the silence by asking me if I was homosexual. I could'nt answer him, but I'm pretty sure the way I stormed out of the house after that gave them all the answer that they feared most.'' By the time I had got all that out my eyes had watered and spilled over.
''Shh it's okay. We can fix this if you want we can make it all go away.'' He said turning me in his arms so that I was facing him. He had me beneath him as he climbed on top me letting his weight rest on me. He kissed my lips lightly and I let my hand gently caress his cheek. ''Or we can accept it. I like you Steven, much more than an experiment or a free hookup every other day.'' He said separating our lips.
''I don't want to have to play public face anymore, and I don't want you to have to suffer through this alone. You should've told me sooner that, that's what made you so upset. I'm going to come out to my parents, this is all my fault anyway. I kissed you first that night.'' He said looking guilty and ashamed.
I pulled him closer to me pecking his lips gently, before pulling back. ''No Damien-''
''You can't change my mind. I'm doing it...for you.'' He said cutting me off and placing a kiss to my cheek before we got back into our previous positions. What had I done? I'm fine with my life being over, but now he was just going to give his up for me.
All for me.*

''Just one more please.'' I asked childishly. Steven grinned at me and crawled back atop me, forcing me to lay down on my bed as he straddled me.

''Did you do your homework?'' He asked leaning in close to me. I shook my head at him as I stuck my tongue out and he caught it between his teeth. A quiet groan left my lips as I stared up at him in shock. I never knew he had a kinky side, that just makes him so much more sexier.
He closed the distance between us bringing my tongue into his mouth and sucking roughly on it. I ran my hand through his raven black hair, as my other trailed down his back to grope his butt lightly. He moaned releasing my tongue from his mouth, and sitting up on me.

I laughed and shook my head. ''Well damn, I wonder what else that mouth of yours can do.'' I purred seductively. He laughed getting off of me. He reached his hand out to me and I took it getting to my feet.
I found my self being wrapped into his embrace as his arms found there way around my neck, pulling me into an air restricting hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I knew why he was clinging to me so tightly, and I refuse to change my decision.
''Please.'' He whispered into the crook of my neck. ''Don't do it, we can pretend this never happened. We can go back to getting wasted and screwing girls on the weekend. I'll never talk to you again if that's what it'll take for us to go back to normal.'' He stopped for a second and I could hear him began to sob as his warm tears hit my shoulder. I was suppose to be the one crying, not him.

''It hurts Damien. I love you, and it hurts, because they say I shouldn't. I won't believe them. Please, just tell me you don't feel the same, tell me your feelings aren't as strong.'' He begged me. But I wouldn't, I refused to lie to him, even though I knew I probably should.
This feeling of shame and vulnerability was so new to him, he lived off of stability, and it was hard for him to break away from it since he'd grown up around it. He said he loved me. Steven loved me. And if this didn't go well his love was the only love I'd ever need.
''C'mon.'' I said breaking our hug and placing a gentle kiss to his forehead before walking over to my closet and grabbing my duffel bag off my dresser. I threw random clothes in before zipping it up and throwing it over my shoulder. He looked confused as I took his hand and led him out of my room. When we got into the dining room where my parents were idlely chatting while drowning themselves in their work, I let out a sigh. It would really snow in hell if they ever looked up from their laptops long enough to see if I was even alive.
I felt him trying to pull his hand from my grip, but I held on tighter. I could do this, but I needed him. He was the only thing that gave me the strength to do this.
''Mom, Dad.'' I said casually, trying to get there attention, if only just for a second. They weren't paying me any mind though. ''Excuse me!'' I basically yelled. They both glanced my way before quickly going back to their work, but my Dad did a double take as he looked at me again and his eyes zeroed in on me and Stevens clasped hands. The look that covered his face, had cold bitter chills going down my spine, I knew Steven felt it too as he tried yet again to pull away from me but I wouldn't let him.

''Damien Kristopher Vitale.'' My father spoke sternly, his cold gaze shifting to look me in my eyes. Oh god, you know your dead when your parents use your full name. I broke his gaze for a second as I glanced over at my Mother. She had stopped what she was doing as well and was staring at me with careful eyes. She had a stoic expression on her face, but I was praying that whatever she was thinking wasn't as harsh as whatever my Dad was thinking.

''Dad.'' I said turning so I had both my parents in my sight. ''Mom, I'm in love-''

''Choose your next words carefully son. I advise you to choose them very very carefully.'' He seethed at me. His jaw was clenched. If his balled fist didn't give away the fact that he was beyond pissed, the threatening tone in his voice sure did. I didn't think the situation would go grim so quickly.
I gripped on tighter to Stevens hand. I needed him more than I needed air at this moment. ''I'm gay.'' I said with a low voice, in fear of it cracking. My eyes were averted to looking at my shoes. I was scared to look up. Scared to face that look of disappointment that I knew would be on their faces. I wasn't what they wanted, and now they knew that.
' 'Get out.'' My fathers voice was much more calm than I expected it to be. I looked up to see him holding on so tightly to his phone to where I'm sure it was about to shatter into his hands. My Mom stared at him in a daze of surprise and anger.


''No, Beth.'' He said slamming his hand on the table, causing all three of us to jump. ''Get out before I do something that I'm going to be arrested for.'' He said, his hatred filled eyes scorching into me.
I stood there, to in shock to move. I expected this, I did which is why I had already packed me some clothes. But for him to threaten me... my own father.
No, no, no, no, no. This wasn't happening. ''Mom?'' I asked feeling myself on the brink of tears. She was already crying. Her lightly tanned skinned now a shade of deep pink as tears streamed down her cheek. Her long brown hair flowing past her shoulders as she ran a shaky hand through it.
''Sweetie.'' She said getting up, almost making her way over to me but my Dad beat her to it. He pushed her to the side. I'm sure he didn't mean to but he practically threw her small frame into the wall. A high pitched scream escaped her lips as her head hit the wall and she fell limp to the floor. The look of horror on my face, barely showed how I truly felt.
My Dad grabbed a handful of my shirt, pulling me off my feet, and pinning me against the main room wall. Stevens hand left mine as he backed away with a petrified look on his face. I wanted to try to get out of my fathers grip but I was only thinking of my mom. I knew she wasn't dead, the blow to her head was only hard enough to make her go unconscious but the fact that he did that. The fact that he's doing this.
I turned my attention back to my dad as I saw his fist raising in the air from the corner of my eye. I turned my head just in time to catch the blow that hit my jaw and had me spitting blood. My entire face felt numb. I coughed, choking on the blood that was caught in my throat.
I felt his hand leave my shirt and I fell to knees clutching my stomach as I stared up at my Dad. I didn't need a mirror to show my expression. I'm sure how I felt was very evident on my face. I saw the sudden change in his eyes, as they went from anger and hate to regret and shock. He stared at me and back to his hand that was stained with my blood.

''Get out.'' He breath in a lifeless tone, after a moment of silence. ''Just-Just leave. Now!'' He yelled moving over to my Mother, and pushing Steven away from her. I could see she was slowly regaining consciousness. I was still in shock, but gladly Steven was beside me in less than a second, pulling me to my feet and rushing us both out the door.
My head was spinning, and it wasn't just from the collision of his fist to my face. No, I was confused, heartbroken, torn, and horrifically astonished. That wasn't the Father I grew up with, that was not the man that I looked up to. He was no longer my Father. And I couldn't help but blame myself.*
Steven P.O.V*

I feel like I deserve to die, like I deserve to be disowned by my family and never loved again. It was my fault. I did this. I'm the reason for it happening.

I didn't know what to say. He sat next to me in my car, as I drove us to the furthest hotel from our town. All I knew is that we had to get away. I was useless. Completely useless as his Dad abused him.

I sighed shaking my head. It was all my fault.

"I'm fine." He said quietly to me, reaching over and taking my free hand in his. He squeezed my hand tightly in reassurance but I didn't squeeze back. He'd been saying that this whole time and I know when he's lying to me. I hate it when he lies to me.

"I'm not." I admitted. My voice was barely above a whisper, but I knew he heard me. I pulled into the lot of the hotel. Taking the keys out the car I closed my eyes and took a breath, hoping to get a grasp on myself. On my stability.

Before I could open my eyes again a pair of soft lips met mine, kissing me sweetly. I brought my hand up to caress his cheek but quickly recoiled my hand and my lips as a hiss of pain left his lips.

"I-I'm sorry." I said watching him carefully as he brought his own hand up to run over his bruised face. He sighed shaking his head at me.

"Its okay, its nothing. It'll be gone by the weeks end." He assured me, leaning over to peck my lips lightly again before climbing out the car. I followed his lead. We went to the main building and booked a room for a few nights.

"I'm sorry." I said again when we were inside our hotel room. He was leaning against the headboard of the bed with an ice bag pressed to his cheek. I was sprawled out across the foot of the bed, as we just stared at each other.

He moved, placing the ice bag on the bedside table, before coming to hover over me. His hands were beside my head, holding himself off me as he studied my features carefully.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Steven. I did what I should've done a long time ago. And for the first time in a long time, they actually gave me more than five seconds of their time." He joked, laughing lightly.

I frowned at him, holding myself up on my elbows and forcing him to lean up a little. "That's not funny, Damien. None of this is. I'm sorry. My life was bad enough and now because of me yours is fucked up too!" I said. He pushed me back on the bed firmly. His own features becoming angry.

''No, it isn't! And never say that again,'' He let his hand gently caress my cheek. ''Steven as long as you're here with me, as long as we mean something to each other, my life isn't fucked up and it never will be.'' He leaned down and embraced me in the most passionate kiss we've ever shared.
His lips moved slowly over mine. I felt his hand snake its way under my shirt and glide over my abs. I shuddered at the sparks it emitted to me.

I hated the fact that I forgot his back was sore. He winced as I griped the side of his shoulder, pulling him closer to me. When he started to grind on me is about the moment that I think I lost a bit of my control.
The breathless pants slipped free from my lips as I arched my back, trying to get much more contact than he was giving me.

His lips left mine and started on my neck, slow tender kisses. Every where his lips touched left my skin tingling. He pulled back, causing me to open my shut eyes and look into his bright blue ones.

''I love you.'' He said, staring at me with a look that all but screamed I was the most important thing in the world to him. I felt the tears pooling in my eyes but I couldn't push them back.

After overcoming a traumatic heartbreak as a teenager, Chloe struggled to grow up and establish her career, but after years of work, her life finally feels like it's bac...
''I love you too.'' I said feeling the water run from my eyes. He kissed my tears away, sitting up and pulling me into his lap. I moved forward and kissed him sweetly on the lips. ''Can we?'' I asked when I pulled back from the kiss.

I didn't elaborate on my question but I didn't have to because I knew that he knew what I meant. I knew that he knew what I wanted. He looked so hesitant as he stared into my eyes.

He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but I cut him off before he could. ''Please don't ask if I'm sure, Damien. I love you, that's all I want you to think about,'' I said wrapping my arms around his neck and laying my head on his shoulder. ''We love each other.'' I whispered to him. ''So make love to me.''

I felt his arms tighten around me. He laid me back on the bed crawling on top of me and looking into my eyes. ''Slow?" He asked cautiously. I laughed actually enjoying his momentary uncertainty. Never once in our time together like this has he offered to go slow. But I guess that was a good thing, I knew that was a good thing.

''Slow.'' I agreed as he leaned up to pull his shirt off. I admired his built muscular body. He caught my eye as I was practically drooling over him.

''Stare all you want,'' He said lifting my shirt up and over my head. ''What's mine is yours, and what's yours,'' My breath was caught in my throat and a strangled groan left my lips as he cupped me roughly in his hand. ''Is mine.'' He breathed into my ear letting his tongue trace the shell. I shuddered under his touch.

''Damien.'' I whined out as his grip got tighter. Of course it wouldn't be normal with out some teasing. But with the way he was making me feel, I don't think I can handle any teasing.

I felt my nipple being enveloped in the warmth of his mouth and I let my hands rake through his brown hair. Oh god. I ended up pulling his hair as his teeth tugged at my nipple.

I sat up slightly causing him to lean back, giving me the chance to basically jump him as he fell back on the bed and I landed on top of him. ''I love it when you get rough.'' He said smirking at me.

''I hate it when you tease me.'' I scolded him. He simply smiled at me as I undid his pants button. I slid them off and started to hook my thumbs in the waist band of his briefs but his hand caught mines.

I let my hands slowly feel down the frame of his body. The feel of his smooth warm skin beneath my fingertips had my mouth watering. I looked up to see him biting his lips. I was tempted to lean down and take his soft pink lip into my mouth.

''Let me.'' I whispered to him as I started to pull his briefs down. Before he could stop me I leaned down and licked the tip of his member, causing a hiss like groan to leave his lips.

I started to suck on the underside, feeling his fingers entwine in my hair once I licked from top to base. I looked up to see his beautiful blue eyes watching me intently as his teeth marked into his lip harshly. It was nice to know I was finally the one making him lose his cool.

I took one last lust filled look at him before enveloping him in my mouth completely. The sexy groan that left his lips had my pants becoming even more uncomfortable.

I had him on edge for the longest before I removed my mouthed completely denying him release. I leaned up and kiss him. His hand traveled down my back, groping me roughly. ''You're amazing.'' He whispered pecking my lips again. I laughed.

''With sexy breathless compliments like that, I should suck you off all the time.'' I mused. I saw his eyes glint at the thought which caused me to laugh more. He climbed atop me, reaching between me to undo my pants. I helped, slipping my briefs and pants off together as we stared into each others eyes.

''I meant it.'' He said, taking my leg and placing it to his shoulder. I felt my breathing hitch. He noticed and gave me a small smile as he entwined our fingers. ''I love you.'' I'll never get tired of hearing him tell me that. I heard a cap pop. I swear I glared at him for just a mere second and he started laughing. He knew why.

''You were just hoping you were gonna get laid, weren't you?'' I said mocking him as I smiled. I gasped as I felt the coldness at my entrance. He leaned down and let his lips hover over mine.

''Maybe.'' He whispered before kissing me. His tongue glided into my mouth moving together with mine. I felt his free hand start to slowly rub my leg that rested on his shoulder.

He made me feel sparks with just his touch. I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment between him kissing me breathless with his intoxicating lips, and his hand on my leg rubbing gently, making me harder than I already am, but the most unpleasant pain spread through me.

I gripped his hand tightly as I squeezed my eyes shut repelling the tears. This hurts like hell. He made a sound like a groan and a hiss at the same time as I moved slightly trying to find some comfort.

He didn't rush me as I took my time getting used to it. After a while the pain wasn't as bad. I opened my eyes to be greeted by sparkling blue ones. ''Okay?" He asked in a husky voice.

''Okay.'' I answered, tilting my head up. He kissed my lips. When he started to move the pain I felt before was becoming practically nonexistent. This felt incredible; he felt incredible inside me.

I adored the way I got to see his muscle flex and grow taut in his shoulders every time he would pick up speed. I loved the way he would moan out my name like it was his favorite word in the world when he came; every time he came.

It seemed as though every time I clawed at his back or tugged roughly on his hair when I felt near climax he would go faster, harder even. Just that thought made me mentally smile. Of course he likes it rough.

He decorated me beautifully. Kissing, biting and sucking at my porcelain skin. I attributed my own share of marks as he went slower, deeper. His hand started to stroke me and I wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him closer to me. It felt so astonishing I sunk my teeth into his shoulder to keep from screaming out in pleasure.

''You mean everything to me.'' He mumbled panting when we were finally spent. I rolled over staring into his alluring eyes, he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into his embrace.

''How much is everything?'' I asked after a while, I was gently running my hand over his cheek, being sure not to hurt him. He smiled at me, grabbing my hand from him face and placing it on his chest.

''Everything is all.'' He answered bringing my hand up to his lips and placing a gentle kiss. I could practically feel the blush take over my face. I tried to turn away, but he captured my lips first. ''Everything.'' He told me again before kissing me deeply.
*Damien P.O.V.*

I watched him while he slept.

To say he is beautiful wouldn't due him justice. He is lovely, stunning, gorgeous, charming, he is everything to me. I loved the way he fit perfectly in my arms; the way this all just felt so perfect.

I hated myself for what I had to do.

But knowing that I was doing it for him, so that he could survive, made me feel not so much like crap.

He's going to hate me too.

I wouldn't blame him if he did. I'd still love him. I'll always love him. But I wouldn't be able to deal with him growing to resent me. I couldn't take it. Even when doing the most selfless thing of my life, why did I still feel selfish?

Maybe because I knew it was wrong. Maybe because it was going to tear him into a million pieces and me the same. Maybe because I was ripping us from each others arms in such a cruel manner that I should be deemed a criminal.

Or maybe it was because I love him more than my own life.

I leaned down and kissed his lips lightly, making sure not to wake him. I laid the letter down on the bed. It took all the will I had to walk out of that hotel room. Every step felt like the world was shaking. I told myself not to look back once I reached the room door. But I couldn't resist.

Seeing him lay so peacefully, and knowing it would be the last time I laid eyes on him had my heart crumbling. I ran from the room, shutting the door lightly. I wasn't even two minutes from the hotel before the pain took over. I drowned myself in tears as I slumped against a tree.

''It's okay, it's-it's fine as long as it's for him. This is all for him. I love him. God, I love him.'' I whispered to myself trying to calm down.

I love him.


Dear Steven,

I wasn't drunk when I kissed you that night, I was barely even buzzed. I wanted to.

Steven I wanted to kiss you that night. I've wanted to kiss you ever since the first week we met. I'm sorry for lying about that.

I'm sorry for a lot of things.

The Bro-Code;

#: Never get caught.

#: Learn your lies.

#: What happens in the closet stays in the closet.

#: Never break the Bro-Code.

We failed number one. I don't regret it. Everything that has brought us closer together, I'll never regret any of it.

I'm pretty sure we fucked up number two on many occasions. But we fucked up together.

I ruined number three for us. I'm not proud of how everything played out when I told my parents. I just want you to know and understand that none of it is your fault.

Right now I'm breaking number four.

So right now I'm saying fuck the Bro-Code. It was never about the Bro-Code it's about us and I love you.

I can't apologize enough for what I've done to you, because I know my words mean nothing. They can't ever justify my actions enough for you to forgive me and I know that.

I'm sure right now your upset and your probably cursing me out in every language you know but I won't apologize for what I'm doing right now.

Yes, I'm deeply sorry for causing you the pain that's going to follow, but no Steven, I'm not sorry for leaving, because I'm doing it for reasons I can't bring myself to explain. But most importantly you should know I'm doing it for you.

I love you more than I love myself. You didn't fuck my life up Steven you made it worth living, but I can't go back home. My parents will never accept me and I know that.

But you have a chance.

And it would be so cruel of me to take that away from you. Your parents will forgive you, Steven. I know they will. They love you. I want you to tell them what they want to hear. Even if it means bashing me, I don't care. I want what's best for you.

Steven...Steven I'm not best for you. You're so perfect and I'm not worth your future. And I want you to have that future.

I love you so much baby. I must have written that a million times already but I don't care, it's true. I'll always love you, that's why I have to do this, please never forget that.

Please never forget our love.
that's literally what you've been doing

you give sources acting as if they somehow justify the ridiculous idea the yamnaya were mongoloid but none of them even actually prove that

and yeah that is projection, your projection.
DNRD you're a brick wall migrant worker just going to spam this thread now
The autism in this thread is outstanding op is reaching new levels!
  • JFL
Reactions: FattySalmon and Jason Voorhees
Do you ever just


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3) ̝̯̙̼͚͈͇̩̮̗́͛ͦ̉ͤ̈́̌̑̑ͪ̆̎̈́͑̒ͦ̋̕͞ ____________ ͦ͊̽͆ͬ̈́͗̑́ͭͤͦ҉̴̬͚͈̩̼̪̬̘̫̖̘̝̖́ͅ

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̝̯̙̼͚͈͇̩̮̗́͛ͦ̉ͤ̈́̌̑̑ͪ̆̎̈́͑̒ͦ̋̕͞ ͦ͊̽͆ͬ̈́͗̑́ͭͤͦ҉̴̬͚͈̩̼̪̬̘̫̖̘̝̖́ͅ ̢͕̠̲̭̫̬̪̦̂͋ͤ̉ͩ̎̄͊̾ͩ̆̅͝ ̵͕͉͇̗̂ͦͪ̂ͪ̀͝ ͧ̌̑̔̍ͦ͏͏͓͕̺͖͔̞̞̪͍͚͍̩ ̅̀͐̋̏͆̊ͭ҉̫̭͔̙̹̀ ̷͛̓̎ͩ͑͐̓̋̑ͫͪ̑ͬͩ҉҉҉̣̯̗͍̣̗̪̞̹̞̙̪̗̤̰̱̱͖ ͛̀̈́̽͋ͧ̾͐͜͏̯͚͉̬̥̬̲ ̷̵̵̨̠̱̥̮̥̮̠̩͎͙̱͍̮͈͚͎̭̱̬ͯ̇ͭ̊ͨ̓ͬ̉ ͉̣̻̭̗̟̤̥̓̃ͫ͆̒̈̈͛̿́͘͜͞ ̷̣͚̟̪̪̭̪̩̪̦̪̫͉̻̈͗ͧ͌̄̐̂̃̀̕ ̷̵̨͇̻̞̘̦̲͈̲̣̱͓̜͔̦̯̫̺͐͊̿͌̄͌͑́̀͢ ̶̛̱͓͖͓͎̟̙͚̥̻̜̬̹̩̮̩̟͈͂̑ͮͬͮ̇͛ͯ̂̅͒͘͠ ̛͔̩̩͔̳͈̭̪̰̦̱ͮ̆̾́̚ ͐ͧ͐͌ͧͭ̂̇̃͆̇̉ͣ̓҉̵̧̛̜̲̩̪̬̞̞̞̙̜̰̟̠̥͓͍̞͡ͅ ̷̡̟̼͎̩͋̉͐̄ͦ̀̊ͥͤ̔̓ͤ̇̑͑ͣͯ͆̚ ̶̛̭͎͔̞̼̩͈̫̰̱͖̬̟̤̲͍͇̐ͩ̑ͦ͌̋ͦ̎̐ͩ͑̈́̎̌ͤ͟͡ ̸̧̻̣̭̭̹̼̬̫ͥ̀ͨ̉ͣ̓̒̓̚̕͜ ̨͑̐͗̇̎̐̒̉̃̂͠҉̞̻̮̣̗̺͉̼͙͖͕̰̖ ̵̉ͧ̐̄ͥ̏̀̓͏̩̱͈͖͚̜̺̦͍͈͚̞͓̻̥͈̟ͅ ̷̨̡̙͎̯̝̯͚̳̮͔̂ͮ̋ͭ̊̇ͣͥ͆̈ͤ͆̒͛̍ ̶̵͌ͬ͆̍̅͂̕҉̨̳̦͓̱̞̻͇̹̤ ́͋͑ͫ̊͆͋ͩ̋ͫ̅ͥ̃͊̈̈́̑̚̚͏͔͍̗̮̦͔͉̠̦͓͖̖̀͘ ̛̯͖̻̙̀̄̆͌̽̌̌̊̚͝͞ͅ ̶͉͔̖̗̼̲̹͎̙̅ͧ̆̽̃͋́ͮͥ̓̾̑̎ͬ̽̾̔̐́͠͡ ̛̹̭͕̹̭̘̬͑͛ͨ̔ͧ̅͑̃ͤͩ̅͢͡ ̵̢̖̮̹͙̜̹̝̣̼̲͎̰̣̲̦̹͍͑̒ͯͨ̀ͮ ̶̶̢͖̞̳̬̅ͫ͆̊ͪ͐͢ ̯͎̩̣̗̖̋̀ͤ̾͗̅ͥͥ̍̍̆ͩ̃̀ͪ͠͝ ̶̢̝̹̯̆͛ͭ̿ͭͭͬͬͫ̔̔ͅ ̀̀ͨͪ҉̡̡̮͙̜̩̹̣̬̯͙͎̺̹ ̆͊̿̓͆̆ͫ̅ͨ̅͂̂̆͂̌͌ͥͣ͡҉̵͍̳̦͙̘͓̖̘ ̫̼͕̫̬͈̥̜̦̮͇̹͙͔̬̘̥͓ͫ̓̒̈́̋̓ͣͯͤ̑͂̈́͒ͥ̀̃̊̀͟ͅ ̌̆͑ͥ̾̃ͨ͏̶̢͙͚̦̲̗͕̩͎͈̫͇͎̯̮ ̢͙̘̼̙̣͓̪̟̳̞͕̟̋̐̔͂̋̉̇͒ͣͩ̂̓̽̉͂̍̀ ̶̢͓̖̦͍͎̜̫̭̝̝̲̜͊ͨͥ̔͆ͬ̃͢ͅ ̵̜̘̟̪̻̮͓̳̙̺͇̮̹͈̪̤͉̜͑̿̽ͧ͌̎̍͐́̅͐͊́͜ͅ ̧̛̘̞͎͕̤̗̤̥̻͍̞̲̱̖̰̩̖̠̲̈̂͐ͨͩ̊͑ͬ͒ͦ͑̓ͭ̋ͭ͋͘ ̡͔̰̺̫̟̳̙͙͍͉̝̜̺̱̠͍̱͇̗̈́ͬ̈́ͪ̉̆ͯ̃̃ͣ̌͊ͧ̍̌̑̿́͜͝ ͣ̂͛̽̃͆ͬ̑ͬ̃͏̵͟҉̺̩̻ ̶͍̺̲̦͓̙̼̈̑ͨ̈́̾́̓̌ͭ͌̋̌ͣ̓ͤ͆ͫ͝ ̸̸̢͖̥͓̟̦͉͍̈ͬ̇́̆ͯ̾͗͛͊̔ͭ̿̓̐̀̉̿̀̚͡ ̨̗̥͍͉̮̾ͮ̅̄̈́ͫͭ͐ͤͥͫ̐ͫ́͌ͩ̀̕ ̴̛͔̰̙̰͇͙̳̣̔ͪ̿̍ͧ͘͟ ̸̡̭̰͚̦̭̜͉̪̱̐ͨ̍ͩ̅̽ͪ͐̎ͮͪ͗͗ͬ͊́͜͢-̑̽ͣ̆͋̌̂ͭͧͨ̑̽̌̀͏̵̛͉͎̝̰̳͇̻̠̯͕̣͉̜̻̖̰̻̫ͅ ̴̺̳͙̦ͥ̑͒̄͊̿̀̒̌̏͛͒̽̍͂́_̇̃ͤ̍̇̍̊̔̏͋͑́̾͆͛̚҉͠҉̧̭͚͇̮̙̖_̡̖̯͕̣̲̫̼̰̺̝̟̜̺̙͓̈͒͒̒̋͝_̵̢̪̖̜̫̘̝̱͈̰̰̰̝̘̰͔͗̉̋ͦ͢͡_̶̧̳͖͚̙̘̭̘̬̣̘̞̟̥̌ͬ͛͗ͨ͊̓̾ͅ_̡̛͎̣͙̻̳̦͕̦̞̺̗̹͕̽͛̀̽̆ͧͣ̑͒̂̄̽͊̉͑͑̋͌̀͘͜ͅ_̸͎͇͖̝͙͉͔̦̭̹͉̳̒ͧ̔̈͒ͩͮ̐̈ͭ͗̒̆͜͠ ̡̧͙̣͓̮̤͎̮̳̺̣̮͈̪̱̜͈̹̰ͯ̇ͤ̉̀ ̡̢̱͔̰̻̭̱͙ͯͯͯ͋͌ͣ͐͂̓̽̔̄̆̃ͥ͘ ̴̵̴̞̬̮̼̭̫̭̤̮̰͍̞̭̑̒̉ͩ͛ͫ̌͑ͅ ̶̢̩̼͙̱̹ͬ́́̈́̄̿̿ͬ̊̽͐ͧ͝ ̧̺̠̣̤͕̤̗͍̟̣͕̯̯̲ͬ́̔̎̂̃ͨ̎̈̒̀͡ͅ ̵̖̳̩͎̤̫̠͕̯͆̂̄̿ͮ̆̍ͥ̄͜͠ͅ ̷̡̛͈̫̣̫̣̫͇͈̯̩̍ͯͧ̏͒̇ͫ͞ ̸͖̜̺͇̤̳̗̘̠͇̟͍̺̳ͦͪ̔̒̏͂ͣ̀͠ͅ ̢̛̞̭̘̮̳̜̜̣͕ͤ̔̒͊ͦͦͥ̈́͝ ̛̦̱̝͖̲͉̯ͥͧ̒͂̓ͤ̊͗͐ͭͮͬ̑̄͞ͅ ̼̙͕͕͍͔̝̟͖͙̼͍͍̤̥̩͚̓̋͗̀̇̽̃̐̇̄ͥ͌̀͗ͪ͘͞ ̓̊̈̆̑̒̒ͣ̾̎͐̇̐͋̈́҉̯̻̖̥̫ ̛̛̤͙̘̮̭̱̒̉̽̄ͧ̓ͩ͋͗̑ͨ͊̋̊̅̊͂̋́̀̕͜ ̷̶̨̛͔̱̟̮͇͇͉̫͎̟̱̳̲̠ͤ̏̄̇̎͗ͨ́̓̊̐̅̾̄ ̶̵̨̱̰̬̦͉͚̤̰̱̳͔ͭ̒́ͨ̓̏̀ ̴̷̭̹͖̞̭͙̪̤͙̖͙̭̖̍̌̃ͮ͟ ̡̢͖̲̹̟̫̩̓͛͐͘ ̶̨̢̜̗̙̏̃ͦͯ́̾̔̽̐ͩ̅͗̆̊́ ̺̻̯̻̖̫͉̼̖̮͈̫͉̻̰̯͙͇̈͊ͩ̽̋̌̕͢ͅ ̶̙̟̦͎̜̮̘͙̰̣͎̗̻̹̗͖̳̲̆͒̅̓ͩ̔͊̇̓͑ͭ̉͌ͫͤͧͤ̔̚͟5̷̲̦̦̦̮̞̼̥̦̗͓͉̫͔̟͙̣̔ͤ͒͊̀̏͒̌ͬ̍̉̐͑̈́̽ͮ͘͝͡ ̧̆͑͌͐ͥͫ͋̀ͭͯ͏̙̲̰̗͚͉̼͔̹͚̩̮̳͎̜̪̙̭̞ ̹̫̭̼͕̐ͪ̔̄̒̎̓ͮͮ̋̒̈́̀́͟͝͠ ̵̢̫͎͕̉̿͋ͭ́ͮ͛̋ͬ̒ͫ͐̏̐͜ ͓̹̞̲̪̦̝ͤ̔ͪ͒̈́̐̎̑ͯ͆̍̿́͞ ̴̶̧̢̯̜̩̥̖̹̙̪̭̪͚͕̜͙̻͍͂̈̑ͭͥͥ͑ͭͯ̑͒ͥ͗̋ͤ̇̃͛̽̕ͅͅ ̳̬͙̦̩̩̹͖̹͎̘̗̓ͤ͐̃ͨ̎̋ͯ̀͗̂ͭ͢͠͠ ̵̵̧̩̬͚̫̭̗͉ͯ͆̆ͭ̀ͧ̇̇ͯ̓̅͜ ̋̊̓̌̿̄҉̥̼̝̠̺̩̱͔̫̹̝̤͍̯̭̖̦̹ ̡̄̐̔̒̀͟͞҉̙͈͈͙͕̟͜ ̷̸̡̟̦̤̹̖̬̱̟͇̹̱̺͍̠̘͉̙̐̓̉̈̈́͒͂͛̈̆̔̅ͦ͐ ͦͪͧͧ̃̋̆͏͚̳̹͍̦̮͙̼̦̯̕ͅ ̵̛̠͙͚̜̭̔͌̆̔̓̃̇̃̐ͨ̇̕ ̊͛̉͊̉̐̈́͏͎̠̦̭͎̬̼̞̻̫̙͕̟͎̫͈͙̩͘̕͝ ̨̪͈̹̰̝̲ͮ̿ͦ͋ͪͤͭ̇͌̍̈̌͜͞ͅͅ ̱̯͈̟̰̤͉̾͐ͮ̑͐̏̄̅ͨͣ̆̉ͤ̋̔͆̚͟ ̊̎͆ͬ҉̨̟̠͕͚͇̝͕̯͓̤͓̖̠͇̭̺̠͘͢ ̨̼̻͔̰͔̠̖̩̭̃ͩ́ͪ̉͗̍̅ͤͣ͊̀ͧ̆̅͐ͦ̕͠ ̙̟͓̠͖͓̝͓̳̰͉̮͇͇͛̽̏͌ͬ͗̈́̉́̕ͅͅ ̵̦̣͓̮̭̩͈̺͔͈̺̯͙̻́̾̈́̈́̈̈́ͣ̄͒͝͞ ͓̰̘̫̬̰̥͈̗̥ͫ̔̈́ͨ̊ͮͧ͒̕͘͠ͅ ̶̠̹̦̱̩̦͉̙͔͎̦̮̼͖̘̋̃́̉͞͡͡ͅ ̢̩̤̤͉̤͉̪̭̣̼ͯͯ̒̋ͫͤͪ̓ͧͤ̍͑́̚͡ ͙͈̝̤͔̬̻͔̞͖͈̲̎̓̇̇ͥ̓̇̃̍̓̉̃́ͧ̽ͭͭͮ̂͞͝ͅͅ ̸̧͇̳̘̫̜̠͍̲̩̯͍ͬ͋ͣ̌́́͝ͅ


3) ̝̯̙̼͚͈͇̩̮̗́͛ͦ̉ͤ̈́̌̑̑ͪ̆̎̈́͑̒ͦ̋̕͞ ____________ ͦ͊̽͆ͬ̈́͗̑́ͭͤͦ҉̴̬͚͈̩̼̪̬̘̫̖̘̝̖́ͅ

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̸̵̛̛̰̼͇̺̠͔͔̳͉̲̗͖͍̭͉͉͔̘̦͊̐ͥ̒͐ͬ̏̔͑͗̾̚͢ ̎ͧ͑ͦ͆̀̅͛ͩͣͨͥ̂ͯ͡͏͞͏̦͉͈͔́ ̴̳͉̦̹̝̙̲͎̠̮̱͓̭̲̫̱̎̑͛̓ͫ͑̎ͭͬ͋ͬ̿̔̌̃͐͞_̨̡̝̙̼̻͉͈͈͍̗̞̯͎͓̖̱̲̼͓̣ͯ̆̈́̈́̉ͩ̓͘̕_̵̷̠̫̩͍̼͓͕̟͚͍̤̰͈̟͒̇̍̌͂͑͆͗͋͂̈́͞_̽̓̄ͩ̿̌̈̒̏ͯ͑̅̓̈́ͧ̚҉͏͔͇̯̫̞̼̪̮̬̘̰͎̻̜̱͘ͅ_̽͆̀̑ͫ̎͊̆̉̚͏̰͔͕̦͕̙͉̩͈̣̘͖̹̫̦͚̪͈ ̾̒ͩ̍ͧ̋̚҉̴̭̰̥͓̣̟̲͖̺͎̜͍ ̨̯̣̻̮̻̟̝̹̮̊͌̎ͯ͂̐̑̔͐ͤͬ̑ͧ̀͢͜͟ ̧̺͇̙̝̪̾̑̎ͮ̃͋̈̓̈ͩͩ͗̈́̀͟͡ ̦̲̹͕̘̝̦̯̻̲͔̯̉ͫ͊̀́ͩ͊̚͟ ̸̉̾̍̐ͣ̃ͦ̎̈ͩ̋ͨ̾͋҉̗̺̩͚̫͓̳͖̥̻͘͞͡ ̵͉͍͎̖̱̹̦̬̯̲̀ͭ̊̾̽̉͗̒ͬͩͤ́͠ ̴̨̧̛͍͍̠̝̹̦̹̖̫̳̣̦̬̦͔̜͙ͧ͂͛̂̅̋ͅ ̡̙̳̠͚͚͚͔͔̮̞̻͕̠̘͓̰̩̇̓͂ͧ̆͜͜ͅ ̢̧̘̹̗̪̟͇̗̪͇̲̤̤̯ͮ̿͗̈͛͟ ̷̡̲͕̦̱̟̘̼̱̩͔͓̙̺͂ͧ̓͛ͯ͛̀͑̄̓̽̃ͤͨ̐ͭͬ̓͜ ̸̡͇̦̟̠̠̞̱͙̦ͦͮ͂̂̉̑͑͊̀ͦ̾ͤ̎͐͂͐͜͟ ̡̺͉̖͎̱͐̂̄̀̌̂̋ͫ̎ͫͪ̈́͑͐̀͟ͅ ̫̺͖̓͑̓̈̓ͨͨ́͊̌ͨ͐ͦ͢͢ ̴̮̭͍̰̖̥̟͔̙̣͔̬̦͍̞̼ͪ̐̊͂ͯͬ̒̆ͭͮ̀̋̀̂̆̀͟ ̨͎̫̦̫͖͉̥̻͓̝̺͖̺̜͈̤͔̘̑̒ͯͭ̐͘͠ ̬̥̼͕̤̭̦̳̣̭̤͕̼͙̠͊̉ͫͣ̌̌̀ͭͪ̾̄ͭ̆͒ͤ͐̚̕ ̢̡̢̤͈͚͖̃ͮͥ̓ͩ͆̋̉̌ͤ̂͛ͪ̎̿̾̐ͫ ̨ͣ́ͦ̄͋̋͆ͭ̓͊ͨ͂ͪ̽ͧ͑͏̠̪͕̤̳͍̭̣̲͖͢͢͡ ̡̙̳̬̣̙̫̗͖͖̹͎̥͍͇̟͊ͮ̈́ͤ̀̔̈́ͣ̽̏̽̋͒͜͠ͅͅ ̵̸̬͈̪̮͈̼̫͉̲̤̣̥͖̋̿ͣ͐͊̆ͭͩ̅͗̓̋ͪ͝͞ ̖̭̳̜͐̿̅ͬ̂̂̐ͥ̑̂̒̿ͣ͒͋ͪͣ͗͘͘͝ ̴̶͍͍̪͇͉̠ͯ͆ͦ̅ͣ̉ͬ́̔̉̒͐̂̌͑̈ͦͩ͂̀͢ ̸̷̢͕̣̠͉̺̲͉̠͚̳̤̤̹͙̤̫͈͇̋̽̓̾ͣ̾̒̌̈́̓͘͢ͅ ̸̷̴̰̪̤͙͍̬͈̇̃̾͛̏̌͋͑ͬ̊ͮ͑͡ ̸̢̹̟̰̳̭̩̺̪̲̺̤̯̫ͩ́ͩ̎̉̄ͮ̀̊̑̀̕͡ ͎͓̞̲̟͙̲̤̮̠̞̩͇̳͐́̂ͮ̓̉̀́̕͢͢ ̴̴̛̬͖̝̮͈͔̈ͬ͂͗͊̀̽̄͋̈ͪ̅̽͑ͪ̅̒̐̀̚͘ 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ͧ͌ͣ̀͜͜҉̰͕͎̟ ̛ͭ̑̊̏̏̑ͭ͏̨͍̟̙͓͎̦͇̥͕̞͇͉͙͙ͅ ̊͐̀̊̆̽̒̿̅ͪ̈̒͒̒͏̗͖̼̠͇͓̲̩̩̥́͘͟ ̶̤̪͓̠̮̪͚̣̲̔̈́͑̅̅̍ͧ̌͌ͦ ̷̅͊͊ͤ́͏̤̣͎̜̳̳̣ͅ ͙̱̠͈͔̜̙̬̖̳͇͍̺̣̩͕̣͙̼̋ͧ̆̍̎͊̔̕͜ ̶̨͙̞͎͔͚̺͖̩̮͈̰̺͖̹̱̿ͧ̈ͤ̋̐ͭͭ͋̇ͦ̔͒̿ͤ͆́̚ ̸̳̰͔̺͙̜͚̘͕̉̂ͥ̒ͦͪͥ̔̀̕ ̠͕͈̼͍̖̪͉̙͎̗͎̝̈́̄͂̃̒ͭͦͩ̌̋͂̒͟͞ ̧̛̹͚̤̥̤̱̜̹̘̻͔͔̟̭̦͇̯̠̽̈ͭͤ͋ͬ͛ͭͨͫ̆ͦ͂̐̏̕͞ ̸̜͕̪̟̭͕̫̌̌͊̓͂̿͟ ̴̪̠̭̯͇̲̫̝̰͚͎͚̺͓͇̱ͬͭ̽ͩ̈ͨ̈͐͗ͩ͑ͦ̈̕͢͟ ̴̸̡̦͉̺̙͎͔̠̟̲̞͕͓̰̮͇ͨ̈̑ͯ̾͌̚ ̷̡̧̼̥͖̘̣͓͔̲̻͖̯͈̲̗͋ͩͪ͒ͣ̇ͭ̉͆͊ͬ̾ͭͯ ̷̵̹̼̖͉̪̝̣̞̀͊ͯ̽͋͞ ̶̶̧̭̯̜̝͔͙̪͍̖̗͈̳̜͍̇̋̈͋ͫ̔͌͛̂̈́ͯ́͒͟͡͞ ̵̫̠̥̘̘͖͗̇͌̒̒͆ͤ̂̆̎̋ͣ̄̂͝͞6̸̜̟͈͈̥͚̙̦ͩͮ̃̀̀͡4̡̨̡̯̹͕̰̲̞̥̺ͨͮ́̃̾̋̾́͝ ̢͕̠̲̭̫̬̪̦̂͋ͤ̉ͩ̎̄͊̾ͩ̆̅͝ ̵͕͉͇̗̂ͦͪ̂ͪ̀͝ ͧ̌̑̔̍ͦ͏͏͓͕̺͖͔̞̞̪͍͚͍̩ ̅̀͐̋̏͆̊ͭ҉̫̭͔̙̹̀ ̷͛̓̎ͩ͑͐̓̋̑ͫͪ̑ͬͩ҉҉҉̣̯̗͍̣̗̪̞̹̞̙̪̗̤̰̱̱͖ ͛̀̈́̽͋ͧ̾͐͜͏̯͚͉̬̥̬̲ ̷̵̵̨̠̱̥̮̥̮̠̩͎͙̱͍̮͈͚͎̭̱̬ͯ̇ͭ̊ͨ̓ͬ̉ ͉̣̻̭̗̟̤̥̓̃ͫ͆̒̈̈͛̿́͘͜͞ ̷̣͚̟̪̪̭̪̩̪̦̪̫͉̻̈͗ͧ͌̄̐̂̃̀̕ ̷̵̨͇̻̞̘̦̲͈̲̣̱͓̜͔̦̯̫̺͐͊̿͌̄͌͑́̀͢ ̶̛̱͓͖͓͎̟̙͚̥̻̜̬̹̩̮̩̟͈͂̑ͮͬͮ̇͛ͯ̂̅͒͘͠ ̛͔̩̩͔̳͈̭̪̰̦̱ͮ̆̾́̚ ͐ͧ͐͌ͧͭ̂̇̃͆̇̉ͣ̓҉̵̧̛̜̲̩̪̬̞̞̞̙̜̰̟̠̥͓͍̞͡ͅ ̷̡̟̼͎̩͋̉͐̄ͦ̀̊ͥͤ̔̓ͤ̇̑͑ͣͯ͆̚ ̶̛̭͎͔̞̼̩͈̫̰̱͖̬̟̤̲͍͇̐ͩ̑ͦ͌̋ͦ̎̐ͩ͑̈́̎̌ͤ͟͡ ̛̦̱̝͖̲͉̯ͥͧ̒͂̓ͤ̊͗͐ͭͮͬ̑̄͞ͅ ̼̙͕͕͍͔̝̟͖͙̼͍͍̤̥̩͚̓̋͗̀̇̽̃̐̇̄ͥ͌̀͗ͪ͘͞ ̓̊̈̆̑̒̒ͣ̾̎͐̇̐͋̈́҉ )̡̰̬̹͉̬̙̼̤͎͕͎̳͍̲ͣ͑͆̽ͨ͗̏̕͢.

''Ahh, Damien p-please not h-here. I have class in five minutes.'' Steven informed me, a moan traveling soon behind. I let my mouth abandon his erect nipple as I began sucking on his unmarked neck.

''So do I,'' I breathed out against his skin, placing a kiss to his soft spot right beneath his ear. He shuddered. I had him melting under me within seconds.

He's always like this when I start on him. I haven't even kissed him yet and he's already moaning my name.

''Damien, t-three minutes.'' He released from his lips despite his frequent panting for air. My laughter floated in the air, my lips moving from his neck.

It would be really cruel of me to leave him in his state of discomfort, seeing as though I am the one who put him there.

I thought about it for a minute, then shrugged.

His continuous countdown wasn't exactly a turn on.

I reached down, picking my shirt up from the floor, quickly pulling it over my head. ''Remember,'' I said, looking him deep in his caramel brown eyes, a smirk hanging at my lips. ''It was your call to finish yourself off.''

I slipped out of the janitors closet before he could object. As I'm swiftly making my way down the hall, I glance briefly at my wrist watch.

Haha, two minutes left Steven, I hope your hand works wonders.

Students start piling into the hall at the sound of the bell ranging. I continued making my way to my final class of the day, which by chance, just so happens to be his as well.

I took my usual seat in the back, watching as the rest of the students piled into the classroom. Inwardly, I laughed. There's no way he's going to make it, there is only a few minutes left 'till the tardy bell.

I smiled, seeing the Teacher walking in and calling the class to order. He started with the attendance.

I've never really understood why we did attendance at the end of the day. I mean c'mon, don't they think we've learned enough to be able to skip the last forty-five minutes of school?

God, the Board of Education is so stupid. I would definitely be as far away from this place as I could be if it wasn't for Steven.

I honestly never knew he was such a nerd until he made a rule that if I skipped school more than four times a week I wouldn't get any. Not that I get any anyway. But even thought I hated being here, I stopped skipping for him.

Deep down, I know he did that to help me, and in a way I am thankful to him. Before I only came to school on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Tuesdays are tolerable and Fridays are the most important day of the week. It's a test day, and the most exciting day of the week. You wouldn't believe me if I told you what goes down at this school.

The bell rang and in the same second a panting Steven came running into the classroom. His hand was clutching his stomach as he made an attempt to try and regain some air back into his lungs.

I laughed loudly, not caring if anyone started to stare.

He quickly shot me a glare from across the classroom. He turned to the teacher and gave him some bs excuse for being late. I doubt that he would have even got in trouble if he was a little late. He's like the Einstein of teachers pets.

Even knowing that, I also knew he'd be so pissed at me for almost making him late that that I wouldn't get any midnight action. Well there goes my late night blowie.

Daniel Crawford has always been perfect. He was the guy who played all the sports, dated the prettiest girls, and got the best grades. Life on the surface couldn't be be...
I purposely avoided his gaze as he took his seat beside me. The teacher started going on about some project and I proceeded to put my textbook up like a fort so I'd have a shield as I got on my phone.

I really didn't feel like being bothered right now. I have practice after this and then I have to go home and help my brother with his homework.

I know, funny isn't it? Considering I hate all things school related it seems kind of hypocritical of me to make my brother do his homework. I haven't did any homework since sophomore year. The advantage of having an Asian as a bestfriend.

Anyway, after I help with his homework I have to drop him off by his bestfriends house. I never let him sleep at home when our parents are there.

For the most part they ignore us, and we used to hate that, but when things get bad...when they get really bad, we wished they would ignore us, forget our existence even.

I don't really have any place to go when this happens besides Steven's house, but I can't stay there for more than two days a week. His parents are fucking crazy.

It doesn't matter though because I'd rather be dealing with it than letting my little brother deal with it.

''This is worth fifty percent of you final grade Mr. Vitalé. I hope you're paying attention.'' Mr. Richards said, looking in my direction. I gave him a sarcastic smile, shooting him a thumbs up.

Creative writing isn't exactly my favorite. Anything school related is not to my liking really. And I still don't like how they call the class an elective when the person who has to sit through it for forty five minutes sure as hell didn't choose it.

Steven discretely slipped a folded piece of paper on my desk when the teacher wasn't looking. I smirked. Oh look, the golden child is trying to break few rules. Aye, maybe I'm finally rubbing off on him. I unfolded the paper and read his perfect hand writing.

~Now you're shy? Don't play daft with me Damien. Just tell me you're afraid of me giving you blue balls.~

I smiled at the paper. The nerve of this boy. I glanced over to him before scribbling down my response.

~Are you kidding me? I have a hand, Steven. The only time you scare me is when you start using your foreign ass scholar words. Like 'daft'. What the hell does that mean anyway?~

I slipped the piece of paper back to him, then focused my attention to the game of Angry birds on my phone. Hearing him laugh, I glanced in his direction to see him crumbling up the piece of paper.

When he smiles it shows off his dimples. He'll never admit to it though, since he wants to look mature at every moment, but it makes him look even younger than his actual age. It's really adorable. He's the most attractive person I've ever seen in my life.

''Boys,'' Mr. Richards voice caught our attention. Steven and I both looked up at him. ''Either you can read it out loud, or I can. But just so you know Damien,'' He locked eyes with me giving me a stern look. I smiled back innocently just to piss him off. ''After you pretend to read it, I will read it.''

I rolled my eyes.

Turning to Steven, I gave him a 'what the hell' look, but he was busy staring at the teacher with a pleading expression on his face.

How did we even get caught? We barely passed more than two notes.


We only passed two notes. Does this man have eyes in the back of his head or something?

How the hell did he even see past my book fort? This is complete b.s.

''Any day now,'' Mr. Richards said, impatiently. Everyone’s attention was on us. The room suddenly felt like it was getting hotter. I took in a nervous breath.

Literally the first sentence on that paper gave away our secret. And there's no telling what Steven wrote on that paper before he crumbled it up. This is great, just fucking great!

I sighed, reaching my hand out towards Steven so that he could give me the paper. He handed it to me and the feeling of eyes watching me became even more evident.

I quickly shoved the balled up piece of paper in my mouth. When dreamed about deep throating so well that I'd have balls in my throat, this is not what I imagined.

I gaged at least three times trying to swallow it. The class watched in amusement and the teacher stared in dull annoyment. This is the fourth year Mr. Richards has had to deal with me, I'm pretty sure he's used to it by now.

Oh and Steven seemed to enjoy the show. He was laughing so hard his complexion had changed to fifty shades of pink.

''Steven, take your goat to the nurse. When you're done you can go down to the gym and explain and explain to your coaches why you both will be missing practice today because of the detention Damien just earned you.'' Mr. Richards spoke, immediately going back to his lesson after that.

I grabbed my things, shoving them into my backpack and exiting the classroom. A laughing Steven followed me out. I didn't find it funny at all. I felt like there was a ball stuck in my throat, and not the good kind. Plus, paper and ink taste really nasty together.

He was still laughing once we were further down the hall. I gritted my teeth, shoving him into a locker and continuing to walk.

Of course he caught up to me though, the boy is captain of the soccer team, he has legs.

''Shoving the defenseless Asian kid into the locker won't change the fact that you looked stupid.'' He told me, still laughing.

I stopped walking, turning to face him. I pinned him against the wall before he had a chance to react. Capturing his lips in mine, I stole what was left of his air. I should've suffocated the laughing bastard with my lips.

''I did it for you, you fucking idiot so please, stop telling me how stupid I looked, I know,'' I said once I had separated our lips, deciding to let him live. ''What the hell did you write on that paper after you crumbled it up?'' I asked him.

He pushed me back, getting off of the wall. I watched his cheeks flame up as he went into deep blush mode. I laughed, shaking my head.

''Wow,'' I said. ''That bad huh?'' I asked him seriously. He didn't answer me and we started walking again in silence. I wasn't even mad at him for almost getting us caught. It's both our fault. But we really have to be more careful, this town is like the headquarters for homophobia.

''Steven, what if Mr. Richards would have took the paper from you before he warned us?'' The question slipped free from my mind before I really thought about it.

I hate it when my thoughts escape my head. I'd rather just keep it to myself, it makes me feel like an idiot sometimes.

Steven glanced at me briefly.

''I guess--I mean I don't know. I know you would've had my back with it, but I don't really want to think about it, Damien.'' He whispered. I could hear the fear in his voice. ''But that's just bro-code right? We have each others back no matter what?'' He asked, offering his hand out to me.

I took his hand in mine, nodding in agreement.

Two jocks who are secretly gay together.

Two reputations and lives on the line if anyone ever finds out.

A millions things to worry about every minute we're in public together, trying our hardest to hide our feelings for each other.

''Yeah,'' I spoke with ease, ''Just bro-code.''

It's easier to lie when you're happy. With Steven, I'm happy.
*Steven's POV*

I'm infuriated with him. I know he knows that I am.
But of course I can't express that with him because he did just save both of our asses. Then again...he did just prevent me from going to soccer practice.
He's an asshole.

Although I can't help but smile at the thought that he's my asshole. That doesn't change the fact that I'm going to kick his ass for this.

I suddenly feel someone breathing down my neck, turning around to see Damien ogling me with curious hazy blue eyes. A scoff left my lips as I pinpointed the look in his eyes as lust.
When isn't he horny?

''What?'' I ask him, starting a slow walk in the direction of the detention he earned us. Of course he began to follow closely behind me. Extremely close.

''Nothing,'' He spoke, giving me my response, ''You just look sexy when you think.'' He whispers in my ear. I raise a brow at him, putting my hand over his face and pushing him away.
If he thinks we're about to be all buddy-buddy and discretely cozied up in detention he's dead wrong. I'm still pissed at him.
''You're not off the hook,'' I inform him. I hear a sigh leave his lips. I glance over my shoulder to see him shaking his head.
I don't care if he feels like I'm being inconsiderate right now. Soccer is important to me, and missing this practice means I can't play in the game tomorrow.
And it's not some big secret that if you miss a practice before an event you won't be allowed to participate. He knows this, he's on the football team. Then again missing practice doesn't affect his eligibility to perform at all since he's the quarterback.
Believe it or not, but I'm sure it's pretty damn believable, they allow him to play no matter what because they know they need him to win.
He can go to two practices a week if he wants and completely skip their weekend practices and you'll still see him in the game on Friday.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking bad about him. He's a really good football player, with or without the practice. It's so effortless for him. And I'm over here killing myself to be the best not only in the classroom but on the soccer field as well.
I mean, I barely even made it on the varsity soccer team because of my age, and now I have the honor of being the captain. Just so you know, I'm not really the stereotype Asian, if that wasn't already blatantly obvious, but I did skip a grade so that I could take more advanced classes.
But that didn't exactly help me in the sports area because a team full of seventeen and eighteen-year old's don't want a sixteen year old on the team, let alone as their team captain. So at least I know that they'll be more than happy to hear I'm out of the game tomorrow. They can thank Damien for that.

After overcoming a traumatic heartbreak as a teenager, Chloe struggled to grow up and establish her career, but after years of work, her life finally feels like it's bac...
Hanging by a Moment [Completed] by iswearidontbite
Hanging by a Moment [Completed]

''If you were gonna be such a bitch about it Steven, you shouldn't have passed the note in the first place. I'm not afraid to admit that I screwed up, okay? I know that. But use that brain of yours for a minute, because so did you.'' He says, taking faster strides to walk ahead of me.
I roll my eyes. If that was his attempt at making me feel bad it wouldn't work. I have a high wall of protection around my emotions Damien Vitalé, and you my asshole of a friend, will not penetrate that wall.
''And in case you're too stuck in your own head to realize it, everything I did in that classroom, I did for you.'' He says over his shoulder before entering Mr. Richards class. I sigh, shaking my head.
Well, there goes my fucking wall.
I guess now it is my turn to pull my head out of my ass and apologize to him. Something a lot worse could've happened besides me missing a single game. Something like Mr. Richards seeing what I wrote on that paper.
Just thinking about it is making me blush.
Even though apologizing isn't my favorite thing in the world to do I know I have to stop being a dick and be grateful for Damien because the only reason Mr. Richards didn't see that note is because of what he did.
Now he's mad at me.

Great, we're mad at each other now.
I just have yet to understand why we act like this. So caring towards each others emotions. We aren't in a relationship, we're not, but it certainly does feel that way when someone crosses a line or gets emotionally hurt. It pulls us deeper into whatever this thing is that we've been secretly building for a while now.
And speaking of emotions, I can feel my emotions for this asshole growing. When Damien and I are together, when we're intimate, I swear he's a completely different person.
He scares the hell out of me with how rough he can be whenever we decide to take it down that road. He doesn't hold back at all, biting, scratching, sucking, breaking the thin layer of my skin to leave his mark for weeks.
But when he's gentle...damn I hate the gentle Damien Vitalé at times and how he can keep me on edge for hours with no end to the way his lips would gently caress my heated skin.
And damn, I must admit that I love it.

I love everything about him when he's with me.
I enter the classroom, heading to the back to take a seat. I like the back of the classroom, besides being peaceful the view is always better from this angle.
I quickly spot Damien on the opposite side of the classroom, looking extremely committed to tapping furiously at the screen of his phone. Right beside him some hopeless girl, -I think her name is Kayla, I recognize her from Civics-, tries desperately to get his attention to no avail.
Even though she's really attractive and resembles the exact type of girl Damien would sleep around with before him and I started...started what we have going on, I'm not worried. I know he won't give her the time of day, and while deep down that made me extremely happy, it also made outsiders view him as a massive jerk.
Their logic is that since the most popular jock and fuckboy of the school went from screwing every girl that walks these halls to not screwing anyone of them at all, clearly he's become conceited beyond reprimand.

I mean I can think of more logical reasons he's a jerk but I'll just keep that to myself.
''Okay, take your seats.'' Mr. Richards speaks, leisurely entering the room. He takes a seat behind his desk, taking test papers out and beginning to grade them.
A quiet laugh escapes my lips. I already know I have an A on that.
''I want thirty minutes of absolute silence, oh and Mr. Vitalé,'' Mr. Richards says, looking up from his work to stare intently at Damien.
Damien looks up into Mr. Richards eyes with a knowing smirk. ''Please try your best not to consume anything else that might affect your health in any way. As much as I live for the thought of suspending you, I really hate paperwork.''
I suppressed the laughter that attempted to leap from my lips. Although that didn't stop me from grinning ear to ear.
Of course I don't actually think Damien is stupid. Whether he chooses to admit it or not, he's really good at school yet he purposely refuses to put forth effort. It's seriously not even that hard.
I have to bribe him with blowjobs just to make him show up on occasion.
To my surprise the time flew by. Mr. Richards released us from detention with ten minutes to spare. I leave the classroom heading in the direction of the locker room.
I might as well go beg the coach to let me play tomorrow since clearly I have nothing better to do than avoid my problems.

I know I have to apologize to Damien...and I will.
Just as soon as I can find a way to shove my pride somewhere where it wont get in the way for a couple of minutes. Until then, I'll just keep my distance from him. That shouldn't be too hard, it's not like we're attached at the hip or something.

I walk into the locker room, the smell of sweat and musk evading my nostrils. Unfortunately I'm used to that smell, so it doesn't bother me so much. I walk towards the back of the room where the coaches office is.
''Well Yeiun, it's nice to see your face around here. Although I am sure I should've seen you ten minutes before practice even started Mr. Varsity Team Captain.'' Coach says, not even giving me the chance to step into his office before those words leave his lips.

I sigh, walking over to his desk. Before I can reply, he speaks again, not even glancing up from the playbook in his hands.

''Look Yeiun,'' He puts the playbook down on his desk, looking me in the eyes, ''When I made the decision to make you captain of the varsity team it wasn't to set a new trend or to prove that the underclassmen athletes have the same skill levels as the upperclassmen athletes.
I put you in this position because you showed me that you had ambition, drive, passion, talent and commitment. I told you that it was going to be hard getting your teammates to look to you as a leader because of the age gap, and you told me you could handle it.
Now I've been seeing you trying with them, but missing the final practice before the first game of the season isn't how you earn their respect, or mines. Do you get where I'm coming from?''

''Yes, sir.''

''Good, good. Now as far as playing in tomorrow's games, you're in. Vitalé was in here a couple of minutes ago explaining to me how Mr. Richards gave you both a detention for something that he did. So you're off the hook this time, but don't let detention become a regular thing.
You're a good kid Yeiun, don't let stupid shit hold you back. I understand you're trying to fit in, but maybe Vitalé and his crowd of friends aren't the right people for you.
Think about it, and close my door on your way out.'' Coach says, picking the playbook back up.
I nod my head, leaving his office, shutting the door as I go.
I'm happy as hell that I didn't just get his playbook thrown at my head. I can't stress enough on how much it means to me to be the captain of the varsity soccer team.

This is really big for me, and for Damien to almost fuck that up with that stupid detention just pisses me off.
Then again the asshole did just save my ass.

''Fuck,'' I mumble, walking out of the school.
He just saved my ass for the second time today. First with the note and now with the game tomorrow.
Why would he do that?

I'm not being ungrateful, I can't thank him enough for what he's done but that still doesn't kill my curiosity on why he did it.
This, 'taking one for the team' attitude has never been apart of Damien's personality.
I didn't think he'd throw himself out on the line like that for me to play in the game. Football is important as hell to him and he really just risked not playing in the game tomorrow so that I would be able to play in mines.
And here I am, all day just being an oblivious jerk.
I hate myself, I've never felt more stupid than I feel right now. And that's saying a lot, considering I'm the smartest kid in this school.

I might as well add egotistical to my list of flaws with a statement like that.
I figure Damien will need a ride home since I drove him to school today, but when I make it to the parking lot he's nowhere to be found.
I sigh, climbing into my car and starting it up.
I should've known he'd be so pissed at my ungrateful attitude that he'd push me away. I'm not mad, I know I deserve it.
I've been acting like a bitch to him all day when he's treated me like the complete opposite of that.
I didn't mean to, I'm just so fucking blinded by myself sometimes.

I pull out of the parking lot, driving in the direction of his house.

The sooner he realizes that I'm not that easy to get rid of, the quicker he'll understand how I'm starting to feel about him.
Although I'll never just come right out and tell him.
And we are what we are.



And lovers.

*Damien's POV*

Caring about people and having feelings for them and shit, it's nothing but a bunch of bullshit I swear it. I mean look at this shit, I basically just sacrificed my life twice for this ungrateful kid and all that he can think about is himself.
So what do I get for doing what I did for him?
Just him being pissed at me because things didn't go his way. Not him being thankful that I saved both our asses. I don't even need him to say thank you but damn some simple gratitude would be nice.

Honestly, I don't even really care about the fact that he's mad.
Steven can be mad all he wants. What's really bothering me is the fact that he likes to assign blame but when something is actually his fault he can't accept that.
You know what?

Fuck him.
I feel this sprout of laughter take over me.
Fucking him is exactly what I won't be doing tonight, or any night to come for that matter.
In all seriousness, we've yet to go that far. And I would never push the subject of sex with him. I'm not a virgin so to speak because I've slept with plenty of girls, but I've never slept with a guy. And he knows that I want to have sex with him.
But on the other hand, he is a virgin and...I don't know. I guess I'm just so used to being with girls and sleeping with them whenever I pleased that I'm not used to not being able to sleep with the person that I want to, when I want to.
And I would never 'cheat' on Steven and go have sex with a female just because he won't sleep with me. But I'm not going to lie and act like he doesn't piss me off when he acts like he doesn't want to sleep with me at all.
I mean maybe it's not an act.
We've been fooling around with each other for a while now and I'll continue to wait as long as he needs me to until we can take that next step, but my feelings for him are starting to get kind of more than personal, and I don't think it's the same for him.

I don't know.
I don't know what's going on with him these days. Or with us. But to be honest I don't feel like wasting my time by wrecking my brain to try and figure it out.
I helped him today, not once but twice. Twice I saved his ass.

God only knows what my parents would do to me if they knew I was attracted to guys. I take enough shit and enough hits as it is on the football field, I don't need even more at home.
Steven's parents are an entirely different story though. They are all traditional and shit. Hell they'd probably disown him or something crazy like that if they ever find out what he's doing with his best friend in the closet. His parents creep me the fuck out.

Jake foster, the popular jock football player is dating Sam fuller, his jock football player boyfriend. What will happen when the not social and sarcastic Liam smith is...
There's a knock on my room door.

''Come in,'' I yell. I see my little brother Cody running down the stairs. Yes, down the stairs.
I took the basement and converted it into my room. I know my house is basically like a mansion there's ten rooms in this house, but I like the basement. I get peace, privacy, and it's...secure.
''Did you finish your homework yet?'' I ask him when he reaches the bottom of the stairs. He walks over to me. I sit up on my bed and look at him.


''Then we can almost talk, after you finish your homework.'' I tell him. I pick my cellphone up from beside me on my bed. Cody sighs, causing me to look back over at him. ''Do you need me to help you?'' I ask him.
He shakes his head.
I put my phone down.

''Come here,'' I say, gesturing for him to have a seat next to me. He sits beside me on my bed. His head is hung low, but I catch a glimpse of his expression and I can see that something is bothering them.
''What's up?'' I ask him. He shrugs. That's a tell sign that I'm going to have to ease this out of him.
Cody is very closed off when he wants to be for reasons that I completely understand. When you grow up in a household like this you learn to be invisible, quiet, and keep every thought that crosses your mind to yourself at all times.
''Cody you can tell me what's bothering you, I'm your brother you can always tell me anything.'' I assure him. He glances up at me with that worried look of his in his emerald eyes.
''I just—I just don't like leaving you alone in this house with them Damien. I know that it's best for me to sleep at Connors' house when he's back in town but I don't like leaving you here. It makes me feel bad.'' Cody admits, looking into my eyes.
I can see the puddles forming in his eyes and with a single blink the tears cascade down his face. I sigh, reaching over to wipe my brothers face, proceeding to pull him closer to me for a hug.
''Don't you ever feel bad for me, Cody. I'm going to be alright. Okay? Look at me,'' I release him from the hug, staring into his teary eyes as I muster up the most believable face I can possibly display. ''I'm going to be just fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm your older brother, it's my job to worry about you not the other way around.'' I say, hopping to soothe him.
He nods his head at me.
''Okay, I guess I'll drop you off early and you can finish your homework at Connors house. Go pack a bag for the week.'' I tell him.
He gets up from my bed and leaves my room, going to get his things ready.
I sigh, laying back against my bed.
I'm not going to be just fine when our father gets back into town tonight. I mean unless you consider just fine a broken nose and a few bruised ribs.
I'm sure as soon as his plane lands he'll make his way to the bar that's nearest to the airport. Then he'll take a taxi to the house, come home and greet us and everything will be fine for a while as he goes upstairs to unpack his suitcase.
And then things won't be fine.
Then my mother becomes a punching bag that works to alleviate my fathers stress.
And me? What do I become?
I become the bandages that wrap around a beaten punching bag. Pushing her to the side and taking all the hits for her.
And when morning rolls around she powders on a new layer of makeup and they'll both pretend like nothing happened. She'll refuse to look me in my eyes because of the guilt she feels for letting her husband put his hands on me.
And my father? He'll make some joke about how football is really getting the better of me this year with all the new bruises I'm sporting lately.
Fucking in denial, abusive alcoholic.
And me? I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. Because I care about the people that I'm taking the hits to protect more than I care about myself.
I brush all of this from my mind, getting up from my bed. I grab my car keys from my dresser and make my way upstairs.
I walk down the hall over to the main stairwell in the house.
''Cody are you ready to go?'' I yell up the stairs. A minute later he comes running down the stairs, a backpack in one hand and a gym bag in the other.

''Let's go!'' He screams, running past me and for the front door. Okay so now I'm basically deaf.

I follow him outside, looking the front door behind me. He tosses his stuff into the backseat of the car, climbing into the passenger seat as I get into the drivers' seat.
I put my seatbelt on, waiting until he does the same before I start up the car and back out of the driveway.
I start heading in the direction of his best friend Connors house. It's nearly a thirty-minute drive and about fifteen minutes in my phone starts to ring.
''Answer it for me,'' I tell Cody. He gets my phone from my pocket, hitting the answer button and placing it to his ear.
He exchanges greetings with whoever's on the phone for a minute.

''Well we're in the car right now, he can't talk,'' Cody says. He looks at me. ''Steven wants to know if you can hangout at his house later.'' Cody informs me.
I shake my head.
''He doesn't want to hangout with you,'' Cody replies bluntly. I roll my eyes, coming to a halt at a red light and reaching over to take the phone from Cody's hands.
I put the phone to my ear.
''Steven I'm busy,'' I say simply before hanging the phone up and continuing to drive when the light changes colors.
''Liar,'' I hear Cody mumble in a sing-song voice.

''Am I not driving you somewhere?'' I ask him.
''Well you won't be in about ten minutes.'' He responds.
''Mhmm,'' I reply dryly.
We reach Connors house within the next ten minutes. Cody grabs his stuff from the backseat before hopping out of the car.
''Hey!'' I scream out of the window, honking the horn. ''I love you, I'll see you soon.''

''I love you too,'' He yells back, making his way up to Connors front door.
I drive away, going back to my house. The next thirty minutes are filled with the radio quietly spurting out a song now and again.
I pull up in my driveway, turning my car off and getting out. I make it to my front door, only to glance around and see Steven's car parked on the curb. I sigh, unlocking my front door and walking into my house.
I make my way down to my bedroom, not surprised in the slightest to see Steven in my room, digging through my dresser.

''What are you doing?'' I ask him, walking over to my dresser.
''Packing you some clothes obviously. Where do you think you're sleeping tonight? Here?'' He asks me sarcastically.
I walk over to him, putting all the clothes that he had taken out of my dresser back in it. ''I locked my front door when I left. You broke into my house and,'' I close my drawer, '' You're invading my privacy.''

He turns to look at me, his arms folded across his chest.
''Look I fucked up, okay?'' He offers. I just stand there. I'm not about to make this so easy for him. He fucks up all the time the only difference to this time is for some reason it hurt more.
It hurt a hell of a lot more.
He looks me in my eyes. I stare back into his deep brown eyes.
''You know what I'm trying to say,'' He attempts again. I shake my head, walking over to my bed and taking a seat.
Steven resumes taking my clothes from my dresser and tossing them into his athletics bag.

''Whenever you're finished packing my clothes for no reason at all, you should leave before my Dad gets here.'' I tell him.
Steven tosses the bag on the floor, turning around and walking towards me.
''Look I don't care how much of an asshole you're being to me right now, it's not changing the fact that you're sleeping at my fucking house tonight.'' He shouts at me.
''What about your annoying, overbearing helicopter parents?'' I ask him idly. He shrugs his shoulders.
''I'll sneak you in,'' He concludes.
''Steven unless you plan on sneaking me in for the entire week, don't waste your time. It doesn't matter if I dodge a beating tonight, because I know that it'll be coming my way regardless.'' I tell him seriously.
Yes, I would love to spend the night with Steven and not in my fucking house with my father, but it won't change the whole situation in its entirety. I'd rather just deal with it instead of playing a game of dodgeball.
Steven looks to the ground. I hear him intake a deep breath of air before he exhales it. ''I'm sorry,'' He apologizes, still not looking up at me. ''I'm an idiot sometimes Damien, but I do care. And I'm not letting you sleep here.''

He looks into my eyes again finally.
''Forgive me?'' He asks.
I stand up, grabbing Steven and pulling him closer. I let my hand gently stroke his cheek before leaning in and kissing his lips. I set him free from the kiss, looking at his face to see tears falling from his eyes.
I smile, wiping the tears away. ''That was me accepting your apology idiot, why are you crying?'' I taunt him.
He shakes his head. His arms come up to wrap around my neck. I feel more tears hitting my skin.
''Steven...'' I say quietly. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him back. ''Tell me what's wrong,'' I beg him.
I feel him shaking his head against my neck.

''Just hold me—hold me close please,'' He hiccups out through tears.
I guide us down to the bed. I lay on my back so that Steven can rest his head on my chest.
Getting things out of Steven isn't as easy as getting things out of Cody. With Steven I had to wait until he was ready to tell me. If I pry we'll just end up fighting about it and that won't get us anywhere.
So for now I guess I'll just be left worrying until he decides that he's ready to tell me.
I can't stop hearing his voice in my head when he told me that he cares about me.
There are different meanings for the word care. I don't know what he means.

What I do know is that I care.
I want to do more than just hold him close. That's the type of care I'm feeling. I want to keep him, take him, have him.

Honestly, at this point I feel like I can actually handle and get happiness out of putting up with his shit for the rest of my life.

I want him to be mines. But sadly, wanting isn't enough.

''Dammit Carter!'' I yelled as I threw the game controller to the floor. He erupted in laughter. Same as Jackson and Damien.

''You lost prep boy, don't take it out on my game controller.'' Jackson said. I sighed shaking my head. I did'nt lose, Carter cheated.
''Whatever, I'm going to get something to drink.'' I said getting up and tossing Jackson the controller. Let's see how much fun he has losing to the cheating Carter. I walked out of the main room and into the kitchen. I would much rather be relaxing at Damiens house, cuddled up with him as we watched Netflix all day, but no we just had to hangout with Jackson and Carter today.

I was'nt complaining because I did'nt like them. They were my friends just as much as they were Damiens, but I'd just rather be anywhere but here. Well that's a lie, because honestly I'd rather be anywhere but at my house.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Damien looking at me with the same worried expression he's had since last night.
''I'm fine.'' I repeated to him for the fifth time today. It may have been a lie but he couldn't help me with what I was going through. My family was my problem, and if I told him what was going on then he'd feel bad, and I did'nt want that.

''Don't lie to me Steven, I know you.'' Damien said. His hand left my shoulder and moved to my waist as he pulled me in close to him for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging more tightly to him than I wanted to be. I fought back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. I have to hold it in, it'll all blow over quickly, I know it will.
The tears won the battle, and soon they were staining my face. I held my sobs in as they ran relentlessly down my face.

''Aye Damien get in here! It's your turn to get your ass kicked!'' Carter yelled from the main room. I heard Damien sigh before he moved his hands from my waist, and with me refusing to let him go, he had to basically pry my arms from around his neck.
He took a step back, looking at me. His expression still never changed, only now he looked as worried as ever. I should'nt have just broke down, I probably ruined his entire day, because I know now he'll suggest that we go home. And even though I'll assure him that he can stay and hang with our friends he'll refuse easily. It's such a played out routine.

He lifted his hand to my face, wiping the fallen tears away. I sighed and turned my head away from him. I was never this bad at keeping my emotions in check. I turned my head back to face him, and was caught in a kiss. I went to put my hands on his cheeks but his hands caught mine, entwining our fingers and squeezing tightly.

He pulled away and I was'nt ready to set him free just yet, but I knew that it was beyond dangerous for him to have even hugged me in the first place. He released my hands and rested his forehead against mine.

''Your public face is horrible.'' He whispered out to me laughing quietly. He was referring to the way we had to act with each other when we were'nt alone or in private. I smiled pulling back from him and looking into his light blue eyes.

''Stay'' I suggested. ''I'll only be moping in my own problems all day, and besides you really wanted to hang with them.'' He shook his head smiling back at me.

''We both know how this argument is going to end, so should we skip the meaningless conversation? Because either way I'm coming, and dude I'm your ride idiot, I'm leaving either way.'' He said, shaking his head like he was surprised at my sudden lack of common sense. Actually I was a bit shocked at that as well.

Gale was stumbling down the halls the first day of his Junior year in a new school when he bumped into a boy named Ivan. Gale stumbled feeling quite embarrassed and look...
We said bye to Jackson and Carter, then climbed into Damiens car and made our way over to his house. The ride was silent, but I guess he did'nt yet notice that I had in fact noticed him stealing glances at me every three minutes. Jocks, there so creepy I swear.
''Stop it.'' I murmured, feeling a blush sneak its way onto my cheek after he just looked at me and smiled.
''I can't help it.'' He admitted, stopping at a red light. ''You have that look on your face again, the one where I can tell your over thinking something, and you look so damn sexy.'' He stated smiling at me.
I knew my face was probably bright red right now. I hated it when he said things like that, it made me blush repeatedly. ''Give me a kiss.'' He said. I laughed, shaking my head no. ''Please babe.'' He said fluttering his eyes and poking out his bottom lip.
I just stared at him frozen. Did he just call me babe? Oh god no. What was happening, I did'nt need this not now at least. He caught on to his mistake as well, I'm hoping it was a mistake, he turned his gaze from me looking down at his hand that rested on his lap.
''Um. Green light.'' I choked out quietly in the awkward silence. He continued to drive and when we pulled into his parking lot neither of us bothered to get out of the car. I was'nt going to move until he moved.
''I did'nt mean anything by it. It just sort of slipped out.'' He said turning to look at me. I wish this was'nt on my mind right now. I was'nt mad that he had called me babe, but I could'nt be happy about it either even though I honestly wanted to be. I knew I had to tell him why I was upset sooner or later. I mean he would start to come to a conclusion when I begin to repeatedly crash at his house for the rest of my life.
I couldn't go home. Not after what happened.
''Look we don't have to talk about this. It was just a slip up and-'' I unbuckled my seat belt and basically threw myself into his lap, as I captured his lips with mine. He did'nt get a chance to ask me for entrance before my tongue had already invaded his mouth taking control. His hands were at my back and they trailed down to roughly grope my butt. I let a groan escape from between our lips as I ran my fingers through his hair.
I captured his bottom lip in between my teeth. Pulling playfully before letting go and resting my head on his forehead. I leaned down to gently kiss his lips again before pulling back and smiling.
''Call me what ever you want.'' I whispered to him.
''Give me the remote Damien.'' I said angrily as he held it above his head, out of my reach smiling. He thought this was a joke, well I did'nt! God he knows just how to ruin a perfect moment. Not even five minutes ago we were laying peacefully on his bed kissing each others faces off while The Walking Dead played loudly in the background.
''No, no way. Not until you tell me.'' He said in a serious tone. I sighed moving over to his bed where I layed down and basically tried to smother myself with a pillow. I did'nt get that far before then pillow was pulled from my face and a pair of soft lips slammed into mine.
''Now tell me.'' Damien said, pulling back from the unexpected kiss. I sighed again and turned on my side facing away from him. I did'nt want to tell him even though I had too. He should'nt have to worry. If he knew, I know he was going to through his own neck out on the line for me. And that's exactly what I did'nt want.
I felt him wrap his arm around my waist pulling me back and into his warm chest. He rested his head on the side of my neck, and I held onto the hand that he had wrapped around me. He was spooning me, I never in my life thought that I'd be the little spoon. I did'nt feel like complaining, I knew he was only trying to make me feel better, and it was working.
His embrace had me feeling so safe. ''It's about your parents, is'nt it?'' He asked, I felt his warm breath hit my neck. I mentally sighed. I was about to tell him everything, it would'nt help to lie to him any longer. He'd guess it sooner or later.
''My Mom walked into my room when I had just taken a shower, so all I had was a towel wrapped around my waist. She saw the hickeys on my chest and shoulder, then rushed over to me like I was dying or something. Of course I got in trouble for them, but we still had to discuss it with my Dad. She picked diner later that day to bring it up, and my Dad was furious with me, you know how religiously strict my parents are. But what made it worse was that my sister had to choose that moment of all times to make a stupid joke about me being gay.'' I said to him, forcing my self to restrain the tears. I guess he could sense I was on the verge of crying because he tightened his hold around me and placed a gentle kiss on my neck.
''Everyone at the table thought it was funny except me because I was the only one not laughing. When they finished I replied to her with a simple 'Yeah, and?' I swear it looked like they were different people the way the were staring incredulously at me. Then my Dad broke the silence by asking me if I was homosexual. I could'nt answer him, but I'm pretty sure the way I stormed out of the house after that gave them all the answer that they feared most.'' By the time I had got all that out my eyes had watered and spilled over.
''Shh it's okay. We can fix this if you want we can make it all go away.'' He said turning me in his arms so that I was facing him. He had me beneath him as he climbed on top me letting his weight rest on me. He kissed my lips lightly and I let my hand gently caress his cheek. ''Or we can accept it. I like you Steven, much more than an experiment or a free hookup every other day.'' He said separating our lips.
''I don't want to have to play public face anymore, and I don't want you to have to suffer through this alone. You should've told me sooner that, that's what made you so upset. I'm going to come out to my parents, this is all my fault anyway. I kissed you first that night.'' He said looking guilty and ashamed.
I pulled him closer to me pecking his lips gently, before pulling back. ''No Damien-''
''You can't change my mind. I'm doing it...for you.'' He said cutting me off and placing a kiss to my cheek before we got back into our previous positions. What had I done? I'm fine with my life being over, but now he was just going to give his up for me.
All for me.*

''Just one more please.'' I asked childishly. Steven grinned at me and crawled back atop me, forcing me to lay down on my bed as he straddled me.

''Did you do your homework?'' He asked leaning in close to me. I shook my head at him as I stuck my tongue out and he caught it between his teeth. A quiet groan left my lips as I stared up at him in shock. I never knew he had a kinky side, that just makes him so much more sexier.
He closed the distance between us bringing my tongue into his mouth and sucking roughly on it. I ran my hand through his raven black hair, as my other trailed down his back to grope his butt lightly. He moaned releasing my tongue from his mouth, and sitting up on me.

I laughed and shook my head. ''Well damn, I wonder what else that mouth of yours can do.'' I purred seductively. He laughed getting off of me. He reached his hand out to me and I took it getting to my feet.
I found my self being wrapped into his embrace as his arms found there way around my neck, pulling me into an air restricting hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I knew why he was clinging to me so tightly, and I refuse to change my decision.
''Please.'' He whispered into the crook of my neck. ''Don't do it, we can pretend this never happened. We can go back to getting wasted and screwing girls on the weekend. I'll never talk to you again if that's what it'll take for us to go back to normal.'' He stopped for a second and I could hear him began to sob as his warm tears hit my shoulder. I was suppose to be the one crying, not him.

''It hurts Damien. I love you, and it hurts, because they say I shouldn't. I won't believe them. Please, just tell me you don't feel the same, tell me your feelings aren't as strong.'' He begged me. But I wouldn't, I refused to lie to him, even though I knew I probably should.
This feeling of shame and vulnerability was so new to him, he lived off of stability, and it was hard for him to break away from it since he'd grown up around it. He said he loved me. Steven loved me. And if this didn't go well his love was the only love I'd ever need.
''C'mon.'' I said breaking our hug and placing a gentle kiss to his forehead before walking over to my closet and grabbing my duffel bag off my dresser. I threw random clothes in before zipping it up and throwing it over my shoulder. He looked confused as I took his hand and led him out of my room. When we got into the dining room where my parents were idlely chatting while drowning themselves in their work, I let out a sigh. It would really snow in hell if they ever looked up from their laptops long enough to see if I was even alive.
I felt him trying to pull his hand from my grip, but I held on tighter. I could do this, but I needed him. He was the only thing that gave me the strength to do this.
''Mom, Dad.'' I said casually, trying to get there attention, if only just for a second. They weren't paying me any mind though. ''Excuse me!'' I basically yelled. They both glanced my way before quickly going back to their work, but my Dad did a double take as he looked at me again and his eyes zeroed in on me and Stevens clasped hands. The look that covered his face, had cold bitter chills going down my spine, I knew Steven felt it too as he tried yet again to pull away from me but I wouldn't let him.

''Damien Kristopher Vitale.'' My father spoke sternly, his cold gaze shifting to look me in my eyes. Oh god, you know your dead when your parents use your full name. I broke his gaze for a second as I glanced over at my Mother. She had stopped what she was doing as well and was staring at me with careful eyes. She had a stoic expression on her face, but I was praying that whatever she was thinking wasn't as harsh as whatever my Dad was thinking.

''Dad.'' I said turning so I had both my parents in my sight. ''Mom, I'm in love-''

''Choose your next words carefully son. I advise you to choose them very very carefully.'' He seethed at me. His jaw was clenched. If his balled fist didn't give away the fact that he was beyond pissed, the threatening tone in his voice sure did. I didn't think the situation would go grim so quickly.
I gripped on tighter to Stevens hand. I needed him more than I needed air at this moment. ''I'm gay.'' I said with a low voice, in fear of it cracking. My eyes were averted to looking at my shoes. I was scared to look up. Scared to face that look of disappointment that I knew would be on their faces. I wasn't what they wanted, and now they knew that.
' 'Get out.'' My fathers voice was much more calm than I expected it to be. I looked up to see him holding on so tightly to his phone to where I'm sure it was about to shatter into his hands. My Mom stared at him in a daze of surprise and anger.


''No, Beth.'' He said slamming his hand on the table, causing all three of us to jump. ''Get out before I do something that I'm going to be arrested for.'' He said, his hatred filled eyes scorching into me.
I stood there, to in shock to move. I expected this, I did which is why I had already packed me some clothes. But for him to threaten me... my own father.
No, no, no, no, no. This wasn't happening. ''Mom?'' I asked feeling myself on the brink of tears. She was already crying. Her lightly tanned skinned now a shade of deep pink as tears streamed down her cheek. Her long brown hair flowing past her shoulders as she ran a shaky hand through it.
''Sweetie.'' She said getting up, almost making her way over to me but my Dad beat her to it. He pushed her to the side. I'm sure he didn't mean to but he practically threw her small frame into the wall. A high pitched scream escaped her lips as her head hit the wall and she fell limp to the floor. The look of horror on my face, barely showed how I truly felt.
My Dad grabbed a handful of my shirt, pulling me off my feet, and pinning me against the main room wall. Stevens hand left mine as he backed away with a petrified look on his face. I wanted to try to get out of my fathers grip but I was only thinking of my mom. I knew she wasn't dead, the blow to her head was only hard enough to make her go unconscious but the fact that he did that. The fact that he's doing this.
I turned my attention back to my dad as I saw his fist raising in the air from the corner of my eye. I turned my head just in time to catch the blow that hit my jaw and had me spitting blood. My entire face felt numb. I coughed, choking on the blood that was caught in my throat.
I felt his hand leave my shirt and I fell to knees clutching my stomach as I stared up at my Dad. I didn't need a mirror to show my expression. I'm sure how I felt was very evident on my face. I saw the sudden change in his eyes, as they went from anger and hate to regret and shock. He stared at me and back to his hand that was stained with my blood.

''Get out.'' He breath in a lifeless tone, after a moment of silence. ''Just-Just leave. Now!'' He yelled moving over to my Mother, and pushing Steven away from her. I could see she was slowly regaining consciousness. I was still in shock, but gladly Steven was beside me in less than a second, pulling me to my feet and rushing us both out the door.
My head was spinning, and it wasn't just from the collision of his fist to my face. No, I was confused, heartbroken, torn, and horrifically astonished. That wasn't the Father I grew up with, that was not the man that I looked up to. He was no longer my Father. And I couldn't help but blame myself.*
Steven P.O.V*

I feel like I deserve to die, like I deserve to be disowned by my family and never loved again. It was my fault. I did this. I'm the reason for it happening.

I didn't know what to say. He sat next to me in my car, as I drove us to the furthest hotel from our town. All I knew is that we had to get away. I was useless. Completely useless as his Dad abused him.

I sighed shaking my head. It was all my fault.

"I'm fine." He said quietly to me, reaching over and taking my free hand in his. He squeezed my hand tightly in reassurance but I didn't squeeze back. He'd been saying that this whole time and I know when he's lying to me. I hate it when he lies to me.

"I'm not." I admitted. My voice was barely above a whisper, but I knew he heard me. I pulled into the lot of the hotel. Taking the keys out the car I closed my eyes and took a breath, hoping to get a grasp on myself. On my stability.

Before I could open my eyes again a pair of soft lips met mine, kissing me sweetly. I brought my hand up to caress his cheek but quickly recoiled my hand and my lips as a hiss of pain left his lips.

"I-I'm sorry." I said watching him carefully as he brought his own hand up to run over his bruised face. He sighed shaking his head at me.

"Its okay, its nothing. It'll be gone by the weeks end." He assured me, leaning over to peck my lips lightly again before climbing out the car. I followed his lead. We went to the main building and booked a room for a few nights.

"I'm sorry." I said again when we were inside our hotel room. He was leaning against the headboard of the bed with an ice bag pressed to his cheek. I was sprawled out across the foot of the bed, as we just stared at each other.

He moved, placing the ice bag on the bedside table, before coming to hover over me. His hands were beside my head, holding himself off me as he studied my features carefully.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Steven. I did what I should've done a long time ago. And for the first time in a long time, they actually gave me more than five seconds of their time." He joked, laughing lightly.

I frowned at him, holding myself up on my elbows and forcing him to lean up a little. "That's not funny, Damien. None of this is. I'm sorry. My life was bad enough and now because of me yours is fucked up too!" I said. He pushed me back on the bed firmly. His own features becoming angry.

''No, it isn't! And never say that again,'' He let his hand gently caress my cheek. ''Steven as long as you're here with me, as long as we mean something to each other, my life isn't fucked up and it never will be.'' He leaned down and embraced me in the most passionate kiss we've ever shared.
His lips moved slowly over mine. I felt his hand snake its way under my shirt and glide over my abs. I shuddered at the sparks it emitted to me.

I hated the fact that I forgot his back was sore. He winced as I griped the side of his shoulder, pulling him closer to me. When he started to grind on me is about the moment that I think I lost a bit of my control.
The breathless pants slipped free from my lips as I arched my back, trying to get much more contact than he was giving me.

His lips left mine and started on my neck, slow tender kisses. Every where his lips touched left my skin tingling. He pulled back, causing me to open my shut eyes and look into his bright blue ones.

''I love you.'' He said, staring at me with a look that all but screamed I was the most important thing in the world to him. I felt the tears pooling in my eyes but I couldn't push them back.

After overcoming a traumatic heartbreak as a teenager, Chloe struggled to grow up and establish her career, but after years of work, her life finally feels like it's bac...
''I love you too.'' I said feeling the water run from my eyes. He kissed my tears away, sitting up and pulling me into his lap. I moved forward and kissed him sweetly on the lips. ''Can we?'' I asked when I pulled back from the kiss.

I didn't elaborate on my question but I didn't have to because I knew that he knew what I meant. I knew that he knew what I wanted. He looked so hesitant as he stared into my eyes.

He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but I cut him off before he could. ''Please don't ask if I'm sure, Damien. I love you, that's all I want you to think about,'' I said wrapping my arms around his neck and laying my head on his shoulder. ''We love each other.'' I whispered to him. ''So make love to me.''

I felt his arms tighten around me. He laid me back on the bed crawling on top of me and looking into my eyes. ''Slow?" He asked cautiously. I laughed actually enjoying his momentary uncertainty. Never once in our time together like this has he offered to go slow. But I guess that was a good thing, I knew that was a good thing.

''Slow.'' I agreed as he leaned up to pull his shirt off. I admired his built muscular body. He caught my eye as I was practically drooling over him.

''Stare all you want,'' He said lifting my shirt up and over my head. ''What's mine is yours, and what's yours,'' My breath was caught in my throat and a strangled groan left my lips as he cupped me roughly in his hand. ''Is mine.'' He breathed into my ear letting his tongue trace the shell. I shuddered under his touch.

''Damien.'' I whined out as his grip got tighter. Of course it wouldn't be normal with out some teasing. But with the way he was making me feel, I don't think I can handle any teasing.

I felt my nipple being enveloped in the warmth of his mouth and I let my hands rake through his brown hair. Oh god. I ended up pulling his hair as his teeth tugged at my nipple.

I sat up slightly causing him to lean back, giving me the chance to basically jump him as he fell back on the bed and I landed on top of him. ''I love it when you get rough.'' He said smirking at me.

''I hate it when you tease me.'' I scolded him. He simply smiled at me as I undid his pants button. I slid them off and started to hook my thumbs in the waist band of his briefs but his hand caught mines.

I let my hands slowly feel down the frame of his body. The feel of his smooth warm skin beneath my fingertips had my mouth watering. I looked up to see him biting his lips. I was tempted to lean down and take his soft pink lip into my mouth.

''Let me.'' I whispered to him as I started to pull his briefs down. Before he could stop me I leaned down and licked the tip of his member, causing a hiss like groan to leave his lips.

I started to suck on the underside, feeling his fingers entwine in my hair once I licked from top to base. I looked up to see his beautiful blue eyes watching me intently as his teeth marked into his lip harshly. It was nice to know I was finally the one making him lose his cool.

I took one last lust filled look at him before enveloping him in my mouth completely. The sexy groan that left his lips had my pants becoming even more uncomfortable.

I had him on edge for the longest before I removed my mouthed completely denying him release. I leaned up and kiss him. His hand traveled down my back, groping me roughly. ''You're amazing.'' He whispered pecking my lips again. I laughed.

''With sexy breathless compliments like that, I should suck you off all the time.'' I mused. I saw his eyes glint at the thought which caused me to laugh more. He climbed atop me, reaching between me to undo my pants. I helped, slipping my briefs and pants off together as we stared into each others eyes.

''I meant it.'' He said, taking my leg and placing it to his shoulder. I felt my breathing hitch. He noticed and gave me a small smile as he entwined our fingers. ''I love you.'' I'll never get tired of hearing him tell me that. I heard a cap pop. I swear I glared at him for just a mere second and he started laughing. He knew why.

''You were just hoping you were gonna get laid, weren't you?'' I said mocking him as I smiled. I gasped as I felt the coldness at my entrance. He leaned down and let his lips hover over mine.

''Maybe.'' He whispered before kissing me. His tongue glided into my mouth moving together with mine. I felt his free hand start to slowly rub my leg that rested on his shoulder.

He made me feel sparks with just his touch. I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment between him kissing me breathless with his intoxicating lips, and his hand on my leg rubbing gently, making me harder than I already am, but the most unpleasant pain spread through me.

I gripped his hand tightly as I squeezed my eyes shut repelling the tears. This hurts like hell. He made a sound like a groan and a hiss at the same time as I moved slightly trying to find some comfort.

He didn't rush me as I took my time getting used to it. After a while the pain wasn't as bad. I opened my eyes to be greeted by sparkling blue ones. ''Okay?" He asked in a husky voice.

''Okay.'' I answered, tilting my head up. He kissed my lips. When he started to move the pain I felt before was becoming practically nonexistent. This felt incredible; he felt incredible inside me.

I adored the way I got to see his muscle flex and grow taut in his shoulders every time he would pick up speed. I loved the way he would moan out my name like it was his favorite word in the world when he came; every time he came.

It seemed as though every time I clawed at his back or tugged roughly on his hair when I felt near climax he would go faster, harder even. Just that thought made me mentally smile. Of course he likes it rough.

He decorated me beautifully. Kissing, biting and sucking at my porcelain skin. I attributed my own share of marks as he went slower, deeper. His hand started to stroke me and I wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him closer to me. It felt so astonishing I sunk my teeth into his shoulder to keep from screaming out in pleasure.

''You mean everything to me.'' He mumbled panting when we were finally spent. I rolled over staring into his alluring eyes, he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into his embrace.

''How much is everything?'' I asked after a while, I was gently running my hand over his cheek, being sure not to hurt him. He smiled at me, grabbing my hand from him face and placing it on his chest.

''Everything is all.'' He answered bringing my hand up to his lips and placing a gentle kiss. I could practically feel the blush take over my face. I tried to turn away, but he captured my lips first. ''Everything.'' He told me again before kissing me deeply.
*Damien P.O.V.*

I watched him while he slept.

To say he is beautiful wouldn't due him justice. He is lovely, stunning, gorgeous, charming, he is everything to me. I loved the way he fit perfectly in my arms; the way this all just felt so perfect.

I hated myself for what I had to do.

But knowing that I was doing it for him, so that he could survive, made me feel not so much like crap.

He's going to hate me too.

I wouldn't blame him if he did. I'd still love him. I'll always love him. But I wouldn't be able to deal with him growing to resent me. I couldn't take it. Even when doing the most selfless thing of my life, why did I still feel selfish?

Maybe because I knew it was wrong. Maybe because it was going to tear him into a million pieces and me the same. Maybe because I was ripping us from each others arms in such a cruel manner that I should be deemed a criminal.

Or maybe it was because I love him more than my own life.

I leaned down and kissed his lips lightly, making sure not to wake him. I laid the letter down on the bed. It took all the will I had to walk out of that hotel room. Every step felt like the world was shaking. I told myself not to look back once I reached the room door. But I couldn't resist.

Seeing him lay so peacefully, and knowing it would be the last time I laid eyes on him had my heart crumbling. I ran from the room, shutting the door lightly. I wasn't even two minutes from the hotel before the pain took over. I drowned myself in tears as I slumped against a tree.

''It's okay, it's-it's fine as long as it's for him. This is all for him. I love him. God, I love him.'' I whispered to myself trying to calm down.

I love him.


Dear Steven,

I wasn't drunk when I kissed you that night, I was barely even buzzed. I wanted to.

Steven I wanted to kiss you that night. I've wanted to kiss you ever since the first week we met. I'm sorry for lying about that.

I'm sorry for a lot of things.

The Bro-Code;

#: Never get caught.

#: Learn your lies.

#: What happens in the closet stays in the closet.

#: Never break the Bro-Code.

We failed number one. I don't regret it. Everything that has brought us closer together, I'll never regret any of it.

I'm pretty sure we fucked up number two on many occasions. But we fucked up together.

I ruined number three for us. I'm not proud of how everything played out when I told my parents. I just want you to know and understand that none of it is your fault.

Right now I'm breaking number four.

So right now I'm saying fuck the Bro-Code. It was never about the Bro-Code it's about us and I love you.

I can't apologize enough for what I've done to you, because I know my words mean nothing. They can't ever justify my actions enough for you to forgive me and I know that.

I'm sure right now your upset and your probably cursing me out in every language you know but I won't apologize for what I'm doing right now.

Yes, I'm deeply sorry for causing you the pain that's going to follow, but no Steven, I'm not sorry for leaving, because I'm doing it for reasons I can't bring myself to explain. But most importantly you should know I'm doing it for you.

I love you more than I love myself. You didn't fuck my life up Steven you made it worth living, but I can't go back home. My parents will never accept me and I know that.

But you have a chance.

And it would be so cruel of me to take that away from you. Your parents will forgive you, Steven. I know they will. They love you. I want you to tell them what they want to hear. Even if it means bashing me, I don't care. I want what's best for you.

Steven...Steven I'm not best for you. You're so perfect and I'm not worth your future. And I want you to have that future.

I love you so much baby. I must have written that a million times already but I don't care, it's true. I'll always love you, that's why I have to do this, please never forget that.

Please never forget our love.


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̝̯̙̼͚͈͇̩̮̗́͛ͦ̉ͤ̈́̌̑̑ͪ̆̎̈́͑̒ͦ̋̕͞ ͦ͊̽͆ͬ̈́͗̑́ͭͤͦ҉̴̬͚͈̩̼̪̬̘̫̖̘̝̖́ͅ ̢͕̠̲̭̫̬̪̦̂͋ͤ̉ͩ̎̄͊̾ͩ̆̅͝ ̵͕͉͇̗̂ͦͪ̂ͪ̀͝ ͧ̌̑̔̍ͦ͏͏͓͕̺͖͔̞̞̪͍͚͍̩ ̅̀͐̋̏͆̊ͭ҉̫̭͔̙̹̀ ̷͛̓̎ͩ͑͐̓̋̑ͫͪ̑ͬͩ҉҉҉̣̯̗͍̣̗̪̞̹̞̙̪̗̤̰̱̱͖ ͛̀̈́̽͋ͧ̾͐͜͏̯͚͉̬̥̬̲ ̷̵̵̨̠̱̥̮̥̮̠̩͎͙̱͍̮͈͚͎̭̱̬ͯ̇ͭ̊ͨ̓ͬ̉ ͉̣̻̭̗̟̤̥̓̃ͫ͆̒̈̈͛̿́͘͜͞ ̷̣͚̟̪̪̭̪̩̪̦̪̫͉̻̈͗ͧ͌̄̐̂̃̀̕ ̷̵̨͇̻̞̘̦̲͈̲̣̱͓̜͔̦̯̫̺͐͊̿͌̄͌͑́̀͢ ̶̛̱͓͖͓͎̟̙͚̥̻̜̬̹̩̮̩̟͈͂̑ͮͬͮ̇͛ͯ̂̅͒͘͠ ̛͔̩̩͔̳͈̭̪̰̦̱ͮ̆̾́̚ ͐ͧ͐͌ͧͭ̂̇̃͆̇̉ͣ̓҉̵̧̛̜̲̩̪̬̞̞̞̙̜̰̟̠̥͓͍̞͡ͅ ̷̡̟̼͎̩͋̉͐̄ͦ̀̊ͥͤ̔̓ͤ̇̑͑ͣͯ͆̚ ̶̛̭͎͔̞̼̩͈̫̰̱͖̬̟̤̲͍͇̐ͩ̑ͦ͌̋ͦ̎̐ͩ͑̈́̎̌ͤ͟͡ ̸̧̻̣̭̭̹̼̬̫ͥ̀ͨ̉ͣ̓̒̓̚̕͜ ̨͑̐͗̇̎̐̒̉̃̂͠҉̞̻̮̣̗̺͉̼͙͖͕̰̖ ̵̉ͧ̐̄ͥ̏̀̓͏̩̱͈͖͚̜̺̦͍͈͚̞͓̻̥͈̟ͅ ̷̨̡̙͎̯̝̯͚̳̮͔̂ͮ̋ͭ̊̇ͣͥ͆̈ͤ͆̒͛̍ ̶̵͌ͬ͆̍̅͂̕҉̨̳̦͓̱̞̻͇̹̤ ́͋͑ͫ̊͆͋ͩ̋ͫ̅ͥ̃͊̈̈́̑̚̚͏͔͍̗̮̦͔͉̠̦͓͖̖̀͘ ̛̯͖̻̙̀̄̆͌̽̌̌̊̚͝͞ͅ ̶͉͔̖̗̼̲̹͎̙̅ͧ̆̽̃͋́ͮͥ̓̾̑̎ͬ̽̾̔̐́͠͡ ̛̹̭͕̹̭̘̬͑͛ͨ̔ͧ̅͑̃ͤͩ̅͢͡ ̵̢̖̮̹͙̜̹̝̣̼̲͎̰̣̲̦̹͍͑̒ͯͨ̀ͮ ̶̶̢͖̞̳̬̅ͫ͆̊ͪ͐͢ ̯͎̩̣̗̖̋̀ͤ̾͗̅ͥͥ̍̍̆ͩ̃̀ͪ͠͝ ̶̢̝̹̯̆͛ͭ̿ͭͭͬͬͫ̔̔ͅ ̀̀ͨͪ҉̡̡̮͙̜̩̹̣̬̯͙͎̺̹ ̆͊̿̓͆̆ͫ̅ͨ̅͂̂̆͂̌͌ͥͣ͡҉̵͍̳̦͙̘͓̖̘ ̫̼͕̫̬͈̥̜̦̮͇̹͙͔̬̘̥͓ͫ̓̒̈́̋̓ͣͯͤ̑͂̈́͒ͥ̀̃̊̀͟ͅ ̌̆͑ͥ̾̃ͨ͏̶̢͙͚̦̲̗͕̩͎͈̫͇͎̯̮ ̢͙̘̼̙̣͓̪̟̳̞͕̟̋̐̔͂̋̉̇͒ͣͩ̂̓̽̉͂̍̀ ̶̢͓̖̦͍͎̜̫̭̝̝̲̜͊ͨͥ̔͆ͬ̃͢ͅ ̵̜̘̟̪̻̮͓̳̙̺͇̮̹͈̪̤͉̜͑̿̽ͧ͌̎̍͐́̅͐͊́͜ͅ ̧̛̘̞͎͕̤̗̤̥̻͍̞̲̱̖̰̩̖̠̲̈̂͐ͨͩ̊͑ͬ͒ͦ͑̓ͭ̋ͭ͋͘ ̡͔̰̺̫̟̳̙͙͍͉̝̜̺̱̠͍̱͇̗̈́ͬ̈́ͪ̉̆ͯ̃̃ͣ̌͊ͧ̍̌̑̿́͜͝ ͣ̂͛̽̃͆ͬ̑ͬ̃͏̵͟҉̺̩̻ ̶͍̺̲̦͓̙̼̈̑ͨ̈́̾́̓̌ͭ͌̋̌ͣ̓ͤ͆ͫ͝ ̸̸̢͖̥͓̟̦͉͍̈ͬ̇́̆ͯ̾͗͛͊̔ͭ̿̓̐̀̉̿̀̚͡ ̨̗̥͍͉̮̾ͮ̅̄̈́ͫͭ͐ͤͥͫ̐ͫ́͌ͩ̀̕ ̴̛͔̰̙̰͇͙̳̣̔ͪ̿̍ͧ͘͟ ̸̡̭̰͚̦̭̜͉̪̱̐ͨ̍ͩ̅̽ͪ͐̎ͮͪ͗͗ͬ͊́͜͢-̑̽ͣ̆͋̌̂ͭͧͨ̑̽̌̀͏̵̛͉͎̝̰̳͇̻̠̯͕̣͉̜̻̖̰̻̫ͅ ̴̺̳͙̦ͥ̑͒̄͊̿̀̒̌̏͛͒̽̍͂́_̇̃ͤ̍̇̍̊̔̏͋͑́̾͆͛̚҉͠҉̧̭͚͇̮̙̖_̡̖̯͕̣̲̫̼̰̺̝̟̜̺̙͓̈͒͒̒̋͝_̵̢̪̖̜̫̘̝̱͈̰̰̰̝̘̰͔͗̉̋ͦ͢͡_̶̧̳͖͚̙̘̭̘̬̣̘̞̟̥̌ͬ͛͗ͨ͊̓̾ͅ_̡̛͎̣͙̻̳̦͕̦̞̺̗̹͕̽͛̀̽̆ͧͣ̑͒̂̄̽͊̉͑͑̋͌̀͘͜ͅ_̸͎͇͖̝͙͉͔̦̭̹͉̳̒ͧ̔̈͒ͩͮ̐̈ͭ͗̒̆͜͠ ̡̧͙̣͓̮̤͎̮̳̺̣̮͈̪̱̜͈̹̰ͯ̇ͤ̉̀ ̡̢̱͔̰̻̭̱͙ͯͯͯ͋͌ͣ͐͂̓̽̔̄̆̃ͥ͘ ̴̵̴̞̬̮̼̭̫̭̤̮̰͍̞̭̑̒̉ͩ͛ͫ̌͑ͅ ̶̢̩̼͙̱̹ͬ́́̈́̄̿̿ͬ̊̽͐ͧ͝ ̧̺̠̣̤͕̤̗͍̟̣͕̯̯̲ͬ́̔̎̂̃ͨ̎̈̒̀͡ͅ ̵̖̳̩͎̤̫̠͕̯͆̂̄̿ͮ̆̍ͥ̄͜͠ͅ ̷̡̛͈̫̣̫̣̫͇͈̯̩̍ͯͧ̏͒̇ͫ͞ ̸͖̜̺͇̤̳̗̘̠͇̟͍̺̳ͦͪ̔̒̏͂ͣ̀͠ͅ ̢̛̞̭̘̮̳̜̜̣͕ͤ̔̒͊ͦͦͥ̈́͝ ̛̦̱̝͖̲͉̯ͥͧ̒͂̓ͤ̊͗͐ͭͮͬ̑̄͞ͅ ̼̙͕͕͍͔̝̟͖͙̼͍͍̤̥̩͚̓̋͗̀̇̽̃̐̇̄ͥ͌̀͗ͪ͘͞ ̓̊̈̆̑̒̒ͣ̾̎͐̇̐͋̈́҉̯̻̖̥̫ ̛̛̤͙̘̮̭̱̒̉̽̄ͧ̓ͩ͋͗̑ͨ͊̋̊̅̊͂̋́̀̕͜ ̷̶̨̛͔̱̟̮͇͇͉̫͎̟̱̳̲̠ͤ̏̄̇̎͗ͨ́̓̊̐̅̾̄ ̶̵̨̱̰̬̦͉͚̤̰̱̳͔ͭ̒́ͨ̓̏̀ ̴̷̭̹͖̞̭͙̪̤͙̖͙̭̖̍̌̃ͮ͟ ̡̢͖̲̹̟̫̩̓͛͐͘ ̶̨̢̜̗̙̏̃ͦͯ́̾̔̽̐ͩ̅͗̆̊́ ̺̻̯̻̖̫͉̼̖̮͈̫͉̻̰̯͙͇̈͊ͩ̽̋̌̕͢ͅ ̶̙̟̦͎̜̮̘͙̰̣͎̗̻̹̗͖̳̲̆͒̅̓ͩ̔͊̇̓͑ͭ̉͌ͫͤͧͤ̔̚͟5̷̲̦̦̦̮̞̼̥̦̗͓͉̫͔̟͙̣̔ͤ͒͊̀̏͒̌ͬ̍̉̐͑̈́̽ͮ͘͝͡ ̧̆͑͌͐ͥͫ͋̀ͭͯ͏̙̲̰̗͚͉̼͔̹͚̩̮̳͎̜̪̙̭̞ ̹̫̭̼͕̐ͪ̔̄̒̎̓ͮͮ̋̒̈́̀́͟͝͠ ̵̢̫͎͕̉̿͋ͭ́ͮ͛̋ͬ̒ͫ͐̏̐͜ ͓̹̞̲̪̦̝ͤ̔ͪ͒̈́̐̎̑ͯ͆̍̿́͞ ̴̶̧̢̯̜̩̥̖̹̙̪̭̪͚͕̜͙̻͍͂̈̑ͭͥͥ͑ͭͯ̑͒ͥ͗̋ͤ̇̃͛̽̕ͅͅ ̳̬͙̦̩̩̹͖̹͎̘̗̓ͤ͐̃ͨ̎̋ͯ̀͗̂ͭ͢͠͠ ̵̵̧̩̬͚̫̭̗͉ͯ͆̆ͭ̀ͧ̇̇ͯ̓̅͜ ̋̊̓̌̿̄҉̥̼̝̠̺̩̱͔̫̹̝̤͍̯̭̖̦̹ ̡̄̐̔̒̀͟͞҉̙͈͈͙͕̟͜ ̷̸̡̟̦̤̹̖̬̱̟͇̹̱̺͍̠̘͉̙̐̓̉̈̈́͒͂͛̈̆̔̅ͦ͐ ͦͪͧͧ̃̋̆͏͚̳̹͍̦̮͙̼̦̯̕ͅ ̵̛̠͙͚̜̭̔͌̆̔̓̃̇̃̐ͨ̇̕ ̊͛̉͊̉̐̈́͏͎̠̦̭͎̬̼̞̻̫̙͕̟͎̫͈͙̩͘̕͝ ̨̪͈̹̰̝̲ͮ̿ͦ͋ͪͤͭ̇͌̍̈̌͜͞ͅͅ ̱̯͈̟̰̤͉̾͐ͮ̑͐̏̄̅ͨͣ̆̉ͤ̋̔͆̚͟ ̊̎͆ͬ҉̨̟̠͕͚͇̝͕̯͓̤͓̖̠͇̭̺̠͘͢ ̨̼̻͔̰͔̠̖̩̭̃ͩ́ͪ̉͗̍̅ͤͣ͊̀ͧ̆̅͐ͦ̕͠ ̙̟͓̠͖͓̝͓̳̰͉̮͇͇͛̽̏͌ͬ͗̈́̉́̕ͅͅ ̵̦̣͓̮̭̩͈̺͔͈̺̯͙̻́̾̈́̈́̈̈́ͣ̄͒͝͞ ͓̰̘̫̬̰̥͈̗̥ͫ̔̈́ͨ̊ͮͧ͒̕͘͠ͅ ̶̠̹̦̱̩̦͉̙͔͎̦̮̼͖̘̋̃́̉͞͡͡ͅ ̢̩̤̤͉̤͉̪̭̣̼ͯͯ̒̋ͫͤͪ̓ͧͤ̍͑́̚͡ ͙͈̝̤͔̬̻͔̞͖͈̲̎̓̇̇ͥ̓̇̃̍̓̉̃́ͧ̽ͭͭͮ̂͞͝ͅͅ ̸̧͇̳̘̫̜̠͍̲̩̯͍ͬ͋ͣ̌́́͝ͅ


3) ̝̯̙̼͚͈͇̩̮̗́͛ͦ̉ͤ̈́̌̑̑ͪ̆̎̈́͑̒ͦ̋̕͞ ____________ ͦ͊̽͆ͬ̈́͗̑́ͭͤͦ҉̴̬͚͈̩̼̪̬̘̫̖̘̝̖́ͅ

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3) ̝̯̙̼͚͈͇̩̮̗́͛ͦ̉ͤ̈́̌̑̑ͪ̆̎̈́͑̒ͦ̋̕͞ ____________ ͦ͊̽͆ͬ̈́͗̑́ͭͤͦ҉̴̬͚͈̩̼̪̬̘̫̖̘̝̖́ͅ

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̸̵̛̛̰̼͇̺̠͔͔̳͉̲̗͖͍̭͉͉͔̘̦͊̐ͥ̒͐ͬ̏̔͑͗̾̚͢ ̎ͧ͑ͦ͆̀̅͛ͩͣͨͥ̂ͯ͡͏͞͏̦͉͈͔́ ̴̳͉̦̹̝̙̲͎̠̮̱͓̭̲̫̱̎̑͛̓ͫ͑̎ͭͬ͋ͬ̿̔̌̃͐͞_̨̡̝̙̼̻͉͈͈͍̗̞̯͎͓̖̱̲̼͓̣ͯ̆̈́̈́̉ͩ̓͘̕_̵̷̠̫̩͍̼͓͕̟͚͍̤̰͈̟͒̇̍̌͂͑͆͗͋͂̈́͞_̽̓̄ͩ̿̌̈̒̏ͯ͑̅̓̈́ͧ̚҉͏͔͇̯̫̞̼̪̮̬̘̰͎̻̜̱͘ͅ_̽͆̀̑ͫ̎͊̆̉̚͏̰͔͕̦͕̙͉̩͈̣̘͖̹̫̦͚̪͈ ̾̒ͩ̍ͧ̋̚҉̴̭̰̥͓̣̟̲͖̺͎̜͍ ̨̯̣̻̮̻̟̝̹̮̊͌̎ͯ͂̐̑̔͐ͤͬ̑ͧ̀͢͜͟ ̧̺͇̙̝̪̾̑̎ͮ̃͋̈̓̈ͩͩ͗̈́̀͟͡ ̦̲̹͕̘̝̦̯̻̲͔̯̉ͫ͊̀́ͩ͊̚͟ ̸̉̾̍̐ͣ̃ͦ̎̈ͩ̋ͨ̾͋҉̗̺̩͚̫͓̳͖̥̻͘͞͡ ̵͉͍͎̖̱̹̦̬̯̲̀ͭ̊̾̽̉͗̒ͬͩͤ́͠ ̴̨̧̛͍͍̠̝̹̦̹̖̫̳̣̦̬̦͔̜͙ͧ͂͛̂̅̋ͅ ̡̙̳̠͚͚͚͔͔̮̞̻͕̠̘͓̰̩̇̓͂ͧ̆͜͜ͅ ̢̧̘̹̗̪̟͇̗̪͇̲̤̤̯ͮ̿͗̈͛͟ ̷̡̲͕̦̱̟̘̼̱̩͔͓̙̺͂ͧ̓͛ͯ͛̀͑̄̓̽̃ͤͨ̐ͭͬ̓͜ ̸̡͇̦̟̠̠̞̱͙̦ͦͮ͂̂̉̑͑͊̀ͦ̾ͤ̎͐͂͐͜͟ ̡̺͉̖͎̱͐̂̄̀̌̂̋ͫ̎ͫͪ̈́͑͐̀͟ͅ ̫̺͖̓͑̓̈̓ͨͨ́͊̌ͨ͐ͦ͢͢ ̴̮̭͍̰̖̥̟͔̙̣͔̬̦͍̞̼ͪ̐̊͂ͯͬ̒̆ͭͮ̀̋̀̂̆̀͟ ̨͎̫̦̫͖͉̥̻͓̝̺͖̺̜͈̤͔̘̑̒ͯͭ̐͘͠ ̬̥̼͕̤̭̦̳̣̭̤͕̼͙̠͊̉ͫͣ̌̌̀ͭͪ̾̄ͭ̆͒ͤ͐̚̕ ̢̡̢̤͈͚͖̃ͮͥ̓ͩ͆̋̉̌ͤ̂͛ͪ̎̿̾̐ͫ ̨ͣ́ͦ̄͋̋͆ͭ̓͊ͨ͂ͪ̽ͧ͑͏̠̪͕̤̳͍̭̣̲͖͢͢͡ ̡̙̳̬̣̙̫̗͖͖̹͎̥͍͇̟͊ͮ̈́ͤ̀̔̈́ͣ̽̏̽̋͒͜͠ͅͅ ̵̸̬͈̪̮͈̼̫͉̲̤̣̥͖̋̿ͣ͐͊̆ͭͩ̅͗̓̋ͪ͝͞ ̖̭̳̜͐̿̅ͬ̂̂̐ͥ̑̂̒̿ͣ͒͋ͪͣ͗͘͘͝ ̴̶͍͍̪͇͉̠ͯ͆ͦ̅ͣ̉ͬ́̔̉̒͐̂̌͑̈ͦͩ͂̀͢ ̸̷̢͕̣̠͉̺̲͉̠͚̳̤̤̹͙̤̫͈͇̋̽̓̾ͣ̾̒̌̈́̓͘͢ͅ ̸̷̴̰̪̤͙͍̬͈̇̃̾͛̏̌͋͑ͬ̊ͮ͑͡ ̸̢̹̟̰̳̭̩̺̪̲̺̤̯̫ͩ́ͩ̎̉̄ͮ̀̊̑̀̕͡ ͎͓̞̲̟͙̲̤̮̠̞̩͇̳͐́̂ͮ̓̉̀́̕͢͢ ̴̴̛̬͖̝̮͈͔̈ͬ͂͗͊̀̽̄͋̈ͪ̅̽͑ͪ̅̒̐̀̚͘ ̴̵̡͍͓͍͍̗̺̲̩̜̻͓̱̬̦̞̐ͩ̇͐͛̒̆̽͗̕͟ ̴̠̬͎̯̬̮͙̙̺̩̠̳̲͖͓̝̩̳̙́̄̽ͦ̒̈̐ͨͧ̆ͩ ̡̩̙̲͓̦̜͇̙̭ͥͮͬͯͭͪ̌͗̑̌ͥͯ̚̕͜ ̧̒͑̑͌̋̓ͬͧ̃̅ͤ͏҉̝͈͕͈̯͉̦͙͖͖͕̰͍ ̧̓ͥͥ̑̒͛̅ͥ͆ͦ̇̑͗̉̊̾̔҉̴̭̤͓̤̦̜̘͠ ̷̛͖̲̹̹̗͖͔̰̤͔̰̩̤͎͉̭̀ͮ͐ͧ̃́͐̀͢͟ͅ ̛̱̞͙̺̳̜̞̼̗͙̍ͫͬ͌ͥͬ̿̈ͦ͗̎̚͡ ̸̨̞͚͓͇̳͕̘̮̹̣̩͎͚̪̱ͫͦͬ̇͗ͮ͌͝͞͞ ̧̢̱͎͍͍͕̖̝̼͓͉̥̼̰̼̂͋̒ͮ̀͟͝ ͑͐́ͫ̽ͦ̆ͬ͋̉ͤ̚͘͏͓͍̟̻̘̜̦̞͍̫̫͍̫͓̗͕̜̳ ̸̌̍̓͑̀̉҉̮͓̙͖̦̞͈̻͍̜̭̫̫͝ͅ ̷̧̩͈̩̦͚̗͚͔͍̰̩̲̳̑̄ͭ͊̅ͪ̊ͦͥͧͅ ̛͈̗͇̝̲̇ͣ͒ͮ̌̑͂ͮ̌͊̓͒͛ͧ̌̔͠ ̶̲̜̗̗̲̣̹̮͇̲͔͙̥̻̙̈̃ͮ̌ͦ̂ͣ͆ͣͮ͆͂̕ͅ ̨̫͚̺̬̖̞̭̳̜̪̱͙̥̭͓͍͖͇̯͐ͭ̃̀̇̾͐́͑͆͊͆ͥ͐ͬ̀̚͟ ̢̭͎̫̜̱̱̹̮̯͙͔̗͈ͩ̑̋͒̋̓͢͠͞ͅ ̷͎̤͍͖͖̭̻̘̼͎̱ͮͯ͛̂̾̽́͗̇̋̐̀́ ̶̛̪̠̲͕͓̲̤͚͖̒ͩ͊ͪ̾ͫ̌̂ͥ̇ͮ́̚ͅ ̩͓͈̼̗̞̓̌́͂͑͑͋̇̐̀̚͢ ̶̷̬̠̻͕̬̱̞͍̩̤̔̈́ͫ̈̊̌̈́ͤͮ̈ͥͯ̿̊ͯͨͣ̚̚ͅ ̴͗ͬͭ̔̉̓ͫͯ̈҉̴͖͖̜̺̳͇̰̱̹͖͎̯̤̙̗̮̳ͅ ̱̠̟͎̭͉͈̯̄̇͊̍͌ͥ̽̔͑͊̉̇̾̓̇̕ ̶̗̰̟̜̘̭͕̜̐ͤͯ̀ͤ̒̄̒ͮ̔͡ ̃ͧ̉̽͛ͮͯ̿͐̃̽̌̽̄̀͒̆̚҉̻͇̺̯̦̱͎͈͉͍̪̙̲̙͞ ̶͈̰̤̖̝̗̱̮̦̯ͨ̉̐ͨ̂̅̂̉̌̓̔̂̓͛̍̑́̀͟ ̷̻̜̻͉̖̹͇̩͒̉̅͗͆ͪ̿ͯ͂̅̄̒͗̌́̚ ̨̨̀̓̄̇́͏͚̜̻̤̲̥̗͙̰̼̱͝ ̮͉͎͇͕̮͈̻̠͆̾̎͛ͮ̽̓͒́͡ ̳͓͔̳̯͔̳̠̻͙̘̪̌̍̐̏ͧ̏́́͡ͅ ̴͗̀̈ͮ̂̅̐͊̾ͨ́̽ͥ͂ͭͩ͏̡̞͙̠̖̥̩ ̴̷̪̹̺͖̘̮̝̲͓͇̋͛̑͑ͨͧ̒̽̉͋ͮ͌ͪ͞ ̞͚̬̤̖͖̠͕͔̀̔̾͛͗ͭ̚͢͟͜͞͝ ̶͕͚̺̞̳͓̤̖͖̩͔͚̫̻͓̮̒̒̎̃̔̚ͅ ̡̛̝̞̟̱͙̳̟̺͕̠̦̪͓̋̽̅̀̆ͣ̈͌͌͊̄ͩͨ̏̈̂̄̅́͠ͅ ̖͍̥̪͎̜͍͂̎̆ͦ̍̽̑̿́͋̅ͣ̇̽̆́̎͋ͫ̀ ̵̧̅ͤ̑ͩ͑̑҉̻͍̞͟ͅ ̛͙̰̞͚̜̘̮̙̰̦̎̒ͭ̾͂ͯ͒̈́͐͆̇̂̀͜ ͧ͌ͣ̀͜͜҉̰͕͎̟ ̛ͭ̑̊̏̏̑ͭ͏̨͍̟̙͓͎̦͇̥͕̞͇͉͙͙ͅ ̊͐̀̊̆̽̒̿̅ͪ̈̒͒̒͏̗͖̼̠͇͓̲̩̩̥́͘͟ ̶̤̪͓̠̮̪͚̣̲̔̈́͑̅̅̍ͧ̌͌ͦ ̷̅͊͊ͤ́͏̤̣͎̜̳̳̣ͅ ͙̱̠͈͔̜̙̬̖̳͇͍̺̣̩͕̣͙̼̋ͧ̆̍̎͊̔̕͜ ̶̨͙̞͎͔͚̺͖̩̮͈̰̺͖̹̱̿ͧ̈ͤ̋̐ͭͭ͋̇ͦ̔͒̿ͤ͆́̚ ̸̳̰͔̺͙̜͚̘͕̉̂ͥ̒ͦͪͥ̔̀̕ ̠͕͈̼͍̖̪͉̙͎̗͎̝̈́̄͂̃̒ͭͦͩ̌̋͂̒͟͞ ̧̛̹͚̤̥̤̱̜̹̘̻͔͔̟̭̦͇̯̠̽̈ͭͤ͋ͬ͛ͭͨͫ̆ͦ͂̐̏̕͞ ̸̜͕̪̟̭͕̫̌̌͊̓͂̿͟ ̴̪̠̭̯͇̲̫̝̰͚͎͚̺͓͇̱ͬͭ̽ͩ̈ͨ̈͐͗ͩ͑ͦ̈̕͢͟ ̴̸̡̦͉̺̙͎͔̠̟̲̞͕͓̰̮͇ͨ̈̑ͯ̾͌̚ ̷̡̧̼̥͖̘̣͓͔̲̻͖̯͈̲̗͋ͩͪ͒ͣ̇ͭ̉͆͊ͬ̾ͭͯ ̷̵̹̼̖͉̪̝̣̞̀͊ͯ̽͋͞ ̶̶̧̭̯̜̝͔͙̪͍̖̗͈̳̜͍̇̋̈͋ͫ̔͌͛̂̈́ͯ́͒͟͡͞ ̵̫̠̥̘̘͖͗̇͌̒̒͆ͤ̂̆̎̋ͣ̄̂͝͞6̸̜̟͈͈̥͚̙̦ͩͮ̃̀̀͡4̡̨̡̯̹͕̰̲̞̥̺ͨͮ́̃̾̋̾́͝ ̢͕̠̲̭̫̬̪̦̂͋ͤ̉ͩ̎̄͊̾ͩ̆̅͝ ̵͕͉͇̗̂ͦͪ̂ͪ̀͝ ͧ̌̑̔̍ͦ͏͏͓͕̺͖͔̞̞̪͍͚͍̩ ̅̀͐̋̏͆̊ͭ҉̫̭͔̙̹̀ ̷͛̓̎ͩ͑͐̓̋̑ͫͪ̑ͬͩ҉҉҉̣̯̗͍̣̗̪̞̹̞̙̪̗̤̰̱̱͖ ͛̀̈́̽͋ͧ̾͐͜͏̯͚͉̬̥̬̲ ̷̵̵̨̠̱̥̮̥̮̠̩͎͙̱͍̮͈͚͎̭̱̬ͯ̇ͭ̊ͨ̓ͬ̉ ͉̣̻̭̗̟̤̥̓̃ͫ͆̒̈̈͛̿́͘͜͞ ̷̣͚̟̪̪̭̪̩̪̦̪̫͉̻̈͗ͧ͌̄̐̂̃̀̕ ̷̵̨͇̻̞̘̦̲͈̲̣̱͓̜͔̦̯̫̺͐͊̿͌̄͌͑́̀͢ ̶̛̱͓͖͓͎̟̙͚̥̻̜̬̹̩̮̩̟͈͂̑ͮͬͮ̇͛ͯ̂̅͒͘͠ ̛͔̩̩͔̳͈̭̪̰̦̱ͮ̆̾́̚ ͐ͧ͐͌ͧͭ̂̇̃͆̇̉ͣ̓҉̵̧̛̜̲̩̪̬̞̞̞̙̜̰̟̠̥͓͍̞͡ͅ ̷̡̟̼͎̩͋̉͐̄ͦ̀̊ͥͤ̔̓ͤ̇̑͑ͣͯ͆̚ ̶̛̭͎͔̞̼̩͈̫̰̱͖̬̟̤̲͍͇̐ͩ̑ͦ͌̋ͦ̎̐ͩ͑̈́̎̌ͤ͟͡ ̛̦̱̝͖̲͉̯ͥͧ̒͂̓ͤ̊͗͐ͭͮͬ̑̄͞ͅ ̼̙͕͕͍͔̝̟͖͙̼͍͍̤̥̩͚̓̋͗̀̇̽̃̐̇̄ͥ͌̀͗ͪ͘͞ ̓̊̈̆̑̒̒ͣ̾̎͐̇̐͋̈́҉ )̡̰̬̹͉̬̙̼̤͎͕͎̳͍̲ͣ͑͆̽ͨ͗̏̕͢.

Supraphysiologically high autism right here. Read with caution
DNRD you're a brick wall migrant worker just going to spam this thread now

i literally don't give single fuck.

go ahead spam this shit all you want you gook, more rep for me and this thread gets to stay relevant longer than it deserves
leonardo dicaprio film GIF
i literally don't give single fuck.

go ahead spam this shit all you want you gook, more rep for me and this thread gets to stay relevant longer than it deserves
leonardo dicaprio film GIF
>caring about rep and thread on some forum
This is how we can tell this little femboy has no life
I derailed your retarded thread, it's my thread now. :lul::lul::lul::lul:
Should have never tagged me, your mistake, Ajam

because 🤷‍♂️that joke👆 was horrible🤮 nigga🤛🏿. Open your mouth👨🏿💩💩💩. When you speak🔉▶️ to me speak ▶️with yo chin👆 up like it’s picture day📹📹. Bitch ass boy😎 and I fucked your mom👩🏻 long dick style8=========}🗿🗿. Stop playing 🎮with me faggot ass boy🤡. Now i’m gonna👆 cut the shit💩🤡 outta yo faggot ass🤷‍♂️. Fuck is you talmbout🤭😳 you just got combo’d by Marsky😳, Marsky Salarsky🤑🤑, bitch ass boy🤣. You 👋manage🤚 shit cuz🤙 i smacked yo💢 mama😩 the back of her neck👩🏻 with a piece of ham🐷 and dat bitch 🐕turned into a ham sandwich🥪 She started 🤣sayin GOBBITY🦃GOBBADA🦃GOBB🦃GOBB🦃GOBB🦃 like she was🤮 a thanksgiving chicken🐔. Faggot bitch😜. She's not a ➡️fucking turkey🤏🦃 she's a fucking chicken🐔, Faggot boy🤯 shut yo bitch ass up🤣🤮. Yo mom has sex😳 with Thizz kid👨🏿 and Arnold Swaznagger👱🏻💪 behind a toy store ⚽⚾🥎🏀🏐in pizza planet🍕 And YA GET TO THE PIZZA 🍕YA and a fucking pepperoni 😳😳slipped up her ass👩🏻😎 and she pucked out 👅a fucking burger 🍔 Phew 😙phew😙 phew😙 phuw😙 bitch ass boy😜 shut yo bitch ass up😎
  • JFL
Reactions: FattySalmon
>caring about rep and thread on some forum
This is how we can tell this little femboy has no life
I derailed your retarded thread, it's my thread now. :lul::lul::lul::lul:
Should have never tagged me, your mistake, Ajam

because 🤷‍♂️that joke👆 was horrible🤮 nigga🤛🏿. Open your mouth👨🏿💩💩💩. When you speak🔉▶️ to me speak ▶️with yo chin👆 up like it’s picture day📹📹. Bitch ass boy😎 and I fucked your mom👩🏻 long dick style8=========}🗿🗿. Stop playing 🎮with me faggot ass boy🤡. Now i’m gonna👆 cut the shit💩🤡 outta yo faggot ass🤷‍♂️. Fuck is you talmbout🤭😳 you just got combo’d by Marsky😳, Marsky Salarsky🤑🤑, bitch ass boy🤣. You 👋manage🤚 shit cuz🤙 i smacked yo💢 mama😩 the back of her neck👩🏻 with a piece of ham🐷 and dat bitch 🐕turned into a ham sandwich🥪 She started 🤣sayin GOBBITY🦃GOBBADA🦃GOBB🦃GOBB🦃GOBB🦃 like she was🤮 a thanksgiving chicken🐔. Faggot bitch😜. She's not a ➡️fucking turkey🤏🦃 she's a fucking chicken🐔, Faggot boy🤯 shut yo bitch ass up🤣🤮. Yo mom has sex😳 with Thizz kid👨🏿 and Arnold Swaznagger👱🏻💪 behind a toy store ⚽⚾🥎🏀🏐in pizza planet🍕 And YA GET TO THE PIZZA 🍕YA and a fucking pepperoni 😳😳slipped up her ass👩🏻😎 and she pucked out 👅a fucking burger 🍔 Phew 😙phew😙 phew😙 phuw😙 bitch ass boy😜 shut yo bitch ass up😎


>During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (Wudai) (907–960), there are examples of Chinese emperors marrying Persian women. "In the times of Wudai (907–960) the emperors preferred to marry Persian women, and the Song dynasty official families liked to marry women from Dashi [Arabia]" was written by Chen Yuan.[13]

>Many Iranians took the Chinese name Li to use as their last name when they moved to China
>Li Xian had an older sister Li Shunxian, who was known for being beautiful and was a concubine of the Former Shu Chinese Emperor Wang Zongyan, and a brother older than both of them named Li Xun.

>From the tenth to twelfth century, Persian women were to be found in Guangzhou (Canton), some of them in the tenth century like Mei Zhu in the harem of the Emperor Liu Chang, and in the twelfth century large numbers of Persian women lived there, noted for wearing multiple earrings and "quarrelsome dispositions".[25][26] It was recorded that "The Po- ssu-fu at Kuang-chou make holes all round their ears. There are some who wear more than twenty ear-rings."[27] Descriptions of the sexual activities between Liu Chang and the Persian woman in the Song dynasty book the "Ch'ing-i-lu" by T'ao Ku were so graphic that the "Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko (the Oriental Library), Issue 2" refused to provide any quotes from it while discussing the subject.[28]
>Liu had free time with the Persian women by delegating the task of governing to others.[29] Multiple women originating from the Persian Gulf lived in Guangzhou's foreign quarter, they were all called "Persian women" (波斯婦 Po-ssu-fu or Bosifu).

>The young Chinese Emperor Liu Chang of the Southern Han dynasty had a harem, including one Persian girl he nicknamed Mei Zhu, which means "Beautiful Pearl". Liu liked the Persian girl (Mei Zhu) because of her tan skin color, described in French as "peau mate" (olive or light brown skinned). He and the Persian girl also liked to force young couples to go naked and play with them in the palace.[32][33] and he favored her by "doting" on her. During the first year of his reign, he was not over sixteen years old when he had a taste for intercourse with Persian girls.[34] The Persian girl was called a "princess"

>The Wu Tai Shï says that 'Liu Ch'ang [劉鋹], Emperor of the Southern Han dynasty reigning at Canton, about A.D. 970. "was dallying with his palace girls and Persian [波斯] women in the inner apartments, and left the government of his state to the ministers."[36] The History of the Five Dynasties (Wu Tai Shih) stated that- "Liu Chang then with his court- ladies and Po-ssu woman, indulged in amorous affiurs in the harem".[37]

>Guangzhou (Canton) had a community which included Persian women in the 10th-12th centuries, found in Liu Chang's harem in the 10th century and in Song dynasty era Guangzhou in the 12th century the Persian women (波斯婦) there were observed wearing many earrings.[38][39][40][41]
>Pusaman was also the name of a tune 樂府 about female dancers sent as tribute to China.[49][50][51][52]

>Of the Han Chinese Li family in Quanzhou, Lin Nu, the son of Li Lu, visited Hormuz in Persia in 1376, married a Persian or an Arab girl, and brought her back to Quanzhou. Li Nu was the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty reformer Li Chih.[53][54]


Persia loves China!
>During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (Wudai) (907–960), there are examples of Chinese emperors marrying Persian women. "In the times of Wudai (907–960) the emperors preferred to marry Persian women, and the Song dynasty official families liked to marry women from Dashi [Arabia]" was written by Chen Yuan.[13]

>Many Iranians took the Chinese name Li to use as their last name when they moved to China
>Li Xian had an older sister Li Shunxian, who was known for being beautiful and was a concubine of the Former Shu Chinese Emperor Wang Zongyan, and a brother older than both of them named Li Xun.

>From the tenth to twelfth century, Persian women were to be found in Guangzhou (Canton), some of them in the tenth century like Mei Zhu in the harem of the Emperor Liu Chang, and in the twelfth century large numbers of Persian women lived there, noted for wearing multiple earrings and "quarrelsome dispositions".[25][26] It was recorded that "The Po- ssu-fu at Kuang-chou make holes all round their ears. There are some who wear more than twenty ear-rings."[27] Descriptions of the sexual activities between Liu Chang and the Persian woman in the Song dynasty book the "Ch'ing-i-lu" by T'ao Ku were so graphic that the "Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko (the Oriental Library), Issue 2" refused to provide any quotes from it while discussing the subject.[28]
>Liu had free time with the Persian women by delegating the task of governing to others.[29] Multiple women originating from the Persian Gulf lived in Guangzhou's foreign quarter, they were all called "Persian women" (波斯婦 Po-ssu-fu or Bosifu).

>The young Chinese Emperor Liu Chang of the Southern Han dynasty had a harem, including one Persian girl he nicknamed Mei Zhu, which means "Beautiful Pearl". Liu liked the Persian girl (Mei Zhu) because of her tan skin color, described in French as "peau mate" (olive or light brown skinned). He and the Persian girl also liked to force young couples to go naked and play with them in the palace.[32][33] and he favored her by "doting" on her. During the first year of his reign, he was not over sixteen years old when he had a taste for intercourse with Persian girls.[34] The Persian girl was called a "princess"

>The Wu Tai Shï says that 'Liu Ch'ang [劉鋹], Emperor of the Southern Han dynasty reigning at Canton, about A.D. 970. "was dallying with his palace girls and Persian [波斯] women in the inner apartments, and left the government of his state to the ministers."[36] The History of the Five Dynasties (Wu Tai Shih) stated that- "Liu Chang then with his court- ladies and Po-ssu woman, indulged in amorous affiurs in the harem".[37]

>Guangzhou (Canton) had a community which included Persian women in the 10th-12th centuries, found in Liu Chang's harem in the 10th century and in Song dynasty era Guangzhou in the 12th century the Persian women (波斯婦) there were observed wearing many earrings.[38][39][40][41]
>Pusaman was also the name of a tune 樂府 about female dancers sent as tribute to China.[49][50][51][52]

>Of the Han Chinese Li family in Quanzhou, Lin Nu, the son of Li Lu, visited Hormuz in Persia in 1376, married a Persian or an Arab girl, and brought her back to Quanzhou. Li Nu was the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty reformer Li Chih.[53][54]


Persia loves China!

dnrd cause essays again

>inserts x historical example of gook women being brought or bought to y place by white/curry/persian/etc.
>Sogdians in China used 9 Chinese surnames after the Chinese name of the states they came from.

>The contract said they could they anything they wanted to Upach, give her away, sell her, abuse her, beat her and she belonged to Yansyan's family forever.[86] Zhang Yanxiang 張延相, whose name is found in Chinese language documents in Turfan, is believed to be Chan Yansyan.[87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][excessive citations] Kuchean girls were sold as slaves in the Jin and Wei dynasties. On the Silk Road, slave girls was a major item and much more expensive than silk. Silk was up to five times less than the value of a slave girl.[vague] Central Asian slave girls were exported from Central Asia Iranian areas to China.

>Slave girls were one of the major products Chinese bought from Sogdians. Persian poets often wrote about wine and women since the wineservers were often girls and this wine culture with girl servers seems to have spread to China.

>Most of the slave girls were 14 or 15 years old. They provided services like sex, dancing, singing, and served wine to their customers in Chang'an as ordered their masters who ran the wineshops. A Sogdian merchant, Kang Weiyi had Indian, Central Asian, and Bactrians among the 15 slave girls he was bringing to sell in the Chinese capital of Chang'an.[99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][80][111][excessive citations] Khotan and Kucha both sold women for sexual services.[112][113]

>The Goguryeo general Gao Juren ordered a mass slaughter of West Asians (Hu) identifying them through their big noses and lances were used to impale tossed children when he stormed Beijing from An Lushan's rebels.[120]

>Chinese frequently bought Hu (Sogdian) slave girls in the Gaochang (Turfan) markets

The history of Iranians in China.
dnrd cause essays again

>inserts x historical example of gook women being brought or bought to y place by white/curry/persian/etc.
You read all of it.
>no historical examples of curry/persian or europoors buying asian women in a slave trade :lul::lul::lul:
Reminder that Iranian's main purpose in China were sex slaves.
>Sogdians in China used 9 Chinese surnames after the Chinese name of the states they came from.

>The contract said they could they anything they wanted to Upach, give her away, sell her, abuse her, beat her and she belonged to Yansyan's family forever.[86] Zhang Yanxiang 張延相, whose name is found in Chinese language documents in Turfan, is believed to be Chan Yansyan.[87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][excessive citations] Kuchean girls were sold as slaves in the Jin and Wei dynasties. On the Silk Road, slave girls was a major item and much more expensive than silk. Silk was up to five times less than the value of a slave girl.[vague] Central Asian slave girls were exported from Central Asia Iranian areas to China.

>Slave girls were one of the major products Chinese bought from Sogdians. Persian poets often wrote about wine and women since the wineservers were often girls and this wine culture with girl servers seems to have spread to China.

>Most of the slave girls were 14 or 15 years old. They provided services like sex, dancing, singing, and served wine to their customers in Chang'an as ordered their masters who ran the wineshops. A Sogdian merchant, Kang Weiyi had Indian, Central Asian, and Bactrians among the 15 slave girls he was bringing to sell in the Chinese capital of Chang'an.[99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][80][111][excessive citations] Khotan and Kucha both sold women for sexual services.[112][113]

>The Goguryeo general Gao Juren ordered a mass slaughter of West Asians (Hu) identifying them through their big noses and lances were used to impale tossed children when he stormed Beijing from An Lushan's rebels.[120]

>Chinese frequently bought Hu (Sogdian) slave girls in the Gaochang (Turfan) markets

The history of Iranians in China.
dnrd cause essays again

>inserts x historical example of gook women being brought or bought to y place by white/curry/persian/etc.

>muh lel persian slaves
>everyone sold slaves, even of their own people, even gooks
>muh lel persian slaves
>everyone sold slaves, even of their own people, even gooks
Reminder that Iranian's main purpose in China were sex slaves. [2]

We Chinese never sold our own women in slave trades :lul::lul::lul: we were the ones buying women. Especially Iranian women. A world superpower only buys slaves and sells slaves from foreign countries.
You read all of it.
>no historical examples of curry/persian or europoors buying asian women in a slave trade :lul::lul::lul:
Reminder that Iranian's main purpose in China were sex slaves.

no i skimmed and only read the beginning and end
ik Wikipedia but they list the source and I'm not detective working that shit just to quote mine cause dnrd gook
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no i skimmed and only read the beginning and end
ik Wikipedia but they list the source and I'm not detective working that shit just to quote mine cause dnrd gook
"there were Chinese slaves but the number of them was described as "negligible"
In 1595, a law was passed by Portugal banning the selling and buying of Chinese and Japanese slaves[96] due to hostility from the Chinese and Japanese regarding the trafficking of Japanese and Chinese slaves[97]

LMFAO, Europoors buying slaves was never on the same scale as Chinese mass buying Caucasoid slaves, comparing apples to oranges here. This just shows that Iranians and other Caucasoid groups were never hostile toward the idea of selling their own women.


Keep coping, shitskin.
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"there were Chinese slaves but the number of them was described as "negligible"
In 1595, a law was passed by Portugal banning the selling and buying of Chinese and Japanese slaves[96] due to hostility from the Chinese and Japanese regarding the trafficking of Japanese and Chinese slaves[97]

LMFAO, Europoors buying slaves was never on the same scale as Chinese mass buying Caucasoid slaves, comparing apples to oranges here. This just shows that Iranians and other Caucasoid groups were never hostile toward the idea of selling their own women.

View attachment 1255225

i literally don't care and dnrd gook
i literally don't care and dnrd gook
^cope, you read every word despite what your shit-colored mouth claims. Just accept I raped your shitty thread :lul::lul::lul: shitskin
Stops this ethnic on ethnic violence...
^cope, you read every word despite what your shit-colored mouth claims. Just accept I raped your shitty thread :lul::lul::lul: shitskin

^projection, you want me to read every word despite knowing no one's willing to read essays of quotes despite what your piss-colred mouth claims.

just accept jbw is law and gook women love muh colonizers gook
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10104
^projection, you want me to read every word despite knowing no one's willing to read essays of quotes despite what your piss-colred mouth claims.

just accept jbw is law and gook women love muh colonizers gook
Copying my insults LMFAO, mentality of a little kid
Also dnrd internet autism, internet autism/=/ reality
This thread is getting boring :lul::lul::lul:, I've raped it to death already.
have fun jacking off to cuckold porn little kid
Also remember to :feelswhy:
Copying my insults LMFAO, mentality of a little kid
Also dnrd internet autism, internet autism/=/ reality

dnrd gook

*ching chong bing bong*
This thread is getting boring :lul::lul::lul:, I've raped it to death already.
have fun jacking off to cuckold porn little kid
Also remember to :feelswhy:

water. you've been blowing hot air up your own ass
i'll be sure to steal some of your female gook women when tanks start rolling into bejing, gook
remember to study hard so you can betabuxx some wageslave job for a wife that'll cuck you for some bwc
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