Everything I learned from this site (Part1)



Oct 15, 2024
This Multipart-megathread describes every technique in alphabetical order to improve your Sexual Market Value. There probably will be 3 parts. It shares experiences and insights from users aswell as personal experiences. I basically compiled ALL the information I found to be NON COPE/ Useful/ Interesting in a synthetized manner hence why some parts lack sources/ transitions (which I all cut away because everyone here more or less fried dopamine receptors and can't focus for more than a minute.)
I should specify right away that all the softmaxxing in this thread is NATURAL (which means I didn't include steroids usage or heightmaxxing stack). I already know some users will stop reading here because they think everything natural is cope. Anyways let's get to it too much ramblings

Obviously dopamine detox is giga based for those who have tried it but it is hard-af

pro-tip from users :

1. Overdose green tea 1 day per week. Take like, a full bowl of green tea and after boiling it drink it

2. Next day in the morning take turmeric powder, then take again at mid-day and at night, be it 1-2 spoons
3. Don't drink coffee at all

-Feynman Technique
-Revising techniques
-holotropic breathing/meditation/ wim hof
-speed reading techniques
-win wegner techniques (image streaming, windtunneling, footnoting, etc)
-playing/doing stimulating shit like chess, Mensa testing, etc
-learning new vocabulary each day
-cognitive reframing exercises

Some ressources:
Courses | Open Yale Courses


Method #1 – Mindfulness​

In mindfulness meditation, you pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind. You don’t judge the thoughts or become involved with them. You simply observe and take note of any patterns. This practice combines concentration with awareness. You may find it helpful to focus on an object or your breath while you observe any bodily sensations, thoughts, or feelings.

Method #2 – Focused​

Focused meditation involves concentration using any of the five senses. For example, you can focus on something internal, like your breath, or you can bring in external influences to help focus your attention. This practice may be simple in theory, but it can be difficult for beginners to hold their focus for longer than a few minutes at first.

If your mind does wander, it’s important to come back to the practice and refocus. As the name suggests, this practice is ideal for anyone who requires additional focus in their life.


These videos have good techniques to actually remember what you've learned

If you have a habit of chest breathing, try out some belly breathing.
  • Ideally, use Yogi Full Breathing: 5.5s inhale → 5.5s exhale → repeat (=5.5 breaths per minute and 5.5l breath volume), breathing first into the diaphragm, then into the ribs, then into the clavicle, then exhale starting with the clavicle, then the ribs, then the diaphragm again, and repeat.​
  • Breathe through left nostril to become calmer, through right nostril opposite.​
  • The deeper and gentler you inhale and the longer you exhale, the slower your heart beats and the calmer you become
  • The smaller and more inefficient the lungs, the faster you get sick and die. The organs are malleable and we can change them at any internal time. (Increase lung capacity through slow exhalation and air holding training (target 3min))​
  • Seal mouth with tape at night (helps with mewing at night, and keeping your mouth shut, so you have to breath through your nose)​
  • Focus on breathing from time to time: Up to 80 percent of office workers suffer from what is called continuous partial attention. We scan our emails, write something down, check Twitter, and do it all again without really focusing on a specific task. In this state of constant distraction, breathing becomes shallow and irregular. Sometimes we don't breathe at all for half a minute or more.​
  • if the nose is blocked, simply take some water in your hand and pull it through the nose so that it flows out through the mouth​
Good breathing techniques
  • Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) (Improves lung function and lowers heart rate, blood pressure and sympathetic nervous system load. Stimulates the brain. Can also be performed with Rhythmic Breathing.)
    1. thumb of the right hand to the right nostril, ring finger to the left nostril, resting the index and middle fingers between the eyebrows
    2. close the right nostril with the thumb and inhale slowly through the left one.
    3. at the end of inhalation, pause briefly while both nostrils are closed, then lift thumb to exhale through the right.
    4. At the natural end of exhalation, hold both nostrils closed for a moment, then inhale again through the right one.
    5. continue breathing through alternating nostrils for about five to ten passes.​
  • Resonant breathing (MY FAVORITE) (Calming exercise that puts the heart, lungs and circulation in a state of coherence in which the body's systems work with maximum efficiency.)
    1. sit upright, relax the shoulders and abdomen and exhale.
    2. inhale gently for 5.5 seconds, stretching the abdomen as the air fills the lower part of the lungs.
    3. without pause, gently exhale for 5.5 seconds and retract the abdomen as the lungs empty. Each breath should feel like a cycle.
    4. repeat at least 10 times, more often if possible.​
  • Buzzing a song (Buzzing releases 15x more nitric oxide in the nares; this dilates capillaries, improves oxygen supply and relaxes smooth muscle fibers);​
  • Holding your breath while walking/running (Improves co-dioxide level in the blood and thus blood supply)
    1. exhale completely while continuing to walk slowly and counting steps.
    2. in case of strong air hunger stop counting and quietly inhale several times through the nose without stopping. Then breathe normally for at least one minute and then repeat.​
  • Yogi rhythmic breathing with Cleansing Breath (to advanced for looksmax, google it if interested, great for cleansing the lungs)​
strategy no. 1

first, pinch you nose with your fingers. you shouldn't breathe in before this. you are still holding in your breath. second, stand up retaining the pinch nosed. third, look up at the sky, then down at the ground. repeat these up and down motions until air is absolutely needed.

having your airways restricted prompts the brain to unclog them. fluid runs through your sinuses in an attempt to unclog your nose. the motions help this release of fluid. Hot shower aswell helps

pro-tip :

relax and breathe a little less to the point where your body begins to warms up and your nasal passages open up, but not to the point where you tense up. You should be feeling good and focused, which are the results of increased CO2 and subsequent rise in cellular oxygenation. Keep this up for 20-25 minutes and repeat 3x a day. Over time your body will adapt to higher CO2 levels and your reduced breathing will become your normal breathing, after which you work to reduce your breathing even furher. In a few weeks your breathing will be so shallow and slow as to be nearly invisible, and your sleeping requirements will have lessened by at least an hour or two.

Most nutritious foods to eat if you are short on money | Looksmax.org - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics
https://looksmax.org/threads/most-nutritious-foods-to-eat-if-you-are-short-on-money.539353/ (ideally moneymax jfl)

I recommend doing an elimination diet before trying any « specific » diet, but here’s what some users said about diet

Stop eating fried foods, consuming oils (olive oils, almond oils, vegetable oil, etc.) And eating well done red meat.

Superfoods: Kiwi (Beans | The skin on it is eatable it doubles fiber content.) | Avocado | Nutritional Yeast | Greeny foods | Garlic | Onion | Beets | Kale | Brocolli | Brussels | Alfafa Sprouts | Leeks | Spinach | Cruciferous | Allium | Beans | Potatoes | Sweet Potates | Gelatine (High in glycine and protein) | Royal Jelly (high in amino acids and alot of vitamins) | Sourdough Bread (high in vitamins and folic acids) | Pepperoni (High in vit K) | Parsley (High in Vit K2) | Pine Pollen (Doubles T Levels and antidioxants) | Sauerkraut (high in probiotics) | Flax seeds | Cholorella (high on omega-3 and fatty acids) | Livers | Red Meat | Blueberries | Turmeric |

Nuts Royal jelly Gelatin Raw honey
Potatoes bananas, dark chocolate (potassium)
Dandelion Tea
Calcium and Iron get absored in same place in the body, watch out for your milk intake when eating high iron foods or if u are supplementing iron for anemia you should watch out which multivitamins to take. People who drink more milk tend to be more iron deficent
Tannins which are found in tea, coffee, cocoa, crane berries, red wine and broad beans (leave your mouth with the puckered/bitter taste)
Tannins reduce the absorption of zinc and iron

Eat 1-3 pound of raw meat organic naturally fed and not given anything unnatural. If you can’t eat beef try pastured chicken or wild caught fish from the Atlantic daily.
Eat this too:
1 to 2 raw pastured unvaccinated organic eggs.
2 to 4 ounces raw organic unsalted butter
1 to 2 tablespoons of juice from a squeezed lemon organic ofc
1 to 2 teaspoons of unheated raw cold packed honey.
Eat 2 servings a day
If you don’t work out eat 3 quarters of pound meat and 3 quarters of a serving of the drink twice a day instead.

For testosterone eat oysters and or male animal testicles. Testicles being more potent .

AT LEAST one pound of meat a day, red meat is best

Carb sources (2g per kg bodyweight) : Potatoes, sweet potatoes, white rice, bananas, peaches (limit the fruit)
Fat sources: Olive oil, PB butter, trace fats from other foods
Protein sources: Cod, pollock, beef, pork, chicken, cottage cheese, greek yoghurt

keep sodium intake the same everyday

balanced O3/O6 ratio :

Food high in Omega 3 (good) : Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring), oysters, cod liver. You can go on vegetable sources as well (like flax-seeds), but it won't be well absorbed.

Food high in Omega 6 (bad) : nuts (especially cashews, peanuts -although it's considered as a legume-, almonds), poly-unsaturated vegetable oils (soybean, hazelnut, corn, sunflower..), oats in large quantities, poor-quality meat...

Food high in Omega 9 (good/neutral) : Avocado, macadamia nuts, olive oil...

Unsatured fats : eggs, coconut oil, grassfed butter, beef, etc.

aged cheeses only ; cheddar, Parmesan, Gruyere, etc.

Food high in iodine : seafood like fish, oysters, mold, algae...
Food high in selenium : seafood, brazil nuts (two are enough), eggs, some grains...

Limit liver intake to 3 ounces a week
Ideal Source: Kosher, organic, grass fed bison. Eat what the chosen people eat. Satisfactory source: beef liver from a goy butcher.

Red meat
1 portion of red meat everyday.
Ideal source: Grass fed bison (hard to source so try calling reputable butchers in your area)
Satisfactory source: grass fed organic beef

Eggs are a good source of protein and fats. They are often consumed by a large array of animals because of their rich nutrient profile. Do not overcook eggs as that will break down the nutrients. Cook it so its slightly runny/gooey.

Ideal source: kosher free range organic turkey/duck/ other large bird eggs Satisfactory source: free range organic chicken eggs

Spinach every day

avoid pasta

PRO TIP : boil egg shells for 20 mins, put in oven and then put in coffee grinder to get eggshell powder. Eggshell is simply 99.9% Calcium Carbonate. Eat this powder once a day with a big meal that has no meat, because Calcium chelates and limits Iron absorption.

Fruits: Fruits should be consumed ideally if you eat them separately from other foods, such as mid morning or mid afternoon, or at least 1/2 hour before meals. In addition, fruit sugar requires salivary enzymes to digest it. So masticating the fruits and saturating them with saliva is essential for their digestion.

Sit down while drinking water Drink slowly Start your day with a glass of boiled water
cook your steaks and organs rare, but fully cook your egg whites as when raw then have anti nutrients

foods to eliminate COMPLETELY (@Amnesia recommandations)

gluten free diet
absolute abolition of :
well done red meat
meat with nitrites
fried food




Oats, Oatmeal

Fried Food
– nothing fried! You should boil, broil or bake and never more than medium rare.
Oils – Yes, this includes Olive Oil! NO canola, NO coconut, etc… If it has OIL in the name don’t use it. This also includes anything made from oil, like salad dressing. No margarine or combo spreads. No mayonnaise. Nothing made from oils.
No burned fats – If you grill your food, try to have something between the food and the fire (like aluminum foil) so the juice doesn’t drip onto the flame and deposit dangerous things on the meat.
Any nitrates added to meat – (ie: deli meats) tell your butcher NO NITRATES or NITRITES!
No carbonated drinks of any kind within one hour before, during or one hour after meals. They weaken stomach acid thus making it hard for the body to break down proteins to be digested
Skin of a baked potato (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato, you can eat the skins.
Carnivore diet (if needed):
@Prettyboy pre workout stack on carnivore :
- 160 mg caffeine
- 1 200 mg taurine
- 1 000 mg L-carnitine
- 250 mg magnesium


Soy (genistein, daidzein)

Green tea

Pumpkin seed oil


Flavonoids (biochanin A, quercetin, myricetin, fisetin and kaempferol) (R, R, R, R)

Black pepper .


Panax ginseng

Beta-sitosterol. (found in avocadoes, nuts, black cumin oil/black seed oil, pygeum, stinging nettle)

Azelaic acid (found in wheat, rye, and barley)

Reishi mushroom, including other mushrooms, with white button mushroom being the least inhibitory.



DIM (is able to displace DHT from its receptor and is a estrogen receptor agonist)

Lignan. Lignans are compounds found in plant food sources. Lignans strongly inhibit 5-alpha reductase, and also lowers testosterone (R). Foods that are high in lignans include seeds (especially flax seed) and whole grains (breads, pastas, cereals etc.)

fluoride ( especially if it s in tap water)


Peanut butter
Food from plastic box, container
Pasteurized milk
Cheap yogurt
Canned foods
Heavily processed foods
Vegetable oils
Fruit juice from the supermarket
Any type of pharmaceutical drugs
Smoking marijuana
Taking drugs

Saw Palmeetto

Pro Tips from users :
I drink this stuff right from the bottle, or whichever brand they have cheapest on amazon
View attachment 3241550
Coconut oil: This shit is disgusting to eat, gag inducing even, but it will assist the molasses with skin and cartilage growth. Your hair and skin will glow and it will give your body pure fatty acids that create pregnanolone, the compound that will raise your test up.
The capsules are easy to swallow and won't make you puke.

Bovine Orchic extract: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicles_as_food This is the nastiest sounding of them all but will literally assist your genetics to the highest degree.

Eat more celery, parsley and spinach

A Smoothie recipe

- 400ml of Dragon Herbs Spring Dragon Longevity Tea – Brew the tea, let it cool in the fridge and use it as the base for the smoothie
- 150ml of coconut milk
- 1 scoop of Sun Warrior Vanilla Protein Powder and 1 Scoop of Chocolate One World Whey Protein Powder
- 1 teaspoon organic raw maca powder
- ½ teaspoon polyrachis ant powder
- ½ teaspoon cordyceps mushroom
- ½ teaspoon reishi (Reduces DHT, be careful)
- 2 dessert spoons melted raw organic coconut oil
- 8 almonds, organic, unsalted, raw
- a pinch of Himalayan salt.
- 2 teaspoons organic raw honey
- 1 teaspoon raw cacao
- ½ a banana
- 18 walnuts

Make sure the ingredients are raw and organic. Blend all of these together. Drink water half an hour before you drink this and an hour after.

Here are several things to be aware of in order for your gut to function correctly and reduce inflammation in the body

⁃ Avoid Toxic ‘Foods’

• Processed seed oils (canola, vegetable, soybean, palm, etc),
• Processed sugars / anything packeted
• Artificial flavourings, colourings
• GMO Foods, Non-organic foods
• Excess fibrous Uncooked vegetables
• Gluten (breads, pasteurised dairy, soy, corn, nuts)
• Alcohol, antibiotics/prescription drugs, anti-inflammatories, excess coffee

⁃ Fasting:
Stopping the constant influx of food for a period of time is essential to give your gut time to heal and repair itself. You can do intermittent fasting within the day or a 24 hour fast every 2-4 weeks to help with this.

⁃ Bone broth - an amazing gut healing food that not only helps to heal any permeability of the small intestine but also improves nutrient absorption. It also adds super essential bone fortifying nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. I have for 2 months been drinking bone broth with sea salt three mornings a week before anything else and you can have this while fasting.

Pro Tip from users :

spoon of cinnamon and honey and half a tablespoon of vanilla extract mixed into green tea/normal tea daily

Consume peppermint, nutmeg, spearmint, wheatgrass and parsley regulary

• Avoid caffeine, tea and alcohol.
(• Eliminate fiber intake and plant based foods.) <-not sure about this
• Drink pure water and avoid all tap and plastic bottled water.
• Eliminate dairy, especially the A1 dairy.

Restore HCL :

Complex carbs, such as processed foods, cereals, breads, pastas, and starchy vegetables, should be avoided. Begin your day with remineralizing. Drink 3 glasses of water with ½ teaspoon salt.

Probiotic-rich foods:

Yogurt (look for unsweetened varieties)
Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi
Miso and tempeh
Prebiotic-rich foods:
Garlic and onions
Chicory root
Leafy greens
Fatty fish


Vitamin C: citrus, bell peppers, and strawberries. 500mg per day is more than enough
Vitamin E: almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocado.
Take half your body weight and drink that amount in ounces of water. You hear it everywhere and thats because it's SO important, water is essential for moisturizing the skin and preventing dryness, helping maintain a healthy skin barrier, also great for a healthy gut.
Aloe vera gel for morning debloat massage with microcurrent device, beef tallow for general moisturizing, cicaplast and tret mix for night with vollufiline on eyebags, forehead wrinkles, nasal folds and lips. All you need. I don't use cleansers, cold water is enough.

Supplements :

(Amnesia takes these) :

1 Cannister a month

Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.5

1 Bottle a month

Beyond Osteo FX Plus Liquid

Extra Antioxidants (slow down aging)
1 bottle is good for 6 months

butea superba

Cod Liver Oil:1/2 tsp daily

Vitamin K MK4

Cardiovascular & Heart Health

• Garlic
How to take it
Garlic can be eaten or supplemented. . Supplementation is recommended for people that dislike the smell or taste of garlic. Supplementation of aged garlic extract will prevent the bad breath that comes from eating garlic cloves.
Garlic should be ingested cautiously if you are taking blood thinning medication like warfarin.
To maximize garlic’s benefits, eat three cloves a day, split between several meals. The cloves may be eaten raw or cooked, but they should not be boiled or otherwise heated before they are cut. Crushing garlic before heating will activate its bioactive compounds.
To supplement garlic, take 600 – 1,200 mg of aged garlic extract a day, split into several doses and taken with meals.

• Nitrate

The best way to supplement nitrates is by consuming leafy greens and beets. The standard dose for nitrates is between 6.4 – 12 .8 mg per kilogram of bodyweight. This corresponds to:

• 440 - 870 mg for a 150lb person
• 580 - 1,160 mg for a 200lb person
About 500 g (just over a pound) of fresh lettuce, rocket, swiss chard, crown daisy, spinach, kale, or beets a day will maximize nitrate’s benefits. Cooking does not appear to reduce the bioavailability of nitrates from beets. If you eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables, like spinach and kale, consider adding iodine to your diet by increasing your consumption of iodized table salt.

Insulin Sensitivity & Glucose Uptake

• Zinc

To supplement zinc, take 25 – 30 mg of elemental zinc. Elemental zinc is the amount of zinc in the supplement you’re taking, excluding any compounds included to improve zinc absorption. For example, to take 30 mg of elemental zinc, take 230 mg of zinc gluconate. The label displays the elemental zinc content, not the total dosage.
Zinc should be taken with meals. Do not pair zinc with minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron
in combined doses of 800 mg or more. Combining them at low doses is fine.
If your diet is high in zinc, you do not need to supplement zinc. Foods like meat, fish, beans, nuts, seeds, and eggs are high in zinc.

Libido & Sexual Enhancement

• Maca

To supplement maca, take 1,500 – 3,000 mg of maca root powder a day, with the first meal of the day.

Memory & Focus

• Blueberry

To supplement blueberries, take 500 – 1,000 mg of blueberry anthocyanins, once a day.
This is equivalent to 60 – 120 g of fresh berries, less than one metric cup.
To supplement blueberries through a supplement that is not concentrated for anthocyanin content, take 5.5 – 11 g of the supplement.
Studies on blueberry juice use a 500 mL daily dose.

Honorable Mentions:
• Bacopa monnieri
• L-Theanine with Caffeine

Sleep Quality

• Magnesium

Magnesium is not a time-dependent supplement, and does not need to be taken immediately before bed. The standard dose for magnesium is 200mg of elemental magnesium, though doses of up to 400 mg can be used.
Magnesium gluconate should be taken with a meal to increase the absorption of the supplement, but other forms of magnesium can be taken either with food or on an empty stomach. Some antibiotics such as the quinolone class (ie. ciprofloxacin) and tetracyclines should not be taken alongside magnesium.

Testosterone Boosting & Enhancement

• Vitamin D

To supplement vitamin D, take between 2,000 – 3,000 IU a day. The lower end of the range our usual recommended dose, while the higher end is similar to the dosages used in studies on vitamin D and testosterone.
Vitamin D should be taken with meals containing dietary fat. It is sometimes taken in the morning due to anecdotal reports that it may impair sleep quality if taken too close to bedtime.

Supplements you want to add:

- Cod liver oil

The most important supplement on this list. Don’t get the fish oil variants, make sure it’s cod liver oil. Contains good omega 3’s and has high amounts of bio available Vit A and D3.

The carnivore diet kinda lacks magnesium so among with mineral water, I supplement an additonal 2x250 mg of it. I consume the first tablet before exercise, the second at evening. Magnesium helps prevent musce cramps and helpsfalling sleep easier.

30 mins before exercise I intake 1 200 mg from tablet. Helps with exercise performance.

30 mins before exercise I intake 1 000 mg from tablet. Helps with exercise performance and aids fat burning.

L-Arginine does the same thing as Niacin but through a different method, so you can take both and stack the benefits.

-Astaxanthin 12mg
-niacin 500mg - 3g

Cortisol supplements:
-Lion mane 10g 🌤
-sniff (smell) Rosemary out of the bottle
Ashwagandha KSM 66
Only take during periods of high stress and ONLY at night helps with relaxation but if you take to frequentely it cant stunt cortisol in the AM

  • A half teaspoon of grated ginger taken with a pinch of salt is an excellent appetizer and increases hydrochloric acid, the digestive fire. Splashing cool water over your face, neck, and hands before meals also stimulates your stomach acid.​
  • Always sit down to eat. Eat at roughly the same times each day.
  • Eat neither too quickly nor too slowly (about 20 / 30 minutes) and without interruption. Chewmax your food (important)​
  • Eat to about ¾ of your stomach capacity at your biggest meal; this equals the amount of your two cupped hands full. Ideally, one third of the meal should consist of liquid food of a soupy consistency. Always eat first your salad, then soup, then your main meal. Never combine them together.​
  • Avoid eating a meal or snack before the previous meal has been digested, unless it is a piece of fruit. Allow approximately 3 to 6 hours between meals, depending upon the types of food consumed.​
  • If you desire to drink anything with your meals, it is best to sip a little hot or warm water. Also avoid drinking large quantities of liquids right before and within the first 1 hour after meals.​
  • Sleeping after meals causes sluggishness and increases body weight. However, it is good to rest for about 10 minutes after meals and, if possible, to go for a 10 to 15 minute walk.​

Nutrition - 3 Stages (Ages 0-3, Ages 4-12, Ages 13-18)

Stage 1 - 0 to 3 y.o

It is essential that your son is breastfed for at least the first 2 years for proper nutrition and proper swallowing.

HARD foods at an early age, not bullshit baby food. This can include any fruits, nuts,
veggies, as long as they’re reasonably small pieces. Avoid grains and grain products. Gradually increase the size and hardness as you see fit.

Introduce meats, poultry, liver etc but avoid dairy products if ethnic. Occasionally feed your son raw meat. It’s best to buy grass fed, hormone free meat if you can afford it.

Make sure to feed your son enough. Try to keep him on the slightly chubby side for height and strength gains.


Stage 2 - 4 to 12 y.o

Continue feeding your son a hard, balanced diet containing plenty of meat/organs and nutrient dense veggies (i.e. broccoli, spinach, kale, carrots). Your son should get his carbs from fruit and veggies and completely avoid refined grain products (white bread, rice, etc).


Later in this stage, around 8 maybe, your son should be participating in a competitive team sport so slight weight loss in the next few years is to be expected. Make sure he eats more.

Stage 3 - 13 to 18 y.o

Keep up with the same diet, and make sure your son eats much more to maximize his growth during puberty.

Introduce him to falim or mastic gum to supplement the hard diet.

Drastically increase the amount of protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc in his diet or supplement with a multivitamin.

How to ensure proper social and emotional development

In puberty:

Let your son go out with friends whenever he asks, but do not take it lightly if he comes too late or smells of drugs/alcohol. Lecture him on the terrible effects and it’s his decision to make if he wants to fuck his life.

No matter what, keep letting him go out to have every opportunity to slay. Also, make sure he joins the high school sport team.

After 14, stop beating him because he’s old enough to deal with his own mistakes.

Also at around 14, register him to a boxing/kickboxing/Muay Thai gym so he can be even more low inhib.

When he’s of legal age, force him to get a job. Preferably manual labor.

Reward really good grades with occasional gifts, but also do not make it too important.

Reward entrepreneurship (reselling stuff, etc) with even more money and gifts.

• Air/environment:
◦ Maintain good air quality (1-50 )- sleep with an air filter.
◦ Surround yourself with plants/greenery (both to reduce stress and improve air quality).
◦ Sun exposure- for several reasons.
◦ Soothing music.
◦ The baby can hear during development from week 20 onwards, and by week 25 the auditory system is fully functional- read and talk and read to him.

• Useful tools:
◦ A health monitor like a FitBit or Apple Watch to track heart rate, sleep, exercise, blood oxygen etc
◦ Air filters
◦ Water filter
◦ A comfortable bed with good temperature control and noise and light control for optimal sleep
◦ Pill organizer for supplements
◦ Blood glucose monitor (mainly if diabetes or hypoglycemia are concerns)
◦ Blood pressure monitor

• Ideal newborn outcomes: (be sure to test for thyroid function etc)
◦ Ideal weight at birth is 2,500-4,000 grams
◦ Ideal head circumference is a little over 13 3/4 in (35 cm).
◦ Best to wait at least 39 weeks and let labor work on its own (several risks for c-sections).
  • What is involved in Early Orthodontic Treatment?​
  • Elimination of oral habits – thumb/finger sucking, dummy, bottle dependent.​
  • Assessment of tonsils and adenoids​
  • Parents aren’t always aware of their child’s tonsillar problems because chronically large tonsils may not be infected and don’t always cause pain​
  • Sometimes parents are just aware of slow or noisy eating.​
  • Difficult to get GPs to refer as they base referrals on number of acute cases of tonsillitis/year but dentists/orthodontists can refer directly to ENTs if they explain that airway problems are contributing to orthontic problems.​
  • Bite opening​

    • Buildups using tooth coloured filling material to lengthen molars will increase vertical dimension, makes more room for the tongue and allows the mandible to develop, repositions mandibular condyles taking pressure off ears and jaw joint discs​

  • Myofunctional Appliance (Munchy) :Best started around 3 years of age, used daily and slept with if possible.​
  • Used to improve peri-oral muscle tone and balance, correct swallow pattern, train tongue to go to the roof of mouth, encourage nose breathing.​

  • Additional benefits – helps to keep teeth and gums clean, stimulates salivation to buffer acids and aid digestion.​

  • Can only be used if nose breathing is possible and tonsils are not so enlarged that they’re pushing tongue anteriorly​

  • Most effective for crossbites, open bites and Class IIIs (mandible developing faster than maxilla)​

    Orthopaedic Orthodontics is started as early as possible and usually completed in two phases of treatment. In the first phase, the child’s jaw growth is monitored and guided to achieve the best possible facial balance and jaw relationship. Treatment is planned to stimulate growth where it is deficient, to redirect it where its direction is wrong and to moderate it where it is excessive. Bringing the mandible forwards, developing the maxilla, opening the bite are examples of functional orthodontics.
    Depending on the emotional maturity of the child and the cooperative level of parents, functional orthodontic treatment can be started as early as 3 years of age.
    Windows of opportunity for using Removable Orthodontic Appliances (plates)​
  • 4 to 6 years (once baby incisors are lost, the appliance will be too unstable)​

  • 8 to 10 years (before baby molars get loose)
    Fixed functional appliances are also used but require more attention to oral hygiene.
    Myofunctional appliances can be used in conjunction with orthodontic appliances to help keep teeth and gums clean.

    The 2nd Phase (braces) is more about the teeth and so is not usually started until most of the adult teeth have erupted. It provides the fine-tuning necessary to produce optimal positioning of each individual tooth in the dental arch.

A list:
Beauty and Lifestyle Products:





Parabens (Propyl-, Isopropyl-, Butyl- and Isobutyl-)


DEA/TEA/MEA (Ethanolamines

Sodium lauryl (ether) sulfate (SLS, SLES)

Diethylene glycol (or DEG)


3-benzylidene camphor

2,4-Dihydroxybenzophenone; Resbenzophenone


Bisphenol F





PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid)

Diethanolamine salt of PFOS

Potassium salt of PFOS

Lithium salt of PFOS

Ammonium salt of PFOS

Food and Beverages:

Atrazine: An herbicide used to control weeds and grass. Found in drinking water.

Bisphenol A (BPA)


Flame Retardants




Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs)






Bisphenol A

Bisphenol S
  1. Others include: Arsenic, DDT, glycol ethers, lead, mercury, PCBs (banned in 1980, but still present in the food supply), polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and phytoestrogens (naturally occurring plant estrogens found in greatest quantities in soybeans and flax seeds, although these have also been shown to lower breast cancer risk).​

Diundecyl phthalate (DuDP)

Diethyl phthalate (DEP)

1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C8-10-\nbranched alkyl esters, C9-rich

Dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP)

Dioctyl phthalate

Diisononyl phthalate

Diisodecyl phthalate (DiDP)


Sulfluramid (EtFOSA)






Dibutyltin (DBT)

Dibutyltin dichloride

Triphenyltin (TPhT)

Triphenyltin chloride

Tributyltin hydride


Triphenyltin hydroxide

Triphenyltin acetate

Dibutyltin (dilaurate)

Tripropyltin hydride

Tripropyltin chloride

Tributyltin chloride

Bis(tripropyltin) oxide



Tert-butyl methyl ether; MTBE; 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane


Tert.-Butylhydroxyanisole (BHA); tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol

Pentachlorophenol (PCP)



Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(octylphenyl)-omega-hydroxy-branched

Quadrosilan; 2,6-cis-Diphenylhexamethylcyclotetrasiloxane



Perchloroethylene; tetrachloroethylene

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)

Butylated Hydroxytoluene

Carbon disulphide

Chlorinated paraffins (CPs)


2-ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate


Glycols, polyethylene, mono((1,1,3,3-tet = Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-[(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl) phenyl]-.omega.-hydroxy-



3-(4-Methylbenzylidene) camphor; 1,7,7-trimethyl-3-[(4-methylphenyl) methylene]bicyclo[2.2.1] heptan-2-one




Triphenyl phosphate

How to Avoid?

Avoid Plastics.
Opt for reusable water bottles instead.

Get a Water Filter. For your tap, and for your shower.

Buy Organic, and avoid some of the worst offending carcinogens.

Look for “fragrance free” and “paraben free” on your next bottle of shampoo, body wash, or household cleaner.

Eat Hunted Heat Rather than Store Bought

Get Rid of Perfumes

Store Food Without Plastic

Avoid Touching Recepits


Water (tap water and bathing)

Pesticides, herbicides and insecticides, including glyphosate as found in conventional food, and even tampons

Cleaning products (home and industrial)

Plastics (food, beverages, storage containers, non-food packaging and industrial plastics)

Canned foods

Dental sealants


Air and dust

Air fresheners

Laundry products (detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, etc.)

Hair dyes

Nail polish and nail polish removers


Personal care products (shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, moisturizer, body wash, etc.)



Medical devices

Birth control pills


Building materials

Home furnishings (including furniture, carpets, window drapes, mattresses/foams, bedding)

Photocopiers and printers

Artificial food dyes

Non-stick pans

Store Bought Fruit


Usual things to avoid and not to consume?
Soy (genistein, daidzein)
Green tea
Pumpkin seed oil
Flavonoids (biochanin A, quercetin, myricetin, fisetin and kaempferol) (R, R, R, R)
Black pepper .
Panax ginseng
Beta-sitosterol. (found in avocadoes, nuts, black cumin oil/black seed oil, pygeum, stinging nettle)
Azelaic acid (found in wheat, rye, and barley)
Reishi mushroom, including other mushrooms, with white button mushroom being the least inhibitory.
Saw palmetto
DIM (is able to displace DHT from its receptor and is a estrogen receptor agonist)
Lignan. Lignans are compounds found in plant food sources. Lignans strongly inhibit 5-alpha reductase, and also lowers testosterone (R). Foods that are high in lignans include seeds (especially flax seed) and whole grains (breads, pastas, cereals etc.)
fluoride ( especially if it s in tap water)
all the stuff found in shampoos / soaps and hygene products, they also contain phthalates, benzophenones (look for markings BP-1, BP-2, BP-3, etc. on the label), phenoxyethanol, triclosan and/ or triclocarban - all of them either strong xenoestrogens or disruptive for your body's testosterone production
Avoid common soap, buy organic soap (make sure there is no creosote in it)

Toothpaste not only contains fluoride, but is filled with parabens and other toxic compounds, buy a proper herbal organic toothpaste.

When it comes to products such as hand sanitiser, deodorant, anti perspirant, cosmetics, sunscreen, etc make sure to read the label and buy organic.

Avoid products with tea tree, lavender, apricot, clover, canola, eucalyptus and aloe vera oils. Especially lavender. opt for almond, grapeseed, chamomile, fir, pine, cedar, coconut, citrus and jojoba oils.

Detergents/ fabric softeners are all crap, throw them out and opt for natural/ organic ones. chemicals from detergents seep into your bloodstream from clothes.

Ditch air fresheners, condoms, cigarettes, vapes, etc; they are all filled to the brim with toxic compounds.

Avoid sugar substitutes (if you are following the diet advice you shouldn’t be consuming them anyway) saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame-k and sucralose all affect your testosterone production - some more, some less, but the effect is there. stevia, a natural sweetener, has an extremely powerful estrogenic effect, to the point of being prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers in many countries. you might not have much of a choice here if you have diabetes, but if you can overcome your sweet cravings altogether, you will do your testosterone a lot of good.

Natural aromatase inhibitors:

- Arugula
-Pomegranate extract
-DIM and luteolin, found in Broccoli
-Grape seed extract
Vitamin K2 (MK-4)

@forevergymcelling product recommandation:

Use a color corrector before concealer to neutralize discoloration. Green corrector counteracts redness and purple tones. Peach corrector cancels out blue undertones.Apply thin layers and blend well. Too much concealer can settle into fine lines. Use a damp beauty sponge or brush to press product in.Choose a concealer one to two shades lighter than your skin tone to brighten up the undereye area. Avoid anything too thick or dry, which emphasizes creases.
  • Hydrating concealers with ingredients like vitamin E, hyaluronic acid and ceramides work best for the delicate undereye area.​
Set concealer with a light dusting of powder to prevent creasing.
Avoid rubbing the area which can pull on the thin skin.
Finish with an undereye cream containing brightening ingredients like vitamin C, caffeine or retinol to treat the root causes of dark circles over time.

use ice mask 30 mins 2 times a day
Applying a small amount of moisturizer and then BB cream on undereyes Apply coconut oild under eyes before sleeping

https://looksmax.org/threads/how-i-softmaxxed-my-eye-area-how-i-improved-what-i-recommend.1171619/ (good thread although anecdotal experience of some users on some products like latisse/ minoxidil are negative)

Technique : hold the middle finger on the top of your orbital, and the index finger on the outer canthus. then, SQUINT as hard as possible (not recommended may cause wrinkles)

Hyperpigmentation: blast some depigmenters like azelaic acid, 4-n Butylresorcinol, arbutin

Improve vision/ spend less time on screens and more in nature/Sleepmax (see guide)

Reducing eye fatigue is underrated , I do this every day and actually got better vision over time (although I didn’t have fucked up too fucked vision before but having rested eyes feels very good) :


Products :

Every night for one month or so apply castor oil into your eyelashes and eyebrows with your finger super easy takes less than 3 minutes tops get it in there nice.
Than put vaseline ontop of the castor oil

Dermastamp once a week and pepermint oil right after
no latisse

How to groom (https://www.rachaelraymag.com/real-life/3-ways-to-groom-your-eyebrows#:~:text=How to Groom-,1.,elongate and slim the face.)
How to dye (https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/how-to-dye-eyebrows)

Hat (avoid fedora)

If ever you will need to save money, you might start from hats and overcoats.
Anyway, probably you need at least two coats: one for winter and one for the mid-season. You may use just one if you buy a coat with a detachable internal puffer jacket or wool jacket. The most used here in Italy is the jacket by Tod's. If instead you would like to change between mid and winter seasons, you may buy a short trench or a raincoat for spring and autumn.
The winter jacket should be dark grey or blue, even black is acceptable but I would avoid it. Avoid also lighter colors, because they can get dirty very easily and are impossible to match. The trech/raincoat can be light brown/sand, but again it will get dirty very easily

Long and formal coats, made of wool or kashemere, aren't much warm and are not practical, especially if you have to drive or commute to your workplace. They are the best in terms of elegance, but I have used mines not more than once or twice in the last years, and only for ceremonies and not for work. If you will buy one of them, if you can never wear it while you are on a car, otherwise you will spoil it.

So, for winter you can buy Tod's https://www.tods.com/ or some more formal Moncler puffers https://www.moncler.com/en-us/men/outerwear/coats-and-trench-coats (only if you live in very cold climate, honestly I would not choose them because it's hard to find something really formal); Moncler's "spaccio aziendale" (factoty outlet) is in Trebaseleghe, a village in province of Padua (Veneto). A rather less known, but high quality maker, is Moorer. It makes very elegant, but practical, coats https://www.moorer.clothing/us/men/coats.html?p=2 . The factory outlet is located in Castelnuovo del Garda, between Verona and the Garda Lake (Veneto).


1) Fabric: wool. Avoid blends of silk, they make you look like a pimp, and of course avoid any syntetic blend. In full summer you might opt for a linen or cotton ("cotonaccio") suit, but it is not very formal. "Frescolana" = "fresh wool" is nearly a scam, because when it's hot you will boil into it, but it's the coolest fabric for a really formal suit. You might try to find an unlined jacket, but usually the sleeves are lined anyway. If you live in a mild climate you might use the same set of suits all year around, especially if you move by car and thus spend a short time outside in winter, otherwise you need two sets, one for autumn-winter and one for spring-summer. Remember that softer fabrics wear out more easily, especially in the trousers.
2) Color: as I wrote, grey and blue are the best choice. Be very careful with patterns, because you have to match them with the shirt and the necktie, or even the scarf and suspenders. Pinstripes should not be too in chromatic contrast and the stripes not too large. Checks are not formal, unless for a few shortlived fashions. Please refer to Flusser's book for all the details.
3) Lapels: never wear peak lapels, except at weddings or other very formal ceremonies.
4) Jacket's buttons: today's fashion is for two buttons for the jacket, but three are more classic. I suggest to buy always jackets with three buttons, then have it ironed showing two (the first one on the top can be covered by changing the shape of the lapel) or three or them according to your taste and/or fashion. The top of style are buttons made of horn, but I don't think that 99.9% of people can distinguish them from plastic ones. If you use horn buttons, cover them when the suit is going to be dry washed, or they will be damaged. Never use metal buttons, you are not a ship captain.
5) Sleeves' buttons: never less than 3 or more than 5. 4 is by far the best number. The first thing that I check when I buy a suit is if the buttons of the sleeves can be opened or they are sealed. If the sleeve is just a cylinder, you cannot open the buttons. If instead its cuff can be opened, so are the buttons. It makes a huge difference, because only the best (in the past only taylored) suits have open sleeves and, therefore, if your suit has this charcteristic you must (I repeat: must) open the last button (the one closest to your hand; if you wish even two buttons, especially in summer) in order to signal to the world that you wear a good and maybe taylored suit. Today it is increasingly difficult to find suits with this detail.
7) Trousers: today usually they don't have pleats. But, if your thighs are big a pleat for each leg is very useful. Two pleats per leg are too much. The waist should be medium, but you will have to follow the fashion and accept it. Anyway, if your legs are short you should opt for high waist and the opposite if you have a long torso. The cuffs of the legs should be proportional to your height and weight, but usually 4 cm are enough, 3 cm if you are really short. Trousers for ceremonies should not have cuffs.
8) Size: last but not least, remember that suits have TWO systems of sizes. The usual size (i.e. EU 48 is the typical size) that we all know, and the drop. The drop changes the shape of the suit in order to accomodate people with longer or shorter limbs. The more you are longilinear, the the higher the drop. Drop 6 is for normal people, drop 7 and 8 for thin people, 5 and 4 for rather short and fat or anyway square-built, etc. The jacket's bottom should align with your thumb's knuckle, while you keep your arm relaxed along your side.

Suits truly made in Italy, by factories which manage to keep a rather artisanal approach to production, have the best quality/cost ratio, especially if bought during sales or in factory outlets (I mean, the ones close to the actual factory, not the ones in the "fashion outlet districts", which have honest prices but the often the most gibberish colors or strange sizes). I repeat the list that I have already made: Canali, Corneliani, Raffaele Caruso, Belvest (rather pricey), Loro Piana, Ermenegildo Zegna, Boglioli. There are surely other less known brands, but I would be careful. Corneliani's factory outlet is close to Mantua (south of the Garda lake, Lombardy), while Caruso's is in Soragna, near Parma (Emilia-Romagna), and Boglioli's in Gambara (province of Brescia, Lombardy).

Shirts and cufflinks
1) Shirts should be made only of cotton, syntetic blends sometimes are useful because make less wrinkles, but they can be smelly by the end of the day, especially if they are too close to your armpit. Popeline is elegant but very hot (it is not transpiring) and makes wrinkles easily, but it is useful if you take off your jacket and are ashamed of showing your nipples under your white shirt, because it's extra covering (Chads should not read this sentence, as foids get wet when they see their nipples under shirts). Bonus tip: to make less wrinkles, first wear your trousers, then lace your shoes, and only then wear your shirt. Flusser's book provides a lot of details about the several different frabrics.
2) Color: white, light blue, thin (1-2 mm) stripes of light blue and white. Any other color must be chosen carefully and surely is much less formal. Sometimes a pale pink for stripes can be acceptable, but I wouldn't wear it with a suit.
3) Collar: Italian collar. The French one is too open, but is good if you have a round face. A Korean collar is not formal. Smaller collars are good for thin people who wear suits with small lapels too.
4) Cuffs: with normal plastic (if they look like mother-of-pearl it's better) buttons are more than enough, but if you have muscular forearms and anyway good wrists you may choose cufflinks. Cufflinks can be inserted in the shirt in two ways: either the shirt has double cuffs, and thus your cufflinks will have a jointed rod, or the shirt has a normal cuff with two buttonholes, and thus your cufflinks will be formed by two identical parts kept together by a short and thin chain. The latter model is rarer today and much more elegant, but you need masculine wrists to wear it, and often the shirt must be tailor made. You may use rather non-conformist cufflinks, but anyway avoid precious and shiny stones and keep the design as linear and classic as possible. The metal of the cufflink should match the one of the watch, i.e. never wear yellow gold cufflinks with steel/white gold watch (the opposite is rather acceptable).
5) Buttons: as I said, plastic like mother-of-pearl is perfect. Real mother-of-pearl is a waste of money. Metal must be avoided.
6) Monograms: not necessary, anyway a simple font (such as Arial or Times New Roman) is better than handwriting. They should be placed on your stomach, just left of your navel. Other places (e.g. cuffs) are out of fashion today. They should be of a color in contrast with the rest of the shirt, such as white on blue or dark blue on white-and-blue stripes. With white shirts they may be of every color you wish, just remember that then you should match it with the necktie, suit, etc...
7) Pocket on the left (no other places and no more than one): useless, but acceptable, especially in summer, when you can use it to keep your sunglasses if you are not wearing the jacket.
8) Lenght: if you are tall, the shirt will tend to get out of your trousers. So, the longer the shirt the better it is. The problem is that several producers save on fabric and make shirts as short as possible: avoid them unless you are really short. If the shirt keeps getting out, keep the belt tighter and/or put the lower part of the shirt into your underpants (never let anybody notice it, especially a foid, because it's ludicrous).
9) Size: if a shirt has just "S, M, L, XL, etc." sizes, it's just garbage. The sizes are given by the measure of the neck, in cm or inches. The usual is 40 cm or 15 3/4".

There are a lot of good tailors making shirts, also in the Far East and India, not only Italy. If you have a normal torso, you might just buy factory-made shirts. The best Italian producers with decent prices are Carrel, Barba, Mattabitsch, Xacus (this one has a lower quality and its shirts are usually very short). But there are dozens more.

Made of silk, no other fabrics, unless in autumn-winter, when you might try wool ties (but they are rather casual). Stretch fabrics must be avoided also because they are unable to keep the knot in place for more than a few hours. On casual Fridays you might try a tricot necktie, both made of silk or wool (or a blend of the two).

How to tie a tie? Download a fucking app and follow the instructions, or watch one or two of the thoudands of videos on Youtube. Choose a symmetrical and simple knot (therefore, despite it's the most classic, I avoid the Four in hand), unless you have a very short torso: as I wrote, the necktie should rest on the belt (not covering the buckle, or at least only a small part of it), so the shorter you are, the longer is the necktie in proportion to your torso. In this case, if you cannot have it cut by a taylor, just use more complex knots, but never go beyond the Half Windsor. Personally I use the "nodo Nicky", i.e. the Pratt Knot in English language.
Whatever the knot, it must have these characteristics:
- it must be as tight as possible. When you make you, you shoud end nearly breathless, then you may open it a few millimeters just to survive. In summer, open it more and open the first button of your shirt, but keeping it covered by the necktie (i.e. nobody sould notice that it is not buttoned);
- there must be a symmetrical slight dimple just under the knot;
- the knot might have a certain spring, protunding horizontally from your throat. Not at 90°, just a not lay flat on the front of your throat;
- with the French collar, the knot should be as small (not large!) as possible.

Just buy or copy the style of Marinella: https://www.emarinella.eu/. If you really dont' like it, try Hermes https://www.hermes.com/us/en/catego...d-scarves/ties-bow-ties-and-pocket-squares/#| But the style of Hermes' ties is often gibberish or too colorful, so be careful. Moreover, while Marinella's style is rather easy to copy, Hermes has a very peculiar style, so it is easy to notice if you are wearing something which is just a sort or replica.
The most luxurious ones by Marinella are the so-called "sette pieghe" (seven folds), because they are made only of silk without an internal padding, but honestly nobody would notice the difference unless... unless you are in the place where men really show their neckties, i.e. the toilet! The moment when you really show you tie, in fact, is when you put it on your shoulder to wash your hands: now people can see the brand of your necktie and how it's made.

Only made in leather, no fabrics. Avoid any belt with tasteless brands on the buckle or the leather, such as LV, GG, etc. The buckle must be frame-style, no other kinds are allowed (unless you live in Texas). It is better to use a steel or silver buckle, gold buckles are somewhat "too much". In case, the top of luxury is a gold-plated silver buckle (vermeil silver), because gold on silver wears off less than on other metals and the buckle is subject to strong use.
The color should match that of the shoes, so buy one black and one brown belt. Very precise people match also the wallet, so be careful if you wish to follow this fashion. Crocodile belts are very luxury, but not for all tastes.
The leather of the belt is usually lined by a thin stitching. It is better to have it of the same color of the leather, not only because it's more formal, but also because if you will have to ask a shoemaker to shine your belt he will not stain the thread (well, it will stain it, but you won't notice it). Anayway, shining a belt is alway a tricky job, because the risk of staining your trousers is very high.
The length must match your belly, if it is too long have it cut by a shoemaker. If it's short you can't do much: either get leaner or change the belt.

The maker is irrilevant, given that nobody will understand if your belt is by Prada or by a Mr. Nobody. Just choose a decent leather (not faux-leather) and change it when it is worn off. If the buckle is made of silver you can reuse it on a new belt.

They are ultra-formal and ultra-confortable, but they are easily object of fun jokes. Wear them with confidence or don't. They are useful for fat people, but also normal or thin ones will find them useful if they spend their whole working day sitting, since they do not squeeze your belly such as belts. In summer, yet, they are unconfortable on your shoulders and back.
They must be made of silk, except for the elastic fabric on your lower back, and always with buttonholes, no clips. You must ask your taylor (or your mom!) to attach flat and large (1-1.5 cm) buttons on the inside (I underline: inside!!!!) of your trousers: two coulples above the pleats (or in the same position if your trousers are without pleats) and two symmetrically on the back.
I you are really sure to love suspenders, you should tear away the belt loops of your trousers, but I wouldn't do this.

It is hard to find good suspenders made of silk, so I haven't many brands to suggest. You may try producers or sellers of neckties.

Black mercerized cotton. Grey is better because its color don't fade as much as black, but is less formal. Brown only with brown shoes. They must reach just under your knees, never wear shorter socks.

Laced ones, loafers are not formal. Oxfords are perfect, but if you have large feet, or you must wear comfortable shoes (for example because you spend a lot of time standing) blucher/derby ones are better, though less formal. In my opinion derbies are better with heavy wool suits, wool neckties, etc. Suede shoes are not formal and it's easy to spoil them, and crocodile shoes are good for pimps alone.
You should match shoes and belts, maybe even wallet and bag (if you use a leather bag for your job). Ultra-precise men match also their umbrella.
Buy at least a pair of black and a pair of brown shoes. Then match them following the fashion in your environment. I.e. in Italy it's strange to use brown shoes with blue suits (today less strange if compared to a decade ago), but it is good if you are wearing a light-grey suit. Dark grey and brown instead should not be mixed.
It is better never to wear the same shoes two days in a row, because they need to lose their moisture. You should polish your shoes when they are still warm, but honestly I do it seldom and with cold shoes.
Buy also wooden shoe trees, they are necessary to keep the shoes in shape. Wooden ones may be used with the shoes still warm, but I prefer to wait them to be cold and dry before using the trees.

Buy Church's shoes (in particular the models Diplomat or, more formal, Consul) or something copying their style. Here you can read its useful guide https://www.church-footwear.com/us/en/the-guide/style-guide.html Today Church's are pricey as fuck, yet I have a half dozen of them never paid more than 300 euros (often 200), because I bought them in shops in the deep Italian province, often on sales. With today's prices it will be very difficult to get them at the same prices of mine, but remember that, if properly kept, they will last decades.
Allen Edmonds and Fratelli Rossetti are good brands too. Also Prada and Gucci make good shoes (choose the classical models, of course), but too expensive.

Clothing to avoid (https://looksmax.org/threads/some-quick-fashion-tips.291272/)
Casual Clothing (https://luxe.digital/lifestyle/style/men-casual-dress-code-guide/)
Clothing Inspiration (https://onpointfresh.com/31-mens-style-outfits-every-guy-look-inspiration/)

Try to avoid if trying to seriously avoid endocrine disrupters

Amber Kiso - DS & Durga.

Dior Sauvage
Bleu de Chanel
Versace Eros
If you’re balling: Creed Aventus

Fragrance seasons
Don’t wear a winter fragrance in high heat, as it will project too much and choke everybody out.

How to apply fragrance

You want to make sure that your body is moisturized on the areas you apply fragrance. Applying fragrance on to hydrated skin will help it project more and last longer. You also want to apply fragrance to areas that radiate the most heat, like your neck and pulse points. Make sure not to apply too much fragrance, lighter fragrances can get more sprays around 5, but heavy ones should get around 3.

Where to buy fragrance :

Most fragrances can be found on online discounters, search for them on fragrantica and you can find them for cheaper than retail price. You can also use fragrantica to search for good fragrances as they have note breakdowns and a review feature.

Top Fragrances

Top Summer fragrances
Dior Sauvage or Acqua di gio

Top Autumn fragrances
Jean Paul Gaultier Le male or Dolce & Gabbana the one for men

Top Winter fragrances
Paco Rabanne 1 Million or Parfums de Marly Layton

Top Spring fragrances
Creed Aventus or Terre d’Hermes

Lucky You by Lucky Brand

Buy it here:


Ck One Shock

great for winter and great to wear when going out with females.
Buy it here:
View attachment 3241567

Lacoste Pour Homme

Buy it here: https://www.fragrancenet.com/cologne/lacoste/lacoste-pour-homme/edt#139388
$30-$40 price range:

Lacoste Mont Blanc
for warm weather
Buy it here:

Mont Blanc Legend Spirit

good for office use
Buy it here:

Bvlgari Aqva Amara

Hands down best summer fragrances
Buy it here:

Light Blue Intense

date fragrance for the summer
Buy it here:

$40-$70 price range:

Versace Eros

Buy it here:
View attachment 3241571

L’homme Ideal Eau de Parfum Guerlain for men:

good for when you go out somewhere real nice tbh
Buy it here:

Fragrance.Net usually has the best prices

Fragrantica is a great source for info on any fragrance

Now I’m also gonna cover what channels are good for cologne reviews
  1. Jeremy Fragrance​
Arguably the face of cologne reviewers, knows what is good and what isn’t, but watch out for his newer stuff because it seems he’s sold out some, I’d say his older videos are golden though
  1. Chaos Fragrances​
While not as well known this guy really knows what is good and is worth a watch

Tbh because it’s just cologne those two channels should suffice alongside the review sites.

Tips for when applying your cologne/fragrance
  1. Moisturizing your neck area will help the cologne last much much longer than it would normally​
  2. Always spray the back of your neck if you want compliments​
  3. Heat spots are the best spot to apply (left and right of the area by the neck is usually best​
  4. Always spray your hoodies with cologne, then your hoodie will always smell great jfl​
  5. Limit it to a max of 3-4 sprays, don’t go above that​

There are a lot of gymmaxing routines all over the internet just pick one which is convenient for you and your goals. For youngcels I recommend trying the framemaxxing techniques as muscles can be built later. As I’m writing this I’m doing calisthenics which are recommend for absolute beginners (see calisthenics part).

Orc routine (included first since he has god tier frame) :

monday: curls & skullcrushers 4x20

tuesday: t-bar rows 10x20

wednesday: curls & skullcrushers 4x20

thursday: incline bench 10x15

friday: core focused bodyweight & dumbell rows 4x25

saturday: overhead press 10x20

sunday: squats 5 x 15

I gradually work up the amount of reps that I have until they exceed 20+, at which point I drop them again and add weight, if I'm unable to add reps I'll add another set until I can, if I fail to add weight I continue building up my reps/sets until I can.
Core routine :

50 bicycle crunches.

70 second plank.

70 second plank left side.

70 second plank right side.

80 mountain climbers

-short pause-

30 raised knee situps

20 jack knife situps

repeat 3 times.

@AverageTevvezFan on densitymaxxing:

Benchpress, Incline benchpress, Wide-grip upwards rows, Barbell rows, Overhead press, behind the neck military press, and punching/kicking bags with no gloves. Try to avoid deadlifts or exercises that put pressure on the hips, although breathing squats are fine. Also try to sleep on back to avoid compressing one shoulder

Exercise 1: Reeves Deadlifts (Reeves Shrugs)
View attachment 3241574
It is performed by fitting weight plates to a barbell, standing upright, gripping these weights by the handle and then trying to move your shoulders back as far as possible, retracting your scapula.

Your arms/shoulders should feel slightly uncomfortable with the grip.

The bar should end up being raised slightly during the movement.
After putting plates on the bar securely, grab the bar by the plates themselves, and stand, holding the bar and performing reps of a shrug by elevating the scapula itself up and down for each rep, while holding your lats spread/activated.

View attachment 3241575

Here’s a video with a bit more detail:

Exercise 2: Hercules Holds
Target: clavicles and scapula

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Hercules holds are usually a strongman event, but here we will be using them to widen our frame.

Take two cables facing each other and place the grips so that they are shoulder-height. Adjust the weight and then stand evenly between the two cable machines, holding on to both grips as long as possible.
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Do these as heavy as possible for sets of 60 seconds.

You can go longer with these without tiring your grip if you use lifting straps

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These can also be done with one cable machine if you cannot find the right setup. (Or if you have an asymmetrical frame, you can prioritise one shoulder over the other by doing one cable at a time).

You should feel this in the shoulder area, if your arms are dead-straight.

The first segment of a set of this method consists of around twenty reps of ‘breathing squats’ characterized by deliberate open mouth, chest raising breathing between reps. The end of the reps should come to your max, exhausting you, then following with a superset of dumbbell pullovers, across a bench in any variation.
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Alternatively, you can alternate or replace pullovers with Dumbbell Flyes.
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Taking deep breaths the body will be forced to use the ribcage and diaphragm intensely, the lungs would really expand thus your ribcage will expand.

-Between Reps, deliberate deep breaths preformed

-3 deep breaths, up to 10-15 advanced lifters


-Raise upper ribs, expand chest deliberately.

Average amount of reps = 20.

100lbs for beginners.

Superset with dumbell pullovers.

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=Place your back on a bench like in the photo above

- Take a big deep breath and hold it,

- Do a dumbell pullover and sink your hips like Arnold is doing in the above photo to further expand the ribcage.
he strategy to stress these and create ribcage expansion is an extremely light weight, straight arm pullover, keeping your butt down and bouncing at the end range of motion stretch position, feeling for that slight discomfort/pull in the sternum.
perform breathing squats and pullovers progressively
This is a standard barbell squat where you hold your breath for the majority of the movement, exhaling sharply when you approach full extension of the legs. You will feel high pressure/tension throughout your body. For the first 5 reps, complete the exercise as I have just described. For the 10 reps after that, take 2 deep breaths between each squat. For the last 5 reps, take 4 deep breaths between each squat.
video explaining how it’s done:

(The guy in the video says 3 breaths between each rep, what he means is 2 breaths between and then hold the third breath during the rep. Same applies when he says 5 breaths between each rep.)

Exercise 4: wide grip lat pulldowns
Target: clavicles and scapula

With the same apparatus as the previous exercise, place both grips as high as possible on the cable machine, adjust the weight and then sit between the two machines.

Again, if your gym doesn’t have the opposite facing cable machine then just use a lat pulldown machine instead but it isn’t as good.

From here you just perform simple lat pulldowns. With your shoulders retracted, pull each grip as close to your body as possible at the same time. Perform sets of 12. Once you can reach 12 reps on a weight, increase the weight. I will post a video of me doing this in the comments when I get home from my holiday.

This can be performed using a pull-up bar instead if you don’t have access to a gym or if your gym doesn’t have this set-up

Additipnnal exercises:
The Throw Out:
View attachment 3241589

You may also, literally ‘throw out’ at the end of the hold, using your scapula to pull your hands apart.

Wide Grip Chin Ups/Pull Ups:
View attachment 3241593
Dumbell Flyes:
View attachment 3241596

Throw downs

basically take a heavy medicine ball lift it over your head and throw it down as hard as you can. Do this for 10x10

Weighted rows

this a good guide on how to do these correctly. Aim for 5x5

Seated rows, again follow this video on how to do these properly.:

Side delt raises.

In addition make sure to do cable side felt raises as well as cables ensure tension is maintained on the side felt throughout the whole movement.
Finally make sure not to shrug your shoulders to minimize trap involvement

bench press
Everyone knows how to do this. If you don’t, watch a Jeff Nippard video. Bench pressing in the heavy rep zone (3-5) with good form and this diet and drugs should result in thicker wrists.
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overhead press
Same thing for bench press. Look it up if you aren’t a gymcel and you don’t know what it is. Also good for wrist development

View attachment 3241602

farmer’s carries.
very sexy movement even for classic hypertrophy. good for arm/wrist development.

Barbell rows
It can feel a bit awkward to begin with, but you’ll get used to it
View attachment 3241604

Incline bench press
This here hits the clavicles directly as it’s on the exact same plane. Wrist development.
View attachment 3241607
Upwards rows

For each of these exercises do 3-5 heavy reps.
To perform this modified Virabhadrasana II, stretch one arm in front and the other one backwards, stretching each away from each other for your preferred holding time. You may also add the ‘bone breathing’ concept derived from the mewing course, and breathe along with each repetition of the stretch. Switch your legs and alternate the positions of the arms from front and back with each rep, up to your desired count for that set. You will find that you will feel it in your shoulders with just one set, though Steve Reeves and other Silver Era bodybuilders had performed many sets of this exercise each day. Practice it at your own discretion and progression, keeping it consistent. An easy way to remember to perform the exercise is as a post-workout stretching exercise or even a pre workout/pre exhaustion movement.

The Door Stretch:​


To increase the size of your ribcage, you need to increase your lung capacity. The best way to do this is with hard cardio like swimming and rowing which greatly expand lung capacity. I would recommend doing about 30 minutes a day of swimming or rowing.

If you don’t have access to a pool then just use a rowing machine and focus on pulling hard with your back and shoulders. Try to row at least 5000meters in 30 minutes. But try to aim for 7500 eventually.

Stomach vacuums
Target: ribcage

whilst standing up in front of your bed (or couch, or anything soft to break your fall), take 5 seconds to exhale all the air from your lungs (exhale even more, there’s more than you think), and then suck in your stomach as far as possible. Hold this position until you feel too light-headed to continue or until your stomach muscles give up. This exercise has the added bonus of shrinking your waist a bit (over time). This should feel a bit weird in the gut area. Repeat and progress at your discretion with longer holds and more reps.

video resource:

it should look something like this if you’re lean:

Cannonball Grip on pull ups: it makes conventional pull ups much harder because you have to use a lot more grip strength... You can DIY by using a couple of tennis balls with a hole in the middle, then insert them on the pull ups bar...

I also would do Pinch Grip using plates (the thicker the harder + better)

Wrist Curls (I think partial reps works better but you can do full ROM if you want to, test your body and you will discover what works for you):

Kyriakos Grizzly, 20 inch forearms and probably a 10+ inch wrist:

There are Fat Gripz too, you can insert them on any bar you want, there are different sizes as well:

And for last I would do Dead Hangs on a pull ups bar:

islapping hard surfaces and using a hammer to hit a rock with all your strength/ Manual labor Sand Bucket/Rice Bucket exercises, where you take a bucket, fill it with sand/rice, put your hand inside and open and close your hand, grabbing the content and squeezing it as hard as you can

Also check GripBoard for more exercises and tips on how to increase wrist size, finger thickness, grip etc:

How to Use a Wrist Roller

1)Start with the cord unraveled and the weight resting on the floor. Hold the handle with an overhand grip. Make sure your hands are dry before you start, or use chalk to enhance your grip.

2)Raise your arms in front of you, and then start rolling your hands forward (flexion) to wrap the cord around the handle. Use an alternating hand action, and try to wrap as much cord as you can per wrist flexion, i.e., use a large range of motion.

3)Continue until you have done the desired number of reps or the weight reaches the handle.

4)Next, slowly lower the weight back down to the floor. Don’t just drop the weights!

5)If shoulder strength becomes a limiting factor, you can do this exercise with your arms down and your hands in front of your hips. However, you may need to stand on a bench if you want to use a long cord.

You can (and should) also do this exercise by rolling your wrists backward, i.e., forearm extension. This works the muscles on the top of your forearms.

Barbell reverse wrist curl

Start with light weights and note that although the movement of this exercise is slight, the difficultly and burn can be substantial. Take care not to hyper-extend the wrists. To help avoid hyper-extension, keep some tension present at the bottom of the movement. In other words, do not let the wrists completely relax.

How to perform a Barbell reverse wrist curl

1)Sit on a flat bench, and lean forward.

2)Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip (i.e. palms down) and rest your forearms on either the bench or your knees.

3)Using your wrists alone (i.e. wrist motion alone), curl the weight upward, exhaling throughout the movement.

4)Slowly lower the weight as low as is comfortable, inhaling throughout the movement.

5)Repeat steps 3-4 for as many repetitions as are desired.

Dumbbell wrist curl

Start with lighter weights to prevent injury

Kneel down behind a bench or other flat surface. Bend forward at the hips and rest your forearms on the bench with your palms facing up. Your back is flat and your shoulders are back and down. Your wrists are in a neutral position (not lifted or lowered).

1)Curl your wrists upward as you exhale. Perform this movement slowly to engage the forearms and prevent the weights from straining your wrists.

2)Extend your wrists downward as far as they will comfortably go on an inhale.

3)Return the wrists to a neutral position.

Your forearms are stationary during this exercise, only your wrists should be moving.

Reverse dumbbell wrist curl

How to perform the reverse dumbbell wrist curl

Same as the dumbbell wrist curl but reverse palms down

Reverse curls

During this movement, you must do your best to keep your wrists straight while your biceps and brachioradialis muscles flex your elbow.

How To perform reverse curls

1) Grab an EZ-curl bar or barbell or dumbbells with an overhand grip. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in your knees. Your hands should be slightly wider than your hips. Your posture should be tall with your shoulders over your hips. Maintain a neutral head and neck position. Your chin should remain tucked throughout the movement, as if you were holding an egg under your chin.

2) Evenly distribute your weight and grip the floor with your feet to create a stable position. Your arms should be long with a slight bend in your elbows. Maintain a neutral wrist position and a comfortable grip.

3) Rotate your shoulders outward to engage your lats and upper back. Pre-tension your shoulders and hips while engaging your core. All repetitions should begin from this starting position.

4) While keeping your upper arms still, squeeze your biceps and begin to bend your elbows. Bend your elbows until your lower arms contact your upper arms. The EZ-curl bar should finish close to your shoulders without contacting your shoulders. Squeeze your biceps and pause at the top of the movement.

5) While keeping your upper arms still, slowly straighten your elbows to return to the starting position. Come to a complete stop at the bottom before beginning another repetition.

Towel hold

This is a simple but effective exercise. The towel ensures that you cannot rest the barbell on your thumbs, so you use your forearms more and increase your grip strength. Use a strong towel!!!!

How to perform the towel hold

1) Put the barbell slightly above knee height

2) Wrap 2 towels around the barbell

3) Stand with your back straight and grab the towels on the barbell with your arms at shoulder width

4) lift the barbell and hold this position until your forearms can no longer hold

Be careful not to drive your forearms to injury.


Towel pullups

Pull-ups and chin-ups are already good forearm and grip exercises. But, if you switch to using a towel grip, you will tax the forearms even more! Beware this is a very challenging way to train your forearms. Use a strong towel!!!

How to perform a towel pullup

1) Hang two towels over your pull-up bar. Grip the two ends of each towel tightly in your hands, and then hang with your arms straight and feet off the floor. Pull your shoulders down and back.

2) Without kicking or swinging, bend your arms and pull your shoulders up to your hands.

3) Slowly extend your arms, descend, and repeat.

If you can’t manage pull-ups ? Just do towel grip dead hangs instead.

Plate pinch

1) Grab two wide-rimmed plates and put them together with the smooth sides facing outward

2) Use your fingers to grip the outside part of the plate and your thumb for the other side thus holding both plates together. This is the starting position.

3) Squeeze the plate with your fingers and thumb. Hold this position for as long as you can.

4) Repeat for the recommended amount of sets prescribed in your program.

5) Switch arms and repeat the movements.

high volume for neck (4 times a week)

Week 1 bodyweight : extension , lateral, rotation, flexion

3 x 20

3 x30

3 x 50

3 x 75
advance 2-5 lbs every session

Your rest should be 1-1:30 minutes

Threads:(everything is said here)

Best neck harnesses on the market:

Highly Recommend Senshi Japan equipment, really cheap but amazing quality:

(I recommend doing it for more or less than a year before switching to weight training )

Again a million routines and exercises on Youtube. I personally recommend doing full body three times a week for beginners who lost all athletic abilities because of rotting and switching to a PPL routine after a few months

A good app to start is home workout but it doesn’t provide « pulling » techniques so try to buy a pull-up bar or do inverted-rows

Good video concerning calisthenics (with important warm-up routine !) :

Recommend reading, C-mass by Paul Wade and Overcoming Gravity by Steven Low. The former is ideal for beginners and latter ideal for intermediate to advances calisthenic trainees.

Exercises to avoid at all costs: Lateral raises with internal rotation. This is when you point your thumbs down as if your pouring a glass while doing lateral raises. Doing this will probably destroy your rotator cuff and will cause painful impingement of the shoulder structure.
Guillotine press. This is when you bench press with your arms so far out that the bar is above your neck. This exercise for most people will probably cause pain right across the front side of the shoulder.

You can also try to learn cool skills to impress people who can’t do a single pull-up JFL. Check out this channel to learn skills https://www.youtube.com/@STRIQfit/videos

General recommendations :

Measuring Progress and Adjusting Food Intake
What You Should Do During A Cut

During a cut, many people make the mistake of increasing the volume and frequency of their workouts, as well as using various intensity techniques. However, this is the worst thing to do if you want to lose fat and retain muscle mass.

Instead, if you want to change your training during a cut, the smart move would be to do the following:
1. Reduce the volume of your workouts to the minimum amount you need to retain your muscle mass, as you're not trying to build muscle during a cut.
2. Focus on your cardio and non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) as your primary energy expenditure systems.
3. Remember that your diet is your main tool for losing fat.

How To Overcome A Plateau

If you hit a plateau in your training, here are some things to consider before changing the exercise:

1. Increase loading - If you have been doing sets of 12-15, increase the loading to something that takes you down to 5-6 reps at 1 RIR. This will increase the motor unit recruitment earlier in the set, rather than using loading that needs fatiguing mechanisms to create the need for greater effort. This also takes care of problem number 2.

2. Reduce fatigue interference mechanisms - This means resting at least 2 minutes between sets to allow the central nervous system to recover. This will also allow higher degrees of motor unit recruitment in the subsequent sets and should allow for more reps or load than you had previously done if you were taking short rest periods.

3. Add an extra rest day during the week - No one is getting adequate recovery training 7 days a week, even if you're seeing progressive overload occur training 7 days a week. It would be better to have some rest days in there that allow muscle damage and the inflammatory response to it to subside.

There is No Advantage to Free-Weights over Machines.

Cold-Immersion Is Bad For Strength and Hypertrophy

- Weight yourself once a week, always at the same time (e.g. right after waking up).
- Don't panic if your weight stays the same or even goes up for one or two weeks.
- If your weight does not go down for more than three weeks, slightly reduce calories.
- If your rate of weight loss is above the desired value, slightly increase calories.
- The change in daily calories from those adjustments should not exceed 500 cals.
- After adjustment, stay on the new value for at least three weeks before adjusting again.

I don't know why but the spoilers are seen two times on the preview option. I apologize in advance for the shit formatting not really experienced in this shit



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  • +1
  • JFL
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The images below will be for next thread jfl sry for that
high effort.
  • Love it
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Orc is a fake natty and his gym routine is a complete joke and very inefficient to do as a natty
  • +1
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  • JFL
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Good thread to remember some things. Bookmarked.
Also no one does this jfl
  • JFL
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