Ever seen the movie 'The Invasion'?

Deleted member 209

Deleted member 209

Aug 25, 2018
In this movie, humans get infected by an alien virus which makes them emotionless and apathetic.

This is exactly how you should be as a man. You shouldn't fee anything for anyone. No matter what you see, you should be unphazed by it.

Women are emotions, men are logic. Having emotions as a male will hold you back.

Insecurity, hesitation, doubt, pessimism etc. are all emotions. I wouldn't be surprised if incel forums raise your cortisol making you more emotional and thus, less likely to get laid.
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Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate
I remember a girl telling me to get some "emotion". Smiling feels unnatural tbh
I remember a girl telling me to get some "emotion". Smiling feels unnatural tbh
Us BBC guys don't need emotions. We are literally a fetish. Our whole game should be to become muscular asf and animalistic.
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Reactions: Never_Began

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