jfl do you hate whites so much you'd side with literally anyone against them?

I mean sure i get it but then again they both hate blacks all the same tbh, especially chinks
Native Americans are better looking than whites
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon and RetardSubhuman
Didn't read you wrote an essay :lul::lul::lul: I'm not reading essays nigga
You're a wog-spic mutt simping for pink femboys, I don't care what breed of camel piss drinker you are nigga

you delusion gook fuck, you sure you don't have any khazar turk in you're "pan asian" ancestry
you came out here writing at least 4 different essays before I could even respond to your first post
then you come out here and complain about muh oh now you're writing essays when it's literally the first essay tier response i've written because you quote mine whole pages from Wikipedia? :lul::ROFLMAO:
  • Ugh..
Reactions: FattySalmon
Ming dynasty Han cucking Dutch in Combat(edited)

[6:57 AM]
The Dutch source《't Verwaerloosde Formosa》or《Neglected Formosa》also mentioned the formidable Changdao that Ming soldiers carried when they fought as well as the fact that they were armored in scale; “The enemy’s soldiers used various kinds of weapons. Some were armed with bows and arrows hanging down their backs; others had nothing save a shield on the left arm, and a good sword in the right hand; while many wielded with both hands a formidable battle-sword fixed to a stick half the length of a man. Every one was protected over the upper part of the body with a coat of iron scales, fitting below one another like the slates of a roof, the arms and legs being left bare." “This afforded complete protection from rifle bullets and yet left ample freedom to move, as those coats only reached down to the knees, and were very flexible at all the joints."

[6:57 AM]
“The archers formed Koxinga’s best troops, and much depended on them, for even at a distance they contrived to handle their weapons with so great skill, that they very nearly eclipsed the riflemen." “Every tenth man of them is a leader, who takes charge of and presses his men on to force themselves into the ranks of the enemy. With bent heads and their bodies hidden behind the shields, they try to break through the opposing ranks with such fury and dauntless courage, as if each one had still a spare body left at home. They continually press onwards, notwithstanding many are shot down; not stopping to consider, but ever rushing forward like mad dogs, not even looking round to see whether they are followed by their comrades or not.”(edited)
[6:58 AM]
This is confirmed in the Chinese source Taiwan Waiji; 江日升《台湾外记》卷四顺治十五年二月段: 「二月,挑选各提督壮勇者为亲军,厦门港筑演武亭操演。各以五百觔石力能举起遍游教场者五千人,画样与工官 冯澄世,监造坚厚铁盔、铁铠及两臂、裙围、铁鞋等项,箭穿不入者。又制铁面,只露眼耳口鼻,妆画五彩如鬼形 ,手执斩马大刀。每人以二兵各执器械副之,专砍马脚,临阵有进无退,名曰『铁人』。」
[6:58 AM]
"A long staff with a long blade is still a sword, and the Dutch and Ming sources both considered it as such. The point was that Chinese musketeers carried them, what they actually were was irrelevant to their combat effectiveness. In fact we should not underestimate the importance placed on shock in 16th century warfare, almost all battles still ultimately result in hand to hand engagement, and melee was still a big part of musketeers. Some armies in fact still placed heavy emphasis on shock, at least as much as firepower. At no point in all the engagements with the Europeans did the Ming consider them impressive, whereas we even have a specific passage by Yu that explicitly stated their inferiority, whereas plenty of primary sources noted Japanese ferocity in hand melee and their dangerous swordsmenship."
[6:59 AM]
Qing dynasty cucking Russian in Combat(edited)
[6:59 AM]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Russian_border_conflicts#Qing_perspective 1685-1687 : The Albazin/Yakesa Campaign-Former Ming loyalist Han Chinese troops who had served under Zheng Chenggong and who specialized at fighting with rattan shields and swords (Tengpaiying) 藤牌营 were recommended to the Kangxi Emperor to reinforce Albazin against the Russians. Kangxi was impressed by a demonstration of their techniques and ordered 500 of them to defend Albazin, under Ho Yu, a former Koxinga follower, and Lin Hsing-chu, a former General of Wu. These rattan shield troops did not suffer a single casualty when they defeated and cut down Russian forces traveling by rafts on the river, only using the rattan shields and swords while fighting naked.[8][9][10](edited)
[6:59 AM]
"Their swords cut so well that they can cut a soft paper just by putting it on the edge and by blowing on it." -Relations of Mme de St Troppez", October 1615, Bibliothèque Inguimbertine, Carpentras
[7:00 AM]
Ming dynasty cucking Portugese in Combat
[7:01 AM]
Here’s an account of Portuguese swordsmen from Shaolin trained Ming admiral Yu Dayou: "these people's only weapon is a soft sword, their naval (melee) combat ability is inferior to our soldiers, and on the ground, long spears would have subdued them...only their muskets are sophisticated and their large cannons are powerful..."
[7:01 AM]
Japanese soldiers cucking the Anglos Here’s an interesting account from 1604 of English sailors encountering Japanese sword wielding pirates: “…unbeknown to the English, the Japanese had, in the words of Michelborne, ‘resolved with themselves either to gaine my shippe or to lose their lives’. The smiles vanished, the laughter died and the Japanese suddenly transformed themselves into brutal ‘rogues’ who stabbed and slashed at their English adversaries. The crew of the “Tiger” had never faced such hostility and scarcely had a chance to resist before the deck was swarming with Japanese wielding long swords and hacking men to pieces. Soon they reached the gun room where they found Davis desperately loading muskets. ‘They pulled [him] into the cabin and giving him sixe or seven mortall wounds, they thrust him out of the cabin.’ He stumbled on the deck but the sword wounds had severed one of his arteries and he bled to death. Others, too, were in their final death throes and it seemed inevitable that the Tiger would shortly be lost.(edited)
[7:02 AM]
Fast forward some centuries and you have accounts of European sailors and soldiers encountering the Japanese katana in street brawls and the battlefield of the Russo-Japanese war. This 1870 account talks about how the katana is particularly great at slashing from the draw: “They have a very dangerous cut, which is made by the mere motion of unsheathing the sword, and takes effect at a distance where an inexperienced person would think himself safe.”

[7:02 AM]
Japanese soldiers cucking Russians in Combat

[7:02 AM]
“One sub-lieutenant two or three in used his drawn sword on his men when they hung back, cutting down in quick succession ; and then, realizing the hopelessness of such action, he gallantly advanced alone to meet the Japanese. He ran towards them till a bullet, one of the last remaining, struck him in the stomach; as he fell he stabbed himself with his sword sooner than fall into his enemy’s hands. Another Russian followed in shouting in defiance to the Japanese, and as he came on, a Japanese officer hurried to meet him. The two closed in an Homeric hand-to-hand in sight of the two armies and as they whirled their swords at each side rent the air with cheers. Now It seemed that the Russian was winning and the Russians thundered applause. Now again the Japanese had the upper hand, and hoarse ” Banzais ! ” rose from the Hiroshima infantry. Then the Russian went down before the skillful swordplay of his opponent, and a moment later he lay a corpse upon the hill. The Japanese officer ran calmly back to his line and took his place at the head of his men amidst a tumult of cheers, and almost at the same moment the long-looked-for ammunition arrived.

[7:02 AM]
-Japan’s Fight for Freedom: Herbert Wrigley Wilson, 1905 Battle of Telisse, June 14th 1904

  • Hmm...
Reactions: chaddyboi66
Native Americans are better looking than whites

bones? yeah they bone mogg everyone tbh

the converstion is about gooks though not, natives
Yeah never said I was, i'm only half and I'm a mutt.

you greycels never change in how pathetic your attempts are to roast me oh muh spic/native muh arab
i'm not arab/middle eastern I'm Iranic, and I'm a quarter Mexican Castizo with 6% aztec ancestry, and before you go and try to we wuzz the pinche indios too they're proto mongoloid and ancient caucoid
Oh thats why you haven't done an evisceration of middle easterns yet...

And btw...

Idk why iranians claim they are not middle eastern??? Iranians, arabs, italians... you guys all look the same...

@Chadeep @Biggdink @Preston @volcelfatcel @AlexAP
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7580, FattySalmon, Deleted member 6273 and 2 others
bones? yeah they bone mogg everyone tbh

the converstion is about gooks though not, natives
Native Americans genetically are Asian though
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345
Oh thats why you haven't done an evisceration of middle easterns yet...

And btw...View attachment 1254917

Idk why iranians claim they are not middle eastern??? Iranians, arabs, italians... you guys all look the same...

@Chadeep @Biggdink @Preston @volcelfatcel @AlexAP
Iranians can pass as Europeans tbh the average person wouldn’t tell them apart from an Italian or an French man
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: johncruz12345 and chaddyboi66
no, they're proto mongoloid and caususoid mix, maybe archaic hapa in a way

They didn’t really mix with Caucasians tho. They mostly can’t from Siberians and the developed more Caucasianiod features due to the North African climate
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon
no, they're proto mongoloid and caususoid mix, maybe archaic hapa in a way

And buddy Caucasian is not a race having a similar bone structure doesn’t make you the same race.
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345
Oh thats why you haven't done an evisceration of middle easterns yet...

And btw...View attachment 1254917

Idk why iranians claim they are not middle eastern??? Iranians, arabs, italians... you guys all look the same...

@Chadeep @Biggdink @Preston @volcelfatcel @AlexAP

no arabs i've lumped with kikes and i've made a few evisceposts about them but @kjsbdfiusdf and Chadlite Rutherford have already made threads on them.

Arabs are easy and there aren't a lot of them here.
terrorist/camel fucker.

no they're not the same.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6403 and johncruz12345
And buddy Caucasian is not a race having a similar bone structure doesn’t make you the same race.
i know, my point is they're their own race
you delusion gook fuck, you sure you don't have any khazar turk in you're "pan asian" ancestry
you came out here writing at least 4 different essays before I could even respond to your first post
then you come out here and complain about muh oh now you're writing essays when it's literally the first essay tier response i've written because you quote mine whole pages from Wikipedia? :lul::ROFLMAO:
Aww, the little shitskin boy is mad at Auric supremacy.

You're the only one writing essays at me, clitdick. I'm just copypasting entire Wikipedia pages/scientific articles because it's funny as fuck :lul::lul::lul: although you probably read all of it since you live on this forum

I never claimed pan-Asian ancestry, you can't read English or something? I'm fully northern Chinese.

Turkics are Asiatic peoples as well.
Claiming Native Americans as caucasoid is PURE COPE, Native Americans are fully part of the Auric race :lul:
  • Woah
Reactions: FattySalmon
i know, my point is they're their own race
They are still genetically similar to Asians since they came from mongliods first. Any evidence of them mixing with proto Caucasians. Because after leaving Asian most of them didn’t run into any other races
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon

The genetic distances between the American Indians and the three major races of man, Caucasoids, Negroids and Mongoloids, were determined by using gene frequency data on 14 blood group and 12 protein loci. The results support the general view that the ancestry of the American Indian is predominantly Mongoloid.
They are still genetically similar to Asians since they came from mongliods first. Any evidence of them mixing with proto Caucasians. Because after leaving Asian most of them didn’t run into any other races
Just ignore whatever anthropology shit he says, he just follows bogus Wignat WE WUZZING of Asiatic peoples. He literally claimed Genghis was white, nothing else he says is valid. Native Americans are part of the Auric race.
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon and Deleted member 5802

all you've done is spam cherrypicked quote mined essays of mongol raids, 1 instance where the japanese were able to repel russian attack with western technology, and a single instance where chinese managed to get the drop on some dutch.

not to mention all the pseudo revisionism and we wuzzing you've been sperging on about for the past hour too
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 12187 and FattySalmon
Just ignore whatever anthropology shit he says, he just follows bogus Wignat WE WUZZING of Asiatic peoples. He literally claimed Genghis was white, nothing else he says is valid. Native Americans are part of the Auric race.

ah yes ignore me when you've been doing the same and we wuzzing the mongols, turks, etc because of muh panasianism.

and leave out the fact that i admitted including the we wuzzed ghengis khan just to spite you and admitted there's only one source

They are still genetically similar to Asians since they came from mongliods first. Any evidence of them mixing with proto Caucasians. Because after leaving Asian most of them didn’t run into any other races

of course they're similar they share common ancestral link and the video goes into detail about the mixing.
  • JFL
Reactions: FattySalmon

jfl that meme was directed at turks larping as greek or "anatolian" to claim whiteness, and i'm not one of those people who try to claim muh persians are huwite despite your assumptions about me when every non cucked persian acknowledges the fact that Persians are Persians and nothing more.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: FattySalmon
all you've done is spam cherrypicked quote mined essays of mongol raids, 1 instance where the japanese were able to repel russian attack with western technology, and a single instance where chinese managed to get the drop on some dutch.

not to mention all the pseudo revisionism and we wuzzing you've been sperging on about for the past hour too
Cope, I've proven that Europeans are literally Asiatic rape seeds. Haplogroup R came from central Asian herders, it has Asiatic origins. If most Europeans have haplogroup R that means they're paternally Asian as HG R came from Central Asia. You're downplaying everything I've been saying, every source of mine is ultimately from a scientific article. You're the only one who's been doing we wuzzing, muh genghis khan was white.

I can find all my sources in seconds too, you have to dig for shitskin Iranian piss drinker videos on Youtube.
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon
ah yes ignore me when you've been doing the same and we wuzzing the mongols, turks, etc because of muh panasianism.

and leave out the fact that i admitted including the we wuzzed ghengis khan just to spite you and admitted there's only one source

of course they're similar they share common ancestral link and the video goes into detail about the mixing.
Mongols and Turkic peoples (not the roaches in Anatolia) are Asiatic peoples. I'm not arguing for Northern Chinese, I'm arguing for the entire ASIATIC RACE LMFAO
You probably seriously believed Genghis was muh aryan, seeing how your posts are all double digit IQ tier
This is a great example of "I was only pretending to be retarded"
I don't want Youtube videos made by Masaman mutt as sources, find an actual scientific article to back your points LMFAO they're not that hard to find
All scientific sources show that Native Americans are related most to Asiatic peoples.
Cope, I've proven that Europeans are literally Asiatic rape seeds. Haplogroup R came from central Asian herders, it has Asiatic origins. If most Europeans have haplogroup R that means they're paternally Asian as HG R came from Central Asia. You're downplaying everything I've been saying, every source of mine is ultimately from a scientific article. You're the only one who's been doing we wuzzing, muh genghis khan was white.
View attachment 1254951View attachment 1254955View attachment 1254963
I can find all my sources in seconds too, you have to dig for shitskin Iranian piss drinker videos on Youtube.

fuck me.
Here We Go Again GIF

you're really gonna larp muh we wuz indo europeans and shit now too?
muh "central asian indo europeans = mongoloid"

when even the panchito knows better
Central asia used to be 100% white, now they are all white asian mixes, cuz of mongol invasions.
and no they weren't white either.

and some iranian guy drinking piss means fuckall to me when i can also post 10+ videos of chinese people eating weird shit or acting like animals too or being gross, and besides they're all cherrypicks [unless it's curries] and we only use them to throw shit at eachother
GMXF fillipino choggers https://books.google.com/books?id=y...Qlp#v=onepage&q=Filipinos hypersexual&f=false ""It is a dreadful thing when these Filipinos, scarcely more than savages, come to San Fransisco, work for practically nothing, and obtain the society of these [white] girls...Some of these [Filipino] boys, with perfect candor, told me bluntly and boastfully that they practice the art of love with more perfection than white boys, and occasionally one of the [white] girls has supplied me with information to the same effect. In fact some of the disclosures in this regard are perfectly startling in nature." "The counterimage of Filipino workers created by Filipinos themselves unsettled the dominate cultures assumptions of the brown "hordes". In sporting quality, fashionable attire like McIntosh suits, Filipinos disrupted the stereotypes of asexual laborers in the dirty, tattered overalls of agricultural fields and the seemingly docile attendant in the uniforms issued by service-oriented industries. In effect, Filipino laborers appropriated the icons of white middle-class masculinity, including the ability to dress stylishly , dance well, and exhibit manners appreciated by white women." Nowadays it's mostly women that immigrate from the Philppines.
fuck me.
Here We Go Again GIF

you're really gonna larp muh we wuz indo europeans and shit now too?
muh "central asian indo europeans = mongoloid"

when even the panchito knows better

and no they weren't white either.

and some iranian guy drinking piss means fuckall to me when i can also post 10+ videos of chinese people eating weird shit or acting like animals too or being gross, and besides they're all cherrypicks [unless it's curries] and we only use them to throw shit at eachother
LMFAO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mal'ta–Buret'_culture
The Yamnaya ultimately came from this source, which was MONGOLOID/SIBERIAN.
I never claimed Indo Europeans were FULLY ASIATIC, I just said they were rape seeds. Central Asian invaders rushed into the pontic caspian steppe, mass raped and fucked the indigenous women and created hapas and quapas (yamnaya) and those yamnaya invaded the rest of Europe and slaughtered the old Europeans (who were shitskins). A simple look at anthropology will show that the original yamnaya had Asiatic characteristics, although they were tan and not as pale as modern hapas/quapas etc.
Little boy needs a history lesson now.
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon
jfl that meme was directed at turks larping as greek or "anatolian" to claim whiteness, and i'm not one of those people who try to claim muh persians are huwite despite your assumptions about me when every non cucked persian acknowledges the fact that Persians are Persians and nothing more.
dnrd memes are funny :lul:
Link to my threads for anyone lurking :lul:


  • 1628094986007.png
    220 KB · Views: 27
LMFAO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mal'ta–Buret'_culture
The Yamnaya ultimately came from this source, which was MONGOLOID/SIBERIAN.
I never claimed Indo Europeans were FULLY ASIATIC, I just said they were rape seeds. Central Asian invaders rushed into the pontic caspian steppe, mass raped and fucked the indigenous women and created hapas and quapas (yamnaya) and those yamnaya invaded the rest of Europe and slaughtered the old Europeans (who were shitskins). A simple look at anthropology will show that the original yamnaya had Asiatic characteristics, although they were tan and not as pale as modern hapas/quapas etc.
Little boy needs a history lesson now.

the only rapeseed quapas are the tocharians and scythians who came after indo european expansion had indo european paternal haplogroups.
those central asian invaders were asiatic in the sense that they occupied the region but not in the sense that they were mongoloid.

i never claimed the indo europeans were white, in fact most of the things i say related to them are to prove how they're not white/european or curry, or in your case gook.

you say that them being tan somehow makes them mongoloid when most of the world also has tan people, and you conveniently leave out the fact that they obviously had caucusoid skulls and features.

gtfoh with your pseudo revisionism you gook cuck, i stopped taking you seriously when you tried arguing gooks were dick moggers but now i know your completely full shit
I understand europoids have little foresight and cannot think too far ahead or back in history. I'll break it down in a way your tiny brain can understand. Y-DNA haplogroups are gene markers, on your Y chromosome, which trace the genetic record of your male ancestors. It's literally a genetic surname, unchanged and passed from father to son for millennia. Europeans have something called Haplogroup R, Q and N. If you carry these haplogroups, you are a rape baby of Asian ancestry. Tatar turkics invaded Russia, Avars did so as well. Siberian Corded ware Aryans colonized the entire continent from the east. Chinese reindeer herders outbred europoids, became the Uralic peoples, and forced their way into Finland, Russia, Sweden, and the Baltics. The Inuits fucked the Welsh and Vikings despite being isolated backwooders. Magyar turkics FOUNDED Hungary, the Mongols owned all of Eastern Europe. The Huns conquered as far west as Paris. Through these millennia of invasions, Y haplogroups R, Q, N, and C have dominated europe, displacing the original G and I lineages almost completely. The only caucasian haplogroups are GHIJ, and of those only I is uniquely european (J and G come from the middle east). Oh and to add insult to injury, haplogroup E comes from africa, you mulatto.

The only reason "white people" ascended to the level they have is geographic luck. Mongol invasions brought Eastern stirrup tech, and warfare tactics. Asia and Mesoamerica never had a Dark age or regression as significant as Europe's fall of Rome. The only reason you lucked out was because you were on an easy-mode distance from the american continent. And even after all that, you still managed to lose your empires and colonies. Euro birthrates are even lower than Japanese ones when "POC" immigration is accounted for. Your people are getting bred by nonwhites faster than a malignant melanoma (pun intended). Inceldom continues to rise with mayocels offing themselves and shooting women out of frustration, with only 12% of under-20 white boys being able to touch a woman. Your race is dying.

Your dolichocephalic recessed cheekbones look gaunt. Your bug-like, low canthal tilt eyes make you look eternally fatigued. Your race is destined to be cucked by ANY nonwhite--Turks, Blacks, Arabs, Asians, even Jews. Europe's been a cumdumpster since the beginning of time. Everything remotely good about your race comes from its women. Which is why despite living in a society that coddles white 'men' you are still getting outbred by Nonwhites on a daily basis. China's rise outshadows your pathetic "Nations" growth--you are living in the Asian century. Your women are getting taken by nonwhites, left, right and centre. Obesity is somehow worse than it was before (is that even possible? lol) and drug addiction and fentanyl epidemics are running rampant. And to top it all off, you will never have a woman. You will never have a foreskin. And you will never be an indigenous European. Your downfall is inevitable, try not to rope QAnon. It never began for "whites".
  • JFL
Reactions: FattySalmon
Gooks and shitskins live rent free in this forum's head
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon
i have no clue what the fuck is going in this thread but thanks for the headache
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
What a trainwreck of a thread
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon, Chadeep, StrangerDanger and 1 other person
the only rapeseed quapas are the tocharians and scythians who came after indo european expansion had indo european paternal haplogroups.
those central asian invaders were asiatic in the sense that they occupied the region but not in the sense that they were mongoloid.

i never claimed the indo europeans were white, in fact most of the things i say related to them are to prove how they're not white/european or curry, or in your case gook.

you say that them being tan somehow makes them mongoloid when most of the world also has tan people, and you conveniently leave out the fact that they obviously had caucusoid skulls and features.

gtfoh with your pseudo revisionism you gook cuck, i stopped taking you seriously when you tried arguing gooks were dick moggers but now i know your completely full shit
Read my sources, little femboy. All of them are scientific and prove that Indo-Europeans were Asiatic rape seeds. The fact that HG R is an Asiatic haplogroup in origin proves that they are rape seeds, although there's much more proof for it. which I linked.
>i never claimed the indo europeans were white
I never claimed indo-Europeans were Asian either, I said they are descended from Asiatics.
I never said them being tan makes them Mongoloid, I said they were more tan then hapas of today, just a side note.
No, they had Mongoloid features as well, the simple fact that they were much more robust than the average Caucasoid proves this LOL
Look at how this reconstruction has Asiatic influences, LMFAO LITTLE NIGGA YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
And yes, Asians are dick moggers. In Vietnam the average penile length is 5.8 inches, and in guangdong the girth is on average five inches.
  • JFL
Reactions: FattySalmon
I understand europoids have little foresight and cannot think too far ahead or back in history. I'll break it down in a way your tiny brain can understand. Y-DNA haplogroups are gene markers, on your Y chromosome, which trace the genetic record of your male ancestors. It's literally a genetic surname, unchanged and passed from father to son for millennia. Europeans have something called Haplogroup R, Q and N. If you carry these haplogroups, you are a rape baby of Asian ancestry. Tatar turkics invaded Russia, Avars did so as well. Siberian Corded ware Aryans colonized the entire continent from the east. Chinese reindeer herders outbred europoids, became the Uralic peoples, and forced their way into Finland, Russia, Sweden, and the Baltics. The Inuits fucked the Welsh and Vikings despite being isolated backwooders. Magyar turkics FOUNDED Hungary, the Mongols owned all of Eastern Europe. The Huns conquered as far west as Paris. Through these millennia of invasions, Y haplogroups R, Q, N, and C have dominated europe, displacing the original G and I lineages almost completely. The only caucasian haplogroups are GHIJ, and of those only I is uniquely european (J and G come from the middle east). Oh and to add insult to injury, haplogroup E comes from africa, you mulatto.

The only reason "white people" ascended to the level they have is geographic luck. Mongol invasions brought Eastern stirrup tech, and warfare tactics. Asia and Mesoamerica never had a Dark age or regression as significant as Europe's fall of Rome. The only reason you lucked out was because you were on an easy-mode distance from the american continent. And even after all that, you still managed to lose your empires and colonies. Euro birthrates are even lower than Japanese ones when "POC" immigration is accounted for. Your people are getting bred by nonwhites faster than a malignant melanoma (pun intended). Inceldom continues to rise with mayocels offing themselves and shooting women out of frustration, with only 12% of under-20 white boys being able to touch a woman. Your race is dying.

Your dolichocephalic recessed cheekbones look gaunt. Your bug-like, low canthal tilt eyes make you look eternally fatigued. Your race is destined to be cucked by ANY nonwhite--Turks, Blacks, Arabs, Asians, even Jews. Europe's been a cumdumpster since the beginning of time. Everything remotely good about your race comes from its women. Which is why despite living in a society that coddles white 'men' you are still getting outbred by Nonwhites on a daily basis. China's rise outshadows your pathetic "Nations" growth--you are living in the Asian century. Your women are getting taken by nonwhites, left, right and centre. Obesity is somehow worse than it was before (is that even possible? lol) and drug addiction and fentanyl epidemics are running rampant. And to top it all off, you will never have a woman. You will never have a foreskin. And you will never be an indigenous European. Your downfall is inevitable, try not to rope QAnon. It never began for "whites".


i know what haplogroup is you yellow fuck. you just can't read too good with your eyes always being closed and complain about muh essays when that's all you've been quote mining.

the R haplogroup isn't white but it is caucusoid.

mongols bringing euorpe technology? did you forget about nearly every bronze age civilization that existed in Europe thousands of years before the mongols were even a thing?

muh gook moggers when you're all short yellow flat faced subhumans with small dicks.
Donald Trump GIF by Election 2016
Read my sources, little femboy. All of them are scientific and prove that Indo-Europeans were Asiatic rape seeds. The fact that HG R is an Asiatic haplogroup in origin proves that they are rape seeds, although there's much more proof for it. which I linked.
>i never claimed the indo europeans were white
I never claimed indo-Europeans were Asian either, I said they are descended from Asiatics.
I never said them being tan makes them Mongoloid, I said they were more tan then hapas of today, just a side note.
No, they had Mongoloid features as well, the simple fact that they were much more robust than the average Caucasoid proves this LOL
View attachment 1255008Look at how this reconstruction has Asiatic influences, LMFAO LITTLE NIGGA YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
And yes, Asians are dick moggers. In Vietnam the average penile length is 5.8 inches, and in guangdong the girth is on average five inches.
Data from 14,597 penile measurements of vietnamese men The median values are 9.03 cm for flaccid length, 14.67 cm (= 5.8 inches) for stretched length, 8.39 cm for mid-shaft circumference, and 2.86 cm for unaroused glans diameter. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33484108/ https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(15)33186-6/pdf Guangzhou, China - Average girth: 5 inches

i know what haplogroup is you yellow fuck. you just can't read too good with your eyes always being closed and complain about muh essays when that's all you've been quote mining.

the R haplogroup isn't white but it is caucusoid.

mongols bringing euorpe technology? did you forget about nearly every bronze age civilization that existed in Europe thousands of years before the mongols were even a thing?

muh gook moggers when you're all short yellow flat faced subhumans with small dicks.
Donald Trump GIF by Election 2016
Copypastes/=/ writing essays, which you have been doing :lul:
HG R is still Asian no matter how much you deny and cope.
Mongols did bring Europe technology, don't deny this fact

LMFAO keep barking and denying for me little boy, it's amusing to me. You're literally a fly to me :lul::lul:
Read my sources, little femboy. All of them are scientific and prove that Indo-Europeans were Asiatic rape seeds. The fact that HG R is an Asiatic haplogroup in origin proves that they are rape seeds, although there's much more proof for it. which I linked.
>i never claimed the indo europeans were white
I never claimed indo-Europeans were Asian either, I said they are descended from Asiatics.
I never said them being tan makes them Mongoloid, I said they were more tan then hapas of today, just a side note.
No, they had Mongoloid features as well, the simple fact that they were much more robust than the average Caucasoid proves this LOL
View attachment 1255008Look at how this reconstruction has Asiatic influences, LMFAO LITTLE NIGGA YOU HAVE NO ARGUMENT :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
And yes, Asians are dick moggers. In Vietnam the average penile length is 5.8 inches, and in guangdong the girth is on average five inches.

robust euro pheno existed before industrialization, even curries and africans have robust skulls when not exposed to sedentary lifestyles.

You clearly are proud about being white because you have nothing else to be proud about like your looks :lul::lul::lul: Loser,NO SANE PERSON WOULD MAKE THESE BIG ASS THREADS LIKE THIS HAHAHAHA
  • +1
Reactions: FattySalmon and Deleted member 6963
Copypastes/=/ writing essays, which you have been doing :lul:
HG R is still Asian no matter how much you deny and cope.
Mongols did bring Europe technology, don't deny this fact
View attachment 1255014
LMFAO keep barking and denying for me little boy, it's amusing to me. You're literally a fly to me :lul::lul:

R is Caucasoid
europe had technology long before the mongols, and eastern technology imported into europe came from the silk road not mongols

JFL talk about cherrypicking

keep writing essays you gook dog
  • Ugh..
Reactions: FattySalmon
robust euro pheno existed before industrialization, even curries and africans have robust skulls when not exposed to sedentary lifestyles.

View attachment 1255013View attachment 1255015View attachment 1255017
As time went on the Indo-Europeans looked less Asian, I don't deny this LOL. But at the very beginning and for some time they had a mixed-race appearance as they were paternally Asian.
Of course there's variance in phenotypes, but at the very beginning they looked Asiatic/Asiatic influenced [2]

This is not robust
lmfao, Europeans are not naturally robust peoples, that's Caesar btw
You clearly are proud about being white because you have nothing else to be proud about like your looks :lul::lul::lul: Loser,NO SANE PERSON WOULD MAKE THESE BIG ASS THREADS LIKE THIS HAHAHAHA

talk about projection and ethnic cope.
i'm not white, i'm only half and mutt. i'm proud of that i guess.

i do these for fun and to watch ethnics like you seethe.
  • JFL
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